! ) i Past 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salens, Oregon Thursday, September 8, 1953 Tele-Views ? Radio-Television Bj DAVE BLACKMEB . S6 now we have a new Martin Kane! Just when TELE- VIEWERS were a.ubatftutinf? the name of Martin Kane for Lee Tracy's real name the television network upsets . the apple cart and inserts a brand spanking new Martin Kane . The old ' Kane, Lee Tracy, . looked,' acted and even had the actions of a private eye. ... But this new gent, Mark Stevens doesn't look like he .could trap a butterfly. What happened to Lee Tracy! Mr. NBC please give the TELE-VIEWERS a real harden detective like , Lee Tracy or give up the show. . . . Letters from TELE-VIEW readers on this subject will be for warded to the proper source. . . . Join the we want Kane club. A woman in Los Angeles called the police department and. asked for for Joe Fri ' day. ... Of course the L. A. . agency forwarded a substi ; tute as Jack Webb, star of ! NBC's Draget could not, keep the appointment. W i 1 1 aeeaaef iii i i ii I I Matlnt Theatre, t. "Spy Train" with Richard Travl, Catherine Craif and Chick Chandler. The Tormaker, 1:49. The old German Toymaker brings hla talet of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. , . Terry and the Ftratet, 4. "Chinese Coffin" Story con cerns wealthy Chinese who concocts an eleborate scheme to have himself declared dead in' order to swindle his own heirs. The Dragon Lady kidnaps the coffin holding the body, but her ransom note bears tell-tale perfume which send Terry and Hotshot to Investigate. .. ' Cavalcade of Sports, C. David Callardo of Los Angeles vs. Lulu Perez of Brooklyn in a 10-round featherweight bout from Madison Square Garden. ' Ton Asked For It, 7:3. "Fearless Gregg" will be shot out of a cannon Pupeteer Bob Bromley from Paris will pres ent his puppet "Sir Butch" Rudy Docky and his talented Boxer dogs give an exhibition of water polo Art Ashton. "The Golf Trickster," will demonstrate some tricks with a golf ball. ' Doorway to Danger, $. Agent Carter falls In love with a Hungarian girl during a Bermuda vacation, but finds she is Communist agent. Wrestling by Heidelberg, 10. Local, live,, remote telecast originating from the Armory. ' Nit Owl Theatre, 11:15. "Murder by' Invitation" with Wallace Ford, Marian Marsh, and Sarah Paddin. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) lOnl. prafrara. ethedaleo' fa adee.-wel Mark Stevens Sports fans here is what yon have been waiting for : all summer. . .' . The fights on Friday, night television ; are returning to KPTV. On "opening night" Lulu Perez-' . Dave G all ajr d,'o feather- weight battle will be tele- : vised on the Cavalcade of Sports. YOCKS FOB TELE-VIE WING THURSDAY ' The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings you tales of toys to delight the young of heart. ' Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Feaiures Norman Wallace, newscaster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta , tor cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. : " - Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bil! Clayton with "' local news and news photographs local and live.- Cisco Kid, (. A little miner named Luke, who has always ! wanted to be Fire Chief, buys a second-hand fire engine for i the town of San Marcos. He unknowningly interferes with j the nefarious plans of the town banker who has stooped to , embezzlement, arson and murder. Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30. Rudy Lachenmeier ' reporting. . " ' ' The Unexpected, (. "Blackmail" co-stars Marie Windsor, and Leif Erickson in a story of Marya Vardas, broadway star, i who ia being blackmailed with the threat that her husband I will be informed of certain happenings In her early life. TOURS FOR TELE-VIE WIN G FRIDAY . .. What's Cooking? 9:30. Cooking show with Barbara An gptf tvma joutfle Ambrosia, (simple). . TMVISHW Motor!, DwMflt, Nottmn, IU Valley Television Cenfer 2303 ftirjrouadjli Ml M913 V See (la Mm f Bn Per ifc. Baal SmI to Tew. . Peeler; train TeeaaleleM OM Uelll a."- Dally Bseepl SatarSa ' THUE9DAT f.ll p.m. earel lor Tcmorrew S: p.9k Lot of Lift p.av-Toymakr -4 40 m. Heaulr Doodr t ii p.b. Pern Uii cat . ..- :W .m. Rang Aldtr 1:30 p.ai. Nee-apaper 0 AIT :0O p.m. Cisco Kid p.0L MuntlAC and Plablnf :4a. p.m. Newt caravan 1:M p.m. Oroucho Marl . . ". T.SB p.m. Draint - :04) p.m. Toe Unespaetfd :M p.m Ford Theater - - a w p.m. Mania rut, Deuttlr. t:10 p.m. TEA I:M P.M. Hollywood Rusllnt UM p m Wit Owl Thtattr Clerk of Malheur Indicted Again Vale, Ore. W) The Malheur County clerk again is under in dictment, charged with larceny by bailee. Harry S. Sackett, who has held the office 30 years, was Indicted in June, but the charges later were dropped on recommendation of the district attorney, who said the charges were faulty. ! Th matter wer.t before the grand jury again. Preliminary hearings on the new charges wiU be held Sept. 8. Sackett meanwhile has continued in office. HARD WON DECORATIONS , V Secy, of Navy Robert B. Anderson examines medal worn by Albert Ireland, Marine Corps veteran Of Cold springs, N.Y. Ireland, who spoke before an American Legion convention banquet in St. Louis, has nine Purple Heart. (UP Telephoto) n , 4 - LEGALS 3 Day Special! iMARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales - Service - Installation TV Open from s.m. to 9 p.m. Ph. 2-1611 IliO 8. Coml Salem's First Television Store One-Day Dispute at Las Vegas Settled Las Vegas. Nev. JPi A one day AFL jurisdictional labor dispute was settled late Wed nesday night and 300 workers planned to finish preparations for the opening of the four million dollar Las Vecas race iiracK r'rlday. Lou Smitlv track president, said the settlement assures completion of the plant for the inaugural day card. More than 1 400 horses are on the grounds ready for 4he first meeting : here. ' , , SALE! ONE-OF-A-KIND TVS t:M a.m. Wh-vt a cookinsf 11:00 Em-Btt Pauroft 11:39 aV.ra.W.komt Trtwcleri 11:00 .m. On You? Account 12:10 p.m. UN OcDeral Awemblr 1J:4 p.m LavdlM CbOlC 1:00 p.nu Doublt or Nothing 1:10 P.m. fltrik It Rich . J:00 p.m Utlne Theattr l:l p.m.-Aircb for Tomorrow ' 1:30 p.m- Lo of Lift . p.m-Tojrmtkcr 4:00 p.m. Ti Try- and Plratei 4:30 p.mllx Oun PUrhouvt :M p.m. fiporu Reel 1:30 p.m. Pravctlct Tet f :4t p.m. Nt Cararsm 7:00 p.m. Oent Autrey T I0 p.m. You Albed Tot It 1:00 p.m. Doorway to Dtnter 1:10 pm OolfatXTf 1:00 p.m. Chi.nct of Lifttlmt 1:30 p.m. Bob conntdint :4 p.m. Vt Pocket ThetUr 10:00 p.m. Portland Wreitltni 11:00 p.m. PulM of City MISSES HER "FORTUNE" Utica, N.Y. m The vic tim sough police aid la lo cating a client accused of steal ing $370 and a diamond ring. The complainant identified herself as a fortune teller. When the original 09-year concession under which the Suez Canal was built expires in 1968, control of the canal ia scheduled to revert to the Egyptian government. ' notice or SHEBirPt SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION IN EQUITY NO. 3IM1 TH1 STATE OF OREOON. rtprfacnttd and sctinf or ut uikctuk or VETERAN AFFAIR. Plaintiff. T. CHARLES R. HOWE tnd JOYCE C. HOWE, btubaod and vllo. Dtfendaota. Br T.rtut of Mteutlon. Judcmtnt order, dterot tnd order of aalt laaued it of tht abort tnuUM court in thu tbovt to tit ltd caust, to mo directed, nnd doted tht 10th day of Aufiut, IMS, upon A Judcmtnfc rendered ond tnttrtd in aaifl court on uit tin ar or Aur UJt. 1954, In favor of THE STATE OF Oreaon. reprented nod actlna by the DIRECTOR OF VETERANS AFFAIR, plaintiff, and taalnat CHARLES' R. HOWE and JOYCE C. HOWE, hiuband and wilt, ojtltndatata, and upon thla writ, commandlnc mi to nakt aalt of tht fol lowlnc described raal property altuattd In Marlon County, atatt of Oreaon: Lot 3, Block 1; Otk't Addition to Woodotirn, Marlon Coonty, Oreroo (Sfft Volumt 3. pan 4, Town Plat Recorda for oald County and State). ALSO: Beclnnlnc on tht Northerly lint of Lot 4. in oald Block, at a point that la 6outh II Eajt 30 ftet from tht moat Northerly corner of a aid Lot 4; thtnet South 11 15' Wtat par allel with tht Weaterly lint of aald lot, 187 llnka or 103.63 feet to the moat aouthtrly lint thereof; thence South 11" Bait aloof the Southerly lino or aald lot, 30 ftet, to tht moat southerly corntr thereof; thence North 31 It' Xaat alone tht Xaiteryli lino of aald lot, 103.63 feet to tht moati Easterly corntr thereof; thenco North j 1 West alonff tht Northerly line of aald lot, 10 (eat to tht place of begin ning?. NOW. THEREFORE, by Ttrtut of aald execution. Judgment order, decreo and1 order for aalt, and in compliance wlibl tnt demandi of aald writ. I will on Fri day, the nth day of September, 1963, at ig:oo o cioca a.m., at me North front door of tht County Court Houst, at 50 Marlon Street, Salem, -Marlon County.! oreton, teu at public auction, aublect to redemption, to tht hit heat bidder for caih. all of tht rliht. title and Interest which tht within named defendants, and tach of them, had In and to tht abort described real property. Hated thia th day of Auiuat, 153. DENVER YOUNO, , Mitrlff of Marlon County. Oreton ' By A. 1. Malitrom. Deputy. Datt of first publication; Auiuat ft, 1053. Data of last publication: Stpt. IT. lt3 Aui. 37, Sep. 3. 10, 17, 1903 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tht FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND l OREOON i hat ben, tor ardtr of tht Circuit Court of tht Stat of Oregon of tht tatatt of FLOYD N. ARNOT, de ceased. Any persona harlng claims against aaid aetata art requested to pre sent them, with proper rouchers, to tht Trust Department. First National Bank for Marlon County,' appointed taoeutor WRICTOtY aama UAcmom I aukaa w. aaahlnai i urn. a w. a- uvihw. aa aha Una at aUW ItW. Fra aatuaalaa. FSarna MW. paassaiABiwo luminal baauuteaiBC. . 1 1 a I. kueklaa eannd. buuaakalat. Ura. H. I. i:roar. J-HIl " BULUKISINO Bolldoalu, toada, )awln Hath. Vlr.ll Hukff. Ill l-aftUw, aont 1-1144. '' IXCTTrNO an OUaa San. asea.aUna and tradlu. Umi tlaarlM. fa. all InaolaUaB. waatharatrtM, alumlaum acr.au. Fraa wttnaatai. T. ruUnaD. rhon. 1-aMS. ' ArraassES Capital Baddliu. ranotata fmll Una aw Matlraaaa. Ph. J-aatw r omci rcaKiTuai tvmnt Daak abalra. fllaa. flllna aappllaa. aafaa. dupllcatara. auppllaa. cleak lanpa, arpa wrttat ataadl. Baap. aH Cenrt 4 EOD GtADIKO Raad gradlnt. Uvallsj. ditchlns 113 cat fradar. Rap Hancock. Pb. S001S. alia Rooluip and ildlu br .iperU far a rliht prtea. Phana j.QMt. all? SEPTIC TANKS laamd. HPtia tank. lanad. Up. aervlct. OuaraBtBad i wark. Pboa. 1-74M. 1-I74. ' eJJl MIk.'. Bcptla Same. Taakt cleaned. Croatal cHani aawara, ralna. Phon. I-MU. '' aa. aesUa taaka. dralna claanad Ro Raotar aavar Sarrlea Pboaa 1-433 af pcrlaad (Orafonl, Salam, Ortron. within aU montna tram the data thla netlc. . Dated till nth Sap of Aufiut, 1U3. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PORT LAND, lORIOON I. Bkaeutor of &4 E- SHOTKN RHOTEN A BPEER8TRA. 110 Plonear Truat Bnllduu. SaJcra. Oreson, Attorney, lor Executor, . Aui. . rt. Sept. 1, 10. 11 tHABPtNTNO BEPAim r ...in a. ... aaa. lath A n av p-4414. Praa Pickup a TTPEWRITER Bmltb. Caratia. Raaalncteaj. Raral Da. darweod portablea All arakaa .mc court, t-rm WINDOW CUANINO Aczoa Wlndav Claanara. Ipdoatrial floot v.klsic. aoueaeleaalr. Pboaa U1 36th Traffic Death Listed in Portland i Portland (") An automo bile missed a' curve Hd threw the driver to death against a rock here Wednesday night. The driver was identified as Norma Smiley, Portland, the 36th traffic tictim of the year in this city. - . , ; , i .' ' ' Ships drawing up to 38 feet of water can pass through the Suex Canal. . NORTHWEST'S BUWCST SHOW 11 nor 8 Big Days CAT Starting so,; is Ana i kiddies nta Stcb SeoHU tnmmg t MaHintj Co, Searth, U. S. A. , REPORTED SUICIDE m m o rree Antenna a IS j. o tree Instn ntinn O hree VU-Dnv Spruiro - - w - w araij ap va waww 'Difficult Coses Excepted Famous Brands Factory Guarantee Some Floor Samples Free Antenna Free 90-Day Service '53 Models TABLE MODEL TV SETS ii Rmerson S249.95 $229.95 21" F.mrrson jus cut 90a ok !' , n,':?"!1 S09-9S 289.98 17" WefttlnthoilM ia AC eici aaat l" Westinehouse sin s tna'oi 17" Westlnghouse 151.95 209.95 CONSOLE MODELS ii" westlnrhouw with doors $549.95 S4S9.9S 11" Raytheon J iiooa 11" WestinKhouae with doors 509.95 449.95 11" Westinihoune with doors 439.95 ' 379.95 17" Wef Itlffhnti.A ttan aaa as r-. ' .. o.i.T.i,.. aov.va 17' Kaytneon blonde 329.95 309.95 tl" Emerson sss.sx u CONSOLES TV and RADIO II" Raytheon with doors and radio $199.95 $449.95 xi - KATtnron Dionde with doors and radio 449.9.1 449.95 11" Raytheon with radio, mahogany 449.95 399.95 TV-RADIO-PHONOGRAPH 11" WesUnihouse $684.95 $579.95 Shop Friday 'til 9 P.M. YUATEEt APPLIANCE COMPANY - k A 7 ijmaii ' " f Soviet Amhafifinrlnr in toli Lawrentlrv (above) was reported to have shot nim self In Tehran, Iran, rather than rteurn to Moscow in . disgrace because of the Iran ian uprising that deposed Premier Mossadegh. (UP Telephoto) LEGALS t ha fllart m. (4... . .. ... ,1UU mnsl BS1q coyr. .tiPoiniq f II a, M.. Of IkfottdST, -io cwyrii, tna iima ana piacs for hMrlni Ihsranf All . . .... (.r.wuna urw jutrrDT "Quir-d to than arvd thrt utrm au I If any thrt b. why aavd final account should aot (ta kDorovad ntui A! Hart .a liata at aious. Haraart Eoardmaa . O. ftladttr, tt.t Salam. Orvaon. AttAPPia feu aT 4 a it, fpt. J. m. 17. 14. mi 37S CHEMEKETA PHONE 3 4311 Wt haa appolntad o-admliii ira.ruta 01 tna aitata of Rdta,rt u Mulltr, rcH.i. by tha Circuit cmri f lha SlaU of Orraon for Marlon Coun ty and bart ualafid. All Mriom hin claima aaatoit aald tautt btrtb? ara rvquim w prtRtmi aaaaa ia ua at 401 rionaar Trail Bulldlna. Sal cm. Oraaon. ithm all months of tha data f firtt piMitration 01 tnia notirr. Date and Krai publish Aucust U. lOUIWt fATHTCK MAROUSRITK ALUtN CoAdmlo. alortaald l. o. Biaatar. jr. Atlomay for CoA4aiB I Auf. n, IT, ttpt. J. II, If. 1 DO U W Nil ws High School Students Begin Science Contest 71 Yie for $1000 w Prim t Na' u, wi,h wie,. te .. Vaey TV flashes Prices STATE LAWMAKER ECONOMY, LAUDED OAK nirXiE, Trn., Nj T UPt .Sdvfnty-oiis hijh wliool !ut!uU ha know a lot more atxtut scirue thn niot ni lhalf aider begia rempUboa tor!. for nrire monf.v I ,th Jt'ai tonal Scifnce F.iir. irii! -n'.nr.Ti-a Will D nounced at a dinner tom si.M, from ti;n;$ttrt! srf ari.in,-. fairs fro4 for.iia 10 C'r.ifufvt. A n.iir f ,"jnt Trx tnn Sf:Wff;,. j;. a Ke!i up r 'fiufjcrurei. Ajiociation Directors m Holding Down Tax Load Sta Valley Television Center, with TV is extending Its offer of two valley tores, is making FREE ANTENNA, FREE 1N- v ... . " . , . , STALLATION, FREE 90-DAY headlines this week by slashing SERV,CE pouCT FREE 80 prices on all 1953 television DAY PARTS WARRANTY, sets in the store. FREE 1-YEAR WARRANTY, savings gaiore are Deing ol- ON PICTURE UBE. . fered for a limited time only as a limited number of 1953 sets are on hand for the gi gantic sale. In addition to the huge markdown on prices, Valley Cut in Def Spending $1 To top the sale off with an extra bonus event, NO DOWN PAYMENT is needed (with ap proved credit). Hurry today as this front page news will not last long. Wi ll . v.vs)',i.;itN'. til KiriM: n t IL'fl .JUiSo-ail b:a Ml lit i!- tuti ! .:ai f-. !!.; - i'.v-l!;,-,;; Titf. !,'!.; !,:, turK !.;. 4i:i!.;.;r.v .y V-.tt !.!! 4 Tla) fX'V!-01l Iji-'IH mu;. for ih D.-c- t ;. CMrii!T tr.p rm .Pltir.C 1, son ih !.;nv(. Miliiar" Anuion. n.itu yiirn .niimitipe. Th. fii.r-(.! h- Ottirman RWhan t: Aiic!svnrth (R .V.t. M,ipp ti AMiii.ui "t " smiioir.g Jurmjt tn f-f4l vis-r .u Mu.ni'fd $1 V rituviVW anipr,) witri ih Tr-nMn '.!m,-t of HZfMf tS!ti V. trtJfd. H)wr-pr. su-wotttmitteM hrw to m:.kp a -Ky ht.iii.u' eut in the p.lvnlmtvcp init. l! ;0 mfMi thsi On. Warn-h-"vrr .l.-oxsl (ur KtrV.iHtf tit TirW ::j-j1iu;uli. Wla tiT,i vita an waao.tw to 10 TmiK. btfcix. THa- ja Raytheon Model (2113 Blonde Console Hoffman Model 21B309U Blonde Console Hoffman Model 21P310 Maple Console AlteAlaa " ..vv. -'" v nan, wilatllv ,.Wu $369.95, NOW Admiral Model 122UDX12 Super Table Model w ,,., N0W RtA Model Z1U.3U Blonde Console P.CA Model 21T314U Blonde Console """ RCA Model 21T314U Mah. Console RCA Model 21T322U Mah. Console RCA Model 21D328U Blonde Console""".' fi.F Mnrlol 71 f 7 (Mil fhorrv Waai) f ap.,aU ...... . iivwu vvilawic ...Waa $534.95, NOW PLUS FREE ANTENNA FREE INSTALLATION ' FREE 90-DAY SERVICE FREE 90-DAY PARTS WARRANTY FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON PICTURE TUBE ..Was $469.95, NOW Was $469.95, NOW . Was $434.95, NOW ..Was $409.59, NOW ; Was $439.S9, NOW ..Was $439.59, NOW ..Was $469.50, NOW ..Was $609.09, NOW fro. SIREi BLOWIn SHORT ClKx If ! a tiioiv firoi.. Ilut eanaed thes Virt sarpn In the iVicnwva arm ywieniay ruwiv " State fcgi.!atr yitsrr!ay roetv4 ation from th board of directori U th -tuwit AssxUtion, meeiint tn Lot Aits'''' l.t directors said lha StM tax !'t aSrearty is on of tite i'ioi lir.i;ovii(it cf tha mmy f:tcrs .that giv out f Stat j''0i!ui:!r a co:nprftitlv advin-if-zr ever lofsl iniiufa:!urr. T'-ius. fcr pif.n'.ip ssfeptinp f a biwr St! btidji't tsi.'irc . biRher taxes, tht bttaineM n i.tthr?t !fpi!tr hava. , tventM injur. to lh StaUs ir r-nr.sr., i )i-latri.il f tat n smitten to t'Ar.t e rt (or h:i.-!ii!; th l:n m , appRdirur tr.ii ;ivir. o iv .Mst to sympttiMtie .;or. the rjirktor ai ih l,ciu't!r to lnv. . , Ve '.Ma S!!fi r..M-sr,a! ptfp ( tax' la.'- ' Tt JVrorul p;tprty tax . of Ciii form tppt to h l!3ja!J it not jmitrl t.? 4 t!!fy;;iai Sute." the tt rfiit ton! iniift!. -X'Bi:C-,ii!r a-J !.:: pf fti,.ieiit i!?iirit!il iji'e a;?t londair-a and di irtni.'iuUpn In ih r.-M)l Bfttwny tax fiali Thrf We Ler.i;!ur is re-jnnwrl u iciai Inifnm 1!5,-S4 p of the ovpr-alt probipw M Mroit.l rxTpprry tursilrm." :iawM Ceaimltieea r:P .; r!i.f!IWprt for tH "f.Kilion-l anitunl nwetinft ; hfid at th &t!ief cm. n. s;vi ri,)rrt a ne In tlie uy to $429.95 $439.95 $399.95 $349.95 $299.95 $379.50 $409.50 $399.50 $439.50 $550.00' $484.95 t for Toy-itr Valley Television Center PLUS NO DOWN PAYMENT (On Approve)! C radii') tt fsa... J l.r)a-.l 4-lt IS -..si fur tut n' 5kUt ? tuilu.tii, h-ir C-f (:- a-JO UIIOiT trf uf the) ttf rha TWO VALLEY STORES SALEM Qfin T , WOODIURN pk., j.,9ij 9 P.M. Daily n-w. MARSHALL MeKEE, Own.r . - ' ,-- v -f- - -'v-- r- a. y.--a JP.VV a. -aV.- Wa -aiava - r p I.M.-ay-p.