.rn , w Thuraday, September 1. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm, Onto Tar It Hlerty treetcrtte';et . 1 SPEOAL PURCHASE! WASHABLE, ORLON TO TO fTBIPAT .Long Sleeve Cardigan, $6.95 if Perfect i ' Short Sleeve Pullover, $4.95 if Perfect DOUBLE STAMPS FRIDAY ! ' linn' SAVE DURING GREEN STAMP DAYS ON WORLD FAMOUS Vl'S OVERALLS If you get a rip in these famous make ' O'alls . . . you get a new pair absolutely free. Available sizes 30-42. "LEVI" JACKETS in tiztt 36-44 4.3S Men's Work Clothes, Main Floor DOUBLES STAMPS FRIDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE! Usually 2.98 WELL-KNOWN "WHITMOR" GARMENT BAGS Choice of three convenient sizes: 54" Jumbo; 54" Regular; 42" Suiter. Wine, blue, green or yellow taffeta-like plastic with quilted front; eosy full length zip per. NOTIONS MEZZANINE The sweoter value of the year! 100 washable Orion cashmere oft no shrink the aristocrat of miracle fabrics! Lovely colors, white, pink, blue, yellow. Sizes 32 to 40. Just in time for school election. Slight Irregularities will not affect appearance, but will save you dollars! SPORTSWEAR 2nd FLOOR Ik v.." V i1 T I jfX ia. -ri r Special Purchase! USUALLY S.9S LONG-SLEEVE Corduroy Sport Shirts 99 U DOUBLE STAMPS FRIDAY iiiiIfiJisiiiil : DOUBLE STAMPS FRIDAY CAHIIOM - PEOUOT - SLUMBER MAID TS! Flat, Bottom and Top Fitted CANHON MUSLINS PASTEL COLORS! ! Firmly woven with over 130 threads to inch. Choice pink, rose, yellow, green, lilac, blue. ., Reg. 3.19 79 Twin 72x108 Mm ; 81x108, Reg. 3.39 2. Cases 42x36, Reg. 74c TOP or BOTTOM FITTED ; Double Size, Reg. J.39. . . . 1.H -Twin SUe, Reg. 3.18 2.7 PEQUOT SERVICE WHITE MUSUNS World-renowned Pequot, stur dily woven with over 144 threads to square inch. Reg. 2.98 )S9 Twin 72x108 Jm 90x108, Reg. 3.59 ..3.0 81x108, Reg. 3.19 2.7 63x108, Reg. 2.79 2.39 Cases 42x36, Reg. 69c St BOTTOM FITTED SHEETS Double Size, Reg. 3.19. , . . .2.7 Twln Size,jfcg. 2 98. . . . . .2.1 , ; CAM C0M3SPUN WHITE PERCALES Woven with 1 86 combed yarn threads to Inch for silken tex-, ture, lovely finish. Reg. 3.29 79 Twin 72x108 JL 80x108, Reg. 3.98... 3.1 ,81x108, Reg. 3.59 . . 2. Cases 42x38 Vi, Reg. 84c. . . TOP or BOTTOM FITTED Double Size, Reg. 3.59 2. Twin Size, Reg. 3.29. . . . . .2.7 CANNON C0M8SPUN PASTEL PERCALES Delicote tones of pink, rose, blue, aqua, yellow, green ond liloc. Reg. 3.98 Q39 Twin 72x108 ? " - 81x108, Reg. 4.29 S. Case 42x38H, Reg. 84c 7 TOP or BOTTOM FITTED Double Size, Reg. 4.29 3.8 Twin Size, Reg. 1.98 2.3 SAVE ONE-THIRD FAMOUS CANNON WHITE MUSUNS Every homemoker knows Cannon make Just about the finest sheets In th world! During this sale, prices reduced on first quality regular and fitted styles! Stock up . . save . ; . during this blg'salel Rea.2.W fl99 Double-Sfx108 U " 90x108, Reg. 3.29 .X69 72x108, Reg. 2.79 1.89 63x108, Reg. 2.59. ....t .........?.7 Cases 42x36, Reg. 64c .49e TOP OR BOTTOM FITTED Double Size, Reg. 2.99.... 2.4' Twin Size, Reg. 2.79. .2.21 DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS nrs poem: GREEN STAMPS Rich, luxurious fine-wale cordurov . . . and It's easily hand-washed. Eair-tlttinr, comfortably itld . . . with a satin yoke that Insures their shapeliness; two flapped pockets. They come In blue, forest green, ally, charcoal, scarlet, maroon; sizes 8, M, L. MEN'S FURNISHINGS MAIN FLOOR - ' SPECIAL PURCHASE! 1500 YARDS ORLON AND WOOL You've seen these beautiful fabrics at much more! A large fall ( selection of colorful plaids, solid tones, checks, heathermix and every one of them completely washable. 60-inch width. 45 wool and 55 orlon the perfect skirt fabric for school sewing! We guarantee this selection to be the best array you've seen! Select today! Piece Goods Mezzanine mmK aj) Yd. imiiilnnjii a ."