Pat IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galm. Ortffoa TlinrxUr.'frpUBlxr t, 1951 Q Major Leagues AMEB1CAN LIIOII W t Pel. New Twk u cniteie it Cleveland ,,, II BotMB II Waahiaitea , M Pniladelphl II DeUell u Ik UllU 44 Wedaeedar'i Beeallei Chlceae 1, Weeniaitaa I.. I. 0UMt I. Clevelend 1 PMledelphla J. Ki Vera I, at. lhuu 1. KATIOML UACH'B Brooklyn .... yiivaukee ... Philadelphia St. Lauu New Yora ... ClBClABkU .... Cnleeea fllUBUTlB .., i 41 Wedaeedor'a Beeallei New Vork 4, Cincinnati I. htllvautea I, Brook Ivb I. Bt. Loula 14, Philadelphia T. Plttekarla 4. Chleeaa 1. r.:yr.:ld$ Tosses 4-IIitter Against St. Lcuis Browns Br CARL LVNDQUI8T New York UJtAlmoet Bar pitcher look geed when he hu a chance U pitch against the Browns but theft was bo doubt to da j. that. Allie. Reynolds meant busineas. when. be. eat them down 91 la a four-hit world aerlei test run, for the ' Yankeei, Reynold! had itarted only two game tlneo July 8 and waa a little ruity at going the dis tance so ho accepted a little re lief help in the ninth inning. But while he was in there the Browns were right down Reyn olds' alley. Whether he would havo the same luck against the Dodgers, or even a first division American League club is a de- natarjie question, but at any rate ho was getting himself ready. Tank Hitting The Yankees pounded out 11 hits including a two run homer by Hank Bauer and a triple by Phil Rizxuto. The Yankees scored three runs In the fourth inning and had their rally cut short when the Browns nego- uB i a iripi play, the fourth ' 01 me season la the American league. The White Sox staved at. games behind the Yankees by oeieaung in senators T-S, pounding out 16 hits. Nellie Fox led the way with three. Wallie Westlako hit two homers to pace the Indians to a uiAinni ..... 4L . . , . . , I MVVU J UUIU1 VMSCMaK Vlaaalal- Art SLtVZL h'.. tL?. Wednesday night with si is mi ii t ii ! n 44 41 OS II 111, II IT a ii 14 and Steve Bilko got one with the bases empty. , Preston Ward drove in runs with a grand slam homer and a double as the Pirates de feated the Cubs 8-1 on the steady seven-hit pitching of Bob Friend. The Giants defeated Cincln nati 4-3, cashing In on a bases loaded double by Daryl Spen cer and a home run by Dusty Rhodes to provide Ruben Go mel with all tre margin he needed for his 13th victory. Yakima Only Unbeaten Team In Nationals Miami, Fla. ) Yakima, Wash., advanced on more atep toward the national American Legion Junior Baseball cham- Portland Scores in B(a;wr' ai iis.lL i r a ii ; One Slow, the Other Slower VT hiii i ii fur j-4 viciury his sevenin victory In relief role. Mel Parnell won his 18th game with relief help from fi lls Kinder, topping the Tigers, 9 z, as Boston put over two runs in the seventh on a suc cession of singles by John Lip- on, out uooaman, Jim Piersall and Ted Williams. Braves Bums Slugfest Milwaukee outlas'.ed Brook lyn, 8 in a steam heated slug! jesi wnicn was interrupted by a thundershower that only made things worse. Bobby Buhl turned in a six Inning relief sum in wnicn De yielded only one run to gain hia 11th vic tory. The Cardinals smacked down KODin Roberts of the Phillies in quest of his 22nd victory, rally ing for tlx runs in the seventh Inning to win 10-7 as Ray Jab lonski hit a three run homer I a f-l win over Winnetka, 111. The Far West champions pushed across six runs in the fifth inning to rack up their second straight win of the double-elimination tournament. The victory left Yakima the only unbeaten club in the four- team tournament. Winnetka and Mllford. Mass. the pre-tourney favorite, have a 1-1 record. Milford, defeated 2-0 by Yakima in the first round Tuesday, came back Wednssday night to oust CherryvUle, N. C. 3-2. Milford and Winnetka will play a single game Thursday evening. The winner will play Yakima Friday night. If Yaki ma loses, the championship win be decided in another game Saturday night wtnnetaa lot IM Mo 1 S I YsklBiB MM 90- 4 s S tardea, eellaeor 14) aad Uadatruaa; aioaoa and Jiovatl, Portland Th Portland Beaten edged Saorameat 5-4 her last light as Doa Kelloway scared the tie-break ing run la the betters of the ninth oa Frank I Austin's single. Portland tied the score 4-4 In the sixth with one run off Ken Kimball. Milo Csndinl came on in the eighth for Sacramento and gave up the two ninth-Inning singles for the winning run. Kolloway, batting for Coach Bill Flem lng, rapped out a single. He went to second on an error and scored on Austin's hit to lix I left. Fleming took the win, his first of the season, while Can dlnl was touched for his fourth loss against eight wins. All four Solon tallies, only one of which was earned, came in the third. With one out, Ritchie Meyers singled, Kimball bunted and Pitcher Red Adams made a bad throw at first. Pete Pavllck singled scoring Meyers. Bob Dillln ger doubled to score Kimball and Nippy Jones followed with another double, chasing home Dllllnger and Pavllck. That inning was the end of Adams and he was replaced by Dick Waibel, who lasted until the seven when Flem ing came in. The Beavers opened up on starter Don Wathina in the second with three runs with Eddie Basinskl batting in one on a single and Don Eggert driving in two more on his PCL Standings (BP The A444414US pram w t Pet. Helnrwaad 144 44 .414 BeelUe 44 11 4 hat ABI4144 44 St .III Porllaad II kl .e0 Baa PrancIKe 41 44 .411 sib Dine tl 44 .l Oealaad '4 te .4)1 Beereaieela 44 44 .01 W4M4r'l Beaallat Oakland I. Lob Aneelae S. HollTBoad 4, Bob Pranclera I. Sib Dims 1-4. Seattle l.. Portland I. BMrBOMBU 4. oa. IIH 1414 II MSB I a double. Br SCOTT BAILLIB San Francisco al Leftv O'Doul'a San Diego Padres wer the hottest club in the Pacific Coast League today as they threatened to snag an upper division berth from either Portland or San Fran- CISCO. in ruinous Padres, who hav lost' only four of their last 14 games, virtually knocked Seattle out of the pennant chase last nliht bv drubbing the Suds in a double- header. 7-3 and 6-3. Rainier Slipping After the foam had settled. iaw naimer were lli games behind runaway Hollywood and the bordertowners had moved into a fifth place tie with the Seals. Hollywood dunked the Seals 4-3 and Oakland tripped Los Angeles 3-3 in an after noon contest Willie Luna cruised to his lflth win of the season for San Diago in the opener. A four-run splurge in the fourth inning sank the Ralniers and dropped Bill Evans to his 12th defeat Cliff Fannin cut Seattle off with six hits In the nine in ning finale to post, hi 12th triumph. Dale Long smashed his 23rd snd 34th homers to lead the Stars to their nlp-and-tuck win over the Seals. The game was tied 3-3 in the eighth when Long hit one of Elmer Singleton's deliveries over the centerfield fence 400 feet away. Fleming Win Frankl Austin's single In the ninth inning gave the Beaver their decision over the Solons. Bill Fleming, the third Beaver pitcher to toll. was credited with his first win of the campaign. Sam Chapman belted Cal vin Coolidge McLish for i home run in the home half of the ninth to rocket the Oaks to their victory over the Cher' ubs. Cowboy Al Gettel hurl ea ut entlr contest to set ais zora win or the year. Trado in your tires! (&nn)inWAtHi. World's first thoict tin . . . FAMOUS FIRST QUALITY DELUXE HerVs Our Offer . . . trade in 4 eld tires from your car pay us list price for 3 new tires you get 4 new COOoAcar DELUXE TIRES you pay nothing morel TIM SIZI 6.00 xj 6 J.40f 6.70 x 15 7J0jtJ5 6.50 xj 6 7.60 xJ5 8.00 x 15 8.20 Yl 5" CHECK YOUR SAVINGS HEREt J HQ. UST ltt ym AND MY Of FOUR TIMi m 4 URiS $"807403 Zf400 84.00 3.00 88.20 5 97.803 fZ.3i 99.20 74.40 T07.00 80.1S f 1 7.40 83.05 12260 91.5 Phlt ?OB 4 Otlf HI44 Proportional savings when you buy LESS man FOUR tired EASY TERMS Pay as ft as $1.25 a wk for 4 frsf M SERVICE STATIONS INC. We Give Green Stamps Court al Capitol Center it Commercial Marion al Liberty Center at liberty G)s bow far Cood.tear Double Katie Tire will trarel.' See It at SUt Fair Booth of Master Service SUtioiuWho know TOV may wl 4 Double Bail Tire for 7or ear. Florists Scheduled For Saturday Play roruana .n OHic tali said today Portland's Erv Lind Flor ists would see action Saturday night in the opening round of tn women world soft ball tourney her. Th Florist will play, Freedman Clothier of west AZUs. Wis. Seattla Air nights and th Cincinnati all. stars meet In th first game. . Minor League Scores 'Br TUB AikoelBtod FrBMi 1NTSBN4T10WA1. ISAUIS OttBWB I, Toronto s. BulfBl T. MontroBl S. . SrrtouM S. BBitlaiort 4. Stoebostgr t. BprlDk(lia I. A14IBICAN ABBOCUTION TnalBBBDaUk S, CtaorlBCIOK 4. Toltdo Jk, columkuk I. 4. fBul 1. ktaiu ctw 4. Only iuh sehodulBd. TIX4S uav Hauatoa I. BoBunonk 4. Oillu 4. tin Worth S. OklBUomB Clt 4. TulBB 4. Bb Anlonlo 4. ahrvoork 1. WKMTKBM LBAOV8 Sioux City I. DBrivtr 4. ColorBdo aprlDk 4. Llneola L Dbb llolnok 4, Wlchlto. I. OmBhB S. rVjeblo 1. rlO.NSIS IIAGI Trtiho 7. Bolt LakB 4. Oideii 1-1, PocBtiU 1-4 (lit 4mt 11 tnnlnis). MBila vu.r Bl BllltniB, vol croundt. w vr rmuk 4. rirlfck.l I DIUlBir.U s auehor.4 s BroB.rf S JOBM.1B I Smrdntf ) Bockma.1 s U 7414 S Walkn. a KlmkalLB s Ckndlnl.B s -Smltn 1 to (4) B OA s roriiBBS m H a a SAlMllaj 4 S 4 S 411 1 R01eB.rt 4-114 4 a S I 1 ATII.1B 4 1 S I 1 BiMkl.l 4 S S 4 4bartl a S 1 1 OJkdd.s 4 14 1 SAobbu.b I S IIUM.I 1 S I 4 4-KollwT 114 4 4k-Unl 111 TbIbU II II 4 I Ttit.U 14 14 IT II 4 Smith fBaoBd lor Kimball la 4to. T Nona ool whaa vduilaB run keorad. s KoUowar klBilad for PlamLnc la Sth k Lint aUulod lor WalbBl in 4th. Sacramaat 004 OM 400 4 Ultk ............... 414 lta mi la Portland ho 40 1 441 4 Htt4 1st ill ail ft Pltchara: n AB a I Bl SO wataina M.1SB4I41 la KlmbaU ... IH 31 1 4 1 1 1 CandlM ... 1 4 1 S a i .... : ii i i i i i Walbal 4 1 a l a Fltmlnv ...J 11 I s 4 1 1 BrrorB AdamB. Pavllck. MRT E.t z. Baiuuki. raviKk. puilaarr, Jooaa 1. Unt, AuiclB. IB Baftrt. Dlliinf ir. jooaa Raich. Run Pavllck. ZTimaiar, Kimball, liver. Robba. Arfl. Bailnnkl, Xaitrt, KoUowar. Sae Kimball. Bliart. Df PavlKk to alrara to Joou: livara to Pavllck: Basto-tkl to Auatln to Arft. Uft Bacrameoto t, Portlaod I. Winner Plamlna ll. Loaar Candinl ft Runaa. laoovatU Bod Pord. T 1:14. Att 1.230. Plrat aama: Saa Dieao M4 434 1 t I 1 aaattia 400 in a i ii i Luna and Summara: Svana, LovrtaB I). Humohrava i4l 4nd Onalc. Second lama: Saa Dieao (MM oil no s u t Seattle oil IMO 100 I II 1 Fannin and alathla: Naar, Del Duca '. Lovrlch ill and CSmile. aa Pranclaco Ill 404 4001 S I Hollvvood MO 401 U 4 a a aiBBletoa and Tlaalera: Uunier. Hlttla ''. Planer 4. Ilajtabener (T) sad Malona. t.04 Anaalae no M4 001 t 1 Oakland 001 001 4011 S I McLiah and Peden: Oattal and IteaJ. By CHARLES IOUN UwlfUa. Idak (ATVPUylaf Maaagsr BUI Breaaer, wa kas ki UwlsUa Bran la U thick f the Western latersuv tiaaj Leaf u seceaal half ' aaat acrarabla, taraad w leal last year. ' He had mad his profession al baseball reputation as a catcher In both th Western In ternational and th Pacific Coast Laegues. But in 1JJ. when he took over tn neim lor iewision s second fling In the WIL, he moved from behind th plat to IrK front of It. As a pitcher h shone. He won 21 games and lost 11. He was on of two Willy League ehucker to pass the 20-game mark. How could Brenner, at 33, achieve such a success in his self-chosen and vastly differ ent nosition? Pitching batting practice, t guess," h explain very mai-ter-of-factly. I kept my arm in snap that way while managing Van couver of the WIL four and one-half seasons and Yakima of th same league on year. "When I was in high school I was a pitcher and it wa th same thing in semi-pro ball. It wasn't until I turned pro I be gan to catch very much." Brenner kaa a caaac to surpass his 1I5X pitching record this eaoa. Through Aug. 27 he had woa 1 games, against s!s defeats. He looks more like a catch er Uian pitcher. He pack 200 pounds on hi 6-foot stocky frame, and th fact that has no speed merchant may ac count for th tact n never mad th majors. Brenner is undisputedly th knuckle-ball king of th West ern International. He uses that pitch almost exclusively. His regular receiver, Catcher Clint Cameron, says: "He1 got about tw pitch es on Is slow and th other is slower." It isnt' out of th ordinary for him to win while giving up ten and more hits a gam. But ha doesn't usually allow the opposing team to bunch ' its binglet. That' how h get by No slouch at th plat him self, he is currently batting .292, getting 31 blows in 108 official trips, Including six homers. Today Brenner leads th WIL pitchers ta the de partments: M t inning pitched, 253; fewest walks, 58; most hit gives ap, 3(S In O game. He has an earned run aver age of 4.14. H keep that fig ure In th upper level with such performance as a 17-9 decision over Calgary Aug. 4 in which he wis tapped for 22 hits while gains the rout. There's a little of the iron man in Brenner, too. On June 25 he shut out Yakima there 9-0 and the next night at Spo kane he won 6-5. Both wer inning contests. Brenner ae mad Blp ley'a Bellev It r Not ear toon whea hi wa charged with a passed hall which permitted aot eat, hat three, ran t score. Telling about it later, Bren ner recalls how he argued with th plat umpire for a new ball while laboring under the im pression his bobble wa an au tomatic one-bas advance in that particular park. Brenner piloted a XB-17 bomber tor th air fore dur ing World War U and fa won three Distinguished Flying Cross for his missions over Berlin and German controlled isecnosiovskla. Oa ae aniasiea, aftar dropping hi kemb. th plan' axygta sysWm was ket ut at 22,0 feet. Mt t th crew maibr "blacked cat" becaas f a tack or xyga, bat Brea Rer retained rirnirlnninas antll he had reduced elava tloa and k flew-four hoar at hedge level to safely get u piane and its crew back to a baa la England. Born In Olvmnia ha h..i hi professional baseball career with th Hollywood Stars of me rcie Coast league in 1938, and waa optioned out to neuingnam, then in the WIL. H went back to Hollywood in ju ana was sold to Tacc- m, anotner former WIL elub. That same season Los Angeles Angeu until lit in th '41 season, wnen he went to Vm couver In the WIL. After four years of mllitarv lervlce, he returned to th An gel, and left to manage Van couver the last part of the '48 season, u remained there until 51 when he took the helm at Yakima. Th .following yer u movca nere. With his wife and 2-year-old son. Brenner 'lives croa th river at Clarkston,. where he does little as poesibl about a nug Backyard aarden. He became general manager ui mej newision ciuo last year. Elks. Beavers In ABC Finals Portland 0M Oregon City's him Dianxea tne Longshore men, u-o, nere last night to earn ine.rigtit to meet Norgan's Beavers in th championship rotum oi in slat American oaseDau congress tournament. The Beavers so into th itio. deciding contest with an unde- leatea record in tournev olav If the Elks, who have lost one, win tonight, it would force a playoff which would be held tomorrow night. Ray Hude.i:iks Ditcher, rave up only three hits in winning last night's game. Hornsby Thinks Bums Will Win World Series New York UJ Manager Rogers Hornsby of th Cincin nati Radleg caid bluntly today th Brooklyn Dodger "ought ta slit their throats" If they don't but th New York Ysn ka In this year' World Baric. Th 57-year-old ball of lam er, renowned for his Crank opinions, tabbed th 1951 Dodger th best of their four post war series contender and predicted that they'll wreck th Yankees' bid for an unprecedented fifth straight world championship. Major League Leaders ojp The laiiBialiS Pibm) KanoHAL LBAOD ttTBmlll,4WfcTBr'?J?i MfUkT'Vraoki mvk J3S: BBWaaaa, Braaklra, JSI: Au. Bus Batted la Cam pan all. Break. Ira. 1M alllkawi, MUwaakea. .till Bad. sea. arookirsi 114: Solder, BraaklTB. till Baals Philadelphia. -144. Baaaa Bsao Matheva, aUvaakas. 41i. Klueevikl. daataaaU. ill Caawaaalla Bad Balder, Braetrra. Ml Badsaa, Brsok. In. .Klasr, Calaase Bad Ball Claala aaU. M. ' PMaanas Bob, Brsoklvm. 14-1, Mil Burdette. Muwaakee. 11-1. 4111 aaaha, HUaaaaaa. 14-1. ,tMl Braklaa. araaklra, I1-1S, .Till kUrar. BrookUa. 14-4, .in. Fights Lost Wight U. Bar- M. J., draw alta Paadr aadr. , Ma Tark. 14. ABTIBICAH uaotr BalUaa Varaaa. WaaklaAraaa, JJ4! Roeea. ckvealaad. JMi Ulaoaa. chlBMa, Illi Baaar, new Tark. JSSl Baabr. Waahtastaa had Kite hell Clevelaad. Ml. Baaa Batted la Roaen, Cleveland. 1H Barra. Maw Tark Bad Vsraoa. Waahlni. toa. Mi Boooa, Oatralt aad Saralal, Phil. adalahla, SI. Bobm Baaa Saralal, Phlladalphia. JTl Boaaa. Cleveland. Ml Serve. Raw Tark. S4; Boone. Da trait. Sli Dowp. Cleveland aad Rnblaiaa, PhOadalphle. SB. PrteaiBB Loaat. Mew Tart. !l-l. Jilt ataart. at. louu, 4-1, asei Par. Mew Tort. 14-4 .1411 Traaei cnicaaa ll-T. .Tali Reach!. Maw Tark. 11-4. .TOO. l DONT CO FOa M-3Y HAIR. Oliof Yesterday's Stars IBP The Auoelatad Praaal'V Baltlae Jtoa Pendleton, UUveukeo Bravea. hit hlj tourth horde nm la thrao eamaa. plua a dnnbla a&a tw alnilaa aad drove la thraa rui aa tne Bravea Beat Brooklyn s-l. Pttahaw Allla Ranolda. Raw Tark Taakaea, atraek 4ul alx, walaad aaa aad lava aa four hits la hla (traa vtetorr la a atartlaa aaalaamaal alaaa Joaa. S-l over the St. Louie Brawaa. B1V1 aal J III pAAdou wolb ottoman J US r 1 YL4 Ut-RFS TUF IJFL7 I y a a avaa aaavav bbbb . -ax ( (isiiGss ray to keep; .UUKIldOJKliflllULUAr ) Xfa 0Btr a washes mw,RNitt. NO animaf. ininrat ar vaaataM etit in new Vitalis! Prevenu dryness, keep hair neat with V-7, new (rtawJeu fronting discovery. Never a gummy Mm or -oily- look. Try hew Vitalisl,' NifJtteTONie AT DANA'S win Fossn to am m youi mi SCH001 OATJ TICRFTS afJBT M " MM WW M M t 4JT W W" "aa- IMPORTED ENGLISH i i Brogues FAMOUS SKI TOISTYLI FULLY LEATHER LINED INSET METAL CLEATS ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS . l " Size. I BOOTI1Y P(ni rentap I OREOON I 13" Boys' Britisk Bresuss to 6 A to D Capitol .hoi SALEM SALEM'S "SCHOOL STORE 8.95 Miii-n co:doyans 99S 0 o) 1 Oj Day Specials FISHING ROPS SSSJvSSf-- 0lM,?, "S.5- :;:r.: Beg. Li etaaV nwaj . pj, r;u0 ods !" i il g w It- . awar 5f- .h.Zj e, new , atlJS ' MM ' BBS at RODS. r. SALMON RODS t(. SUa. BW .... ix it. ' r slew r.T"V- a,.,, now -J.3W KrTawJ Hd.rwSpii.l " ot Rod REELS REELS Made KaeL Blr M M .L l HkI an It .... BmL avilv ... w, new enrf . b. ba ts raauns 52: rirs.uw-w.-d i h.h. TrwUlDf ..a.M . I4.M ...ttM Salmon Egp New 3for$1.C0 I Red Only I I Dry Flies i Keg. f.4w Do. J jfaa t Reg ).9t rT Chinese Basket n.wS1.98 8 Reg. 1 I Leather Bonad j BASKET n.w$4.95 I .Reg. 11.4 I & Leather Basket jt iN.w 89c f REELS f let. IU.S Laval V f wiBal ra haraal I araUin real Nwar I I an bp I7JS. J I Spinitinf Real i S Met. UM Germaa I R Bawl aw 11135. f B Be. SZ4.SC Spennlnf M jy Reel Ban fllj. Jg mnm mum " ' aa m Opon Nights and Sundays Geo. (advell Serv. 24W Sfaifa phona 2-743,