Little Mo cn fhs font hfaareea Ceanelly mm the ran as -ska SBfles the ball (arrow) teward eeraer during match at Forest Hilla, N.Y. little Me, at 8a Diego, Calif., seat the IadUaapeUa. lad. i essay, s-I, ur Teiepbete) . . ' T Ccast Ccnfcrencc Teams Ccntinuo Fcolbnli Drills Seattle, UJli Coach Johnny Caerberg planned to ran his University of Wsshlngtnn foot ball team throngh the scama's first serimmaf today. s ' .5' '. .'.T V'' : Ingene, U University' of Oregon Coach Len Casanova today looked for psu receivers capable of handling the bul let throws of backs George1 Shaw and Barney Holland. ' ' Corvallls, JJ Oregoa State College's football team still has ons big hole today Coach Kip Taylor :wxa looking for another de pendable end. .; Only returning veteran experienced as a wlagmaa is Wes Ediger, snd Taylor meeds another man to bal ance oat the line before the seasoB opener against UCLA Sept II. , , Pullman, tlJ9 Two sopho mora linemen, a letterman, and' two Junior college trans fers, were singled out for praise today after Washing ton Stat College's first scrim mage of the. season. ; Coach Al Ktrcher said: be STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 6 Y'ARS OLD. 86 PROOF. OLD QUAKER D18TILUN0 COMPANY, UWRENCEBUHe. INpiAN. Patricia Stewart' (Bear court) a tartly ku tea-seeded waa pleated .with the running of left half Jim Haggerty from Pasadena J.C and the pass catching of ends Jim Cox of Santa Rosa, JC, and velei fteran Howard McCants. - Berkeley,- liJB University of California bemoaned the first major loss of the young football practice aeasoa yes terday after varsity guard Tom Button waa onstrd by a chipped arm bone. Stanford, OJJSStanford's foot ball squad was without the services of three men today as a new injury and two re vived hurts took their toll. Jim Jones, s tackle, was being checked for a possible fracture after getting his foot stepped on in practice yester day. Fullbacks Tom Jacobs and Mike Anderson were having trouble with injured legs aggravated in fh-st work outs this week. ' Los Angeles. U, For the ' second day, Coach Henry (Bed) . Sanders emphasised passing as he pot his UCLA Brains through a pair of stiff football.' workouts. . ill Winds Foret Florenct to Giyt Up Swim ' .Dover, England tUB Flor ence Chadwick gave up ber at tempt to swim the English Channel both ways today, bo- cause of high winds. Miss Chadwick said, aha would await the last favorable tides of the season later on this month. ' The former San Diego steno grapher said If she fails to be come the first person to make a non-stop round trip swim' of the channel during the Sept 11-11 period she wiU wait until next year. Miss Chadwick said her plan to swim the Straits of Gibral tar and the Dardanelles before returning to the United States depends on the success of her final attempt to swim the chan nel. Kovvfz'- KISS a caan aowrra. xb caaaai 'u The California Bear will make a hasty exit from Port land after playing University of Oregon in Multnomah stadium September 25. The Bean are scheduled to catch plane out of Portland at 5:fJ5 p.m. the day of tht gatta. e e. ' : e ' e- ' '..'! ". i The junior gxlf tournament at Salera Golf club Friday morning isn't sponsored by the golf dob, or , ' by any other organization tor that aiatter. Bnnay . Majon, pre at Salem golf club, la personally pottaor- :: lng the tdurnament, - Mason waa so pleased when the progress made by Salem kids at the golf school he conducted during the summer that he is giving the kids a chance to compete in an honest-to-goodnesa tournrment, ' Mason is providing trophies for the winner and runner-up in. each division. . "..;..'"' : e . Y t .-. The Salem Senators are saving about 500 in travel ing expenses on the current trip to Edmonton and Cal gary by having Pitchers Jack Hemphill, Bob Collins, Gene Roespie and Larry Borst drive the 1300-odd miles to Ed monton, instead of flying with the rest of the team. 'And the four guys were eager to go by car, too not because they have any aversion to flying, but because they though it would be a nice auto trip. ..... ,7 ,: ..V,-' a-..--..-, . e' . . e ' ' :, ,'. ".' Catcher! Don Masterson didn't make the trip to . Edmonton with the Salem team : Masterson went to his home in Redding, Calif., where his wife la expect-. ,.' ing a baby. (Perhaps the expected offspring has .'. ' already, sprung by the time you read this.) Master Bon will rejoin the Senators in Yakima aext week. -. .'';. . ' e , Three Salem men will participate in the Orearon Out board Association races at Devil's lake Sunday and Mon day. They are Ray Redding, Paul Woodruff and Dick Scandling. Three other Salem-men Larry Paultu, Rob ert Stevens and Neil Baker are attending the hoc rod speed trials on Salt Lake xlata this week. - 0 015 Quaker cOourbott 9imtiirs Edmonton' Win 0-7; Four Homers Swotted in Game Baste tea. Aha, X Fear rasa proviM taw fans with plenty af exaniinai i aisat as the aMaaaatoa Sal es Booed oat the Saleaa Sea stars t-1 m their hast WH meettag of the seasea. The loss put the Senators, now In third place, four game behind league-leading Spo kane and three games behind second olace Lewiston. The Senators grabbed a S-9 lead in the first three innings, with Jerry Ballard hitting a homer. In the bottom of the third Clint Weaver stepped to the plate with the bases load ross Saataai seNat Corner ed and hoisted the ball Into right field for his 17th homer of the season. With the score standing 6-4 the Eskimos added two tallies In the fourth to tie the count Whitey Thomson drove a line drive over the fence in the bottom of the eighth to send the Eskimos in front 8-8. The homer wsi hotiy disputed by the Senators who claimed it was fouL WIL Standings bf Tht amciiws ntui asotu 41 M .Ml ii n hi i a , it ii ut 4 ruiau si a .in a i it II .ill 14 M mi a Oaann at ai : m, a Trt-CUr n II .411 11 ........... la it .ut ii "en n a mi uii Ltwuua 44. Iumhi 1-4. atakaaa I, Vmiclm a. Taaaa. I. Victoria 1. Trl-Cltr S-t, Calaarr 1-4. ' Baaaeloa a Balaa t. Soaa LtwUtOB. YMUaa H WiniUU,. alaa at Caltar. Trl-Clty , Bdmaataa. Vaaaaattr at Vicuna. In the top of the ninth Con nie Peres homered for Salem. In other lames. 1 n-Citv edged Cslgary 8-8, Spokane blanked Wenatchee 8-0, Yaki ma trounced Vancouver 9-1 and Lewiston and Vancouver split a twin bill, Lewiston taking the owner 4-1 and Vancouver winning the night cap e-s. ,.. m . B (!) Uaiwtaa o a H O A SakalteU f TUMlll,! 4 Far,! I rnt t B4.rd.l t IUiUbi.I I IK4MU.I 4 1 I 1 IW.trr.H 1 4 CmpkD.r - 4 1 I fenata.U 4 MtlM,a 4 I ThiniD.! t t Ifonn.c 4 1 I Bonka . S ICnul. I 11N117. H1CBUI, I a Trtala 14 14 la 1uia n an n aaltm Ill 004 4017 u I omoaua W4 loo I Pllclwt: IP AB H B KB SO BB Boru 14. la I I I 1.1 KlcblM ... I ' it t ' l ' t Count .... IH II 4 i t i UNultr ... M i a t a tea wr . CenanL Tff . vlth.r.ttnAn a Osaaat. Wtanar Conant. LaurMlhft. Ma. LOB ealna T. Bdmontoa 1. Brran Tnampaea. HH Ballard. Pcrcx. Vrinr. Thnaaaa. IBB Tana)!. 1BH Taaaalll. RBI xaaMUl. oara. Ballard I. Paraa 1. 4. liortan, Mauaar. Thamaeon t. SB Wllharapoaa. Pataa, ataraaaa.- DP raaaBMoa ta Kanaloa ta aturaane Caaiaaall ta Won an. TJ ataiaar aM soraaaoa. Tirna l:ll. AK. 111. ' Plrtt saata:.- Ixwlatsa 144 M) 14 I Vaaaaanr ta wi 41 l Branaar aaS Oarri Barratt, oaaaar- aai in aoa Donna. , tla .... art 404 Ml Vaaaaarar 444 til la- a 11 Marahan. Braaaar t a4 Oaaav: Ha. 4 1 11 4 414 t DaeanUa til at Battala- auli WaHk and Shaatt. BbvA aaaMl Trt-CIIT 431 M 44 vaararr aot 100 a I B Beaartoaai aad ,ut: trlaa mjt TH-Cltr IM a 400 I u I Caltarr .; Ml 104 4044 It I 1004. Dobarala ftl aaa Wimn. SMtai aa4 Brlekar. Takbaa Ill 404 111 IT I Vmerta w to. tit 1 I 4 Bnaitmda anS aJblal: Print. Walk, It) aa Barford. Sandy, Durondo Batfle to Draw In Ten Rounds '' St Louis Randy San dy of New York and Ernie Durando of Bayonne, NJ., fought to a bruising draw In their middleweight 10-round- er last night Sandy, who was expected to be week after training far below his usual fighting weight, cam in at 140 pounds to Durando's 157H. But the Zl-year-old Negro would have , won the close fight were it not for two low blows in the fourth round. Referee Dick Young gave that round to Durando on the fouls, T-J, and that made the difference in a close, bloody eneounter. Young's eard had the match at B0-B0. Judge Fred Connell gave it to Durando 51-41, and Judge Jene Far roll had Sandy the winner B1-4B. There was action all the way as both men opened up in the first round. The pat tern of the fight was estab lished immediately as Sandy used his superior reach to keep Durando at a distance and off balance, scoring heav ily with looping right snd left hooks to the hesd snd body. Dursndo moved in fist footed and punished Sandy whenever ho could get in elose. The fight was televised na tionally and locally. TIDE TABLE Til, faf tfafl. Ofaga B,pi,Wf, 1MI C4jM ST O. a. Cat aal OaaSalia Bar, r.niaaa, ora.l Bkk Waura La Watat Tina . Btlaht 14 41 a a. 4 T I 11 p.m. 41 14:41 a 4 1 I 41 .m. 1 1 II tl a a. 1 1 II II l a. I I II M 4 a. 14 II It a a. 1 1 II It ta. II 11 M la IS Tim Kalant I II a m. -4 1 I u a. I I 4:47 4 a. .1 I M l a. 11 4 41 I a. -t I 4 41 t a. 14 I S a a. tt II t a. 4 41 4 a. 4 14 t a. t M I B. 4 44 a a. M a a. 1 11 ta. t 11 a a. l a. 1 41 la I It a a. II la. S.M la. 11 4 a a. II U a a. IS ta. 1 it a a. 1 It a. 1 IT a a. in B 1 14 a a. I ll . a. Lse Home Kmbd LOCAL UNITED PRESS Duclcs' Shaw on Pro-Season AH-Ccast Conference Tc:in By HAL WOOD 8aa Fraaeiaeo JJ - As long as the sporting pages are going all oat these days oa the collegiate football aeasoa gettiag aader way, wo might as well go oa record with par IMS "ad vanee" AU Paeltie Coast C safer ace football team. Here It is: Ends: George Black, Washington, and Sam Mor ley, Stanford Tackles: Chock Doud and Jack Ellens, bath af UCLA. Gawds: George Timber lake, BSC, and Nora Ma aoogtaa, Stanford, i - Center: Matt , Haieltlne, California.' Qaarterbaek: George Shaw, Oregon. Left halfback: Paal Cam aroa. ' . ; . s Right halfback: fan! Lar son, California, Fullback: . .Leoa ' Sellers, BSC. So smooth It leaves you breathless: tiiiTnoff aid arazint mt4 Wtt4a4aBaa100 tnifm'fM Sat,PamteatanaltnM4faMCm. NOW 15 THE TIME TO MAKE ih BIG DEAL with TREMENDOUS SAVINGS SAVE Up to $1,000.00 On Thes Dodge Trucks VA Ton R A-154 Air Brakes 900x20, 10 Ply AA 2 Ton HA-192 Custom Cab 825x20, 10 Ply AA l'i Ton GA 170 Custom Cab 825x20, 10 Ply AA VA Ton F-152 DeLuxt Cab 700x80, 8 Ply . ' ' L. . Ton C-1 16 DeLux. Cab,4 Speed ; Vi Ton B-116 Express (good selection) : I2S CHEMEKETA ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Thursday, September S, 1953 Page 17 This yesr the players are going to have both ways, offense aad defense, for the first time. Of coarse, sjalte a few af them already have proved themselves amag this llae. Foi-emeet Is aaarterback George Shaw of the Web foots. He already holds Us aatiaaul intereellaflate res ord for pase lBtareeptleBS while plsylng safety for his team. Aad he la rated oae for Huunters : Fall Clos-outs (Limited Quantities)' Wa!!Tent1t)x1212cz.D.F.3.C3 $42.26 Wall Tenf 8x10 10 oz. 39.50 27.05 Umbrella Teni 10x13 Two 9x9 Umbrella Tent wlthEiy-TJp Bain FOR SALMON tOMNm UM (OYOAei HOI I tijnoHROUTeuu . u WUH1WNT.. C1CYCLE MID SPORT SHOP J17 H ' 0' All Musi- Go-They Won't Last Long Hurry! Don't Wait! SEE THESE TRUCKS NOW ON DISPLAY AT STAN BAKER MOTORS Bi'GfiE NEWS AND FEATURES Mill City Team f Wins Two Gsrats; Mill City Kelly Lumber men of Mill City tuned tip foe this week-end's regional soft ball playoffs in Pendleton by defeating Nored Builders of Corvallis twice here last nigni; Scores were 8-1 and 8-0. ; . Bob Willis' and John Pearsod shared pitching duties In the second game, and threw a no hit, no-run game at the Corf vallis club. ' ! v Nored Builders finished third In the recent state softball tour, nament . J - f the nest strnal callers tat , reseat Oregon history. J KEG. NOW S9.C3 58.59 - Boom 53.40 39.C3 Sear FISHERMEN . 1Y HODGMAM 3 r W 15t-4 -f .' -- STAN DAICC.l ; MOTORS' r' CltZTCT.Z9 1953 DODGE TRUCKS SAVE .$1,000.00 . 300.00 - 300.00 : 225.00 200.00 .175.00 PHONE 22441 :. , , I SALE