Thursday, September 3, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJem, Oregon HARVEST MINT Grand IiUnd Mint distil lation hM been resumed it the Fowler-Kldd-Stingrube plant with the return o mild weath er. . SAVS WHY PAY MORE! When You (an Boy He Fines) QUALITY CLOTHES You Could Wish For! AT JOE'S UPSTAIRS STORE! Closing Out Sale Now You (an SAVE , $10TO$15 on Finest Quality SUITS $r-oo 00 on Fines! Quality SPORT COATS mm; 50 on Fined Qualify SLACKS AU FUR FELT HATS At Vi Off All new . . . thli season's latest styles. Large selec tion. ' All sites for regu lars, shorts, longs, stouts. Open Friday Night till 9 O'clock JOE'S Upstairs Clothes Shop 442 State St Above Morris Optical Co. Look for the Flashing "Save $10" Sign Above the Entrance Fomous Brand I1: - i . m Ranges Ironers Dishwashers Roasters Toasters Fans 328 N. Commercial Double Wins in Bridge Tourney Sixteen tables of duplicate bridge provided double win ners In the Salem Elks club tournament this week. Teams finishing high were L. W. Frasier and Mrs. Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Ward Graham and Mrs. Walter M. Cline, Mrs. El sie Day and Gilbert Groff. and Mrs. Paul F. Burris and Ellis H. Jones. Rating points also were awarded the following: Mrs. C. L. Newsom and Mrs. Rupert Park, Mrs. Dorothy Remmey and Ralph S. Dannen, both of Brownsville, Mrs. F. T. M lin ger and Mrs. Albert Smith, Jack Nellsen and Arthur L. Lewis, Mrs. Robert McKesson and Mrs. A. W. Binegar, Mrs. E. Z. Boring and C. L. New som, Mrs. L. W. Frasier and Mrs. George Rein, Mrs. Lloyd Jones and .Charles Tambling. In the Friday night summer series Mrs. Elsie had the top percentage, while Mrs. P. F. Burris, Walter M. Cline, Mrs. Charles L. Newsom, Mrs. F. C. Lutz and Mrs. L. W. Frasier were next in order. Others scoring high in the final tour nament Included Mrs. Don Huff and Mrs. W. D. von Ot- terstedt, Mrs. Jose MoriU of Corvallis, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ramp, Carroll Ford, Mrs. Don ald Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore of Scio. First September master point will be held this Thurs day evening at the Elks club because of long Labor day week-end and bridge week in San Francisco. The regular Monday tournament w ill be. held next Tuesday, September 8, because of the holiday. REWARD FOR COURTESY Raleigh, N.C. ( Courte sy is the watchword for motor ists here. The reason: The po lice department awards free theatre tickets to motorists ob served rendering courteous acts. ' The old Spanish province of New Mexico extended from the Mississippi to the Pacific and had no set northern boundary. mmmm 3 ting Leather Zipper NOTE BOOKS Regular $1.69 Value . 136 N. COMMERCIAL a USED APPLIANCE mm a j Name Appliance - Many uu imjw - You Buy! See tjs for Everything Electrical AND MANY OTHER SMALL APPLIANCES USED APPLIANCE CHJTE Open Friday Til 9 p.m. V?' Omar Barth Returns Home Rev. Omar N. Barth, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, has returned- to his pulpit after mending three and a half months touring Europe and the Middle East He visited the Holy Land during 30 days of his trip abroad. The minister reports tensions still, exist between the Arabs and the Isaelites, the former apparently being resenuul or. the progress being made by the Jews. The spot where the manger was supposedly located when Christ waa born was viewed by the minister, while he visited many other Biblical points of Interest Rev. Barth reached England In time to witness the corona tion and before returning to the United States, passed through Greece, Italy, Austria, Yugo slavia, Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium. ft k I . - . m h FRIDAY-- Refrigerators Auto. Washers Sewing Machines Wringer Washers Radios Wood Ranges Mixers Heaters Hand Irons Oil Heaters Vac. Cleaners Water Heaters SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME Shown in the foerground Is the East Salem bypass over re-aligned Turner road that runs beneath It. In the foreground is the S.P. overpass and distantly Bartoai hill where a deep cut is being made to accommodate the by pass route. Earth removed from the cut is being used to make extensive fills shown in this 'picture. - Four Corners Four Corners Billy Ship man, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shipman, broke his left forearm on Sunday. The children were playing when Billy tied his tricycle to the rear of Ronnie Reichenberg er's bicycle with a rope. As they rode tandem effect Billy's tricycle turned over spilling him to the ground. The arm was cared for 'at the Salem General hospital. Billy is con valescing at his home. -Mr.' and Mrs. Everett Klopp and sons Rlckle and David have purchased the Earl Thulln res idence at 4090 Durbln ave. They moved here from Keizer. The Community Builders class of the Baptist Church Sunday school met for a no host dinner on Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holler. Covers were placed for Rev. Victor L. Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dusenberry, Vie tor Jr. and Gary, Mrs. James Scott, Jimmy and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Richard MUler, Dav id, Danny and John, Mr. and Mrs. George vanueeuwen, Charles and Mary, the hosts Mr. and Mrs. Holler and sons Steve. Douglas and Frank Hol ler. Rev. Victor Loucks pre sented the devotional period with social hour following. The Rev. and Mrs. V; L. Llv- in as ton and sons Lew and Jim my of Astoria, Ore., were guests this week in trie wiuiam ries ter and Homer Bales homes. Rev. Livingston is pastor of the St Paul's Episcopal cnurcn in Astoria. They were enroute home from a months traveling. The families were former neighbors in Whiting, Kansas. Houseauests this wees in me J. H. Igleheart homa are Mrs. Igleheart's daughter-in-law and baby daughter, Mrs. Jiles Ohm art (Lillian- Langliers) and Tana Renee of Eddyville, Ore. Tana Renee was born August 25 at the Salem Memorial hos pital. Her maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Langliers of WoodDurn. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sakota have as their housegueiU their daughter's family Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, Joy and Steven of ElMonte, Calif. Visitors this week In the J. C. Mayer home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell of Bend, McConnell of AI- K.nv and Earl Robinson of Beaverton. Mrs. Ethel Prock of Lubbock, Texas Is a houseguest of her son's family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Prock. . CENTER f.. - t)m'.m RsbCaPA Phone 4-3204 111 Karnes Added To 4-H Lists DalUi Additional tit it place winners at the Polk coun ty fair in the 4-H clauea were announced today by the 4-H extension service ' The list follows: OAI1T Prod Mint m, Dick Lor. Indepena- toe. Yeerlin heifer. Loon Cook. Dallaa. Senior heller. BeUr Ana cite laaa- pooaeac. Junior hollar. Ftultp 0& to rn ana. iawtptnotao. CDMnpico eitratr. XHck Lor. Outnuer r4vclni mi, Batty Ann Clint. Boiattta Bonier newer, uura ltbb Rot era, Independence. Junior bailer, enr ol Dor an. oiiu. Mllklac Shorthorn Prottnctoc zora Ann. niooenuiai, Hoawuu. Tear Unc btlltr. Oeoree JUnoaii, aajem. Other brtaas YtarUnf helftr, I tad Smith. Ootu Dot, aw on tear. Pintle, Baker, Monmouth. Do, under one raw, Pamela Baker, Monmouth. wr STOCK Hereford Cow dropped before Jan. L 1M1. Oary cooler. Dailea. TearUnt helftr, Mart are l Phllllpe, palla. aHaar, oary cooier. Ansua BUcr. Margaret FhlUlye. ShorthOTtv Halter ealt. Bokert Mart. Monmoutn. Btetr, Laxry OUaoo, Mon- uauu. SWTNB Torkaklra and Tarn worth Bow, Butane Dixon Monmouth. Ban lor tilt, Larry ouon. rat A on, urry ouen. HMBKr Bouthdovn ami BbreMhlra AlaB twt. BlIUe J tarn B4dUU, In4cpndn. Year- uu tva, buu Jew KMOtu, imi nandenea. Ban lunk. BUUa Jaan Bid. dt'.L Pak matkot laMk. .Xnrln BtBdall, Id9ndnoa. pta ! t market lamM, Irwin RMdttt. Ram Iamb, BUtle Jean RMdeu. Ram. Dewey cummuu IIZ, Won mouth. Breed tr herd, BUUa Jean BJd deli. Hampthira and Bfflk-Ate4 twt. MarJorla BPtTllnt. XndewMdenet. Tear- Hot ewe, Don el Catee. Bwt lamb, Danny Watts, Salem. Pat market lamb, Betty ciine. rra or wire market iamb, setty dine, itatm Jamb. Harry Cnmmine Romney. Oolumbla died ewe, Val Mueller, Uonmoutb. TtarUnc awe, Bet ty Cline, Kwa una, sora Ann Hlebtav thai .Monmouth. Pat market lamb. Don ald WJena. Dallaa. iPtn of three awe lamM, Betty cuoe.. Romney, Columbia Pen of three mar ket lambe, Don Wlena. Ram lamb, Don Wlena. Breeder herd, Don Wlena. Other medium wool breed Swa lamk. Bora Ana Hltbenthel. pat market lamb, Cbarlet Catee, Monmouth. Pea of three ra laofbe. Bora Ann HitbtnthaL Ram mb. Phillip Buratll. Dallaa. Lone wool breode Tearllne ewe. Lam Oitoon, Monmouth. Swa Jamb, Larry Olleoa. S. P. to Start Big Project Portland UJB Southern Paci fic will start construction of a $3,803,000 project involving in stallation of centralized control equipment for 93 miles of Its Cascade line between Crescent Lake and Eugene in early Oc tober, company President D. J, Russell announced today. Centralized traffic control equipment, by which trains can be dispatched by remote con trol, already has been Instilled between Redding, and Black Butte, Calif. Work on a 89 mile CTC system between Klamath Falls and Crescent Lake Is nearing completion, Russell said. With completion of the Cres cent Lake-Eugene project, 273 miles of the company's Cascade line will be operable under re mote control Russell explained. The project also Includes con- struction of an office and equip ment repair shop at Eugene. RIGHT ADDRESS St. Louis W) A humane society agent, called out to catch a fox which turned up In a residential section here, msde the capture In the back yard of William D. Tox. About three fourths of U. 8. forest land is privately owned. ate WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Ado George 0SK0 INSURANCE AGEKCY IMS N. Capital St. ' Phone) 3-3661 Between Hood end Shipping St-00 Hlway Going North I Salem's Phones Have Doubled in Telephone growth has been rapid in Salem' since the end of World War XL, Manager E. A. Berglund of Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company said today in commenting on the general growth of the in dustry on the Pacific Coast, for yesterday the 6,000,000th phone on the coast waa in stalled. . Reserves to Take Cruises Four members of Salem's Organized Naval Reserve sur face division 13-28 will be taking cruises in the early part of September. Going to the recruit train ing eommand for his two-week cruise will be Ray Gerald Loynes, SR, 549 Ford street, Salem, who reports in San Diego September 6. Three of the reservists re port to the USS Rombach September 13 , for two-week cruises. These men are Ds'e Vernon Music, SA, Aumsville; Donald William Morris, ENDC, Turner; .and Robert Walter Chambers, SA, Al bany. Last week 19 members of the reserve division here re ceived advancement in rate from seamen recruits to sea men apprentices. Those men advanced In rate were Billy M. Brown,' Brooks; William H. Byerley, Sheridan; Edward Castillo, 1977 Court street, Salem; Rob ert W. Chambers, Albany; Herbert M. Childs, Albany; James E. Folsom, 13S1 Elm street, Salem; Alan D. Hen drlckson, Dallas; - Jack E. Hinds, Dallas; Gerald F. Jen kins, Albany; Wallace S. John son, Scio; David E. Mix, 1980 North Church street; James W Prugh, Stayton; James W. Ruth, Dallas; Charles. G. Scott, 4145 Sllverton road, Salem; Clair A. Simmons, Brooks;- Richard M. Smith, Dallas; Robert C. Thiessen, 1235 North 17th street, Salem; Gary M. Tippets, route 4, box 14-C, Salem; and Everett R. Winters. Albany. ' ' Woodburn Orders $16,000 Fire Truck Woodburn At the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday night, a new American LaFrance fire truck was pur chased, an Invader model. Class A, 7S0 gallons per minute GPM triple combination pump er, at a cost of $16,000. The truck has 219 horsepower motor with the driver s seat in front of the motor. It is to be delivered In about six months. This truck was the unani mous choice of the council and of all but one fireman who favored a - Seagraves truck which was also considered. An ordinance was passed as sessing the cost of the paving of Arthur St., and also an or dinance for the graveling of High St between Fifth and Sixth. . The proposed ordinance mak It mandatory to secure a per mit from the fire company for bonfires in the city limits, was tabled. Suspension Order In Phone Dispute Portland (111!) Negotiations between Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company and the workers were suspended here todsy and Federal Mediator Bob McClelland Indicated he would not call another meet ing until one or both sides hid more to offer towsrd settle ment of the dispute. - 1 Why Suffer Any Longer Th Where falL ne our Ch!nie remaOite. Am taint eueeeii for MM yean in China. No matter with erhat you art afflicted, dleordera, eiBueltm. heart, lunta, Itver, kldnera, tea, cam tl Bitten, ulcer, ditheiea, rhumatiifii. tall and bladder fOer, ekln. female complaint. i CHARLIE CHAN csikki are r. OftlM Hnra to s Tm. Mi Mt Mty tS4 K. Cnamld ph.., titM sauh oaa - Truck - Fire I ' Bill Eight Years But 1 speaking for Salem alone, Berglund mentioned that the day the United States won the war against Japan In 1943 Salem had 11,010 tele phones. Since then 4he number has more than doubled, and the total now is 2S.089. The 6,000,000th phone on the coast was placed in service with a flourish Wednesday in the Barstow, Calif., home of marine veteran of the Korean war. Master Sergeant Lionel P. Williams and his wife Dorothy. Officials of both Pacific Tel ephone and the Independent telephone associations were on hand to hail the event as a milestone in the west's tele phone progress. , The installation was made by the Interstate Telegraph company, an affiliate of the California Electric Power com pany, one of the more than 200 Independent tele phone companies that interconnect and cooperate with ?eillc Telephone in providing Pacific coast telephone service. The six millionth telephone, the telephone executives gath ered at Barstow pointed out, is symbol of the tremendous growth of the telephone indus try lu the last eight years to bring service to the West s mil lions of new residents. Today's 6,000,000 telephones are Just about double the 1943 coast total. Berglund said Pacific Tele phone has now spent more than $1,400,000,000 on its post war expansion program. Retail Coffee Price Goes Up in Portland Portland 0JB Retail coffee prices were 2 to .4 cents pound higher on Portland gro cer's shelves today, with most advertised brands selling at 93 cents a pound. The price Increase reflects wholesale price boosts made a month ago. coffee industry spokesmen said. The high price of green coffee in 'Brazil waa blamed for the soaring prices, Kaiser Sales Show 29 Per Cent Growth Oakland, Calif.' VO Kaiser Aluminum 8c Chemical Corp. Thursday said it aalea for: the fiscal year ended May SI In creased 29 per cent over previous year to a record high of $182,693,000. ' The company said, however, Its net earnings for the fiscal Gfums Gm& (MiiW Your after-dinner maidt Automatically and silently washes, rinses, dries everything in service for 6 to 8 in water Supia-heated to sterilizing 1801 Does beautiful job on pots and pans! This is the illuml fisted Interior model with glass look-in top. Inr terms are available tm anitt Ask os about them when yes tec an exciting DlsH'A'MATIC demonstration! SMILING JACK'S . Open Evenings Til 9 Phone 3-9600 L year dropped from 111,492,- 000 . to ia,57i,ooo, partiaiiy because amortization was in creased to more than .four times the previous rata, . This year's earnings were the equivalent of $1.56 per common share, compared to 3.09 last year. In his annual report to stockholders. President Henry J. Kaiser predicted bright future for the aluminum in dustry. "Today the market is seven times what It was m 1940" Kaiser said, "yet the potential demand for alum inum has never been brighter for new applications." ' finisi. Li vi tMonKfic mSHVlASHW MOOBITt sH-Hun m own with t naiuiMiM'iMiMJM-n EKTtK HOT WATS VM Protect family health! Apex D1SH-A-MATIC silently washes, rinses, dries every thing even pots and pans for service of 6 to 8 in water SUPER-heated to 180 In ita own built-in monel tank. Be It in action at . . , JACKS m I am t peX OlSHAMATlt A k Waal em tVGsam it t 4 : it, MtM the CNxncfxroucHiicHStt. Apex DISII'A'MATIC Automatic Dishwashtr MODEL 9701 1 THE HtST-IHt ORIGINAL f Sapar-Naat$ 11$ Owa Water te Sterlliilnt 0falellHa lloclrtc Net Wfter Teak A WEEK imt vV-atltllklllJH J Corner Center fc Church Stt. . 4 ; 1 I i atmmaammmmmw