Pas 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, rbkta, Ortfoa Thursday, flepUnbcr S, 1I5S OLD TRESTLE SITE FILLED BY S. P. & S. 'S ... "ev,aw I 7 . - !rii.:-;- HoldChildClinic AfSilverton Silvartoa Pamphlets des cribing signs ef eye trouble war en display t the Tues day's well, child clinic at the Zugene Field Health room a. Sr. W. J. Stone and bit assist ing aline, Miss Viola Eisen - bach, directed the clinic activi ties. SUverton volunteer were Mrs. Xaute Digcnttts, Mrs. Mildred O'Brien, Mrs. Mike Htnmn and Mn.. rneet Star, who assisted. The total number of young folk receiving rvi r 41 coming from all sections of the acbolarahip to the 4-H eummer fiilverton area. . . scnooi ior 1110. oy me vaiiey ' Looking forward to the Oct.Trctor """pany for having the f meeting, the regular fint ' ouul"na"1 pouivj promt ror ' When Oregon Electric railroad had a passenger depot In Salem electric trains to Albany and Eugene travelled over a trestle spanning Pr ingle creek between Commercial street and the depot. Today this is a spur from the Front street route of the S. F. 4c S. and is being filled for a distance of 210 feet with 8,000 yards of earth to save reconstruction of the trestle. Scholarship Awarded 4-H Girl For Summer Project Woodburn Miss Cbarlene. In two other classes of flow Shaner, who will be in the I era she received a white ribbon eighth grade at the. each or third. A pen of Far- school this year, has been busy menter red chickens were completing her four 4-H proj- awarded fourth place. She at- Meddor Moves To Hew Posh Sweet Home Deaa Mea dor, who for the past three yeara baa held the position of retail department manager of the Willamette National Lum ber company, has been trans ferred to Corvallla where he will serve In a similar capa city at a branch of the Willam ette Valley Lumber company. Meador'i replacement ef fective September 1, will be Jim Mitchell, who has work jed in the retail department 1 here for the past five years and has aerved as an assist ant to Meador for the past ! three years. Meador, who has been acJ tive in civic organizations, is currently serving as president of the Sweet Home Junior Chamber of Commerce and first vice-president of the local Kiwanis club. Mrs. Meador, who also was active in community projects, serv ed as this year's Jaycette president. Aa anticipated enrollment af 240 first graders, the largest first year group in the city'a history, la expected to enter the four elementary schools la Leb anon. A week of in-service training and orientation la la store for the city'a teachers, starting Sept S. The sessions will be held In the high school build ing. ecu that ahe exhibited at the county 4-H fall show at the State Tii grounds last week. She was surprised Friday eve ning when she was awarded a Tuesday of the month, educa tional pamphlets on various aspects of nutrition will be available. The next nursing clinic is the nursing conference and im munization clinic, Tuesday, sepc 12, 1:30 to 3:30 p-m. in . we cugene Mem health rooms, ao appointments are necessary, but for the October meeting of tne weu cntld clinic, contact Mrs. John Middlemisa, Mrs. M. B. Ford has given two years of service to this activity in connection with Sit verton's benefits from the Marion County Health depart ment, and has aaked to be re-. lieved this September. Food Prices Drop To 9 Weeks Low New York (ff) Wholesale rooa prices aa measured by the lain Bradstreet index de clined this week to the lowest point in Bin weeks. The index registered $8.61, lowest since the $6.54 record ed on June 20. A week ago the Index stood at $6.72 and a rear ago at 16.70. Meats and livestock contributed meet of the downturn. Coanmodirles going lower during the week were flour, rye, oats, beef, hams, Jellies, sugar, eoeoa, potatoes, rice. steers, hogs and lambs. Richer were wheat, corn, barley, lard. nniK ana cotton-seed en. VOTAGE TO COMI Toledo, Ohio W) Dr. Kos eoe H. Snyder Is in no hurry. 11 was oacx m 41 that he began building a 26-foot yawl as a hobby. Some time around 1954 or 1955 he may get the vessel finished, and ttart think ing about a sailing trip. The English "pounds." "ehlll- ingr- and "pence" derive from Norman French, Danish and Roman coins respectively. the 1333 club year. Charlene received first or tended 4-H summer school in Corvallla this summer on a scholarship awarded her last year at the State Fair for her cnampion frozen foods project She will exhibit aU first place projects, as they were given a "Chosen for State Fair" seal at the fall 4-H show. Charlene la the dauehter of iur. and Mrs. c. R. Shaner. blue ribbon awards for a pen of Woodburn, route 2. and is com white leghorn pullets, a pen of pleting her fifth year in 4-H two pullets and a cockerel. dozen brown eggs, a garden dis play of five varieties of vege tables, her canning exhibit and her frozen food exhibit She received a red award or second for a dozen white eggs, a pen of six roosters, a flower ex hibit and poultry showmanship. work. The White Leghorns she exhibited were given her for having an outstanding arand cnampion pen of White Leg horns at the State Fair last fait The Cockell Hatchery at Mtl- waukle sent her the fifty baby chicks last spring. 1 Nut Harvester Also Duster Aurora H. L. Nlles, Rt 1, Box 161, Mulino, recently in vented and built a dual pur pose machine that not only will harvest nuts but esn be eon- verted readily into an efficient duster. The machine was dem onstrated in Canby during the past week when the Oregon Washington Nut Growers as sociation Willamette valley tour stopped at the Gordon Weygandt nut drying plant. Mr. Nile has applied for a patent on the machine. Leon daroian, Clackamas count horticultural specialist, ia ar ranging a field demonstration to be held at the Nlles place eariy m September. Many Schools Open Monday, Linn County Lebanan Vacation ends for many school students next Monday when classes ODen in sau r,are, Waterloo. Crowfoot. Kenny, Fairview and Tennessee districts. The balance of this area's schools, Lebanon, L a e 0 m b, Hamilton Creek, Sodaville. Spicer, Gore and Griggs, will begin classes on the following Monosy, sept. 14. Accused POW Back in Tokyo Tokxo "Slick" a former prisoner 01 the rieos naied oy some fellow U. S. POWi who said he "ratted" on them to win communist favors, la back in a Tokyo Army hospital after being AWOL about a week. The corporal, who has been threatened with death by un- forgetting ex-POWs, disappear ed from the hospital August 28 and returned voluntarily late Wednesday, the Army said. He waa turned over to mill tarv nolice. Slick was freed by the Reds last month at Panmunjom. Fearing revenge by other re patriated American prisoners who reportedly threatened his life, Slick appealed to an Army chaplain for protection. He was flown to Tokyo. He disappeared from the hospital shortly before he was due to fly back to the United States. About it per cent of the population of Great Britain was born in the United King dom. . Registration at Central High Independence The Central high school office announces that all students new to this area should call to register and arrange their program for next year. The school office ia open every day, except Saturday af ternoon, Sunday, and Labor Day, from to 12 and 1 to S. The principal will be avail able also on Wednesday and Thursday evenings to accom modate (he working student. inoae students who pre- registered last spring, either at central or at the various grade schools, need not call to reg ister. The registration for them was bandied last spring, but tnose students who did not pre. register then or are new to the area are urged to register at the school office aa soon as possible. Some past student, will re ceive notices of conflicts in their study schedules. They should call at the school office aa soon as possible after re ceiving the notice to straighten out the conflicts. The state of Oregon requires a physical examination for all students entering a certain high school for the first time. This Includes any freshmen as well at any transfer students. The local school district has provided the local physicians with forma upon which the re sults are recorded. The ad ministration of Central high school urges all students to have this matter taken rare of before school begins. The student Is to bring the complet ed forms to school the first day 01 ciaaaee. , Meier & Frank fo Build Shop Cenler Portland "J Construction of a large "all-inclusive" shop ping center in northeast Port land was in the offing today, Aaron M. Frank, president of Meier Sc Frank company aaid. Frank said his company, as another part of its expansion program, has acquired approx imately 30 acres of land on which to build the center on N.E. Sandy boulevard at 122nd ave Mure than half the holds of Great Britain have no children under 16 years old. Foster School Opens Sept 14 Sweet Home School starts September 14 for the Taster grade school children accord inf to Principal Sam Caemes. Registration will be held the first day of school. Work started last week en the new construction which was authorised by approval of a $57,000 bond issue here last spring. The project is a multipurpose room and adja cent class room which will In-. elude a new cafeteria and also Drovlde auditorium ansr a ' stage and space for . the school's music department. '. The new clasa room will re place at least one of the three ; classrooms now in use at the - Foster Community hall. x ' - An Albany contractor, Ray mond Lilly, is ia charge of the.1 project and it's completion U expected sometime in Novem-' ber. ' ' ' " '-'. ';'. . Fish Curing 4 Canning HUM CUSTOM CU1!N6UMT 6lf S. 12th It Ft, 2-7M5I New Spinets from $650 Up Bay a Plane for That Bey or Girl Large Stock to Select From HUMAN PIAK0 STORE Cor. 12th and Mill Streets STOP SUFFERING m Mke w aeraarnt, it nn n. nilHK tl4tL Tk i mm mwm agsaw wuN eraw BSf"?iSN'i",. Mltatlf iMfly Sal I Llnl"" nil I vrfflU'tf"- "' aMkXtf. f UW skImi ma am t T-gig'l limn mawtri 1 I I 0gSS2stmm arnii. aataeam It I I J! wsrtu Vlasrr aerates. . . . Mn. a PAY, LESS DRUG STORE 4S4 SUU St, Sstoa - 2 Midget Markets 2 3S1 Stnto Downtown 1128 Center At Shopplnf Cantor PEACHES IMPROVED ELBERTAS Yonnf Orchard U-PiekorWa Pick Bring Containers and Save 11 Miles North ef West alem Bridge en Wallace Boad Opea evenings "till H. L. Stoulenberg DAYTON Journal Want Ads Pay A tribute to... Our ZJruclz Qardmerd! On Itio friendly outskirts of our town ere ountlest patches of eorth, tilled to perfee Hon. The patient men ond women who work tf.i toil or. Truck Gordeneri, ,pe eloliits in deliciout ond tucclent vegetable! or your table. They work long hours. Their produce it ot our morkett earlier than tun up. They love the earth for its golden bounty. They build hornet ond rear fomi litt. They, in truth, are the talt of the earrh ond deterving of ell the respect we con give them. Long may their garden! flour-ish! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stere St. Corner of Liberty , WE GIVE &C GREEN STAMPS Wo Saluto Our Town! ; Every Day 1$ Value Day; At the Midgett. You'll find ft much thriftier than "btiys only en weekend." Then, tee, you can select your choice of Hie different cut. LOW PRICE MEATS are HIGH QUALITY MEATS AT THE MIDGETS. Wa feeture YOUNG STEER REEF. There's difference BEEF ROASTS STEAKS -.- CORN BEEF SWISS STEAKS u 35c 49c 45c 49c BEEF LIVER ,35c Young Pig Pork With That Chicken-like Texture and Plover PORK ROASTS u39c LOINS : 60c LOIN ROAST w 55c RIBS n 55c CENTER CHOPS ,75c Center loin chops, cut double thick, with a pocket far atuffing are treat. Our skilled meet cutter, will be heppy te prepare them for you. Holiday Hints Per you folks whe ere planning a ".pread" for the p.cmc at the fair er beech. Here ere helpful hint, . . . WEINERS, Skinless Old Fashioned BOLOGNA MINCE HAM COOKED SALAMI LIVERWURST PORK LOAF POLISH RINGS SMOKED LINKS DRIED BEEF 39c 39c 35c 39c 55c 35c 55c 35c 55c .K-ib. 55c Our Center St. Market Is Open Until 7 p.m. Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. CLOSED LABOR DAY AND SUNDAY Lb. I.b. Lh. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. -lb. i PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY . 27c Tisco WAX PAPER 125 Feel Extra Heavy Toiletry Limit S 2 for 37c Si Reg. 7.95 Certified VIMINOL 27 Minerals and Vitamins Bottle' 100 ' : la . . . . mi m important I 4. minerals and vitamins h ene eapeulel 13c White Paper Napkins 80 (ft Count LJ Variety Ifc Kefynee Chlereehyll Tooth Paste 2 for Toiletry For Indoor or Outdoor Use Attractive Variety of, Colors Reg. $2.95 Marcrest Folding Metal TV Snack Trays W9 $-.f 4 , $6.99 Tray beautifully finished in baked enamel floral pattern. Variety of back ground colors. Finish Is weather, alcohol, stain re sistent. Can be folded for compactness and easy stor age. Ideal for TV parties, buffets, card playinf . . . er any occasion when folks can (et together. Variety Sections , 3.99 Grten Plastic GARDEN HOSE 50-FI. Length $99 5-Year Guarantee Variety Um Modtss for Comfort! Modess L Rtgulors Cd 49 Regular Junior 4V I Supers. 12's e7 Modest has coHon en edges to help prevent chafing. Form fitted edges help prevent revealing lines. lc My-Te-Fine . 6Bc Unicee r "7 Angel Food '?rl'VeS". Cokes LlmltS 4VC Toiletry Rakery Picnic Helper r.,.12.7 $.M M handWf for eeey inrriasj, toomy Interior, te beU W I ttej temBy spread. Wt WILL IK CLOSED Labor Day Drone Shampoo 29c!: I7 Mc Haitk Bottht tic rMnr t,m,m ft Reg. 15c Crayolas m Box of 16 Variety 39c Value Children's English Rib Anklets 6 Pr. $1.10 Apparel Fred Msyer Drugs s-ee roeeet atrreM aw v 14t N. LIIIRTY We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities Keep Teeth Gleaming White Dr. Lyon's Plain or AjitiMniifed Tooth Fonder i43 Or. Lyon's m a V e s teeth sparkle with a rediont new brightness . . . fltaro batwMn tMrti to ehwk krf bem end too doy! Terre, ( X''h saweal "K: