Wednesday, September 2, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrfMi Questions Answered BY MARK M. TAYLOR Q. How cin I sterilize toll In teed flats or poti without baking? Mrt. H. W. A. Pour boiling water through the Tat until It runi out, let set (or 10 m'inutes, cool by running cold water through it. Boiling water will kill all fungi In the toil. Q. There appear! to be a light gray acale on my lilaci. la thlt aome ort of pest? . If it it how can it be controlled? A. Thit toundt like oyster thell tcale. Probably too late to control thit season. Use good dormant spray this winter. A midsummer use of miscible oil spray is effec tive. In winter use a winter oil emulsion at a rate of 1-7 or 1-8. Thit scale must be controlled as it does spread and may kill a choice lilac. Q. Should shrubs and trees be pruned now? Mrs. H. T. A. No, prune now only to remove dead, broken or dis eased wood. Pruning of most shrubs and trees is done when they are fully dormant. Spring blooming .shrubs should be pruned immediately after they are through blooming to per mit setting of next season's flower buds on the growth Q. I have seen advertised a bulb that will bloom with out toil or water. Is this true and if to, what is the name of It? Mrs. H. L. N. A. Yes, there is such a bulb It is Crocus Autumnale, a fall blooming crocus. It will bloom without soil or water by living off. of the food and moisture stored in the bulb. The blooms are a pale laven der color. However, they will do much better if plant ed out and watered. The col or will be stronger and the blooms erect. It is a novelty, though, to have a bulb lying on a table or desk come into bloom without care,! Try them. You will enjoy them. When through blooming plant them In good garden soil and water to Insure bloom next year. I am sure .that you can purchase these bulbs locally. Q. Please recommend tome fall flowering bulbs. Mrs. A. Z. A. Crocus Autumnale, as described in answer to anoth er question In this issue; Cro cus Satlws has lilac coloring with bright orange segments; Sternberg la has yellow blooms and it often called fall-blooming daffodils; Colchicum has shades of violet, a rosy-purple and tints of mauve and white. Plant each In a tunny location from 2 to I inchet deep in well-drained toil. Q. I notice in a recent an swer to a rkder't question you advised using a 0-4-4 for mula fertilizer for a new lawn. Would not 0-20-20 be better? Alio why not nitro gen recommended? L. T. 'A. An 0-20-20 formula it a standard mixture and is, es sentially, the same as 0-4-4. The idea it that no nitrogen it necessary in virgin soil be cause there it tufficient there to take care of the initial growth of new grasses. The proportion 4-4 or 20-20 mere ly shows that there should be equal parts of phosphorous and potash, which is essential to sturdy growth. The rec ommendation 0-4-4 It from one of the nation's leading turf builders and not idle speculation! Q. A neighbor of mine says that rolling of a new lawn is necessary. ; You have said new that it is not Why is it not? i S. T. . , SPARKLING BEAUTY AT - THRIFTY PRICES PLASTIC TILE BY A. Simply that you cannot roll out structural defects Thus, rolling is only to press the seed into contact with the soil! I recommend raking or dragging lightly to insure the seed being covered with a very fine layer of soil. Then when germination takes place you have a firm foothold for a good stand of grass. Q. Should spring flowering bulbs be planted now' A. T. A. Plant in September or October daffodils, narcissut, tulips, crocus, hyacinths, snowdrops and sclllla. Q. What ia the difference between Darwin, - Cottage, Breeder and Parrot tulips? Mrs. A. K. . A. We have an article com ing up on thit next week. Q. When should begonia tubers be taken up and stored for winter? Mrt. A. W. Ant. Wait for the first frost then lift tubers imme diately. Let the plant cure to stem will break from the tuber cleanly. Store in dry peat moss or sand in a cool, dry place until ready to replant in the spring. Q. Is it too late to divide perennials now? Mrs. G. H. Ana. No. peonies, tor ex ample, should be divided this month. Most perennials will stand division now and will have a period of growth long enough to set new roots before winter is here but don't delay too long. Work compost into the toil. Q. When should tender plants be potted and moved indoors? R.M The Tile of Tomorrow . . . for that modern beouty that deliahti your eyes, eases your work, and saves the pocketbook. Easy to clean . . . saves re-decorat ina f. . a liftime, durable. heavy gauge tile. See our display of thirty handsome Tilemoster colors. Free Estimates! . CAPITOL FLOOR COVERING 217 J. High Mom 45751 Mil;) MMmm . ; "T -r in itn mil ,.( '.'- I . A-4 ; - ' ' l vnmt 1 omm "-Hri I '. IsTirft t I I . IWTtY IITCU-Uaew a" ' . , . io-.rrr T Smart economy ia envi sioned in this modern design of a house that needs no basement. Although there are three bedioonu, a large living-dining room and com bination kitchen-laundry, the house covert only 1,099 square feet and ; contains only 10,618 cubic feet fig ures that largely determine building coats. Interior sketch shows the living dining room from its garden side looking toward the comer fireplace .and front door. This is Plan H-208-P by the Homograf Co., 11711 East Eight Mile Road, East Detroit, Mich. PLAN HM Science Solves Paint Problem Chicago Science now has the answer to how often the average home owner should re paint his home. As revealed for the first time in the current is sue of Science and Mechanics masazine. Dr. F. L.Brown and D. G. Laughman, scientists at the U. S. Forest Products Lab oratory in Madison, found, aft er an exhaustive IS year series of tests, that repainting your home oftener than once in ev ery six months may lead to costly time consuming trouble which means complete removal of old paint before new paint can be applied. To conduct the experiments, Brown and Laughman used a dozen paint formulas,- with standard commercial ingredi ents. aoDlied to a test fence at Ana. Do this before first J varying intervals from one to six years and exposed to a wiac range of weather conditions for a period of 15 years. Since most tvnnris hold Daints better than others, four popular speciet of wood were used to represent typical tidings Douglas fir, southern yellow pine, eastern white pine and western red cedar. Of the 12 paints used, four. with government required whlte-lead-titanium-zinc com binations, responded best to tests and the white pine and cedar woods were found to hold paint applications for longer periods. Further analy sis, this magazine states, un covered the causes of chipping, cracking and the more recently d 1 a c ov e r e d teriout "cross grain" cracking. A set of the standard paint formulas, and a paint weathering timetable which resulted from this re search work, it also included in the Science and Mechanics article. Big Reward to Boy or Girl Some lucky Future Farmer or 4-H club boy or girl will be wonderfully rewarded by being on hand the day of the Willamette Valley All-Female Registered Hereford Sale at the State Fair Grounds, Octo ber 10. The reward will be a regis tered Hereford heifer which it being donated by the Willam ette Valley Registered Hereford Breeders. It is understood the only requirement to be eli gible for this award is en rollment in any of the FFA or 4-H livestock clubs and to be present the day of the sale. Approximately SO register ed Hereford females have been entered in thit thow and tale event and predicted to be a very high quality offerlnc. The thow ia let for the after noon of October , the sale to be held starting at 1 o'clock. October 10. Included among the con signors are Harry Herbert, D. S. Pruitt, Clarence A. Chase, Don E. Harmon and Frank E. Calkins all of Eugene; L. D. Gotsler and Son, Mrs. Edna Michael and Chester Chase of Springfield; Everett Wilson, Shedd; Glenn Martin, McCoy; L. T. Oehler, Silverton and Roy Robinson, MU Vernon, uregon. North Howell North Howell A family pot luck was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pfau, honoring Mrt. Robert Meye, Jr., of Modesto,' Calif., who ia visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Robert Meye, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Foas holm and sons, Jerry and Bob, accompanied by Mr. and Mrt. Oscar Satrum and children, Jerry and Sharon, motored to Salem Friday evening to cele brate both couples' wedding anniversaries which occur on the same day. Mrs. Loren Roll ami chil dren, Rod, Kelly and Rick, were Sunday guext of Mr. end Mrt. H. C. Espe.. Bill Lehman It putting new roof on hit house. protection for the tine, rich color and natural figuration of the Western Pinet which will j last indefinitely with little or no maintenance. SQUARE DANCE PARTY A special ' square dance party, featuring Gertrude Ayret Blanchard as guest call er, will be held at the YMCA Wednesday night from 8:30 to 11 o'clock. Light refreshments will be served and all square dancers will be made welcome. Partners are not necessary. WOODBTJRN GRANGE Woodburn Woodburn Grange No. 70 will meet in regular session Friday, Sept 4, at the grange hall. Mrt. Albert Schaloc will be program chair man and Mrt. B. W. Odekirk will be in charge of the no host luncheon after the meeting. Feathera are from alx to nine per cent of the live weight of a chicken. I gMffvptspuy 7 Xwt I That phone number ia . . jj I 3-3131 I M It Big Days Starting SO. 35 ifTa ( HOMES REE SAT. FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel v van mil . LARMER TRANSFER ni ' STORAGE 89 No. Liberty "Oar reputation to yoar aeearity" W1KD0W SHADES WITH SHADE t DMMIY SHOP 5MS.2trtSL Mmm 2-M3f FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical use) "Proo'to-loco" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. phone s-m frost (usually about Septem ber 15.) Q. How and when should you store gladiolus bulbs? Mrs. A.H.S. Ans. ' When foliage has yellowed or browned you may dig them. Do this carefully removing all dirt, tops and old decayed cormt. Place in dry location with good ventilation. Dust with 5 per cent DDT to kill thript. Q. How should dahlias be stored? Please explain how they are lifted and pre pared for winter. Mrt. H.B. Ans. Cut off stalks to about one Inch above ground. Lift root, getting all of the rootlets. Do this on a dry day. ' if possible. Let the soli on the roots dry until most of it will hake off or hose it olf gently then let the tuber dry. Store in dry sand or peatmoss with stems upwards. Keep cool but rin not let freeze. Labels should be attached to the stems. Q. Csn one plant or trans plant coniferous evergreens Kitchens Need Extra Treatment Kitchens get the toughest treatment in today's household. Well over ha)' the daily activ ity takes place in thit one room usually one of the smallest in the house. Where paneling, cabinets and woodwork of Western Pines it used in kitchent, special at tention thould be given to the finishing processes. The West ern Pine Association advises a minimum of two coats of fin ishing treatment be applied the surface, or preferably four coats. Thit will provide adequate Lawns, Sprinkler SYSTEMS Fences. Walks, Etc." . SERVICE CENTER Phone 4-357S CEP Phone 41451 195 S. Commercial now ? L.E.R. Ant. Yet, now it the time to do this. Q. Can the blooming time of chrysanthemums be speed ed up? Have heard there is some way. Mrs. R. N. Ans. Yes. growers do this by shading plantt In late af ternoon or early morning to simulate the shorter days of fall and winter. This seems to fool the plants Into believ ing the season is farther along than it actually Is! Q. What control can be used for grasshopper D. G. A. Use a poisoned bait on sale at your teed store to de stroy grasshoppers. BRYDON'S NURSERY fr" fsLthHtohwMillSt. S.Um.Or, African Violets U 4-5678 km MCI 50 VARIETIES HOW MllOOM Daffodils ling Alfred JUHIO SUIK OiHiEki Madonna Lilies (NEW STtAIN) JUMSO SUllS Pansy Seed 0 Etch 75' 10' 60' 50' IWWTEDSWIJS, THE WOWI WEST A Weedless Lawn It won't be lonr now nntll we'll be thinkinf of hsrrntlng the rent of the garden ernp. Cum ID ret eat todT while the laws la still nlfo-nd (reen and grt rid of ne men .1 that Japanese Clow and Chlfkwefd. I htv the Dindrlloiw nndrr control ulncf I started uln ImprnTFd LAWN HORMOTOX Imt spring. Voa really should hate teen thm tarn np their ton I Now If I ean just a ambitions mouth ia art out the opniTrr and the LAWN HORMOTOX and fW. that Japanoe Clorer. Chlrkwerd and that .ther Tine, whlfh bit neighbors (ell me to Spredwrll. a thorough eorrr ase a touple r w times thit fall, rm nitit tm be piruy clow to Wins weediest lawn. Jin, down at the teed store, was telling ma that if I krpt ap the food work of applying LAWN HORMOTOX regularly this season, nest year I'd have an eay Job to keep weeds down. But really what i'i- moil happy about b that my neigh bors hare been keeping right up with me to ti:at we went hire seeda blowing Into each ether's yards. I always get my supply ef Mil ler'n Improved LAWN HOR MOTOX at . . . Valley Farm Slore 1(15 Silverton Road Phone 4-4414 YOUR HOME WOULD TELL YOU If your home could talk, it would tell you to get let for the rainy season with waterproofing supplies from N0RRIS WALKER. So check your roof and basement, then check with us for quality waterproofing materials. Do it now! Your Home Paint Supply FREE ESTIMATES FREE PARKING Norris-Walker Paint Co. 1710 N. Front Phone 42270 6cyb oyb?Cti& fctyb cpunt? Saving is fun with Shopsmithf 199.50 wiiMOur tioiaa tpwii it-is w.ta CONVENIENT TERMS MM ' CttCVUUI SAW o IW'wapthaf tut o 48 max. Made latent o Table esbxwlon W DMC SANMI o escluarva diss feed Miter pauoa a o Largo, Hltlnf table Make: arden furniture-ultMnteMAati HORIZONTAL EMU MM o Unlimited capacity o Extremely aeourata o BaH-baarina wietiwtBoil Repair: outdoor equipment antiaue furniture awnes and toys ..'WOOD LATHI o Turns up to 16' dia. o Slidma. tool mat t Speeds S50-34d0 rpfl Remodel: entire kitchen (tmt roam unfinished tttla SHOKMTTH IS COMPUTE POWER WORKSHOP IN 1 UNIT IS' DRILL PRUS Floor model capacity o 4 aulll feed o Precision fotlimt Sea tHOPSMITH damoniWedl $ how H oirtpform. othar power tool In octurocy, capacity, olUoround utility. Slop In tomorrow I ftl GEORGE eTN. SOLD AT BOTH STORES 236 N. Commercial and 141 Alice Ave. LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS