Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 02, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Fr g
Capital Journal
Don't Hide Fine Hardwood
Advises Noted Floor Stylist
New York Homemakers
should utilize the decorative
possibilities of their tine hard
wood floon to beautify their
rooraa and give thera distinc
tion, tayi a nationally known
floor stylist.
1 David Erbe, who has design
ed and installed exquisite hard
wood floors for many of Amer
ica's wealthiest families, is a
strong advocate of the trend
toward display of more floor
j The homemaker who covers
her attractive hardwood
floors, he says, is concealing
what otherwise could be one
of the most appealing features
of her home.
Floors of polished hardwood,
he adds, are especially fash
ionable today because they
Winter's Coming . . Batter
1540 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 4-6263
harmonise so well with tradi
tional styles in ' furniture,
which many decorator are fa
voring In their newest crea
tions. Such floors have the
advantage, too, of always
being in style since they are
equally appealing when used
in conjunction with ether fur
niture styles, such as modern,
contemporary, or provincial.
Erbe is a pioneer in the prac
tice of tinting hardwood floors
with stain to blend them more
intimately with the color plan
of rooms, while most persons
prefer the mellow beauty of
oak and other hardwoods fin
ished in natural tones, many
individualists favor the duv
tinctiveness achieved by hav
ing the floors stained in spe
cific colors.
The homemaker considering
such a plan need not hold back
for fear that the floors must
remained colored permanent
ly, Erbe explains. He says the
stain does not penetrate the
wood deeply, and thus can be
sanded off whenever a change
la desired.
i i
r id. i aim m i i i hMmy ,
I e7lf i l l r- M
. A sat M .. A . m
Always can a Kewaow naming wonrraaor top
Expert WoflunQniMg-QMfltoy Material I Try
24-HOUt fc-x CZ..JjlS
EMERGENCY ffilMijggg
Humor Found
In Gardening
There is a touch of humor in
a garden. You will find garden
ers a happy group of people
quick to see the funny side of
things. This is evidenced great
ly in the publications issued
by many garden clubs. When
chlorophyll received its first
Impetus and popularity, one
dealer advertised: "AH our
plants contain chlorophyll:
Another referred to mans
greatest discovery in fertilizers
as Erunam. wnlcn speuea dice
wsrds is manure! One club
publication reaching my desk
gives this philosophy: 'The op
timist is often as wrong as the
pessimist but he is far happier!"
Another, "What this country
needs is more people raising
beans and fewer people spill
ing them!" And this "Greet
minds talk about ideas; average
minds about events; small
minds about people." And again
"There is nothing wrong
with beina a self-made man if
you don't consider the Job fin
ished too soon."
Acolving horticultural de
acripUoji to common things is
a favorite of anotner. -now, we
find out what woman Is really
made of Symbol WO mem
ber of the human family, spe
cific vravity Molecular etrue
ture extremely variable. Oc
currence Can be found any
where man exists. Physical pro
perties Ail sizes and shapes.
Generally appears in disguised
conditions, natural surfaces
rarely free from extraneous
coverings of textiles or film of
neasa or pigments. Melts resa.
ily when properly treated. Boils
at nothing and may xreeze ai
any moment Ordinarily sweet,
occasionally sour and some
times bitter. Chemical proper
ties Exceedingly volatile,
highly Inflammable and dan
aerous in the hands of an In
experienced male. Possesses
exeat affinity for gold, silver
and precious stones of all kinds.
Capable of absorbing astonish
ing Quantities of expensive bev
erages and foods. Reacts vio
lently when left alone. Turns
green often!" I also liked this
one: "Gardening is oniy man s
Make Do
A hand pall for very small drawers is easily improvised
from an alarm clock winding key. After drilling a hole
in the center of the drawer front, attach the key with
a machine screw to fit and backed by a washer.
Garden Notebook
effort to improve his lot."
In 1952 Canadians used
about seven pounds of coffee
per person compared with
about three and three quar
ters pounds just before World
War II.
Open Friday
til 8. High Ph. 4STS1
won't shrink
or stretch!
blinds of
plastic taps and slats
It H ttln utcho tn with Ta tdm fm mv
Tlenlua pltttle Up woa't tferlak er smith, s FWsabal
slits won't ruitl Both Upe sad dits wipe dm with a itmp
cloth. Slits Hasp back late ihsps thotiaa yea bead er abate
than. Their btked-ea finish weal chip, erufc er peel annea.
120 raafist color eeaUastioas.
Flexalum Is Avail
able in 14 Different
Colore. Slats and
11 Different Color
ed Pktfic Tapes
Girtog Yob 120
Differed Possible
Color Combinations
Yh Ova it Is Yetirtelf
to lanvate Flexa
lum rKe Finest In
Venetian Hinds.
Custom Made Venetian Blinds For Any Budget
Deluxe Custom Made Special Grade Blinds
o Flexalum Slats
o Plastic or Cotton Tape
o Choice of Colors
Aluminum Slats
Plastic Tape .
Choice of Colors
Other Services Ve Hare
All Types of Venetian Blind Refinishing
All Types of Repairs Re-taping Re-cording
Repair parts for Blinds Blind Laundry Service
Capital Shade & Drapery
140 I. Sit St.
Phone 24639
Spanish Broom (Spartia
Juneeum) Is not a true broom
(Cytlsus) but Is closely related
to it?
More than 230 different nam
ed varieties of lilacs are now
offered by nurseries in the
Boot pruning of lilacs oro-
motes flower growth on those
tnat are seemingly slow to
Blooming time of the varioiu
lilacs is so varied that by plant
ing selected varieties one mav
have bloom over a six weeks
ine box tsiueoerry is a na
tive evergreen shrub of particu
lar value to Oregon gardens?
Tnat tne Fringe Tree (Chlon.
an thus Vlrginlcus) is a close
relative of the lilac but blooms
week or so later, makins i
fine companion shrub.
Trailing Arbutus (Epigaerar.
epens) was called May Flower
oy tne ragrimsT
Enklsnthus Campanulatus is
an ricaceous shrub requiring
the same cultural treatment as
azaleaa and rhododendrons,
with with pendulous flown a
and is not grown enough in our
Fothergilla Is a shrub, strik
ing when in bloom and brilliant
again in the Fall with autumn
One of the first shrubs to
bloom in Spring is the Chinese
Japanese Holly stands clip
ping very well and so makes
an excellent hedge?
i Pfitzer'a Juniper has a wide
spreading habit not common in
other Junipers? ..
That Shore Juniper Is an
ideal ground cover for sandy
seashore locations?
That Shore Juniper is an
ideal ground cover for sandy
seashore locations?
Kalmla Latifolia is a splen
did native evergreen shrub re
quiring add sod and abundant
That the oil from the fruit of
Laurel is used In making a perfume?
Japanese Bush Clover has
white, pea-like flowers bloom
ing in October?
In general, honeysuckles
have no Autumn color?
Firethorn is one of the best
shrubs to give brilliant red-
orange berries In Fall and Win
ter and also has attractive clus
ters of white flowers in Spring?
Zinnias will last longer when
cut if 1 teaspooniul of sugar is
added to each quart of water
L ' H141J3J L. .. J
Plants Have
The similarity between plant
life and animal life (including
human beings) is never more
apparent than in the home gar
den. Observe sometime when
walking through your garden
how plants respond apprecia
tively to kind treatment, resent
improper care, how plants are
born, grow, mature and die.
Plants are subjected to as nu
merous ills as are human be
ings. Plants, too, have their
natural enemies, not only in
the form of insects and ani
mals, but in other plants that
encroach upon their well be
ing. There are thieves among
plants, too, who reach out and
rob others of their life sus
tenance. Some plants, like humans,
must have their particular
nourishment, even to the ex
tent of similar requirements in
vitamins! Plants have their ill
nesses, which plant medical
science is learning to combat
with anti-biotics just as anti
biotics are being found to com
bat man's ills. But, more than
that, plants do have personal
ities. Some are born mimics, as
tne tuberous begonia, whose
flowers assume forms similar
to camellias, roses and carna
tions yet have no distinctive
bloom of their own. Look at
a large bed of pansles, their
faces gaily turned toward the
sun looking all the world like
a group of happy children
gathered for a lark.
Then we find vines that are
of the criminal type that seem
ingly maliciously murder any
plant that they can twine about
and thus squeeze to death. Yes,
there is life in a garden! There
is companionship there, too.
One does not feel alone In a
garden. Thera you can relax
and forget all worries and trou
bles of the man-made world.
Actually, when working in a
garden you have to forget per
sonal problems and tend to the
problems immediately at hand.
Thus, we can truly aay that we
can find peace and content
ment in a garden.
Tree Peony Is Choice Shrub;
Grow Large and Luxurious
fOA e"x
See Our Booth at
the Oreaon State Fair
in the Machinery Row
Featuring the Latest In Garden Tractors and
Power Mowers
1185 S. 12th
Phone 3364f
As we near the month of
September, the accepted plant
ing time for peonies, readers
have expressed Interest in tree
peonies. Tree peonies are
shrub-like plants having woody
stems which do not die back
in winter, although the leaves
do fall. The foliage of the
tree peony is similar to that
of the herbaceous peony, but
the blooms are larger and ap
pear about two weeks earlier.
Compared to the herbaceous
peonies, which wa see most
commonly, tree peonies are ex
pensive because it takes much
longer to produce ' saleable
plants a fact ' which deters
many nurserymen from hand
ling this shrub. Tree peonies
usually grow to 3 to 4 feet
tall and broad. Average blooms
may average eight Inches
across. Under favorable con
ditions plants have been known
to reach six feet in height and
spread. Preferred planting
time is October. The soil
should be rich and well-drain'
ed and an occasional applica
tion of lime is advisable.
The tree peony has been
grown in China for IS cea
turles and was taken to Japan
by Buddhist monks. More than
200 named varieties are grow
ing in this country and it is
interesting -to note that in the
tree peony a yellow bloom has
been more nearly achieved,
through hybridizing, than la
the herbaceous varieties.
Tree peonies are perfectly
hardy, have numerous blooms
(more than 100 blooms on one
shrub has been recorded) apd
they lengthen the total bloom
ing period for peonies. The
flowers are usually much larg
er and more spectacular than
those of the herbaceous va
rieties. Many of the better
varieties are singles, although
thera are doubles, ruffled and
lacinated flower types. Being
spectacular, they make un
sually attractive apecimen
shrubs. Some good varieties
Argosy Clear yellow, late
Tamafnyo Shell pink flow
s. Sulshe Hako Pure white,
Black Douglas Double flow
ers near black maroon.
Fragrana Maxima Plena
Deep pink, folly doable huge
blooms. '
Gesseksl Pur white 12
inch blooms.
Seedling tree peonies are
often offered by nurseries at
much less cost than named va
rieties. Each year the ahrub Is
planted the quantity of glooms
increases. For an unusual In
terest spot in your garden, the
tree peony will axrora you
much satisfaction and pleas
ure. They are propagated by
grafting, other methods be
ing too slow and uncertain.
Scions of tree peonies are
grafted upon pieces of the
roots or herbacious peonies
which support the scion until
the stock can develop its own
roots. Plants of saleable size
will produce blooms the first
year after planting. ' Larger,
older plants produce many
more blooms. More than 100
varieties of tree peonies are
available from U. s. nurseries.
These plants require sun at
least half of the day and do
be-t when planted in soil with
a high percentage of organic
matter. Fertilizers must be
kept from actual contact with
the roots. Practically no prun
ing is necessary for this choice
shrub, removal of dead tw.'gs
and general cleaning of the
plant is the only pruning rec
ommended. Thus, we have a
most atractive ahrub requiring
a minimum of care yet yielding
an abundance of beauty.
Portland, IU9 Ross B Ham
mond company of Portland
was awarded a $1,269,898 con
tract today for construction of
Willamette View Manor, a
Methodist church retirement
home, on the Willamette river
at Milwaukie.
Natural Finished
Wood Desirable.
Nothing is quit so warm
and cheerful as a room panel
ed in natural-finished West
ern Pine. Often the finish can
make the difference in the
final effect paneling may give
The Western -Pine Associa
tion suggests natural finishes
be applied to paneling both
Knotty Pine and without knots
as protective as well as ap
pearance coatings. They will
enhance the natural colors of
the woods as well.
There are several such fin
ishes which may be mixed
right on the job by home
craftsmen. '
Water clear lacquer is prac
tically clear and won't discolor
the wood. It Is clearer even
than shellac, varnish or lin
seed oil. And it is one of the
easiest treatments for the
novice to use. Apply two or
three coats, and buff the last
coat to a shiny sheen with
30 steel wool.
Clear, flat varnish will do
the trick if you apply two
coats, ssnding the surface
slightly between coats.
Coming Events
Sept 1-11 Oreton ftUU r Htltm
Sep. 11 Otmob Turkey XmvrovtHnent
Asvoclfttloa annul bhUdi. WiLhreoiab
lull, OorvaUU.
mb. 31 Tour OoDarrttxnlt Jtm
all, SUta rairgrouBsia, oUlam.
sp. Mortli Harlan Count Mr.
6tp. 3 aUtm Marveat PeaUTaL
SaotiaUB Valler Oranca, Lrosa.
Oct. 1JM orwoa Xaterhl la
itltuta for (ova ami aountry b areata,
Oreion Mate oollogt.
Oct. lo-J4 raelfl) Intmatlo&al ttrc.
ctock XxpoelUoD, TJnloa toekyartfa,
Oct. 11-11 4-H ration. Paelfla Inlaw.
national Ltvastoek Kxpoaltlon.
Housewives Delight
181 N. High St.
See Our State Fair Booth
Got A
Sunshine Heat at the Fair
Displayed in Operation at the
Agricultural Building
The Naw Miracle of Homo Haatlna
1540 Fairgrounds Rd., Solem Niona 4-6263
w;(;mbiowr A
fififttiffifff i M'
n - II I
Mvxa MM Heater.,
.. Itlv.M
540 Hood
Phone 33603