" - J . imitate UVAJtoJB Jqu " v', ' 1, Wednesday, September 2, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Pace 7 ' Denim Does ft . . . This gay tablecloth it made of plaid and plain denim, thrifty, elective and easy. A Gay Homemade Cloth Is Easy on the Budget (AP Km The bullet dinner hu emerged at the most popular form of entertaining in today's ervantless households and the gayer -the table setting the better. Many apartment - dwellers let out food and appointments on the living room table since there is no dining room and let guests help them selves. Since many such tables are of the long, narrow variety not adaptable to the average tablecloth, the clever homemaker will stitch up a gay, informal cloth in suitable measurements. Sanforiied solid colored denim teamed with orient plaid denim as shown here Is a good fabric selection for this type cloth. Trick It ont with napkin holders that also serve aa space savers when stitched to sides of tablecloth. This particular cloth will fit a table 36"x45" with graceful hangover on all sides. If your particular table has slightly different measurements, adjust sections of fabric accordingly. Incidentally, this same cloth will see double duty In warm weather when used for narrow ' outdoor dinner tables. Local sewing center experts tell us that for this eloth you SHADES OF DON QUIXOTE! (iK I Party promoter Elsa Maxwell get a welcoming kls from her host. Marquis de Cuevus, during a rehearsal for big shindig near Biarritz, in Southern France. Miss Max well portrays the role of Sancho Panza, donkey-riding companion of Don Quixote In the Spanish classic. The Chilean-born Marquis de Cuevas will entertain the Inter national set in an 18th Century-theme party which will cost an estimated $85,000. The 2,000 to 3,000 guest range from rubbernecks to royalty. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Paris) Attendance Falls Down At 18th Century Ball Biarritz, France About; 1000 guests a few iamous, ' . .....! hv h mnti ni me irat atuavtvu possibility of rubbing elbows wltn a long usi 01 huiouk. were invited but didn't appear turned out Tuesday night for tt.Tarnui.d Cuev.,' big 18th' we turnout at the . Chiberta . . ji.ii.... PenVm "i ' uZt of ' thnm wandered , v ""iaboun .m right1 after the spectacular ballet per formance on a specially con structed tage. But the cham pagne and rum punch flowed until about 4 a.m. The hosL attired .In a gold CIO Woodworkers Vnt AaninSt Strike ne donkey refuted to VOre Mgamii .JbuJge with his heavy burden. BE!iU wlrfnrfav that CIO Rente Jcanmaire, a ballet dan ports here Wednesday toat CIO on of b Woodworkers. ld I camel, fcired from a circu. tour- work meet ng at the Brook. Scanlon mill Monaay, nau , j . .t-iv. oiaissaasiaail The company had turned down a union requett for a 5 cent hourly wage increase, ay ing it could not afford the ex tra expense at this time. .L.ri .p .t their FtarM will need two yards of solid color denim 36' wide and 2V yards of 36" plaid denim. Use mercerized sewing thread to match solid colored denim. Then proceed as follows: . To cut solid denim: Cut two sections 15 by 72 inches, each on a selvage. Cut one strip 2 by 48 inches, for napkin loops. To cut plaid denim: Cut one section 23 by 72 inches. Cut six 13-inch squares, for napkins. . Napkin loops are made by folding narrow strips In half lengthwise, wrong sides to gether. Turn raw edges In H inch; baste. Machine stitch along both edges. Cut into six 8-Inch pieces. Pin loops to plaid panel, spacing loops 18 inches apart, measuring from center of plaid. Three loops to each side of cloth. Pin solid sec tions over center panel, right sides together, selvage edges even with edges of paid. Stitch, catching in loop ends. . Next trim seam allowance on plaid. Stitch selvage- edge down for a welt seam. Finish edges of tablecloth and napkins with Vn-inch hems. To do this quickly, use the narrow hemmer attach ment for your sewing machine. and satin Louis XIV costume wnn dress received guests from, a , .... throne. He was reported to have collapsed from the excitement about 3 a.m. The towns along the Basque coa.t of France-the Atlantic rinn near the Snanish border : -helped to , put up the ;money inn ai a vacation sdoL Amoni the guett. Wa. movie actress Merle Oberon. who was garbed .in simple whit, robe and laid the wat "Titania." She wa accompanied by Prince Ruspoli. with a monkey' matk on his face. He ployed the part of her servant. Elsa Maxwell, in satin breeches, rode a recalcitrant donkey into the grounds, and hori th announcer atutterin o J MABJORIK MONTGOMERY DRESS! S at the umi REJKH SH0t 115 N. High St Junior Club Tea Due . Sept. 15 Silverton Plans are un der way here for the Junior Woman's club tea for prospec tive new members, Tuesday, September 15, at '2 o'clock in the afternoon in the social rooms of the First Christian church. Mrs. Edwin G. Heino- nen la president of the club. This tea will mark the start of the year' activities and the 21st anniversary for the club. The local group, while entire ly Independent of its own ac tivities, is a member of the Na tional Federation of Junior Woman's clubs. Last year, en a nation-wide scale, the 2,200 Junior Wom an's clubs in the General Fed eration, which represents 93, 000 young women all over the world, accomplished the fol lowing during an 11-months Silvertone Radio With 8-8ped Record Changer Black Plastic. 79.95 Pine AM radio hat built-in radionet antenna. Automatlo record changer playt all tltet, speeds. Gold colored trim. Radio Phonographs 144.95 Silvertone. Handsome mahogany finished AM and t speed phono graph, limed oak 148 99 r " " 1 3-DAY SPECIAL 1 ISSSer- : . TELEVISION - I iOY,n95TOMOU! I installed ; t: tooooowei - ' -"I IVf" "-"T-r'nyis I 'a. W'r ' On VURS UST v -v " , ' Complete r Hunan tun mmsm r- l- New Clock Radios Table Model Radios . r imwrw AwfM you Aul - Compare Bears Low Price , Y'TJT ZJ" " - Silvertone IV.T3 14 QC ; t j0 i'V ' . Now only l x Btart your day with muslcl ' $a:I a fSr Turns itself off after BO'min- Light, handy set, ' Ideal' for V In An ai f utea of playing. Dependable kitchen or bedroom. Direct X f;-' IWiUU. LVOW II a Hi Sessions clock movement. tuning, 4-ln. speaker, brown. , w P,.... . Delivers This Set Jf IP s to Your Home 11 1 "Tjl r7iSGxieCfe 1 Today! If j lll p-lnita Plastic Portables Radio Phonographs 'Ui3&- i-LgTl l TfT& Uwest Meed rrUble Radio rUys An Sta, Bpeed Records VdWTT " ' ' ' 1,1 fll Less battery.... 17.95 Silvertone 44.95 yT Weight lets than 6 lbs. with Compare value, price! Compact . m Jifi: Mixm''?! ' batteries. Sears exclusive drop- AM radio hat built-in antenna. ' gfjflBBVA i TLj i n m ini"r iaaMj out metal battery container. Phono pickup hat new all pur- UFDF' WHY! mm9 mti,s!!mrz- 1 es Easy direct tuning. Maroon. pose needle. fimt i Tin 1 1 0- "Haw 'Wifi ' CSILVERTONE TQ F Jr 4 "etter Quality "WWJ11 k i tr Wl iC5 1 Require. Converter II J )" ' l Jr J -SIS .'Not P...tic but Tonea. wood M 11 S7 gpj j r; period: $517,579.03 raised for philanthropies; 877,804 hours of voluntary service donated; 1709 youth groups sponsored; 8522 youth leader furnished; and 0,703 Sunday school teach ers supplied. The number of persons benefitting from these service was 2,610,767. Out-of-town guests of honor who will be present at the forthcoming tea will be Mrs. Fred Gast of Portland, third vice president of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs and Junior state adviser, and Mrs. William C handle of Hillsboro, who headed the Oregon Junior Woman' clubs state-wide fund raiting project last year for the "Crippled Children's hospital in Eugene. Mrs. Chandlee will show film taken at the hospital and explain the club's project Mr. Delene Fisk will aing, accompanied at the piano by her mother, Mrs. Delbert Har rington, , Committee chairmen for the tea are: decoration, Mrs. James Ekman, assisted by Mrs. Joe We Did ' Kiddie Phonos 15 Special Records Included Silvertone. . ... 15.95 The perfect gift for your young iters from 1 to 71 Interesting records teach at wrtl as enter tain. Playt all 78 RPM records, TV Combinations tt Channel IHF-VHF Chamia Silvertone. . . . 549.95 Your deluxe theater! All chan nel TV, 1 speed automatic rec ord changer and deluxe AM radio. In mahogany vender. Limed oak toS saea-i..i iMmWmmmmmmmmmmm,m m m Tommlnger;. clean-up, Mrs. Ronald Syron; nursery, Mrs. Leland Morgan; and food com mittee, Mr. Larry Crennel. Members of the Silverton Woman's club who are in nro. side at the urn during the serving nour are Mrs. E. A. Kern and Mrs. Reber Allen. St Agnes Guild Plans Fall Work Plans for their fall work were discussed by members of St. Paul' Episcopal church when the group met Tuesday evening for a no-host tupper at the parish house. Mr. Hazel Johnson is president of the group. A rummage sale it planned for September 25 and 26 with Mitt Gladys Zell as chairman for the event. The group also is working for the all-church bazaar given in the late fall, and Miss Freda Cherrington is chairman from St Agnes. Hostesses for the supper last evening were Mrs. Hope Ed wards, Mrs. Lola . Fursman, mmmm 0)1.1 Q) c U iU . . . and Found You Save from 40.00 to 183.00 For The First Time Anywhere Silvertone At 40 Savings! I One Price to Py I No Hidden Extrai I TRY SILVERTONE IN YOUR HOME TODAY JUST CALL 39191 a 17-in. Deluxe TV Mahogany Veneer Cabinet Silvertone. . . . 279.95 Our best fringe ana perjorm er. Special frosted picture tub and tilted safety cHut elimin ate glare and reflections. k pom motuy fact Mr. Daisy Chance, Miss Louise King and Mrs. Johnson. For the October event. Miss Vivian Chandler, Miss Zell and Mrs. Clyde Everett will be the com mittee. ... j Club Sets Meeting . Woodburn The Business and Professional Women's dub of Wocdburn will resume reg ular meeting Thunday, Sep tember 3 at 8 p.m. at the li brary club room. The mem bership committee, with Mr. Jame Lamb, chairman, will be in charge of the meeting. Other member of the com mittee are Mr. Molly Hunt, Miss Gladys Adam and Mr. Ray Glatt. The new president, Mrs. ' Thomas Baldwin, will preside.. ', SALVAGE BEANS Grand. Island Seven acres of pole beans that were flat tened by rains have been raised on the Victor V. Scog gan farm and picking resumed. The crop was not damaged. Va Mali Bk m m m I Htbfc LUW Aim ' )( Require Converter Not plastic but Tone-True wood SttO chesti far one knob tunnia Big-et-life 17-Inch picture tube Available with all channel UHF-VHF t 1 Only Giant 24" DflUH FULL DOM MAH06AMT kill in 111 Chenn4 . (Mnerfer Re. 532.45 leva 183.00 now ... 349.45 JJJ Albert Evans Returns Home Portland UK Albert T. Ev ans, Jr, 23-year-old Portland youth mitting since Sunday, walked to safety late last night Evans, who had been the ob ject of a four-state search since he failed to return from a fish ing trip Sunday, walked into Skiway lodge near Government Camp about 8 p.m. Reports said he apparently suffered no seri ous ill effects from hit two days and nights in the mountain. The youth, who returned to hi home and wife last night left hi home Sunday to go tith ing on the Clackamas river. mix... ' -mmwm For Lasting Hair Beauty HAim iuun cam SHOPPING CENTEB ' Bat Bat -as-l-Bi " at m mm PMCtS ANYWHERE VAIUI I fTII I UU LL ) I ILL JA VC! on These Silvertone Models! Regular 359.95 21-ln. Console Amazing S.R.O. chassis tune best picture) and sound Installed and serviced by Sean own TV technician Not metal, not plastic but Tone-True wood cabinet Triple tested Silvertone mean unturpatted viewing On 550 N. Capitol, But he said Instead he went to fish White river on the outn eatt tlope of ML Hood. He said he got about 10 mile , off the Wapanita cutoff when the car "started acting up" and he pulled off the road and went fithing. Later he ditcovered it had become bogged down and first gear alto went out. He tlept in the car Sunday and Monday night and then began a 35-mile trek to the lodge. .- Evan said he wa mainly "hungry and tired." He had not eaten tince Monday. Meanwhile, a imall search party continued the hunt for Ralph Day, misting since a week ago Sunday southwest of ML Hood. The party reported late yesterday that still no trace of Day had been found. Furs Exclusively For 35 Tear LACHELLES 1348 Ferry BL mm m mm aa-iam. mm I AlfPB M AS 10.00 Dawn Sear Eaty Payment Plan (Usual carrying charge) 229.9S Salem Phone 3-9191 i lie wuimm " - j iia n. niga at, jooa iwwv