uT'ei . ; . .. ':.. . ...... ..n vTV;' Pat THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Smlem. Ore Capital Women EdiUd by MARIAN LOWHY FISCHER Miss Snider Entertains Thursday Honoring Miss Sidney Kra mer, who will be leaving for Florida this faU to enter Rol lini college, and Miss Louise Owens, who is to be a fresh man at Mills college in Cali fornia, Miss Patsy Snider is to be hostess Thursday evening for a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snider. The guests, all of whom will Birthday Party At Crary Home Morrell Crary son of Mr. and Mrs. Morrell Crary, will cele brate his tenth birthday Thurs day, September 3. A party is planned by his mother at their home in the afternoon. Those invited are George Corrigan, Chester Hodgson, Tim Meyer, Richard Saalfeld, Micheal McK innon, John Shinn, Jim Shinn, Jeff Shinn, Robert Hammer, Arleta Ham mer, Richard Shramm, Billy Brown, John Heeman, Charles Purvis, James Zielinskl and Kathy Zielinskl. Assisting Mrs. be entering college this year, Crary will be his grandmothers, are to come dressed in attire Mrs. J. B. Crary, and Mrs. J. A. denoting their profession four I Zielinski, his aunts Mrs. Earl years from now. Hammer and Mrs. C. V. Ziel- In the group wll be Missunski ana Mrs. KODeri waw- Kromer, Miss Owens, Miss Ro- , berta Sears, Miss Justine Lew is. Miss Elsbeth Nelte, Miss Arda Lien, Miss Julie Miller, Miss Claudia Waters, Miss Clarice Waters, Miss Sally Grelg, Miss Patricia Shields, Miss Jerl Keene of Corvallis, Miss Shirley Crothers, Miss Marcia Maple of Bend, Miss Diane Burkiand, Miss Judith Carlson, Miss Carol Svinth, Miss Betty Zahara, Miss Char Jen Woods, Miss Barbara Bone- steele of Corvallis, Miss Bever ly Mott, Miss Nancy Moore- ford. Ice cream and cake will be served after the games. OES Begins New Year Laurel Herr, Mir Mary Schrunk and the hostess. Pair Married In Seattle Wed in the Ballard First Lutheran church in Seattle the evening of Saturday, August IS, were Miss Shirley Jean Skager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam O. Skager of Seattle, and Douglas Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Klein of Sa lem. The Rev. (Arnold F. An derson read the vows for the double ring service before an altar decorated with yellow and white gladioluses and candlelight. The bride wore a white lace nd pleated tulle over satin dress. The veil of illusion was caught to a tiara of pearls. The bride wore a necklace that had belonged to her paternal grandmother and earned , a lace handkerchief that belong ed to her maternal grandmoth er. Her flowers were a white orchid, white rosebuds and tephanotls. Mr. George Torgeson was matron of honor. Her dresa was of yellow nylon over taf feta and she carried yellow roses. Bridesmaid were Miss Vir ginia Skager, Miss Patricia Jensen of Seattle and Miss Mary ZUen Klein of Salem, They wore orchid frocks Iden tical to that of the matron of honor's and carried similar bouquets, Little Crlsti Skager. niece of the bride, was flower girl. Her dress was of pink organdy and she carried a miniature bouquet. Marilyn' Nelson, cousin of the bride and Peggy Holbrook were candle lighters, wearing aqua nylon dresses and Dale Greenlee of Salem was best man. Ushers were Paul Wangs- mo, Herb Siefkes, and Waldo Unhrue. At the organ was Mrs. Arnold Anderson to accom pany Gene Koll who sang. A reception followed the service. At the urns were Mrs. G. A. Nelson and Mrs, Leo Wolsky, Mrs. Roy Berry and Mrs. Donald Johnson cut wedding cake. Miss Inga Ast rup was at the punch bowl Others assisting were Misses Joan Engstrom, Marion Chris tianson and Margo Tappero, Mrs. Shirley Estes, Mrs. Donna Millard, Mrs. Bernlre Barron Miss Donna Lou Erickson of Bellighara presided at the guest book. The couple are making their home in Parkland, where the bridegroom will complete his education at Pacific Lutheran college. Writers Meet Salem Writers club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jesse C Singleton, with Miss Renska Swart as co-host ess. The group outlined activ ities for the coming year, and made final plans for the din ner October IS in observance of national poetry day. Organ lzatloa of a course of short story writing and quarterly work shop meeting covering specific subjects were consid ered. Present were Mr. and Mrs N. F. Anderson, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. William Merriott, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, Mrs. John McNaUie, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller, Mrs. Blanch Jones, Joseph Singer, Perry Relgleman, Mrs. Albert Girod, Mrs. C. E. Layton, Mrs. Iffle May White, Mrs. Robin Moaer, Mrs. Flora Enders, a .id the hostesses. I Reports of the grand chap iter in Portland in June were given by Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Edward Williams, Mrs. IE. T. Armstrong and Thomas Kellev at the fall's first meet- field, Miss Doris Starrett, Miss in of Chsdwick Charter. Or- sarDara yuiaerson, miss uroi der of Eastern Star Tuesday Lee, Miss Louisa Lamb, Miss I evening. Several invitations were re ceived from chapters to honor their own members who were named grand officers for this year. Members Having oirtn- days in August and September were honored with favors. Mrs. Arnold Johnson, moth er adviser of Rainbow, gave a report on the summer activities of the Rainbow Girls. Out-of-town visitors were Mrs. B. Bock, of Los Angeles, Mrs. Ruth Blackman, of Coo shilla Valley, Calif., and Mrs. L. Bartell, of Cottage Grove. Refreshments were served on the 5th floor by Mrs. Irvln Bry- on and Dr. and Mrs. E. H. K. Dorr. Next meeting will be Septem ber IS. It is to be a friendship night with th following chap ters Invited: Meridian, Evangeline, and Blue River, all from Eugene; Evergreen, of woodburn; Mar ilyn, Mill City and Gervais chapter from Gervais. is i -a a i a i .... r l a ii r " -'ii II 1 i - - t .-:. J S S S - I s I ' ' . ' I II I ' ' I II I II I I II I Ml) I . -3 Nuptials Recently Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anthony Hainz (Diane Thill), above, were married August 22 at Sweet Home. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Thill and Mr. Hainz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hainz. (Eggen photo, Lebanon) Copettes Club Members of the Copettes club met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Robson, Tuesday eve ning. The group made favors for the state hospital. Pre. ..it were Mrs. Clyde Warren, Mrs. Clyde Scott, Mrs. Frank Sloan. Mrs. Ever ett Odle, Mrs. Vernon White, Mrs. Leland Weaver, Mrs. Bill Wilson. Mrs. Edwin Burke. Mrs. Don Nickelson, Mrs. Orin Whtie, Mrs. Merrill Combs, Mrs. Thomas Robson. 6ILVERTON Mrs. George Hubbs left Tuesday for Seattle to be with the family of her daughter, he Earl Chalfana. From there Mrs. Hubba will go by plane with her aon, Ron ald Hubbs, to his home in St Paul, Minn., where aha will spend aeveral weeks vacation and will be with other Rela tives. FIRST MEETING of the fall for bethel UD, Job's Daugh ters, will be Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Scottish Rite temple. School Group Is. Feted at Dinner Misses Meredith Hayes, Bar bara Snook, Mary Cecile Roc- quet and Patricia Gilles were hostesses on Saturday at the home of Miss Hayes at a din ner party to honor a group of girls going away to school. The honorees were Miss Joan Polster, who is to attend Holy Names academy at Spo kane; Miss Dolores Schmitz, who is to enroll In Seattle uni versity; Miss Patricia Orton, who will -attend Portland uni versity and Miss Shirley Tag- gart, who will be a student at Mt. Angel college. j Besides the four honorees, others at the dinner were Misses Jackie Larson, Donna Kirscher, Maggie Bach, Anita Becker, Shirley Sommer, Ter esa Bello, Mary Angela Suing, Shirley Coffee, Beverly Deg geller and the hostesses. Au Revoir Coffee For Mrs. Petteys Mrs. M. C. Petteys, who is leaving next Tuesday for a trip to the mid-west, was honored at an informal coffee for which Mrs. Leon E. Barrick and Mrs. T. J. Scroggin entertained Tues day morning at Mrs. Barrick's apartment in the Lee. A small group of the honoree's close friends was invited. Mrs. Petteys is to stop in Kennewlck, Wash., to visit a niece for a day or two, then will go on to South Dakota and to Madison, Wis. She Is to return west by way of Canada, stop ping in Calgary. She wilL be gone about a month. WU Campus Readies For Year These are busy days at Wil lamette university preliminary to opening of orientation week and rush events next Monday, Classes open September IS. Schedule of events for Wil- Iamette's four Panhellenlc so rorities has been announced, rushing events starting next Tuesday. Open house at all four so rorities. Alpha Chi Omega, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi, will be next Tuesday afternoon. The girls will be taken In groups to each house for 20-minute parties, pre ceding these there will be a general assembly for freshmen women at Music hall at 2:15 p.m. Formal rusn period opens Wednesday. Afternoon func tions will be given at each house in six-45-minute periods, starting at 1:30 o'clock Eve ning functions will start at 7 o'clock, a seriei of four at each house. Two afternoon functions will come Thursday, Septem ber 10. two at each house; and two evening functions will be given at each house, the first period at 6:30 o clock. Three one-hour parties at each house come on Friday, starting at 3:15 o'clock, eve ning affairs starting at 6:30 o'clock, three at each house. On this day, rushees turn in first and second preferences yj for Saturday's functions. 1 'On Saturday, September 12, there will be a luncheon at each house at 1 o'clock. Ban quets will be in the sororities at 9:30 o'clock that evening, formal affairs, rushees to re turn to Panhellenlc office at 8:30 o'clock to turn in final preference, and to pick up formal bids at 10 o'clock that night for the pledging. Miss Marie DeHarpport is president, of the Panhellenlc council this year. The presi dents of the four sororities are: Miss Marjorie Leonard. Alpha Chi Omega; Miss Sharon Gris wold. Chi Omega; Miss Mary Polales. Delta Gamma, Miss Nancy Doughton, Pi Beta Phi. I ' Hiill In11 iMllll, i III , I J 4 JL ' ti ll W v ; v. Ii Ft Oll-VO ? i , n v :.- ; -. . & J . -.."v. Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lutton (Jo Ella McCuistian), above, were married recently at Sweet Home, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCuis tian of Foster and Mr. Lutton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lutton of Sweet Home. (Eggen Photo, Lebanon) . Wedding Thursday Planned for Thursday eve ning of this week is the wed ding of Miss Allagene Fried and James A. Brown, the cere mony to be solemnized in the Seventh Day Adventist church. The reception following will be at the Mayflower hall. Miss Fried is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fried and Mr. Brown is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Brown. Couple Honored Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cum mings were honored at an- at home on Sunday, observing their 25th wedding anniver sary. The affair was arranged by a group of friends at the new country home of Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, some 125 friends calling between 2 and S o'clock. Mrs. Lloyd Vedder, aunt of Mrs. Cummings, cut the cake, and pouring were two daughters-in-law,- Mrs. Ronald Cum mings and Mrs. Raymon Cum mings. The five couples planning the party were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gagan, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Parker of Weco ma Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Switzer. CARPENTERS auxiliary is to meet all day Thursday at the home of Mrs. Leslie Bates, 690 Radcliff. The group will do sewing for a bazaar. There is to be a no-host luncheon at noon. Named Assistant Among three new assiistant head residents announced for the staff at Regents' Hill dor mitory at Washington State college this year is Miss Wil ms Nunger, a graduate of Wil lamette university. WSC opens its new year! September 13 with one of thej Wednesday. September t 1953 Miss Johns To Be Wed m a On Sept. U Planned for the sfternoon of Sunday, September 13, Is the wedding of Mis! Beverly June Johns and Bill Joe Van Horn 'of Canyonville. The ceremony will be at 4:30 o'clock that afternoon In the First Presbyterian church, the reception following also to be at the church. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Johns snd Mr. Van Horn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Van Horn of Can yonville. Mrs. John W. Dixon (Elsie Johns) arrived by plane Tuesday from New York City to be matron of honor at her sister's wedding. Mrs. Dixon plans to be here about three weeks. She and Mr. Dixon were here in Joly to visit at the Johns home. Shower For Miss Dyke Miss Dorothy Dyke, bride elect of Walton Reeves, was honored at a miscellaneous shower Friday evening, when Miss Kay Perrin entertained at the home of her parents, the E. A. Perrins. A Chinese motif was used in the decorations. Honoring Miss Dyke were Mrs. H. J. Dyke, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Betty Morrey, Mrs. E. A. Perrin, and the Misses Cecilia Weaver, Doreen Cavender, Lenore PhillippL Elsie deVries, Beppy Gilbert, Patricia Perrin, Ann Gilbert and Sophia Polalas. The Reeves-Dyke wedding will be September 12. .... SILVERTON Mrs. Ed Holden entertained as a guest, Monday, Miu Cora Roycc of Portland, a girlhood school mate in Garretson, S.D., whom she had not seen for many years. largest co-ed enrollments the history of the school. . in TRADE hi rev eld WATCH At Much is $22.50 Mewed THE JEWEL BOX 443 State, Salem OpM FrkliT NlgM till 9 THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR, LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty I i.T.l J.llfJ'iHI.V-rA Today's Menu This light snd smooth des sert is both pretty and delici ous. Guest Luncheon Sliced Ham Potato Puffs Curried Mixed Vegetabl Salad Melba Toast Floating Peach Island Beverage Floating Peach Island Ingredients: 2 eggs (separat ed) 2 cups milk, eup sugar, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, dash of salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, sliced peaches. Method: Beat egg yolks slightly. Add milk, beating un til well blended. Mix tt cup sugar, cornstarch and salt in heavy saucepan. Add milk mixture gradually, stirring un til smooth. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and custard coats metal spoon. Cool slightly; stir in vanilla. Chill. Before serving, divide sliced peaches among 4 to 6 serving dishes. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Beat In 4 cup sugar gradually. Spoon custard over peaches and float a large fluff of egg-white meringue on each serving. Makes 4 to 6 servings. fr)C GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN MU STMl 14 Candalarla Blvd. Not 'seconds' ... Not 'irregulars' . . . ' but all first quality mattresses combinations. Foam Latex holds shape, never sags or wrinkles. Yes, unbelievoble ! the ward for this super-value. This foam latex mattress das thousands of tiny air cells which will never break down. Around each call is pure, cool latex whipped to foam the strong est, lightest, most comfortable mattress material known. Foam latex never tags r wrinkles, lox spring hat full lOVi gauge steel coils; both units covered In matching striped ticking. Mattress and Box Spring direct from the factory to you at Terrific Savings I Compare with sets selling up to $119.95 Full size combination . 93.88 Twin Site Combination 8.00 down on Sears Easy Payment Plan 550 N. Capitol Phone 39191 1 " """"" ' " ,' " . v ' ' ' v.- ' - -: r " ' " ' ' - - - t r- - ' 1