Wednesday, September J, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecra PartS V - - - . ctoi - Abbot to Hear Solemn Vows Mt. Angel Ob September 8 at 8:30 a.m two young monks of Mt. Angel Abbey will be professed in Solemn Vows. The two monks, Frater Leo Rimmele. O.S3.. and Frater Augustine De Noble, O.S.B entered the novitiate of Mt. Angel Abbey in August of 1949 and were professed in Simplt vows. Sept 8, 1990. - In the absence of Rt. Rev. Abbot Damian Jentges, O.S.B., Coadjutor Abbot of Mt. Angel Abbey, who is now in Rome attending a meeting of all Benedictine Abbots, Rt. Rev. Abbot Thomas Meier, O.S.B., will pontificate at tha Mass and will receive the profes-; sion of Solemn Vows. Frater Leo Rimmele was j born Oct 22, 1929, and is the son of Mrs. Stella Rimmele of Los Angeles. He is the nephew of Father Francis , Burger, O.S.B., who at the moment is , the assistant pastor of Sacred i Heart ihurch, Tillamook. Frater Augustine De Nobla was bom Oct. 35, 1925, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis M. De Nobla of Tillamook, Oregon. ' The profession ceremonies will be held in the Mt. An gel Abbey chapel. Sept 8 will be the silver jubilee et the profession of vows ef Father Gabriel Morris, Michael ReiUy, Raphael Bluemmel and Urban Keber, all of Mt. An 'gel Abbey. Also celebrating his silver Jubilee of vows is the Rt. Rev. Abbot Eugene Medved, O.S.B., Abbot of Westminister Abbey, British Columbia, Canada. Abbot Eu gene was formerly a monk of Mt. Angel, and was sent to British Columbia in 1939 to help make the, new foundation of Westminister Priory Re cently Westminister Priory was elevated to the status and dignity of an Abbey. Livingston School Opening Sept. 8 Plans are being completed for the opening of Livingston school, one of 4,325 operated throughout the world by tha Seventh Day Adventist de nomination. School wlli begin ivcsy day.1 a DOG DAYS ARE HERE . ,- . ' . , .... The dog housing problem has grown to perplexing pro portions for Eugenia Somen, Route 1, Box 222, Mon mouth, in the Cooper Hollow district. .Miss Somers had more than 75 dogs a month ago when she started dis posing of them. She placed 25 of them in good homes during a month,' but in the meantime 37 more puppies were - born. Among the dogs are coon hounds, setters, Irish spaniels, toy collies, Spanish cockers, and just plain mutts. The food bill for the dogs was"$131 last month. Miss Somers is disposing of the dogs to return to work as a school teacher. Top photo shows Miss Somers with a small group of her dogs. Lower photo shows the Somers home. Sept. 8 with an estimated en rollment of 60 pupils. Alton Libby la the new prin cipal. He is a graduate of Walla Walla college. His wife, Mrs. Libby; Mrs.' Winters and Miss Antoinette Dezevsky com plete the faculty. Tha teachera must meet the same requirements as public ADE! FAMOUS KMM ROYAL Regularly 109.50 Metal Typewriter Stand (4 dropleaf, castors) 9.50 One Ream Typing Paper i . , 1.00 Self Teaching Touch " Instruction Book 25 Sheets of Carbon Total Value All for only Easy Terms' If Desired All MACHIHB OVEtHAULED AND CUAUNTHt IT Salem's wily fKlon-AultierlMe Sato taf Senki agtacr for Ike leval Slandars TrpewrHer Act Now Limited Quantity for tiest wtii irt ranting sw tyewrrterj up to 3 months rant will apply ' AUOtinHT M UIB Tl KAlBrS 17 jr :- school instructois, in addition to certain denominational con ditions. The one-humped camel has never been known as a wild animal in historic times ex cept in some instances where domestic animals have gone wild. MAGIC MARGIN Worlds No. 1 .Typewriter Typing . 1.00 - .75 .$121.75 (&J50 YPEWRITER CO Indian Office Slated lo Go Helena. Mont Mon tana's Intertribal Policy Board hai asked abolishment of the Federal Indian Bureau'! office at BUlings. State Rep. Dave Hilglni (R.. Glacier), board chairman, said removal of the bureau'! direc tor, Paul Fickenger, alio hai been asked. Hlggins said the board's re auest went to President Eisen hower, Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay and Indian Commissioner Glenn L. Em mons. Quoted In the resolution is a statement by McKay at Browning last July IB: "I do not like the area of fices myself. . I do not think the area office does much good for the Indian. In the first place, I believe the Indians should be treated like 'peo ple.1 " The board said retention of Fickenger "in any position in the India Bureau would be a direct affront to the Indian people of Montana." Another resolution by the board protested the introduc tion and passage by Congress of a measure directing Secre tary McKay to liquidate af fairs of the Flathead Tribe of Western Montana. HEARING AT HILLSBORO Hillsboro W) Army Engi neers will 'conduct .a hearing here Wednesday on the pro posed 37 million dollar Tuala tin . Basin development pro gram. Your Standard Heating Oil Dealer Co. Valley Oil Meter-Printed Delivery Ticket Ample Above Ground Storage Triple Filtered Budget Terms if Desired Phone 2-3633 Short Cut To Relieve Toothache Cashing. Okla. 4JJ A will -dressed sua entered a hardwire store here yester day and asked for a pair .f pliers. He examined a pair, opened hie moat, fastened the pliers ante a tooth and gave three yanks. The store staff and twe amased customers watched hlaa nonchalantly replace tha pliers. "It was killia' ne,M he said. Film World to Honor Great Hollywood W) The movie Industry is taking the first steps to honor its great in a hall of fame to be erected at a cost of more than two million dollars. . I President Jean Hersholt of the Motion Picture Relief Fund announced yesterday that the project envisions a museum of ferlng "the only complete col lection of Industry properties and relics of our trade," as well as niches of honor for out standing actors and industry leaders. ' Hersholt said that the MPRF's Executive Committee and Board of Trustees have completed a financial study and appointed a committee to select possible sites for the mu seum, whose profits will go to the relief fund. ...who can show you how to keep your home warm and comfortable, yet spend less money for fuel! Your Housewarmer is more than a fuel salesman or deliveryman. Comfort ia his business, and he knows that your comfort depends on more than just a full fuel tank. So he not only sells and delivers, but makes it his job to take over all your heating problems. For example, your Housewarmer will tell you how to save fuel by keeping humidity up in your home. He knows that when the humidity's around 40t it Hakes lota less fuel to keep you warm. ' Saving you money and keeping you com fortable are part of the Housewarmer'a service as much a part as the quality fuels Crowfoot Prexy Sues for Pay Lebanon A late develop ment of the Crowfoot school district No. 81 dispute between a former principal and a ma jority of the board of directors. appeared on Aug. 20 with the filing ef a $3804 claim against the district by Clare Price, the principal. Price alleges he was em ployed as principal of the Crowfoot school in March, 1949, and was given a contract dated April 23, 1949. Then on Sept. 3 of the same year, the complaint avers, the board discharged Price and cancelled his contract, all without a hearing and without presentation of reasons. Thereafter; Price claims, he tried vainly to seek another position and on Nov. I, 1950, presented to the board a de mand for an audit and a claim for the salary he asserts he should have received for the school year, namely $3804. Price asserts nothing was dune about the audit but that MOTHERS ... Would yen like year very ewn rhild to (raw np with GOOD WHITE STRONG Healthy Iwth with ap to two-thirds leas tootlr decav, with an enamel coat that's whiter and M hard It's like an armour plat that resists decay, net umi can aa BermaneniT u-H rLUOMNE naa turn mafte loom buildlnr power ani it's now within your power to add the scientifically sate tested D-H Fluorine prspsratfea to year child's water, milk, or Juieo at home. Now Uwy eaa have a better ehane to crow ap wtthacooa, white, stranc, healthy teeth, with far less tooth cavities. D-H Fluorine available at PAY LESS DRUG STORE, 414 STATE STREET. 8AI EM. OREGON. Meet ? lift . m. - :...... finally on Sept. S3, 1992, be received a letter through legal counsel for the school district asserting that the district was not indebted to him in any amount. In the complaint. Linn coun ty school district 89C is named defendant Inasmuch as since the discharge of Price the Crowfoot and Waterloo dis tricts have been consolidated under that designation. Subsequent to his discharge. Price brought suit in circuit court in Albany charging de famation of character against Lawrence Parker, then a mem ber of the Crowfoot board, but his damage plea was denied by the Jury. Cop Praised By Army Wife San Francisco UJB Mrs. Lyle Cook wrote Police Chief Michael Gaffey expressing gratitude to an unidentified San Francisco motorcycle cop who changed a flat tire on her car so her Army officer hus band wouldn't have to get his jut temporarily but with results your A he carries: Standard Furnace Oil witH Thermisol, and Standard Stova OiL Why not plan an early appointment to meet the Housewarmer in your neighborhood? All you have to dd is call your Standard Heating Oil Distributor or local Standard Oil Office. BGSlElmiJlJ MO. O-fcPoVT t uniform soiled. ' Mrs. Cook said she was driv ing her husband to the airport here one recent warm day when they had the flat "My husband s light tropical uniform made it impossible for him to change the tire if he was to arrive in Washington la presentable condition," Mrs. Cook said. "I was trying 'to change the tire myself when the officer arrived and. seeing our predicament, changed. tha tire for us. Of U. S. eyeglass users I.I per cent are 8 to 14 years old; 1S.1 per cent IS to 14; 31.1 per cent 29 to 44; 38J per cent 43 to 64 and It per cent over 69. 2 So smooth I f , breathless . asnotMiiiSiioa liiiiaa srmiiiosni.iot,itoio.rpia il ' I i 8 Big Days cat Slarlina JH, Sibils n gjs 'Jig: T got, as trra iiodks rh