r In The Edited by Ml Donald Donald Mrt. Gale Bare gave birthday party honor ing her husband Sunday. At tending the party were Alvln Peterson and Mrs. Lila Peter- ton of Hubbard, and afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lin Cromwell of Donald. School will sart in Donald Sept. IS and parents of first graders are reminded that these children should have a dental examination and phy sical examination before they enter school. There is a form "Oregon Pupil Medical Rec ord" which should be given to , the teacher, properly filled out by ine cnnaren s aocwr, wnn he enters school. If the child is six before Nov.. 15, h may enter first grade, otherwise he must wait another year. Mr,, and Mrs. Raymond Peterson had supper Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph 'Duke" Stulfal of Lafayette. The men i ' were classmates in North Da kota. Clarice Hilken of Portland la a visitor in the Barney Fel ler home. Mrs. Walter Aldridge and children have been visiting her relatives at Vader, Wash., the past week and a half. While there, Mrs. Aldridge took her aunt and grandmother to the beach at Capalis, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blake have returned from a week's vacation to. Sacramento, Calif., and now Mr. Blake is scheduled to go to Seaside for a month's work. He is with the Pacific ' Telephone and Telegraph company. The hop picking machines are working night and day in the Donald area. There is quite a bit of loss because of wet weather and rotting. -. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mayes and two children were week end visitors in the home of his sister, Mrs. Norman Yergen, They arrived Friday, and left early Sunday morning. Mrs. Ida M. . Black had t demonstration party, Friday, Aug. 28 at the home of Mrs. Phil Hathaway. Mrs. Hatha way gave a series of partitt at her home on Friday with va rious hostesses and their guests. Harmon Yeary. who has spent the past eight weeks in and out of the Veterans hos pital in Portland and . who un derwent major surgery, is now j : . ....I, J ...ill V, doing very wcu, vim vui able to accompany his wile, by train, back : to Iowa where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Grace Bishop, mother of Mrs. Yeary has been spending the summer In Iowa and will re turn with her. daughter and son-in-law. En route home they will buy a new car and drive it back. Jerry Yergen, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Yergen is on board the U.S.S. Essex, which put out to sea on Wed nesday of last week. He has been stationed at Bremerton, Wash., sometime waiting un til the ship was ready. Young Yergen was home tor the past week-end before shipping out Mrs. Ralph Bair ana Mrs. Ray Glatt of Woodburn acted as student Judges in the floral department of the Washington county fair at Hillsboro, Ore on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Yer gen of Donald have been busy entertaining guests during the past week or so. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Broylcs and son, Johnny, of El Centro, Calif., a nephew, Mrs. Clarence Han son of Monitor, and Mrs. A. B. Pcnnebaker of Woodburn, spent several days and were dinner guests. Other dinner guests during the week were mam Aimwt s4W 8 Bin Days CAT Starting -3MI. so, as km i KIDDIES RS : p Valley F0BBE8 Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bailey, Norman and Marylln, Miss Gladys Yergen and Fred Mayer. Clarence Burnett, of Scio, Ore., was also a guest during the week. Gervais Gervals The Sacred Heart Parish dinner held Sunday was a success. A large crowd enjoyed the chicken dinner served by the ladies with Mrs. Frank Nosack in charge. The small son of Joe Schln- dler won the bedspread prize. Bruce Frederick is the name given the new son of Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson, Dap tired in church at St. Louis on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kirk of St. Paul were God-parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steger vis ited friends in Longview, Wash., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. vaugnn of San Pedro, Calif., visited his aunt, Mrs. B. B. Earner last week. Mrs. F. Seguln went to Port land Monday where she under went surgery Tuesday. Joseph Kuhn and Mrs. M. Lucas are both convalescing in Woodburn hospital. Bethel Park Bethel Park Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Richards and family of Sweet Home, Ore., visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Richards and his grand mother, Mrs. Kate Smith. Rev. Relna Bullock it building a cabin on his lot. Rev. and Mrs. George Bacon have returned from Cathie. met, Wash., where they visit ed in the homes of their grandsons, Oliver and Bob Bacon. Recent guests at the home of Rev. and Mrt. Robert Swope were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mahon of Estacada, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamilton and family of Chula Vista, Calif., and Mr. and Mrt. Ray Barc kart and family of Spokane, Wash. Mr. and Mrt. William Clev- inger, Gary and Aleta Cleving- er, Astoria, Ore., were week end guests in the home of Mrt. Nellie Stanley. Amity Amity About 60 persons attended the no-host dinner honoring Rev. and Mrt. Wil liam P. Bray at the Baptitt church. Sunday following the morning worship service. Other special guests were her parent!, Mr. and Mrt. Otto Nollinger of Dallat, and Rev. Richard . Ice, former pastor from Centralia, Wash. Following the dinner, G. E. Glllasple presented Mr. Bray with a book on behalf of the church. t The primary department of the Sunday school presented Mrs. Bray with a pink corsage. Mr. Bray preached his fare well sermon at 8 p.m. Special music by Otto Nollinger, ac companied by hit daughter, Mrs. Bray. Paul Glllasple read the scripture. At the close of the service all bade farewell to Mr, and Mrs. Bray who left Imme diately for Dallas with her parents, where they spent the night, and left early Monday for ' Modesto and Berkeley, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs and Mrs. Cora Newman drove to Klamath Falls Saturday, Aug. 29, where they attended festivities for the patriarchal rendezvous. Grand patriarch, George Naderman, Salem, gave special Instruction to pstriarcht and L. E. A. auxiliaries. Mrs. N. E. Swanson and children of San Diego, Calif., have been visitors with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Loop and brother, Tillman Loop, west of Amity, and her sister, Audrey and family at Bellvue. Macleay Macleay Members of the Grange Agricultural committee with Albert Mader. as chair man, will have charge of the lecturer's program at the grange meeting Friday night, Sept. 4. Thlt it the annual "Melon night." The grange bachelors will be ta chsrge of serving. Marilyn Martin hat returned from Wtshington where the was the guest of her cousin,, Pvt. and Mrs. Montie Wells. DANCE TONIGHT Crystal 6ardens Old Time aneJMedVn Mutlc by "Fop" tdvardt Jefferson Jefferson Don GUmour met with an accident last .week when the tractor he was using turned over on him and a sharp object pierced the calf of his leg. Men working near by re moved him from under the tractor and he finished Ms aay work before seeing a doctor. Fred Barns and sister. Miss Clara Barns, returned inurs dav from a three months vaca tion trlD. trsveling over 12,000 miles. They had one accident during their stay in rionaa, damaiinf the side and back fender on the car, but no one in the car was hurt Leavine Jefferson their first stop was with relatives in aan Francisco, and San Jose, Calif. Leaving California they went to Yosemite. Deain vaney, Brvce Canyon, Zion National Park, Red Canyon, San Anto nio. Texas and at Tampa, m Ronnie Niro. aecom panied them the remainder of the trip. They visited Miami and Key Wh . Fla.. and at Asnvuic, C thev vlsttea relatives, " iin nn ta Hartford. Ind, Min nesota, Canaaa, oac io Dakota visiting a slster-in-iaw, then on to the Bad Lands and Black Hills, to Yellowstone National park, through Idaho, Washington and pact: w jeuer C. H. Quesseth and Thomas C. Enright are opening a branch law office In the Jones building in Jefferson. Starting Sept. 1, k. iin to be in Jefferson ' . Mil . Tuesday ana inuraj noont and Saturaay moron.... Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hood and daughters were weekend guests of Mrs. Hoods parenta, Mr. and Mrt. Frank B. Jonet ta Jefferson. ' VHHic Sterns has brought the Neal residence in norm jetier son and Mr. and Mrt. Sterns and son. Albert, will move there this weekend. Paul BennlnKhoff of Port land has been the guest of his grandparents, Mr. ana Airs, joe McKee the past week. Miss Marge Paulua of Ket- Milcan, Alaska, visited at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Ken neth Zemlicka Wednesday. Mrt. Zemlicka and Miss Paulus met two yean ago when both were on a trip up the inland passage. Mist Paulua U a guest of her brother, John Paulua, in Salem. Joseph Rowe, grade school principal, has been attending summer session at Oregon Col lege of Education, working to ward his master' degree. He received his bachelor! science degree from Eastern Oregon College of Education. Mr. and Mrs. rrann niggins moved to Alban Wednesday, to be nearer his work as he is employed in a plywood mill. Mrt. Calvin Hughea will be manager of the new beauty shop opening Thursday, Sept. 10 in the Sutton ouiming on Main St. Mw. Hughes formerly operated a beauty shop in Jeff erson, The parlor Is being redeco rated and new equipment will be Installed this wecK. Unionvale Unionvale Mrt. Adolph Hraba, Carol, Dorothy and Bruce, and Mrt. Lloyd zentner of Unionvale assisting in col lecting 16 bushels of Graven-1 stein apples and delivering them to the Mione Canning company at McMinnvllle early j Monday morning, and were all through by 11 a.m. The apples are for the Dayton Union grade school cafeteria's winter lunches. They were put In one-gallon cans and made about 75 gallons. The tame amount of each peachet and peart and 150 gallons each of. beans, corn and tomatoes will be canned. - The women prepared the ap ples and the fruit was then run through a sieve to remove the peelings. The fruit is donated from surplus or second grade by growers. Sugar is furnished by the school. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pola check and ton, Roger, of Rose Lodge were week-end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Church. Alt CiHI.M 0 Starts Today Own l:4S Mm Hat isasa si : Am CHRISTIAN PAI1A HAYMOW OCt KOIAWAY KUUCTH T0BEY TOP CO FEATt'ttl 0U233ZX nSKX j rCSSTTaJllfc J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Silvcrton Park Slowed by Wet Weather Silvcrton Only a few groups and members of lndi' vidua! families were at the Silvcrton city park Sunday, though the weather was ideal for outdoor affairs and the park was dry in spite of the heavy rains for six days of the past week. In observance of the birth day anniversary of Mrs. Victor Sather. friends and relatives enjoyed a picnic dinner and an hour of visting. Present were Mr. and Mrs Harry McKibben and Jim and Kenneth of the Hazel Green district; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ball of Burbank, Calif., and Mrs. Ball' mother of Salem, Mrs. Henry 1 Keyt; Mr. - and Mrs. Victor Sather and sons, Marvin and Edwin, Mrs. Nellie Ball and Mrs. Ed Hoiden, all of Silvcrton. McKibben and Ball were grade and high school class mates and McKibben was a college classmate of Sather at Oregon State college, Corval- lis. The Albert and George Vach- ter families of Woodburn and Silvcrton me. for an afternoon at- the Silvcrton park with a dinner and visiting and games for the children. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Vachter and Robert, Mary Louise, Patricia Ann, Linda Lou and Joseph Paul, and Mr. and Mrt. Albert Vach ter and Margaret and Charles. Margaret Vachter was honor guest on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of her birth. The group served the decorated birthday cake at the Woodburn home of the Albert Vachters at the supper hour, Sunday even, tag. Thirteen were among the four generation descendants of Mrs. Phil Wagner of Sublimity ta the reunion Sunday at Sil vcrton park. These were Mrs. wagner, her daughter Mrs. Urban Weis, granddaughter Mrs. Ruby Juch em and Billy and Terry Juch em, and Mrs. Wagner, her daughter Mrs. Matt Wolf, granddaughter Mrs. John Kirtz and Karen, and a second grand daughter and five children, Mrs.- Gilbert Lindemann and; Connie, Shirley, Frank, Roger and Sandy. - Complimented guests at the dinner and social afternoon were from Pnoenix, Ariz., Mr. and Mrs. Urban Weis; and from Lot Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Juchem and children. Guests present from Silver- ton were Kay wolf and Bar bara Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wolf; from Sublimity, the fam ily of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ku bel, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Linde mann and children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kirtz and Kar- Mr. and Mrs. John Skirvln and foster children, Esther, Katherlne, Clarke, Frances and Carol, Oregon City, enjoyed late afternoon dinner and games at Silverton park. F"n day. Meeting in reunion Sunday meoi a-arte Grrec. 1 eck A,iflpv If-nhiim 1 "Ronton Holidoy' i e Lex Barker in "SUwL. 7 Of Chief Pontine" HELD OVER! Fricet This Engagement: Adults $1.00 Children, 20c Jan Marilyn RUSSELL MONROE kHi EsttftiiMMat K I S(to(erlMm II "Iujj laiurf Ism" U vsi lv, ChorWt COBURM Reunion at Silvcrton city park were members of the well known Linn county family of the Schultzea, and the Krebs and Fenske families of the Sandy area. From Albany were Mrs, Marie Schultz, Miss Ida SchulU, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oeder and Terri Lea, Mrs. Minnie Kutsch; from Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Art Berglund and Wayne, Mr. and Mrt. Henry Fenske, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krebs and Florence; from Molalla, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schiewe and Lu cile and Dorie; and from Oak Grove, Mr. and Mrs. George Colipy. Following the c u 1 1 0 m of meeting in family reunion on the annual date of the wedding anniversary of the late Mr. and Mrs. James A. Marts who came from Kansas to the Mo lalla district in the latter years of the pioneering era, settling ir. the Moli.Ua area, were , a large group 01 direct descend ants in the 32nd annual re union. - ' Officers elected during the brief .business session for the coming year were president, Mrs. Charles Hardy; vice pre sident, Mrs. William Marti; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wal ter Hardy. Retiring officers who presided Sunday are Mrs Lanty Parrish, president; Mrs. Vic Ragland, vice president; and Mrs. Ivan liberty, secre tary - treasurer. The ' youngest member present, Mark Clinton Eberly, was three weeks old and the eldest, in hit upper 80 s was John Marts. Attend ing from the longest distance was John Meyers of Eugene. Special invited guests -com ing from Harrlsburg, were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson; from Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Aden, and from Portland, M. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Jimmie Austin, Mrs. Bertha Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Anderson. Members o' the clan attend ing were from Molalla, Mrs. Charles Hardy, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shilts; of Portland, Mrs. Marie Phillips; from Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. William Huttel; from Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Ragland and son; from Canby, Mr. and Mra, William Marts; from Harrisburg, John Marts, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. (Bud) Dav enport - and family; from Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers and family; and 'from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauger, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fberly and son, and Mr. and Mrs. LaNoel Myers and family. For a brief stay Sunday afternoon at the park were Mr. and Mrs. William Bunting, Melody, Paul and Douglas of Silverton. After 45 almost all people have trouble with their eye sight. I Alan Ladq I Arlene Dahl I "DESeTtLEGION" ,1 Color by Technicolor Doris Day Gordon MacCrea VI "BY 'BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON" Color by Technicolor neat 4 a GATES OPEN 6:45 SHOW AT 7:15 STARTS TONITEI Ronald Reagan Dorothy Malone Preston Foster In Technicolor "LAW AND ORDER" Also Richard Widmark Joanne Drn George Winslow "MY FAL GUS" MOM UIIM MIPINS, MCHWaY GATES OPEN 4:4 J SHOW AT 7:15 STARTS TONITEI Audle Murphy -Joan Evans la Technicolor 'COLUMN SOUTH' AIM Lee Gorrey -Hants Hall and The Bowery Beya "LETS GO NAVY" V Hopewell Hopewell A reception for Rev. and Mrs. uienn nrr, newly appointed pastor of the Hopewell E.U.B. church, will be held Friday evening, Sep tember 4, at 8 p.m. at the church. Delbert Smith, class leader, it iff charge of the program, which is being prepared by Mrs. Howard Stephens and Mrs. . Ross Rogers. Refresh ments will be served by Mrs. Art Reed. Mrs. John Kotka and Mrs. Earl Compton, com mittee. A Youth Fellowship social will be held at the Hopewell E.U.B. church basement Thursday evening, September 3 at 8 p.m. Rev. E. J. Schroeder of Fal lon, Mont., was guest speaker at the Hopewell E.U.B. church Sunday, August 30, at the morning service. He it a cousin of Rev. Glenn Harris, and also attended the Jennings Lodge Ministerial Retreat this past week. Rev. and Mrs. Schroe der were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harris in Hope well. Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson and daughter, Donna Lee of Riddle, Ore., were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lafferty. Mrt. Lafferty is convelescing from recent sur gery in General Hospital, Mc Minnvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Legg of Sioux Falls, S.D.. are guests of his brother, Clarence Legg, this week, having arrived Sun day. Mrs. John Geisler and Mrs. Eugene Wilson attended the project leader meeting in McMinnville at the 4H build ing, Friday. August 28. for the lesson on corsage making wnich they will present to the Hopewell Home Exten sion Unit in November. Miss Vera Keightley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keightley, will become the bride of Wendell Danielson. of Gaston, Thursday evening, September 3 at the Seventh Diy Adventist church at 8 p.m. Elder G. E. Schaffner of Salem will officiate. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Clark of Lincoln on Sunday, Mr. 'and Mrs. A. J. Loop of Amity on Thursday evening, and Mrs. Milton Frink and Nancy Don- nauer of Perrydale on Friday afternoon. Little Carol Moddemeyer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O.' Moddemeyer, Jr., of Port land, was a guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrt. i W. O. Moddemeyer of Fair view for a few days, and her parents came after her Wed nesday evening. Carol will1 SIMMONS and so AGREE WHEN YOU COME SHOPPING AT Thai This is the HERE FAMOUS SIMMONS HIDE-A-BEDS SAVE $30 TO $50 History making savings on Simmons Hlde-a-Beds. Many styles to choose from Smart Tuxedos, Law sons, Armless or "T" Cush ion. They're all en sale and remember! Easy terms on any purchase. Fay At Little At $18950 EASY TERMS OTHER GREAT SAVINGS NOW DELUXE METAL BEDS ALL STEEL ROLL-AWAY STUDIO LOUNGES COMBINATION BED-CHAIR Hollywood Bed Fromtt All This Week at Hurry! Shop! Save!- ,.4 ..knot this week. Sunday dinner, guesit Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Modde meyer were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waller of Fairvlew, and Mrs. S. Van Staaveren. Mrs. A. Van Otten and Mra. D. Strikwerda of McMinnville. Those who attened the re cital Saturday evening. Au gust 28, given by Dr. Van Zantl at the Salem S.D.A. church from Hopewell were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur War nock, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell, Mr. and Mrt. Hom er Syme and family, Mr. and. Mrt. Merle Campbell, Mr. and Mrt. Melvin Wimock and Stanley Warnock. Melvin Warnock played a trumpet solo and Stanley Warnock, a trombone solo preceding -the recIUL On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warnock and Stanley, Mr. and Mrt. Melvin War nock, Mrt. V. V. Scoggan of Hopewell and Mr. and Mrt. Kenneth Warnock and family of Salem enjoyed a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Wilbur Johnson at Twin Rocks, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Warnock, whose wedding was an event of Au gust 24 at the Hepewell S.D.A. church. Mr. and Mrs. Warnock are leaving Wed nesday, September 2. for Ta- coma, Wash., on their way to their home at Walla walla, Wash., where Mr. Warnock will enroll in his senior year at Walla Walla College. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse and Robert were Sunday din ner guests of his sister, Mr. and Mrt. John Babcock of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Pearse and family and Dean Brown were Sunday evening guests at the Pearse home, Milt Carson it on the tick list this week. Sweet Home Sweet Home A surprise party was held recently for Norma' Sawyer, who is moving to Spokane, Wash. Hostess for the affair was Janice Calvert and after the girls went to a movie they returned to the Calvert home for a slumber party. Those attending were Janice ft ff FOR FINE FOOD V7 Chinese j"t and American COME TO MY PLACE Chinese Tea Garden Rifht Dawn Tawn 162 No. Commercial Retween Slate Court BO SAIDTES!' will You BIGGEST SALE SIMMONS MERCHANDISE OF Greatest Money-Saving Event Ever Offered! ARE THREE EXAMPLES: INNERSPRING MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS 6 Hollywood Box Spring Legs Here's a chance to have your Hollywood bed outfit At Big Savings 180 eoll Innersprlng mattress and matching twin sise box springs- Plus! Set of ( Hollywood box spring legs. Both For EASY TERMS Wednesday, September 2. 195J Calvert, Carol Bowser, Phyuu Barnes, Donna Smith and Wan. da G sister. The Intermediate class of tk. Baptist Sunday school held picnic in mi iu& recently. Those attending were Mr and Mrt. Otto Shockey, Mrs" Sid Hankint, Mrs. Lee Wil bom, Mrs. Joe Fallon and Dwain Mil. ler, Don Conrad, Eddie Smith. Douglat Ward, Wanda Coft man and Rita Kikel. The first annual fire denart. roent picnic was held in the city pars aunoay. uiairmen for the event included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dockweiler and Mr 1 and Mrs. Bill Reed. Following the picnic horse. tlloe and tether ball garnet were played. Those attending were Fin Chief and Mrs. Ivan Hoy and Bobby; assistant r ire tmef and Mrs. Don Surry, and Richard, Mr. and Mrt. Lorring Johnson and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould and Carol; Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ynnke and Nonnette, Johnnie and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calvert and Char. les N. and Eunice, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wooley and Roger and Keith, Mr. ana mrs. iun uanienoeta and Binkie, Jim Jr., and Ken- . ny Mr. and Mrt. Bd Dockweil. er and Linda Patty and Susan, Mrs. Ron Fogle and Sandra, Diane and Karen, John Patter son, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed, Conrad, Greg and Tom. A well-fed riding camel can cover 60 to 70 milea in a day. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNt Next week being Fair Wees ta Salem, the town is filling up with visitors. , Ta those visitors we want to say a few words about our Oik Room. The Oak Room Is located in the downstairs portion of Hit Marlon Hotel, just, opposite tht Lounge. The Oak Room is noted for its marvelous charcoal broiled steaks and prime ribs of bee) ta jus with broiled ham running a close third in popularity. This t" a dandy place in which to enter tain your friends or if you art not in the entertaining mood It is a wonderful place to have din ner and eat just what you darn please .. . you're the boss. - Try the Oak Room at the Marlon Ho tel while you are in Salem and you will experience a treat to bs remembered. SIMMONS ALL-STEEL BUNK BEDS OUTFIT SAVE EXACTLY $20.95 Sturdy steel bunk beds. Complete with steel springs and innersprlng mattresses. These versatile Simmons bunkt can be taken apart to make twin bedt! r EASY TERMS ON SIMMONS: BED DAVENOS ADJUSTABLE EASY -TEEMS 3? mi