Wednesday, September t, 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Pait 17 DENNIS the MENACE I'M OkWm EVERY SHOE FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED, llrot floor, 444 N. CoUU, Bt. Phono IM7. lm t.BBDBOOM modern houat, t mll,i wait el Salem. Vtaw. Phone 30361. jmlll UNFURNISHED HOUSE North. I m. old. very dean. Meal tor couple, Muat ko ,tn to ba appreciated. Boo At 1M7 No. water. Phone ISI1I. ImllJ toa BENT One-bedroom court. Rami end refrigerator furntahd- Phona 11711. .y im' i f UNFURNISHED on, bedroom bouie, 111. f Rte. I. Box too, rhono 11060. IrniW l-BIDBOOM unfurnlthed. 1U1 N. Cot- toio ocyiy gpajry. '"Iv WsVnESS RENTAL O BOUND rLOOB otllco or itore epaoe far root. CHI ntu Mortal 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS BASEMENT opt, fireplace, oloao In. anuamu. Phone 17,1. jpllO' NICELY furnlahed, large clean opt. UttmlM furnlahad, reaaonobla. In oulr, 171 . llth oltcr I. )PI LEE-APIS.' Belem'i Moat Dlatlngulehed Addrcat. Two bachelor unlta ono ot, tho othar ot tsi.oo. Available Bapt. 10 and 1 rapectlvelr. Impaction Invltad. 616 N. Winter. JP300" hnnn witrnirhed APTS 14ft a month. Llvlnl room, bedroom, kitchen and bath, outo. oil heat, hot water and arbato aerrlco furnlahed. Phone 113M. 1 vanna 'niB-KlKHED rooma. Bath, lauodrr. lat floor frost. Ifcroo rard. nlea. oS. M 6. llth Bt. Iplll' t.ineiT. wlkasant I -room, oloao reaoonablo. 174 N. Church. Inaulre rear honao 070. 'V tUt NEWLY DECOBAXED, unfurnlihod opt. Holiywooa Madison Court Apartments JpJic !i S LABQK REDECORATED roomi. Prijate won OENTLEMAW 3-room, completely furnlahad apartment. JS Center Bt 7P70,1 .nt vitnNTsnRTi moartmantoi Am- hauadnr Ante. 460 0. BummOf. JP" BEVEBAL furnlahed apartmanti, tooS ilr.Ti. Tnir. h. L. BUff Pural tu re Phono l-oiw. ! CUAN furnUhed apartment, private batn. rnote jpaiz' Imut apartment Furnlahed. c In on N. Commercial. 1 room, and aa rue. Phone a-4 or i-4. Jpan' LABOE DUPLEX apartment, rlfht down u.w Aulti. M0 Perrr. Phono I-6J7S a.M7. '"110 oi I BOOH furnlahed apt. Bual .... Liu, nnlT. 1161 Court altar p.m. JpJll' CLOSE IN. furnlahed duplex. 10 Eelle- rue. Nearly new lane "" k ,.rnrt. TS. Phone -5H JpJll' 11 Berry. i BOOM furnlahed. electric refrUarator and oioyo. uaii at ow " tTm i nr. Kice. roomy corner fiJnlAhed apartment with bedroom .id bath, 150. To Phon, I-O70. l.BOOM up.talra apt., lorfo -': nUhed. 430. Laundry facllltlea. 1164 Suill. AvV Phon. 17117. Call " ' "' ' JP313 mriu ...ii riirDlahed. modCTn, "T.: . k air oondtloned. 651 i BOOM furnlahed apt, elec. ranae rrtrtterator weenlM fKllltloa. utni ?u piW- M,,' Ph0,,, . .nAii tnrnuhed apt, elec. range, re- frlierator. 130 month, elderly perao Phone 15376. CLOSE IN. nicely furnlahed one bedroom opartment. mv.t .u..v.. ----in N. Winter. 1P301' preferred. VERT NICE, redecorated lane apart- meit. FurnUhed or unfurnlahed. ClMe ROOM & BOARD IOUNO WORKING man dealrea room and board. Near Stat, Buiwrae LOST&FOUND LOST Brown and white "j:,; ..... Phnn, 2-1,1. MISCELLANEOUS . ISTivHivE TROCKS U.DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAR RENTALS WAK V"S TEXACO STATION til COURT ST. ."KSd PAOS STEVENSON and AL MEFFOPJJ II SAND S ORAVEL COMPANT Contract wort Road Clearlnt Dltchlas Bewer and Baaemenl Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool P&ona Daya 1-1401 tvaa. 1-4417 or I-14U Salem, Oregon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-BR. SERVICE IN MOST AJBB dSThARRT 8EMLES. DENTIST adolpk Bklg .. State CcminereloJ St SALEM PH ! UT ft DO your fun imoglng aad flab canning. l-7om. BUILDING MATERIALS. PLYWOOD Interior and Exterior 4x1 Hi cut Mill end, le It. OP- Ced Sdt. (clean upi. tH f S3J; M. Doorg. MM op. Birch. 'h0' '".A",, doora. Panel la Fir. Shekel 110.71 1 at. op. Hardboard II 7t aheet. Hem. adk., Pit., t5l. Mldga. Wallboard. Root lot, decorative panela, and Lumber all priced right, . Free delivery and eetlmatlnt eervlet. Hothlat down II mo. to pay. Open all dap Sat. PORTLAND ROAO LUMBER YARD .... b ., . PB, A443J By Ketcham MV DAD OWNS BUILDING MATERIALS OOOD HID riBI BBICE lor fireplace building. 6c 3315 Looatnt Ave. mesot Remodel, Repair, Now Soto pour oaab for k ralnr day. Ko down payment,' I' moo the to pay Epping Lumber Co. 1740 SUveitcn Hd. Ph. 44111 OPEN AU, DAT SATURDAT I 00 WINDOWS UrtMl toek 1b eWltu. Ntv t trstrlpwd wlneVewt, compute). uitm- bleMlk, $14.10 up. Le.rt modtra itinii ftnd ttmu pieturt windows, M Pick rour cboleo at btretia prlett. 1 -PLUMBXlwO NtW tWHts Tilth t t.IO K"ill" wash bulu, eompltt ,43 17.M) Bath tub witu mtinu Doublt lku&4r? tt-74, eomplit howtr ctblDiU, compute) Double) kitchen sinks, tlsctrU wsttr htftUTi, pip , M.T1 , 41.00 . .okoap lac ..167.50 4" solid Oranrsberi plp , U0 Mi. steel isptle tsnks . OTHER BARGAINS Mttal ssrass doors with hdw 15 Msw 4x1 plssUTboard 11.40 4x1 wattrproot walibsard 11.78 Interior and exterior plrwood NalU, earload supply 19.71 overhead aarme loor hdwe tll.M Loose intulatloa), per bag 11.00 Roll blanket Insulation bargain "Jap Birch" Plywood jij Birch" plywood . " Uahoaanr plywood .. Mo. I Cedar ghlntle No. 3 Cedar shlnslea. .... No. S Cedar ahlnslea l.tnh roof In if ..... ..... ...Wc ...,11c ....43c ..19.35 . . (.00 .. 4.00 ...Bargain Fans! doort; hardwood doors, all trpee glass doors lowest prleas New fir door jamb Painted cedar shake , TJnpaintsd cedar shakos New aebestos siding .., Exterior white paint ... Shake molding, per foot ,.11.60 ...110.76 .....16.00 1, 60 .....13.01 10c C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-4ML On mile M. ot KeUer , a ma Red Cedar Shingles Beit orad,. ooaat or moontaln tlm. ber. DellTirod prlcea: No. L, .J1; la, M,00; In, 1 00; 4i, 13 50. COMMON LUMBER Oomplato mill clock. ..Sblplap, Sx4a and wider, del, lit per . A up. TED MULLXB, phono Balem 1.1106 ovenlnai. ma' NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Parmera, rebuild your, land. Rotted manure, 11 60 yard DeUTered to your field. Phon, 1-0774. m311 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE USED Rolotiller, Howaer Broa, 1185 8. excellent, 1315. 13th St. Bill' CLEARANCE SALS New Singer electric cabinet sewing machine. I oor models ana oemonsir' tors, aoft off on soma modeU. sinter Sewing Center, uo if. commercial. naot1 BEMTNOTO! double barrel ilrotlun. 16 aauae. hammerleaa, lia.oo. none 16430. n310' ONE USED ROTOTILLER Reverie, very ood. 1330. Howaer uroa, iieo 13th St. nail' VPRIOHT Kimball piano, very cood condition. 2i if. ein si. rnone one rsK& ?U-horaepower light weight chain saw, iin. Howaer aioe.. ite s. i3th St. nan WEST1NGHOUSK REFRIGERATOE oood condition. Phone i-wa. an Olen Creek Dr. j POWER MOWER from $25 up. Howier Bros.. 11 fl. 13th fit. nam- GARAGES On your lot, to your epeeilicationa. 16 montht to pay. Free Mtlmatet. BORKMAN LBR. a HDWE. CO. 1410 State St. Ph. 1-1701 nin LIKE NEW Simplex Ironer. ISO. Phone 1-3441. nlll CASH BEOISTERS: Buy for. Btau From 110 and up. ralr. Phono 1-5371. mil- nkia VIKINQ TBACTOB Plow, cultlva tor. aprlng-tooth. 116. Howaer Broa., mi s. nth t. n3ir Planning to Build? ward'a can give you a free cellmate on all plumbing gnu neatmg necoa. Come la or aU J-3101. Monteomery Ward 151 N. Liberty nil!' It' TREE PRUNEK, Montamower, mii- .i.. ..hin.t. eiee. cioca. i.rav bihvi, lunate, fruit tare, I panel acreen. toot atool, drying traya. can arver . v m Ph. H77I. 441 N. 17th. niot- LIOHT OAK dinette Mt. good condition. 133.51. 13t N. 34th. 1-64J6. n31I PLAT PEN, 14.06. USED MDBE. MART. 170 S. Liberty St. Phone 4-1371. n30' HAMILTON BEACH MtXEB Br.nd new. aav. tit- USED MDSE. MART, 370 S Liberty St , phon. 4-li7l nl' HOME FBEEEEB 4 cu. ft., apeclal. only MM UAED MW. MA,. 1 . Liberty St, Phone 4-4171. Terma of n3M' eourae. tlpC. DINI1 SET Special, 151 15. USED MDSE. M An 1 . o. phon, 4-6171. Tenw ot eourae. n30' WOOD LADDER-BACK beda. full all. ond twin aire, your enoic. wow UDflE. MART J., . utawtn phone 4-6171 nlM' l-FT. BOAT aad trailer, new. th.m. SILVEBTONE CAB BADIO-Neally Jew. Mlrad, Meld preaaura coonr. 1-Mll. 341 S. llth. n313 7T.n..-rnw;w .llant will aacrlflce a n.w.,1 cemetery lou at 150 n.w o..i., nrlea la 173.50. See Mr Vorh'ea, wltk Denloa a Dentoa. Phone 13613. TOP SOIL River Hit aad nil dirt prompi livery Phone 1-1741 HOSPITAL BED for Stiff Paralturo Co. Pkoao I-tita. a reeSetoMISCtUAMIOUS Reduced M PER DAY UNTIL SOLD ; 1 Sbaper and Stand ; s atartlas prkoo -at. u m SEPT. S 141.00, Keith Brown Lumbar Yard nioirr cooar ar. noma ami w. am a a ora un1 iucvllocb laun utra, aw eat water, wm s,iom aaleot I flat air. ra. 4-lML NICI LIGHT bevuekeOPlat rtf , lady. HI M. Chorch SI. Illll1 bedboom et, tlaetrit ,un. SHIV, rat. Thor uim ilw P.m. H j,Tiron. ' Mr DELTA " table iii, ataad, to keru motor. Cravlru. to. .10. Pkoao I4W lit modern autwell Oood oonaitloa. davenport ohalr. ,ill ALDON belte tank TBI- aitkUr naed. Maw UK. Mttntm M. Flm I4tl. alls 1SED ELECTRIC aoakrMtata tread) eawlat machine. Oood aowla oeadl tioa. en, forward ea4 imm. Oalv MM. sinobr annua cum IN K. Cootl. Mt CUD BOYI bmd. Mock), (004 BMW. ltT a Commercial. aatt CIIO Mm McnU, BOOB. M TUt.. BOY 'I tCBWINH kilt,. tack. Oood condition. Phone 1-totl. BIO, Wanted MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted To pnoo ob todoro orkot tor teat or abort aecoed irdwik lb Ion, For prlcao, pbaao Matt dara, 41764 eren Isai. Waot aoloa Uakat e. . UN Wallace Bd.. Baloa. Bailie LOGS WANTED Oood tad trewtk lota, Brara. sold for Mo. I lota U on loner. Alio, r tud Ion or maltlpleo of t' pliu trta t" to 1C dlam. BUBriAMD LBK. CO. Ph. TttaRBrt 1111 BvBB. IHI TUHlfBB, 1-7IH, aVtUEH BOI10 WOODBT WANT Ptanao. Pkaao M1U.' BO EUCTBI0 euaaae. woedrya. 1-1110 PERSONAL WILL NOT bo raapoBolklo for ear d,kta ttnleoa contracted kp akraelf. Thomaa L. Bnothen. pill AUTOMOBILES 3r 1947 o$tr FORDV-8 Vfc-TON PICKUP 4-iptad transmlMloR, good naeaan leally, good ttrei, A right buy for many purposea and lowl STAR MOTOR COUP ANT Commercial a Unloa : Ph. S-oaOt FREE EQUITT IB 1041 Otda. Oluk Cpo. T.k. over aav contract, pbobo NlH. out' M OLDS oood ahape, raaaonable. I0M 1th at. Wait Balaim after 6. Jll SPOBIS CAB. UM at. O.. 1.O0S mllea. Qlvo aeneroua dloeount. TakO trooa. Call 1-1447 after 1:10 p.m. edit IMS CBEVBOLET 4 door daluie. orlf laal owner, asii. phobo 1-7700. aoio braaka. 110 $t 1948 CHEVROLET 12-TON PICKUP 4-apeed traaaatliiloB, I ood atetor, fine rubber. Rero'i low price and v,rr blah value) STAR MOTOR COMPANY commercial Onloa Ph. t-alll oioi 1061 OLDS DE LUXE "M" tudor. All nitrai. 11.000 mllea. 1-tono creen, private owner. 1611 N. 17th. olio NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH SEE US NOW FOR SALEM'S BEST BUYS AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. UNDER COVER - BUT NOT UNDERSOLD 1 ill N. CHDRCR - PH. 1-7117 $ 1937 0 CHEVROLET 12-TON PICKUP Another 4-aped ttaaimlaeloa buy. It'a luat the ear you've beea look ing for to uae oa your fall hunttnr trip. It'a clean and you'll bo amaaed tt tho low price. Hurry oa thlt ocel STAR . MOTOR COMPANY .... ..i.l a, rjaloa PV l-tlol o30t $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKER AND MOtltia TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 1313 Broadway Pkoao I-M31 & 1949 & MERCURY ; 4-D00R SEDAN Overdrlv,, bUf, erp tto4 rob ber, tortuouo blot flaiok . .tad only $995 STAR MOTOR COMPANY mt.t A, nala.1 Ph. 1-tlM aMf Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOIHJS WE MUST SELL THESE BEFORE LABOR DAY SEK VS FOR THE BEST TRADES AND TERMS IN TOWN 1952 RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE This ii a beauty. Light blue with black nylon top, nylon sest coven, radio, heater, overdrive, iquirti , back-up lites. A one-owner car lold and aervlced here. 1952 RAMBLER HARD This car belong to one of our mechanics who just purchased a new car. Cleanest one in town. Very low mileage. Radio, heater, overdrive, special ' before Labor Day .. , 1951 FORD CUSTOM 8 Just traded in, light tan, very clean with radio and heater. This one goes for . . . $1295 1951 STATESMAN SEDAN Nice two-tone finish, radio, heater, overdrive, bed, motor just overhauled 1950 OLDSMOBILE 98 Beutiful blue, white wall tires, seat covert, radio, heater, and of course, Hydramatic. This is less than book ... 1949 BUICK SEDANETTE Radio, heater, seat covers, light gray with Dynt flow... -, $1095 SPECIAL 1947 CHEVROLET COUPE - A GOOD ONE $545.00 " TUaJL SEE THESE . PREMIUM CARS LODER 458 CENTER AUTOMOBILES sicn DGSTDUV3 41 BUICK SEDAN I None better than tnia noea maater with five new whlto . tlrea, Dynoflow, radio, heater. , luacloua Interior. apotleialr clean. Wo .old new and aervlced record ovallabla. Only 17,704 mUog. Perfect. II POtTTlAO I SEDAN lltPI crillflam dciaix,. naaio. neat or, Hydramatic. lovely light tra. 11.000 mllea. M BUICK SPECIAL I3M! Pour-door geaan, fwo-tone arrr ' tnd green. Very fine condition, w. gold now aad tervleed rec ord avgllobu. II CHEVROLET SEDAN I1MI Pleetllae do luxe, oao owner, aewlr pointed, la fine eoadltwa. 11.000 mllea. OTHER LATE MODELS TO SELECT AND THEBI LOW-PRICED SPECIALS 41 BUICK 'tt BUICK tt CHSV. SEDAN CLUB CPE. TUDOR .... VUerfsberhyUaCar fomaluvekDaler OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COMVERCTAL AT CENTER PHONE 11131 Oil 0 mm AUTOMOBIUS $1795 TOP $1695 SEDAN our shop . $1295 SEDAN $1595 I 1952 OLDSMOBILE "08' 4-door aadan, whit aldawaU tlrce. 1 tona fem green body and ilade green top, ral low mileage, tery clean la and out. rear aaat speaker. Here's one yam will be proud area to show your mothar- in-law. . i 1948 DE SOTO 4-DOOR Sedan with radio, heater, very ale an, sparkling Jet black finish, excellent rub ber, lots of good motoring left In this fine family ear MW 1980 INTERNATIONAL -TON Keres the pickup you're been looking foriraood motor, body and tires. This is juat an excellent pickup In every detail. It's low-priced and an excel lent tour at only HOI BROS. PHONE 2-7973 AUTOMOBILES list PLYMOUTH eedta delivery. Pair ahape. Make otter. Alio one wneei trailer, lawn mower. Phono 46661. 1310 Latum, Ave. O310 & 1946 . w NASH v ' 4-D00R SEDAN Oood rubber, very clean, excellent motor. Here' a really economical car tor the entire family. It'a priced very low at only ' $445 STAR MOTOR COMPANT Commercial at Onloa Ph. 1-11(1 1M1 KAISEB deluxe, ono owner, tood condition, loaded with oxtraa. Call 1-6405. Hit $600 DISCOUNT 1953 PI vM0UTH SUB URBAN SAVOY. Heater and Overdrive. RON'S ' USED CARS 1341 BROADWAY PH. S-I10I OPEN IVES. TILL O BUY OR SELL, SEE US 1ST OHO- POST avmsAin iMfel&Salse) OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 ItM MEBf't BY SEDAN A very clean car. equipped with radio, heater, aeat cover, white wall Ure,. Top ,hapo oil around. Will toko trade-In and can err.n.e bank terme. Ed Dlckmao. ,1 W. Madrona, or phone 4-4133. 0313 lttl PLYMOUTH deluxe 4 door, radio, heater, alinaL Matt oiler, till Che mekete St. tilt WII.L SELL OR TRADE eeultr '47 Ford CoavnUbio. Phon, l-t"7 after S p m. ejlll AUTOMOIILES 1 wits apaciAia axd cut arucas is hot ova aoaiiisss aor oar FOB) CAR, AND DOLLAR FOR SOU LAX. writ, MATCH Oft BEAT ANL- T1TNQ IN TOWN I JUST GOOD USED CARS achev. Ioor. Clou aad roai food. ; M 40 Pord y-t Club Cpo. Black. Bharpl S Ford V-l 4-door. Mow palal and ov,rhauled motor , M 41 ChoT. Hot Rod. OMO motor 176. Bad tho treatment .... Ill '4 Firm, i-door 141 14 Cbev. cpo. Rum food at It PoBtiaa 4-door M '41 DoBol Olb. Cpo . lit, or boat offer 4t Ford t.-ton Pkup. New palat.UM Model A rord. oood motor and body N KANNIER'S : USED CARS . t. ((Hla,y)' Naufeld. Mar. ' SI Rood at Phone 14141 aad 4-lui oroo1 SIGN OF VALUE No Specials Here! THESE ARE . REGULAR PRICES RECONDITIONED, GUAR ANTEED AND PRICED . RIGHT ,. 948 PLYMOUTH S-door. RAm. At It. $645 952 CHEVROLET Fleolllne 1-door. RAtB. $1595 1952 CHEVROLET 8-dooe do luxe, oitaa. $1625 1951 DODGE - 4-door. apotieao. . $1395 1952 CHEVROLET , t-door P.O., RttH. premium Urea, w-a wiener, aeal ttvara. $1695 1949 FORD 12-TON Pickup. Bxcellent. $850 1952 FORD 6 S-door, RAH. undercoat. $1560 1950 CADILLAC '61' Coupe. Loaded. $2595 1945 FORD 12-TON pickup. Aa la. $450 1948 CHRYSLER Hew Torker 4-door. RH $920 1952 CHEVROLET, 4-door Pleetllno, PowerglWe. RAtH, ,eat cover,, turn lltnaU. $1695 1952 CADILLAC '62' 4-door, fully equippeo. . $3785 1950 MERCURY evdoor. RtfcH, teat eevera overdrive $1425 1951 CHEVROLET Club Coup. PowergiMa, nan, under coet. $1595 WE NEED '46. '47. '41 '41 CHEV ROLET8. COME IN AND TALK TRADE. PINE SELECTION OP LATB MODEL USED CARS TO CHOOSE PROM AND OUARANTEED1 A Guarantee THAT COUNTS ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN 635 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 3-317S POST AOTO SA1XS UK Ss. Tk Um 1950 FORD Station Wagon Radio 4 Heater Leather Interior. e Signal llghu 0 Wbiu sidewallg p Chroma wheeta I local owner $1195 OPEN EVES TIL t no ItM MEBCL'BT. tint, part payment. 17171. Take old tar aa 314 ail roan A ton olckuo. Oood aondl tlon. At llo Broadway. I 0311 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS usan aAmrrcLl moor otootor. roao. oaobio. ftt . sou aitor p.m. u oat liarbve Dr. I-U1 after . AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BATTNO BADIATOB TROtTRUt Vallop Motor 00. oaporio wui mivo poo preo laau aad oovo rata aaoraey. Proo ootl, opcod-r tor-vtao. Cvattr at Ub- TRUCKS ltu CBtTBOLIT IV, tea ttot vrbooi- baoo 14.008 muaa. vary, vary, vary okoloo ooadiuoa. BaorUtoo aaaa. 1M7 OMO m tea (win takt It or IS foot bed). 11.001 BUM. Hatuaallp (ood truck aad tood looklno. too, MM. ItM ChavroUt pick op. H.0OO mllea; mud Urea on roar aad oatrao. Bacruic. tail. Miller Hereforda. IMM S. B. Powtn, Portland Bo 11M. ,d0 BOATS It FOOT phuk boat. How oaalklaa aad paint, mo. mo roaooaabM oiler roroood. 1374 Trade St. l-t70t. aolil FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 oa Blitiataro. Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL n't "roe" proBaPltF ompwyoo raoa or womoa. l-vuil loaa . . . Phoao ttrot Tot Mloet boot aayatOBt ojata . a) Botwooa Payday laaiu. Mioao, wrltt or aoatt la TODATI Personal Finance Co. . 1M a HTDK ST.. SALEM ' . Stat Uconao Not. a-llt, M-IM 1 Tuoana over t00 up to 11506 aad op to M month, to r,par made by Parooaal Plaanea Co. of Morloa Couatp oador the Indue trial Loaa Coatpaalee Aot of Oregon. mi Lie. D-tll aat M-XN ROT a IHBDrUNCa AND LOANS ' ur "Top Trade," 11:04 Dallr ULM UM Eo. oaHRRAL P1NANCB CO. . -LOANS IM at CommeralaJ Si 11 I41S1 HIGH PAYMENTST WB CAN CUT Let's Give Them the AXE1 Uae our oaaeoUdaUoa pita. AUTO LOANS ' HOUSEHOLD FURRlTURa - T.ivmrrTK STATE FINANCE CO. Ill Sc, High St. nu rarviTi money t ltu em real as I titt. rhon s-oiti. rtio AUTO LOANS WTXAJtUBTTB OlUxDR OO. -111 South Chaoh Parking a-Pioatt " " PR. B.SU1 Ut. NO. It-US, oV4M SEX DS FOR FARM. CITY OR ACRRAOa LOANS BEST or Yaiuaai. WB BUY oa! acute mortgagee 4k mtraott State Finance Co. - 111 So. BUB St. Pk. t-tltl j if f rr rrrrrrrr HOUSE TRAILERS ISA tej-ri. TRAaXWAYg. aUL-mataU, aiAtlrlla BMrOOm. COmPilM.F 1DSWIO. clean. $J0. Terwe. Immedlat po lasion. Original owner. Phone M0it. talll LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4 A. F, tc A. M. Wed., Sept. 2, Stated Communication 6:00 p. m. 209 DIRECTORY ADD1NO MACHINES AU makea used maehtoea sold, rented, repaired. Roea, eM Court PR. S-W). We do anything In the Una of build ing, .fret estimates. Phone J-wen. o21? DRESSMAKING AlteraUotiB. hemstitching, bat tons, buckles coTgred. buttonholee. Mrs. M. U Allender. 1-Mll. op BULLDOEINO Bulldoalng, roads, clewing tetb. VI nil Huskay, 1019 Fatrrlew, phona SO Mi. ." EXCAVATING en OtJen fe Ron, ticavatlng and trading. Land Hearing. Ph. l-JMe. oaif INSULATION InsulaUoa. weatherstrlpa, aluminum screens. Free astlmatag. T. Pullman. Phone I-W3. 0216 MATTRP.SBEft Capitol Redding. raaOTataa. Fill Una new mattraaeee. Ph. M Omit rDRNTTURR gUFPt-tH Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, auppilas, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roto, ftt Court ROAD ORADIHO Road grading, leveling, ditching. Ill Mt arauteir. Rav Hancock. Ph. 1001a. ollr Foolint tnd eldlnt by expeni for a right price, rnone w,. w..,- SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'l geptlo tenU cleans, llao a.i... ntiaranued work. Phone 1.7404. 1-0774. Olll . . l - Tan., .leaned. Drooler cleana aewer'e, drain., phono 1-14U. 'ie "sewer, aeptte taaka, drolna cleaned. Ro-M-Rootor Sewer sottIoo. Pkoata 1-4137 o- SHARPENINO A REPAIR Uwo mowere, towa, ato, Ittk St D Ph. 1-4411 Free plekuP; TYPEWBITEBB amitK Corona. Remlngtoa. Royal. On derBood porUble. All soakeo aaed macblnaa. Repejr, or rent Rasa. 464 Court. 1-6771 o WINDOW CLSANIHO Aema Window clMaora. ladnatglal floor waxlna. boiiMcIeaalas. Mi conn. l-3T. 4 "Was a nervcjts tfretf from afonizine pan until tad toT Hyt Mf, Al W.. 5ewi 4r)feierraRts frt imaaw.1 rd W from mieery of s.nrplapipe with ejxrthtnx Pesrt. Acu to relieve pan, ltchm fftsltmrfy. Luwicatea dry. bardeiad perte, Hela prvnt cmkmf, nduc swdtac- Don't euflej a ii rl I im tcntara of esnvta ptlen. Get Paao fm eomlorttrLg rdiel. Atk your doctor abowt It jtapii i ittory form or tubea wUh pw ptym Vase OpwiMienf teiW Sti0twll&ntik Obituaries May E. Phillips Albany Albany relatives have reeeivM word that May Elizabeth Phillips, g, a for mer Albany resident, died fkiinitaw' tea Vomani1a tLniith America, where she was serv- ing ae a mlslsonary under the Orinoco River Mission board. She had been in that terri tory the put 14 years, but had apent a year la Albany two years ago while on fur lough. Miss Phillips waa graduated from the Albany public schools and from Al bany college. Burial will take place In Venezuela, but a memorial service will be held Sunday .at 11 a.m., at the Christian and Mlslsonary Al liance church here. Death was the result of a virulent Influenza epidemle which la sweeping - eastern Venezuela. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, Sa lem; a sister, Margaret Phil lips, a mlslsonary in the Can ary Islands; three brothers, ' Kenneth, Portland, David, Norman, Okie.; Paul of Santa Ana, Calif. A twin brother James and another brother, ; Malcolm, preceded her In death. Mrs. Dora Johnson Woodbura Mrs. Dora Oceana Johnson, 71, died Tuesday in a Woodburn resU home. - She had lived at .1180 Laurel avenue for IS years, and was a member ot Imman uel Lutheran church. Mrs. Johnson was bora at sea while her parents . were en route to the United States. She came to Oregon from South Dakota in 1834. Surviving are her husband, Rasmus J. Johnson, Wood- burn; a brother,. Henry Witt, . San Diego, Calif.; end a sis ter, Mary Ruhde In Arkansas. Funeral services will be at t p.m. Frldcy, September 4, at the Binge funeral Chapel with the Rev. J. William Carl son officiating. Burial WLU be In BeUe .Passl cemetery. Mrs. Mmnie Covey Albany- Mrs. Mlnma Lee Covey, 83, of Albany, died at a local hospital Monday, sna had hen a TMldant tot Alhanv since 1843. Sarvlces will be held at the rorfamUlar-Ircd- riCKBen cnapa. TrwuuwataeiF a. 2 pjn. Burial will be at wu- Umetva Memorial parK. tin, Covey , waa born in kookuk. la., and came to Oregon in 1817. She was married to Sherman Covey on March 27, 1890 at Miltonvale, Kan. They operated a farm In the Tallman district for many years. Mr. Covey died in 1940. Only surviving member of the Immediate family is Mrs. An nie Fowler, a sister, who had resided with Mrs. Covey since 1940. DEATHS U Metier Lata resldenl at OorrallU, Oregon at local nursing home aHpt L ot the ato of to yeara. Rurvlvad by son, John Mei ser, Beaverton, Ore. Shipment has baaa made to Correllli for aarvloaa and Uf ment by Ho wen-Ed ward Co. Jean Illiabath Clearwater Mrs. Jean KUabeth Claarawtar. 4J. at a local hospital Aug. SI. Lata resident of 1SS0 N. Liberty mu Rurrlved by htia band. John Clearwater. tSalemi daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Orlffln, Ralem: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Heel, Ralemi later, Mre. Sdna Rogers, ftalem; two brothers, Carlton Reel, Salem; and Wal ter ReeL Oakland. Calif.: two grand children. James and Donna of Salem. Serrlcai at the Virgil T. Ootden Chapel Friday, Sept. 4 at I p.m. lurisl at Belcreat Memorial Park with tha Rav. Harold W. Black officiating. timer Clarence HelbeH Xlmer Clarence Hulbert, lata resident of 0O Park Ave., tn this city Sept 1 al ' tha ace 4ft. Survived by wife. Mrs. John nie Hulbert, Salem i daughters, Mats Cerleta Vay Hulbert, Mlu Lola Irene' Hulbert, both of Bugene, Scheryl Anna Hulbert, Jeanettt Lorelna Hulbert, both of Salem: sisters. aVtri. Hugh Morian. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Mrs. Joe Hoffman, Hemti, oaiir.. Mrs. w. Anderson, River side. Callf.t brothers, Ansel Hulbert. San Jencito. Califs Roy Hulbert, River- stda, Calif., Word Hulbert, us Anseiea, Calif., Floyd Hulbert, Htm It, Caitf.i mother. Mre. Jen ale Hulbert, Hcmtt, Calif. Announcement or eervicea wui aa made later by tha Howeii-Sdwaros co. Cool Comfort For Burning Feet Let tee-HTat wltk toothlnr lanolla , kojj your fe.1 la cool, frert ootnlort wbUo tho Umparature eoare. So oaay to opply Una rroely-wnii. meaic.w - In Ite nothing rollef. A real kelp to B ooft.eiox atlnglng callouaeo oad ooraa. Doat delay. Oet Im-oUbI today. t'Smi " other roctal o1ladon, 'cTi-w0, f tWoel-ebetlet 1I1I-1MI trSlBlal Writ, at Oil THI DIAN CLINIC One It wSI t Blade, eveeaa ftMey. Verll I Oe-dav, Welaailir oad riWWp. Olfwvxtle etv-utwai . . . le ewAWw 014 HOOTMCAtT tAMtTV SOUllVAtB T.leoMono lAa, SOI t POTt-ad II, Ova, be, f . t. lm, A Ot. O. Oka DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CBlNgil NATCROPATHt CBenMrs, tU Ntwtb UWty Ofntt opoa Batwrdap only is a. to 1 itv, t to 1 pa. Coaoalutloa. blood piMaai, aad artao teat, are rroo tc obam Praetlxd ttaoo till Writ par aitrattjro ttft, no aatt- tatlom