4 --. t -f-T- ' CXl .- . -rf i i ht :I. h Paga 16 FOR SALE HOUSES atEAUTItTL l-bdroom bouA, ku ererr- thlna. Antometla washer, ssar bus. MM. a20l BT OWNER CwUirlt 1-bedroom. doubls iituii larss atuitr. m oot -Mlt. S3 14 A1IRACTICE 1 Una rooms, nook, lull basement, unitntabad upetalre. Sbrube. llowere. convenient location Bear Sa lem blah end Farrteb schools. Phone oainar 1-1111. Ul MIST HAVE Immediate sale. 100 bun our equity en l-bedroom, two-bath bom. Inquire at 111 Umu or phone 14921 after Sept. 1. amr 1 BEDBOOKL 1 kith. 1 fireplaces, dou- bit garage, playroom, vie. will tiidt far Portland mUutM. PCOOrl Ball!' ' III.1M Mavlv remodeled bom Id eellent ecixtlUon, between MeKinler ' arade eehool and the new S. Bale; blab. I bedroom den, lit. dining rm, ntw modem kitchen with nook UvlUbi basement with knoll r pine ilirraen. uw ell furnace, tkl cor per lot with tree. Ph. 1-tTtw or 4-M $750 DOWN - Br awner: S-rear-old t bedroom hka. lmni.1' DOAi. 1 block to bus, 4 block to achool. Drive ar 47 ThirMAL Call 4-31 II far aPPOlOtment. alio in T. rtk TjtAJlM WITH OPTION l.hriroam ham a. 1 rear old. Im an ae.il tc throughout. 110,000. Small dowa payment. ATj.rN e. JONES. Realtor l N. HUb Pb- 1-1131, Eve. I -MU Vt IM TO TRADE or 4-bedroom bom.. 1 bdrnu. P with plumbing, I bedroom down with plumbing, dining Toom. flripic. Will tTftd Of OIBUtr J-WUBi. now, oil for M&M. ilM down. AOOTHVIIXAOK ATTRACTIVE f BTORU. HOU1 Vr Die h. r, XlrfpUc. O. m MOVMiUol kltcben, utUlty, H. W floor, lniulatei W. into ell fur Biu. stucbed urue. ppr. J2C0 M. It.. I tt. Oood corner lot. nnrvK RT i?t& HUIAEY AVE - pinm cW not duturb uhidU. Pot PpolBtmcat lo laUrlor call JOHN J. DAMN, REALTOR 419 Jf. UlMh m. 3i9t UIO dLDKB TTTI -room bouM. crt . SrOUIM, BUT VMCTPMC. rWHUI W. PurnUbcd. ,0. Call 1UM- 314 Sf OWNEB- S-BEDROOM HOldl. Ml ACRE, MAR BUS, BCHOOIA 719 B. MIMA. 'm feP OWVKB 1-bedroom Older hou, teeaxl earner asoubla loL frOlt But tree, bua I block, near Baker achooL aRaaonabJa. 104 B. Wilson. 2B991. 319 i At OWNEB Kin wood Htithu home oa good acre, oood view, ou Aeat. ooudib elumblnc. Three bedroomi. another uq. finished. Roomy, pleasant to live In. - Phono J-M34. aai JfEW BEDROOM borne, central hall way, nicely decorated. 14 baths, cov ered patle, basement with fireplace, close to hospital off D u 111a Irel Court allt TRADE OR SELL Klc bedroom home In Kelier oa i large lot. Price 18.900. Nerd a I bed room house. Call 1-1101. Prances Knapp eves. A atinday, 1-43H, Bd Brrkit, 1-I7M. Ed Brrkit A) Co, Real tor. alii' BY OWNER tf.ooe) PHA appralaal, full aelllnf price S7.9M. s bedroom aubarban. Bmall down payvient. Thta borne must b een to appreciate. Phone 13701. a3U Klumpp's NEWLY BULIT t-bdria. Bono with larto living room with fireplace. Birch kitehea wltb let of built-in. Lota of closet space. Til bath. Corner lot with unusual design. Price 111.100. SACRIFICE on this 1-bdnn. homo with hardwood I T floors, aluminum screen, and doors, 1 tabulated and weatherstrlpped. Paved I atreet, city water and aewer. PHA. trm. Aiet will handle. Total price I ff.oao. i $500 . dnvn, $41 par nanta. navly radaeo- ratad l.bdrm. noma wltb llfla, room, bit kltchaa and bath. Vorr doaa tn. Total wrtc. ItaM. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor tm Portland Bd. phona 1-Hii Ira. t int alls KIKGWOOD DIST. - vat ibla feifora pe bay. Mtca vlaw Bnaaa. Two loaU in, on naln floor. Laa. room la baamL partr or IX. 1U30 ft. Htm, rm., av,xlon it. dm. rm.. kit. loviill n. Sawduit turn , me. auioi la tnaa. lata of ahruba. 113.100. aaa Don Wall, tra,., 47. BURT PICHA I tn k. mib at. off. i-tHi aov WUAj TAKE aaoltr la n.w l bmroom bouaa la aicbanaa for ea.b or laraa trallar bouaa. Pbona ! ar a.a at I aim uTinaiton Avt aSU I fO SALE LOTS LARGE LOT on PUher Rrvad. VOaka offer. I W nil from altr limits. Phone Ikooo TXPB AVENUE ,11 VORTH WINTER .M0 WEAL W.TATB PH 1-M1S a a 301 FOR SALE FARMS M-ACRE TRADE Tbla aaw aaaullful l-bdrm. bom. (BAaTT) wm aau or trada to. aMd " or arraaaa la . lalaai, oaual 5 ACKttS WITH NICE LITTLE HOME, all mod- , rs. .war ga.rae. la Prlngl DUl. rnc soaoa. only iiboq down. 118 ACRES l A. In cult. Bal. pasture. On Pall cut minwey near nana, with el mnat new i-ivirm. mod era bam. for 113.000. TERMS. 85 ACRES NEAR MARQUAM DUB TO ILL HEALTH. MUST SELL ante rarm witn rtrtx. eo a. la cult., aaw Irrigation svttem, t-bdrm. home PRICE REDUCED TO 114.100 (TAKE AM ALL ACREAOB OR HOME TO taws in Thau c. BE T. T. ANDERSON POR A FARM BVE. PH. 4171 Builders, Here Is a Deal 4'4 aeraa aa Brownlat Ava. Nk. kulWUni 'altaa. Uberlr Out. Water. Only ataaa, Soava applaa, peara, har rlea 4b aranaa. Oood terma. COLBATH LAND CO. Ph. Mil 111 Court St. aa. 41714 alio. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 t.L4aalplID AOVEBTI1U40 Pap Pwi, UaM Pap Word ..... Paw Weew. I tm Pop Ward, 1 ajMaitl N. BWaada Hl.la.m 1 RXADKBP Ja Lawai Kewo CW.au Oarp, Par Ward ta Mtatmam M Wwda. T ruatw aa as Darv rsMT. rhoris S-24M Mm 1 am 1 it' REAL ESTATE Near Schools, North As iierllint wII-coattruet)4 prt- war Inilawood l-rocua timUt boi with luli drv btuantok (Iraplact). P- trct dining room, bcsutllul ultt fcocsd-ltt back yard far tba cblldrrB, nuiek poaicaiioD. nnewa or appoinv ttnl cail kotl. Pro pp. Iva. 7U. Laree Family? And rod Rd aicclltD lv-cMt bouaisi. north f Wc bat o daixlr idF itm a. room tan Up bona la os ctlltot condltlOD Initda and out, ! catad os a larta, bcauttiul cernr lot ub all bloda or irn. buia. trap. mta. Daubla aarai. cltr bua bandy, luf walkiai dlaiaaea of Cawollc crada AhaoL Orant or Llvlstaion lot of bom far oalr MM. Cally JCaUy, Bva, Ob. MM. For a Couple A dand 1-bedroom homt with fire place In tb caat xngitwooa urici Convtnitnl kiuhtn, UuUit utiliiy, large let, two larataa. ftao, Mr ma CaJl Ur. Rutwrf. IBlaf , Mr. Family Man Bolv rour trouble with tbli over nmtikr caioal&l atria home wltb ' badioomt. nuraarr. dan, fireplace, pic in wifulowa. view, double garage. triple plumblae. lit of tra la tbU ooe. Owner need analler bom and win trade. Alao la petition to take reaieaebie email down payment. Cali Mr. ourn. Eva. pn. J Tan Good Buy fa a two-bdroom home three yrara old. Will to OX or P. H A. SB006. Oood locattoa Muta, sear bua, acbool, yaved itreet. Money To Loan 1 u to II year oa food hemaa. no cemmiaaioa cnartu. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor fiaa M ranltal Ph. 11211 c310 UNLESS YOU CALL touU aarar know what WMxJ.rful bur bar. lb Ibla l-bdr. Bom. UNLEM reu aall. OUT8IDL rd plabUd ta Una roaaa, fraaa antra. ccmplaUlr fanead. ouulotf flr.pl.ta- and roaa trauu. IliBIDav- 14 broatna, flraplaea, dlalna room, xtramalr elaaa. Aaparata vorkabop abd Irolt room, fcllln, b.lo T U A al tM. A,k for DM OAVU. bom. phoa t-T03t. . Crh.4-aaaa s-eeBePTI 19M Palrrrouada Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT cllo1 AIJr OB TRADE Oood sub. grocery tor and ta pump, uoing proiuaoia bua In mj la a good location. Approx imately 7MW for equity In real wtate, buildings, stock and fixtures. as.aoa Thla clean home situated on paved street close to ous ano scnoo., ha 1 bedrooms, garaie, ftO x 130 lot. W.tse Located on North Church Bt. f-room noma wim oaiement. aiso email bona oa lot suitable for ona person. Call cUaaley Brown or O. Huma, Co-op. Broker, wltb State Finance Co., KeaJtors in b. High Bt, Eves. 3-SM1 or J -IKK Ph. 1-4131 C310 TRADE YOUR CAR for this nice country home en 1 acres all la fruit Ac nuts. Nice hdwd. fir., 1 bdrma, deep dry basmt. ftmall stable for pony 'or chicken. Built-In deep- freexe. Located closa In east. MOVINO TO TOWN a 8ELLINO THIS POR ONLY $1(1,900. "KIO" riOOlNB HAS THB KEY. EVC. ph. i!4. Dial 44494 y WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED L1STINOS: Horn as, Ptrma, Act sag as, BuslBestea, Motor Courts, Taverns. What Hav You? "Fire the Landlordl" and have a hrmt of yeur own. High land Diet. Bmall but Terr neat, wired for dryer and piumBea tor wauitr. a dandy for only 40b0, and easy term. ""$825 DOWN AND your ehanc of a Hfettm. Brand new a- bad room borne, hardwood rionra. alee dtst. OU floor furnace. Total prtce only tUOO, Your Heart's Desire lbedrooea horn. Basement, Anto- wtalto heat. Immedlat poaaaaaloa. In Hollywood Dut. A "Must See" those tnttrratad In ouallty. Priced at 111,110. Extremely good terms ar ranged. NEED MORE ROOM? Owner will TRADE for smaller house. This baa 1 large bedrooms. 110 m. fireplace, hardwood flonra. home with today essentials. Priced at 111,100- Tsrma. Fairmount Hill Special rut your next to rearr rem money Into permanent eecurlty. 1 bedroom. extra large wi wttn ad joining lot available. 4 yra. old. Should go O.I. Prtca only ataoo. BE YOUR OWN BOSS it this ale restaurant. Beat about IV. Nicely arranged and la clean con dition. Owner will trade for home or acreaee. Be U today. Priced at only Wholesale Business Thta Is a golden opportunity. Lut year sales over oaoo.aoo. Very wall e.tabMahed. Mo dead stork. Equipment in very I in condition. Shown by pmntmenl only. Rent en bide, only litl per mo. mtur-a 1000. Stork at wholfosie approx. 10,000. N phone iBiormiiion pieaae. STEADY INCOME 0 Apu . 1 alee ring rooms and ew era a us rt era. iito. lraiMtn 1 Maai Practirallv tn downtown Salam Priced a. siamm. anooo mown, owner 1 oocutder Portland trade. HERE TODAY but winit likely gone tomorrow Its' real bur. 10 arrea plus AU furniture a oa ana immediate poaaaaslnn. Sara chicken hoiwe. All fenced. 4-bedroom house. ONLY te6. and 11000 dowa wiu our 11. eiee ii aea. Peaceful Suburban Living with l-bedroom bom )ut 1 miltv frog Salem. Aa every day vacation rrom noaae and arewded living. Ui china shod Barn. Pump houa. Ooad wau. rrited at I two. Term erranaed. 20 ACRES where rwo can ratal, that loat anthua- team for llvlac. ffnrtb of Salem. 1 drwam home ard aeveral oatblda. Walk-la cooler, priced to aell I7IM. nood urma caa be arranced. For Homea and Puilnamaa call for: RAY ORmmrTT Her. 1-7PT I IIR. CRAWFORD (Bra. 4. torn or DAN IAAAK itp. 4-ltlll ar For Parma onlr. eall for: 14R. LEAVENS a. l-4'mi IF NO ANSWER, CALL 41341 UCINffiD A1SO IN WASH a IDAHO HflirniAni loans and CONVENTIONAL LOANS U Tear Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phone. 4-It II mr I-7U4 Bvo .: l-llla. 4-U11. 4-1414. (UN, aVTn. If ao ana oar. aall 4-Uta alM' REAL ESTATE ELEGANT ESTATE iniveii BiroRi Aovnmiioi Nav tbraa-badroom bona .( alnaat daalaa. I batbi. Jlraplaca. vall'U-pall carpatlaa. aavlni tm part? raa. ar wark abap, baamt aavarad patts, doubla aaraaa, auparlor aaaatmcUoa. beautiful laraa r.ncd lawa aad riw. ara. ONI OP INOI.rwoOD BUT KEPT EBTATU. I.EIXINO ZaXOW KEFLACmiNT COBT ONLT IM tM arc - kic" Kioaim to atmt. IVB. PH. 4Mli. CII0' BARGAIN DAYS ARI HERB AOAINI REDUCED PRICE 1700 TO MAKE FAJT BALK. TOU will want to see thlo late-bnDI 1- bdra. home with hdwd. firs., ake kitchen, roomy Urlng rm.. atlllty aarag Aj atorate im. Lot la over 400 ft. deep, weu-kept arounoa wiui at lava, chalaa earden soil. BRLL- 1HO AT ONLT Ml. RIOKT PARTT CAN HAVE VBRY UPBRAL TBRMB. FORCED SALE TAKE ADVANTAGE OP TH1B WON- DERrUL BUT la late DUiil i-aarm home wltb cute bea tola tor Dutch fire place la large living rm aica-sised diamt r, hdwd flra.. eieellenL kitchen with many bullt-las. BeautlfrJ lawa At large lot. Utility rm , cara. IP TOO HAVE ISftOt WANT A OOOD BUT DO YOURSELF A PAYOR AND SEE THIS. Ben Colbath, Realtor IIS Court Bt. DIAL 44404, 1. 1I0H C310' Pre-Holiday Specials! T4 Aerta close in. Older type three bedroom bom As moderr,, Barn, chick en house, family fruit. Acreage all la cultivation. Per close la location and acreage, too. thla ta it. Priced M 754. Term. m acre fa 'jeautlful settlnr tree. All kfnda of fruit, flower and ahruba. Cap C'jd type three-bedroom home. Llvinr room, dinette, modern kitchen with plenty butlt-Ina. Inside utility. High on a knoll and a bcaut) fit! view of the mta. About tea year old. Haa large garage, chicken houM and prlerd at only U.7W and 11.100 down, balance Ilk rent. Owner trade far home In town. This acre are is only two and a half mliea out and aa Ideal am all acreage, f Acre. twobdrooia bom. 11-ft. living room with picture windowa and fireplace. Separata dlntnt room. Wall- . to-well carpeting. Home la In beautiful setting of trees. Family fruit, flower and shrubs. Large, chicken bouse, good well. Located Juit thla aid of Oervata. Priced at 11,000, Urnu. Owner will trad for two-bedroom bom la Salam. Get Ready for School! In Waihlngton school district, oa alec lot 70x140 and all fenced. Haa plenty ahade and frolt tree, flowers and ahruba. Thla homo baa basement, two bedrooms, living room with fireplace, eeparate dinette. City bua at door and close to shopping area. Prteed to aell aat only 11,110, terma. Owner will trad for larger bom. 4 Bedroom: Close to Washington achool and stores, bua by door. Family fruit, flower and ahruba. This 1 an excellent location, being a No. 1 aona. Could have your home and business, too. Owner will trade W small acre age. Priced at I7.1M. Terms. H Acre with two-bedroom home aad located right la the city. Close to school, bua at door. Fruit trees, aad arden space. This also 1 a No. 1 one and an Ideal location, lllncst la family forces tale. Priced at 17,310 and 11100 dowa will baa die. Balance at 1W ana. - 3-bedroom home, np needs a little nnisning. on beat, lamiiy fruit, garden ADot, Close to achool. Only m years old. on nice lot 00 x 03. An extra lot tOxO) included In sal. Priced at only 7,010. Term. New and Beautiful! Two-bedroom borne, Urlng room and eeparate dining area. Pull basement and eawduat beat Fireplace, and bua by door. Nice flowers and ahruba. This la an Ideal location for retired ooudIo. pTlced at 1,100. Terms. Immediate poa aesslon on thla. Owner moved to port land. In St. Vincent district thla two bedroom home. Living room haa flre piare, separata dining area, kitchen with breakfast noek. Automatic ell heat, cioio to bus. Priced at emir $0,310, and 1100 will handle. till ft of floor space In thla aaw two-bedroom borne. Spacious living room with fireplace. Separata dining I room, very modern kitchen with break-1 fast nook. Thla horn la all la the latest of colors, beautiful hardwood floors throughout. Bullt-tn vanity tn lovely bath. Automatic Montas oil heat. Largo tntido utility, plaster! garage. This horn has two coats of paint oa ahaka, three coats oa trim and very well built. Close to shopping center, school and three blocks to city bua. No drlve-byg on thla: we hav the key and will onjey showing you thla bom 111.000 la the prtce, and terms. Excellent location and In perfect con dltlea throughout. Two bedrooms, liv ing room with circulating fir place vary modern kitchen, bath with shower. Clots to aver? thing. 011 and let us ahnw yoa this. Shown by appt. only. Priced at 111.100. Terma. 4 Acre of the best aotl. Home haa beautiful shade. Oardea spot. The home has No. 1 oak floors, spacious llvini room with dining area. Modern kitchen with eating area. Inatn ntillty room. Plenty storage space over attarhed aa rag. This bom haa forced air Delra oil heat, also fireplace. Almost forget to mention the two lovely bedrooms- en master else. Priced at lll.tM Term. No parking worries at any time. Juit drive out and drive In, or call and let ui show you any one of these homes. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN 3425 Portland Road SMITH Rpil EnUti Ph. 3-7007 Dy or Ev. SELL OR LEASE iwrTB opnow to Brr-iMDOs- TRIAL SITU P. Let 4401130. Over 100 square fttt wareheuae spare with oil furnsre, private off let. 4 rett rma . larsa eovared Murk or aisrhln ahed and another email bide. Train track for bos cara. Rib hi in the heart nf Wast Sim industrial area. PRTCI 140 000. or leas for 100 oer month with option to bur. in "BKV KlO OENB, v. ph. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BIT fraaa .wner: Oood farm, ar mum trada vrrr ales ranch alrlo homo, I rea.-s oM. 1311 Lamina Ave. - CB310 notics. If mr prrwrtp w fa mm. rent ar asebeaaa, Uet tt with aa We bar. all klnda e4 eaat barer. STATB FINANCB CO. REALTOaU IM a. Bajk a. aaa Dial 44494 a. av si a ..rment. Phot EX Lhti ttW Xl ' - toil bou.ee to 0.11. I X. f "1 or aear aalera. If a wiah bp list " -rrc I THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregtw REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOMS - SOUTH! Thla t-raar-ld boat, wall laaalad oaa to laraa mark.t, twa ateeka from McaUalar acbool. ana blatk M tranaportailoa. Ha. Hilar: rooaa. pica kltcbaa, braakfart Book, aitaebad ,araoa tb atllltr. Lot M a 1W, cltr waUr. bona plaaland. Wall prtcad lor ai.aM. Call Data Xarbura far appolatmaot to TWO ACRES - THREE BEDROOMS H.ar aaw thraa-badraom. all aatlodad. Owaar aailoua ta mora to Calllorola. Low dowa waul U mat parlr. Pried at aalr all.aoa. Call Cbal Bawllaa li2 ACRES - 3-BEDR00M - NORTH! B.r. la II. that lo..lr tbraa-badroom boma oa 1 aaro looatad aaar Xalaar. rod b.ra bran looklat for. Illn.a, fortaa aala. To oaual aao lua. Prlcad at pair fl.Mt, wltb 13.000 dowa. call Cbat Kawlua now. 88 Acres - North - Trade for Income Property TbU flna farm baa Woo foal blahoar MB fronlara. t lood walla. ataaeblon bara wltb aamaat floor, aooo ao. ft. broodlor apoca, walk.ua frtuar. Thla U aeraa baa aa aicaptloaallr ale. Ibraa-badroom boma. For moro laformatloa. .all Dala Jtarbura. HERE'S ONE THAT'S A HUMDINGER! Very nice and clean large roomy two-bedroom home oa wonderful H acre with real garden, lot of pretty shrub, velvety lawa, attached garaae. Home la almost aaw with hardwood floor. Insulation, weather stripping, etc. We bar the key aad will be happy to ahow you through. . Cail Jlas. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON THIS ONE Nic close la suburban V acre. Lota of fruit tree, ahruba and flowers.' oood garden. Two-bedroom home, large living room, dining room, kitchen, big gar, 14 a M workshop. Available for Immediate pos 1 ae salon. Only 17,710, with emeu down payment. Call Jim. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 1040 . Capitol St. Offlca I-4M4 ar 4-1141 Tiboatu 1-14M Chat l-liil Jim ll Dal. turban J-loaa all GRABENHORST SPECIALS IDEAL SCHOOL LOCATION Batwcea blab acbool and Bnllawood. t bdrma. wltb built-in cablbeta and laa. eloaau. Llv. rm. with tlraplaeo, dla. rm.. kltcbaa aad Book, loralr Pullman batb. utllltr rmH auto. 11 forcad air furaca. Convantanl to abopplnc center and bua. alaoa br appt. oalr. CALL J. B. LAW CLABB "A- WARBHODSI a OPPICI (PACE-Approilmatelr 74 I IN ft., reinforced coacrato, full apan. Ideal for laraae aad offlca purposaa. located clcao In. An exc.ll.nl kulldlai, well located. Prlca M.too. CALL C. L. ORABBKHORBT ALL ON OKB FLOOR IN .INOLIWOOD Brick trim. 4-rr.-old home, threo tood.alaod bdrma., fireplace, aeparata dla. rm.. room ta aat la kitchen, lnild. utllltr room, fenced lot. Owner In Loa Anaelea. AnaWua for Offer. CALL ROT 8. PBRRIS 4 CORNZRS ARIA Owner tranafarred. Almoit new l-bdrm. ranch trpa homo. Lovelr Ur. rm. with beautiful touab atona fireplace, dla. rm., bath, utllltr wired for drr.r, attached alnale laraae. Dble. ward' robe closeta, oil forcad air furnace. A flna home and only lll.tM. CALL J. B. LAW BEDROOMS Home la oacellent condition. Corner lot, nleo Tard. cloee la locatloa la No. 1 aona. Ideal for conrrraloa ta apu. Oood terma. CALL H. K. LAY1ION CROP OOES 10 acre, of apledld walnut treej. all bearlai aood. Ma Iraea approi. 11 jtra. old. aood land pouth, excellent bulldlbl alia. MM. CALL ROT . rXRRIS SUBURBAN SOUTH Ranch (trie homo. Laa. lot 104 a m. f bdrma.. U. rm. with fireplace, din. rm, Terr convenient kitchen with brkf. aook. Dole, aar.ie, beautiful landacaplnr. Patio. A farollr boma In a frlendlr neighborhood. Drlv, bp 1147 Stabler Lane then for appt. ta aaa CALL ' H. Wm LAYlfON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 a. Llbertr at. ' ! ph. 1-14U Bvealnaa Sundara call a. K. Larmoa i-tlll, Ror Perru 1-W10 J. I. Law 1-1111 al Exchange What You Own for Other Property You Prefer STAYTON 41 Acre. All under Irrigation. 1-bedroom home. tll.tOO. Will take noma or income property lo trade. DALLAS . Buar Lauaderetto al aoo. Oood aoner-ma'krr and Income could bo doubled. Owaar will lata 1-bedroom home, Salem or Portland. ' ' SALEM Nice auburban 1 -bedroom home with I acre of peaches. Owner laav innt.0Vn' ABIiou M ,37'MO- WIU consider borne as part par- GRANTS PASS Beautiful 1-bedroom. ruatte flnlih homo with fireplace and hardwood floora. Alao email meat house which could bo uaed aa doctor'! offlca. 117, too. owner will take home la Salem aa part parmtat. SALEM l-unlt motel with l-kedroom home, north on niihwar M. ideal lo cation. Could be Improved and make larto Income propertr. 131,000. Owner lea una for California aad win tako nice home la trade. NEAR SAN FRANCISCO I acre,. Chicken tana with 1-bedroom ruatlo flnuih home with hard wood floora. Place la wall equipped. Prlc, 131.040. Will trada aa apartment or motel. 992-ACRE FARM IM aeraa under cultivation. Oood 4-room older trpa houao. modern. 4tM0. WIU take oulara Oreioa ranch ar will conaldar Income prop- ARIZONA Near Tuma. IM acres good rich alfalfa farm, all tinrtT Irrlaatlon. 1-bedroom home. 1 years old, modern. Tenant houne and other outbuild lnaw. AUo arra citrus grove. Price 170,000. Owner would trada for large farm la Salem vklnlty. SALEM ,w,u !,u2 Ioe,r nn "h uviat auartera. 111.004. pitta lavaatarr. wriu isae trade. Will b iwlng you at the State Fair, Salem. Oregon, In Grandstand Buildng, Booth No. 8 ' W m r ALTO R aaaaa.aaa.aaa.aaaia ! Vt. '896 NORTH CAPITOL BT. s-y 'V,. SALEM, OREQON HU ipaiihii: a 4 REALESTATE SNUG 2-B.R. . $7200 irfpT".?. ''""-"lOhland dla tr let. 140 ae. ft. ot floor arer. built I"'" - nriui a-adrm. home. Lot T ana pfr.r ire-, won derful aardea aoii. rtai a Automatio washer Included. This horn in fin eondMlnn tor odit 17300 Ajik IaafLirF BOWDKR. Phoni mm UM Palrgreunda Road WANTED REAL ESTATE aataa BOHE Have coast eabla aa a Mill. ralll ESTATE INDEPENDENCE CAB CO.",,WtT W"aeTl Vi. C- 'tlvdM Ore BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "J oo4 al oil wmpaar - - ...r aauaaa. t, au 44aa. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE WANTED FURNITURE va.ii.i:nii,.i AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonlte at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile eatt ot Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 38098. 1 dam- JOE PAL00KA f LOOn. rVAlM...rVHY I I A 6000 SfWl... T V AM , TM7 1 WHAT THAT POOR NO SUsTTleaaaaBaaaaaaaaS aamr POTT VOU MiSC UP... SM'S lINO vOU 10 URN fc- WHAT I Of WENT THRU WHILg I J k . Jr.LCtVc va" K Oevy...OAy... SHE'S La...ocr-r OU CallD A... was ArvAV...SME5 AS T E pa 1 1 Mfr tvi-uV -N AJSWTIOua niO R6ALI7.E WHV SHE TT AM- f I E f RESM AN-WNASUNT Zt M ?.m- "ljrt MINUTE ITS TO t M S KNOCK VE", -T t HER " " 1 REAL ESTATE KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Harp lata tbla baautlfut homo la flap aalabborbood at a minimum coat. Baautlful vlaw aad aula! alroar. Laraa lot. oil radlaat b.at. apaclaoa lllna room -with Inatdo plantar, paaalod lira. Plata a Youtuatowa kltcbau. Wall kapt tnaida aad out aad offarad for oolr 10 top. P H A. Urma. Aak for THBLalA alAJfataatT. koaaa Pbona I ltaa Pirrtraunda Baad HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT .NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY , TRADES TRADE 1 Bedrooms '& Attic Tbla anal home haa aa additional attle room suitable for aleeplu rm. New bltcbett bullt-laa, fplace. Owner needa laraar home, prefera north or a aat. rrlea phoo. cau lira, Woottu. TRADE This 3-br. home Keizer Diat. haa ! bdrm. dwa. M 1 an. II Una II a II. dlnlna rm.. kit- laauL a.r 1.4 44 a 130, aome fruit treea, approa. aao a JIM., price eo7ed. will trada for l-bdrm. homo wltb at loaat 1 bdrma. aa around nr. Call lira. Woottea. TRADE One Bdrm. for Two Bdrms. Bxcaileat one-bedroom home with fireplace close to downtown, for two- bedroom borne. Prefer eoutb aide f city. 4TTea i3H. can aj. Watts, TRADE 3 Plus Acres on Creek A aeat, cosy boma, overlooking year around creak. Ideal spot for country living and to rata chickens and ducks. Only law. Would trade foe l-bdrm. home eoutb. t f TRADE Horse Loveri 5 Acres - 3 Bdrmi. If you are looking for a home for your horses, thla 10 It I Oood 1-atall barn. Ideal paature land. Oood aub-1 atantlal l-bdrm. home completely mod ernised, pvd. road, cloa lo elty. Prlca 9 It, 700. TRADE Court Street Income . . Valuable locatlori. easy income. Ifr- log atra. As renuli, in eicellent cond Wiil take moder a.iome In trad. Priced to sell, $,000. Call air. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZIHQ REALTOR 101 N. Hlah St. Ph. 1-1441 clol' Back to School SELECTED HOMES TO MEET THE PROBLEM OF SCHOOL- ING FOR YOUR CHILDREN 1. KEIZER Newlr built 4-bedroom bom .with large living room and fireplace. Dining room plus eating area In large kitchen. Double garage. Al most half acre oa paved atreet. 2. LESLIE 1-bedroom horn an on ona floor, onlr 11710. Baaement with sawdust furnace. Large corner lot with both etreeta paved. Bua by door. Will . trada for s email boma. 3. SALEM HEIGHTS Mew 1-bedroom, really out. At tached garage, auto, oil heat. Cloaa to ous and school, oood terma. 4. WEST SALEM Special 1-bedroom, living room, kitehea, breakfaat Book. Small lot. 1&O0 dowa. 5. LINCOLN Needs a good bandy man with a hammer aaw. Material on prem ise. Twe-bedroom horn. Large let. Oood well. Oalr 14250. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 Booth wish Street Phone t-iaol Phone evenlnca and Sunder: 4-1471. I-llll. 4-1341. 4-4411, 1-3304. C31C AUCTIONS SUDTELL'S - AUCTION HOUSE Thuri, Sept. Srd 3913 Silverton Rd. Ph. 36098 II A U -MISC. FURNITURE, VEG ETABLE t P.M. UVESTOCK 1U Red I no. pullets, rabbits, babr .calvM, veal, feeder etock, beef oowi. milk sows, neirera, suiia, ataera. pica. Come to .,11 er bur. LAKE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. (tdloa- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WH1TB PACB Heifers, steers. Choice dark stock. Some bred. 1-11 months. 171-1123 each. Dandy gentle bulla. Il ls month. 1121-tlM. Millet Hereford, loeoa b. B. PowelL Portland, Su. H- 304 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCTKIB kir While fee dlereford. 14c Locker pork 4Sc. nothing down, f os to par Custom killing, xrautr leaned free Salem Meat Co. U3 S th. Pb 1-41 a RABBITS NINE BSD Calfomla doea and aeveral rouai baeke or doe,. I aealor bucka. 441, Clarw Rd 4-lai, .Mil' PETS MALE BOXER, dark fawa, 14 rra. Verr aood bleed Una, provea aire. Ill 00. POOPS 3S0S4. Sf31. PARAREETa CarafaUr selecud pounr birds. Cbolea eolera. I1M Llvlaaston. 1-1441 oclll OU. ftvavaaaa a.a.iaaayf PETS pos a ALB Deodar land it aak, lit. MIJTWOOD AaLABIUM UN AlcCor, Ml. block aaat .1 N. Capitol, lib bloeka north of alacuaon. rn. J- ' -v"- BORDER COLLIE pupplea. HOD. Phone 4-1100. and Tor ahephard Heather Lane. ec30l AFFECTIONATE BABT COON, Mill afl.roooni. 11. Pb. K30I caaarlON BRED BOXER pupplea. ev err pup potential cbamplon. aaoore Tropical Plan. Parakaeta. Turtlaa. aup- pllu. 1 mliea rrom Lancaaier oi licClaar road. 4-1771. Cloaad Wednea dar. ecl LEAVING TO taach achool. W1I aeU flttr pet dou al M apiece. Uiaa Som en. Route I. Boa m, aaonmoum. irm.r MaIIo.I. O a..a..ee.eaee...eae...ee...ei FUEL PLANER ENDa Oreea or drr Out of town dellverlee. Sawduat: blowara and P.O. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. tail Xdaawaur Ph. 14431 ee' FOR SALE POULTRY WB ABE hatchlna New Hampahlra Oold- on Broad and Arbor Acrec wnito rtoca, orerr week. Special prlcea ta rear around frrar arowera. Pox'a Hatcberr, lt state St. Phone I-4H1 t PRODUCE CANNING and freealu boana. Lota of them. You pick 4c lb. I muea norm. eaal of eTeleer on Lake Labtab. Watch alea to beao rard. Ralph Hoe.lna Pbona I-nai. ff3io U-PICK PEACHES at 11M Wallace ltd., 14 mliea from briaae. Jt. k rorater, phone 13134. 1H1 ORAVENBTEIN APPLES Also peart. U pick. Phone I-4IS4. 11310- BARTLETT PEARS II. 35 and 13.00 per box. Pbona 1-3334. 4110 Claitar Rd. fIJlO' riCEUNO CUKEB tr..h dallr from our farm field run ae pouad. orsanieaur arowa potatoaa. red ar white. Peachee now on market. Phtinpa Bros, rarm llerkoL IM0 Portland Rd., saiem. Pbona 34513. ff WANT TO BUT Sweet Con lb field. Clvd. A. schata. Junction Cltr. ore. Phobo 1-1017. fill! SALEM PUBLIC Market (Farmsr'al, open Wedneadara and saturdara. I:W am Freab eaaa. veaetablea. fruit and flow- era. 1340 E. Rural. Vi block aaat of nth St. rrctw MOST VAB1ETT of peschss In sssson. Worm free Oravansteln. IV. mue nom brldaa oa Wallace Rd. L. . Wendt, arower. H3IP1 PEACHES. J. H. HALES and Improved Elbertaa. 1st load wsonssasr, aept. 2nd. Purltsn Cider Works. 711 Xdce water. Weab Salem. ff313 CUCUMBERS TOR DILLS, Phons 4-3001 svsnlnsa. buahel. 11314 CANNING PEACHES IMS PUher Rd. read?. H33I). PEACHES Improved Elbertaa ready bow at Kron e Orchard, 1 mile out Wallace Road. Phone 3-6361. ff220 BOXEB rOB SALS by truck load. Apple, lettuc. cant At range. Clyde A. Siberia, HA. I, Junction City. Ore. (1212 PEACHES Improved Elbertaa, J. R. Hales. Ripe Tomatoes, 12.21 buiheL Cantaloupes 4e lb. Prune k Bsrtlett Pears. Green Apple Mkt., 1 mile north on M-E. fflll HELP WANTED MEN OB women for hop picking machine one truck. Call 4-1220. 210 BEAV PICKKBSOak Crest Parm, 2 mliea north of West Salem on Wallace Rd. Heavr crop. Cloa la. Parking available. . e20 CASHIEB-BOOKXEEPEB Speedway Restaurant, 1170 Center St, No phone cam. a PEAR PICKERS Oak Crest Perm, 1 mile north of West Salem oa Wallace Rd. Heavy crop. Close In. 6201' BEAN PICKERS D. P. MacCarthy and Sons BUS FOR BEAN PICKERS WILL RUN AOAIN THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER I. D. P. MACCARTHY S3 SON, RTE. 1. BOX 133, SALEM. SIM BEAN PICKERS Nor plcklnf lood sscond crop of polo besns, sood crop, snd clesn rard. Excellent camp facilities. Steadr work. Dallr bua aervke from Salem en fol lowlnt routs: Stsrtlna at 1:41 am., at Owens snd Llbertr. then north on Llbertr to Brosdwsr, north on Broad war to Hlsbland, eaat on Hllhland to Silverton Road, east on Stlvertoa Road to Falrhavea Ave.. Falrlrounda road to Summer St.. .aouth oa Summer to Center, ea,t on Center to 13th. aouth 13th to Hort. west on Hort lo Com mercial, aorth on Commercial la Llb ertr. north on Llbertr to Owena, weat en Owens to South Rlvsr Rood and on south River Road nine miles to farm. Look for dark sreaa Internation al bua with D. P. MacCarthr and Sons Farm painted on It, 'las down driver: he will be Had ta stop anrwhrra on thle rout, for rou. Plesae. bo children under fourteen unless with adults. For Further Information, drive out South River Road nina miles to farm, or phons Independence 1IF3. D. P. MscCARTHT AND SON Rt, t, Eos 133, Salam, Orasoa S311 OP PICEER8 arsentlr needed. Earlr slusters. Tr importation rrom ampior- merit offlca, Salem. Brae.t 4k Fred Stadell. Phone 11711 ar 14711. Stiver, ton. S313' HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED OROCERT CLERK Ins Center, 1310 Portland Road. Immediate Vacancies at Oreron State hospital for parcbl atrlo attendants. Eealnnlns ealarr till month. Applr Stats Civil service com mlaaloa. 103 Pubus Service Bids. SS30I' THOROUGHLY experienced service ela tion man. Prefer standard oil expert ence. Waller H. Zosel Co Cbemeketa Aj Hlch. - S.710 HELP WANTED FEMALE OIBL OB LADT for part time evening work. 2214 Petrground Rd. Eiperienre tn tee cream handling preferred. gb20 EXPERIENCED acceasory saleslady. Per manent poaltloa. No night hours. Ap ply la person. pRicrS, 111 . Liberty St. as 8AI.EAf.ADT Must play ptsno and be experienced mustceuy. wuia Mtutc store. abau EXPERIENCED WAITBSAP Part arid full time. Apply In person. China City, 35M S. Commercial St. eblll' CH1ID CARE, daya la air horn. Call after! p.m. J41. gb211 IIDDI.E AGED lady for child cirin modern country borne by pt. 14. Llv In, two daya off. Phone 2TF1I gaau Wednesday, September 2. 1958 HELP WANTED FEMALE RXFEaitTNCED aalwladr PS lake ardors '1 wr0uabt Iron furalehlaje at Ststa "lr blbPboaS I-IWO. IbKk). PBM-IICAL NtWE. appll la psnwa. Oak Craat Noralas Boma, ill S. Com merelal. lM"t WANTED experienced housekeeper, llva la Local ralerencas required. Muat lias children. UM month. Write boa . 107 Capital JouroaL sblla OPPOBTUNITT for housawtfs to a ara oatra moner avanlass 1 so II. Waah 1ns slaaawara. capable of learnlns les aresm counter service. Noa smoker. Applr I to aat Ths Plko, 111 is. Llbertr. "" IXPEB1ENCED SALESGIRL wasted. Ap plr Usrtmsa Brc... IW Suts. sb3DI EXPERIENCED readr-to-wear salssladr. Parmaaenl poaltloa. No alsht hours. Applr la parson. PRICE'S, in B. Lib- ' ertr St. "' WAITRESS Woodroftea Saa Shop, law Portland Rd. Ho phoo, aall.. be car hop woodroffe'B sn Shop, I4O0 Portland Rd. No phono calla. sb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB REOISTER TODAT. WORK TOM OR. , ROW. IP StJALlFIXD JUST A PARTIAL USTINO BELOW . F Recepl. Dr's ole. lo-ll ,.,...1301 p Recept. Seer. I dar till P Oea. ofc. bkltps. sip. I da...30t p Switchboard opr. rscpt. U-M..I1U P Bkkpr. I da. 10-M 1331, P Lets stsno. sap .3oS F Cssblsr Oca. ofc 11-J1 till F Medical et.no. 10-40 IMS F Medical 4t.no. (out of town). 1271 M Accountant 4371 M Route Sales 11-11 ...Open . THE BEST WAT TO THE BEST JOES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 4M Ststa St. lOrason Bids. I 4-1311 PORTLAND OFC., 410 S.W. MORRISON sups WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Shoe Salesman. Experience not necessary. Apply at 171 vM. Liberty. SVC Mr. Remolds. galll WANTED POSITIONS CABPSNTEB, repair At remodel eabl- neta b garages. Small joba welcome. Phono 4-4261. hlio UOHT CBAWLEB doalng. dirt level. Ing, grading. Phono 1-1220. hisi LAND CLEARING Job wanUd. W have a cat a di gone ano a little one. We do any kind of cat. work. ph. ju. . MIS PAINTING Interior and exterior, wall wot, rnona v-otvi or a-anp, - aau WASHING, ironing and aaw lag, la my noma, rnona -joa. uu BBU8H OB SPBAT Phoao h312 4-150 or 1-1M1. NEW LAWNS Prepared aad aeedad. Rotary hoeing. Duane Wolcott, 1-1127. h23l WOULD Uk to bid an your painting. Phone 1-4241. hl FAINTING Interior, exterior. McClara and Ooldta. Phone 1-1133 ar 1-3141. Mire CHILD care, br day or week, in mr home. Reaeonabls. Phons 13731. hill MIMEOGRAPHING trplns, aualltf work, rssaonsblo rates, Mrs. Poa. Ml N. 14th. Phone 11141. hll4 ROTOIILLINO Middle Orova Nsrssnr. - 4930 Silverton Rd. phoao 4-4111. h LA' N MOWERS, SCISSORS, dipper heads, sic, shsrpcoed. Oensral Mo tor Repair, 111 OerU. Phone 1-1S54. hlot LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service cantor. Phono 4-1471. b WIEMAL'S DAT NURSERY Licensed and stata tnspwted. Pbona S-1011. hill. TREE WORK Topping, trlmmlav, re- ' movlni. Inaursd. Jobs Paras, phons 1-0316. h33l WILL CABS for child, mr house, dera. North. Phono 113. h300- EF.LIABI.E BABT SITTER Will SO dsn or nlshts. Phono 1-M44. hiso EDUCATION PIANO leaaona, rour home 1 - Join club now. Phono 44oop. ' mlns. hhlll HIGH SCHOOL for diplomas at homo. Writs American School, 1141 N. Intsr. atats. Portland 1, Or.. nhlls HELP SICK PEOPLE, studir the standard four rear collate eourae and become a Naturopathic phrilelan. Writs NOW to Dept. R, WESTERN STATES COL LEGE, 4t2 S. X. Urd At,, Portland. Orasoa. . hhlll PIANO LiaaONI br aipsrlrneod teacher. II a lessoa, for Information call l-llll. hhlio FOR RENT orncx space inantro at IM Blab Faone 1-4114. f. LABGB warehouss spaca for rant e leaaa. Cement fjaora. brick buUdlat Dowa town, tnoulra a. U Stiff Pur. niturs Co. Phone l-llll. j. TRAILER SPACE in month. No pets. Phons 1-IMI. 1740 Oxford at. 1114. FOR lease 110 ta loo feet frontaaa on Edi. water St. Wstt Sslsra. Ira 4. Plttt, ph III01 e WANTED TO RENT WOMAN AND child need furnlihrd apt, la Hollrwood dietrlct. Call l-imi. lalie. 1-BEDROOM hou,. saraaa. South Ra lam ar auburb. Rafereacss. Phone 13317. laJM STATE EMPLOTE and wife desire 3 bed room bouse. With auto, heat and earate. Phone 4-1530. layoff FOR RENT ROOMS BOOH WITH bath, does la. aantleman. Phone 1-4711. iklio 1 SLEEPING BOOHS. cKve to Pair. rounda. 130 Tamarack. Phone 10137. Jklio ONE BOOM apartment with refrlsera tlon. Newlr decorated, private, in 8. ATTRACTIVE ROOM clos. bulldinta. 131 N. Winter. to stats lk23l NICE SLEEPING ROOM with hot dTcold ater;heatL3t center at. Ik30 ROOMS FOR GIRLS Kitehea prlvllesas lde.lr,d. 130 N. Wlnur. ini. "'S, Cloaa' la 11 R. winter". Call after I SO. lkrr FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN 1-BEDROOM. modem, ,.. J?-?!801"' H rhon. I-1II7. imiis OVE-redroom tmfuralahed SSnX clean cute. III. Adulta. Inoutre lot, -"J""' Imlioe "0D"" Nice n,hborhooi ... ml Bw )wnraTa-n lbs Ulaal for smau ahlld. Mi. Pb, 1.7,71 . Imlioe B RENT Llttls house, lieal" for or 1. v.rr clean. Pbona Mill, hnlioi I BEDROOM, fireplace, automatio heaC fumuhed 114. unlnri.hi . 4ia or 4733. "jm,,.: By Ham Fisher T -P r V V i