Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 02, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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Wednesday, September 2, 195S
Put II
Tele -
(q Radio-Television
Several weeks ago TELE-VIEWS urged TV fans to
watch their VHF band for freak reception from various
VHr television stations.
Following TELE-VIEWS advice, Ray Moore, local
TV repairman, has been watchintr the lower band ta.
tions. Ray received KMO-TV
cnminei 10 on opening nigni.
. Opening night prizes were being given away to various
Tele-Viewers and Ray received word Tuesday that he had
won a deep fryer for being the farthest Tele-Viewer of
the new station, s
. CBUT, the first Canadian TV station on the Pacific
coast, is expected to start 'operation in November. ' The
CBC outlet will serve the Vancouver area from a trans
mitter located on Mt. Seymour.
Th Toymaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker bring!
hii tales of toyi to delight the young of heart on this live chil
dren's show.
Northwest New Digest, 5:45.. Features Norman Wallace,
newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and ommenta
tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace.
Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with
local news and news photographs local and I've. v
Fights, S. Randy Sandy of New York va Ernei Durando
of Bayonne, N.J., is shown in 10-round middleweight bout
. from the St. Louis arena.' Jack Drees announcing.
Llberace, 7. Selections include: "Stars and Stripes For
ever," '"Lullabye of Broadway," "Sidewalks -f New York,"
"Don't Ever Take Your Love From Me," "Carioca," "Chopin
by Candlelight," and "Beer Barrel Polka."
I Married Joan, 8. Joan uses one of her husband's most
valuable stamps in his collection to mail a letter and gets
into trouble with both the mail and her male.
. This Is Your Life, 8:30. Life story of Sara Berner.
Kraft Theatre, 9. "In Albert's Roorti" is a story about
a college professor of mathematics who finds his unpopular
course : winning popular support from unexpected sources.
Teleplay features Tony Randall, Dorothy Donohue, Joe Ilaross,
Mercer McLeod and Eggie Wolfington.
Orient Express, It. "13th Spy" An American concert
singer (Cathy O'Donnell) is enroute from Rome to Florence,
Italy. She discovers that enemy agents have mistaken her for
a fabulous Czech spy who is trying to flee Eastern Germany.
Featured are Charles Fawcett and George Higgins.
Crusade in the Pacific, II. (Fart 23) "Shifting Tides in
. the Orient" Events preceding the war in Korea are unraveled.
Includes growth of nationalism and communism in the Dutch
East Indies, India, Indo-Chlna, Malaya, and China.
Nit Owl Theatre, 11:S. "Melody for Three."
What's Cooking? 9:30. Cooking show with Barbara An
gell Aunt Grace's cookies pan fried Zuchini.
Matinee Theatre, Z. "Police Bullets" with John Archer,
Joan Marsh, and Warren Hymer.
The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings you
tales of toys to delight the young of heart.
Northwest News Digest, 5:45. " Features Norman Wallace,
newscaster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and- commenta
tor cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace.
Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with
local news and news photographs local and live.
Cisco Kid, 6. A little miner named Luke, who has always
wanted to be Fire Chief, buys a second-hand fire engine for
the town of San Marcos. He unknowningly interferes with
the nefarious plans of the town banker who has stooped to
embezzlement, arson and murder.
Hunting and Fishing News, :S0. Rudy Lachenmeier
rePTnegUnexpected, 8. "Blackmail" co-stars Marie Windsor
and Leif Erickson in a story of Marya Vardas, broadway star,
who-ii being blackmailed with the threat that her husband
will be informed of certain happenings in her early life.
. On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Ob1 retrmi eehedules a ed'ante)
Soles - Service Instollotion
Open from t .m. U P-m.
Ph. 7-1611 40 8. ComL
Saltm't Unit TeleTtsion Store
1 11 p.m. aaren for Tomorrow
:S0 p.m. Low Lift
1:4 p.m. Tormaker
4:0 P. m Howdy Doody
I II p.m.-trlka It Rich
010 p.m. NwspapaT ( Ait
:00 p.m. TlthU
0 44 p.m. Kewa Canvas
1M p.m. Liter
T 30 p m. Scott Musle H&U
00 .m. I Marrltd Joan
S 0 p.m. Thl 1 Your Lift
00 p.m Krait Theatar
10 00 pm. Orient Kxprsaa
10 1 p m. Halt Hour Thaatar ,
11:0 p.m. P adit Crusada
11:10 p.m. Owl Theater
Metaroli, Oumont, Hoffman IU
Valley Television
2303 FalrgrMRds Rd. Ph. 2 tl3
sm v. Mm Im an
Tm tae Mm Oeel I T.n
mun Tri TeennieieM
on tJntn
O.ll, Sel.r.
, THtatDAt
It a ea. Where cooklacT
IS M Preedoa Rlnie
II :M . rn. Tne Bit Paroff
11 1 W.kome Trarelen
11 em. On nf Account
II M pm-UR Oeneral Amblr
l:N p.a. capaule Theater
. ttcfrf Traln4 8tTk
BBS Installation
IMS etata Bt rbana
of Tacoma, Wash., on VHt
rm. Arthur Ootttrar
l ie p.m. tba
3:00 p.BL Matlnr Theater
1:14 to. flesrch for Tomorrow
5:10 p.m. Lovt of Ufo
44 p.m Toymaktr
4:M p.m. Howdy Doodr
'4:45 p.m. Fall tha Cat
: p.m. Rang RMor
1:30 p.m. Nwppr of Air
1:4ft p.m. North west Digest
I 00 p.m. Cisco rid
1:10 p.m Hunting atwJ mining
:4ft p.m. Haw Caravan
T:H p.m. Oroucho ftitn
1:10 p.m. Dragnet
1:00 p.m. Tho Dn4xpctt
:I0 p.m. ford Thcttor
0:00 p.m. Martta Fano
10 p.m. Kthvl Barrrmoro
10.00 p.m. Wrtling
11:00 p.m. Nit Owl Theatsr
Technicians on Duty
Till :J p.m. Daily
1410 S. lZth Ph. 45512
Tansy Ragwort to Get
Public Discussion
Representatives of several
western Oregon counties have
been asked to attend a confer
ence to be held in McMinnville,
September 15, dealing with the
control of tansy ragwort. The
rnnfxrenr has been called bv
the Yamhill county weed con
trol committee.
Judge Rex Hartley of the
Marion county court will ap
pear on the program, discuss
ing "Tansy Ragwort As Pub
lic Problem." It is expected
Commissioners Roy and E. L.
Rogers will attend the meeting.
Control of the weed by single
counties is considered an ex
pensive program, Yamhill coun
ty officials point out. "It Is felt
that a meeting of the type pro
id do a lot toward
unifying the control program."
r.nvernmrnt azencies con
trolling lands In western Ore-1
gon have been asked to attend (
and participate in the confer
ence. $5200 Lost While
On Shopping Tour
Portland 0P Robert R. Till
brook of Orchards, Wash., told
police Tuesday he lost $5,200
while shopping in downtown
Portland. An envelope contain
ing the cash apparently fell out
of his coat pocket, Tillbrook
There are about 55 pounds of IT HM f IIOBITt fOtlSTItf
gold in a cubic mile of sea wi,...,
, ter.
Name Winners
4-H Contests
Dallai Four-H extension
genu today reported addition'
al first place winners in com
petition at the Polk county lair
last week. The winners lollow
Proaaa food dsmomlrauon. MrjrM
parting, laKafptojkenct. sWttlu auncnaoa.
laki, Martha Kaluaoactt, fttiuuxv. vt-
iiog tKii uui, sra at. Ludr
Pacb, UMMptndtnct. atom mada aa&a
mix. Haacy Oautaiiauar, Amity.
' CivtUm, Siipor, Kutli Culaaoa, JUca-
Ualrp Poodj, Milk ahaJtoa, Uut Iftur
garn Haana. Farrydalc.
HomtaukiDj alatmi tod, Xuth
Carlcaoa. HtckroaU. Wool iivim, Ruth
Carltaoa. Cara at Um haada. Carta
aUMtics. aajam Taaio Kuta Carlaaoa,
Uoma Beowomlca Caonlu, Sbaroa
Kmmt, RtckroalL Junior brtad aaaiac,
Ruby ftampaL DaUaa. Dollar dlaaar,
Manam Ana PhlUipa. CaAo PAaUac. Of.
loraa ftUaplatoa. Dallas.
Homo coaomlca Judglat Canalnf,
Patty Boylt, lodapoadaoca. Cookttr, top
taam, alary Baflh; DtUMi Haocy Dauaa
hauar. Amity; alaraarat .Ana PhUllpa,
Dallaa. lodividuala. alary Batth. CloUi
Ihf Judiini. top Uam, Uyrna Blmmoaa.
Rutn Carloaoa and aharoa KuUf, Rkek
raall. ftbaroa Kaatar haid top lAdlfidual
Clouuai l-a Judith Joaaa. Sharldaa;
Loan Ktltatr, Amity; Pauy Plektl, la
doptodeaoti Judith Pickal. ladopaod
taca. CloUilDg l-O. Floxanc Ann EAitar
Parrydalti ftiartanha HtuiakL Riakjaall;
' frawo, ,m; jtana Jiraa
riek, Balam; Jojoa Outbrod, AAtrldaa;
Dorolraa Ollaoa, Amity.
Clothloa II, Dona McClurt, Baltm;
Kay fraacu Wclla. alonmouth: Aun
Rampal, Ptrrydale.
Ctothlni UIB, Byrna Blmomna, Rick
raali; Harp J ana Walt. Hleknail: Zta
Ann Hwbanthai. Monmouth.
ctothtftf 1II-C, Aharon Keatcr.
Clothlnc 1V-A. Ruth Cancaon.
Clothing IV -B, Mulaa Ptckal, Xnda
Clothlni V-A, Colletn Loucka, Balim.
Bachalor atwint. Donlco AehttlUnbarB
Tommy Hanaen, Caaty Bcnmldt, Bobby
Cockini I. four plain mufflna, Lucllla
Brill, Dallaa. Pour cup cakaav Qbbia
Myara, RlckritlL Vanilla drop cooklaa,
6ara Kay Laundcrbach, Larry Manchaa.
Dallaa. .
CooklQf H, aponto cakt, Prancca Lan.
Indcpcodenci; Margaret Baaart, Dallaa.
Anael food, Oena Ray Cook, Dalla
Oeono Ana Fairfield, Dallaa.
Cooking ill, one loaf whita bread. Nan
vy Dauenhauer, Mary Margaret Haana.
Pioaea Pooda I, Raa Maria Dicklruoo.
Independtnct Patty Bonla. Mariori
BocrUng, Nancy Jo Lemmoa, Indapcad-
Proaen Pooda n, EattyAnn Clint.
Canning 111. Batty Ana CUnt.
Canning IV. Mr ma Simmons rM
Sharon Ketter.
xTnlttlng, LaurA Lynn Rogara, Ind.
Btrla Rcrua. work drau,v Kenntt Ruth
Carlcaoa, Salem.
Sporta colthea, Zora Ana HJebenthal,
Monmouth; Carol Perguaon. 4 a 1 a m;
Carolyn Perguaon. Salem. Cotton achool
draaa, Zora Ana Hlebcnthal, Myrna Slnv-
mou. Ana uarman, looependinca and
Joett Rogara, Independanea. Party draaa.
Ruth Carlaaon, RickreaU,' beat dreu.
Wool itraai draaa, CoUean Loucka, Salem.
14 Burglaries
Confessed to
Sacramento, (U.R) Fourteen
Northern California and Ore
gon burglaries were cleared
up today following confes
sions by Robert Hance, 22, and
Jack Hearne, 28, both of
The pair told police how to
knock a combination off a safe
and other tricks of the trade
in admitting burglaries in
Red Bluff, Corning, Orland,
Willows and Sacramerto in
California and the Medford
vicinity in Oregon.
Police said the string of bur
glaries apparently started in
July in Yreka. The pair con
fessed following four days of
silence since they were cap
tured last Friday. They were
questioned in relays by offi
cers from Sacramento, Red
Bluff, Yreka and Medford.
Frog-Hunting Boy
Drowns at Albany
Albany (U.B An 11-year-
old Albany boy drowned here
yesterday afternoon while on a
frog hunting expedition with
two young companions.
The victim, Lee Emerson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fenn E.
Emerson, was hunting frogs in
a gravel pit near Cox creek
when he fell into deep water in
the pit. He was unable to swim.
Two companions, Armand
Borde and Jim Griffith, called
for help and a neighbor, Mrs.1
Jean Sherman, rushed to the
pit and leaped into the water
in a vain attempt to save the
drowning boy.
$un Valley
Countin$ ?
BSSsel low CrUonT
men m twiwr
New Code Goes
To Council
The Salem , Planning and
Zoning commission last night
completed its work on the new
city zoning code and forward'
ed it to the city council for fi
nal legislation.
The council will hold pub
lic hearing on the new pro
posed code before acting upon
Last minute changes includ
ed simplification of procedure
for obtaining minor variances.
raised filing fees from $35 to
$50 for zone or setback
changes, and from $10 to $25
for variances, and lowered
subdivision fees $10 to $5.
A few citizens' bid.i for map
changes were either filed or
passed on to tht council for
Smith Assigned as
Forestry Assistant
Assignment of Joseph W.
S.nith as technical forestry assistant-in
the northwest Ore
gon district at Forest Grove,
was announced this week by
George Spaur, state forester.
Smith, a 1951 graduate of
the forestry school at the Uni
versity of Washington,, has
been assigned to forest protec
tion duties in the 1,700,000
acre state district
The new forester is a vet
eran of the Korean conflict.
having served as a surveyor in
an engineer construction
group. Prior to his military
service, he worked on , the
Olympic National Forest in
Washington as a fire ,crew
member, packer, lookout, tree
planter and timber cruiser.
Smith and his wife plan to
move from their former resi
dence in Tacoma to ' Forest
Grove within the next few
Jack Warner Loses
$71,400 in Burglary
Cannes, Frances WV-French
police reported Wednesday that
25 million francs ($71,400) in
French and foreign currencies
was stolen from the Riviera
home of retired American
movie producer Jack Warner
during an all-night party. The
police said Warner was not
present. He left for Rome last
week, they said, leaving his 18-year-old
daughter at the villa
at nearby Antibes.
According to the officials, the
money was missed early Wed
nesday morning after a party
at the house which lasted al
most until dawn.
Partlaad Urals
Portland lA'tNo bids or offers.
Wedneeday'g car receipts: wheat 17;
barley 1; Hour 4; com 3: mill feed 1.
Slock Market
New York The stock market ad
vanced Wednesday on a diminished vol
ume of business.
Oalners were numerous, and th hp
wrd push extended to between 1 and
1 polnta at the outside. Lome were
Trading amounted to an estimatea
1,100,000 ahares. Tuesday'a total came
to 1,480.000 shares.
The over two million har volume
Monday when the market was fallina
underlined that movement and th light
volume Tuesday on the rise and even 1
smaller volume Wednesday at advanclnt i
prkf waa disheartening to th bulllth
eon it men t In Wall B treet. 1
1425 Edgewafer SI.
West Salem, Oregon
Capitol Shopping (enter
1161 Union. Salem, Oregon
roTLm rami
4iu Um,: main uutr. aut
mum -St f mt mt cot ,et4tlr ..-
II.. wmA tm . 1 1 a. ..t. I k , ... I
UP aa-PPe, oecoad auahty, Ue. Vailey
rautaa and country polata. 1 aaata taaa
Batter- Whaiaaaw r.a tv baft eubae fte
wneieaait, graoaa a a, pi score, age
A atBt H iam aru- M at.
C. a Kara, t Abort prlcaa atrlcUy
Oaaaa SelriBC an ta Portland
vboleaalera, Oregon auialea, 43t-a;
uraaaei ta. laai. aa
ire to WsMMeaien Candla egrge
eootaia'og aa feta caaaa to eluded f.a
Portland A grade large, CIVWHc; A
grade medium, VsJS,c; B grade large
Bailer Prieo u reianorr Ormae AA
print, lie; A eaitam. nc: A trial. Ha
aartoa, net B prtnta. go.
Raga to predoetn Caadlad tap
Portland; Ungraded urge. 44a doa.;
graoe aa large, ao doa.; A large, tl-
oa.; aa medium. 9l-eOe dos.1 A
grade medUin, 1-W dog.; A grade
amaiig nominal, 3g-3c.
Bjgg to Reiaiiera orade AA. taraa.
1ci A large, 11c; AA medium. 3-4e;
A medium, a-c; A amaU, U-aftc. Car-
Kma a oenu aooitioaai.
Chaa Prtea to reuUara. Portlaad.
Oreeoo alnttta, aA-4ac; ft lb. loaTta.
l-MHc; triple U. lHe leea than aia-
giaa prtmium pranda aingtat. MHag
m. lot giagie arheeia pom. procaaaad Am-
artcaa cheeaa, l-lb. loavaa to ratal 4)-
o IP.
LItp Calekeakg (Ma. I aaallty. f.a.a,
Plaautt Pryera, S-l lb., lie; 1-4 la..
lie; roaatera, 4 itu., and over, lie;
heavy heoa, aU eiabti. ll-llc; liiht
hem, ail weight, li-llvj eld rooatara.
raaeed t'hiekoaa Mo 1 tfreveea ta
reiallcra. Pryera, broiler, 44 Ifra lb.;
roaatara. aU wu 44-4toi light aana.
itfy I he Aaaocutad Preaa)
Admira' Corporation
Allied Chemical tm
AIU Cbaimera 43
American Alrltaaa , US'
Amarlcaa Power m Llgb
Amarteaa Tel. Tel. IP1
Amencan Tobacea US
Anaconda Copper ....,. J14
Atchuoc Railroad A
Bethlehem ateal 41
Boeing Alrplalng Co. 404
Borg Warner , tt
Burrow Adding Machlni...: 14 i
California Packing 33
Canadian Paclfle ,f 23
Caterpillar Tractor m
Celaneaa Corporation im
Chryaler Corporation MS
Cltlaa Bric ,.,,. n
ConaolMated Bo moo ,,.,.
Consolidated Vulte ... 174
Crowa Zellerbach a94
Curtua Wrliht m
uouaiaa Aircraii , g5
Du Pont at Htmoura ti
Kaatmaa Kodak ....... , 43
Kmertoa Radio i
Oeneral Biactrt , , tt
Otneral Pooda tsv
Uenera) aiotora .,
Oaorgta Pac. rlrwood . . us
Ooodyeai Tire 4l4
Homaatak Mining Co. 3Sl
lateraauonai Harveatar 35H
International Paper . W
John aPanvllle M'4
Ktater Aluminum i&
Kennocott Copper , 16
Ubby MeMerl . 9,
Lockheed Aircraft S31
Loeeea Incorporated ' 11
Long Bell
Montcomery Ward tl
Neat) Keltlnator 1T4
New York Central 11
Northern Paclfw 11
Pacllle American PUb
Pad Ho Oaa Blectrta
Pad t to Tel. Tel Ill
Packard Motor Car 44
Penney, J. C v
Pennaylvanla R. R.
Pepal Cola CO. 13
Phlloo Radio
Radio Corporation ...
Rayonler Incorp
Rayonler Incorp. Pfd.
Republic Steel
Reynolds -Melalg
. M't
, 134.
. US
, 4ft
. aft'f
Richfield Oil
Bsfeway Biorea. lac. .
Scott Paper Co. . . ..
Seer Roebuck a Co.
, 01
Socodp Vacuum Oil 33:.
Southern Tactile 39
Standard Oil Calif 01 4
Miwrt OU N. i
SttMleb.kcr Cor,. MlBlu
,. aa "J
Swlfl A Co
Tr.n.imcrle. Cor,
TwcotleUl Crnturr Pol
Union Oil Comp.or
Uoloo P.clflo
. 11".
. 0(e
. U
. If
. 4
. J.'.
. I
. 13'
Dnlltd Alrllnu
Unttr4 Aircraft
United Corporation .. .. ...
Unllftd Statu PI, wood
UnlUo Statu Stat!
Warner Picture.
Wutern Union Tel
Wutlnehouae Air Brake
Weetlnghoua. Slectrtt
. its
It-llc; heary heat, ll34ei utup rry
era. aU wu M-ll la., whole draws I1
Ue m.
BaaAlia Aetna to rowri Lre
hi tea, 4- ma, 3-3M; la4 ll-33s
ib.i golorad pelt, to a. aadari
doa. 1P-13. few higher. Pre ah draaaad
fryer to retatlara, 47-toai a ap l4to.
laairp gttuaai maat
Top aaaiity, PP-IU Ib-t rough
near Ma. ao-iac.
atoga. Leaa alockera, U-ipc; aowa.
uaa -jac
Lamb Beat, 9t b. yearling.
at-iie lb . .
Haitoi BaL 11-lto Bji auU-aUUly,
M-l"i!r mw. tl-Je B.
euttore. 11-IN; ehaUa owa to Ua,
rroafe Beieeaa Blaaea
fThoieaaiar to retaitarm Dollar par
aWter, choir. ftOO-IM
43 m: good. IJT -4l aa. commercial
131 -J; atUlty. 133-34: commercial cowa,
133-M; atlUly, 01-14; canntr -cut tare.
Boat ata Chole ter-4lad guar-
tare, g3-ai; rouaoa. ph-w; lull loiaa.
trimmaa, to-7a; triaaiia. gXT-31; lore-
auarurg, I3I-34: ahHcka. Mt-14; rtb.
4-U. ...
Vaal aad Carva Oood choice, -
a; cemmerciai. u-je.
amb Cbeicprlm, Ul-4tt good
934-u: spring lame, choice-yrlma, 41. M.
mait uooa aaotc. iu lb. ap-pg.
Pova Cala Loina. He 1. t-ll .ba..
63-c; atUlty - ahouldera, II lb.,
343c; epara rlba, 3-U; freth hama.
ia-14 lb.. H3-M. pork pare, 1M-1T0
Smoked Bla.aM Bklnaed. 143-M lb..
fined tard la druaag, 1 14-14 to ; ib .
an, Ma-13.
Partlaad Mlnadaaaiwa
Oatoaa M lb aack Calif. Red Globe.
ad-. 3.74-3 K: vhlto alob. 3.34-3. M:
yelleva mad. and large, l.aO-l.TO; few
i n; Wan. pillow, mod, 114 3 to; Urge
1 -n !..
Pauiaoa Local -Trtomph. tucx
1.13; Boardman long white. No. 1A 1 33
1.3ft; No. 1 o lb. aack, M-nc; Oregon
Ruaaetta No. 1. S.U-l.n; It lb. mesh.
B3c. local Rutaet. No 1A. 3 74-3 31:
Calif. Ion whitoa, No. 1A. 3.33.3 00: fair.
H-1H Nam branda to 3.31, Wash.
Ruaaeta 13,19-3. PC; Wash, long white No.
ar-U Ha 1 preen alfalfa, de
livered car lata f..P Portland and
ttle, .30.
Wool Oreia baala, WUiamatt Val
ley medium- ftl-Ue lb.1 Bastara Ores on
fin and halt-blood. e5-2e; Wlllamett
Vftlley iamb wool 43oi 13-mooth wool.
4P-&A8 I
Maaialr dl-tie la. aa ll-monUi grow
1. f.o. eououy blpplag pinu
Ida Producer paying price f.o.b
Portland call akin. lf-li lb.. accord-
In to condition; green kips, tS-17e lb.;
green cow hide. a-le lb, according '
to weight and quality; ball hid. 4-3
glue hide M par ml biw price
tor abov clause
nismts Wholesale selling ptiea. No
medium Darcaiooaa, lg.34a .lk.: hell
ad. 49-Sla lb
tb i light balvaa. Tl-Me lb.
Walaats Whoiasai aatltnt prlcaa.
first auality larg Prang uet tea, lft-3oc
tb.t ahslled. light amber halvaa. TP-It
Ugbt haira. II -43c.
Partlaad Kastsldo Mrk4
Portland jji--no. 1 all Ptcklln cu-
eumbra were uted to 1 40 a 10-Hi.
flat on th RaataM Partners market
today with No. l a at 1.3ft and i s at 1.10;
nor tn west iruit oneringa remained moat
ly steady: corn to producer bald A
mostly 1.40 for 0 dosen gars.
Compiled rrm rprto wf I atom darr
few lav gwtdaaoa of CapHaa- ioaraal
readore. (Rlad daily.!
IUUU Peed Prtoapt
BabMI Pelleta - II II tOO-lh. bail
04.30-4.00 (100-lb. bagt.
Eg Mean I6.W-4.44. r
Dairy Peed 43.41-11 (tO-re. bs
I.H-4.00 (100 wt.)i pasture mix, 43 Pt
(100 wt.i
Paitrp rtag rilioa-Celored tryara.
Kc: old roosters, ioe; colore owl, lie
leghorn fowl, 14c; roasure, 30.
ttoyrfeit Prlcaa Bcga AAOfc; tare A,
04-ooc; medium AA, oto; medium A.
03-Odc; email, S3o.
No cosff pipes or tiQiskn to install or ctan t
Hits Two-in-on
Seigler capture the Topo -tht tiamt neat tnat
4 Times Holler than Sidt-o'-the Flamt heat,
doean't wasU it op the flue as ordinary heaters
do This extra, patented. Inner heater ia built
right into the heart of the hottest fire. It cap
tures the 4 Times Hotter Heat from the burner
flame and pours it out over the floors througn-
. - Um
Vir Amm-T will demonstrate. .VI' t
Youll Be and feel how Siegler yNJ
captures the 4 Time Hotter Top-o'- JtiifL
the-Plame beat and force it over -'
yoar floor uiroognout your
"If your Siegler Oil Heater doean t
deliver more and hotter beat over
th floor than ANY comparable
six heater on th market today,
regardless of make or priea, you
' get your money back!"
a4aaal Pi tea Pag waataaaig prteos
tuwralu p-lo AU bar ihaa IB pncoa
ara. Larg crad A danaraUp uud
at TM. matfium .
mauattaa Buyiaa prtct Proaalsm. tt
llc. N 1. gl-e. at 3. to
atlap Walaaai grpd 4 I T"BTPt
tto mu 44L toa
Portlaad UaaalMk
Portlaad a Tradiac ta bag ad
eelve wa acuv aa um Portland Uro
atock market today.
Cattle la, hekiovar IN: market alow;
early sales ateady; good-choice 433 -lb.
fed attera 14.11; part load good tla-lb.
33. to; lav ommereial-utility uera 11
11; uttr and utility heifer -13; few
atUlty oowa ff ftt-ll; commercial buUs 14.
Calve 10P; market acute, strong;
good-cholc vealera 11-P3; lew prim 11;
good-cnoie abov PU-lb. calve 14-11.
Hog IM; market active. trona; choice
ISO-39 b. butchers MJe-31; aholo 30.
404 lb. ow 31 M IS.
Bheep MM; market alow: few aalas
alaushtr lamb 'II H lower; Jew good
choico wooiad lamb 14 414: on lot
choice-prime 14. M. few medium leaders
11; good feedera bM around 14; aood-
cholc wa 3.40-4.
Cblcaga Llnstoea
Chicago Toins boss aold al crn-
rally auadj prlcaa Wadaeaday but aowa
war eUoag to H eeote a hundredweight
higher. Receipt were the fewest for a
Wednesday since Aug. 14, lPtt.
cattle prices war miied withla a par-
row rang of H eU lower to 34 higher
but lamb were another M cant to 11.00
Moat available butcher weight hoc
sold from fll.o to 03111 while owa
took 130.40 t 033 0.
Oood to prim staem and) yearllnta
ranaad from 117 00 to I31.M, a few
averagg-prima load going to a hlch at
47.14. Oood to low-prim halters
brought 114.00 to 034.00.
A few prim native lmb manaaed to
bring 010.00 bot moat good and choice
kinds war 011.00 to $10.00.
Recsipt war 4.K0 hog. 0.000 eattla
aad 1,400 bep.
Catleag Grata
Chicago tv-Orala presented a mixed
pattern while lard prlcoa ored an the
Board at Trade WidaeedAy. Heavy buy
In developed la lard a disclosure of
very bic drop a local lard supplies
dur'ng Aunst.
Wheat wa ahead a cent or mora much
of th day a rooaipt al malor terminals
continued llait and a good demand for
tn caan grain wa raportoo. ny moved
up brUkly with wheat. '
Your AitaLbi
VaFMiMia)j7MinAi "
Cleaner - Quieter - More Efficient
Economical Operation " '
263 N. Com'l mwm iSiT sr-
Wheal alosad 4 to 1
Bepiemoer II to 4; cora 1 t 1 msU
lower, Beptombar I144S-I1 0; aat W
1 higher, Bpimbr 14; rr 1 to
1 koU higher, tVotember 01.01 soy
bean I to IS lower. Arptvmar 01.01.
and lard 01 eeats to 01.00 a buadred
pound hlgbsr. Beptambar 1CM.
Cbiea Owioa
Ohicaca aA BuopUas m odor at. .
mend good, market auadv.
Track, aalaa M lb.): O. a. I anlea
at sled: Idaho Bpanlal 3-tach and terser
100; Whit 3-inch and larger i.tti
California Boaalsh -loeh and target
ISO; truck lot salsa delivered jobbing
street basis. Califorala SpanUh 3-lacb
and larger 1.41; Wisconsin Tallow Olooa
10 to 10 par oent 3-lach and laraer J.
treet als lad lb.: Califerni aad
Coiosada OMiiu 3-Inch aad lareer
1.00-l.iai Whit Olobag 3-tnch sad lara
er. slso 1 to l-lncb, 1 U-3 00; dlai
Yellow Oloboa, Midwest JO-1.14. New
Yrk 1 34; Mtdweu WhlU picklaro dp
prodtmat 13-1. boiaa J4-1 pa.
Older FcSis tviU
Itching Ski.i
t JJ rn.Hmt.rn. imlilMS
mUMt u.. (MmI Onwnt k . M.liMI
oMm nlM. Cnuu ImUm rtU M
Plu. ml mImIb, aataral tkm mim --rka
tut. ..1 ntal lmuu It Mi ..
rood M u k... u Mr.Uk mmi
Ut K-iB.1 u. gmt nlUL AS ng tutm.
Rtcharg yourtwlf with GEKiTOi
. ..pud fool SfrongBf foifl
Your blood U Ilk a "battrtry (or ycxs
body. When It is deflcleat ia iron, n la lib
a rundown WtUry. Yea foal "balfllvV
and alwy tired. Doctor aap it may ba
duo to iron deficiency anemia . . . "tired
blood". To VeharV pour blood Wttory
try Geritel. the hlsb patoaop Uaod-smlMlns
Just t tabtaspooaa ad Gerltol fte paw
twic th Iron la a pound of arvws liver.
1 time th iron la a pouad of apiaaefe. Aa4
you pet the nw, mirsfK Vltamm B11, to 1
Gerltol ( nramwMBded br Ooetoa. Pal '
atroaper, poungar ualnl if laeh of trow
ie your problem, rocharp pouraolf with
Gerltol and end that weak, tired fooling. Ja
bui or taam iora. ataui
St. Ph. 33445
f -m
mtJhmmji BamaaaVtajaaaal
mr I
1 ft. 1
" " ami H I im I