Wednesday, September 2, 1953 p... 11 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, siem, uregon . i i r i . - : r BlxVE BOrEB j : I! Y.TiaM vvithout the duiy V . W can a human interest)! JSf Y I mM feJLMl 1 lSsrfl POGO ' ' . , ' I Off It. I'M GONNA Etl V9U NOT I ftMAJN .-, THING ilK l ?) 'SZZL) I Z"Vy27T5 ZTe&J ' Xl aiii. svAifyjaAy-. XswsttiM J think mow r-m I ibitm6lp "pP ( it) orphawawh! ' ' ' - 5fi V 3"ffi ' -ri g 11 3 lm I ST IS THE RX FOR I 0. ' ,S V-XlSSS W TfY IJeUeM WHeNO.K..NN TO l"N WWWNlvOe BWT- WM J TDUWWyTOHSEN0f8.GflH(3- I I , w I mTBwHouu)(iJw kb-tmeixais,, I ekattwksthb falo I mow? fTS I jVZFH VvX -mirTiitiin-nnTfrl ' IPW. JrS?X: N ,j .v 3 1 - Try . iCii j n i a i i x m n jf- hC" LIL ABNEB , . ' " ' ' ; i - , ' ; ' SJZES FnrP GZ f5 SBV, WHILE JWHtT 1 I IN.NpJJJfeB,, ICIVC JlAUTPC k ite r? ! ruiJ- 'flffi MEAI WaW 1 4PtMk EHJvI R U .,m I ay to make for daughter In par- HOPALONO CASSIDY ; l'aJULt?M.wlto,nTJocJt?t 1 HOWW,telP "SOOP TO SEE HOW ABOUT YOU'RE WASTING WB-L, I'LL PE Hoa- X I UnU No. 294J U a pltated ityle K0 LCOW MDW.RKRPITU. SOMETHING YOUR TIME I'M TIEP THAT'S NOT I wl,l?olero 4est'?n- . MERE HE COMES T I'LL KEEP MY HOME 1 BE LIKE OLP, TO WASH THROUGH WiTH TH WP CRAVEN J mTlv 1 JT?5SpSrs Pifil . . that kip cravenI pistance if -v. ynHes aamw pown that yoix kinp. expectep to see I '' RmtJ t i Oiew Wrijjey'$ Spearmint Cum. jf Wlmn'i K f I MUTT JEFF ; ' ' ' . . ' UdynaotcooUyoui mouth. II JJJJ.!ll.'K.l yi paints I harpvre I y i cant open , qh thats mow migm IIpki X 7 r-L -liSyl- '"Issd "tVp S.LjoSfJ To5 REX MORGAN M.D. w ' mT A yT WAW jHSSBSy v. ei...guTl r i iy paqnosis iscoggECT, " l r eur, june 1 it-r tV but ' I S V Nv3j . IT 5 NOT AS VOu'kL 81 ABlC TO SEE A9 7 ' A HAThER SuOOEN J IT'LL SOLVE MANY iW : - J S.- VOU AV VOU BiASNOSlS 1 BA.T A IT HOOP Ai wituim . A BECiS'ON VOuVE THIN5S, MELISSA.' y BUT R06IN-AHM. AH-lf.'vHV SHOULD I SPEND aA-A' " T i (Sl Ar'i I I'M GREATLY DISAPPOINTED' W )75 AND TRAVEL 95 MILES PAV , Sw. J -X ! S1 y5jl0 WrH -I THOUGHT FOR SURE VOUD V TO SUP AND TUMBLE f3' lflVT' JCfVl Mlfc jffB Sl 'tM2)T7 DvfCrf LEAP AT THE CHANCE ID BUY DOWN THIS GRADE.VHEN CfJl' -7 V TZfif A HALF-INTEREST IN THIS I I CAN DO IT FOR NOTHING I V I TKSK.. TVfSL X5fisVf S-S I CAMPSITE LOT- AND AT SUCH i AT HOME ON THE ZS- ifcSSSl ' ' A jl'H'C&V wS ' ZbV:r C:?3Cg V A LOW PRICE.' WON'T Jk HALL STAIRS? AWFUi VW1- 7) 2Xr ! XRECONSIDry '( W MART WORTH ' ' Two Autos Collide Near Monmouth Monmouth Gay Travli, mail carrier on Independence, Rt. 1, received cut right arm when hit car and one driven by W. T. Stone, Willamina, collided at the turn from 99W nd Gun Club road, 1 mile Carol Curtis Pattern north of Monmouth, Travia, drlvinf a Chevrolet, (oing aouth turned eaat from 99W onto Gun Club road and Stone, drivinf a' Cadillac, going aouth hit the Chevrolet and the impact threw Travis from his car. The car continued aouth, left the road, went behind the Sidney Howard 'mailbox and came to a atop in the ditch. Stone received an injured ankle. ' , The Cadillac had to be tow ed from the scene of accident but Travis continued on to the post office at Independ ence. It is estimated t h e r e 1 s enough timber in U. S. forests to build a six-room house for every man, woman and child in the nation and have lumber left over. Lambs In Color. Maky little lambs are in the two-color trans fer process which requires no em- Droiaery at am rne motus, rang- Ins In size from UK Inches to 3 inches, are in rose-pink and sky blue all fourteen of the adorable baby lambs I Just Iron them onto cruidrens play suits, creepers, lit tle pajamas, bibs, towels, or onto the squares of a crib spread, onto curtains, small taoieciotns. won derfully easy to use, launderable, they're delightful for gifts) Send 25c for the LAMBS In Color Transfers (Pattern No. 478) transferrins and launderinc in structions, TOUR NAME. 'AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal, 652 Mission street, San Fran- Cisco 8. Calif. 'radio programs' THURSDAY--P. M. KGWnTWN"KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO H.rwtf To TSt a,r Im NN 1:15 suite O.UM Orf" J"!!"! LkFD "" 1:00 f..i. aui- T.r. U . N, ajjs B. , 2: Dr. r..l a.ll' r.r th. Glrti N.w. Jl Om Hub 5:15 D. O.rt.w.J T.mfll r.t Ihc Olfh hiMM ltteSr iin . B...UI klrkiiW Thl. I, Ore. r.. UwU '' Hul. ST : T'" Ki,kK. cm rrt " M.rt Mm, n 1;45 Sl'll .1 D K''tt '" H.;.' TI-. S..H., "'"" L Sill W."lS TlM C. H..I1.F W.nS.rfI CI.. M..I. .!.. .ltS.rlc "WMtberi. O. H..lur Clak CaaSltlUM g:00 "'" ' K,m, ma. rc.m. ciak ... tu,H : Mdta Etaetrl. 0S S.r.d. . I.PMI Clak N.w. ! "iS C. tl.l.ala -H.. Cl.k M1U -stst r.toh mi mult ' cl,c K" Vhl Tit Nl.hl. u M.a.M H.rllM. Mari. Si.a ON B.M.,U4 7:45 ri.ll Miihu, F.ailF H.rlt... " B........ IFOO M.a'. F.ailr J.haa, am.r Crlm. J1t.r. Daiaal Dm g;30 k.r S.RII . O... FI.Hr T. a C.trr U.raiuilw ,.. , 8:45 B.r Una OUbi M..I. ' BM.k.11 "onO", Mr. OIa H.rdr BkHbaU S.Vt , rmlStat Mala.1 N.w. B.Hk.U QM Caaiiaanlrt Tha. far Cln.aia Wh Ck. Bank.n ' 9 :' far FBI Lars Tim. Wk Ca.k. J BaMkaU , 10:04 hrilW ' T,", N"' MUlal Faltaa law - Baxkall 10:15 Sp.rli riaal Taa a Warl. D.aea Tiai. Mail. . M,kt Nna, 10:30 Bak Bar B.earS Ska, Daaea Tlma Na Nlikt Saat 10 :45 B.b a Bar Baeard Sh.a Daaea Tlma Deadllaa NUkl sai 1100 New. Nat'L Gaard Daaea Tlma Deadlloa Saat7: 11-15 Lwu MeCall Mail. Dane. Tisa. Mall. Nlrkt Saa. . . 1130 Citr CaancU Maile Danca Tim. Mail. Nl.kl Saac 11:45 Cllr Caaaell Mail. Dane. Tim. Mail. Nl.hl Im, U:Oo'slta Ofl wrwat Ipane. Tim. iMa. Maladrl Isita on TH M.l KOIN IS t.l, S a.m. ta It a.m. BEX K.J, I U I t m. FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11 :45 A.M. ' - ' 6 '40 Data WmI BFD Orirea Farm Bear N.w. iBreakfaat Weatwa 6- 15 Dara Weal KOIN Kl.ek Farm Hear Tim. keeper Naak Meladr g'-30 Dara Wut KOIN Kl.ek Farm Hear New. Breakfast Farm Nraj 6 :45 Earn, Tlma KOIN Klaek Farm Mareh Tim. Naak Nan, 7- 00 entry Edltar KOIN Klaek New, Ilemlnrwar Breakfast KOCO Sleek j 'ls J.hnar WUI N.W. M. Breeklait Naak KOCO Klaek V.-in New. New, Bob Garred Breakfail Breakfast KOCO Klaek 7 .45 K. M.naln, H Bakbllt Bak Haiea New. Naak KOCO Klaek ,8:00 Old Sea,, News Breakfail Cell Breara Jim Daadr KOCO Klaek 8:15 Old Sanaa Vewe Clak Family Altai Jim Daadr KOCO Klaek 8:30 Masle.Bea Helen Trent Bible Hear Jim Dandy KOCO Sleek 8:45 Mnele Baa Oal Sandar Clak Bible Hear Jim Dandy New, 9:00 Nawa Bead Life New, Dr. Sward Bark Feaea Bay'a ' 9:15 Mer. Wllaea Ma Ferkln, Taday'sStar cemmentaey Matinee Beeards , 9:30 Kamanea Dr. Mal.n. D.ublear Paetar Call Baek Feaea Bar', 9:45 Bemance Galda Llshl blnf Bar. Caantei Matlnaa Beeards 10:00 Heitrie Hee Mr,. Bartaa C. H.nller Glenn Hardy Matlaaa Bars 10:15 Party p. Masan Marie Telia Teat Matinee Beeards 10:30 strike Bleb Narak Draki Mr Traa , Caea Cala Matlaaa Bays 10:45 strike Bleh Brlthter Da. Stary Matle Matlnaa Beeards ' 11:00 Bab Hope Grand Slam Whiiperlm Ladles Fair Matlaaa Bays " 11:15 Ladiee Ckale Maale Spark Girl Marrla Ladles Fair Matlnaa Steer da 11:30 Pkrase Paye Heap, News Qaeea far Matlnaa- ' Kays 11:45 Netwark Far Party . Keep Kernel Day - jMatlnea Beeerda KOAC ns Mei.l KOIN IS 1.1, S a.m. ta IS p.m. KEX K.t, I It p.m. . DIAL LISTING KOAC, SS Tbaradar P.M.: S:N, Child Bepertl S:M, Newt, Wealben 1:IS, Era Bins Farm Henri S:ta, BBC Thaatsrt :M, Mallei S:4S, Medltelleal lt:SS, Sin Off. KOAC Friday A.M.I :tt, Neas, VTealhen U:fS, Caaeelt Hslll lt:SS. Nawa and Waathari 1:1s, French Maile: 1:SS, Off Shalfi :H. Pat Waman. Silverton Silverton A recent reunion, of the descendants of Mary Swyer and Irene Cutsforth was observed in the Silverton city park with relatives pres ent from Hcbo, Tillamook, Ed dyville, Corvallis, Rosebirg, Gervais, Silverton and Salem. . Elected to serve as officers for the coming year were Mrs Charles Waltman of Hebo, president, and Gale Cutsforth of Gervais as secretary. Retiring president is John Eagleson. Rev. Joseph A. Luthro pre sided in the ceremonial of Holy Baptism at the Sunday, August 30, morning worship nour. Receiving the rites were Christine Frances Opperud, born Oct. 24, 1952, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lester K. Opper ud, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Berg. And also John Dav id Zahler, born April 26, 1953, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Zahler, sponsors, Mr. and Mrs Duane Roisen and Miss Bonnie Opperud. E. Jay McCall and his sister, Mrs. Ed Holden, plan to be in Portland, Thursday, to meet relatives and attend the funer al services of their cousin, Wal ter F. Hoffman, 62. Mr. Hoff man nas no immediate mem bers of his family living, Mrs. Max Cohen (Pearl Crockett) is a surgery patient at the Oregon City General hos pital where she will be for the coming fortnight. Mrs. Cohen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett of Pine street, Silverton. The Cohens live at Oswego. Mrs. Cohen will wel come messages or visits from : her local friends. Albany Weather Man . Reports Wet Month Albany Seth T. French, lo cal government metereologist, presented statistics Tuesday confirming the general belief that August was an unseason ably wet month. Rainfall, most ly concentrated in the last eight days, totaled 1.59 inches, of which only .37 inch fell before August 22. Eighteen of the 31 j days were cloudy, with IS . clear. Highest temperature of ; the past month was 93 degrees ' on the 15th; lowest, 41 on the ! 3rd. ' 1 PROLIFIC COW . Blue Ball, Md. W) When the young cow owned by Ml- ' liam Farmer gave birth to her J first offspring, she did it in a big way. , ' She presented Farmer with triplets two bulls and a heif- . er. . ACROSS ! Peru? 5. Srcrflary 11. Big 12. Evades 13. Meaninrt 14. Powerful 15. Boy tttendint 18. Servinc dish 18. Fuss It. Preepding night 20. Circular indicator 21. Stair 22. Act of going down 24. Wharvet- 25. Dried grass 2S. Burrow 17. Soldering material SO. Wavt ' 34. Dash 35. Rubbieti 36. Tear 37. Take a teat M Chicken house 29. Bulsanan coins 40 Publisher 42. Exact Ilka. nessea 44. Signily 45 Private teacher 46. Tax 47. British statesman DOWN L Cooking atovet L A cTTWrTeTnToITaTrTk ojd 0 ra n tiwllLTAlf EjUillEjruAmE ftUt ST Z REE ATstEIL HLOIRISIEKE Ait S AIR AJAIMEINti'SJA AiR wia gTgme HnMdIl L KfNiiTfc Pa itTeTn P r a n riMiiAr g; r t pjpRi i tl"br ogjnNjii EBEyDTLjf R" n L D aim rBSEnilil NUDE Solution et Yesterday's Puxile 2. Irish 2. Grow old 4.F.te Division of a a . 8 Satiate I- I-' I- I: I; U1 I j I., Li-j f f r 1 ;7r l - -sr if i) 7T iA'ivt- 77 Ti t- I I ', ,', ; iJ if a -ri . ...r.rrrrtrrr.Y, n n " V JJ M 7?" --JLiZ"r 2. v "" j ; W-' J r-T I. Groove 8 Conceive a notion 9. Spree 10. Bars legally II. Depart 13. Hurried 17. Rodent 20. College official 21.1akealonfl breath 23. Lower part 61 the face 24. Marrow 26. In defiance of 27. Cenut of shrubs 28. Cut! off 29. Glossy fabrics 30. Low 31. State ol tna Union 82, One wha works under water 33. Mineral springs 35. Drills M Licht neds 19 Recent 41 ld.-l digit 43. Mire