t -Page 13 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, falem, Oreroa Wednesday, September Z. 1153 PCL Standings tfetirwsid Senile Los Anaelsi ... Portland Sen PTancUes MM DIM .... Sacraments ... Oakland rVt. OA .111 .III II .111 WH .! II Ml llw .ill 11 MS II 411 II Tseeder's Beeellel Ma rrencloee 4. sllrwssd I. Loa Anioieo r oai:iM I. Son Dim t Seattle I. Portland l-T, IMI1BMU Beavers Vln Two From Sacramento; Ponce Beats Stars Portland 0J. The Fort land Beavers swept both ends of doableheader from Sacra mento hero laat alfht, odflnc the Soloni I-t In the opener and taking the nlf htcap 7-1. Ditg0 ,d all but leU out of the ueaver oaiiera aiaea winner race, Lyman Llnde, who gave up six The magic number now ii hit, by bunching their 10 seven any combination of ,'teeond-game hit for the (even Hollywood vlctoriei and Seat runs. Marino Plerettl. who took tie losses that toUla up to a the loo, wai relieved In the "natural" meana that the flag iixth bv Joe Yaylian. y ver Gllmore Field for Pnrtland scored Its first tallv the aecond straight year. In the opening frame on a In other activity last night, double by Frankle Austin. Portland iwept twin bill from Three run In the third Inning Sacramento by core of 3-2 came off a tingle by Eddie nd 7-1 and muscled the Seals Basinskl and two errors. out of fourth place by a half Herm Reich hit his 11th game. Los Angele outacrambl homer of the season In the ed Oakland In a free-hitter, 7- elihth with Jim Russel on first 1 3- to add a pair of insurance runs. Ponce rolled up his second In the opener Hank Arft and PCL triumph In as many starts Basinskt did all the Beaver since be left the dank confines scoring behind Glenn Elliott of Ventur Fno Cheso and Ken Gables' wild pitch In George Vico both socked the second inning of the opener George O'Donnell for homers in accounted for Portland s first the sixth frame to hasten the score, allowing Arft to turn his rookie ace to his ninth loss. trloM Into a run. The Padre scored twice Arft was in a scoring position the 10th inning to overcome again in the fourth after he hit Seattle. Doubles by Tom Al- a two-bagger and ran home ston and wait Foceaay, corn ahead of Basinskl, who clouted bined with wild heave by his sixth borne run of the sea- George Schoiees at first base, son. helped the two run scurry The Solon bad the score across. vea for a time when Bob Oil- Portland Takes Two linger aingiea in we icurui ana Porttaod woa optDtT from '" Sacramento in the fourth in- , T 7u . .u t . r,u ui nlng when Hank Arft doubled In the sixth. Johnny Bitchle L rAAim B,nk, ,ho oncc scored on Dilllnger double. and Eddie Basinki. who once played violin for the Buffalo Symphony Orchestra, belted his sixth home run of the season, Royce Lint then humbled the Sacs with six hits in the regu latlon game while the Senators By SCOTT BAILLIK Saa Francisco U. "To heck with Veeck. Let's beat Ponce!" Such were the sentiments to- wrecked themselves with four day ot ine iwice reounea nouy miscues, wooaawrswno iounauiaieyen Fred Richards and Bob Usher a 10 game ieaa in ine waning eacn ciouted ninth inning home noun w me -acu wu.it ai- brMk , 5.5 ne ,ne glve gue race was small recompense the Angtit their win over the lor tneir mjureu icciiug. . Oaks. rust, rresiaenr, bod uodd 01 i ,. lam. Itiai Stan voafprHntf rhflllpntfMl ImtumI (t (l Portland T..T, . "T,.V. 7. '. - ui. i ii" 0 BHOA DIU V ccwa IV ui ag, ui ws, uiaiv I pevllck,! St Louis Browns out to Holly- piiiinir.if wood after the American Lea- Jon!T ffim ttauin for a showdown ser-1 Bockmn.S ie with the mighty Twink. veeck saia ne woman 1 piay urui.u baU. Terrible Tony Then along came Tony Ponce, San Francisco's refugee from last place Ventura of the Class C California League, and hand cuffed the Hollywoods with a sparkling six hitter, 4-1. However, Seattle didn't do anv better. The flattening Suds , - . ,. - I sku REI JUiertdM, Blelnakl J, DIUlnter. mjuh. m i-41 Lrcetuiia, 11 win oeui B Auolla. Aril, Dllllnier, anerlden. Yakima Scorti Victory in Legion Tourney Miami, Fla. MP) Yakima, Waih.. and Winnetka, 111., posted first-round victories In the American Legion Junior World Series Tuesday. Yakima, the Far Weit cham pion, shut out favored Milford, Mass., 1-0, behind four-hit Ditching by 17-year-old Dave Dexter, and Winnetka, the Midwest titllst, edged Cherry vile, S C., a-i. uuferd lot Ml Ho I I Iltln .. Ill 111 t 1 atolc sal IUIIi OuUf and ovatt. Cudd, Atkinson Win Way Into National Meet Portland () Oregon's two places In the National Amateur Golf Tournament at Oklahoma City Sept. 14-19 were won Tuesday by Bruce Cudd and Bob Atkinson, both of Port land. Atkinson, Southern Oregon champion, fired a 138, in the 72-hole qualifying round at ine Waverly Country Club. Cudd, Northwest Open titllst, carded a 140. The number of farm tractors In the United States Increased from 1,883,000 in 1943 to 4, 170,000 in 1981. taArft. vnt xeilfiiki. S11. Aoitta Dn-Iockman. Virile sad Jewels Mrrtl, Ptvllck ul Jonw. Lfc aerHilot I, PorU&M I. WP-HSIM. winnar n Uoll Uut OIIIH. O UMTIIU, P4 Md nuall. anoiiS iini: SMTMISl (II OA pinick.i 4 OUHnit.U t Riicnir.i 1 Brovll.rf Jenci.15 SMrdn.lf BockmD.I kfrtri.tl PlmlU.p uootiTO,! ruins, r 1. 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 Austin. 1 0 UtnicI Ralen.rf 1 Hotu.il lArft.lb auuti.l I IiiirLI 4 RblBI8. ILllHK.I 1 RuuiLcf t (1) Parllui BHOA S I 4 1 1 I S 1 I 14 I S 1 1 1 I e LA Still Hopes To Get Major League Baseball Los Angeles () Despite cold water tossed on the proj ect a couple weeks ago, Los An geles city fathers art going right ahead with the campaign to bring major league baseball here. Urged on by Mayor Norrl Poulson, the Coliseum Commis sion Tuesday night passed a res olution asking authority from the city, county and state to study the feasibility of landing a big league team. .The commission handles af fairs of the 105,000 seat Me morial Coliseum, jointly owned by the three governmental units, where, all home football games of UCLA, Southern Cal ifornia and the professional Los Angeles Rams are played. . . The commission ordered toJ send a representative to major league owners to obtain sug sestions: discus with P. K. Wrlgley the possibility of pur chasing his Los Angeles Angel franchise in the Pacific Coast League and Wrigley Field here; and study further tne icasinu. Ity of remodeling the vast col iseum lor oaseoau. This elty buized with big league talk two week ago when Bill Veeck, president of Yi st tr day's Ston fit Tb. iiHCIUal Prtul PtUslw Srlr liu CUralssa la. Slaw llnek aol H la alaalu hi Mlk list 11-3 stir Bmios. BalUas Ow Xaralal. IWlsotlthla Aisuims, task star Iks Annlcta Uhiu haau las las vttk s Mai al 17. hlulni tl si Damn sltksua Iba A's lotl the St Louis Browns, visited on his exploration tour seeking a more profitable home. for his American League club. Peti tions began circulating In store and barber shops. Mayor Poulson jumped into the campaign Tuesday declar ing that Los Angeles, the "na tion's third largest elty," should have representation in the ma jor leagues. llGALS LEGALS Oablaa.a Candinl, s-BtovIs b-!tltchir lAiutla.i 1 eauuil.ct I 1 BobM.U I ArfMb I Biuki.l Btiert J loixld.a Isllloil.a llarl,c( -TaUli II I II II Totall 11 I SI t smiled for ol In lib. a Pass far UtUoTlta is Tth. Bacramints H1U Portland HIU Plteirll IP AB B Osbln I 4S t Cmalnl IIS Ulloll T I Dlfitnitr. BltehiT, 004 111 ,. 00 10 11 ,. Ill 100 I .. HI 110 - H n 11 ao 1111 SIS Aril S. Baatn. Tolali II I II II Total! II II 17 It aaeraminta Ml 001 000 1 HIU 1M 101 000 1 Portland lot Ml 0I- 1 HIU 101 III II 11 Piuan: IP AB a a n UK) Piirittt ... 14 11 1 1 4 1 TarllaB ... 1H 11 1 1 1 1 1 Linda I II 1 I 1 1 S R Dllllnnr. Aiutln, Reich 1. Robbc. Artf, saitrt. IB Auitts, Bookman. Bro Tla. IB DUllSIlr. RBI RObba. Bum kl. (narl. Montalta, RaMh 1. B Jonll, Boekman 1, Moatalfo. HR Reich. Sao. Linda. DP PMritU. linn tad Jonas. Latl sicTStntnta I. Portland 10. win ner Llndt. Loeer PUritU. U Pord and IaeSTIIU. T 1:04. Alt l.MI. San PrsneUM Ml 111 000 4 t Xoli'wosd OH 000 liol Pom and Tllilerii cvnonnen, Lrnn (T). MaltstMrlir III and Brslaa. ISs- losi II). San DIM. MO lit 1M 1t 11 1 Seattle 100 1M 1004 11 1 Kirrlian. Smith (1), Dicker m, Ben ton ill and Mitlilsi wtdmsrk, DtTla 11) and ortcti. Loe Aniilii Oakland .... Hattan u Neal. 100 Ml IllI 11 t 010 Ml 1001 S Pedeni Bambant? sad IN TBS CIRCUIT COURT OP TBS STATS OP ORBOOrT POB TUB COUMTT OP MARIO ' HI. H IM ITI PROBATI Dt TRX 1IATTSR OP THB BSTATB 0 CIURLSa H. PXTX. DlesaaM. hoticx Pnriaaal to ardor al tn Clrralt Ornt af the atau af oretos. for Marios oan 17. tha indenlrned, si co-eeoutore 1 the aetata af Charltf II. Prra. Oeceeeed, i d from and srur tn letn aar 01 sept. lilt, at tha offlea of weir aiurnere. OftormsB and Wllllasu, 111 Onion Bulldlm, Salem. Orison, proceed Is aeU st prleat call tMth. or itch, or snr part af althir of the followlns doserll tracu of real proper!, properlr. pr rtr of the decedent and fell eeUU. u wit: TRACT MO. 1 All of LoLRsmbar Two, In Block Number Eleven In Taw Park Addition to the Cltr of Salem. Marlon Countr, Orsgoa (Bee Velume 1, pace 13. Record of Tows PlsU for .Mid Countr snd StaUl and TRACT no. n: BMisalsi st sa Iroa rod aa the woet line of Lot Ons Block Hens la Tew Park Addition to the Cltr of salaam. Marlon countr oroson l Volume 1. Pail II, Record ot Tows PlaU lor eald countr snd State), which la M.M feet North of the southwitt cor ner of aald Lot One; runnlni thenoe XaiUrlr and parallel with tha North line sf laid Lot One, M il feat ts ss iros rod: thence Southerlr snd parallel with the Saat Una af laid Lot. M.M feat to an Iron rod on tha aouta una of laid Let: thenci xsaterlr alons tha South line of aald Lot, 13.11 fait 1 ss Iron rod at thl Bottthiaet corner of Hid Lot One! thenci Northerl aloni tha But Una of laid Lot One, 11.00 flit to the Northeait corner of laid Lot tllenoe Weiterlr Bloni the NortB Una of Mid Lot One. HI 00 feet ts thl HorthWMi corner of laid Lot One: thenci Souther lr aloni the Weet Una of laid Lot Ons, 31 feet to tha place sf bellnnini. aalea wiu be reported to the court, be lublect ts recall snd to aonflrmatlos sf eald oourt la thi mianer provided by law. R. W. BCHKBIDBR, JANST aOHNBIDBR, Data of Pint Publication: Amuet 11. Other Publication!: Aul. Id, Suit. I, A II. It's good to be missed Now that Schlitx r again available everywhere, orders are pouring in at an unheard of rate. No such flood of orders has ever been seen in the history of this or any other brewery. Absence has made the heart grow fonder. Based on the order, on hand for Schlitz, the most popular beer in history is destined to become even more popular than ever. The power behind these orders is the pent-up demand of the American people for the brand they know and like best a beer o fine it made a city famous. This is the public's response to Schlitz quality after ten long weeks of absence. It's good to know you've been missed. The reason is that Schlitz has given more satisfaction to more, people than any other beer in the world. Needless to say, The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famoua will continue to meet the high standards you yourself have set for the finest beer obtainable. Schlitz takes this opportunity to thank our million, and Bsillions of friends, our wholesalers and dealers. There's no doubt about it if you like beer, you'll love Schlitl America's largest selling beer. i Jot. Schlitz Brewing Company HOT ICS Of BOirS (All , SMIed ktH WIU so received or the usdereisaad sstu the hour of 1:11 s'lloek pel, ss September II, till, snd Immediately tberoslur owned br the Commas Consul st the Cltr of Salem. Ovaion, la thl Council Chamber af tha oitr Rill, for tha sale of Cltr of Salim Impnvomeat Besda. Is the smount sf Twestrelshl Tho-iaand, Twentr-aefen Dollars sad SUtP-osvom Oasis. MTS1I, tens psrasast M IM Iswi sf the ststs if Orewaa sad OfdtsssM Bo. ISM sf thi Cltr sf aaleav ssd seeartbod as fslloOa: Cltr of Salem Imprewamant Scads, leeue 1113-S, balm sonde Uousd par mast ts the Bassrofl Sasdlni Act. Is denomlnallone of ll.MO.M each, escort bond number sso which ahall M far the eum of 111.47. eald bosdl to no dsud Sopumoer 1. 1IU. ssd ts meter! ts annuel uutsumeals ss fsUowa: 1. IMI ti.on.iT lim....ll.ee 1UI 10C 04 lMT.nM.n,SM.M 1IU II MO M 1IM 11,000. M IMI IIOMM 1M1 M.0M.M lilt U.0M.M tail IJ.OM.M provided however, that sa to euch sonde malurine on sndvslur three reari from tha daM sf teeue. Ml enr ee ei. ahall havi tha opllos U redsem the came. Is sumorteel order, upos the. pormenu sf tha face value thereof with accrued ID La rait sa isr tnierooi panne dele st or after three rears from the deu told sonde are looued. Both prin cipal and latereet chill bo parabll it the office of the cltr irtseurir sf Uu cltr of aalem. Bach bidder insula same ins rsu sr re lee of latereet st whlck tha bisier IS wllllu Is sseopt the koode. The bonda wiu boar tha rata sr ralee si intereat, not saeoodlnl three snd est half per cent per annum, deelinltsd tn the kid accented. Said sonde will be sold for not loee thsa par vslus, ssd ac crued Istoreet, Bach kid. sieepl sldl lubrAlttsi kr the state of Oasts, sr u staklsi September aeptember Bepumber Sepumber September Bepumber -.BepUmeOT September aeptember aeptember sf tks slip sf aalem. mM s s l?,sSsd kr i mtu;ii Z7assl af the Pr veins sf the lases. SasTIarskli M the altr si s Wsrsseo 3 sasdWU. Bidi iwksuttsd sr msu ZJ5T be rVtoraaeed U the Mderstissd 7t jT nail Is Salem, Oresos. ?di rSal Tkldollvorod ;H-Plslo wlthosl ssdsa delar st tho osoosss sf cos. st Psrtlesd. Oreios. u thl waste ful bidder msr dallsnats. Back bidder to resuootsd ts Include In bla lis S Itatemest of tho total inureel do! ssi olfMllvs inuroal rata of the u7a, ksead upos tho aiareiata Istorsat eoei that tho ellr wiu par spss ike Mao provided hie kid for thi laaul U acaaptod ssd seal sf ths koevdl sf the Ueae are aalled for psrassl prior M tual meiirltr dsu. Tho ruhl to rsiorvsd r ths Osesmos csjsasU Is ssssH ssip tjM sr 1 relsst sii kMs ba Shs mUraol sf Sso stir. The prior Mas) sound eerleues sf ISaaera. WtsflM. MoCUllOaS. islsisr Z Sam will ss Iwralsksd Iks sseceasfsl ALPRBD MUpTDT, uiv . AM. M M. Sept t, IM Far AMOWTIU AND SHIRTS Jhryock'jMjn'jVe CArrrot, aortiif Cenriam To Permit Service Dept. Alfenffons and Repairs OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT Will Closed All Day Strat. I . LODER BROS. sUSCINTERST. Wi1m. Utn roww CeerMw, MirwioVro, Ws Brtwitt a, Milwiukss, Wa, sad Brmtlya, N.Y. r- 1 1 1 1 L STOP 1 I I I I lASY-VlSIOn tiliiltiei - TVmostl)autifu. eabinet styles are here! r 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 'ss L ss sss sss mTrnm aa at as LOOK it j ....... Improved Ea-Vkion is here! 4 - n ' ii ' inr ( if ;iv if d I ill ,i K r I if iM'mM r L-b- LISTEN 1 A new diTrnsion in TV eWorld is hent 1 J TT eVJeati BeVreaC. NoW. ZCcT at teTwt 1 treat jronr esrs to tip (nil rich revasja of TV BiMiitll Hoffmaa'e riew Trioephooic Hi-Fi givm joq all the higk and low notes you're been mtoa (se chart), sridi traw tonal efaaraetar to erery not the ear can bear. It' hlgb fidelity tonnd in Ulevition-tn amaxirar nitjlnaailnq td. ranee. Features new eroesorer tpttwork, doal 4hsksXBb , Mwsdf(rsjah-rNUoiit yw wMit ttt emstesmeisai I "OWStAtl Pliowioimt NMI exxaftai IM teamm tsiw-sBi easAtsi auuxm 10 mmau snsasi : v ' J1' rlYTKlll I4ll7 kl CswfTyWwt DiittoS tire Bofftnan styling; In mellow chsfry wood. F is tarsi exclusive Trio-phonic Hi-fi , sound, Itn proved Easy-Vision, new Super Mark V chassis. Model ilPm $495 00 ceVden lens In better than ever. It ehanfes blniah TV Ught into restful ray. Vets you witch for hours with your area jtTO-.t jrotj look, tha nor you'll Bprsxrat s-VWon See ft rww-yorjni want H (or yor faatfly. riffwM fjrtt jn mm XI mai. From the itud tele- wisioti cabinet dedtrn cornea the most dlstineti sty line yot v seen. Whether yon prefer Modern Limed Oak. Provincial Chenywood or Maple, or Traditional Mabos 5'th"'i Of 'MHoffman foryorj.8ee Kbxtw-tosj'1 want It ta yon books! see the exciting j kfmsi new '54 Hoffman line today! 1 L p 1 i I ri'TnltlmlC.Miliw,ww I Trio, phobic Hi-n. Ee-VraVPJ . rleaispafBahaamTr Model 21 Mm M19M l 1 1 YOUR HOFFMAN DEALERS VALLEY TV CENTER WILLS MUSIC STORE 2393 Fairgrounds Rd. Phont 2.1913 432 StaffSr. Phone 3-4959