Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 02, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Jte WIL leaps fflav
Yakima, Victoria and
ipokane Hurt at Gate
(Bp Tlw ImHiin mu
WsbU hay a baseball dab?
Three af them but be aa
r rrab la the CUm A West-
era International Learn when
i iae lt-maa loop, larfeat in or
t fulied baseball, rlnra dowa
' I WM cartala ea the 153 aeaaoa
'' -Beat week.
. t' Thia possibility developed
Wednesday with . the an-fr-ouncement
by . Frederick
Mercy, Jr., owner of the Yak
fna Bean, that he wanta to
retire from baseball and is
toady to sell hla playert, fran
chise and equipment. , '
t The Yakima capitalist aald
Vl ma want to drop hla baseball
koldinfa because of conflict
with his other exteniive busi
ness interests.
The annooneemeat fol
lowed atatemeata by Vie
, toria and Spokane clnb
.' owner that they too, are
considering bowlnf ont of
' the league. They blamed
erippllnf fate losses.
Mercy's decision I to retire
from baseball waa disclosed
in a letter to the Yakima
. Daily Republic.
I The letter said baseball is
keeping Mercy from his bull
loess. But the newspaper aaid
lit wai known he wai disheart
: ened by the . failure - of the
community to respond to his
effort to gtve,Yakima a cham
pionship club'
Attendance has been low
despite, a last-halt spurt that
carried the Bears from the
cellar to fourth place in the
, league standings. ,
: Similar lack of Interest on
the part of the fana was blam
ed by Victoria and Spokane
: owners for their problems.
. The eitnation at Victoria
' waa described aa critical,
la Ita latest SOS Tuesday
ihe clnb aald nalesa 1,600
fans torn ont for the Tyeea
Yankees Increase
Lead to 9!4 Games
Downing ChiSox
New York am The high rid
ing New York Yankees blithely
turned to making plana for the
world series today, now that
they have jnat about snuffed
at the last flickering pennant
hopes ef the Chicago White
What ever forlorn hopes the
Sox may still have been cher
ishing were practically anni
hilated last night when Mickey
Mantle's -homer and Johnny
Saln'a clutch relief hurling gave
.the Yankees a 3 to J win over
the Sox before 49,003 alwaya
hopeful fana in Chicago.
The arc light victory gave the
Yankees a 2-1 triumph In the
crucial aeriea and boosted their
laarua lead to a whopping 9tt
rames. Moreover, It reduced
the "magic number" for the
Yankeea to 15. They can clinch
the pennant by winning 15 of
the remaining 24 games.
Marie Number
In that commanding posi
tion, manager Casey Stengel
waa franklv eyeing his world
vriM atraterv today as the
Yankees moved into St. Louis
for a aeriei with the last place
Whltey Ford, a leading candi
date for the Job of pitching the
opening game of the series, was
Stengel's nominee in last night's
payoff battle with the Sox and
h. mert-ed with his 16th vic
tory. However, he needed some
brilliant help trom ine wru
Sain to gain it.
Th the only night ac
tlon in the Major Leagues, but
the chief day game saw the
Dodgers go on a 17 hit spree
4. whn tha Cardinals. 12-5,
and go 11 full games ahead of
Milwaukee In the National
t mr The "magic num
ber" for the Dodgers now it 13.
TtfMtvep Knree
In other National League
games yesterday, the Glanta
beat the Cubs, 10-9, when Dee
Fondy'a error set up an un
earned run to lettle a alugfest
which had seen homers by
v.inh irin.r Rot Smaller, and
Bubba Church of the Cubs and
Dusty Rhodes ol tne uiania.
In American League games,
ai Pnm elouted his 36th horn-
mr and Early Wynn fanned 10
batters in gaining hia 16th win
as the Indiana beat the Red Sox.
13-3; and Ray Herbert'a relief
pitching led the Tigers to a 5-3
win over the A'a, despite Gus
Zernial's 36th and 37th homers
for the A'a. There were no other
garnet ecBeduiea.
wim.. h, Tn. " Wt, ilia
Kith WtMTi Um WiMia.
tp. Tlma BiUHI
S I a.
1 u .m.- Ii
I ii a 4 1
I 41 . 1
II 44 4 a. 4
41 t.m. IS
ti n 4 a. IS
11:11 . St
ll:M4.a. J.J
t 11I SB. II
tin I I
Tin HouM
S-iw la o
1 IS 4 1.1
I II IE -41
I u l .at. I I
4 IT a.m. -4.1
I U4 -. ST
4-41 -O 1
4 .. 14
t II ak 14
I 41 I
I II I a.
I M la
T Jl .aa.
tt a a.
T44 aav
n ii i
11 IB.
final fear heme games, the
team may aet be able to
pay salaries next Saturday.
Arthur Cox, president of
the Victoria . Baseball and
Athletic company, aaid home
attendance last year was 100,
000 but only 82,000 have paid
to see the Tyees in 19S3.
Victoria won the WIL pen
nant last year but has floun
dered in the second division
during most of the 1053 cam
paign. . i
Spokane i attendance trou
bles, however, did not result
from a faltering team. The
Indiana are locked with Lew
iston in a tight race for the
second-half championship. De
spite this, Roy Hotchkiss,
owner of the Spokane club,
said last week he did riot ex
pect to break even in 1853 and
wai giving serious thought to
abandoning hla franchise in
the . city . that set a minor
league, attendance record in
The Republic, In reporting
Mercy's decision to quit base
ball, speculated on possible
new owners of the Yakima
The newspaper aald there
was a possibility that Dewey
Soriano,- general t manager
of the Vaneoaver Capllanoe,
- might bay the Bean. '
Soriano was president and
one-fourth owner along' with
Mercy of the Pacific Coast
League in 1949 and 1940.
Three weeks ago,' the Repub
lic said, Soriano said he was
"definitely interested" in re
turning to Yakima aa the own
er. The newspaper said a group
of Tacoma businessmen sound
ed out Mercy on the possi
bility of buying the franchise
but were turned down be
cause Mercy wants organized
ball to remain in Yakima.
Salem, Oregon,
Major Leagues 9
iBr UDitoa rrtuf
i. rci. sj.
Brooklrn !
MuwkukM so It
M Turk 41
.411 II
.4il II
.311 41
J01 MVi
ClnclaaaU 1
Chlcua n
Flttibunh II
TaaOar'l BmlU!
Kw Tera 10. cniean . -Biaokin
a. at. louia a.
Oolr S4B44 aeotdnltd. 1
Pet. OB.
. m
.ui im
tti ii
Kt York ,11 41
Obleaio ' u
ClinloMI TT 44
Bootoa ti i
W&lhlBttoa 44 47 .444
Pblladolpbla ai n
TMiroit n too
St. LOUU 41 H .141
TM4yt Boiallil
CUTdaaa 1J. Bootoa .
DotroH T, Palltdalphki s.
Mow York I, Ctaleoco 1.
Ccur iiBH aehoduloa.
Byran Scott,
Dies at 71
Lebanon Byron Davis
Scott, 71-year-old proprietor
of Cascade Fly company died
Sunday night at his home, fu
neral services will be held at
the Huston Funeral home,
Thursday at 2 p.m.
Mr. Scott waa a prominent
angler aportsmsn, known for
his keen Interest in outdoor
life and hia effort to con
serve the states fish life. He
opened his Cascade Fly com
pany in 1937.
Born Jan. 28. 1882 at Black
Creek, Wis., he came to Leban
on in 1023 as an associate of
the Scott-Christman Motor
Survlvora are nia wiaow,
Margarette; son, Gilbert;
daughters, Mrs. Mabel .Smith
and Mrs. Irene Farton, and a
brother, Walter Scott, all of
Minor League Scores
ray Tka'aawcUtaa tm)
lNtlUUflUIAL UAfllt
atorhotur a, avrlnaftlM T
Ottiwi 4, Toronto j
llontroal T. Baffal 4
Baltimore I. BmctiM I
aMsaicax Aasnnano
LaalirUM I, kllanoopoiu S
Tnllaaapolla 1-1. Cammbll 1-4
Sum City 4, at. Faal S
Oalr sanat arhodrlod
Bolaaioot 4, Hooitoa 4
Boa Antaalo. I. Shroropart 4
TaUa 11. Oklabeina Cltr S
ycrt Worth a. Dtllot
Oaaba S raokla 4
Dnnr S-a, SrtM CKT 1-1
Ltncola 4-1, OoloraOo Oartaffl 4-4
Dot alolnoo l-T. Wlrhlta 4-1
nontra uaorn
Km ram 4. Bolt Iki cits I
ouiort paotaoaoa, rata
raa ao or rhaioa aaoaa '
1 bats woaaia.
Ceo. Cedwell Serv. Sta.
Rarity: Roenspie Beaten
Fresh From Pacific
for spinning gear, waa landed on the beach at Taft Wed
nesday by J. H. Bogoger of Cu'ler City, formerly of Salem.
Bogoger used a 15-ponnd test monofilament line, RuMere
reel, Reegil rod (surf - spinning gear) and home made
copper wobbler. Among the many witnessing the catch
ware Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rex and Mr. and Mrs. Buck
Bradley of Salem. (Photo by Buck Bradley.)
Wednesday, September 2,
Boat Races at
Devils Lake
Sunday, Monday
The Oregon Outboard Asso
ciation, an affiliate of the
American Powerboat Associa
tion, will conduct a regatta of
32 heats of competition at Dev
ils lake Sunday and Monday.
In addition to the oval
course racing, there will also
be a mile straightaway race
race against time at B a.m.
The American Powerboat
Association la providing sanc
tioned timers for the event, ao
that If any boat should better
a world'a record during the
two days of competition, the
mark will automatically be
come official.
Boat racera from' California,
Oregon, Washington and Can
ada are expected to compete.
Durando Faces
Sandy Tonight
St. Louis () Ernie Duran
do of Bayonne, N.J., trying to
muscle his way back into the
middleweight division's top 10,
takes on favored Randy Sandy
of New York in a scheduled
10-round boxing bout Wednes
day night.
Sandy, who has been beat
en only once In 14 fights, and
Durando will top a boxing
card arranged for the national
American Legion convention
in session here.
The bout in the 160-pound
class will be telecast nation
ally. Fights Last flight
(Br Th AtoclaVUd PrtM,
Mlawl BMch, rnv. Larry MaJles.
BrooUm. 4rt with Jo Stltni,
in. Wftrrtn. Ohio. i.
lm AwKi Jom Court), 11. Mixleo,
a biaMriM aw HMD WIMMlal. III.
BpokiDt? wh, aUpp-4 jMkr Biir,
111. DftliaM. 7.
avat AatasalaW Trz. sl afucTf tni. 144.
Ban Antonio, toiPt4 Chkt ntra4a.
144, MfllCO,
8 Big Days CAT
Thia 57-peund, t-ounce Chi'
nook, possibly a world'a record
1953 Page 11
Uncle Sam Caffs
UO Football Guard
Eugene, Ore. (JP) The
Army has tapped Jim Jacquea
and the letterman-guard will
miss the 1933 football season
at the University of Oregon,
Coach Len Casanova aaid Tues
day. Jacquea is the third guard
Oregon has lost to the armed
forces in recent, weeks.
' Two ex-tackles, Don Hedge
peth and Jerry Nelson, and a
former fullback, Doyle Hig-
don, are being groomed to fill
the vacancies.
32 Report (or
Football at
Sandy High
Sandy Coach Bob Wood
ward waa met by 32 hopefuls
in the first gridiron practice
of the season August 24.
Thia ia the third year that
coach Woodward and assistant
coach George Potter have led
the Pioneers.
The Pioneers will meet
Parkrose in their first game of
the season September 11.
Other games: September 28
at Silverton; October 2
Canby at Sandy; October
Mt. Angel at Sandy; October
16 at Estacada; October 23
Molalla at Sandy; October 30
at Dallas; November 6
Woodburn at Sandy.
YtO vNlf Mjm
Ne matter how you figure
it yon Just can't surpass
the value and durability ef
need ear. Glide oat ia one
today for a real perform
ance. For the finest in feed Cars
See Marian Motors
Special la Classified Sectloa
: Up ft -Sab di
, .
Edmonton Overcomes 3-0
Salem Lead to Win 4-3
Edmentoa, Alberta Edmon
'tea overcame a S-0 Salem Sea
ater lead te post a 4-3 Western
International league victory
here last night
Gene Roenspie, Salem pitch
er, 'suffered his fourth loss of
the season. He has won 17.
Roenspie held Edmonton hit
leu until the fourth inning.
when he served up a home run
oall to -Sam Kanelos, who col
lected three of the aeven safe
ties given up by Roenspie.
Winning pitcher Don TU
nerat yielded nine hits and
three tallies n the first three
innings but blanked the Sena
tors with no hits and no runs
in the last six Innings.
(By Tht Auoclotod Prcoit
Frea t-running Lewiston
ton and Spokane tuflertd
setbacks la Western Interna-
Screening Now
Underway in
John Day River
September 1st marked the
beginning of the- John Day
screening program in the east
ern part of Oregon.
Game commission crewi nave
moved into the area and will
begin construction of screen
boxes on some of the sites lo
cated on the upper John Day
river norta or. Prairie City.
The project, which was re
cently approved by the Fish and
Wildlife Service, ia part of the
lower Columbia fishery devel
opment program for restoration
and protection of migratory
Over three hundred screens
are to be constructed during the
entire project by the Oregon
State Game Commission.
Women' Softy
Tourney Starts
Saturday Night
Portland JJo National
Softball Congress officials aaid
today the women'a world soft-
ball tournament will atart in
Portland Saturday night in
stead of Fr Id a y aa previous
ly announced.
Start of the double elimina
tlon tourney was put off one
day because of the inconveni
ence to some teams that have
to travel a long distance. The
tourney will run nine nights,
with doub leheadera each
No Auto Races
At Holly Bowl
Saturday Night
There will be no auto races
at Hollywood Bowl Saturday
night on account of the Ore
gon State fair which opens
that day.
Indianapolis - type racing
cars will run at the slate fair
grounds on Sunday, Sept. 13,
the final day of the slate fair.
Hollywood Bowl racing will
resume September 20 with a
100-lap stock car race. 1
Straight BoURBOX Whiskey
rcanc w
its QT. 11
N rm.SIUrSOTKMJirKn imism.MaJtOSt CHSniitW. INGNMrllCr.
WIL Standings
(Br Ths AMoeuua Ptm
W L Pet. flL.
LrwUtM n X .Ut
apotw ii jn h
aim ... M N M Ik
Yklm s 11 .in 4
kim aa is .ut . a
voeounr M M M l
Caliarr M IS AH T
WinutlM SI M .til S(4
Trl-CltT tl II .411 Um
Victoria Jl 44
.441 is
Tm4a7'i Bwaltat
Vancouver I. Lovutoa 1.
d moo ton 4. alm l.
WmikW 14. YokUaa 4.
Trl-Clty at Coltarv. nla.
Wo4a4u'o Seaotalt!
wotcbM at aeokiBt.
aolooi at Bdmonloa.
Tokliaa t Vletorla.
Trlltf at Ciliary.
tlonal league play Taeaday
alght but the only change la
the atandlng waa Edmonton'a
elevation to fifth place.
The Eskimos grabbed the
first division berth with its
win over Salem. That- left
them a single percentage point
ahead of the Vancouver Capl-
lanos who dropped into the
second division despite a 3-1
victory over Lewiston.
Spokane bowed to We-
natchee 4-3 and remained halt
a game behind Lewiston. Vic
toria clubbed Yakima 14-4 in
the only other. 'contest Tri
City and Calgary were rained
out at Calgary,
Lonnie Myers, making hla
last appearance in a VancoU'
ver uniform, notched a aeven.
hitter to give the Caps a 2-0
edge in the aeriea with Lewis-
ton. Myers, who will report
to the Pacific Coast league Se
attle Rainlera Thursday, allow
ed four of the hits and Lewis-
ton's only tally in the first in
Wenatchee staged a four-run
uprising in the aeven th inning
to even the aeriea at Spokane
to a win apiece. The Chiefs
sent Bill Franks to the ahow-
era In the seventh and retired
George New in the eighth.
Keith Bowman allowed 11
Spokane hits but left aa many
Indiana a trended on the baaea.
Yakima's loss at Victoria
snapped the B e a r s' winning
streak at six straight.
. 4 BaaM
oi a a o
rototiai.r a l e auauor.i 41a S S 4 IKooolof 4 S 4
TonoollU SIS eeknUof 41 4 S S I Wim.lf s s a S 110 Cuwoll.r s S
BolarAlk S f S S la
En.10in.lf 4 S S 4ThwnjU BBS
NoUoa.o 4 1 S I Moron. 0 I S
Rootupo.a II lTuiat.p I 1
Totoll 44 S 14 11 Total! 14 f ST
Salom Ill 4M OSS I
BdnoatoB 400 141 11 4 T
Pllclior: IF AB M S Bl SOII
Roompta ... S II T 4 1 S I
TUnorat .... I 44 S I 1 I I
wp Rooniplt. VOB Saloia II. Bd-
m on ton 2. Xrrora Porei, D074, Thomp
10a I. MoUntr. HR Kuoflon, Kanolot.
JBH WfOTtr I, Kanoloo. BBI Buosloa
. Doro, Fascial S. DP TamoUl to Lubr
to BallirH. Roonaplo to Lubr to Bol
lard; Molonor to Kaaoloo to atunooa:
aturf ood to Thorn Dion to atunoon. O
Soronaoa and BUlnor. Tlmt l:il. AH.
Tho llaaMOroi:
Lcwlitoa ...IS O0O Mt 1 T 1
Vaneouior 461 401 00 I 4 1
BuUor and Oarari Sfrm and Dnrttto.
WraotehM 404441 4001 IS t
Spokano .....14 40 1411 11 t
Bowtnoa and Bartolonol: Pranki,
Ho (T, Oloraaaanl (Ii, Boaur (I)
and aaoola.
Toklma It 411 JOO 4 11 S
Victoria 411 414 M 14 I
Rio,, Rial (II. Touas (II and Alklnli
Bottlor and Harford.
, Bar-B.itl
fa. . it
Five t!ori.i:rn
Op:n Fcolhll
far 1a Au4tata4 Staul
A small army ef football
hoaetala checked la wHh ftva
Northern Dlvlslea each as
Monday for the start ef faU
training la the Faelfle Ceaat
Conference. - -
The largest turnout wai at
the University of Washington
where 63 players, most of
them untried, reported to
Johnny Cberberg, who la
making his debut as a varsity
coach. Cherberg aald 21 of
23 expected lettermen were
on hand for the first workout.
Fifty-two players drew uni
forms at Washington State
College, 48 at Oregon State,
Archery Tourney
Slated for Shedd
Overlabor Day
The 18th annual Pope-
Young Field Archera tourna
ment will be held en Labor
day week-end at Shedd, Ore.
All archera in the state are in
vited to attend; all divisions,
men, women and Juniors will
be recognized with suitable
Legal hunting equipment
(bow not leas than 40 pounds
in weight and broadheads not
less than -inch in width) is
Championship is based on
the aggregate point total of
the. three main events, Wand,
Clout and Pope-Young (ani
mal)' Bound.
Defending champions are:
Men M. M. Carson. Worn-
Donna Garrett Junior
boys Billy Snyder.' Junior
girls Kay BaUift. All are
from Portland. .
Pederson Gains
Victory Over
Johnny nenninq
Eric Pederson defeated
Johnny Henning two falls out
of tnree in we main event oi
Tuesday night's professional
wrestling eard at Salem arm
In preliminary matches, Lu
ther Lindsay defeated Mr. Sa
kata. Jack Klaer drew with
Jack O'Reilly and Th adaaav
ed Ram downed Greg Jerque.
(E, (D (D)llD',tr E ACQ
U m lire aett
! gf 1 a0Vf oU7UTrriO
World's First-Choice
Salt Ends
Pay as
Court at Capitol
Center at Commercial Center at Liberty
Cues how far Goodyear
Sea it at Stata Fair loath
Who know YOU may
Div Set;::!
41 at Oregon and 41 it Idaho.,
Bob Burkhart quarterback.'
and team captain, was in the
first turnout at , Washington!
State. . Burkhart told Coach
Al Kireher he was about IS"
pounds over hla best playing
weight after working all sum
mer in Alaska, but hoped to
pare much of it off before;
WSC opens against Southern
California at Pullman Sep
tember 19. Kireher haa 14
lettermen In addition to Burk
hart for use in dally drills. .
More than half the playert
reporting to Coach Len Cas
anova at Oregon were letter
men. Casanova said the 2T
letter winners on hla squad
include nine who have earned;
two letters. .
.OSC Coach Kip Taylor
counted 15 lettermen and
found hia aquad further boU
stered by five traafereea from.
California Junior colleges."
Former Jaycee players on
hand for the first workout
were halfbacks Irwin Had
i trom from Collnga, Ron En
gle from. Santa Rosa, Gene
Tonkovich from Compton,
Pete Scott from Mulr, and;
tackle Ralph Day from Los
. Twenty letUrmen worked '
out with Babe Curfman af
Idaho but two others he had
counted on were absent and
believnd lost for the season.
Curfman said doctors have
advised Larry Morrison, a de-
lensive halfback from Walla
WaUa, to give up the game
because of a' shoulder injury.
He aaid guard Bill Stellman of
Lewiston, Idaho, la believed
headed for military service. ,
Archer Blower ;
From ABC Meet
Portland tUB Oregon City
Elks meet the Longshoremen
here tonight in a battle for a
berth in the finals of the Oreo
gon American Baseball congress
I tournament.
I The Elks eliminated defend-'
lag champion Archer Blower
and Pipe by a alim 1-0 margin
last night to get into the finala
ol the loaer'a bracket. Tne
winner of tonlght'a game meets:
Norgan'a Beavers . tomorrow,
night "
1: urr PtlCI
nm sin tuowaiKi
mi-m to t hiit
a.00ii $H.5
.40 1 II 21.00 1S.7J
:70iJI ?JSJ 16.45
I'M tit P
24.S0 18.0
JaOjJI ,7S Z0.0
i.ooin tt.ot
IJ07ial 10.41 I
plot tot
as $1.25 a weekl
Marion at Liberty
Double Eagle Tlra will trarvatl
ef Matter Service Station.
win 4 Double Eagla Tire for
50), 2S via I'lWKB PIH
your car.