" Tasndiy, September 1. 1958 THE CAPITAL- JOURNAL. Mw. Ortpm Prt t OPEN FRIDAY NITES 'TILL 9 ceurt street tre 16Cu. Ft. Quick Freeze Freezer Baskets and Dividers Fast Freeze Compartment 5-yeor Worranty One Only Reg. $4S9.95 kow 38995 L&H Range Double Oven Automatic Timer Oven Outlet Plug And Surface Burner Vari-Speed Switches One Only Reg. $419.95 NOW SEPTEMBER 1 cewrt street tiee 20 Cu. Ft. L&H Freezer Double Lids . Temperature Control 700 lbs. Capacity One Only Reg. $579.95 49995 NOW L&H Range Automatic Clock Large Oven Applionce Outlet One Only Reg. $219.95 now 16995 Apex Ironer L Deluxe Model ' I- t J. I r,ne wunirui Fold-A-Way Cabinet One Only Reg. $249.95 NOW Bendix Ironer Adjustable Heat Control Fingertip & Knee Controlled One Year Warranty Floor Model Reg. $279.95 NOW $ 22995 21" Admiral Consolette Dyna-Roy Picture Tube Mahogany Cabinet Reg. $349.95 NOW $299'5 Quaker Oil Heater 50,000 BTU Output One Year Warranty Reg. $114.95 NOW' $ 6995 21" Westinghouse Table Model UHF and VHF Tuner Reg. $299.95 NOW 219'5 -Apex Sink, Dishwasher Comb. Fully Automatic Dishwasher Built-in Disposol Floor Demonstrator Reg. $559.95 NOW 17" Westinghouse Table Model UHF and VHF Tuner NOW $ 189 95 21" Admiral Console Blond Finish Super Cascade Chassis One Only Now $389.95 J33995 NOW Air Flow Dryer Portable Model 110 Volt Timed Heat Control 2 Only Reg. $119.95 $ NOW 59'5 Maytag Wringer Washer $139.95 Speed Oueen Wringer Washer . . $149.95 L&H Water Healer 50 gal. $1 24.95 Philco Refrig. 7 cu. ft. $199.95 L & H Range 30" Top $229.95 Admiral Portable Radio $29.95 DOUBLE STAMP WEDNESDAY Reg. 20 STEAM IRONS 1495 Famous name brand at a low, low price. Guaranteed. Special purchase ol lows this low, low price! HOUSEWARES DOWNSTAIRS CHR0METTE PANELS Tea. Full 42x81 size. Beautiful pink ice, cherry, green, blue. Regular $1.59 eo. CURTAINS THIRD FLOOR Unbleached Muslin Priscillas $ 649 i Regular $7.95, full 83x81 size. Just the touch for your window treotments! CURTAINS THIRD FLOOR Regular $2.89 Lunch Boxes Metol. Two popular sizes. Just the thing for school days ahead! HOUSEWARES DOWNSTAIRS Reg. $3.98 CLOTHES BASKET v $2W Large size, willow construction with 2 handles! Well woven for extra durability! HOUSEWARES DOWNSTAIRS J COURT STREET STORE DOUBLE STAMPS ON ALL CASH PURCHASES WEDNESDAY n n DOUBLE STAMPS FREE WALLPAPER Far; hue ppr tor twe stand txd site rooms and receive paper lor third standard fiie FREE DOUBLE STAMPS , Bee. 91.59 COLLANDER 79c Aluminum Rer- $3.39 ICE CREAM SCOOP $1.99 , Chrome DOUBLE STAMPS Rer- $9.95 TRAVEL IRONS 6.88 Famous Brand Rer. I45.M 65-Pleee DINNERWARE SET $18.88 Golden Rose DOUBLE STAMPS Rer. $149 JUICE SET 99c 7 Piece! Rec. I2.0 HAMBURGER PRESS 1.59 Hardwood DOUBLE STAMPS Rer. $15 PASTRY CLOTH SET 59c Limited Quantity Rer. 11.98 ' HOUSEHOLD BROOM 1.19 First Quality DOUBLE STAMPS Res. 15.95 GARBAGE CAN 3.88 lO-Gallon Nylon PRISCILLAS 4.89 pr 42iSl Eirahclt DOUBLE STAMPS PLASTIC DRAPES 1.98pr. Floral and Provincial Pleated KITCHEN DRAPERIES 3.00 45-lnch pr. DOUBLE STAMPS Plastic SHOWER CURTAINS 1.59 Reg. $3,93 s Reg. 93V DRAPERY LINING 79c yd Tan Reg. 9le ROBERTS BROS. SEPTEMBER DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE Upholstered Occasional Chairs Popular wing back and modern, with lovely frieze, tweed or tapestry cov ers! Popular shades. Eastern construction. Speciol Green Stamp Value! Rubberized, hair filled. - ; '. FURNITURE FIRST FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. SEPTEMBER DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE Broadloom Carpel Wall to Wall Installed sq. yd. Installed with Roberts smoothedge tackless stripping, using combination 32-oz. pad. Hard twist, frieze broadloom In o blend of wool ond rayon. 9 or 12 ft. width in 3 colors. RUGS SECOND FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. SEPTEMBER DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE i REGULAR $19.93 Limed Oak Nifeslands $(5)95 Well constructed limed oak stands in modern styling. One drawer, brass hardware. Limited quantity. Shop early! FURNITURE SECOND FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. SEPTEMBER DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY e 89.95 Value Lounge Chairs W5 "He man" size choirs In durable mohair frieze. Wide arms. Red, green, or rose shades. Comfortable choirs with decorators chorm. FURNITURE SECOND FLOOR DOUBLE STAMPS rayonVardage 50C yd. . 41" Pastels Ret. f 1.19 MOKXS CLOTH 1.00,, 4-Ply Nataral - DOUBLE STAMPS Ret. f 119.99 CHROME SET I Pes. Droploat fat Rer.49e C0XG0 WALL 25cli"e ' 4 Patterns IS-Inek DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. 9199.95 8-PC. DIKING SET 169.95 Upholstered Chairs rial Purchase DINING SET 150.00 Mahogany DOUBLE STAMPS Ret. 1139.95 CELLARETTEJ 69.95 Twe Styles Rer. 113.95 MAGAZINE RACKS 10.95 Floor Type DOUBLE STAMPS Ret. 944.95 STEP TABLES 22.95 Limed Oak Ret. 114.95 UMP TABLES 15.00 Lined Oak DOUBLE STAMPS Rer. 9131.09 FIRESIDE CHAIR 69.50 Metallic Brocade Cover Rer. 1119.95 Provincial LOVE SEAT . 109.95 French Provincial DOUBLE STAMPS ' Rectlonal BOOKCASE 24.95 Additional Pieces Eitrt Ret. 949.95 Wrought Iron NEST OF TABLES 24.95 Three Tables DOUBLE STAMPS Reg. ISJ7.19 7-Pe. Birch DIKING SET 168.60 Propleat Room Divider Ret. $119.95 Provincial LOUNGE CHAIR 99.95 Tweed Cover f, .,;-. V;. ri flu.;;.. f f-Jltlt