. u - 1 Tuesday, September 1, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJem. Oregon r.ii Mi i; ,5 1 I; I) K J Capital Women Edited fcy H ASIAN LOWBX nSCHU Past Heads To Be Feted At Luncheon Tht past preldenU of the Marion County, Federation of women i Clubs, elected from clubs outside the Salem area, will be guests of the past presi dents who have served from cluba of the Salem vicinity at 12:30 luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Paul Griebenow, 809 Falrview avenue. Addition al Salem hostesses are Mes dames W. T. Kirk, J. A. Brown son, A. A. Taylor,. Robert Hutcheon, Mason Bishop, and . C. W. Stacey. Among those ex pected to attend are the first two presidents of the federa tion, Mrs. Etta y. Hau, wno served from 1920 to 1822 and who was elected from Wood burn and now resides in Salem; and Mrs. W. E. Kirk who was elected from the Salem Woman's club. Twenty-seven o! the 12 past presidents are still living. Mrs. Iliary Tate of Sublimity Is the president now la office in the Marion county Jederaton. - PHI UV alumnae and hus bands met for their annual pic nic supper in the gardens at the Elmer O. Berg nome, Mon day evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. winner n. rage, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bud Lorence, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Max well, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Lorence have in vited the group to their home Party on Birthday Salem Heights Mrs. Ver non Weaver complimented her daughter. Claudia, at a sur prise party in honor of the latter'a 18th birthday on Sun day evening with a picnic sup per at thetr borne. Attending were Susan Bartlett, Karen Harris. Susan Z wicker, Shan non Barton, Carolyn Howells, Nancy Baker. Arlene Weaver, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Ctaudia Weaver and Betty Jean Dyke. Mrs. Luby Is Honored AMONG Salem folk at the beach the past two weeks have been Mr. and Mrs. Edward Honoring Mrs. Julia A. Luby of Los Angeles who has been a Salem visitor the past weea. a picnic was given at the coun try home of her brother, G. A. McNeff, near Brooks. I Present were her sons. Jonn A. Luby of El Paso, Texas; Hugh Luby and family of Sa lem; and daughter, Mrs. BJ Sexton of Ontario, Calif. Ne phews and nieces sttendlng were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Me Neff, Shlrlee, Carolyn, and Du- ane: Mr. ana Mrs. J. v. mc- Neff Jane and Jimmie: Mr. C. A. McNeff, all of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Wslter Brutka, and Judy of Brooks, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc Neff. Mrs. Luby left Immedi ately for Boise, Idaho, where she will visit other brothers before returning to her home in California. Miss Bates Tells Troth At Party The engagement of Miss Sharon Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Bates, to Donald L. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Jones, was announced tt a dessert party last night at the Bates home, The color schema for the table decorations was blue and burgandy. The news was an nounced when Miss Bates passed fortune cakes with the names of the couple and the wedding date enclosed. The wedding is planned for Octo ber 2. Miss Bates and Mr. Jones are both graduates of Salem high school. Mr. Jones is em ployed at the Capital Monu. mental works. Guests were Mrs. J. C, Jones, Sr., Mrs. J. C. Jones, Jr., Mrs. Daryl Jones, Mrs. W. E. Bates, Mrs. Delwyn Kleen Mrs. Donald Hamilton, Mrs. Tom Proctor, Mrs. Harry Ep- perley, Mrs. ' Elwyn walker, and Misses Pat Cameron, Shir ley Crothers, Neva Gflman, Charlotte Graber, Jackie Jones, Margie Barge; Marilyn Isaak, Joan Seamster, Margie Kronser, Barbara Franzwa, Elaine Graham, Janet Herahe, Mary Lou Holcomb, Jean Jor genson, Austrld Severin, Shar on Larson, Barbara Lcnhard, Joan Neal, Beth Proebstal, Beverly Rlnehart, Darlene O'Harra, Loree SlUfe, Rober ta Thurman, Pat Van Otting- ham, Roberta Graham, Vir ginia Graham. , s v A . Wed Recently Mrs. Patrick Schmidt (Elaine Virnig.) above, was a bride in early August at Sauk Rapids, Minn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Virnig of Portland and has lived in Salem several years. Mr. Schmidt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamb of Phoenix, Ore. The couple will live in Portland. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.) upper event in late Septem ber, A SON, their third, was born Sunday, August 30, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and ' Mrs. Ralph D. Schlesinger. The older boys are Barry and Paul. Grandnarents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weiner of Portland and! Max Schlesinger of Salem. Club Plans Events The Lablsh Meadows Garden club met Thursday afternoon t the Roy Petzel home west of Brooks. Plans were made to enter the North Marion County Fair at Woodburn, and other fall shows. Following the busi ness meeting the group visited the Claggett Begonia gardens en Wallace Road. Visitors were Mrs. J. A. Luby of Los Angeles, and Miss Judith Brutka. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Ziel lnskl, September 17, with col ored elides being shown. , HOME from a trip to the mid-west are Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood and children, John, Chris and RickL AtCul- ver, Indiana, Chris, who had been attending Culver Military academy summer camp, Joined bis family and they visited in Chicago and In South Dakota. HOME from a stay at Nesko- wln for two weeks are Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. dinger and children, Susan and Casey. , I servings. Roth and children, Barbara, Jimmy and Roger, being at Nes- kowin. Today's Menu Meat loaf goes fancy when it's made in individual loaves and topped with chili sauce. Family Sapper Chilled Fruit Cocktail Deviled Meat Loaves Whipped Potatoes French-style Snap Beans Relishes ' Hot RoUs Baked Apples or Pears Beverage Deviled Meat Loavea Ingredients: 4 cup quick or old-fashioned rolled oats (un cooked), 1 pound ground beef, 1 egg (lightly beaten), 1 table spoons finely diced celery, 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish, teaspoon prepared mustard, teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, H teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, 4 tablespoons chili sauce. Method: Mix rolled oats. ground beef, egg, celery and seasoning except chill sauce. Grease 4 large custard cups. Spoon one tablespoon chill sauce into each cup. Pack meat mixture lightly over chill sauce. Bake In moderate (230 F.) oven 28 to 30 minutes. Turn out upside down and serve at once. Makes 4 large Guild Plans Party As Annual Project The benefit garden party -project is to be an annual one for St Mary's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, it is announc ed following the first event, Sunday, at the J. G. Watts home on Wallace Road. The guild is expecting to make about $100 from the Sunday benefit, the proceeds to go to the building fund for the new St. Paul's church now under construction on South High street. First meeting of the fall for the guild is planned for Sep tember 14. Mrs. S. D. Wiles is president of the group. MR. AND MRS. Joe'Henny and children have Just returned from a three weeks trip to Glacier Park, Banff and Lake Louise In Canada. SILVERTON Miss Thora Arestad is taking her annual vacation of a fortnight, driv ing through southern Oregon and into California. Rebekah Event Mrs. T. A. Rhoades told of her trip to Bemldji, Minn., at the Rebekah lodge meeting Monday evening. Refreshment committee for next week will be Mrs. Mae Dodge, Mrs. Roy McNeill, Mrs. Lula Wilson, Mrs. O. L. Scott, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre. Theta Rho club will meet Thursday evening. The L. I. A. on Friday evening. On Wednes day evening drill team prac tice for the L. X. A. Is planned. On Friday, September 4, the Rebekahs are sponsoring a rummage sale at 220 N. Commercial. Wedding on September 13 Macleay Invitations are in Miss Pardy Is Honored at Party Donald The B. W. Jeskey nome was the scene of a bridal shower recently, honoring Miss the mail for the? wedding of Gretchen Pardy, daughter of Exquisite perfumed writing paper 'tONMOMif) Wi TWO H"-fy fmwtAt, M fotdmrtusV Mlval tors Qaelques b A my la Hnti PPr. MwW whK HwUlfonri eutlQUIt ntvtt,laeiMNMMk Kopwtt NtafW s tlSt 'A iwV S...HM paf, sVeHMS H mWfurs CHAHTIUY, M f wwWt mmt iWnt s4mm h kof-lwHf-f. ' Mitufc mHM NtefW In SIM taw SuST.M 'tMrtty simiiis 'tUpt. sW -si a- ouiiouit muss t4 CHANTIUY. TWf tmMr, Mdw. al U1. IMfwIt fcerewss. nc ebf e y i mw Mm wtA s - cot m4 iwintniiai T1 - (iVUilsSBBBSl fJHV(TWe speivasSPW'wav It I Miss Gloria Jean Hopkins daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Leon Hopkins, Route S, Salem. and Ernest John Ediger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Ediger of Dallas, The rites will be solemnized Sunday, September 13, at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Evangelical Mennonite Breth ren church In Dallas, Dr. John Mitchel of Central Bible school of Portland will officiate. Fefe Miss Sears Ballston Mrs. Byron Emer son was hostess at a bridal shower last week In the Com munity hall, honoring Miss Darlene Sears of Ballston, bride-elect of Gordon Russell of Yamhill. Guests were present from Salem, Sheridan, Willamina, Urana Konde and Ballston, The wedding will take place in the Methodist church at Am ity, Saturday evening, Septem ber 8. Miss Sears Is a graduate of the Amity high school. Mr. and Mrs. George Pardy. Miss Pardy will be married to James M. Wilson, son of Mrs, James Wilson of Canby, at a garden ceremony Sunday, Sep tember 6. Hostesses for the kitchen shower were M arlene Driever, Judith Albers and Marjorie Jeskey. Gladioluses were used for floral decorations. Attend ing the party were Mesdames George Pardy, Henry Pardy and B. W. Jeskey, and Misses Gloria Herzberg of McMinn- ville, Louise , Green, Doris Frens, Dorothy Miller. Ellen Vost, Joan Einger. and Jovce Cumberland of Oregon City. ana June weinert. SILVERTON Miss Hattie Olson, Immanuel Lutheran church secretary and general visitation assistant to the Rev. Arnold W. Nelson, has arriv ed in Silverton from Los An geles to assume her new duties. Miss Olson has been em ployed in official secretarial work for the Lutheran Bible Institute of Los Angeles. She is making her lcui residence at the Tweed apartments. A DAUGHTER. Mary Eliza beth, was born Saturday, Aug ust 29, at Salem Memorial hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. James Kern. She is the third child, the older children being Dan iel and Janet Lee. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kern, all of Albany. Bride Honored Mrs. Petti t Is Honored Honoring Mrs. William Pet tit, Mrs. Frank G. Myers and her granddaughter, Mrs. Rich ard Grenz, are entertaining this evening at the Myers homo at a shower. Mrs. Pet tit is a niece of Mrs. Myers. Feting the honoree will be her mother, Mrs. Oliver My ers, her mother-in-law, Mrs. D. T. Furlough; Mrs Effie Blower. Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Willsrd Brown, Mrs. Da vid Cromwell, Mrs. Herbert Stiff. Mrs. C. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Charles Clagget, Mrs. Deryl Myers, Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs. Jsmes Clough, and the two hostesses. Engagement Is Told Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hagenl are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Bonnie Lee Hagen, to Douglas W. Ber wick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Berwick. A late fall wedding is planned. Both Miss Hagen and Mr. Berwick attended Salem schools, and Mr. Berwick is a graduate of Oregon State col lege. Salem Women At Nile Event A large group of Salem wo men will be attending the cere monial for Nydia Temple, Daughters of the Nile, In Port land, Wednesday when Mrs. Helen V. Drake of San Fran cisco, supreme queen, will be a visitor. Among those going from here are Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Rollin Lewis, Mrs. Carl Soos, Mrs. Ray Linton, Mrs. Leonard Rowan, Mrs. G. W. Laird, Mrs. E. D. Burres, Mrs. John Grayblll, Mrs.. Vera Reimann, Mrs. Kenneth Dodge, Mrs. Kenneth Morris, Mrs. Othel Eckersley. Mrs. F. C. Hueneke, Mrs. Harold Walling, Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Claude H. Post. - Y ... t V V - .4 i v. 1 v V d?'.Y? "Y Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence King were married August 7 at the First Methodist church in Salem. - Mrs. 'King, formerly Miss Carol Coburn, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coburn of Dayton. The couple reside at 325 Fairview Ave., Salem. (Picture by Dr. Msrta, Salem) Additional Society On Pag 8 Sheridan Mrs. John Agee (Maree Walton) was honored at a bridal shower given by Mrs. Aubrey Lavender last week. Guests Invited were Mrs. Allan Robertson and Lois of Salem, Mrs. Lyle Bryant, Mrs. Nelson Agee, Mrs. Fern Eberhart, Mrs. Morris Walton, Miss Marie Peek, Miss Doro thy Lavender, Mrs. C. P. Blan chard, Mrs. Delbert Gardner and Mrs. Genevieve Walton. Aid to Meet Silverton Trinity Luth eran Ladies Aid is to meet at the church social rooms, Wed' nesday afternoon, September 2, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Ed Holden will present the study topic "His Orders are Carried Out." The members are to bring mis sion boxes to the meeting. Hostesses are Mrs. L. M. Lar son and Mrs. Silas Torvend. On Friday evening, Septem ber 4,' at & o'clock, at the church, the Dorcas society of Trinity Lutheran group, will meet. Mrs. Melvln Brenden will present the topic. Mrs. William Bloch and Mrs. Ches ter Bergerson are hostesses. The topic to be presented is the same as that for the Ladies Aid program. Woodburn Woman's Club Sets Meeting Woodburn A special meet ing of the Woodburn Woman's club will be Wednesday, Sep tember 2, at 2 p.m. at the Wood burn public library. The pur pose of the meeting is to con duct a special election to name a recsrding secretary, to dis cuss sponsoring the anti-tuberculosis Christmas seal drive, and. to hear reports on the year's program and on the booth for the North Marion county fair. Mrs. James Lamb, the new president, will be in charge of the meeting. It will also be necessary at this meeting to elect delegates to the third district convention to be at West Linn, September 30, as the first regular fall meeting of the Woman's club will not be until October 7. Leave for Midwest . Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ole J. Moen and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Smedstad are leaving to day for Pierpont, S.D., for a three-week visit with rela tives. Mrs. Moen's mother, Mrs. Martha Johanson of Pierpont, observed her 87th birthday an niversary, August 12. The Silverton couples were child hood friends in Minnesota and South Dakota and have kept up the friendly relations for many years in Silverton. The four of them made the trip to Pierpont three years ago. SILVERTON Mrs. Martha Green has as house guests for a few days the family of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Erv Islle and two children of Richmond, Wash. TOUR NORGE , DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHEMEKETA f.lillcr's-Gift Shop.lam Flow CLOSE-OUT OF ALL BARBECUES . BRAZIERS SAVE UP TO 35 ON ONE OF THESE LATEST MODEL OUTDOOR PLEASURE UNITS. TrJERE'LL BE MANY OPPORTUNITIES YET THIS FALL FOR THEIR USE (WE HOPE) AND CERTAINLY AN ASSURANCE OF UNLIMITED FUTURE CULINERY'JOY IF YOU ACT NOW. II II II II II Over $75 Value. II 25 Off 20 Off 20 Off "BIG BOYS Die" DAVr DiSJ DVS I d Under $71 Value. f?AAINlllilr-f JJJU TT IP. J iwi al Vs.ntry jdvo utr GREEN ONE" . 30 Off ALUMINUM" 30 Off SEE THESE AT OUR NEW CANDALARIA DISTRICT STORE Alice Ae. Store Opt , Until Nina Every Night (Except Sunday) fr GEORGE E. Men. 141 ALICE AVE. Also at Donntowa Store 1)1 N. Commercial HOUBIGANT LIQUID SKIN SACHET 1 WS. VVYi-J TiZ A WMd.rfal epportuItT VV tjI'AW J trTloBg.iualUraH yTVSf V Sk'a Sachet la I ftawM VV ' Vsw'ar H,ll--'-u" IrsirseeM. JW A jL TeV ' . " ' DiMOTtf the anginal l iM "5r" JT . liasers beeiaM ef Its Mtk btM. Three pmrss tZ -iu 11.00, ptes las. CHANTIUY QUELQUES FLEURS TL IE PARFUM IDUL fj?tf toppleawet uw swm Ikm vhh nlM tlx rrraW liu UtHi Skla Suhtt V ' " ... tlJS,plu lax. k jf T