Page 10 BACK TO SCHOOL SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, September 1. 1951 RUSSIA'S VERSION OF B-36 , JIIIM. II III I I. IIIIIIIIIIM. LIIHH II.I1 .tariW I ir M Illinium n i Exciting Look for Girls' Sportswear Back to - school iportiwear for girla takes on an exciting new look this fall through the unexpected use of soft pastels and bright vivid hues. No lon ger is sportswear being limited to the classic colon usually found in fall showings . Shirts, sweaters, and wool Jersey blouses are being shown In soft pretty pastels as a change from the deep greens, reds, and navy. a .-,,,, Avictinn magazine savs this picture, released In Washington, is that of a Russian TuG75 bomber souped up with six turbo-prop engines. According to the magazine, this photograph was obtained from a reliable source Inside Soviet-controlled territory. The TuG75. the magazine said is a copy of the U. S. B-38 intercontinental bomber and Is being mass produced in Russia. (AP Wirephoto.) Tweed and flannel skirts ap pear, too in pale-hued pastels. The new washability of wool and miracla fibre blends makes the introduction of pas tels possible. Eouallv new In back-to- school wardrobes is the use of vivid colors. Tweeds, flannels, and jerseys appear in sharp turquoise, brilliant pink, and the brightest blues. BEFORE lS0H00 YOU SEND THEM Back fo School STOP AT THE BOY'S SHOP FIRST FOR EVERYTHING IN BOYS' WEAR From the Top of Their Beany to the Tip of Their Argylei 265 North High Street .4 B 1 Childs' Wear Tips Mothers, you can save many dollars each year if you are alerted to points in buying. the questions to when buying Here are remember clothes IS IT WABM? Many warm garments do not permit ex cess body moisture to escape porous materials, such as wool, do' The proper fab rics can help prevent colds. SERVICEABILITY? Can a I garment be cleaned, mended or ! altered easily? These factors should be considered care' fully. WILL IT SHRINK? Read labels carefully or get the merchant's assurance. IS IT STYLE-WISE? Style right garments help give the youngster poise and self-con' fidence. So be sure to check a gar ment's real value in terms of long service, cleanabillty, its mending and alteration- quali ties, and whether It will bring out the best in a lad's or girl's appearance. Check the this special section. many values in b ae k-to-sehool LELUhtows euntfi Cuffs Won! Wear Dul! SAF WEAR threesome wish 1 mm ' W- ".3 A7 I ft A IP Grass Fires Plague Liberty Firemen Liberty-Salem Heights The Liberty-Salem Heights fire de partment was kept busy Satur day and Sunday with two fire calls but no damage reported. Saturday at 4:30 p.m. the firemen extinguished a grass fire at Stacey's Fur Farm at 765 Boone Rd., Just before dam age was done to the mink pens. It started from burning rubbish. Sunday at 1:30 p.m. the fire men put out another grass fire at the E. H. Barnholdt resi dence at 1410 Barnes Ave. It started from a burning paper flying out of trash burner which had no screen ever the top. The paper landed in a field of dry grass and burned about four acres. Permits are still required for burning. Permits may be got ten from the lire chief, Norval Hirons, or from Neale Chaney or Shannon Sturm at Dickson's Market. The axe was probably the first weapon or tool to have a handle says the National Geo graphic Society. Point! at QrMl.ll wtor , , . knM I Hi. .Ibowt of jotktt ond cufrt mn4 .Ibowi of shirt , . . carry writ ten flwaraMt to cHrtwMr th f trt. forntnt. teb rvtory toirt arov. thy cKtvolly WW mmf rim tonflM. NEW! .... WARM! Comptftfy Guarantttd! Aailfntlc Wtiftrn Styling! IILLYJACt An I ei. blue denim Jacket completely lined with pleld cotton flannel. And for the firit time, with guaranteed1 Saf T Lbo'll Sanforized, wathable with rustproof snap fasteners. Proportioned s'rm 4 to 12 3.98 SPORTSHIRTS: Styled In California, Mt lone- aleovod matching plaid cotton flannel Hurt nai cutis ana elbows guaranteed. Proportioned sizes 4 to 12 2.98 TEXAN JEANS: The original, guaranteed Saf T Nee (eant. Of 8 oz. blue denim with weiit-to-cuff plaid flan, net lining. Zipper fly. Sanforhed wsihable. J O O Proportioned tiiei 4 to 12 J MARGWEN'S "STORE OF ENCHANTMENT" CAPITOL MOPPING CENTER 2766 AIST SIZES 2J -WIN. mm I -:. .1 Girl Scouts Busy in All Gommunity Life Phases It's back to school for near ly two million Girl Scouts who have been spending the summer at Girl Scout camps, outings, trips, overnight hikes and other out-of-door activi ties. Many of the skills they ac quired during their Scout life will be useful In their school work as well as in their troops, for Scouting and achooling have much in com mon. , They supplement and co operate with one another; working together to give girls every opportunity to become resourceful, self-reliant indi viduals as well as good citi zens of troop, school, and com munity. Scouting' provides a labor atory for the practice of manv skills learned la school. Girl Scout leaders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with school programs so that they may supplement current stud ies with troop acUvities. Many schools Interested camping, do a great deal work in promoting it for the students. . The Girl Scouts are indebt ed to the schools for much en couragement and many fa vors. With the schools' co operation they have access to school facilities, and the serv ics of teachers who are enthu siastic troop leaders, program consultants or members of Girl Scout Councils. More than half the troops throughout the country are sponsored by Parent-Teacher associations, and through their assistance. Girl Scouts are given access to schoolrooms, gymnasiums and .playgrounds. In turn the Girl ScouU are eager participanta in a variety of service projects that are of benefit to the school and to the PTA. For example, they often baby ait while parents attend PTA meetings. They serve as ushtrs at school affairs; help with clerical work in the school office, assist in the li brary, cafeteria, on the play ground, and do many, many innumerable odd Jobs! There are about 150,000 ama teur radio stations in the world of which about 100,000 are in the United States. t HAIRSTYLES ft SOT 9 C A in of I To compliment your back-to-school wardrobe HAIRCUTTrNG STYLING PERMANENT! (From 7.50) HALEY'S BEAUTY (ENTER Where pretty women walk in and beautiful women walk out. 1114 UNION CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER ENROLL AT OSC Woodburn Students from Woodburn high school who have been granted admission to Oregon State college at Corval lis for" the 1953-54 yesr are Charles Addicott, Shirley An derson, Janet Ann Blanchard, Ella Jeanette Seaton, Jean Marie Stach, Samuel Edward Van Arsdale, and Harrie Wei-gel. More than 12,000 ships go through the Suez Canal In typical year. ' '4 Free Customer Parking FOR THE BEST SOHOOi.)i BACK-TO-SCHOOL IDEAS SHOP CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Open Monday and Friday Night OnUUmllns Skirts! In one pattern two beautifully baalc axirt styles. Each skirt has eltht rore: one with porketa and hktn waistband the othrr, allm-mak-inr plain idea with regulation waltband. line variety of fabrtrs from woolrns to gabardines; plaid or pirun i No. S7M is rut in waiit tisea M. 1. , 28, 30. 33 and 34-inch. Size an: witn pnrkeu. 31 yd. M-ln.; plain skirt take 1 yds. JS-ln. aend Joe for PATTERN with Name, Addreaa. 8tvle Number and 9n AcldrfM PATTERN BU- REAU. Capital JnrrmaL 081 Mla- aion etratt. en Pranclseo t, Calif. z a j).-Sjr GREEN STAMFS. S I I tcc4C4cc4rc44cc4rc4C4c4ccw araaBaBaBraarBaHHwrMManBRfwaMawHBBaraBaBaranar i t i ii Tt m . i -v. av r e. aii " at i.i a-m sbitsk ,i u ' sv f i a sbifi own a I MSJS(. 1 n i Mil nVstrll iJlfiWH.jf I V I ivcr'n " ,o o oj..n sumi k. j if n'iu i .l-f Jhe Vogue of talent WWy awW r! Just arrived .. . ond ready to lead the vtaflj m'. Parade of School Fashions. Come, See all 7 wif Ivjklft-M ilfi Togs that school-girls love! SV ILajIi WiX SWEATERS I'Kl M LWMC 100V:OB. 6.95.7,95,9.95. W U W M ISjwL White,Fy"lc.w'Sin", beige 100 Imposed f V bvSkl I taa- ond maize Cashmere Fall Fashion A if I 7.95 to 10.95 VAU Sweater. tJf - 'J White, beige, red, maize, 1 f iWiili II olxlK I o i7.95to24.95 l - mm By Nathalie Nicoli By Benjamin of Hollywood . vf' V ,..,MV4il Famous skirts, wonder fabrics. Custom tailored ... finest wool imports. Atvk'i I f i ,1 FTwM' 'A Browns, novy, green, red and Wool tweeds, flonnel, gobor- W" f I I II K;V '. block. dines, Botony wools. ,f a ,"V I J 'Llrl' 14.95-17.95-19.95 1 4.95 -1 7.95; 1 9.95 6 I 111 By Foster Hochberg Slacks by jNl. 1 ' 'fi Orion and wool fabrics. Benjamin of Hollywood JltX I VwVS if , Beautiful plaids. Priced at JVViai I -W1 'ill rN Wrought of miniature Torton plaids 4. llfWVeV ... o veddy British fabric! ) A j: i. lifylSSjJ. So uppish with its white piqu V y J H A tj.i, ' rwJ? convertible collar ond - V Jk 4 I 4 f It ) Kjl "! Wh'te pique French Cuff$ ' ' & 3 1! I f VJdr detachable matching bow tie AND ..,.,. 1 I U Vir cuff links add the crowning glory. Sues 10 fo 18 1 Ii I, IteAW 3fs- ,2" ,r M- v tvM mm twsfc: fli..t,-!. mmmmmm mms m m m i mmm i m m iuis ai w -tf www n 11 m