Pat 2 BACK TO SCHOOL SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Tuesday, September 1 1953 SALEM'S OLDEST PUBLIC SCHOOL Bus Routes for Salem Schools Prepared by Administration Hamilton School Will Open Sept. 14 Lebanon The new Hamilton Creek achool ia expected to be completed by Sept 14, opening date for classes. Consolidated laet year from five amaller dis tricts, lnatruction waa given for the remainder of the term in the Grant, formerly North achool, wax built about 80 yean ago and ia the only surviving frame structure now in use in Salem's public school system. There are plans (or re placing the building next year with a more modern structure. five widely separated buildings. N. Payne, chairman of the district school board, an nounced the planned opening date at the Aug. 24 meeting of the FTA executive board. He said, however, that failure to get the building completed by that date would mean a delay in opening. , Contractors for the building are Starr Builders of Lebanon. The new structure is on the site of the present Reed school, which will still be utilized in the new school system. Bus route, that will I be effee-, ssfsg 1 uv m nm DCKiniiiiii vi uiv am lm public schools, September 21, nave occn ouuineu oy 111c administration. There will be no changes on the Junior and senior high levels and the routes covered last year in connection with Rosed ale, Prlnfle, Four Corners, Lincoln Zena-SDrins Valley for ele mentary pupils remain un changed. The routes as prepared by the ofice of Supt. Walter bny 'der include: aaaar aaaat Th. ith and Sth irad ehlldrm (rem Auburn acbooi win m truuporUd to Ult Hoovtr school. Tho BUI Will oof IB IU Pie -UP ai annum caoal af BO Ith and oth trada tbUdrta at a il am. Tha roaU U tha Moovtr achool will U wait oa Aubara Raad to Laneaitar Drirt, whtro tho baa ui ra mnUi to Monro Avtouo and proetod ' wtat oa alonroa to Oabora. Tho boa viu procoad aorta oa Oabora to C a 1 1 r Strtct- thoa woat oa Coator to Park, tod th Hoovsr aehooL Ant ta and lib trado chUdraa aaronto from tho An bura achool to Hoovar will ba plckad up at a to pa which will bo dtairoatM artar tho firil dor. At tha loa ol achool each day. tha rotura trip to Auburn achool U1 bo aiada war tha aaaaa routo la rami. laaiM tho aoovar bchooj I 1:3 P Bosh SchMl For theao chlldroa llv htm la'thl Kftll VUU aUa th BB1 Will make lta Tim pick -up or suan acaoei pupUt at ttnd aad Mcoiictmii auoota. It wJl procoad aouth oo Wnd to VUU, Mid than turn waat to lttb Strati, aftor which It will turn norm to Mcuucnruv. than waat to Prlnclo Road, than north to Hoyi and procoad waai an hoti w nth. nlcktnc bp only thoao ehlldron ltv- iri oa tha aouth aid of Hoyl Stroal and on both aldaa of th othar roads travariad. Th flrat plea-op ol children at 23ad and McOUchrlat Stxaol will bo mada at : a.m. Tho ratnra trip win bo Bad la two rani: th mat and radaa tax, four, frtw, and aU win ba pick d bp for tha ratnra trip at l.i p. Baas School Bad ralmtownl Blttt -Irtei Tht bua wlU Itava Ladt Kboal at I 31 a-am. Only thoo HcKiniojr emi dren wha-roda th bua to But achool Uit yaar wUl oanUau to rtdo thla year. Ail of the flrat and aaeond arada chUdraa from Baker cnoM inn who war trauportd to Both ehool. will eoaUnua at Buih thla rear. They will ba picked ap on Liberty Street at Urera Street, or at Owena Street. All aew pupiia at Baker oehoeL either ba innlm ;trat prsdare r thoao who have moved Into tho community, will report ia Baker achool on tho flrat day and ad Jui t man U will be made dependlni on the capacity of Dakar ecnow to Arfaij than Thai hue 14 VOC BUSl achool at I U p.m. far flrat and neond tTBdera to ba ratBraod to th " WoKlailai ftBhasal airoftft. Ubartr Sah1 Th ba rouw Uhetft aaahatBl Will aBM th BIBB ret year wiin im aianiM wr to ba mad at ia intaraaiu zr HlTtr Road and ateharataB ad. Tho pick -up will bo biUo at V a m. Not: cnuoran utisuj Drive and Albert Drive, a Dlckaoa'a tare, amft rid th BWJ B Liberty Khoel. ChUdroa uriaf an Schurmaa Road mar walk down to m wh River Road at th bus tarn -around and rtd to Liberty school. u Return trip from th achl wlU ba mad at 1:11 far children to sradei 1 and 1 and i n rot eauaran too ath KUt And atli arrftdaa. bum. in ----- Tth and Ith arraM children hi th Bans Terry sia- Ulct will take th blab achool bus and attend tho LeaU Junior ajin sen ooi. ml view Banna aj na ana sin arad ehlldvaa to th ML Waw district will take in nun acaooi aws ana at tond tha Waal Saiam junior pith achool. Th folMwlnp bua rtos arc anchankcd from laet roar: HecedaJe. Princra. un- eoln-4 Coraora, LlnooiB-Son a Spring Val wy. AU lunior and asaiar high school rout remain un chanced. in any ease warn umt ta uut on aa to th route or Umtnc. a call to W. J. Buck al S-41M wlO brmc th oe- alrd UUornMttoa. NEW HIGH SCHOOL HAS NEW ARCHITECTURE - " . h -, . ;vi jh -'v . ' . t I Attendance to Set a Record Accordlnf to the U.S. com missioner of education, Leo M. Thurston, a record break ing number of pupils this ear will answer the call to the achool bell. Thurston made the predic tion that 38,840,700 persons will enroll in colleges and schools during the year. Last - South Salem high school now under construction has been designed in conformity to a new architectural style for school structures low, efficient, and abundantly lighted. Shown is the Rural street entrance to the new structure. ' yesr the toUrwas 34,903,100 Host of the increase this year will be in the elementary schools, says Thurston. A gain of 1,600,000 pupils should raise the total to 28,031,000 Puihing high achool enroll ment to 7,302 000, will be an extra 300,000 students. Col leges and universities will en roll 2tt million for a gain of another 100,000. In the future, the commis sioner forsees an enrollment of about 45 million by 1W60, with a consequent need tor 429,000 additional classrooms and more teachers to supeivue them. At present there la already a need for 843,000 more public elementary and aeconnary school classrooms and three out of five that are operated will be overcrowded. There ia a need too, empnasues Thurston, for 72,000 qualified elementary teachers. nJaaaaw TT",w f All-WIATHIR fASHIONS " or campus " 1 t-H career...' l - check this for Fall .'. ! JlvjN :VI I fashion news! AAy 1 h A Striking, the way Sherbrooke ' tyri, FSf ' "t 1 handles raised check rayon ... "M jtSj ' i fy&S I turning it about ot the pockets ond WW' Jcjt QsnTsft 1 snug rrtondorin neckline to 1 ,1-' W .Vf TjiT'M I hemline morgin. Zelan treated ' 'ttok.' I J to meet the weather. Fully lined V ;W S-. 7 I . J I Deep blue copper. Sizes 8 to 1 8 ; Y 1 t T I . l Sl 1 'Johnson's is your I'll i' ' Ki headquarters for l-" Ji I V ' i s"wa-i " She br0Ok J DEAR MISS COED: fyAQllttt are wise to your ways! Go a-courting I A$$en in SEVENTEEN f.: Subteen Girls: Be sure to visit Johnson's tub-teen shop for those "just right" school clothes. Cacti Dresses Jumpers Sweater Skirt IJnferie U sweaters skirts Perfectly suited for school or office, ' Hue little pullover will bring style to ywsf wmrttrobe. Edftd with delicstt scaHope. and knit of Khsrsflcect in 23 new, new colon. Pullover, 32-40, 8.95. Matchmate skirt...ako et Khars fleece. ..13 colors. 10-18, 113$ A regal velveteen mode along princess lines to emphasize your narrow waistline! Empire bodice is further defined by queenly neckline,. with glistening crown shopeti pins Enchanting with or' sons belt. . Sizes 7 to 15 $32.95 Use Johnson's Wonderful . Budget Plan - 5 Months to Pay! r at OPIN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M.