.-- -" .-. --- - .... i .111 i. "lilf ii ;,".. IK.... Tuesday, SepUmbef 1. 195s DENNIS the MENACE 1 ' 1 VI Ml I II I -l-S I VI Mr 1 i 1 By Keteham I MtSCEUANiOUS Dim UOFT jo bow and um. mat rrKea. Olena WMWt MM . In or. b30S Plannineto Build? Ward'g can tiva roo a free aetlmate eii plumbing tod heating seede. ww. in r ceu l-lltl. Montgomery Ward 151 N. Liberty ' Bill' THK CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oreroi AUTOMOIIUS OLID OAK Dining Set. ExceUent Condi tton. Only 3ft W for entire aet. Hurry k uibqs wooory' rurmilur Hart, iw) n. summer, n IOOK WHAT I anr conu a. . EVENHAVfc- TO T&DEm 'imG'-' FQR RENT HOUSES I-BEDROOM HO. CaU J-5131. HOUSE 1141 Broadway, it 4450 SUvertoa Roeo Jmlio slban 3.BEDR0OM. modern, laraie" in Brook., tit. Than, i-37. "mi'i vnE.-0c.uRuw. lenrurntahiwf ..., """ "H". Incutr. M,i yjyWNGMATERlALS PTASHINO MACHINES la food shin ou utoire only ta.,5. UBBD MDBS. "". S. Liberty St, phono - - -' II 20s ' U' TBEE PBUNEB. Mentaaaewer. UL cine cabinet, elec dock. Ian. mirror, lui.ege. (rail lare. 1 pond Krtra, foot V- .Ttno inn. COU Alter 4 P B Ph. 1-0771, 441 N. 17th. nlM' Kii.Twr.LL mohaib Choi, of London vavcnpors ona choir. Nice CondlUon. ape. mm. Olena Woodry'a, 1401 N Summer. nlot1 SILVEBTONE CAB RADIO Nearly Miracle Mold preaaure eoeker. I-Mlt . llth. BaH FABULOUS BAB0AIN Reg. 1J Vonl -i.. or uttontn BtooU. Psrlorr fj? nnlr if. Olou . Woodrr'i. IK K. Bummor. B2Ma Reduced 13 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 Shaper tnd Stand atirtltn prleo Am. m . Ml SEPT. 1 . $52.00 Keith Brown .Lumber Yard TROUT COURT BT. PHONX Mill -wt om I o H ornn cumpo' iSENiATIONAL SEPTEMBER SALE! BUY NOW AT LOW PRICES AND SAVX BIO HONEY THIS MONTH - II 1 1 Am uus I LJt Ml BAIWT 1 Ool. oi,na Woodrj. njor """. oE-lc. BeUhDorhooi; Imaif BOB BENT Little houie, ideol for e-enn. rnone -m. jbhiq. t7KrCBNISHED BOUSE Nnrth .. wu, Kieai .or couple, liuit Jm-13 No. Water. Phone 3S2e. TOB BENT-One-bedroom court, nante and rem.er.tor JurnlehM. A"l Vnn HUHWIH. fUPnUhaH -HI itvno K-d. JUlelUV UNFUENI8HED ont blroom IWaTTTm Rte. 6, Box S09. Phone 41060. itriMfl Phone 41060. JraaoO1 77 COM'L Close in. downtown. weurwni, excellent ror Urie family, ot. Joieph or Buih aehool diatrlet. . miormon -Jl 3Mio or JmlOQ- .diu-wji jurnuned boitM, near biu. " oi. r cone iHt.7U. Jm2(X' "" -niurnuinsd, till m. cot--.'?tA?r..(-'l.f!''' Dairy. Jmlll- -mwwwm, mmmmwm BUSINESS RENTALS 0--.ND PXOOB office or atore apaoa .w nw. Maraet. jo ... wa 'or repair ah op, aitapalarea. aexn ii w ii 1 -- , uevrty. -aivi JO2081 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Babsmznt apt, fireplaoa, clooe eenUeman. Phono S4t91. jnj lunuanea, lane clean apt. . vwuuee imnuneo, reaeonable. In. oulro 175 8. lth after I. Iplll' llOHT, PLBASANT 1 room, eloao reaeonable. f7 Jf. Chirch. Inquire rear nouao oip. Jpjlt ONE NEWLT DECO BATED. ImfurnUhod apt. Hourwood Diet, iota iladleon. Madison Court Apartmenti 1PJ10' LABOB BXDBCO BATED rooma, prlrate barn, m a. aut. 1-7571. jpaic FOB GEVTLEHAV a -room, complete! turn-eaea opartmoni. in center at. JPTO1 itlCELT PTJBNiaHED apartmeBUi m baiiador Apt. PM No. Bummer, jp IEVBBAI. tniBlantd apartmenta, t-ood . location. Inqulro B. 1 Buif PumltBre. Phono l-im. Jp W. AlXat clean 3-rm. mfgrnlahod .coon apt. Baa alee. rem, phone . -WO. JP3M CLOSE in, a rooma, tarace. Verr Blee. 70. AIM, ake I room apt, (uraUhed. 'MM. JPlOl LOVELT. CLOSE IN, flrit floor apart. meat, lou 01 eteam Beat and hot water. aee at 33d Oak etreet. . 3p30i clean furnlehed apartment, private natn. pnone 4-5578. jpaia' COUBT APABTMENT PurnUhed. ClOM in on n. commercial. S rooma and 11 rate. Phone a-5545 or -M44. Jpaia LARGE DUPLEX apartment, rliht don town. Adult.. M0 Ferrr. or e-3137. Phone 1-6375 jpaio BOOM furnlahed apartment. Private bath, 530 per month. 1150 If. Winter. Phono a.M76. Jpaoi in OB a BOOM furnUhed apt. Busl- aeat ladlea anlr. 11 Court alter i p.m. -pan Clout in, furnlihed dupler, lie Pelle- vue. Nearly new lane living room. creek, carport, 575. Phone t-5135. aiS5 Berry. loan l"BOOM furnished, electric refrlaerator and atove. Call at 585 Saginaw. Jpaofl Remodel, Repair, Now rV. c,n m "in dag 0d0WB parment. - month, u per H-Ppmg Lumber Co. 1740 BUvertoa Md. Ph. 45131 OPDI ALL DAT BATUHDAT WINDOWS Large.! atock in Salem. New weath. E .u.. oompletelr aa.em. bled, 514.35 up. Urge modern lathea - vtc.ure winaowi, 51 Pick pour choice at bargain prlcea. pluubino new louetg with .eat , 10"ill" waih batlna. compute Bath tuba with fitting. Double laundrr trara compieto ahower cabinet., compleu ,. Double kitchen alnke, olectrlo water heatera, pip. Orangeberg pipe .... SO gal. ateel aeplle tanki OTHER BAROAIN8 Metal garage door, with hdwa. New 4x5 plaiterboard , 4Zg VJ.tJtpnvnnf -..Ilk- a Interior and exterior nVwooci"!che'ap Nalla. carload aupplp - M7S Overhead garage door hdwa. ....S11.S5 Looao lnculatlon. per bat tl 00 meuiation bargain "Jap Birch" plywood ate Birch" plywood Sic 4" Mahogany plywood 4ae No. 1 Cedar ehtnelea M 35 No. 1 Cedar ah.'nglag 5.00 No. 1 Cedar ahlntlea 4.00 --w rooung Bargain Panel doora, hardwood door., all typeg tlaaa doora lowwt price. Hew fn door Jamba ...M50 Painted cedar ahake. 515.75 Dope tn ted cedar ahakea 15 00 New aabeetoo aiding M 50 JWarior white paint 53 M Shako aioldlnt, per foot loc C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 . one mile V. x roller ma OUT-OF-TOWN dleat will aacrlflee m eeicreei cemetery lot. at 555 u- .ik. u .Ti.eo. see Mr. y,?h.M ,"n D,"" Denton. Phone 1Ja. VJ. "f PLATE Minora 1.55. Olenn Woodry, oummgr. B3051 TOP SOIL' River tilt and Mil dirt. Promrt de. rum. e-iite Qlenn naM' NEW BOLLAWAT 3ede 11.55. Woodry. 1505 N. Bummer. OSPITAL BED lor aalo rent, kv L. rarnuur. ut rhOBO 3-0155 .515.50 , 17.55 1 55 50 , a 1 41.M .Cheap ...35c I57.M ...545 .51.40 61.75 PLYWOOD Interior and Bxtorior. era ehoet - tn cut ilaea Mill onda Jc It, up. Cedar Sdt. (clean up), lit to 135 M. Door., 61 56 up. Birch, Manor. Fir la Slab doora. Panel la Fir. ahakea 110.71 aq. up. Eardboard 51.71 eheet. Bern, odt.. Fig., 555.50. lildgi. Wallboard, Roof ing, doeoratlvo pan ale, and Lumber all priced right. Free delivery and aetlmetlne eef! Nothing down 3a goo. 5a pay. Open all dap Sat. PORTLAND ROAD LtJMBN Tawn 1645 Portland Rd. Pa. 44431 tna WILX PAT Caah for M..tln. Olenn Woodn. 1505 N. Bummer, aaloa MeCULLOCB CBAm BAWS, 60t IdrV water. Wait Salem Balea Logatna Bup. vn ru. o-ioea. SAVE Ml on New and need Davenoa, - ue, nocaera, oeoroom Beta, Appl. ancea, Cbeete. Chrome DinettM wVB--.. thing TJ need at Olenn WoodrVa. 1505 ' oiim-ner. e.a. Terma, Free Delivery. Loweat Price., gall. (action Ouaran- ve ua Bowu -1-0 Buy or Sell. B206 POBTABLE WBEEL CHA1B Portollft. 1056 N. 17th. .icV.' NICE LIGHT houaekeeplnt rooma. Lady. 665 N. Church St. Jklll BEDROOM aet, electric atove, lx!4Va tug. j nor mangle, altar t p.m. at 455 naot DELTA 7" table aaw. Hand. U horia wv-vr. a-ompiete, gea.DO. PhOBg 3-5461. nll6' BICTCLES, like new. Schwlnn and Co. lumoia. raw departure brakaa. 1330 aaaree.. nanai modern- BlltwoU davenport a) Good condition. Phono 1-0554. chair. naot1 tall ALDON belae ahak rug. Slightly uaed. New Ills. Sacrifice 5M. Phone - n310' PAINT l.ee Oal. Olenn Woodry. nloO' PLAT PEN. atrollor. 516. 1636 Hudaon. 1-door. 1785 N. Liberty. 4-6736. B306 DBBD ILECTBIO combination treadle aewlnt machine. Oood gowlnt condi tion, sewg forward and xevern. Only eie.va. BINDER SZWINO CENTER 111 N. Com'L naot PAINT l.ao OaL olenn Woodry. Blot HOME FBEEZKB, 154, enamel traah ourner a-u. Havana, tora bicycle, deak. fruit Jera. mlac article., M05 Liberty KQ. 4-2.07. B30S1 PAINT LS5 Oal. Olenn Woodry. HIED BOf 8 1 147 8. Commercial. B20I- r mena bicycle, good ahape. Red Cedar Shingles Beet trade, eoaet or mountain tlm Dellverod prlcei: No. L U,U: a. 99.W, 1. .,M. COMMON LUMBER Complete milt atock. Shlplap. till mi wwri, uci Ml per sap. as up. TED MULLZR, Vhono Sales. 1-1 lae eveninga. 1 FAINT I.vt oal. Olenn Woodry. n306- D8BD BTENa bicycle, cheap. IM Vlata. B356 E2TTBA NICE I piece mahogany dining 'room aet. mono I-55V0. B3061 40 aly. Coup 7JJ jtaaio at neater, new paint. '48 Mercury Club Coupe. 75 naaio at neater, o drive '47 Chev. Club Coupt ...9S naaio at neater 46 Olda. 4-door . . iSOS Radio Sc heater, Hy-dramatlc. A MANY MORE A I TRAT.M Jm - a m . 1 OPEN atVENINOA ARROW USED CARS IN Hltk . Phone 4-1451 0305 AUTOMOBILES POST woa. OPEN EVES. TIL 9 IM MIBCLBT BBDAN A yery clean wnn raooo. neaur. aeat overt, whiu wall Urea. Top ahape all arovod. Will uk. trade-in u4 w arrange tank teraaa. Bd DKkpaaa. til W. Madrono, or phono 4-1131 ,311 MARKET QUOTATIONS STAN BAKER'S Week-long Special 1 1958 DODGE SEDAN Beater ' Oood rubber New palat 7 Only $1495 Stan Baker Motors Bale Blah ma Portland Rd. ' ' Pnoae 3-7441 oaol . 1948 CHEVROLET 12-TON PICKUP 4-4 peed traaamlaaloB. good motor. Una rubber. Hert't tow pnea-aad very high value! . STAR MOTOR COMPAHT Commercial m tjbIor Ph. I-UM aitt IWI OLD! DE LUXE "54" tudor. All oxtraa. 14,000 mllot, 3-tooe men. yr.a.e owner, xoat N. 17th. alio NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 161 N. CHURCH SEE US NOW FOR SALEM'S , -SEST BUYS AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. . UNDER COVER - BUT NOT UNDERSOLD! 167 N. CHURCH - PH. 1-7617 t . 1937 & - CHEVROLET VrTON PICKUP " Another ipwd tranimtulon kur. It juat the car you've been look in e for tO UN OB VOUf fill huntiiw trip, it'e clan and rm'u amaao iow price. Jiurry oa tnu ooel STAR MOTOR COMPANY eoeaDB.rcIa ai Union pa. i.ajea 30l squak jy- . rOBtrLANB FBevBcrB uat 5!H"'V-T,"U" auueet t tar.. adlato change: PreaUaaa euallty. miL. am Ji ml eai. . ... i, - . - ' .ctui.r am. MTwra at roruaD m-vi. ik . ..... . "'" auality, ai-atc. Valley -...IT I v a a.nia lace. 7 r " to A grade. 51 .core. 16c, Fa. m aeor.. isil C n acora. soo. Ahov. .h... -.-.rTrj Bomlnal. ' ."? - "' 6rwa 5 Portland Wholeaa.era, Oregon elnglea. 43-lic Oregon I lb. Mt. U!o-M,t Bgge to Waeeeaaloro Caadlad ana S.'f"!."." ""eluded iTk - Blau large, . I -a. c; A Portlaad Oah-y Marten ' J BalUr Price tat .Man.., n-- . nSi,"..-""" nt: ' arlnta. tig: awearaoere Candled lit . .urge. 040 doa.: arMie aa lane, 4c doa.; a Urre. U- -v p. -aA meaium. M-oc doa.: a rade medium. T-5c do.; A irade h air ortf3 AA. tPtt nt; A lane. w-TOe; AA medium. ee-67ci A otedlum, il-ue; A email, 44 -45c Car- wwtaaa ixjiiLAi Baajiionai, Clmm Price i iwtiaap ai VfilL. H4; loavea. flea. Premium Mmntu mnaiM uut, lb. for tinil et.Mii inwa VMaa a Poaltry tlekeir-(N. 1 tutllty. t., planta): Prrere. iuj lha n- -a iw. 31c; roaateta, 4V4 lba.. tuid ap n-'" heavy hen, all vtia-hta n.it.. u.x.'. w onaa wBesuiaa. 4-lc: aifl rna-iatan 14-ie. . retallera. Pryexa, broUera, 44ec lb -roaatert. all tu.. a.thf: u.i 30-llc: heavy bene, W3c; cut-up fry. Eakblta Avefaaw ta m,.. t whitet. 4- ibi M-aaci 4 lba.. w-aac ib.; colored oeiu. 4n ih doea. 10-lic. few hither. Freeh draMtd fryere to retallera. 47-Me; cut up II -44c C.etry Killed Heato " " Veal Top uaUty, t-m lb.; rouab heavlea, X-34c. k. "7a Wocker. -e; 40W1, laamtro Beat. M.ltV ni ...wi.R.. Gicrj or D0STDUV3 45 BOIC SEDAN iai None batter thaa tbla Road ma.lar with five new white tlrea. Dyaaflow, radio, neater, , luaelout Interior. apotleealy , clean. Wa aold new and aarvleed record available. Oaly 17,704 a. Ilea. Perfect. It PONTTAO t SEDAN '..llMt truer tain DeLuxe. Radio, keet ar, Hydramatlc. lovalr Utht green. 31,000 mtloa. U BDICK SPECIAL ......63055 rour-door gedan, two-tone grey and green. Very tine condition. Wa aold new and aarvleed rec ord available. 61 CHEVROLET SEDAN 135 Pleellino da luxe, one owner, newly painted, la Una oondlltoe, 16,001 muea. OTHER LATE MODELS TO SELECT . AND THsaa low-priced , SPECIALS 46 BDICK 46 BUICK II CHEV. SEDAN CLUB OPX. TUDOR .1556 150 . lit STAN BAKER'S Week-long Special! '. 1948 CHRYSLER BOT'B SCHWINN bike. 31 condition. Phona 1-6053. Inch. Oood naoo' ROOPINQ SPECIAL 7.71 PER SQUARE I IN I THICK TAB 8HINOLZB PROM CAR LOAD SHIPMENT TAKE DIRECT PROM CAR eVAVI PLACE TOUR ORDER NOW PICT UP WHEN CAR IB IN CAR DUE 1ST OF SEPT.. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Front Court Street. Phone 3-4111 WB C-IVE S&H OREEN STAMPS ma STATE AT 1STH. Nice, roomy corner furnlihed apartment with bedroom and bath. 50. To aea, Phona 1-4110. IP305 t-BOOM upstair, apt., large well-fur- nuned. 530. Laundry facllltlea. 3164 Maple Ave. Phone 17117. CaU eveninga. , jpaia' a BOOM furnlahed apartment. Private bath. 705 N. Liberty. Phone 36611. JP311 I BOOM furnlahed apt., elec. ranee, re frleerator. 636 month, elderly pcraon. Phone 65376. Jp365 CLOSE IN, nicely furnlahed one bedroom eparttnent. Private entrance. Olrl'a prclerred. 433 N. Winter. Jp305a Vrr ATTRACTIVE, new, clean I rooma 'furnlahed. 3 blocka to atate building, and ahopplog center. Phone 3-1836. Ipaoi- VERT NICK, redecorated lane apart ment Furnlahed or unfurnlahed. Cloae In. 3-5533. IP311 NEAR INlvtaalTT. furnlahed clean 1 room apartment, utllltleg paid. Rea aeneble. Phone 4.1. ipaog CLOE IN. Deluxe 44 N Coll... 3 bedt. Ip2na NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Parmera, rebuild your lend. Rotted manure, 12 M yard .Delivered to your flfld. Phone 3-0774. mb23l" FOR SALE MISCELLAN E0 US MODERN 4 pc. Bedroom Suite only M 00. Olenn Woodry"!. 1605 N. Summer, Terme. Trade, Proa Delivery. n30tS REMINGTON double barrel ahottun. II kauye. hamraerleee, 135,00. Phone 16430. B210 I PC. DlnetU Bet, like new 33 50. Olenn Woodry, "The Barfala Store.' 1805 N. Summer. n206 UPR Hi HT Kimball pit no. very" yood conoiuon. 2341 tt. 4th St. Phone 23971. n213 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted Top price on todays market for long ar abort second trowth fir lots. Pot price, phono 10311 days, 41714 en tail. Weal Salem Lumber Co, 1140 Wallaee Rd.. Salem. n2lt LOGS WANTED Oood and growth lota. prom, paid for No. 1 logo 16 and longer. Alao, I etuo toga or muitlpiea of I' plug trim I" to II" dlam. BURP LAND LBR. CO. Ph. TURNER 1136 aM. aeua i uhner, 1.7536, SALEM na310' WOODRT WANTS PlaBoa. Phono 1-1110 ELECTBIO 1-5116 RANGF.6. Woodrfa PERSONAL will but oe responsible lor any aeoia uniBiu contracted by mraeif. 'rnomai u. Bnethpn. n2i3' REAL P', 0 A IN here! I Deluxe 10' Prl ildalre Refrlrerator. like nev. Prteser acroaa top. Only 109.00. Alao deluxe frit id a Ire Elec-trle Rente, ttmmacu Jatet, only 199.50 or will cut to 380 00 for the pair Leu than prlre. Better nnrry on tneao to Olenn Woodry. isos n. summer. Terms, rree D livery. n30l, WF.!T1N0H01'(K trrniGFRATOR Oood condttpon. Phone al7. Olen Creek Dr. nllO1 LOST & FOUND LORT Brown and white KnaUah pointer oog. Male. Phone 3-1075. i!lo' POfND White face Black Angua heifer Ear Ug, H. M. Hlatt. Vale, Orreon Found east of Woodburn. Andrew Wekrle. Rt. 1. Woodhurn. kJ06 MISCELLANEOUS . BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRrVR MOVE TOURS ELF SAVE 1 . CAR RENTALS . RTAKE8 . TANS TEXACO STATION III OOUP.T ST FHONB 3-1511 PAOB STIVENSOR and AL MIFPORD SALEM SAND 61 GRAVEL COM Contract Work Road Clearing Dltehlna Sewer and Baaemenl Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phona Dayg 1-1401 Brae 1.4411 or 6-1411 . Salem, Ortion , DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR ATP. VICE IN MOST CASBB DR. HARRT SEXPLIR. DI.VTUtT Sdolok aide Stale At Commercial Ste 8ALfM PB 11511 rr CR RFGIATFBS: Prom til and up. r-ir :or putt rir. Phona a-ei1- LET I I DO your fun amoklni and flahl , Bill canning. I-7MI. gala PAINT I t Oal. Oleaa Woodry. Cl'BTAIN TTPE Fire Bcreena. Re. 14 IS spc. at Olenn woodry a only 13.16 Brau or Black. Hurry to 1MI N. Bum mer. "Today'a Beat Barcaina." n306 BI'NK BEDS Complete with eprlnta At mattreaaea. only 633. 50. USED MDSE. MART. 176 S. Liberty at. Phona 4-6311. Terma of courie. B306 TWIN BED! CompleU 16.76. Woodry1., 1605 N. Bummer. Olenn B306 CHEST O- DRAWER8 Excellent ahape. 30 to choo.e from, aa low a. 616 95. USED MDSE. MART, lit 8. Liberty St phono 4M71. Terma of eouree. nlOl BOX IPBINOS IDC. Lege 166 to 16 56 Olenn Woodry'a, 1605 N. Bummer. n3O0 COBONADO Radio-Phono combination. only 64665. USED latMI MART. 310 S. Liberty at. Phone 4-U11. Terma of courae. naM' LARGE WOOD Circulating Heater only u 50. oienn woodry. 1M6 N Bummer B306 BB. IET - bookcaee headboard. Bite atand, Hollywood frame, cheat end mirror, like new, only 616. DAED MDSE. MART. 371 B Liberty St., Pn 4-1371. Terma of eourae. B30I NFW fgl Rata. Orten, Roee. Beige. Ppe. la ea. aim pxii Llnoieome, only 6M at Oleaa Woodry'a, latl N. Summer. n3ot AUTOMOBILES 1947 FORD V-8 Va-TON PICKUP 4 -j peed iranamleslon, sood mechan ically, good tires, A 7 lent buy for msnr purpose and Jowl STAR MOTOR COMPANY Commercial At Union Ph. 1-6301 awo FRFE EQI ITT In 1041 Olda. Club Cpa. aaae over my contract. Phone 30150. 0310 STAN BAKER'S Week-long Special! 1951 PLYMOUTH Sedan Radial e) Heater l-tona paiot Only $1295 Stan Baker Motors Onion at High 111! Portland Rd. Phona 1-I4M avat Ii OLD! good ahape. reaeonable. 16M In at. Weat Salem after i. all3 IPOBTS CAB. 1651 M. O, 1004 mllea. Olva ganerona dlecounL Take trade. Cell 1-6447 after 6 36 In. 4310 1P4I cuTvBOLIT 4 door drl'jvr, orltnial owner, 691. Phona 1-7756. K16 Ne fcraata. 4116 Club Coupe Radio Heater Fluid drive Only $895 Stan Baker' Motors Union at High 1114 Portland Rd. . Phono 1-14M .301 VUfaf bertar deed Car froma Bu& toler OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY . COUaORCIAL AT CINTaTt PHONE 1-1611 al I WILL BELL OB TBADE equity '47 Ford i-onvortiDia. rnooa 1-6167 after I p.m. qail Beef-utility cowa. M-ite lb.: eanner- CUttera. ll.lle: ahalla Aim 11. Freak Dreeeea Moate wnoiaaalera ta retallarai Dollar, a.. awL: Beef teera. choice. too-70a ih. ... 643.50: good. lll.0O.4S. 00; commercial 631-36: utility. 121-30, commercial cowa. 533.16: utility, 131-341 aannerutlore. eula Choice atcara Jihui tare. 553-11: rounda, 655-55: full lolna. trimmeo. 616-76: trlanalea. tll-13: fore auarura, 131-34: ahucka, Ml-Mi llba. Vaal and Calvee OooalhalM. eee- 16: commercial, 134-14. - "mee Choice-prime. 131-41! good J-, .prina lamoe. CBOlee-prlme. 41.50. -"- www. cnotca, 10-H la. 50-44. Pevb Cata Lclna No t a-ia .k- 55-llc; utility 6-6 ahouldara. 11 lba. u-43c: .pare rlbe. 53-55: freak kama. 11-14 lha., iii-Mi pork aarcaa.ee, 130-114 .v.- ...eu-.o. Bmeked Haaaa skinned aai.a. rK. fined lard la druma. tl4.ll.50: alab bee'; on, M5-11. . Portland Mieeellaaeaga cniana 50 lb, aack Calif. Red aloha. mod., 1.T6-1.M: white globe. 3 16-a.M yellow, mod. and larva. imm 1.34: Waah. rellowa, anecU 1.15-1 04; largo .1.15-1.40. . Petateee Local Trlumatu 5km ea- 1.76: Boardmaa long whltaa. Ma. 1A 1.15 1.15; No. 3 tg lb. aaca. 50 -15c: Oroaoa. Rtuaetle No. 1. 1A4-1.T6: U la. mh an. sac; meat nnaaeta. Na. 1A. I.ll-l.ll: Calif, long whltee. No. 1A, 1 .55-1 00: fair, 1.50-1.71. Name braade to I.M. Waah. RutaeU I3.16-S.0O: Wean, lam whltaa No. 1 1.00-1.15. ay 0. I lit I green alfalfa, de livered car lota f.o.b. Portland and Se attle, ll-ao. Wool Oreoee' baa 14. tgillanetto Wat. ley medium 61-Bto lb.: lulwa Awm fine and half-blood. M-Mc: Wlllamatte I United Aircraft Valley lamb wool alei u.montk wool. I United Corporation .... 46-500 I United state. Plywood . Mefcalr4o.7a lb. on 3.nmU. aeoa. I United Stataa Steel tk. f.0.0. country ahlpplnc polnta. Warner Picture. Hideo Producer. n.ylng orlee f.o.b. f Waatern Union Tel Portland calf .king, 16.31a lb., accord- f Weelinehouae Air Brake Insurance Cost Cut Possible A Class IH inturanr. w.llr.. aw oaicra instead oi Class IV, which would result in reduc tion of the cost of residential inaurance as well ai commer cial, is the objective of itudies now being made here. City department heads met tuesaay W1U1 Citv Uanaia. 1 L. iranzen to go over the sit uation. A study is being made ui tne aenciency points placed against Salem by the National Board of Fire Underwriti-ra h. main one of which is absence of fire alarm boxes here. Since the cost of an alarm system would be high the city's .110111 siienuon is being given to other imDrovementn in h. fire protection service that uia oe made. Past 14 Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Ethel Mary STOCKS iBr The Aaaoi.tu b- Admire Corporation .. .. Allied Chemical ,,. Allla Chaimera . American Alrllnea American Power Llih .. American Tel. at Tat ., American Tobacco a! Anaconda Conner .1... AtchLor. Railroad Bethlehem ateal Boeing Alrplalna Co. "" Bore Warner Burrow. Adding Machlm California Packing .... Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor .... Celaneae Corporation .. . Chrraler Corporation .. Clllee Service Conaolidated an.m Coaaolldated Vultea Crowa Zellerback Carttaa Wrlgh; uouBlae Aircraft Du Pont oe Nemoura ., ' Eaatman Kodak Emeraoa Radio "' Oeneral Xleelrla ', uenertl Pood. Oeneral Motora Qeorila Pac elrwood Ooodyear Tlra '' Komeataka Mining Co International Harvester ..a International Paper .. .... John. ataavlUe , Kalaer Aluminum Kennoeott Copper , , Moor aaerien ; Lockheed Aircraft Loewee Incorporated , 34 S , 471. 4115 1 lira Montiomerp Ward naan eteivinator New York Central Northern Pacttta Pacing American .PUh . . Pacifia ooa 0. Erectile . . Pacific Tel. A TeL Packard Motor Car Penney, J. c, Penneylvanta R. R. repei cola Co. Phlloa Radio 1 Radio Corporatlok neronier incorp. . Rayonlar lacarp. Pfd. . . Republla Steel , Rcynolde Metal. ....... , RKhtleld OU Safeway SUraa. Inc. ... , ocoaa raper ta. , seara, Roebuck act,,. Socony Vacuum OU .... Southern Pacttla Standard OU Calif ma no ere ou r, j, Studebaker Corp. , Sunanlae Mining ..,.,. wita a. uo. TTenaamertoa Corp. . , . , Twentieth Century Pox Union OU Company .... Union Pacifia United Alrllnea .. S3e .. U't .. 471t ,. 46 .. MS .. IS'. ,. 1314 . 13V. .. 4614 ,. 13i 164 . 16S .. IIS .. 1714 ,. 35'a .. 7S ,. 65H ,. 66'. .. 431. .. 11 ,. 714 ,. 144. . 55 . II . 44 1. 11 1. M ,. li .. 41 .. 14V. ,. 41 Vk .. I .. 11 .. II H .. 14 .. 51V, .. 1715 .. Hit .. 51 .. 114 .. 17 ..1114 .. 415 .. MS .. MS .. 11 .. 31V. ... 33 ,.. 13 ,.. 13 ... 44 ... 5 ... 54 ... 34 ... 41 ... 17 ... 31 ... II ... 51 1... TO .... MS .... IS .... 16 .... 36 .... 1714 .... 40 1. ..104 ... 3114 ... M Lebanon Funeral aanrU. for Mrs. Ethel Gladys Marr were held Tuesday afternoon at the Huston chapel. She died Saturday at a Salem hos pital. Mrt. Mary waa hona at Jordan. Ore.. M.rM. i 1884. and lived In Lebsnon' since 1908. Members of hep famllv t. elude her husband. Carletnn Mary, and a son, Gerald, both of Lebanon. s . Stanley Coleman Woodburn Funeral aspv.- ices will be held at Wednesday, September I, at me ningo iruneral Chapel, ' Woodburn, for Stanley Cole man, 33. A second service) will be held at 3 u.m. Thurs. day, September 3, at the Vaa- sar-Kawis Chapel, Lewis ton. Idaho, with burial in the Lew iston cemetery with milltar honors. Ed R. Roberts Lebanon Funeral lervirM for Ed R. Roberta will be held at the Huston chapel Wednes- oay at 2 p.m. A Ufetlrca resident of Oreeon. ho waa born at Union, November 25. a da. , . . 1 ""i na nas oeen a resident of the Lebanon area since. 1819. Rev. Harvey Schmidt . wilt officiate. Survivori Include his wlrl. . ow, Nora. Lebanon. daughter, Cecyl Savage, also of Lebanon and six sisters. Gold ie Mae Irwin ' Albany Goldie Ma Trwln 48, died at the Sacred Heart nospiiai, in Eugene Sunday foUowing a long illness. She was formerly of Tangent. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, at the Flih er Funeral home with burial in the Masonic cemetery. She was Dorn m cantjy, Calif., and came to Oregon in 1943. On September 20, 1944, at Van couver, Wash., she was mar ried to Ray T. Irwin, who sur vives as io a ton, Irwin Meek er, rail River Mills, Calif, two stepchildren, Thomas Ed ward ana toward Leon Irwin, , cusvrnc, ner mower, Mrs. Mary Mae Smith, Oroville, Calif., two brothers, Roland and Mike Kelly, both of Wil- Htts, Calif., a half-brother; John McNabb, WtllltU. Calif., and three sisters, Mn. Margy Rice, Horton, Ore.; Mrs, Syl via Addington. Alturas. &Hr and Mrs. Jjose Marie Simmer, I Albany, Calif. . 14 . 35 , 13 , 431, Margoref Howe inr to condition; ireen kips. 15-17c lb. treen cow hides, 9-l0e lb, accordinr vo we. in i sua 4ua1.tr l Dull hide. -9c id.t flu nioes. so per cant Mow prf for sbovo cliues. Pllberis WholeiaJe aelMn prlee. Mo. i mMium Barcelona. u-2e lb.: athaii. d. 49-ilo lb. lb.: Ilcht halves, 71 -Me Bx WMfl.ni tThalesa le selltne? nrWa. first Quality la rte Prsnguettea, l-30c Ib.t shelled, lleht imbir halvtu. 9o.ne llsht halves, 71 -lie $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKER AND MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 1343 Broadway Phona 1-6413 & 1949 & MERCURY 4-D00R SEDAN Overdrive, heater, very food ber, turquoise blue finish . . only $995 . STAR MOTOR COMPANY Commercial 4k Unloa Pa. 1-6161 a Jot STAN BAKER'S Week-long Special! 1946 CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-door eedaa Radio Heater Fluid drive Only $595 - Stan Baker Motors Union Hlsh 3110 PorUand Rd. Phone 3-244l 30l llM PLYMOUTH deluxe 4 door, radio. heater, slenal. Make offer. 3172 che- meketa St. 210 ruh-.and MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS WHIZZER motor bike. Excellent condl- won. see at 19s Marino Dr. or call -49M after I p.m. qa20f SHARP! YES, this 1941 Cushman latle Scooter la sharp. Excellent tires. brake with crclamatle truumUiian Ph. 3-4084 evenlne. q30l STAN BAKER'S Week-long Special! 1950 Chevrolet Stylemanter l-door tdaa Heater Kfw paint AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING SADIATOB TROI'BLEf Valley Mouir experu win aoive your prob lems and av you money, pree esti mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. , qc. PORTLAND EA8TSIDE MARKET Portland tUA Recetvsrs reported today that recent rain were affectlnt quality or current Norinwett peacn and prune offerlnss. price lower on fair to poor Quality a toe with top quality offerlnss only moderate: many w hole j tiers were brintlns In California tomatoes becauae much Northwest Irult 1 affected with oiiini. . . Wei tine hou Electric wool worth T- 11 42V4I xBJias , df unerai ssrvirM 4islwiJi be at 2 p. m. WednesdaV, stock if arret I u L . "p -wieinoaut New York ifV-The stock mrkt w. Knurcn at Fallal Citv far Mn Virtually aU .action, of the market alea ln Dallas, hospital Sun- entered into theadvanca which went day. Burial will b in that to between I and 1 cwlnta at lha moat vn ' . 1 m In in key areea. Loaae. uauallr were email. iKJKJr cemeiery, Falls City, Volume built up to an altlmated 1..J Under dirArfinn rt h Dn 00.000 eharea. Thet compare, with Mon- man Piinnrnl u. day'. 1.150.000 ah.ree whea tha market PUneral Home, waa falling feat. Mrs. Howell was born at Vm. SALEM MARKETS Compllrd (na report of Salem Sealer for ! nidaM of Capital Jesraat rea4sre. mevlsed dailr.) Rtlatl Peed PrMi RabMI Pellcte ti ll (14-lb. .feu. 94 30-100 UOO-lb. baa i. Re M-ab 1)05-1.44. Dairy Feed 43.44-1.70 flO-tb. ban.: S.94.4.H (100 Wt.il paatur mix, 43 I1DO Wl.) Poaltry Bavins Ptlaos-Colortd tryer. 10c; old rooster. 14c; colored fowl. Itc; let-hern fowl, lie; roaaters, 10c. Ecrsi RerJn Prlees Esa AA4: larsa A. 4-4fk; medium AA, Mc; medium A. 4-40c; small, Jle. Wbelessle Prlee Reg wholasala ptiea reneraliy -7e birber than the prices above. La rte trade A generally Quoted at 73c: medium 49e. turf a i Buying prlcet Premium, tff. 11c No 1. 47-4e; No 3, 14c. Batter Wholes si grade A parchment, tie lb i trtell tte FINANCIAL PBIVA7E MONET to late. Phone 3-0714. loen on real ea-rllo TRUCKS ' Only $895 Stan Baker Motors Cbkhi Hlch . 311 PorUand Rd Phonf 3-341 q30I' 19M PLTMOt TH sedsn delivery. Pslr ahape. Make offer. Also one wheel trailer, lawn mower. Phone 4si 333 Lansing Ave. el 10 L 1946 ml NASH 4-D00R SEDAN Oond rubber, very as, exrc:'.ent MMor. Here's a really coaomlra ear for the entire family. It priced very low at only $445 STAR ' MOTOR COMPANY Commercial e TJalota P. t-on QKrJ 14 1 KAUF.R deluxe, en owner, food rcma-mioa, wsoe with oxtraa. Call 1-4404 .-ug ournol Want Ads Pay 194 CHEVROLET lVfc ton Ions wheel- 14.000 mllea. Very, very, very rholc condition. Sacj litre 1494. 1947 CMC l'v ton tH take II or II foot 37,00 mllea. Unusually anod truk and good looking, ton, 1404. 140 Chevrolet pick uo. 23 000 milta mud tlrea on rear and extra Sacrifice l3l. Mlll'r Hereford. 10901 S. E. P"WH, Prtrtlan-1 Pi 4144 nrlSO FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Alcneture, Furniture, Car AT PKRAONAL ifa "yea- promptly 1 employed men ar women. l-vlalt loan . , . phona flral Tn .elect keel payment data Between payday loan.. Phona, write or eotaa la TODATI Personal Finance Co. 101 8. HIOH ST, 8ALXM State Lleenae Nee. S.I31. M.llt Loan, av.r 1300 op to lltoo and up to a momna so repev made by Parennal Pinenre Co. of Merlon County under the Industrial Loan Compenle. Art of Oieeon. r333 Ua B-Ul and 14-134 and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Rear 'Top Tradee" 1104 Dally HALM I1H K4. OANERA1 P1NANCB CO LOANS 136 So. CovamerclaJ at. Tat l-llll Rellroada were lut la front In the lht,lnrn a.ii o . . Improvement, and they were followed aoou ana mar- ay anoot nay aeciione of tha markeL mira Rebekah Lodge No. 22. DEATHS Mra. Wllba Rath Lappen At tha residence, 736 Co mm Int. Lane, Aug. 31. Survived by huA... eiM.ta oer Leppen. Belem: deuahter. aria, t l.ta.3 to 1-Inch belle Lappen, Salem: eon., Gerald Jamea AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Church Parking a-Plentr Ph 1-3467 U4. Na. M-154. a-154 t SEE US FOR FARM. CITT OR ACRXAoi LOANS-BrSI OP TERMS TE nv Real aetata mortgage. 45 eon tree to State Finance Co. in aa Bitk St, Pk. 1-4111 HOUSE TRAILERS It t-PT. TRAILWAYa. alWmetal, doubl bedroom, completely modern, clesn. Terms. Jmmrllst posseaiiien. Orielnel owner. Phn-ne 4.tVtti taio LODGE A Salem Lodge No. 4 A. F. & A. M. Wed.. Sept. 2. Stated Communication 8:00 p. m. - 208 ried Benjamin McNeil 1 411 JunA S lann j...-h v-:.;..: rr:. aiea m 1929. Mrs. irown hA waaeeaesw V I ww u4 4J6JT !. eZirU- I . . . -- - Pi of cent on the Board of Trad IiVCfl lfl Dallas for nfna TSla)5WlTP Jtrhl1a jefkanva AkIU Bn-iKaiaiemal aa I xd I n from their trpaurga of the PMt Mveral . ou"l,VU1f ar tw daugh- aeeaion.. iprs, Mrs. itoy Harrlnrrtnn Rt A decline tn tha TUlbla auool, ar Unln.. Bnj . r Wheat leas week. Including the amount "uwe" OI of gram .sored at Chicago, .purred roruana; three sons, Kevelle Ji7'LV:'ti of Springfield; Wilbur. St. Hel- Corn and aorbeana eeiMl in nornlnc ens- And Robert Of PortlanH: tTrJr J w . ... : . "7 I iwrs. iteoecca Poole. 1 nriep mmm no vi r 5551 in mi not, ary i i j . , . . . . . . . and th. .-ni iiiju, cixnt sranacniidr!. off of thes grain wa viewed mmly ana lour fireat-KrandchiIrirn as prom taking. M " . ' Wheat closed J to 34 hlsher. Its- was meiriDCr tembe I1.I9V.-1.90; corn undamaged to OI ine William T. Sherman higher, September II. 54W-1.481: oats I fit-,,!- xt- on r a . w higher, September 734; ry a'4-3-,. . VJ ourtrv, ana Ai ms ner, Bprptemoer 4l04U-"4; soybeans IV higher, Beclember 13 40H-4 and am Ti cent lower to 12 cent a hun dred pounds hlsher. SepUmbtr A16. 44. v CHICAGO ONIONS Chicago U-urpiri moderate. and moderate, market about steady. Track sales SO lbs.: U. B. 1 unless stated: California wnit oiobe cent 3-Inch and laraer 12.3 to 44; Spanish l-ioch and larger 1.4- Lappen and Michael Rot ibm. hAtt. 15; trucklot sales delivered Jobbing f Salem: parents, Mr. and Mr. Walt BHU. aUUaOl XPiiOW UIODVB 99 I n- " PIlUBrtll eVll Br., BSJCmi lBtrS, Mr. ik Lappen. Albany. Un u-pia tni- ach, Salem. Mrs. Le Rogers, TlUamoobl brothers, Walter W. MendenhalL jr . nrande, Ramod Mndrnhall, Cams Robertas, Calif., Nell Mendenhall and Howard MendenhalL both of Salem, service wiU be held Wednesday, sept. 3. at 130 p n. In Clough-Barrlck Chapel with Interment at Belerest Memorial Park, Th Rev. Mas Wyatt will offlclat. Mrs. lean Clearwater At local hospital Aug. tl. Lata real dent of 1330 N. Liberty St. Survived br husband. John Oerwater, Selemi daushter. Mrs. Kenneth Orlfflo. Salem. Announrment of arvicew later by Virgil T. Oolden C. Ida Metier Let resident of OorvslHs, Oracos t loc si nursing home Sept, 1, at th ag of 40 years. Surrlved by son. khn MM ir. Beaverton. Ore. Announoament f servtcf will be mad lster by th Howell-Edwrd Co. There Is considerable disa greement whether the ele phants used by Hannibal in the 3rd Century B.C. were of the African or Asian variety. treet per cent 3-lnch smd larger 90c: Colorado I Prank lappen. Albany. Un is-ft-i ni. opanisn -iDca moo larger i.ee. Street sales 10 lba.: Spanish 3-lnch and larger, Idajio and O tec on 1H1 SS. ledlum Yellow Globes, Midwest 90c 34; New York 1.31-1 111 White Globes to 3-lnch, lso 3-lnch and larger. Ida ho. Oregon, California and Colorado 1-7V 3.11. PORTLAND MVESTOf R Portland 4j Trading, except In calves, waa slow on th Portland live stock market today. Cattl IM, holdover IM: Quality moetty ruUtr-attltty; early trad slow, steady, fw commercial steera 1-14; culter Utiltty aleer snd heUert IM-13; eennr cutter enws 7-4 SO; utility cowg 1.40-11; light utility bulla 11-13. Calves 40; market ' active, steady; good -choice vealers 17-30, prims 31; good-choic above 340 lb. calves 14-14 or above Mors 300; market slow, weak to 36c lower; bulk choice 110-331 lb. butchers 34 31-31. TC; few lot 37; choice 1M 300 lb. 24 M-35 40, chok IOO-344) lb. tow 33-33.40; heavy wow down to 31 or below. Sheep too, hold over 400; market slow, weak to 40c lower; good-eholc wooied lamb 14-17; few choice-prime 17 40; sood No. 1 pell lamba 14: good -choice feeders 14 down; good -chok slaughter twos 3. 10-4 H or above. PORTLAND GRAIN Portland tf No bids t Tueaday's ear reretota: barley 1; flour II: corn I; offers. Wheat 44; mm feed 3. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chkaco (-Barrowa and gl)U slipped another M cents a huntred pound low r Tueedsy but sows held to a steady eouree. cattl wer unevenly 41 00 lower to 31 cenU hlsher while sheep wer steady to 40 cents off. Mmt butcher weight hoes sold from 133 00 to 42 to Sow geoeraUy brought 131.00 t 123 40. Oond t prim gteer gold from 117 40 to 127 40 and good to low.prim heifer from 11144 to 13400. Cows topped t 113 00. Most good to prim native spring lamb sold from Olio to fl -r. op erate number topping at $2000 a..7i!!? Vn ,,M 1 nd 1.004 sheep. a . tti uy. I. T Lata. B.O. Dt a. ch. n wits, liia.n . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! IpiUlTT, 141 Nnrth Ubert Offie, one Satardat atii? ta la ta 1 a.m.. a ta e m - ,.....T olood preaeura and arlna teeta are w cnarte- rreetleed aroeB lilt Write tot attractive girt, na 4501.