rJ' P- 33 ri u FORSAlt HOUSES .OPEN HOUSE Wednesday Sept.. 2, 3 to 7 575 AND 585 JOHNSON ST. GO NORTH ON STH TO THE END I brnd nw lUM 1Mb baa I lutplace Full 4rluh tunau ) Alt. pletered iTiee. Fmm4 sir wll luroeeee UU f lot 4) Mardwood floor, tbrouthout Tbs rp btit f eoatinntio. AL ISAAK AND 0)l Portland Reed FOR SALE HOUSES MAUYIeTl l-Mm houM, baa averr tbtnt. automati waaber, uu bu,. IIIM. ft OKNIB Candalarla l-bdrm, Arabia iiruk large utility. llJ.ooo 4-W14. el'.4 . IN WEST SALEM B email houoea, 1 lot,. Near Induetrlal , earner. Very seat MO00. aomt Urou. B. Isherwood, Realtor uw wtJiee Rd. Ph. 4-mu ATTSACTICE f Una room,, nook, full betemenl. unflnlthod upetelr,. shrub. " floveri, eoovanltnl location nrar aa ' l.m huh ana farrlan achoaU. rhon, owo.r l-IJli. am T OWMKA Uodarn 1-barroom boma. Ila ar tv, aciaa. Kal'or 4Uulat. Van raaaanaoia. rnona 'nm. 5l:iTBAVj Immadlala aala. Wt bun our aaullr an l-badroaa, twa-bath bomi'. Inaulra at Hal Hlaaa ar ahont lull alter bept. I. ibOM HOUU and II acraa. I bTiu auk fTaoa. laraja- inniMaw yomw Ooatact John frasaan nt Biabap'a Clolblu btora. aaoa fl'lDBOOIi. 1 balha. 1 ftraplaeaa, aou- bla faraia, nlarraan. !.. wlU IraOa far Far liana raaiaanaa. rnoea alll" $650. DOWN narf latafdrMm bom In Wcl f- lcm .wits firu and lot 1M ft '; 3p. rtd iirctu Pruit. Houm enir I rftr4 ow. run ".'v. 3 BEDROOMS $4,950 bvad atrtMt. Ilia lor. 0rw. S BEDROOMS $3,850 ThU oKJer trpt iiomf with fil 1 JlvlAi rovm sihI t ttrr awt kftenfp 1 la tb at. Vincent t4 irifhiftad tititrlet. Look it II m- vt'U wpri ui tht termi. GOOD FOR RENTAL Thlf f-kdrom Inaulattd hont ! Bftrlr nrir, fivi 4trwt. Blf ini. Bur it for a rental or a ham. Prled at $,soo. Would trad for larax BotM la si ViflCMl arta. RAMSEY, REALTOR $6H Berth Oommerctal Oflea 4nil XTva. Al Bender 3-7649 Eve. Jim Kamaer 4-ial aMI' . 1WEW MOUEBN J -bad room home, a a- . rasa, I bit lota, 1 block Lincoln achoal and bua. Will con alder tood houae 1 , trailer as part parmtot. Jama Puffer, HT oar a in are at Caraara. saien. - a.oa $ia,5a Newly remodeled bom in ex cellent condition, between McKlnley - arada achool and the new 5. Balaai i hlah. S bedroom ai dan, la, diniaa i rm.. aev nodera kitchen with nook. . darUtht baeemani with knotty pine playroom, new oil furnace, nk cr ntr lal with tree. Ph. 1-aW ar 4-esn. $750 DOWN Br owner: J -rear-old 1 bedroom ahaka. lamed, paa. 1 blava la bus, 4 atocJta to aohool. Drive by 471 Thorman. Call 4-JI1 for appointment. a2i0" aSrU. OR LXAJB WITH OPTION S-bedroom horn, I years old. Xm- naculata throuihout. $10,000. OmaLl down paytneat. ALUSN O. JOHBB, Realtor ' 1 N. Ullb Ph. 1-6131, Bv. t-tU WB WISH TO TRAtlB Our 4-bdrooni home, t bdrma. np with plumbinc, 2 bedroom down with . plumblnr. dintn room, fireplace. WlU , trad tar amaller l-bdrm. home, er would aall tar H00, 1000 down. Phon 4-6144. ) BIRO'S RHODODENDRON s CAlfXLUA GARDEN Completely landscaped. ' concrete '. folk, ahada houaa, sprinkling ars Ua, aparos. 11.004 worth of shrubs, driveway, modern eottai with aomai furniture, on C axillae work car. aar den tractor and took.. The Item coat n 110,000. but I will sacrifice very thina for 18.000 du to family troubles. 14000 cash and assume present ta.000 mouse, immed. pom. ere my aaent. ALLEN C. JONEfl. REALTOR, 211 WORTH HIOH, 1831. Ive, 2-1141. a.or BOUTHVILLAOt ATTRACTl VB I BEDRM. HOMB Very nlca L. rm., tlreplaca, D. rm., convenient kltcben. utility, H. W lloora, Insula led, W. aula all fur Baca, attached aarata. appr. 1300 a ft.. 3 yra. Good corner lot, DRIVB BY 3710 HULBEY AVB. Pisa da not disturb tenant. For appointment to see interior rail JOHN J. DAMN, REALTOR 4M X. Hllb ph. 41412 , alio WILL TAKE qulty In new bedroom houa ta eichsnve for cash or lane trailer house, phon I-44M er see at lite Li vint ton Avt. FOR SALE LOTS bUBI'BBAN KAbT-Wltb natir, ,la- incllr. n,ar aood Khool At ators. Oanoral Rtal Bilala. Ill Canlar. Ph 2ff. aalU- . TEM AVrNUI ,7"" NORTH WINTIB Ilaoa WATCIl bOC-OLOPHKY RIAL FATATF. -PH I IMI aalM FOR SALE FARMS tj-ACRE TRADE ThU baautlful l-bdrm. bom, East) mil nil or Iik!, lor tood bnma er arrraia In a. balm, aaual raiua la araoo. S ACRES WITH N1CI LITTLI HOMB. all mod am. sar laraia. In Prtnala Cut. File, IHM. Onlr lltM down. 118 ACRES a A. In rull. Bal. pa.tura. On Fa;ia Car Hlahaar n,ar D,l!aa. with al noat n,w 3-bdrm. modern bom,. AU for IllMa. TfHMA 85 ACRES NEAR MARQUAM DVI TO ILL UIALTH. MUST (ILL ihla farm wltb cr,k, 10 A. In cull., n.w trrlaatlon aratrm, l-bdrm. horn,. FRICB RIDUC1D TO IM.am. TAKI BMALL ArRIAOI OR HOUX TO UM IN TRADE.) ti T. T. antietwon for a faru EVE. PH. 41711 aDial 4-4494 V bJOf il.Asailillu .IIVIBTISINQ trt Hard. time Ibt Pei Ward , , ev Hard, I Hae ta rr Vrd. I moatb wa No Nefaade Mlalmaat 10 Ward BtuneRA la IM-al Bwt Oelama Only. Per Word . ... .? Miaimam 1 Waraa. To Plnra Art in Ram Day Paper. Phono t-t04 Befora 10 9Jm FOR SALE HOUSES p.m. lntultteel Larte diala room. Urlnt room Ideal lor Paved and curbed atracl teitvltl Oh t lU.m. tlx tntr l 111 They r really wortb lb waaer r ax MTU u tntru. CO., REALTORS Pne. Will Of 1711 FOR SALE FARMS LOVELY BANCH, spacious heme, eult- able lOT OrtTtBWDC. UH IB, S31000. Fhene 4.hi. naw REAL ESTATE Near Schools, North Aa ticaMmt wall-coMtruetad ra var In il wood 1-ttom family bom with full dry tMMntot, flreplua, aP arsta 41b Laf room, vtautuul auiat ocad-la back yard for it fhikirta. ukk MtMiiioa. Ahowa br appomi- aifat. caU Md. Pra, Bra. in. Lanre Family? And yen nd icllo Uw-eaat liowiar, north? wa nava a atuiy alder tpa roow family borne la ceiieat condition Ineid and rnu la cated on a large, beautiful earner lot with all RlndJ of fruit. nuU. arapea. aU. poubi ear ae. alty bua bandy. aiy vaUtlnc dUtaac of Catholic arid cebool. Orant or Livlniaton. A lot of bona for aalr M80. CalJr Kelly, Bva. ph. JIIM. For a Couple a adandT Kbftdroo-a homa arttb fl re place m tba 'Mt xnilewood dtitnet. Coo vro lent iitcnen. imwi Ian lot, two aaraaa. o, termi Call Mr. Hubert, Bra. Mr. Family Man olr your trouble wit Ibla Tr popular Colonial etrl bom with i bod-ootae. aurjry. da, fireplace, ale tut- vindova. vie, double aaraaa. triple plumbuif. lota of extra In IhU n. owner neoda amaller bom and ill trad. A Is la pealtloa to take reasonable am all down par men,, CaU Mr. Boarn. Bv. ph. mil. Good Buy la a iwobdroom home thre yerr Id. Will ao O I. or F.H.A. 0. Oeitd local ton aoutb. near bua. pchooL aatd ftrefi. Money To Loan l up to 30 rear on food home. no com muiion cnaria. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor lit jt. capttoi rtL in if CJIO' SELL OR LEASE OPTIOrf TO BOTf.-INDUa- TRIAL. BBTUP. Lot 440X3M. Over T3M aouara fert warehous epaca wltb au furnace, prtrat olllcea, rest rma.. lara covered truck or machlna abed and another amall bid. Trala track for box car. Riant in the heart of Weat alalem Industrial area. PRICK 140.000, or lease for 1400 per month tth option to bur. DEB MXlCrv JUO- OBNB, Bvt. ph. 44414. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LISTINOBt Bom, Perms. A ere a. Buslnessea, Motor Court. Taverns. What Hav Tout "Fire the Landlord!" and hav a hama at rour own. Htih land Dut. Bmall but Terr neat. Wird lor dryer and plumbed lor washer. A dandy tor only $40M, and easy Urpa, tool $825 DOWN AND pour chanao of Ufatlma. Brand new 9-bedroom home, hardwood floor, nlca dit. OU floor furnace. Total price only IHM. Your Heart's Desire 3-bdroom home. Basement. Auto mat la heat. Immediate poaaeaelon. in Hollywood Diet- A "Must Be" for thoa interfiled in duality. Priced at 111.14, Satremclr lood terms ax ranied. NEED MORE ROOM? ' Owner will TRADB for amaller houae. Thla baa I larte bedrooms. Its aa. ft., fireplace, hardwood doors. A bom with today's essentials, Priced at 1 11.104. Term. Fainnount . Hill Special Put year neit 10 reare rant money tnta permanent security. 3 bedrooms, itra Ian lot with adjoining lot available. 4 yrs. old. sheuM ia 01. Prlea only 0M0. BE YOUR OWN BOSS la tht nlc restaurant. Beats about If. Ntcelr arraneed a.id la clean con dition. Owner will tied for home ar arreaif. A It today. Priced at only 3no. , Wholesale Business Thla Is a talden opportunity. Last year sales aver Moo 004. Very well established. No dead stork. Equipment in very fine condition. Btioan by ap pointment onlr. Rent on bids, only 114 per mo- Ptiturvs 7ooo. Block at , wholesale appro.. 40,004. No phona Information pleas. STEADY INCOME Apt.. 2 slerplna room and own er' auarterii too. Location ta Ideal. Proctieallr in downtown Bal-m. Priced at 114,000. ot ooo down. Owner will consider Portland trade. HERE TODAY but moil likely on tomorrow. Its a real bur. 10 acres plus. All furniture vnrs and Immediate possession. Barn, ehirkea hoime. All frneed. 4-bed room hmia. ONLY MUM), and 1 1000 down ill buy it. Bee it now. Peaceful Suburban Living with lbdrom home Just I tallea from Balata. An every day vacation from net and arowded livlna. Ms ahtne shed. Barn. Pump house. Oood li Priced at 1006. Terms arraneed 20 ACRES a..... aMam.a aamnb 11 tptbl lbjt S)fatllUa lum tor living. North of Balem. J bedroom horn and several outbids t-Wlk-ln cooler. Priced to sell IT000 Oood terms can be arranged, for Homes and Putin call for; RAT ORtMMFTT Kav. 1-16T0I Un CRAWFORD (Iv. 4-S020I ot DAM 1BAAK rv. 4-JHK ar yer rarau ealv. call foT; MR. LIAVBS I.41MI w ,n luiiuiwD ru. a.flisa UCsfUBBTi A I AO IH WAJH- s IDAHO MORToaaa Lattiij"- " CONVENTION At 1AH, Al Isaak'fi Co., Realtor Off. Pnonaa - ,. J.47II. 4-IIJI. 4-MM. 4-IJJ. 1-MTt. II a anawar, aU ""J;,, To Place Classified Ads Dial 44494 Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE ANNOU NCKaf TNT a vtab ta annaaac tba aaeaclattaoi t Noaart "11 if" rtaaiaa aitb our ante. "Klf" will aapratiata th -iraaaai at ale auataaari aad a v. fS Dial 44494 DRIVE BUYS . MUST BE SOLD IM&-UM Oarr. eula Ulila l-kim. boma en laraa lat- waiar ar,taa. mat Vlaia Ava. New l.aaarah laraia bia. an lornar lal. WlU Iraaa ua lar miw l-Mra. baraa lb baa lb baa llf.Ofli. aaaaa 1Mb BaUarua. Blaa l-bbmi bana an aalr lal tlilll. OOOO INVEST II BMT PROrbBTY. TIBatb. aaiaa 11H Palrnaunt Ava. l-bdri bona a aloiini FalrnwuM bill. ONLY aaao bovn buy, thla. arta 4171 Durbia An. Thla la ...1 buy in lavalv tbbnn. bona H acra la Iba -caraara Dial. TMUb. I7I0O 1131 nrram. aaaaiiani ava in i.r... i.barni. hama vltb Uvlai mi.. Inlnr rot., banlaek fir a., altaahad .... H S TT.RUB. bPbclAl. DUrux BUT locaua a M. itth It. laroma 1M aar aaalh. DUB TO ZLLNBM blUJNO FOB aaaa DOWN. OIOCUT bTOKI FOB ONLT HIM boan. TOO WIL NOT MM tOKKJ Tuu INVUTiaATIO THIb ItONbT UAK 1NO bUBKbT TODAY. OOOO IN. COMB. Braaanl evnar ul aaarllua Ihla bualnaaa bacaoaa er Khaal. "KIO- KIOOINb. BVf.- FN. allN MAJI MUUM, BVB. M. JblTI Die) 4-4494 A NEED MORE BEDROOMS? Then her 1 your ehanc to make a trade wltb tha bouse you hav out rown and get a lane l-bodoom home, alt on ona floor, witn lane dialog Ttfom and aa extra Ian utility room, and eves a basement with aawduat fur nace. Larte earner lal with both street, paved, Bua by door, close to Lull Jr. Hlab and new Br. Higb, Tht won't last lone for oa.y MT40, COUNTRY GROCERY To be sold, lock, atock and barrel. tludlna bulldina, Oroaatna over laO.ooo per year. Plenty of stores apace, Lovely 2-badroont Uvlna uartrs. Oood fixtures, id! lor arowtn lamny. Only 112,000 plus Inventory. WlU trade tor a bass in Balem. EAST M0RELAND 311,000 buys late-built 3-bedroom home In better district of Entlewood. Lena living ream wltb firealae. sep arate dining room, also apace for breakfast set In Una kitchen. Beau tiful landscaped tot on Paved Bt. Onlr ahort distance to achooL Only 13500 wiU handle. 3-BEDR00M HOME Only IS750 with possible raoo down. Just finished re-decorattnt and in first clas condition. Separata din ing room and separata nook. Large game and work shop. Extra wVd loti with plenty of flowers and shrubs, in-1 side city limit and school bua stops a front door. REIMANN REAL ESTATE - LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 B. Hlab Bt. Phona l-IMJ Phan, Branlna n4 Bundap 4-1171 . I-WU - 4-IJII . .W7( ' 4-M1I - CMI NO MISPRINT READ THIB I 21 A era with cabin with creek, only 03.300. Terms, 0100 down. 010 per month. Hurry; this won"t last lone. Ba T. T. Anderson, Bv. ph. 4-1.14. Dial 44494 NELSON FAIRMOUNT DIST. 4 Bdrms.. Basement eebdrm. homo with bairment on lot bl 1U. Modemlaed older trpe home, wood lurnaca, t bike, to Khool. t blk. to bua. beautiful rd. at flaw Frlca S7IM. CaU Mre. Woollen. . LOT - NORTH A tood bid,, lat 14 i 111. Ideal for ranch trpe home en eurfaced at. leOO tadn. Call Mre. Waoltaa. 3 BDRMS. - 2 ACRES Suburban borne wltb I bdrml. oa let fir., tpl.ee., famllr orchard, paatura. barn, chop bide- On eurfaced rd. cleeo ta cltr llmlte. Owner left atat. Frlced ta aril-MOM. . $1500 DOWN Close In To Capitol A tood older l-bdrm. borne, kitchen wiodernlied. Interior tood thruoiU. new roof. lee. lot. on ajrd. Uler. Lot el trull treea, ell lar M7., HMO da.. Business of Your Own .i h.,.m. aood aeuree f eup- .1.. Eitabllahad manr reara. Owner haa other Inlereate. Equipment dll ue ln.ua IMI0. Terme u raapobtlbl parlr. CaU Mr, Schmidt. Two Bedrooms - $8950 Would rou Ilka erlp new booee , ,;, well-ehaded let aeer Kel.er "hoolf w. have la. jotb "r- ' II a II. llrlm room M '"'," tntaa Toon,, end larae. fmr kitchen. Call Al Watla. I-7141. NELSON & NELSON SFECIALltlNO RaALTOPl Fb. l-leet 101 N. Hllb at, rlfll h APflATM DAYS r.-Zl M.d. Ilr... nice nlUltr t Kltrnen. room. . - .... araea Al alorata im. ."', J? It. deem well-kept Maadl wltb el ,,l lean, aholca earden toll. BELL TmVi it ONI.T Ilia. RIOHT FARTT CAR HAVE VERT LIFERAL TOM.. FORCED SALE TARE AOVARTAOE Or THIB WON' rjEHPUL BUT In late ban -Jr" noma with cute n.e.,... v:, p,.c. in lar,. 1WIM rrn, ale .tUJ dlnlnt rm . nown. i"'-. - . kiichw wiib . ;,V- KooL ItDT -riS TOUREL A FAVOR AND a -rnue. nn r.nlhntVi. Healtor ft" r..-urn t four, wv -Jl. Rnilrlers. Here Is a Deal bulldlra altee. Liberia DUt. Water Onlr It. Rome applea. pear. hr. rm At prune. Oond tee COLBATH LAND CO ... aatt aia aTVMari ML. BV. 43T14 ' Jlf K THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefoa RIAL ESTATE 4 BEDROOMS SOUTH LIBERTY ThU a flat albar I ma baau, baan tllaUr aacarttaa. wltb 1 aadraaai aad balb aawn. mar, wa. Tbara'a aaur, lam, fiaaad rard and baaa nual. la. Tm'U lib, Uu laaatlaa and rau'U Ubt b bnma. II a arliad La aall at all ,afl. Laa Obairl k Bad Oaiaba GOOD OLDER HOME I badraama, laraa llrlaa raam a ad diolaa raam. plaatr aaaat lar aU , tha lamllr. tba arwta u aalr MM wltb HbM dawn pa aaa maa la. KENWOOD GARDENS . l-badraom bama, lull ( raar, aid. 1M a. It floor Mat, allraaltfa Uw and thruba. bar la OOOO bur fat arm. 7M marttwa atap aa aaiumad. SOUTH CHURCH A dandr l-badraam bama. naar all achaou. kaaaraant wltb aaanaaMal aawduat b,al. firaalaaa prttad al IK.aN. WILL TRADE!!! Brand uw brick bama. raadr far a,aaanep. I laraa badraama. bircb kilehan. all tul. buaa flraalaea. l-aar laraat. Is brand baw dla Irlcl will taka amallar baraa lb Irada. rARM SPECIALS Orada "A" dalrp farm, alaaa la. wltb arap ar aaulamaat. lar IIS M. All-purpau (ana. A. all Irmatad. Irrltatlaa Mulpmaal laaJudad, ai MO.aM. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS art cairn t. F taut . Jt"; I,.: Uala Lara I Mat Balpb H.adr mat Btarr Tor., ad Hall Tad Merman MOM OWNER LEAVING TOWN . !-4 Caracr mat. Lat IWaiM. Tarr nlaa I Bdra., Ilr, diaaiia. kltch.a wltb malal bulll-lna. Hdwd. flaora, wall la wall aarpal lb Unt rm. Aula, all baal. Utllllr rm. A, tttachad laratt. Kawlp 4ac ralad In, Ida and ml. Sua a acbaal alaaa. Oood ttrma. :' . MUST SELL OTisO Rlihmend acbaol DUt, I bdrav, Uv kitchen wUb aeok. Newly doaaratad. Oernar lat. Close ta bus. school store. Oood terms. . VISTA AVE. ' M W Owner (in Irada far I bdrm. boma. Oood cl.ia I Bdra, lit, dla. tomb, klUh.a. balb. Altaabad taraac. Oaea) larma. . INCOME PROPERTY Ufa-1 Aria, and Una Uln auarnr,. ciaaa ta baapltal. blala uildiat and achool. Full bwemank aadu,l bat. l-car taratt. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR Itl b Blah a Phon, Itllf Anaj Halroricn Fb. I71IJ A. E. Ictk.tt Ph. 14M1 A Willa Fb. Ji ll Xvcnlnt, nod Buodar TWO' BEDROOMS - SOUTH! This 4-year-aid ham ta well located close to large market, two blocks from McKlnUr Kh,,ane black to transportation. Has living room, nlc kltcben, breakfast nook, attached sret wltb utility. Lot M x 100. city water, bom plastered. WU priced tor tl.tOO. Call Dale Karbura for appointment to sea. TWO ACRES - THREE BEDROOMS Near new three -bedroom, all secluded. Owner amious to move to California. Low down varment to right party. Priced at aalr 11.000. Call Cbet Rawlins 1V2 ACRES - 3-BEDROOM - NORTH ! . Her la It, that level, three-bad room home on le acra located near Kelaer, reu have been looklnc lar. nine,, force cala. You muet aa IhU. Piled at onlr 11,100, wltb H.ooo down. Call Chtt Rawllna now. 88 Acres - North - Trade for Income Property Thla Una (arm ha lioofret blthwar tB trontar,, I ,ood wille. I lanehlon barn wllb cement floor. 4O00 ao. ft. broodlne paee. walk-ra (recur. Tbla II ecraa baa an ekctpllanallp ale thraa-badrasn borne, ror more Ujlormalloo. tail Dal Rarburn. HERE'S ONE THAT'S A HUMDINGER! Very nlr and clean lane room twa-bedroom horn on wonderful . acre with real garden, lot of pretty shrubs, velvety lawn, attached aerate. Home Is almost new with hardwood floors, insulation, weather etripping. eta, W hav the key and will be happy to show you through. Call Jim. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON THIS ONE Nlc close In suburban tt aare. Lots of fruit trees, ahrubi and Hewers, nod garden. Two-bedroom home, lar Ilvins room, dimns room, kitchen, bis gsrase. 14 a 30 workshop. Avallablg for Immediate pea aaaalon, Onlr 17.700, with a null down payment. CaU Jim, RAWLIN'S REALTY" (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 0M N. Capitol Bt. oifie 3-404 or 4-1701 TlbbatU l74M Chei 1-0311 Jim I HT Dale Rarburn l-4 ai GRABENHORST SPECIALS . SCHOOL TIME bPtCUiL-Lortlr iCllloc and location with tree,, l-car araca .central hallway, lovelr kitchen with aula, duhweaher, drrar ea waiher. Lie. Ilr. and din. rma.. fireplace, lota af bulll-lna. auto, oil heat, nlca bath with 1 levator!,,, tood bdrma. 114.000. CALL EOT S. FERRIS ROOUIHO HOUSE located on Stat, St. 11 kedreomi In all. Oood con dition thruout. Potential Inooma llfo per mo. Prlet 130.000. CALL o. H. ORABENHORST. JR. . EXCELLENT SMALL HOME Dletlnctlve architecture. 1 bdrm,.. Ilr. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen with til drain, hall beiml.. auto, all forced air furnace, utllllr with to tel. ilaji-llned hot water hreler. Canvcnlent t aehMla and ahopplnt center. ,0000. CALL 3, B. LAW ONI BEDROOM PLUS BEN WITH FIREPLACE Thl I email, com pact and convenient home. Located aloae to Lraile Junior Hllb and the aew blh achool. Price I7doo. Terma. CALL H. K. LAYMON ENOLBWOODS FINEST Beautiful l-bdrm. noma with den. wall-la. wall eartet. central entrp hall, lie. II,. at din. rm . dole. plbc.. ale rerd with ut. eprlnklln iriua laa. utllltr rm.. dbla. araee, natlo. evrrrthlna one could arar dome In boma. Owner leai In cltr. CALL ROT S. 1-ERRIS - GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit 8. Llbertr St. Fb. 1-1171 Bvenlnta ab-Suadara aall Rot a. Farrla l-eoit H. K- Urmoa l-llll J. B. Uw 1-11 II i REAL ESTATE ELEGANT ESTATE (NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED) New three. bedroom boma f alatarit deotta- I bathe, Ilraplaaa, waato-wall warpetla. aawlnt rm partr rm. ar wark ahep, baaml.. covered patle, deuble taratt, auperlor conatrucllon, beautiful larta fenced lawn and flow er,. ONE OP BNOLEWOODS BEST KEPT ESTATES AELLINO IELOVY REPLACEME) T COST ONLT 111 000. SEE -K1C" XIOOINS FOR AFMT. EVE PH. tltlt. TRADE YOUR CAR far thl ate cauatrr home an t acrae II In frull aula. Nice hdwd. fir,. I bdrms., deep dry batmt. Small liable for pony or chlchona. Built-in deep frier. Located cmae in ceil. MOVINO TO TOWN a) SEM.INO THIS FOR onlt tie.boe -kio' fiooins has THE KIT. Ere. pb. tltlt. cllO BALE OB TB Al-k Oood sub. grocery star and aa puma. Doln ar aft table bwiasa in a aood location. Approa Imatelr ITWO faf aultr in real estate, buildings, atock and futures. aa.aaa Tht clean home situated an paved street elatv t bus and arhool. ha I bedrooms, asraee. tO t lib lt. W.tsa Locaied n Nerth Chore) ft 0-reoea home with basemeat Also small houa oa, lot ouiubla for an Peren CaU tVanle Brown or O V. Hums, Co-op. Broker, with State Finance Co., Realtors 107 B ttieh Bt. Ph. 1-4111 alio Bv. -M1 w ar-UoV Vt Dial 4-4494 Disl 4-4494 J r5r59SP v ire ii RIAL ESTATE WANTED JlEAl JSTATE WANTED TO BUT from awaer: Oood farm, ar could trade vary aloa reach eirie Borne, reara aid. JIM Lamina Ave. call SALEM down HOME Heva coaat cable ae payment. Phane 10111. call! NOTICE; it your property ia tat aan. rent a etcnani, lut it wltb at w have all linda l aaab urr STATE FINANC'b CO REALTOBS iu S Hlab St aa HI ABb ia od ot gooo nausea t eelL ta oer Baitra if yau wish ta Uai your property tot sals, aea QRAbENHORBT BROS RBALTUtU It B Liberty Fh 1-171 ca EXCHaiNGE REAL ESTATE MODKBM I BOOM "home la Portland with finished attic, aak floors, tile feature in wash room sb kitchen. To etcbanae for Ilk value In Balem. B. N. tna. Rt. 1. Boa 414. Balem. ebloo RESORT UtOPERTHS ' OCEAN VIEW Bay searbr. cabla. ttraaa. lty water, limit, ml. Owa a baacb aabla f rour awn. Per eaah ale enlr ll.tM. AL HAUTH CO-OP BROKER ' MT. ANPEL LAND CO. FHONB OREEN 14 r BLUE af cclM Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA r - T face ewyicTV If, I I ( " THy gOn HA MA MA. CjavE Mt V vVMAT A COMauviaaf. ), ' ( ??&WpS? Jl t mg!? M&txszrA r?Si' REAL ESTATE IM MILL BT. Ciaaa RICHMOND Sab. l-bdrm. bom an na naar Inaulaud a wcatbaralrlpaad. all baal. aauara block bdwd. flaart, iurn'r an main near, altacnad l-cr aar. Aaklnl IU.H. Owntr la Mac. I, mar aooaMcr iaapabl llr. tit ERENRER AVB Juat aa,t af Lanea.tr Drlv and north af D atraat Maw dlatrlcl. Maw 1-bdTm. ranch alrla bom with larta lullr plaau'red l-ear. aaraaa. aoillt lot wit tha lawn la. built U altp ad, varp aula pritad at (U.TM. I OABNBT atraat. la tba Bnalawoad ochaal dut Rati tlaa I Jr. n AWator bmb acboela. I -norm, a, dan. fullr Inculatad. aarr neat and clean, modluej alia lot wltb nrd. aL. walk, ahada trrca. d buf t H tea. Flaaaa dan'l bolbar Iba renter. ATI BOORB BOAD a ACRES ,erlooktni Balem, aortheaat alaaa, loot road frontate. atarur bouaa earn! flnlabed, dlaunl wnr ba re duced tba price I 1 11. la. Make a oiler aa ta term. 1 ALICE AVE.. CARDALAR1A DISTRICT l-bdrm. Tancb atria Wltb NEW ENOLAND kltcb.ee, oU plead fura. A ta location. IlLaOt. 143 R. COMMERCIAL iRa. I Bualnaaa Sonet. I nlca badraoma. II an n flaor, new aarpattnl la tba larte ombtnatlon llrln nnd dtolna rme. Full daap or? baamL, aU lurnaca, lb-It. fron tot. wertb lb menap at t lo.iea. , ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor ill R. HIOH BVB. aall LYLB FOR , NEW 3-BDRM. HOMES - $450.00 DOWN - Gl (5 DOWN - 25 YEARS TO PAY) ' . $900.00 DOWN FHA (10 DOWN - 25 YEARS TO PAY) FULL PRICE ONLY 8,7So'oO BEAT THE B.U1HI ONLY 0 LOTS AVAILABLE 20-year loan Hardwood floor City water It aewer . 8teel elutment windowl Paved itreeti tc curbs Lota 61 x 110 Youngstown ateel kitchens 915 Sq. Ft. floor ipace Pick your own colors Zf ran bare baaa waltlas for peart cap ealaeaaa 11a tad blw. NOW, DA Via . . Fb. 1-7011 M Neat ta Willamette Valley Bank. WANTID FURNITURE EE AUCTIONS Sudtell's AUCTION WID. SEPT. 1. AT 1 F.U. lilt 8ILVIRTON RD. PHONE 1I0M ft. Kelvtnatar tefrlf.. Thor waaher, pa. ehromo B. K. act. davenoe a. dev. anporl. ooo. chalra. bade, mattraate. ca cprinte. lampa. coneo At end ta. blea. elec. rancca, lawn ahalra, ball rut. and mear atlee. arllclea. come to u, or ecu. LANS SUDTELL'S AUCTION BALER YD ddlot- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WBtTB FaCt Heifers, ter. Choice dark stock. Bom brad. 0-10 moo tha. 0TO-I13O each. Dandy en tie bulls, 11 10 month. IIJUIM. sillier Herefords, JOfOb a B. wall, Portland. 4u. Oioo. 000 m0mm9m, LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCEIB BEEF Whit face Hertford, tie. Locker work 40e. Bathing down. 0 mo, to pay. Custom killing. Trauu loaned free. Balem Ileal Ca- ills 8 lOth. Fh 0-4MI PETS MAUt BOXES, dark fawn. J1 yra. Very good blood line, proven aire. MO OO. Phona ?ao, eeoio FARAKIRTO -Carefully selected . young birds. Choice solera. liOO Uvlngston. J-la. . acau FOR BALE DeodorUed skunk. 118. Ph. 33000. c310 HOLLYWOOD AQL'ABllTM-lKS McCoy, on block east of N. Capitol. l block nortb of Madison. Ph. 2-0407. ec233 CHAMPION BRED BOXEB pupple. ev ery pup potential champion. Moore TropUal Pish. Parakeet. Turtles, sup plies. 2 miles from Lancaster on M (Clear road. 0-1771. Closed Wednes day. ec220a PABAKEETS, young bluea, ready to train. Ona pair breeder. 1010 Wallace Bd. Fh. 4-M03. c2D0 LEA VINO TO tesch school. Will stTl fifty pet dog at 01 apiece. Uise Bom er. Boat I, Bos 231. Monmouth. Cooper Ho! Inert. erltl FUEL FLANEB ENDS Oreen ar drr Out of towa dellverle. Sawduati blower, and pa WEST SALEM FUEL OO. till Bdtewatar Fa. 14011 FOR SALE POULTRY U FARMENTOB red pullet. 4 month, ..eld. 11.10. Cell Monmouth 4474. Charlri O'Neal, Burbant Road, F,d. HOf WE ARE hlchlat New HamMhlra Ooif an Bread and Arbor Acrea Wblta Rock. every week. Special prteeo ta rear nraund frier trowera Pot", Ratcbrrr. Ill Plate St Phone l-IMt f PRODUCE CANNTNO and fraeiln baana. Lota of them. Too pick c lb. 1 mllee north aal of Fairer an Lake Labmh. Watch tin ia bean yard. Ratpb Hoeilne. Fhona l-out. lino1 V-FICB PEACHES al I1M Wallace Rd., lib vile, rrm brldlt. R. L. Foretrr, phont mil. mio' GBAVENOTIIN APPLES Ala pearl U pick. Fhena I-4IA4. ft 10- BARTLETT FEARS 41 II and II 00 par boa. Fbont i-iia. aai iaiier no. Illlt1 FltKLINO CURES fmh dally from our farm (1,14 rue a pound. Ortanlcally trowa polataee. red ar wblta. Fearhea aew aa market. Phillip Broa. Perm Market. 4IM Foment Rd. Salem Pbaaa 14111. tf WANT TO BI'T Sweet Car In field. Clrda A. Srhal. Juaatlea City, Ore Fhaaa I-I0IT. ' tfm REAL ESTATE PHONE 1-MM EE I -M47. ID. 1-1704 dor for b low down varment plan, call whll w baaa tba lota nd terma. MANBIRTB. . Bra. Fb. J-MM BOWDER . . - Ire. Fb. I-Mai HOLLYWOOD DUTTRICT pm r rrrrr rrrrrrrj jjj j j MODyCEj 8ALIM Fl'RLIC Market IFarmer'al, open Wedneadart and Saturdara, 1:41 a.m. Freah ecu. reietablet, fruit and flow era. 13U E. Rural, tb block aaet of 'b Bl. n:o MOST VABIETI ol neacbae In aaaaoa. norm ireo orarenaleln. IV, mile from brldte oa Wallace Rd. L. E. Wcndt. trower. ji. PEACHES, f, H. HALES and Improved aioertta. lal load Wedneeday, Sept. Ind. Puritan Cider Work. 761 Ed,e water. Weat Salem. full. BOXES FOB SALE by truck load. Apple. lettuce, cent Ai orance. Clrda A. Scharla, Rt. 1, Junction City, Ore. fflll PEACHES Improved Zlbertaa. 1. H. Halaa. Ripe Tomatoaa. 11.11 buahel. Cantaloupe 4e lb. Prunea At Bartlett Pear,. Green Apple Mkt.. atiiaa nortb on W-E. fflll BEAN'S Your Canning and Freezing Beans Now U-Pick 4c Pound I Beet baana reu aaa tat Brawn aa Lake Labiah. 1 mile nortbaaal f ruer. Welch altnt to bean yard. Ralph Hoeelaf. Phone Mm. fflM' HOME GROWN broccoli, cauliflower Kentucky wonder beana, beata, car- rota, cucumbeta. oardra I pou. I ml. X. Slarton oa old hirer. vMEHAUA OARDENS mot HELP WANTED MEN oa women for hop plcklna machine : ona truck, call 0-1210. MlO BFAV pICREBft Oak Crest Farm. miles north of West Balem on Wailac Rd. Heavy rop. Close la. Parkin avaiiarie. ' g209' CAftHlER-BOOKKREFEB Bpeedwsr Restaurant, 11"0 Center Bt. Ho phone cans. PEAR PICKERS Oak Crast Perm. 3 miles north of Wast Balem on Wallace Rd. Heavy crop. Close In. a 200' BEAN PICKERS D. P. MacCarthy and Sons BUS FOR BEAN PICKERS WILL RUN AGAIN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 D. P. MACCARTHY ok SON, RTE. 3, BOX 131, SALEM. 109 BEAN PICKERS No- picking goad second crop ef pole beans, good crop, and clean yard. Eirellent camp facilities- eMeady work Dally bus servlc from Balem on fol loving route; Starting at 4:l am. at Owens and Llbertr. then north on uoeriy ta Broadway, nortb on Broad way to Hlshlaod. east an HUhland ta silver ton Road, east on Btlverata Road to Patrhavea Ave, Fairgrounds road to 6ummer eu south oa Summer to Center, cant on Center to 13tn, south i.m to hot i, west on Hoyt to Com mercial, north on Commercial to Lib erty, nortb en Liberty to Owens, west on Owens to South River Road and on South River Road alne mile to farm. Look for dark ercen Internation al bus with D. P. MacCarthy and Sons farm painted on It. Flag down driver he will be glad to atop anywhere on Ihla route tor you. Please, no children under fourteen unltsa with adults. For Further information, drlv out ftouth Rirer Road aine mile ta farm. phona Independence 10F3. D. P. MecCARTKT AND BON RL. X, a 011, Salem. Oregon 1311- ROP PICKER urgently needed. Early clusters. Trannnortstion Iron emlov ment office, Salem. Krnat 4k Fred Stftdelt. Phon 14704 ar 14700. Silver- ton. uu- BEAN Plf'Kt.RH Nrw yard, aew Ijea tion. 0 0 mil north at Cascade hith arneoi, second lane to right. U. B Hansen, Baute 1, Bos 10, Turner. net WANTCD FLAT bed trucks, with drlvrrt. Haul hop to picking machine. Wil liam Krebs and Son. Phon 14040. alem. g3U BOYft. 10 TBO. AGE to set pins. Clean. intereitln work, food pay, B A, B now i. ini roriiano no. M' mm Tuwilay, Stptembw 1. 1953 HHP WANTEOfEMALE WAkTIO-Wamaa lar abaul I bair work dar. Board and room, lb raoatb. Bl. I. Bo laa, Alaaa. Ore.- abaci cTrl OB LAD! far part time erenlaa work. 1114 Falrtrannda Rd. Baparlenrn la Ice aream iharidllM nrtlerrad. tbla. EEPaBIENCED aaaeaaorr ealeeladr. Far. manant poaltlon. No nltbt boura. Ap ?l, I pew. FRJCl a. U . "be'ir bt. ' eTpebIENCED WAITBEM - Fart ana full lima. APPlr In peraea. China Cltr. " B. Commercial at. hll EXPESIENCED bALBOIBL wanted , Ap .1. u.rtman Broa.. IM Stat. cblot EXPF-BlENCED readrK-wear aaleeladr. Fermaaaat poaiuan. No altbl bajtre. Appir lb paraem. PRICb S. in H. Ub- ertr bt. " WAITBEM Waodrofto aaa shop, ItM Portland 84. N Fbb 11 CAB HOP Waodrolfe'e Saa Shop, 140b. Portland Rd. Ra phona IH-.b HILV WANTED MALE IHOROUGB1.T aiperlenced aerrlaa atn. Ilea man. Fralar Standar oil einort. once. Welter it. Boael Oe, Ohameketa Al Hllb. dbllb IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN and want ta get ta on the ground floor with a lino that ta going t provide on of the best Job In Ortton wltb an annual Income ef 110,000, not wish ful thinking, we can discus aur plan . la a personal Interview. If you hav a history of floating from Job to Job, r If you are only curious, we will both ba wasting our time. You will bo your own boss, atd yu must b able to menag your own tlm aa wait aa these who may event uallr ba under yau. Guarantee of 9100 par woak whll la 'training beginning with third day aa trainee. If you an interested in an opportunity in the aala field, phon for on appoiatmant bafere appearing personally. Contact Mr. Bando. Senator Hotel, Balem, on Wednesday, Beptfcmber J, between 10:00 bin. an :00 a.m. 1201' BELL BOT Mutt ba 11. Apply In par- ton neiora l p.m. senator Hotel. ram EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE JOBS Baa ua for duality lob. Benefit by ur knowledte of employer, and by our eipertcnce la tha community. i Check our lutlnta Mon. At Wad. COMMERCIAL PLACIOIENT AC-ENCT 414 atat at. (Ortion Bid.) t-im .teoaa raaaweweiavpa'a'av WANTED POSITIONS CABPENTKB, rtpalr A, remodel aabl. neta ar tarataa, amau job wtleoma. Phona 4-t. blioe UOHT CRAWLER doslnt. dirt laral. IU. fradln. Phan, 1-1210. bill LAND CLEARINO lab wanted. Wa bar 1 cata.. bl ton and ft Uttl one. W do nr kind af cat. work. Fb. lain. bill PAINTING Interior and eitertor, wall work. Phona 4-nii or i-ism. bin WASHING, Ironlna and aewlna. la my blia home, rnone J-30S&. BRUSH OR SPRAT palatial. Phon 4-3bos or l-latl. bllie NEW LAWNS Prepared and tteded. Rottrr boelni. Duana Wolcott, I-4U7. nil WOULD Ilka to bid en outP palaUna. , Phone 1-414,. but PAINTING Interior, exterior. Medals aad Ooldaa, Fboa i-iiii ar i-itti. bin BOTOTILL1NO Middle Orove Huraarp, 4920 Sllverton Rd. Pbono A-4,31. b A- N MOWERS. SCISSOBS, (Upper bead, etc., ebarpened. Oenernl Mo tor Repair. Ill Oat lb. Phone S-1K0. hioo LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phona 4-3573. . h WIEMAL'S DAT NtTRSBBT Llcenaed and ,lale laipettad. Phon. 14011. biil BOORKEEPEB FuU charte, need per manent poaltlon. kap vm. Ere reu. Sllverton Kill. hloi TREE WORK Topplnt, trlmmln. re movlnt, insured. Johar Ferae, phena 1-oiu. bill WILL CABE for child, aty houee, dart. North. Phone 1I3. h20, RELIABLE BART STTTEB Will ,0 dara or nlihta. Phon, f.1114. blioe BHKB-ACCT. -.wlahe, perm, pealtlen. Eip. ten. ladtar, payroll, trplnt, at. Fh. 11531. MOI NEW BEDROOM horn, eeatrel ball way, nicely decor, led, IV, kaihe. cv ered palla. baaemcnt with fireplace, eloaa to boipltal oil D St. 1111 leel Court. . . Mil.- EDUCATION PIANO lessons, your bom at mine. Join club now. Phon 44440. hhlll BELP 01CK PEOFlaB Study th standard four year colles eours and become a Naturopath! phrilelan. Writ NOW to Dept. R,' WESTERN STATU COL LTOE. 4031 S. B. 03rd Ave.. Portland. Oreion. hhlll PIANO LEkBONi by iprlencd Uscher". 01 a leaaon, fr information call s-"a. hblio FOR RENT OFFICE IPACE In ulr a 100 S Blab LARGE warabouM space lor rent ? leas Cement flaora brick building Down town- Inaulra B. L Btlff Pur- oitur Co Phon 1-01 ) FOB LEAK 100 to 100 feet frontal an Edgewtr St. West flaiam Ira J. ' FHL ph 3114(13 ) W A NT E DTOR ENT WOMAN AND child need furnished apt. la Hollywood district. Call 1-iki. Jail 0 t-BKDBOOM house oh garage. South A. lem or suburb. References. Pben 333E7. JB309 STATB EMPLOV1 inrl fair. ....." dj'v.T room bout, with auta. beat and garase. Phona 4-tAJO. ia30S IMALL FARM for 1 years. .John Tohs, FOR RENT ROOMS " WITR batn, doaa In, tentlcman". i airrrisn rooms, cmae u riii. rounda. 130 Tamarack. Phona MI57. Iklioe ATTRACTIVE BOOM clot' ta atat ooiMiini,. er rt. winter. jkllt NICE iLEEPINO ROOM with hat A. cold .,. nrai. in beniar St. iklM "ife-, ROOMS, coat la Hi r. wmurT w.u aner e ao. ikloa ATTRACTIVE ROOM elm bulldlnco. SI, N. winter. t atata Iklot By Ham Fisher