THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pago 17 Tele-Views k "Radio-Television Bj DAVE BLACKMEB On Television KPTV (Channel 27) 'Putt irwrim tehnim tu adTt I Jack Webh, star of the NBC-TV and radio program. Dragnet, is the subject of a picture story in the cur rent isue of "Look" magazine, entitled "Crime Pays Off." The actor whose program has won more awards and citations than any other program of its type, is described by Look as a dedicated young man with a set expres sion that caused one TV viewer to describe him as 'the face that solves half a hundred crimes and never changes expression.' " Webb's meticulous approach to the production of Dragnet in keeping with its realistic "cold fact" format has won him accolades from policemen in all parts of the country. , Former President Harry S. Truman's Labor Day ad dress before a joint rally of the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations in Detroit will be broadcast by NBC-Radio on Monday. September 7, 6-6:30 p.m. G. Menne Williams, governor of Michigan, will intro duce Mr. Truman. , - , The NBC-TV nerwnrV hmoJ gram, Ding Dong School," (soon to start on KPTV) I has been named "Best children's program of the year for 1953 on TV" by the American Legion Auxiliary, it was anounced today by Mrs. J.Ioward McKay, chairman of ' the organization's national radio committee. The award is the result of a nation-wide, all member ship poll conducted by the auxiliary's national headquar ters. The Ding Dong School series is produced by Reinald i Werrenrath. Jr.. and oriainnto. in th wrp rku... dios. TOURS FOB TELE-VIEWING TUESDAY The Toymaker, 1:45 The old German Toymaker brings you tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chll dren i show. Northwest News Direst, 5:45 Feature Norman Wallace, newicaster with Bill Stout as .ports reported jnd commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. Newspaper of the Air, 5:55 Features Bill Clayton with lo cal news and news photographs local and live. It Happened In Sports, :S0 Story of Bob Kane, graduate manager ef athletics at Cornell University will be told . .Mirror Theater, 7:00 "The Party" is an adaption of a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It concerns two neighbors whose friend liness turns to hate when they lose perspective over their chil dren. Featured are Shepperd Strudwlck, Kathrine Bard and Patty McCormack. Fireside Theatre, :0 "The Traitor" is a story of an Am erican soldier about to be sent to Korea who has been com pletely taken by the "better world" promises of the Commun ist party. Later when taken as a prisoner of war, me becomes a spy against his fellow Americans. Starring is Don Keafer with Jerry Paris, Hugh Beaumont, Bob Sherman, and Keye Luke. This Is Tour Lite, l:S0 The life of Don DeFore will be telecast. Judge for Yourself, 10:00 Stars Fred Allen in a show which combines panels, talent, and audience participation. Nite twt Theatre, 11:30 "Silent Witness" with Frank Al bertson, Maris Wrison and "Ace" (dog). YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY What's CooklngT :S0. Cooking show with Barbara An gel! featured are Bread 'n Butter pickles. Matinee Theatre, 2. "Gen leman from Louisiana." " The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. , Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Features Norman Wallace, newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. . Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs local and live. . Fights, 9. Randy Sandy of New York vs Ernei Durando of Bayonne, N.J., is shown in 10-round middleweight bout from the St. Louis arena. Jack Drees announcing. ' Llberace, 7. Selections Include: "Stars and Stripes For ever," "Lullabye of Broadway," "Sidewalks rf New York," "Don't Ever Take Your Love From Me," "Carioca," "Chopin by Candlelight," and "Beer Barrel Polka." I Married Joan, 8. Joan uses one of her husband's most valuable stamps in his collection to mail a letter and gets Into trouble with both the mail and her male. - This Is Your Life, 8:30. Life story of Sara Berner. Kraft Theatre, '9. "In Albert's Room" is a story about a college professor of mathematics who finds his unpopular course winning popular support from unexpected sources. Teleplay features Tony Randall, Dorothy Donohue, Joe Maross, Mercer McLeod and Eggie Wolfington. , Orient Express,' 10. "13th Spy" An American concert singer (Cathy O'Donnell) is er.route from Rome to Florence, Italy. She discovers that enemy agents have mistaken her for a fabulous Czech spy who is trying to flee Eastern Germany. Featured are Charles Fawcett and George Higgins. Crusade In the Pacific, 11. (Part 23) "Shifting Tides in the Orient" Events preceding the war In Korea are unraveled. Includes growth of nationalism and communism in the Dutch East Indies, India, Indo-China, Malaya, and China. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:30. "Melody for Three." Metered, DwMtt, heflaus, Kl Valley Television . Cenfer 230Jr.lrarmld. ft. 1113 Bee tie Before In Pee eke Baal Deal la Team Trained TMUklMi Om Until f m. Bella Bleep aatarday AMONG ATTRACTIONS AT THE STATE FAIR 1:1. p. I p. Itt p. 4:44 p. 4:1" p. I 40 p. I I. . 4:40 p. 4:14 p. 1 II p. 1:44 p. : p. 00 p. 4:14 p. 4:44 p. 4:14 p. 14:14 p. 11:44 p. 11:14 p. TUtSDAI ' ' Bereh lor Tomorrw Lota al Ufa a.-roymaker . Howdy Deody a Atrial rr Thta Plttai a. Namea the Same a. Newapapor of Ala a TBA n. Happena la Sport a. Newa Caravan a. stirrer Theater a. Break Bank a rtrealdo Theater a Ttiu la Tour Lira a. Adolpbe llanjou . a Cendr Thaatar a. Hall Hour Thaatar a. Preetr rrollea a nite owl GRANTS PASS GUESTS Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marshall and three children of Grants Pass were week-end guests of her par ents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley in the Fairview district. "CREDIT Semler gives you the Credit you need and remember, yen Don't Have To Pay One Intro Fanny (or the privilege! QUICK SERVICEI Classes made to eiacr reicripHon of your Registered Optometrist., MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales- Service - Installation TV ' Open frm I tun. U ( B.ra. Ph. t-lSU tits 8. Coml Salem's Flrat Television Stan WBONBSDA1 4:14 a.m. What'i Coollnrl tl:44 e-m. The Bit Parol! 11:14 .m. Welcome Traveler : 11:00 noon On Tour Account 11:14 p.m. UN Oanaral Aaiembly 1:40 p.m.Dauble or Nothing 1:14 p.m. strike It Rich 1:44 p.m-Matinaa Thaatar ' 1:14 pa. eairch for Tomorr 1:14 p.m. Lora at Lift 1:41 p.m. Tulmakar 4:44 p.m Howdy Doodr 4:44 p.m. trtko II Rich 4:1 p.m. -Ncwipapor al Air 4:04 p.m. Flihta 4:41 p.m. Maai Cararaa 1:44 p.m. Llaaraca 1:14 p.m Scott Muile Ran 4:04 p.m 1 Uarrled Joan 4:14 p.m. Thli la Tour Llta 4:40 p.m. Kraft Thaatar 14:44 p.m. Orltnt Banraaa ' 14:14 p.m. Half Hour Thaatar 11:40 p.m. faelfte Cruiada 11 p.m. Wlta owl Thaatar mlmmm m 'I X . f V. L..;:. a " ' ' )y Zf ST. idirl - ,-vaOso lU I ..... ; Box Seat for World Series Game 10 Bucks New York A good box seat for one World Series game this fall probably is going to cost $10 at least $2 more than ever before. And It's apt to cost at least 18 to get a reserved grand stand seat anywhere between nrst and third base. Ticket prices will be set a wecK irom xuesaay wnen con tending clubs get together with Commissioner Ford Frick to work out details of the series. There was every indication the price will rise for the first time since 1947. Completes Basle Camo Pickett, vs. Two Salem. Oregon, men recently completed their basic training authe Medical Replacement Training center here. The men are Pvt. Barney L. Stlce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stlce, 16SS East McGilchrlst street and John R. Wenger, son of Oscar Wenger... Merger May Up Personnel The Salem depot of the West Coast Fast Freight, Inc., may be increased about 30 per cent in personnel and fa cilities if the merger between West Coast and Pacific Inter mountain Freight Unapproved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. West Coast has Just recent ly completed an extensive ad dition to the Salem facilities, and Is now capable of han dling considerably more freight than was previously possible. A. K. Humphries, president of PIE, announced yesterday in Oakland, Calif., that his firm had purchased all cor porate stock of West Coast and certain affiliates, includ ing System Tank Lines, Inc. ine companies will employ n combined total of more than 4000 employees and will oper ate more than 3000 local and long-hauling trucks. . Both companies now operate as far east as Chicago. ICC approval may not be announced tor several months, it is Delleved. Pacific Intermountain does not now have a Salem office. Its operations are from San Francisco and Los Angeles eastward. . MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, September I Organized Naval Reserve Sur face division at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. D battery, mi AAA .AW Ore gon National Guard, at auonset huts on Lee street. Company D. 162nd Infantry regiment. Oregon National Guard. at Salem armory. . : USAR school Infantry and com mand and general staff branches at USAR armory. Ta VUlt Hera Pvt. Edward Lee Fetich, compa ny B, 63rd Infantry regiment, Fort Ord, Calif., will return to Salem on a 16-day leave on com pletion of his basic training. The soldier, who entered the service In June ol this year, Is the son of Mrs. Wanda Pork of 352 Bluer avenue, Baiem. . This new style ride, the, "Round-UP," offered by Fran Hrubetz Ac Co. of Salem will be among the attractions -at the Oregon State Fair to be seen here Sept. 5-12. It carries 24 adults or 48 kids on a two and a half minute ride, during which they stand, a new concept in amuse ment rides, , Sackett Asks FCC for Television Channel 21 In Germany , . ' With the First Infantry blvt sion In Germany Pvt. Jerry D, Goodwin, son ol Mr. and Mrs. waiter J. Goodwin, Dayton, Ore' gon. Is serving here with this di vision aa a rifleman in company r, loinmianiry regiment. Good win entered the Army In February of this year and received his basic training at Camp Roberta, Calif. Graduate from Coarse Eta Jlma. Japan Pvt. Erwin O. Marquardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marquardt, Route 1, Leban on, Oregon, recently graduated from a field wireman course at the Eta Jims, Specialist school here. A graduate of the Sweet Home Union high school and a former employe of the Oregon Plywood Co-op. In Sweet Home, Maryuardt entered the Army In January and took bis basic train ing at Fort Lewis. Wash. Oakland U.B Officials of two of the west's largest truck ing firms, Pacific Intermoun tain Express and West Coast Fast Freight Inc., have disclos ed a merger of their two com panies pending Interstate' Com merce Commission approval. ranged a 135,000 loan from Mclnturff who also is to lend $35,000 to Times, Inc., Coos Bay newspaper, to permit Its purchase of Vancouver stock. DIRECTORY OimCS rTBNIT VJBB SCPtUSS DaU ahalra. Was. flUas aaaalaaa. aafoa, duplicator!, auppllaj. oaak lamp, tap, wrltar aUaaa. Baaa, 444 Court a BOAD GB4DINO Boad iradtna. latallaa. ailealna J IS cat sraoar. Bap Hancock. Pa. 10414. all Roofing and aldlBa 4? axparts lor a riant palca. Pbona 1-4444. J1T irrtic TANKS Hamal'a aapua tanks ataaaaS, Uaa aarvlea. - ouaraalaoa work. Pkaaa 1-1444. ' alll kflka'a Saptla Barrlaa. Tanks claaaaa. D'rootar alaaaa aawara, aralms. Pfcaao 1-4441. - alia aawar. aaptle tank, araau ilaaaoa. Bja-io-Baotar fwm Samoa. Paaaa Hm. sBABrkNiNO a Bar An lawn mowara, un at, istk tk fa. 1-aSlS. rraa plckap. TYPSWBJTKBe Smith, caress. Baomlasvaa. tunt, Ot aarwaod pot labia AH auka aaaO machine Repair real ana, 44a Court 1-4111. WINDOW CIBAWDCO A can window qaaaere. Ipdaalrtoi fl r LEGALS DIRECTORY adpino nMcmma All makaa need Bit china, sold, ranted, repaired. Boom. 41 Court Ph 1-srri. a Washington W) The Feder al Communications Commis sion Monday was asked to over rule an examiner's decision snd sward Portland television chan nel 21 to Mt. Scott Telecasters. The examiner bad decided earlier that the channel should go to the Vancouver, Wash., Radio Corp. Mt. Scott, control of which Is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ir win S. Adams of Milwaukle, Ore., and Clackamas Broad casters of Oregon City, con tended : that the Vancouver firm was not financially .qual ified to build the station. Vancouver Radio's principal stockholder is Sheldon Sack ett, operator of KVAN-Vancou ver, and owner of several other radio and newspaper interests. Hessel E. . Yntema, Jr., at torney for Mt. Scott, said that hearing testimony showed that Sackett did not have enough liquid capital to meet his $35,- 000 stock commitment to Van couver and to lend an addition-1 al $10,000 to Fred Chitty, 1 KVAN general manager, for a stock purchase, as proposed. Yntema also contended that I Vancouver's proposed rate schedule was too high, ranging from $272 to $362 an hour. The firm "can't evpect to re ceive revenue at that rate and therefore it can't be finan cial success," he said. Replying to Yntema'a argu ments on Sackett's finances, Norman E. Jorsenson. Vanrnii. ver Radio attorney, aald that sackett's financial sheet, sub mitted at the hearing, ahowed he was worth In excess of a half million dollars. . He said that if Sackett needed addi tional money he would borrow it from J. W. Mclnturff of Coos Bay. ' . ' Yntema said Sackett had ar- We do anrthlni la the Una ot auUd- inf. rraa eatlmatea. Pboa 1-0464. ollT sBaurra moticb o sals NOT1CS IS hbrkby oivsm that I will, an mdar, October Snd. 1411. at ie:oo ciock u the jorenooa inereef. as th front door ef the Oouaty Oauru houae. Ml Wailoa A treat la Baiem. Uertoa County. Or aeon, sen at puhll auction far each. In th manner ara vtded mr law far th aal f reel property elocution, the fouowlaa oeeerleed real premtaea, to-wlt: acitanina ai a point la the oeaur f the Pacific Hlibaar. 11.11 ehatae aeuth 44 derreoa 14' out and 144.44 feet eoulh IS detreaa 41 weal Irem the aorthweat earner at th Doaatl . Land Claim ot Thome llolaaa ad wife In Townahlp 4 MUth, Baaa S Waal ot the Willamette alerMlaa ta atartoo Ceuaty, Oraceai raaalas thence eauth 44 desreea 44 east 144.44 feel ta the meat veeterlr earner ei -the tract of land conveyed to Bobla Allen While and wife ky deed MeoreV ed February 11, lea, ta Velum lis, pace lift. Deed Becorde lor eai eoaaly and atate; runnlne thence north 11 daereee 41 eaal alone the nartawaiter ly ,une ol aald Whit Tract, 14.44 feet: thaaca north 44 daereee 40 seat 10 04 feat ta the eeatar e( the Paclft Hlihway; thence eoutk H decree 41 wait alone the eentar of the P-lfl Hlehway los e feet la toe place al ke. Innlnc. Bare and except that park lrlni within the Paellte Hlehway. aald sale will be made by m la PUT euaaoa of an elocution to an directed and heretofore laauad ant 4 th Cir cuit Court ot the atate at Oraeoa tee afartoa Oounty la preeeeda thereta oa- tllled "Uayd B. Haaie, PlalatUt, ea. BU Rhodaa, Detaadant,- clerk's Baai, tar No. T-llll. . Dated tola nth day ot Aueurt, Mtl. DENVSS TOUMO. 4Btrin t MaTloa Couaty. Oraeoa. RHOTKN. etHOTBt A aVBBKBTBA ' 11 Pioneer True Sulldlas aalam, Oraeoa Attorney tor Plaintiff. ' aept. a, 4, 14, SS, 141 DBSSSMAKINO Altaaatlona, hematltehlnc, k o 1 1 o a a, buaklea eoverad. huttonhclee. Ura. R. U aJtendcr. 1-4411. oils BULLDOZING Bulldoclnt. roeda, eltarlns teeth. Vlrell Ruakey, 1014 Paiirlaw, phone i-iiii. out SXCAVATIRO Bea Otlea At Bon, escavatlne and sradlns. Land tlaarlns. Ph. 1-1044. olll INSULATION laaulauoa. waatheralrlp, blumtnua acreena. Free eattmatea. T. Pullman. Phone 1,444. olll MATTBESS1S Capitol Beddlna ranoeatae Pall Una aaw maltraaaaa PA J-aaee HOP PICKERS Urgently Needed ItklrrjUfrjOtUrKJeUw ' Traaaeortallaa Paralakad Peeea Salem Bmpleymeal ottta on Parry at. Ernest & Fred Stodell BILVERTON, ORE. Paoao. ailrertaa S41S4 ae S44 'eaaaeeoe CAe- ""HIS So. Commercial m Ph. 4 (311 Available at VALLEY FARM STORE 393S Silverton Read Labor Day Sale on Atlas Tires (a fey I " -- r 0 a.: - :.1..J- SM,tin.wt. fn-m Ba4jI tmtiamaM 11 4 VRr-oaver uro care iiiiauuvB iiinj-cviii-'ii iui vuto auu wuiw j sidewalls, removed of nails, pass and wire from treaaa, : I ; ; liU-bJ I JXUIU UVtlUB.. ilia IVtt-iRfldiiOl wears tenter unrJer-inffatloti wears edges nrrectlj biflatei , safe, Komniical f If your present tires are in good condition, correct inflation will tretch their life. We're always glad to check your tire. HOW... special low prices on all sizes Just in time for Labor Day driving, Atlas Tires are on sale as low as $11.95 plus tax and trade-in for size 6.00-16. Besides low prices on all sizes (including white sidewalls), you're getting an Atlas Ti :e designed for ruggedness and safety wide, flat tread and hundreds of anti-skid edges. You're getting the Atlas written warranty against road hazards, honored by 38,000 dealers in the U. S. and Canada. Atlas Tires are sold on easy budget terms, or can be charged on your Chevron National Credit Card. Act now limited time on sale! We take better care of your car fPU OIIM HUM OfTrCMNl U I I 1 1 L 9