Part II Section Hand Hurt in Fight Albany Jackie Lee Coch ran, of Unlontown, Pa., mem ber of Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad section crew No. 9, la in the Albany Gen eral hospital In a aerioui con dition as a result of an assault by fellow worker In the com pany's residence camp east of Albany Saturday. ' Officers believe the weapon used was a stove poker. At the hospital Monday Cochran named as his assailant fellow member of the crew, with whom he had been work ing for some time. He did not, however, see the weapon with which he was hit Cochran said both men had been drinking all day Satur day, and that they were argu ing, more or less as a way of killing time, he said. Sudden ly, as Cochran tells It, the other man said he would beat Coch ran s brains out. The victim did not recall, he said, what had aroused the other man's anger. State, county and city police - are working on the case. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, September 1. 1953 Mrs. Paul Stlke, Mrs. William Anderson, Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mrs. Eva Jones, Miss Aleda Rehm, Mrs. Harold de Vries, Mrs. Jack Ramseyer, Mrs. El mer Hansen, Miss Maxlne Han sen, Mrs. Maude Pooler, Mrs. Bernard Guthrie, Mrs. William de Vries, Mrs. Raymond Lilly, Mrs. Glen Olson, Mrs. Rudolph de Vries, Mrs. James Thomp son, Miss Dona Thompson, Mrs. Arthur de Vries, Mrs. Orla Stimpson, Mrs. David Ram seyer Jr., Miss Alice Hersch, Mrs. Alice Hansen, Mrs. George Kleen, and Mrs. O. P. Wigle. Oregon Sfudebaker Nome Bonesreele . Russell T. Bonesteele, presi dent Boneiteele Sales St Serv ice, Inc., has been elected by the Studelaker dealers in Ore gon as their representative Bean Crisis at Lebanon Seen Lebanon The state em ployment office is using a sound car at Sweet Home and Lebanon in an effort to recruit more pickers for the bean crop. Recent heavy rains have forced pickers from the fields and lat est picking showed about 20 per cent culls in some patches. An expected 400 to 500 more workers will be needed this week as more fields start pick ing for the first time. Now there are approximately 2,200 workers In the Lebanon area patches. Charles Wilson, manager of the employment office here. said next week will be critical since some schools are starting, new fields will be opening and the state fair will be in pro gress. STEVE ROPER rl, ,, V ': q TOMO!OW...BUT NOT 1 CALL AND YOU'RE A FATuCK ) Sk fOU'" W SONNY STEVE n ll TILL I SHOOT "IftuB Diem ion ui,u ijuji "YY'iS( A BBinsihs cur a uttie 1 (wait...)J oe wim-wem in mv L. k"? J" ,JL I 1 ft.' ' FIX TUB OTHER BUNK ) nTPfcMINUTE .') V" 7Tf3-U C3 f'i eKrt I I I V JJTTW si I i "V V T aa f ITS' LL I I WW jWiSL. af d, n,w r J 1 I POGO ' ' ' ' ' , " , RADIO PROGRAMS" wt cbs l:0!BkaMMa tallH.. Km 1:IJ(uiumu naartar 1 mnwm 1:43 mi WEDNESDAY P. M. Nawa Warraa Baalrag : Mara Bin 2:15lrr' rrrB Z:St U Jaaaa t:45Paa'a a4tnr Gaarrar klaafraf art- Sfaaaaa JZTZlZi. ?rJZk-? v WifNp.. vy petri Try sail rw5W7ne buy vovztmtwn I VC&iCCX LIKt AH I AMP SO, FflfNRl &0 Vjm mnwst AUNwoutP you y to we TRoutve an-mxawsm 4:is KftPKf Affr MAN tVHOOIP S:SS WtlAMM j : 15 1 Traraiera 1:30 B. mwm urrwv Wit. 1 OU UiUn TO T-HS TUOUBte AfX0tNSf 4:15 OP eivlN"OU krtGO 5NA t 4: i-rw mMOi0ttJtil VTVA 4:45 Lit, BauUfal Catalan 9fa,la Baa KEX tit ABO KSLM 1M HBC ral BsraarlTaa Tts4a Maaa SIUV aa Art A Hat. Oaf tra KarM G4a Bar Waal Bai Haal Bay flaal Ka, Km IrkwaaS - klrkaaaB Baark Cracktr Jark Ovau Kaaw Naa rM Mlllaa Balak Blare rar tka Olrh Taaalallr W 0Ma Blrkkaai arr "awaaaaa. Xasaaaaar ITkU b Ocai Aaalrra Caa Baalrra: ca. Bam Tla allar Kalaar palaar' Malta alia iMaala Maala Ma,la Maala Faala Slaaa raltaaUal l,ailaawa Maala laraa KGAE Ilia bo HaMai Balaaa Valaaa pplaaa iMaJfl MaJtUara hlal-rLaaaw (Mal'f Laaaaa Baaaraa Raaaraa Baaaraa Rt,ria Mai. Laan Mai. Uana Maala M,laa llm DaaAr Ska Brt. Trala Maila Mart Uaila Mart Maila Mart KOCO" KM IBS Mal-rLaana btai-rLaana Mail laan . Mrt, MalaAr Maala M,laa a.l. Taa Waal Maala Taa aal tO J.alaa Taff TLi.fl aal serve on the newly-activated MUIV IIIIC IIICII Wl National Studebaker advisory eomrjittee of the National Automobile Dealer Associa tion. As the Studebaker represent ative from Oregon on the com mittee, Bonesteele, along with ' other Studebaker dealers elect ed from all states, will form the national Studebaker advis- v ory committee. The committee will serve as an advisory group to N ADA's Industry relations committee, Bonesteele says that the na tional Studebaker advisory committee is a major step to ward bringing Studebaker dealers and their manufactur ers closer together in order that they may solve their mut ual problems and Increase their service to the motoring public. Pratum Pratum Members and friends of Pratum Womens So ciety of Christian Service met in the Methodist church base ment Thursday evening for a party honoring Mrs. Noble Basker with a stork shower. '. The President, Mrs. Glen Olson, named the following committees: Decorating, Mrs. Raymond Lilly; entertaining, Miss Maxlne Hansen and Miss Elsie de Vries; refreshments, Mrs. William Anderson, Mrs. Arthur de Vries. The contest winners were Mrs. Ray Lilly and Mrs. James Thompson, guests '.. were Mrs. Noble Basher, Mrs. Adam Hersch. Mrs. Wilber Basher. Mrs. George Bruce, Miss Elsie de Vries, Mrs. Harvey Meyer, Lebanon Charged Lebanon Charged Saturday with grand larceny involving the alleged theft of a car title from Hoeck Chevrolet com pany, Jack Skagg bad his pre liminary hearing before Judge Wendell Tompkins in district court and is being held in the county jail in lieu of $1500 bond. Skagg, a used car salesman for Kirkpatrick Motor com pany, is accused of removing title to a car when he worked for the Chevrolet firm. The man allegedly borrowed mon ey on the title. A search for the car revealed it still parked on the Hoeck lot Barbara Baumann Shows Improvement Woodburn - Word was re ceived' here Sunday that Miss Barbara Baumann, who has been unconscious for a week following an automobile acci dent, had regained conscious ness and hopes are held out for her recovery. Miss Baumann has been in the- Good Samaritan hospital since her accident Aug. 23, in a car driven by Miss Marcia LaBarr. Miss LaBarr, who was also Injured and hospitalized, is now recovering satisfactorily at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr. Miss Baumann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baumann of Woodburn and will enter her Junior year at Woodburn high school this fall. HENRY S? I BITB CU (OK al f -Aiv ' fry -r T fT?. yxnk)L. x II L ''.. i-JtAgrv-..Tff p "" h-'Mfciak-ESiSisr- f r, Lxrm mKfi I y ..I- mota tsss v&urs. assr res:"- srassr-ssa &!- . I - I t US& JL---r7 -mil. -sfek. ri rrb t- . orphan anme ' LsSST VSLSST fc'EsH EL: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaMa I .... i. UaaalU Craadlr. I .r.-Z 'V paaakaB rDovMr-rBiWl'LLUr n feu lieSTSS- I ua-? H fl ZnZZJTZrr) aTib PI Xr, .,.,uri.- R a wi d t, CIS LB""" BNB.IHMRW VOUKi Lj TM6Y f IT KM . TrCVCUReMm rTHrO. A. DO ) ANNK--VEP-A 1 . !:3! K 5" iL'IIi SS" I?"? V.T. P s"ii . I P-l 1 OWVEKS TSIOdftw I f ANNrB- M I I THB TWBWO CNQ- ITSTKX- J I SOMSTW? . REflLCOOOOtC- i " Arraali Nl.hlS... , ii Btr-' - fs i 1 1 to'w:; - ? stv ii flWMi r 1 m rc.:s es: W-V v J L -K II I (I-2MJ JT? ' . r?fl l mminaji o i hw i 'o..CT,r JOC , Jr l!f7fv I Trader Louie Does It Again I I kI t$ I h" fvffl 0 ft fj?' A ' l 0n.ce "",n Tr'e' Loulr is going ;B nay ifleon " jhf Ii 1 llaiiy I rSnY7 6:00 OhiWI B.r.D., Ora.lOra. rana Nawa Braakfaal tw 11SJ P - tJrTg. ikir WSI HERjf V S-I5DaMwUl BOW liaak ,"' F""" MalaSaa V Hj 1 Slfe IP1 v--Wf3 " tSP&m S4JHi3ilmV 6:45 farai t". BOW Klalk On. A'tZ M." Tlai. "wlj." H.jT "" , i W, J'l-y 3f fi aVBlV j lll II ImII frnhVW 7:00 Caaalre ta. KOIN Klaak Flrrt Klll.a H..n...,'Bt,.kf.,l KOCO Klaak Ln vfo (1 Sah I 1 b 1 kVX1 A U U V . kV, If Y3 7:1S WIUiNawa M. Aaraaakr Braaklail Naak KOCO Klaak ; S rVl kMrv.-IHJ i H Or-" r " H 7v Itsff? W 7:30"awa Nawa Bak GarraA Braaklail Braakfaal' KOCO Klaak ' Wm$u rT-vli II Juff 9L ' H . j;45 K. Maaalat H. BakMli Bak Baaaa Bkt M.rl.l.k Naak SOCO Klaak V-i ,aIwS2? I JJ SP'na ly Jrra . WMfi !JI lS-S? S:H01 Nw Braakfaal Faaa. Altai Jl. Daaar HOpo Klaak aaaaMBaaaas 1 Sa.Ti l.iaaiaj-J5xVllJ Ti U,tif I I , f ,- 8:30 Maala Bai Halaa Traat Braakfaal It' jlra Daaar KOCO Klaak HOPALONG CASSIDT . aw " :45 Mail. Ba Oar Oal Ban Braaalaat Haraa at B tm p,.F . S- , ' r 9:00 Nawa KaaS al Ufa aaj MlllaaWawa Back Faaaa Bar-a Y9 j?xvPNK ai av. ;F "W a"1 :15 Maala Bai Ma Parklaa fadara SlariHalaSf Mara Matlaaa BaearAa bj -ti-IIjC -rC icj7.y V. 9:30 Maala Bai Uac Malaaa Daakla ar Patlar-a Call Back Faaaa Bar-a f HOWW.MWJAHWPROP WHAT VOU-RE JPlWT i " O'1- L"bl " ""' " I WHAT ) POINfl rNP KEE? THE ftl6N6 A-fa !!:9? Karaalia Mr. Bartaa C. Baallar Olaa BarSr Baek faaaa Bara V CAN I DO FORNtXIf I OUT OF &I6HT VWlWi t jT X. J:15 "" F. Maaaa Maladlaa Tala Tail Mallaaa Baaaraa " HPa-; -aw ' X akaAiarX 10:30 Strlka rl rlelNara Draka Iraa Kl.rr Caaa-CaU Back faaaa Ba-a jMl. "i" 1 Tl . V AtjtJ X 1:45 Slrika It rlaklBrltklar Dai Traa Starr Maala Matlaaa Baaaraa MlV-Z, " aWSsaiSrV JT 1 ' '.:00 Bak Baaa OraaS SUaj Wkliaarlai Lalaa Fair Back faaaa Bara mjewft cara A i -aT V'l:15 Ta Marrv Maala Girl Marr. Ladlaa Fair Matlaaa Bcearaa I C V 'LK- ' JM X' ISO Fkraaa ran W. Warrca . Llaalakr Da. far Da, Baek faaea Bara I "al i , t ' ffl 2v X 1 45 taSChaaca a Jaaar Kcaaa Car, ja. far Par Mallaaa Bacaraa rl4Kaf?l N - lV Sy . . dial listing koac. so J kk " 94 L llBPiW 1 III r w" :a' K"w' w,lh" lftfl Ir j)y jy ill t ,,4- .hhu.i m:, si MUTT tV JEFF - I f 7MXElf Dayton lAlf" TkirrAar ll:M, Nawa." Waalkari M:H. Far Waataal li a, Cancrrt Ball) U:N, Nawa Waa- . then It:l. Nan Farm Baan 1:M, RKa 'la Cawbarl 1:4s, Baakikalfi t:M, Llr Ini A Laarnlnn MM, Meraarr Baak al Maila. By Carl And.rton ',-2Sf . A67r I f & J its S rJ MGAMlr ' iy y :p j-3 ' LU-7 Ri'.LcuHNTvo?l f ffl f!o,NAIS', 1 I T N'T EP ", ev 1 I -f-N VX ajQ WAT-TMl 1 ex; I tJONT WANT TO f6 TH.S i Lf,3?I 1 TfiWL Mi WmAT I ALSO KNOWN AS BERUNS Oh Tjl -l (MTVf K vtnoiCT r ( s,ve an cwnion until ta rf Jv 1 NT YOu TOy 'rwiN lT 'V I THAOMAT.C eoevA oa J (U7 I I I Vt LITTER uPTVEk, UNCA OONALJO ,T) ZJ IS A BARGAIN.'-BESIDES, fl WITH HIM GLANCING OFF M c? cTi JtQki 'tL ) I WEIL OWN 50 PER CENT Of J TREE TRUNKS AND ill --' ,W, THEMINERAL RGHTS DEH 'if MARY WORTH -Til .H 1 , C?5i2j y 1 2-1 fc: I TM NOT (NTERLSTTO IN ANY T DONT "IkoV! I YttZAZ B ZaAi? J'jn& H0WSI6NIFICANT..THAT1OU-0 BEETLE- OWtO iATTU-AX! ajfapoTt MV VCft ?N 1 H T I oaW"outiiitminik)smc rTA ntymKvwiH -X TZVAT JJ A 'Dayton Pvt. Melvin Hedge- 'jck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan "Hedgecock, is home on fur lough, having finished his ba sic training at Fort Ord, Calif. He was inducted into the Army April 4. He will leave Saturday by plane to report Aug. 31 at Camp Kilmer, N.J., and ex pects to be sent to Europe. This is the third son to have served in the army. James and Robert served in Korea and are home. The worshipful masters, sen ior and junior wardens of the seven Yamhill county Mason ic lodges, met at Jacob Mayer lodge Thursday eveaing, Aug. 27, as dinner guests of Earle ' Coburn, DDGM. Special guests of the eve ning were H. Wayne Stanard, " past grand master of McMinn ville and Ernest Bolliger, sen ior grand warden of Portland. Bolloger had just returned from a five weeks trip to Switzerland and other coun tries, and related the high lights of his trip. " Back TO SCHOOL Portland W) The school bell rang in 12 Multnomah County districts Monday summoning ' more than 20,000 pupils back to school. Schools in the rest of the county, including Port land, will open September 8. kMMQ( ACROSS 1. Something tru ICitT in Nevada 9. Clumjj boat U. Smell 13. Afresh 11 Town ia New Guinea 15. Talk wildly 16. Star-ihaped IS. Compound ether 20. Picture stand 11. Equine animal 13. Dints 2.1. Constellation 28. So be it 28. French river JiWiMls 14. Ribbon pasta made of egg 36. Body Joint 17. Egyptian aun disk 19. Tribe of Israel 40. Not any 41 Watchful 44. Sprint month 47. Soldering materia 49. More avaricious SI. Kind of cheese 54. Long period of time 65. Feminine name 56. Unclothed 87. Unhappy 58. Stagger 59 K -- of duck Alclf1AlclTflftlATH A T OPIIsjTBIIe R I A NlALllT OUfl ALL BOlELRSIlDjERAlY U L NIAflOiinRlElBk REVrferEfff I l OiV AJRltL AnAT UlTit. WiElvjEllE TffN silieidue1l1mUs1Id Solution of Vtsterday'a Punle - DOWN 1. In favor of 1 County ta Idaho S. Amount covered by insurance 4 Ringlet ' 1 ' ' ' f I lT l L I ' -. ,, -H ' I. ''''','.' 't ; 7i t" it u T7VH ' " 3" "z f ' si Wii JTSf rf ;-:;',: .' '' T JJTS Tg ; ' - 5" Ti JjTJiT "if ; ' sT " '; 3" - : W AWaiwaa 4 J 6. Demolish ' 6. Dinner course 7. By birth I. Little owl 9. Too bad 10. Fixed charge 1L Bottom of a boat 17. Lariat 19. River duck 21. Bird of prey 22. Algerian city 21 Famous English queen 17. Signify 29. Soma thing Budded 50. Winglike 51. Hire U. Mountain In . Wyoming 15. Indiana of Tieira del Fuego S. Cvlindrical 41. Of greater age 43. Legal claims 44. Growl old 45. Malaysian earioe 48. Tear apart 48. Of the moutk 50. Inhabitant of: miffis 61 American humorist 61. Cry of a cat