Tuesday, September 1. 19S3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreron Pagt II FIRST FAMILY MOVES INTO HOME 'XT r--v- The Allen R. Crosley family movei furniture Into their new home at Flint, Mich., while workmen still were put ting the finishing touches on. The worker! are part of several thousand who pitched In to rebuild 186 homes destroyed by tornado. In "Operation Tornado." (AP Wire photo) - . Smith Held As Witness From a hospital to the Marion County jail was the move Mon ti a y of 52-year-old Julius Smith, victim of a shotgun blast reportedly fired by Edmund Kizer. Klzer bad accused Smith of mistreating a woman, who reportedly was Smith's common-law wife. ' Kizer, who ' was arrested shortly after the shot was fired that seriously wounded Smith In the stomach, is also being held as a Marion county pris oner while awaiting trial on a charge of assault with a danger ous weapon. The trial is set for October 8 in Marion County Circuit court ' Smith was arrested as a material witness In the case and was picked up on his re lease from the Santiam Mem orial hospital at Stayton by a deputy sheriff. Also being held as a material witness is the woman involved In the case. Ofifcers identified her as Ceclla Gindron. The ' shooting occurred in workers' housing at the Amal . gamated Mines near Mehama wheve the two men were work 13 Tracts in Timber Offer ' Portland U.R Timber locat ed on 13 tracts in northwestern Oregon and appraised at near ly half a million dollars will be offered for bids Sept. 4, the Bureau of Land Management announced today. Four of the tracts to be offer ed lor bids are located in Linn county, four in Polk county, two in Clackamas county and one each in Yamhill, Lane and Tillamook counties. Details regarding the timber to be offered may be obtained from the Salem Forest District office. Bureau of Land Man- Coat Hanger Used to Hook Two Sweaters A tbief put a lowly coat hanger to use over the week end in the theft of a pair of sweaters from Salem clothing store, city police reported. The thief bent the coat hook so that It could be in serted through the mail slot In the door of Shryock's Men's Wear store, 484 North Capitol street, and hooked two sweaters from a display rack near the door. The two sweaters one red and one white were valued at 17 each. Six PUDsfo File for Dam Portland f) James T. Marr, president of the National Hell's Canyon Association, re ported Monday six Washington Public Utility Districts soon will file an application to build a dam at Hell's Canyon on the Snake River. The Hell's Canyon site is in the area Idaho Power company plans one ol a series oi low dams on the Snake. Hearings before the Federal Power Com mission on the Idaho Power application now are in recess. The Hell's Canyon Associa tion favors a high, multi-pur pose dam at the site. Marr. who also is state secre tary of the AFL, told the Portland Central Labor Coun cil Monday night that the as sociation; soon will launch a drive for $73,000 to support the PUD proposal. He said $13,000 already has been col lected. Post Office Has Receipts Increase Receipts of the Salem post office during August were Man Drown in Kellogg Lake Milwaukie, Ore., u.R) A young man drowned after his car plunged off the highway into Kellogg lake here about 3:15 a.m. today, state police reported. The victim was identified as Arthur B. Kilpatrick, Jr., 25. Portland. Officers said they be lieved he was alone. State Policeman Henry Mil ler said a southbound motorist witnessed the accident. He said the witness told him Kilpatrick got out of the car, which float ed briefly before it sank, and stood on top of it As it began sinking, however, he apparen tly become panicky, Miller said, and tried to reach shore. The car sank in about 9 or 10 feet of water. - Miller said the motorist tried u move a umo towards K.H t-j I . -LI. A 1 ' him. The body was recovered about 3:05 a.m. Oregon Road Report Made Tht StaU Highway Depart ment issued the following road report late Monday. . CrvUls-Mtvptt Hub ir Bttvtva Mtvpm 4 Toiod, MlriiiU. 9- out steaUsVa HhM NW liuib-Niur, coutrucuoa. Minor i. Ur. Jafca Dtr-llt. Varso nhway Cob ttroita. 4147 . Coiuaklt Rlvtr Hlthvtr lUvtat-Tb Dalit. aoaulrucUo. p 3lAjri Ariiosj-toa-Haapnar JuneUoo, contractor work UK, oasbl Bits or 4tUr. nw IaiiM-cairaia MHhw7 flprim Crfc HlU'Lobsm iht miim coo l ruc tion visor 4ir. Faulte Yoacalia aoutb, two and naif saint eotutnKtioa to Rico WW. id In or 4)tlar. TtiaroTuaJatta Mm, cooj true Moo, o delay. . CoastThro mllaa north of Oardlntt. ooutfuctton, fMMiblt. minor Oaltri Win tnoitof Bay aouih tortt Mllaa, tradinr, Minor 4l7t Iaki14o Junction to Uan atr. conatrueUon, poaalbto Minor dir; Port Orford-Oolc Btacb, construction (rota to It MUot south Oi Port OrloK pcMibit dlar Kntarprtsa - Lovtitea Construe tloo. oast bis Minor iar. WUlamctt JUrhwap PIT Hfias vast of OakrMf. cfisstroctin. a tit or lap, abort ascttoas of rousb rood; Dti-tr-LosU, tradinf, short saaUocs toush rooft, possible dtlar. Hons Pnocstoft Hith war Prince ton- Psllrfsrn skUoo, ooastruotlon. posstblt Minor lar. Territorial Bsntoa Countv llntCTisa. hlro, sonAroction, poaslbl Minor dtlsr. aarrfeo crsak-uiunaii. John Dsr River brldt. 31-ton load limit; Hermit ton Hith war 'Umatilla River brtds four miles south ot UermUlsn, 3-l i load limit. JUVENILE OFFICER i 2 Portlanders Still Missing ' Portland U.TD Search two missing Portland r continues today with no clues to the whereabouts of either man. ' Second man from the Rose city to vanish In the last 10 days was Albert T. Evans Jr., 23, who failed to return to his for men -i-'-VV'A-f v r "Mm wz. mm, !' Skinny' Has Second Stroke San Antonio, W) Gen. Jon athan M. Walnwright, 70, hero oi Corregidor, has suffered second stroke and Is in critical condition, Brooke Army Hqs ptal announced Tuesday. The announncement by the full hospital staff said "grave concern" was felt for the re covery ot the heroic "skinny," who commanded the U. S. Ar my in its last stand before the Philippines fell to the Japan ese in World War II. Wainright was 70 years old on August 23. Wainright was first hospit alized on July 6. On August 13 he suffered a cerebral thrombosis, the medical term for what is generally known '' as a stroke, but bad shown marked Improvement. Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is Irritated with DimDlea. red blotches and other skin blemishes (ram ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching torture, try SaaltoM Ointment 1 1 c h I n g stops Eromptly. Smart' og disappears) nmediately. S aitoae Oint ment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Athlete's foot Far Bale aminwsTou State at Liberty rhone S-3UI . James H. Ashbaugh, formerly of Corvallts, who took . over the duties ot Marion county juvenile oficer Tuesday morning. He succeeds Nona White, who retired a tew months ago after many years of service. home . Sunday from fishing trip to the" Clackamas river near Carver. ; Clackamas coun ty Deputy Sheriff Fred Abelle toured side roads leading Into the area yesterday in an effort to locate Evans' car, but found nothing. Ralph Day, 60, disappeared a week ago Sunday In the Wolf Camp butt area south of Government Camp. Organ ized search for Day ended on Sunday and only a few persons went into the area yesterday. agement, Salem, Ore. Bids about 12 per cent above a will be received In that office similar month in 1952, accord- at 0 a.m., PST, Sept 4. ing to a report issued Tuesday by Postmaster Albert u. uragg. During the month the office had receipts of $77,025.25 as against $64,866.35 or a gain of $8,168.90. An increase of about 3.6 per cent Is shown for the first eight months of the year, Re cepts during that period last year were $595,307.41 as com pared with $616,813.11 in 1953. If the same proportion of nain continues during the bal- Federal and state govern-ance i953. lt is orobable the ments own about 43 percent of Salem post office will top the U. S. raw timber. I million dollar mark. PLEASANT DEATH Portland 0J.PJ The sheriffs office said today that a 60-year-old Portland man, Wal lace Glldmctster, died yester day Just after landing a 35 pound salmon while fishing in the Columbia river near Gov ernment island. INITIAL SPANISH-VATICAN CONCORDAT I.SSUM.IBOSJISJI III II 6" HJfi I, w 'y' Kvn. 1 F , JL JrtV-i -"r'.;J Soldier Held For Swindles - San Francisco u. A sol dier who promoted himself to master sergeant in the Army's Finance Department and wrote $10,000 worth of bad checks today faced a forgery charge, and the Army's wrath. Federal agents, who chased Ralph T. Jackson through six states for four months, said- the 27-year-old soldier spent the money on "wine, women, song, clothing and cars." Paul J. Paternl, head of the Secret Service here, said the enterprising Jackson admitted stealing 145 blank government checks, promoting himself twice with stolen papers, and going AWOL from Army posts tnree times. Jackson, 'of Gore, Okla., ad mitted his escapades and was to be arraigned before U.S. Commissioner Joseph Karesh later today. Klipperf Returns From IGA Meeting Ed KliDDert. director of IGA Stores operations in Ore Bon has just returned from a three-day International Food- ertma ot IGA wholesalers and their supervisors held at the Palmer House In Chicago. Theme of the confernce was a program of 10.000 IGA stores tn 10 years doing $10, 000 per week. Highlights were: A coast-to-coast, to the con sumer, broadcast on MBC by Don R. Grines, president to IGA, on "Food Trends and Forecasts" preview of the next 90 days IGA promotions by Orval Johler, director of advertising which Included another consumer IGA Brands sweepstakes contest. An nouncement of an IGA Pre mium Club for the consumer, awarding of the prize of the IGA Summer Bargain Stam pede contest, an all-expense- paid trip for two to London snd Paris which wss won by a northwest retailer or toeur Idaho. Virgil Me ! Even. More than a fifth of aU light houses in the United States are on the Great Lakes. . TTv. iffa,r Minister Alberto Martin Artaio, leated at left, watches as a new treaty government, first free the Spanish civil war, is signed. In Rome's Vat can City Monsnor Domenico Tardlni, center. Pre-SecreUry of State for Vatican ecclesiastical affairs, and Fernando Maria Csstlella. Spanish Ambassador to the HoVy See wS tlJ ConcorfatTo other unidentified d.gnitar.e. took on. (AP Wirephoto) SafntW?. I -r? W ' Famous famous beers For many centuries, certain localities la 'Europe have been famous for tfieir exceptional peers. Each of those places his enjoyed tht advantage of a faultless type of rare brewini water. Here in the United States, t similar crystal pure brewing; water was discoveredVes! Olympia, Washington in 1893 nd, on tht site of these artesian wells, the Olympia , . Brewing Company was established. Here. America's original light table beer was brewed and soon became famous for its distinctive character. Try Olympia today and discover its rare flavor and light refreshing quality, so like the renowned beers of the European continent f Qajpuj N. V. . ;" vfifl ' pVMPE lVt ';- 'I iwiw between s" 1 , TIRE STORE 1 f Tradt S Hlh Srs. Phone 3-Jll Visitors always wtlcome - 9 30 and 4:30 every day.' . Olympia Brtwlng Company Olympia, Washington, U. S. Mk tn w 1 . oa 25 Off List ON DELUXE PASSENGER TIRES .. i WARDS DELUXE-Strictiy an xtx . quality firgt-lin tir. Extrii-ghong e&f caaa, extxa-long-mileag multi-row txaad for txa iaLty. xtra "Stop-AbiUty" Buy WHITE WALLS at ssms raductioru 12.70 14.20 e.oo-16 e.70-ii 7.10-15 13.9J 7.O0-13 17.43 4.30-14 tt.N WARDS RIVERSIDE-Full ilia, full non-ikid dapth, full tiaad-width. Evary ounca first quaUtyl Fully wanantad to giva fatisfactory aenrica. Buy WARDS Rivaraidaa NOW AND SAVE SAFELY 10.95 12.55 e.oo-16 6.70-1S ALL SIZES ON SALE-NO MOUNTING CHARGE AS LITTLE AS 10 DOWN ON TERMS