Ik? :.:! ; f f- I J 1 Put 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreeoa Tuesday, September 1, 1U53 3J AFIELD I, lot fern- urn take terrific beating, with the pressure of all Orcfaa'a tanaera concentrated aa them. Aba, according U tha major, to would ba food acme to have aeparatc reflations . governing tha eastern Oregon flyway. Actually, tha mi gration at birda through tha eaitera route la quite dif ferent from that found la tha Willamette valley and on tha coast However, tha U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service makes the regulation for tha variont flywaya all aver the country, and It la felt that too many other localities would want separate regulations, thus creating too much red tape. First time we aver heard af a federal board trying to reduce red-tape! at - . m Kflnn If) 170 Pigeon season begins today, and the n Willi iw vv writ,,., two-year-old son Mlland la . toady to go with his springer pup and "shotgun." ' There will be pigeon in the pot for a few valley gunners this evening. We say "a few", because not all that go afield will be lucky. Despite the' fact that season on pigeons opens today, many hunters will wonder if wild pigeons arent just a product of somebody's imagination. Good pigeon shooting Is scarce these days, and folks who know productive loca tions just ain't talkin'. Even if you're one of the favored few with a good pigeon stand, you will have to be a very good hot as well. Pigeons are hard to hit their zipping flight is tough to follow, and determining the range is also a prob lem, we enow one leuow who got so wrapped up in his gun trying to lead a pigeon, that his friends had to find a sailor to untie the knots .... There la still some fishing going on locally. We stop ped in on Jim HcFarland last night, just as a mess of rainbow trout was being tossed into the frying pan. Jim caught them np at Marion Forka over the week-end. Seems that Jim's wife, Betty, had never eaten trout before, let alona cook 'em, so Jim was chef for the evening. Didn't bear a bit of complaint from the little woman, either ... The rains of recent date have given new life to the sea-run cutthroat fishing on the coast. While the fishing is not red-hot, still we've heard good reports from most costal rivers. A few more, rainstorms will aee the salmon fishing improve, also. Food for thought dep't: In a recent discussion with Major Tobin of Fortland, Ducks Unlimited and IWLA . blggey, the major pointed out that, due to our early opening each year oa ducks, our local mallards are get ting pretty well shot out. The northern birds seldom begin their migration early enough to hit Oregon until after tha season la well underway. Thus, our local birda Cartier Tops Garth Panter New York UA Middle weight Walter Cartier of New York turned the tables Impres sively on Garth Panter of Salt Lake City by winning a lop sided, unanimous 10-round de cision in their return televised bout at Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway arena last night. Cartier scaled 164 pounds; Panter, 159 !. They went into the ring at even money, but cartier sur prised the fans by winning in such one sided fashion that none of the three ring officials gave Panter more than one round and called one round even. Panter had won an upset de cision over Cartier on July 27 at the Parkway. For that fight Cartier had been favored at s-l. There were no knockdowns last night, but Panter slipped to his knees in the fourth round about 30 seconds after he had been staggered by a left hook. Cartier staggered him in the seventh round with a straight right to the chin and also in the eighth round with a combi nation left-right-left to the head. Free Methodist Win Softy Loop, Wood burn Wood burn The Free Meth odist church sofeball team won the championship of the Wood- burn recreation pee wee soft- ball league when rain washed out the final games on the schedule Tuesday night, and a decision was made to wind up the play for the season. The titlists, defending 1952 cham pions, were undefeated in 11 games. TIDE TABLE Tides fw Taft, Ortssn StstfmWr. IBM (CaaspUsal IT O. S. CMrt aat OMSitto Barrar, Parslaai, Ora.) HUb WUn Lev Wlltn 8pt. Tlmt Htliht Tlmt Ktltht 1 1:99 a.m. 4.1 11:17 a.m. C O 1:33 p.m. 1.3 13:10 p.m. 3.1 S 9:00 l.ra. 4.4 3:M a.m. 0.0 1:33 P.m. 0 3 1:39 p.m. 3.3 ( 10:03 a m. 4 T 3.19 a.m. -0.1 1:41 p.m. 4 1 3:93 p.m. 3.1 4 10:49 a.m. 4.9 4:07 a.m. -0.1 9:41 p.m. 9.3 4:44 p.m. 3.7 11:33 a.m. . 4:53 a.m. -0.1 10:33 a.m. 4.1 4:49 a.m. 3.4 t 11:90 a.m. 9.4 9:39 a.m. 0.0 11:19 p.m. 1.1 a:3l P.m. 9.0 T 13:11 a.m. 9.9 4:01 a.m. 4J.3 11:99 p.m. 9 9 9:10 p.m. 1.9 I 9:30 a.m. 0.0 13:40 P.m. 9.T 9:43 p.m. 1.9 i 13:3a aia. 9.7 9 99 am. 0 1:03 p.m. ( 9 1:31 p.m. 1.1 10 . 1:19 a.m. 1 1:33 a.m. 1.3 1:39 p.m. 0.0 1:99 P.m. 0.9 NOW STAN BAKER MOTORS September ' Clearance SALE on 1953 DODGE TRUCKS IS THE TIME TO MAKE THAT BIG DEAL WITH TREMENDOUS SAVINGS SAVE Up to $1,000.00 On These Dodge Trucks 1U Ton RA-154 Air Brakes 900x20, 10 Ply AA 2 Ton HA-192 Custom Cab 825x20, 10 Ply AA Hi Ton GA 170 Custom Cab 825x20, 10 Ply AA 1J4 Ton F-152 DeLuxe Cab 700x80, 8 Ply TonC-116DeLuxeCab,4Speed Ji Ton 8-116 Express (good selection) SAVE 41,000.00 . 300.00 300.00 225.00 200.00 175.00 All Must Go-They Won't Last Long Hurry! Don't Wait! SEE THESE TRUCKS NOW ON DISPLAY AT STAN BAKER MOTORS S25 CHEMEKETA PHONE 22441 30,000 Fans Expected for Ram-Card Game Portland Northwest foot ball fans about 30,000 of 'em will find out how. the grid iron greats perform next Mon day night here at Multnomah Stadium when the Los Angeles Rams clash with the Chicago Cardinals. The two members of the Na tional Football League, itching for victory despite the fact the game doesn't count in the standings, will square off at 8 p.m. Oregon Sports Attractions expects a crowd of 30,000 to watch them in action and hopes for a contest as thrilling and exciting as the one the same teams played last year, when the Rams won 24 to 14. Indications, are that the forthcoming clash will equal or surpass that game in football thrills and spectacular plays. This is a "grudge" match be tween Coaches Joe Stydahar of the Cardinals and Hampton Pool of the Rams. Los Angeles, boasting pro football's mightiest offensive machine, will score both through the airlanes and on the ground. At quarterback the Rams will have former Oregon Ail- American Norm Van Brocklin, pro . football's finest passer. Two rookies. Brad Myers of Bucknell and Tom McCormick of College of Pacific, have won the atarting halfback positions. Deacon Dan Towler. the lea gue's leading ground gainer, will be at fullback. Rudy Bukich, who passed U5C to its Rose Bowl victory over Wisconsin this year, will understudv Van Brocklin. For additional offensive cnores me Rams will bank on Glenn Da vis. "Mr. Outside" of Army fame; Woodley Lewis, Oregon's specialist on punt returns; raui Younger, Vitamin Smith, and Skeet Quinlan. The Rams present the most formidable pass catchers in the business In Ends Elroy Hirsch and Tom Fears, with rookie Ed Barker of WSC to assist. Chicago's running attack will mow on the toes of Halfbacks Charley Trlppl and Johnny Ols zewski. Trippi, an "oia pro, was the hero of last years game, and "Johnny-O" was one of the finest runners in coue siau football at California. Rnnkies Dale Samuels of Purdue and James Root of Mi ami will share the quarterback burdens. One of two veterans, Bill Svoboda or Ralph Pasqua riello, will go at fullback. The same will not ie telecast or broadcast. Although the box office sale has been saustac- tory, plenty of choice scan are till available in all locations. Reserved seats are priced at $3 and $4 and out-of-town fans may order by mail through Oregon Sports Attractions ncre in the Dekum puuaing. Coach Envisions Axe Stockton, Calif. WV-Any-ne top this? Jack (Moose) Myers, new football coach at College of the Pacific, rattles off COP's first three opponents "Stan ford, Washington State and Tulsa" all toughles, then . . . "There's no nse going any further. I won't be around after that." Portland Tops San Diego 11-8 in Sco-Saw Contest (Mr Th AjMcitUd Prsas) Assuming that barring ca tastrophic Bollywood and Seattle will finish one, two In the Pacific Coast League two weeka hence, major interest lies In who will take tha other twa first division berths. Los Angeies, In third place, probably will take one of them, but a hot streak by either San Francisco of Portland might move the Angels down the lad der. As things stand, Hollywood is 10 games ahead of Seattle and 16 ahead of the Angels. Portland and San Francisco are tied 20 hi games off the Legion World Series Starts Miami, Fla. MP) Yakima, Wash., champions of the Far West, and Milford, Mass., the Eastern titlists, were matched here Tuesday in the' opening came of the American Legion Junior Baseball World Series. The contest to get under way in Miami Stadium at 3:30 p.m. PST, after pregame cere monies featuring Sandra Wirth, Little World Series queen Milford held the favorite's role on the basis of its two year record. The Easterners went to the finals last year but lost to Cincinnati. Coach Pep Morone aaid either Bob Soico or Ralph (Lefty) Iu- menti, both undefeated in 1953. would start on the mound for Milford.. Tom Gibson (10-1) or Dave Dex ter (10-0) will start for Yak ima. . Winnetka, 111., the Midwest champion, and Cherryville, N.C., southern titleholder, were to meet in the scond game of Tuesday's double header. The double-e 1 1 m 1 n a tion tournament will continue daily through Saturday. Minor League Scores rBr The Associated Press) INTERNATIONAL LEAGUS Montreal 9. Bullalo 1 Rochester 9, Sprinslleld I Baltimore 9, Syracuse S . Only lames scheduled AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas CUT 1. St. Paul 1 Louisville 9. Ulnneapolla 1 Toledo 1, Columbus 4 Only aames scheduled TEXAS LIAOtia Oklahoma Cltr 1-7, Tulsa 3-9 Beaumont 11, Houston 9 fthreveport 7, San Antonio 1 DsUss 9. Fort Worth 1 WESTERN LEAGUE Dee Homes -. Wichita 9-19 Denver 4-9, 8toux Cltr 9-19 Lincoln 1-4, Colorado Sprinsa S-y Omaha 4. Pueblo 3 PIONEER LEAGUE Oreat Palls (. BUllnfs 1 Salt Late 9. Idaho fills 4 Ocden 19, Pocatello t I PCL Standings PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. OB Hellrwood 191 99 ill Seattle 99 T9 M4 19 Los Antelas 94 .419 Wi Hon Pranclsca SS SI .491 S9S Portland T9 S3 .491 10 Sen Oleso 14 B4 .441 Saersment 4S 41 .! Hl Olllaod 44 9 .411 U Bflenaar's Beeatls: Portland 11. Baa Olsia S ' . Only tames pace. San Diego is a game and one-half further back. San , Francisco's hopes of moving up aren't helped much by the prospect of tangling with the Stars at Hollywood in this week a set. Portland plays two games Tuesday night against seventh place Sacramento, Los Angeles Is entertained by cellar-dwel ling Oakland and San Diego plays at Seattle. The Rainiers Monday night called up three young hurlers for the tag end of the cam paign. Right-hander Cal Hum phreys was recalled from Tuc son of the Arizona-Texas Lea gue while Robert Roberts and Loren Myers come from Van couver of the Western Inter national League. In Monday night's only game, Portland topped San Diego 1 1- a in a iree niiung auair. ine game was see-saw through seven innings with Jack Mer- son hitting a homer for San Diego with one aboard in the second and Herm Reich doing the same for Portland in the third. The Beavers went ahead to stay in the seventh with four runs on a walk and singles by Frank Austin, Reich, Fletcher Robbe, Don Eggert and Jim Gladd. The box: Saa Oleio (4) b a o a Pderll.l 4 Ptrsn.ss Alston. 1 9 Rspp,rf 4 Fsber.cf S Pockr.lt I Merson, 1 MitMs.o 4 TSmtii,p 1 Hrrera.p 0 Ualloy.a I Austin .ss 4 Russell.et 4 Reich. rl 1 Robbe.U I Arlt.l t Bsslnskl.t Eitert.3 0 Olsdd c 1 Heard. 0 a Walbel.n Lint,p (ID Peruana B H O A 1 Totals 39 11 14 II San Dleao ; HIU Portland HIU Pitcher T. Smith . Herrera M.Iloy ... Heard .... Wslbel ... Lint IP ...1 ,...1 ...314 ,..4s ,..144 .3H Totals 11 11 IT 19 130 010 301 I 130 031 40111 .004 031 40111 .003 131 90111 H ER BBDO 3 i a 1I3S 1111 411 1 1 1 111 Wlnnor Lint. Loser Manor. E Austin. Oladd. R Pederoff 1, Al ston 1, Rspp, Paher, Pocekay. Uerson, Austin 1. Russell 1, Reich 3, Robbe, Ba sert 3 Oladd. RBI Rapn, Peterson, ller son 1, Austin 1, Reich 3, Oladd 3. Rapp, Poceksy. Robbe 3. IB Austin. 3B Pe terson. Eat ert. HR Raich. Merson. SAC Paber 3. Heard. SB Pederoff. OP Ped eroff. Peterson and Alston: KiKerf. Ba slnskl and Arft. LOB Baa Dleio T, Port land 3. PB Mathls. WP Lint. O Oor sn. Pelekoudas and Sllra. T 1:97. A 1009. NOW! Loans -n to $1500 Tike fj It 24 months te rtpey , 4 tut of S amptoytd man and , woman-ma rriad and ainfla-anjoy a prompt "yea" at Ataaasat. A loan at Ataswtf an titles you to ' nationwida cradit Wida cholts) of ' paymant plana . . . you eelart beat ' paymant data. Phono Brat for a . loan in ona viatt. Coma in or arrita. leans rn tat 1304) SiaJcV Ground Floor - Oregon Blda lUJ . nitofl STREET Phone: t-t4 Rarrm, Orrtoa Marrtati A. Newberry, YF.S MANacrr Loans oyer 1300 made by Personal Finance Oo. of Marion County under tha Industrial Loan Com pantea Act of Orrgon. Leaas auaa la reeMeals al al eorraaadlna towns Hale Ltseaea Nee. S-lts. M I44 fineAustrallanjlamb'swool j MaVe . ; your home in X tm sweater by T0WNEamKiNG,ltd. At first glance you'd think . . . hmmm an Imported eaahmeret Bnt no. Here's a classic, fine-quality pullover of super-fine lamb's wool with narrow, roller V neckband, angloaet sleeves and full, generous aising. It comes in a wonderful array of California colors. Siaea 36-46, 11.95 H you're extra tall also in King sue 38-44 Brooklyn Could Wind Up With Best Pet. in 44 Years By CARL LUNDQOST New Tork (UA Brooklyn's dynamo Dodgers hit the Sep tember stretch today with an ntaide chance to wind op with the beat winning record of any National Leagae team in 44 yeara. If they play at about the pace they have set since the AU-Star game, the Brooks can finish up with 110 victories and only 44 defeats, surpass ing all other National League winners since the 1909 Pi rates had that mark. Brooklyn's 6-3 triumph last night over the Cardinals in which Duke Snider hit two homers and Gil Hodges got one, was the 10th straight at Ebbets field over St Louis this year. Catcher Record -Roy Campanelia set a Na tional League mark for catch' era when he drove in two runs with a double to give him a total of 124. The old mark of 122 was held jointly by Walker Cooper of the 1947 Giants and Gabby Harnett of tne ivju vuDSt The runnerup Bravea were Idle and dropped 10 Vi games behind. Cincinnati twice utilized big sixth inning rallies to de feat the Phils 12-6 and 7-5 while the Giants defeated the Cubs 13-4. In the American League, ol' Bo bo Newsom won his 200th game, 10-4 over Detroit, after the Tigers topped the Athle tics 9-7. Boston defeated Cleveland 6-4 as Ted Wil liams hit his seventh homer since returning from Korea and Washington edged St. Louis 4-3, There' were no other, games scheduled. Fat and Forty Newsom, pitching mainly from memory, won his his toric game by scattering 11 hits and keeping the A's bull pen busy waiting to relieve the fat and forty old boy. But he stuck it out to pitch his first complete game of the year as the A's cushioned him with nine runs in the first four innings. Williams' homer was a three run blast that gave Mickey McDermott his 15th victory. Q Major Leagues 9 (Br The Associated Preeal NATIOKAL LEAGUE W L Pet. OB Brooklyn 94 49 .449 - Milwaukee 9a 41 411 lev, Philadelphia 13 99 lit 19 at. Louis n ia mi it New York 43 44 .T7 11 CtactaneU T9 .40 33-4 Chlcasa 90 44 J49 49 pitubunh 1 ! as Meaday'e Resells: New. York 13. CHlceaa 4 Cincinnati 11-T, Philadelphia 4-9 Brooklyn 4. as. Louis 1 Onlr aaa44 AHESICAN OB New York Cr, lease Clerelsad Boston Wuhlnston Philadelphia Detroit at. Louis Mastdar'o Beaanai Wasblnatoa 4. at. Loula I Zootoa 9. Cleveland 9 Detroit 9-4. Philadelphia f-1 Only aaassa LEAOIE W L Pet. 94 43 .441 14 13 .400 9t It 44 .449 14 1 n 40 .us lata 44 41 .444 33 93 19 .391 99 49 U J44 19 49 99 4(4 41 Jim Busby's single drove in the winning run for Washing ton after both teams had a home run spree, Bob Turley, Roy Sieverss, and Don Len hardt connecting for St Louis and Mickey Vernon and Gil Coan for Washington. No Channel Attempt by Florence Today Dover, England U.R) Flop. ence Chadwlck reluctantly postponed her attempt to swim the English channel to Franca and back today but said she would try tomorrow night or Thursday morning If the weather improves. The San Diego veteran swimmer called off tempo rarily her plan to set a new mark in channel swimming aft er weather forecasters predict ed a 20-knot wind and choppy seas. Mason Plans Golf Tourney Bunny Mason, pro at Salem Golf club, will sponsor a Salem junior golf tournament Friday. Competition will be conduct ed in four divisions boys un der 12, girls under 12, girls 12- 16 and boys 12-16. The tourney will be a one-day affair, and Mason urges all those interested to register as soon as possible by phoning him at the golf club, telephone 36652. Mason is particularly anxious that all the kids who were stu dents in his summer golf class es compete in the tournament A I 13,50 CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER OPEN MONDAY A FRIDAY TIL 9 9P. M. Trade in your tires! (&(IP1I)EAG2 m mi , World's first choice tin . . . FAMOUS FIRST QUALITY DELUXE Here's Our Offer . . . trade In 4 old tires from your car pay us list price for 3 new tires you get 4 new coodAeah DELUXE TIRES you pay nothing morel I CHECK YOUR SAVINCHWM CHECK fUM ,N oiD K6- llST Wa TIKES H0 MY j, Z OffOWTHttl K4JltIJ -BTBZ X5? WoS- 6.70 xl5 H'L .T5s TToTiT" 107.00 " I pws Taa a Preporfionota Mrrifigt when you buy LESS thou FOUR ttrad - H.UY TCDMC PaY 0S "M' tAJI I tKm $f.2s wk for 4 frtf SERVICE STATIONS INC. We Give Green Stamps Court at Capitol Marion al Liberty Center at Commercial Center at Liberty Gnesa how far Goodyear Double Kagle Tire will travel! See It at State Fair booth of Master Service Stations. Who knows YOU may win 4 Double Eagle Tires for your car. m