Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 01, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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Ray McNulty Tosses Another
Victory Over Ex-Teammates
Edmonton. Albert 1. 8alem I sixth straight victory Mondiy
naiem senator rookl rmblni.iii . a a .....
r .1.. tu v,. .. . . -, - -
- ... M nm nomo ran
In professional baseball hero
Hit nlrht, but It km the only
rnn Salem rot u the Senator!
loot a ,-l Western Internation
al leaiue tamo to Edmonton.
Ray McNulty, who won 19
(amea for Salem last season,
won his 18th of the year for
Edmonton as he limited the
Senators to only six hits.
Two Eskimos hit for the cir
euit, Sam Kanelos pulling the
trigger on a long one in the
seventh with one mate on base
nd pitcher McNulty doing it
In the eighth with nobody on.
Salem has scored only one
run off McNulty In the two
games McNulty pitched against
his former teammates this
'Br Ttia Aaaoelatad Praia)
The Yakima Bears haven't
lost hone In the Western In
ternational league pennant
race even though they have
only seven more days In
which to overtake the lead
The Bears hung up their
toria, and climbed to within
four games of first-place Lew
iston. The Bears have 11 more
games, 7 of them against sec
ond division teams, before the
curtain falls Sept. . They will
play two more with tail-end
Victoria, five with Wenatchee.
currently the loop s No.
team, and three with third-
place Salem in their final home
Bob Wellman chalked up
his 14th and 23th home runs
of the season to pace the Bears
saiaai ..
Taw .
WIL Standings
It raa. ww
caltirr J4 ij
WanatcBM IT 14
Victoria SS 4
akrt BmHii
Viocnw 4. Lawlataa S.
Htua U. WtauthM .
Tiklnl 4. Vlrtarla a.
IdBOntMl S. Salara 1.
Calaarr 14. TrI-CIt T.
Taaaaar'a achaSalat
Trinity it Calsarr.
Balaam al BdjaeotoB.
Waaatthaa at Spokana.
Lawiatoa 44 Vaneourar.
Takma ai.Vlcterla.
.1)1 t
40 S
.404 (
.411 T4
.411 tl
J44 1
to Monday night's win over
Victoria. His solo round-tripper
In the seventh .snapped a
8-5 lie. He circled the base
paths behind Len Noren in
the ninth to add two insurance
Lewiston's first place mar
gin was cut to three percentage
points as the Bronea bowed to
Vancouver 6-2, while Spokane
was shutting out Wenatchee
13-0. Calgary drubbed Trt
City 14- to round out the. eve
ning's activities.
Lewiiton managed only four
hits off Vancouver's Bob Rob
erts. A double and a single In
the firs.t inning accounting' for
the Broncs' first tally. They
were blanked until the ninth
when Clint Cameron singled
home a Lewiiton runner after
a pair of walks and a field
ers' choice.
Spokane's Jack Spring held
Wenatchee to- six safeties in
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, September 1, 1953 Page 13
Bums Look Like
They'll Grab
Most Swat Togas
New York W) The Brook
lyn Dodgers, rolling to their
second straight National
League pennant, look like
they will sweep most of the
batting laurels, too.
They have three strong
contender for the batting
title. In Carl Iurillo at .333,
Jackie Robinson, .329 and
Roy Campanella, .328, Red
Schoendienst of the St. Louis
Cardinals, the leader with a
.340 average and runnerup
Monte Irvin of the New York
Giants. .339, both were 'hob.
bled with leg injuries last
Campanella, who broke, a
senior circuit mark for runs
batted in by a catcher in one
season Monday night, is well
on his way to capturing the
honors in that department.
His 124 RBI's erased the old
record of 122 shared by Gabby
Hartnett and Walker Cooper.
In the American league,
Mickey -Vernon is aiming for
his second batting champion
ship, having won the honor
In 1946." The Washington
Senators' first baseman pick
ed up three points to .329 by
getting 13 hits for 30 at bats,
last week.
Vernon's nearest competi
tor, Al Rosen of the Cleve
land Indians with a .32S mark,
is leading the junior loop in
Football Prospects Not
So Hot at Willamette U
Football prospects are far
from glittering as Bead Coach
Ted Ogdahl and Assistant
Jerry Frel eaat eyes on the
opening of Bearcat drills on
Monday, September 7. In fact
Ogdahl has reason to poll ont
half a dosen crying towels as
he points to no leas than tl
men gone from last season's
varsity squad the bulk of
them being regulars on the
1952 offensive and .defensive
Seventeen of the absentees
were lettermen and of the 11
men comprising Ogdahl's 'J2
offensive alignment, only two
linemen and one back are re
turning. '
Ind Bob Flatenberg, Back
Paul Jewell and linemen
Wally Richartz and Bob Mil
Ier left the fold via the grad
uation route.
Benny Holt, the pass
throwing lad from Hawaii and
first string quarterback last
season, Is gone.
Other losses In the offen
sive and defensive backfields
are Tex Klrkendall, Bob Wal
ker, Gordon Bigler, Elmer
Haugen, Ray Fretheim and
Russ Ferg.
Linemen gone Include reg
ulars Denny Elasser, Harv
Koepf, Bob Cody, Leo Akeo
and Sam Haina in addition to
Platenberg, Miller and Rich
artz. Other forward departees
are Roger Ulbricht, Bill
Clarke, Bill Turner and Bob
The nucleus Ogdahl and
Frei will have to work with
in the upcoming season con
sists of 17 monogram winners
plus four varsity reserves. In
the backfield, Rserve Quarter
John Kent is back as is Bill
Van Horn, senior halfback.
Much of the Bearcats' run;
ning attack will depend on the
ability or Lou Lofland and
Bobby Zoelch, a couple of
soph speedsters from Port
racking up bis second straight
shutout and his third of the
season. Will Hafey led the
Spokane attack. Ha had a four-for-five
evening, driving in
four runs to bring his season's
RBI total to 103.
Calgary's Charlie Mead took
the lead in the WIL home run
derby, pounding out No. 26 of
the aeason as the Stampedera
rolled to an easy win over Tri
City. Ken Whitehead and
Rocky Tedesco also homered
tor the Canadian nine.
aaoa i h oi
abllal t 4 S IMaianr.l 4 111
TanttlU.ia 1(4 IidIiiI 4 1 S I
Dae.M 4 4 1 llttitla 4 1 S
Faraa.1 4 ( S 1 Wtarar.l 4 S 1
oajiarai 4.4 icaDoalLr 4 . 1
WLpooa.r 4 t 1 Sturtra.l I S
Iaaaalaa.1 4 1 S Tmaai.a 4 I 1 t
BjalaoD.c 4 14 I Horiaa.a 4 1 T
KraHU.1 S S S 1 al'NulM.a 4 14 1
CoUiiu.a 11
Total. MS 14 II Total, 14 11 IT 14
Salm 404 044 104 1 1
SdTBonWO 414 4U 111 1 II 1
riulwr la aa h rarasaa
Hema&lll 4 11 T S 1 I
Colllna S 14 4 1 S 1
IJcNullr 14 I 1 s 1
LQMr: RamahilL LOB: Salam I, Ed
monton 4. Xtrora: Tanaent, Kaatlaa,
ifatinar. HR: zaaastan. ranalm. Me
Nulti. IBH: Cars. Muraaoo. McKxltr.
aaurakl. RSI: Bwaalan, Kanrlaa s.
Weavar. ThenBMa. SH: lloraan. On.
ptraa: attlnar and Oeraaian. Tlma: 1:41.
Attandanca: 1.104.
Tha llneicoraa
Paraa. Klma tl and
.140 SOB 041 1 4 1
1 MO 1014 11 1
afar: Bobarta and
w natrlua OW 404 004 SSI
Saokana 441410 0411 II
Monroa. Kllaa 111 and Banaloraal:
Sarins and Sriaata.
runs batted in with 122 and
is home run co-leader with
the Philadelphia Athletics'
Gus Zernial, each with 35.
Eddie Mathews, the Mil
waukee Braves' young slug
ging star, is the National
League's top home run pro
ducer with 43.
Norgan's Bevos
In ABC Finals
Portland ) Norgan's
Beavers won a place in the
finala of the Oregon American
American Baseball Congress
tournament Monday with a 4-0
win over the Longshoremen.
Archer Blower and Pipe, de
fending champion, will meet
Oregon City Elks Tuesday
night. Both have been defeated
once and the winner will play
the Longshoremen Wednesday
to determine the finals oppon
ent for Norgan's.
land. Mickey Coen may be
in line for top duty at fullback.
Forward . wall lettermen
returning are Ken Cooper at
center and guard, Ray Chaipu
zio. at guard. Cliff York at
center and guard, Dorrence
Noteboom at tackle, Rube
Menashe at guard, Dave An
derson at tackle, Hal Har-
greaves at center and Andy
George, Norm Dversdahl,
Dean Benson and Mike Hovis
at the flanks.
Varsity reserves due back
are End Jerry Kangas, Guard
Pat Dering and Backs Mike
Munz and Jerry Doan. ,
Willamette opens the sea
son September 19 In a Mc
Culloch Stadium game with
College of Puget Sound. The
slate include eight games
with first conference game at
Caldwell October 3 against
College of Idaho.
The Bearcats finished third
In. the conference last season
behind top place College of
Idaho and Pacific. The over
all record tor WU In 19B2 waa
five wins, two ties and two
The ability 'of the 19S3
Bearcats to match or better
that mark depends on .how
well some of the yawning va
cancies are filled. Ogdahl
has hopes that at last part of
the answer say come from
ranks of incoming freshmen
and transfers.
Yakima 000 414 14S S IS 1
Victoria 0W 00 000 4 10 I
Carter. Touns III and Albtnl: Drllllna
and Harford.
Tri-CItT 110 00) 140 T II I
Calf an 141 440 Ml 14 14 1
Mlckelaon. aioIfaU III and Warron:
Orrcll and Brteker.
Bowling Group
To Elect New
Officers Tonight
A buffet supper and election
of officers will be conducted
by the Salem Bowling Associa
tion at 7 o'clock tonight at the
Golden Pheasant restaurant.
Vern Turner, a -director of
the American Bowling Con
gress, will tell of plans for the
ABC tournament to be con
ducted in Seattle next Spring.
The buffet supper is tree to
members of the Salem Bowl
ing Association..
Yesterday's Stars
Auto, Motorcycle
Rccing Slated
At Meadows Track
orsepower take rr far
the harass at Portland Mea
dows during tha Labor Day
weekend with motorcycles and
auto racing en successive daya
holding Interest an s the spa
cious mile track.
Top riders of tha nation will
speed around the dirt track
next Sunday, Sept 8, In the
fifth annual 23-mile Pacific
Coast championship motorcy
cle meet. Labor Day (Mon
day), the Indianapolis-type big
cars from Canada, Washington,
Oregon, and - California are
scheduled for a 100-mile clas
sic, also a Pacific Coast cham
pionship event, -
The motorcycle title-run or
iginally was slated for June 7,
but wss postponed because of
More than 40 entries, most
of them repeats of the June 7
list, have been received at the
Meadows through Saturday,
and at least as many more are
expected during tha coming
The program will Include
racing for all classes, ranging
from novice to expert. Nine
events are listed, with the 23
miler winding up the day's ac
tion. -
Although many competitors
will come from the Midwest
and East, several ' Northwest
speedsters have prove that they
can ride just as fast and as
well, and are among favorites
to take over the crown won
last year at tha Meadows by
Ken Eggers. '
These include Eugene Thles
sen of Eugene, the 1931 winner;
Don Feister, Tacoma; Buz Cha
ney, Boise; and Ken Sheared,
Tacoma. Chuck Basney, George
Cooper, Tom Turner, and Ed
Kretz, Jr., all of California are
among the out of state aces.
Because of the large entry,
time trials will start at 10 a.m.,
Sept. 6. First event la sched
uled for 2 p.m. Spectators may
watch practice aplns all day
Saturday, Sept. a. A dance for
contestants, riders and friends
will be held that evening In the
Meadows clubhouse.
The 100-mlle big-car race on
Labor Day will get underway
with time triala at 1:30 o'clock.
A trophy dash will precede the
main event.' La it year, the
same event drew an entry of 42
Pcdsrson-Honninrj Rotem.
At Salem Armory Tb!;?
Erie (Tha Great) Pedei
and John Banning, wha bat
tled to a "aa decision" amidst
a noar-rlot at tha Salem ar
mory last week, will clash In
tha main event of tonight's
weekly wreatllag card at tha
Salem armory.
Padaraaa and Sensing
wera Involved in one at tha
moat furious battles In
months at tha armory last
Tuesday, when reterea Jack
Klser was knocked into semt
eoaseiouaneaa. While Klser
was still eoo-eoo, Hennlar
pinned Pederson to tna mat.
When Hennlng looked around
for tha referee, Pederson
leaped up and clamped a full
nelson aa Klser.
After a row In which hun
dreds at fans participated.
Klser called It "no decision,"
and he has been backed up by
tha Salem Wrestling commis
sion. In preliminary matches to
night, Luther Lindsay will
tangle with Mr. Sakata, Jack'
O'Reilly faeca Jack Klser, and
Bed Vara one takes aa Greg
The card starts at 1:30 p.m.
Mill City Plays
Tacoma in First
Round Regionals
Pendleton, Ore. W The
Pacific Northwest entry In the
national Softball championships
will be determined here start
ing Friday when tha regional
playoffa get underway.
Renton, Wash., will meet the
Portland titlist, Hyster Co., In
the nightcap of tha double eli
mination event The other Fri
day night game has Boise meet
ing Wood Realty of Tacoma. .
The defending Northwest
champion, Irwin Jones Dodg
ers of Tacoma, will play the
Oregon state champion club
from Mill City In a Saturday
afternoon game.
The host Pendleton team
I:: ;
'i l'--
I rw."v
: .
IfcimaMi in mm m i r m
Erie Pederson
strikes a ta-
mlllar pose as ha shews alt
his muscular body, ' Peder
son will tingle with John
Hennlng In tha main event
at tonight's professional
wrestling card at tha Salea '
armory. Three ether match
es are en tha card, which
starts at (:1a.
Muzzle Loading
Group Proposed
Plana tor a Salem chapter of
the National Muzzle Loading
Rifle association warn under
way this week with an organi
zational meeting scheduled for
the near future. . t . . t
Purpose of the club will be
to revive tha old art of tha
muzzle, loading weapons such
as used in tha early daya at
the old west, planners said, -r
Only two other such dabs
are orianizad In tha Norfhwamt.'
plays the Washington tltllst the Multnomah Muzzle Loaders
irora Mnnewicn at p.m. sav club to Portland and a Seattle
urday.. , club. .. -.r ....-, ; w
Those interested to lolnint .
tha group are urged to call X.
W. Noteboom, phone 1-404B.
between and 16 aclock va
in Tna Aaaoetatad Fraa
Batllaa Ra, Camoanclla. Dodaara. aat
a National Laaaua racord for Tuna bat-
lu, !n h a utba aa na drava in two
lor aaaaon'a total ot 124 tn Brook
lyn's 4-1 victory ovar at. Loula.
riLakias Mnhn M.wionL Phllaoalahla
Atbletlca, altchad bla aoeond conpltu
same alnea 1447 and won hu loot!)
Amrrlcan Leatua daclalon. 10-4 orar
Fights Last Night
Pecwee Trip to Bevo
Game Postponed
Woodbura Tha trip -4o-inB.
x-uruuu wa rw tvvw vaiav-
ball boya lor tha came at the
Vaughn street baseball pain
waa noatooned to Tuesday, on
account of Tain. Tna boyi wui
(Br Tha Aamtatad ffraaaV
Brirn-waitar CMtiat. 144. 4w l m9t m th stmmona Chevron
Salt Taka OlUr. 11.
Haiiiai - Ditj ixidi Howard. way and Young street before
Nawart. N. J, 14. I p.m.
: IHOt,
FOB,.. ,'
- .' IVIMUD1
V iltl Sa. Coaaaaerdal
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English L
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Yours How Xs. SHE 95 'i '
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