TmrJs?, Sc?ieber 1, 1953 TBS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safe. Ptft II r CAPE LOOKOUT, A NEW STATE PARK n. t - - 4 X- lyjZ. .... ' ran 111 Top, left: .looking down and seaward from the brink o this precipitous cliff S50 feet above the ocean afford this view Wells cove on the north side of Cape Lookout. Top, right: Fred Zimmerman, Capital Journal writer, views the rain forest from the base of this centuries old Sitka spruce near eight feet in diameter and towering sbout 200 feet above the thicket that forms ground cover. Lower, left: Mrs. Louise Maxwell views wreckage of an army plane that crashed against the ridge of Cape Lookout obscured by fog August 1, 1943. Out of a crew of 10 there was but one survivor. Lower, right: Growth in the rain forest covering the northern slope of Cape Lookout never receives more than intermittent sunlight. Fronds of aword ferns shown here reach a length of five feet In this deeply shaded, humid environment. Cap Easy e Lookout Park Now Drive From Salem By BEN MAXWELL Lookout State park, 12, Since Jury 1, miles southwest of Tillamook and until this year difficult to reach by car, is now easily accessible at a distance of 8? miles from Salem. Picnic fa cilities are there now and a large, over-night camping area to in the making for next year's usage. Those who have visited 1,392-acre Cape Lookout park and ascended the cape over an easy, scenic trail leading through a rain forest and ultimately, at the top, to spec tacular views are not hesitant to say that this newly opened area Is unequalled, by any other ocean front Oregon park for primitive, rugged gran deur. The late S. H. Boardman, former state superintendent of parks, acquired the Cape Lookout area from the United States Lighthouse service after long negotiations and passage of a bill by congress enabling the secretary of commerce to make the conveyance to the state highway commission. CCC boys working under Boardman's direction con structed five and a half mile trail from Jackson creek to the extremity of the cape Ib location called for walking grades and a wide trail through what may well be Oregon's most perfect rain forest. Here Sitka spruce have a diameter of seven and more feet at the base and towers hundreds of feet above a thicket of prickly salmon horrv roni- sslal. huckleber ries and wax myrtle. Im this humid environment so dense tuut, hprfa that sunlicht is in termittent grow great sword ferns, many with fronds five feet tn length. On moist banks are smaller, fine leaved ferns in great abundance. 1951, boys from MacLaren School for Boys at Woodburn have occu pied a camp site at Jackson creek and under airecuon 01 state park authorities re-worked cape trails, stabilized dunes on Netarts bay peninsula wttn fence, grass and boom, com pleted clearing the over-night camping area and built fire placea and tables for the pic nic area. Their program it now practically completed and T. Vernon Merrick, acnooi 1Q- imnistrative assistant, states that after September the camp re-located in Zcola state park where a comparable project will be undertaken, ( At near mid-distance to the tip of the cape the trail em erges at an elevation of SCO feet to afford a splendid vista of mountains, beach and ocean to Sand Lake and beyond to distant capes. A little further along the trail enters a region so deeply shaded by wind swept conifer of shrubby proportions that no unoer- growth survives. Near this point scraps of aluminum appear and soon the hiker reaches a plaque erected by the highway commission two years ago to comeisorate nine men who died here Au gust 1, 1943, when their four motored army plane crashed during dense fog. Lt. Wilbur Perei of New Orleans was a sole survivor. Presently the trail emerges on the north side of the cape where cliffs drop almost per pendicularly 550 feet into a sem-circular sea 'basin. Look ing northward Three Arch rocks are visible some nine miles away. At the tip of the cape (not reached by this writer who attained the northly vista men tioned above) it is possible to view Cape Madras, Cape Fal con and under favorable con ditions Tillamook Head 40 miles to the northward. Here, in season and nesting on rock shelves in the clifot below,, are California luurres In great numbers. Cormorants are there, too, and an occa sional merganser. Soma xars ago as observer So smooth it leaves jott breathless HAMBURG (OATS For Mttle Girls Who Grow so Fast MARGWEN'S ' Capitol Shopping Center rmmoft V . Mitlt Set. tmnSmttnet fit. !., Hx4.t-. 1 mr 1 near the tip of the cape noted beach stones, agates and bits of charcoal is a kitchen mid den revealed where large spruce tree 250 years or old er hand uprooted. Found also was a chert arrow head two and a half Inches long. This relic associated with the shell seen in the ancient kitchen midden posed a problem that ha not yet been solved. It appear unlikely that sborgi- nes carried shell fish to dis tantly from the sea and over ueh difficult terrain for feast ing. Nor is there reason for supposing that the cape was lifted from beach to its present elevation m a recent geologic period. In addition to a pleasant trail through a deep rain for est, and spectacular view points Cape Lookout state park offers mystery for those versed in anthropology and geology. Dog were first domesiicaied in neolithic times. SowtHern Oregon Hun's St way, aafa way to AaUAad. litdtord, Qraata Pea. Maap aa y rtda sa PuS Baa o to chair ear wtth saa euahtoaad reclining . anjey fcxinga ear wtth snack rttrthmrnt aarriea. Ltava tst tSM evening; arrtT next imn tag. Overnight mo wUins ?, too. WW? Mmmmwmtnm C. I, Larson AitBt Phona 3-9244 doesHoo interest ka ym t a I ft tm W k . 1st m mtim tm aim ftm Wtt V?i af STCVKSHC ai anat, WS fcwa $ k $2so a kia lhaakb iaaactf Cat ar i "Si" Olson Ait Holscher J, Earl Cook Lorry Buhlcr 424 H, Hifh St. Phone 4-121$ STftTIMIMUFI WSiMtWtCE CSMUXT tuxmmtiom, Kimom RADIOS and T.V. 38.50 AIRLINE TABLE MODEL 5-tub pertobS. tathtt cs , ,,,,,, 29.8. 47 9S AIRLINE TABLE MODEL 3Q QO 48.95 26.95 15.95 AIRLINE TABLE MODEL 5 hfb outomottc clock Extra outlet ,,,,,,,,, AIRLINE TABLE MODEL 4 tuba. ttondard broadcast, C!ock-rodie AIRLINE TABLE MODEL 4 tubes, tuperhttarodyn AC-DC. Plastic tss, ,,,,,,,,, 39.88 19.88 12.88 179 9 S AIRUNE CABINET MODEL 11Q QO QQQ OR AIRLINE T.V. CONSOLE QQ S S 23 tiA., 2" speaker, moh. venetf tab. with doer. , , , , VAiWiWV S9 9S AIRLINE T.V. CONSOLE WsX J Continuous tuner, oH MWm ehersw! ,,.,,,., ViWWW QQO OR AIRLINE T.V. CONSOLE 'i'iQ QQ W J J Blond, 23 tubes, 12" sptaiwr, with dooa WWVV 399.88 4A4 QS6-E console J Moh vnr finish superhtrodyn tuntr - 4n49SGETABLEM0DEL 4988 IT la J J Moh. finisfe, M channel tuner i ,,,,,, . Vs Va Vs 1SJ NO, LiilRTY Floor Sample Sale ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OZQ QC HOME FREEZER "310 QQ 17Q OR REFRIGERATOR 15888 Y)A 9S SEWING MACHINE OO gg 11 11 J Psftefef. Svffb! rotsry ttwsfsg head .. Vsrsr 91Q QK CLOTHES DRYER 1g4 gg 199 OR MANGL 77m W 26" padded ffoot 69.90 19.95 59.90 podded ffeatirsg rail, fingertip It knee central , , IRONER with STAND ifon$ tryfhlng from $hlrt to shstf HASSOCK Red end Strong pisns typa hing , , VACUUM and CART Tank type deant plus attachments 44.( 14! 44J