I; Fax TBE CAPITAE JOURNAL. Salem. 'OrcfM Monday, Aarnst SI, 1953 Capital Women Edited y MARIAN LOWKY FWCBU Rawlinson-Moore Rites Saturday in Portland , A wedding of Interest to many Salem friends took place Saturday evening in Portland when Miss Marian Lorraine Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Moore of Port land, waf married to Richard A. Rawlinson, Jr., (on of Mr. and Mri. Richard A. Rawlin ton of Salem. The service was solemnized at 8 o'clock in the Calvary Presbyterian church, the Rev. Byron W. Travis officiating. White gladioluses and can dles decorated the church. Malcolm Campbell was solo ist. Miss Delores Hescock, the organist. Mr. Moore give bis daughter in marriage. She was attractive in a dress of Chantilly lace and nylon tullo over satin, made floor length with a slight train. The fingertip veil of tulle was arranged from a cap of lace and satin. For her flowers, the bride carried a cascade bouquet of stephanotis with a vhite orchid in the center. The bride's attendants were Mrs. John Williams of Port land as matron of honor, Miss Lois Powell of Eugene, Miss Beverly Krelck of Portland. Miss Sue Rawlinson, sister of the bridegroom, all as brides maids. The four wore frocks alike, Wedgewood blue tulle over satin, worn with Jackets and snatching headdresses. The bouquets for the attend ants were gladioluses in coral colors. Roxanne and Robin Towe, twin sisters were the flower girls, both la pink organdy frocks. Richard A. Rawlinson was best man for his son. The ush ere were Howard Boyd, Jr. of Eugene, Richard Couch and Bert Campbell of Portland. . ine Dnaes mower wore a wedgewood blue dress with matching acceasoriee and cor sage of yellow roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a floor length dress of amber brown Chantilly lace with green accessories and corsage of yellow roses. The reception following also was at the church. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Frank Sawyer and Miss Elizabeth Jellison, who poured; Mrs. Cleve Cornell and Mrs. Howard Boyd, Jr., who cut the cake; Mrs. Stan ley Hill, Mrs. Ronald Stager, Miss Barbara Green, Miss Sun ny Allen and Miss Louise Fin zer. Miss Jane Gray and Miss Hescock played piano music during the reception. Among Salemites at the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Test, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Weller. For traveling, the bride ore a light blue wool suit with navy accessories and cor sage of orchids. Following i trip along the Oregon coast, the couple will be at home In Portland, the bridegroom to continue his studies at Univers ity of Oregon Medical school. Some Notations . . Again we paraphraae, all's well that ends well and cer tainly everything turned out beautifully for the E. Barr Mil ler family, Saturday . . . Al most continuous rain last week about ruined prospects for the reception planned in their gar dena following the wedding of their daughter, Mlaa Nancy Ann Miller, and Fanl 8. Haw- Mas, Saturday morning . . . Frl- day night the situation seemed hopeless and plans were set up to give the reception In the Catholic Center then came the beautiful morning, and It waa difficult to determine which was brighter, the sunshine or the radiant smile on each face of the family and bridal par ty. (Unfortunately, deadlines and press schedules being what they are, our society page could make the change only twice, the third switch came a bit late but everyone waa so happy the Millers could entertain at the reception in their gardens after all that any press men tion to the contrary was a minor detail.) ... And such gardens! We have n't seen more beaultful ones this summer it would have been heartbreaking not to have had the reception there . . The pink and white bride's ta ble was set In front of the out door fireplace, which waa bank ed with laurel leaves and deco rated with a huge bouquet of pink gladioluses on the ledge across the front . . . The tall tiered wedding cake was deco rated with pink and white blooms and was encircled with pink rosebuds and stephanotis . . . Garlands of smilax were festooned across the floor- length pink cloth that was decorated with daisy Insertion . . . The couple drank their toast from beautiful gold wed ding cups. . . . -About every flower that could be blooming this time of year was out for the reception roses, zinnias, a mass of nas turtiums around the huge wil low tree that shades the ter race encircling It; snapdragons, ' gladioluses, and beautiful banks of sweet peas . . . White lawn furniture and big umbrellas were arranged here and there for the pleasure of guests and tt really turned out to be a warm summer day ... The punch table waa set up at one side of the terrace across from the bride's table . . . The re ceiving line stood beneath um brellas near one of the banks of sweet peas. ... A large group attended the wedding, the church being full, and the many guests lingered at the reception, it was such a happy occasion. ... Another happy duo, Satur day, were Mr. Claude A. Miller and Mrs. C. Kenneth Bell, who were hostesses for a large cof fee party at the Shoreline Drive home of Mrs. Miller, Sat urday, guests calling between H and 2 o'clock . . . The two "rated" as fortunate hostesses, several others having coffeea during the week struggling with showers and cool temperatures Bt M. L. F. . . . The punch bowl was set at one side of the terrace and the guests took their punch and later their coffee to wander out in the gardens that border the river . . . The handsome dark wood coffee table, set back against the wall, was set with forest-green mats, and the centerpiece at the back was an arrangement of grapes and other fruits, with two dark green hurrlcane'lamps burning at either side. ... At the urns were Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. William G. Sta eey, Mra. Ronald X. Jones, Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson. Mrs. sog er M. Sehnell and Mrs. Bonsld E. Jones, Jr presided at the punch bowl . . . others assist ing at the party were asm aucn ard Sullivan, Mrs. Bell's daugh ter, and Mrs. Ray Hedwall, Mra. Sullivan and Mrs. Hedwall coming from Bend for the par ty; Mrs. Brasler C. Small, Mrs. Edgar T. Fierce, Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. George Waller, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Velma Farmer, Mrs. Harry Each, Mrs. F. - W. Footman, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mra. Wheeler English, Mrs. William R. Shlnn, Mrs. Richard Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Roger Dasch, Mrs. Newbnry Close, Misses Norma and Sharon Hamilton, Miss Beverly Beakay, Mss Janet Kirk, Miss Marjorle Becke, Miss Diane Miller . . . A number of the guests came in following the Hawkins-Miller wedding and reception which were at the same hours . - Among those greeted during our call, Mra. M. A. Fekar, Mrs. Frank Prime, Mrs. J. A. H. Dodd, Mrs. William Ntwmyer, Mrs. James B. Toung, Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. Hollla W. Huntington, Mrs. Jerald 8. Backstrand, Mra. George W. King, Mra. Ralph H. Cooler, Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. Robert W. Fenlx, Mrs. Merrttt Truax, Mra. Dave Boss, Mrs. Cobnrn Grabenhorst, Mrs. W. H. Bail lie, Mrs, Roy Harland, Mrs. Paul Heath, Mra. L e r I a g Schmidt, Mra. Vernon Ferry, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. May nard Sniffer, Mrs. William Crothers, Mrs. Steve Tabacchi, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. Richard D. Slater, Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Frank A. Brown, Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr, Mrs. Wil J am a runups, or mrs. vr. Wells Baam, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Merrill O. Ohllng, Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mrs. Rob ert Drager, Mrs. Charles H. Heltaei, Mrs. Wsrd R. Davis, and her sister, Mrs. Donald Anderson, a visitor from Alta dena, California, Mrs. The ron Hoover, Mrs. Edward O. 8tadter, Jr, Mrs. Rob ert Cannon, Mrs. Jamea R. Humphrey, Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mrs. A. W. Lencks, Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Gard ner Knapp, Mrs. Jsck Wlttllff, who has been visiting from As toria; Mrs. George T. Bonn, Mrs. James L. Payne, Mrs. Wal lace Boaeateele, Mrs. Harry Wetnstoln, Mrs. Joseph M. Dev on, Jr., of Stayton; Mrs, Don E. Phillips, Mrs. Donald A. Toung, Mrs. Rollla Lewis, Miss Mary White. . . Marriage Solemnized Here Suriday A pretty wedding of Sunday afternoon at the First Con gregational church was that of Miss Marilyn Annette Quamme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Quamme, and D. Douglas McLeod, son of Mrs. Helen B. McLeod. The Rev. Dudley Strain per formed the service at 1 o'clock. Yellow gladioluses and yellow tapers decorated the church. Miss Janice Gladden of White Salmon Bang and Jean Hobson Rich plsysd the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white ankle length dress of embroid ered nylon over satin, designed with csp sleeves. The finger tip veil extended from a Juliet cap trimmed with four rows of seed pearls. The bride wore white mitts, and carried a bou quet of stephanotis and shower of ribbons centered - with white orchid. Mrs. Robert D. Singleton, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a light to ait colored, ankle length dress of net over taffeta. Miss Carol McLeod, sister of the bridegroom, was brides maid and wore a dress similar to the honor attendant's but in a darker shade of toast They both carried cascade bouquets of russet color gladioluses, Kenneth Annala of Hood River was best man. and ushers were Desn Quamme, James Jaqua, and Donald Blsh. Mrs. Quamme attended her daughter's wedding in a dress of navy blue net over pink, with pink accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore sn aqua dress with black acces sories. Both mothers wore cor- ssges of rubrum lilies. Following the wedding was a reception in the church par lors. The bride's table was dec orated with bouquets of white flowers on top of the wedding cake, and in compotes at either end of the table. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Carl Quistad and Mrs. Frank Mack. Pouring were Mrs. Arvl Annala and Mrs. Roy Van Ottlngham, and assisting were Mrs. Warren Mulkey were Morris Hunssker, Miss Mary Follies end Miss Sophia Polales. wnen the couple left for a trip to the southern Oregon beaches, the bride wore a green dress trimmed in white and brown with brown accessories and white Jacket, and the or chid from bsr bouquet. The couple will be at home In Salem. 0 0 0 ' MR. AND MRS. Gene W. Bartu of Portland visited re cently at the home of Mrs. Bsrtu's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C BlaxalL They had just returned from a combined business and vacation trip to Sun Valley and Yellowstone Park. They were gone two weeks. Miss Chittick Is Honored on Birthday Four Corners On Wednes day evening, Miss Doris Chit tick, bride-elect of Gordon Al- lemsn, waa honor gueat at a surprise shower at her parents' home. Honoring Miss Chi tuck w her mother, Mrs. I. S. Chittick, Mrs. s. H. Cable. Mrs. Eliza beth Henne, Mrs. Victor Dus- en berry, Mrs. M. L. Hopkins, Mrs. Harlow Klbbey, Mrs. Ver non Johnson, Mrs. X. F. Haus- feld, Mrs. George Van Lee- uwen, Mrs. Xldon France, Mrs. E. A. Snook, Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mrs. Roy Reed, Mrs. S. D. Hov- ey, Mrs. Ben Haytack, Mrs. Minard Herman sen, Mrs. Har old Holler, Mrs. Victor Loucks, Mrs. Dla Carsten, Mrs. Dewitt Warren, Mrs. Paul France, Mrs. Roy Thsyer, Mrs. Don Jacob snd the Misses Marilyn Snook, Gloria Sanders, Jsnet Loucks, Vivian AUeman, Glorea Hop kins, Betty Henne, Lois Lldtke, and the hostesses for the even ing, Mrs. Oliver Rlekmsn and Miss Helen Hsusfeld. Miss Chittick is the dsugh- ter of Mr. and Mra. E. S. Chit tick, and her fincee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward AUe man of Clarksburg, Ohio. The wedding is planned for Sep tember 13 at 2:30 o clock In the First Baptitt church with Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson officiat ing. 00 Return From Chile Welcomed home recently were the Rev. and Mrs. David E. Hamm and son. LeRoy, who hive been In Chile, S. A., for the past five years. They will spend this year in Salem and Corvallls. The Rev. Mr. Hamm is a son of Mr. and Mra. Henry Hamm. The Hamms have been working with the native In dians and Chile people In mis sions. They msd the trip by boat and plsne to the States. Leaves for Wedding Miss Theresa Mullen left Sunday for Honolulu, her mar riage to Robert Graaf to be sol emnized there next Saturday, September 5. The bride-elect la the daughter of James Mul len of Salem. Mr. Graaf, who Is in the army and now sta tioned in the islands, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graaf of Seattle. 0 0 0 MANBRIN GARDENS Gar den club is meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. F. A. Brodhagen, 333 Manbrin Drive, at 10 o'clock. g ii uim a a (inja n mm "V ,t . "'if- t - " " ; - . .. - - - -. -t ---?. )!: : f - : - - . . ; - 'it ,? - ".IV, ' , i-. ' ! i . " - - VV ' ' ' 1 ' ! - v '! ' - " . Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. George Schlegel (Louise Feller) above, were married August 22. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Albert Feller of Turner and Mr. Schlegel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Schlegel of Albany. (McEwan studio picture) " Miss Kuhlman Is Bride August 23 Mill City The MiU City Presyterian church was the set ting Sunday afternoon, August 23, for the wedding of Miss Donna Arlone Kuhlma n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, and Marine Cpl. Marvin Ribler. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bibler of Salem. ' Oregon where she is a sen- MISS MORJORIE BECKE leaves Friday foa San Mateo, Calif, to attend tie wedding of an University of Oregon school friend, Miss Diana White, who is to be married next Saturday to Roy Fulton. Later, Miss Becke will visit Miss Sally Ly man at Oakland, and will re turn the latter part of next week in time to go on to Eu gene for opening of University The Rev. Noble Streeter offi elated at the double ring cer emony. The church was beau tifully decorated with baskets of white gladioluses and blue asters arranged with fern. Mrs. Don Sheythe played the wed ding music, and Raymond Thompson, aunt of the bride, ssng. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a waltz length dress of Chantilly lace over nylon net and satin. Her fingertip veil was Imported lsce, falling from a Juliet cap of seed pearls. She carried a white lace covered Bible topped with a white orchid. Miss Lela Mel Kelly maid of honor. She waltz length dress of pink lace with a white carnation head band, and carried a smsll bai- ket of white asters. Misses Al one Daly and Delores Poole brldesmalda. wearing identical waltz length frocks of blue lace and nylon. They also wore headbands of white car nations and carried baskets of white asters. Mary Bus ana Heller was the flower girl, wearing a yellow ankle lengtn are at of nylon snd a white carnation head band. She carried a basket of yellow rose petals. Patrick Le Roy Thompson, cousin of the bride, was ring bearer. Vernon Bibler. brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Uahers were John Gabrielsen and Robert Nave, both of Sclo. Candlelighters were the bride's two brothers, Ronnie and Charles, and a cousin, John Thompson. For her daughter's wedding. Ms. Kuhlman chose a suit of off-white faille, with black ac cessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a black and white taffeta dress, with gray acces sories. Both wore pink carna tion corsages. Immediately following the wedding, a reception was at the home of the bride's grand father, W. R. Greene, Mill City. Presiding st the punch bowl wss Mrs. W. W. Heller, aunt of the bride. Pouring coffee was Mrs. Ruth Witt, assisted by Mrs. Don Flstmsn. Mrs. Raymond Thompson served the bridal cake; Donna Cooke pre sided at the gift tsble and Vera Loucks passed the guest book. When the young couple left for their trip, the bride wore a beige suit with cinnamon ac cessories and white orchid. They will be at home after August 2 at 108 N. Farton, Santa Ana, Calif., where the bridegroom Is stationed. Hosts Tuesday nosis lor an informal at home on Tuesdey evening will be Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson, guests being invited to call after 6:30 o'clock. Assisting will be Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dasch, son-in-lsw and daughter of the hosts; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell. ior. Miss Becke has been em ployed in the woman's depart ment of the Capital Journal during the summer weeks. At Home Planned By Utters Invitations go In the mail this evening for an at home for which Dr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter are to entertain at their Oak street home Sundsy, September 13. A large group of friends has wn bidden to call between 3:30' and o'clock. 1 Panhellenic Tea To Be in Portland Portland Panhellenic organ ization's annual tea for girls entering Willamette university, University of Oregon snd Ore gon State college will be an evening of Wednesday. The si fair is to be in the Empire room of the Multnomah hotel between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Crecene Fariss of Port land, a national Panhellenic officer, la to be speaker. Mrs. Regina Ewalt, dean of women at Willamette, will be among those attending the affair. Previously, the Portland group has entertained at three aeparate affairs for the three schools, but this year is com bining the events in one. Coffee on Friday Among hostesses of the late week will be Mrs. P. D. Quis- enberry snd Mrs. Paul R. Hen dricks, who are to entertain at the home of the former on Friday morning at an informal coffee. Guests are being in vited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. VISITORS at the Ralph Moody home, Sunday, were cousins of Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Roy Miller of Washington, D. C, Mrs. Herman Hatfield of Yakima, Wash., and George Wilkerson and his granddaugh ter, Miss Mary Wilkerson, both of Ssn Jose. Mr. Wilkerson and granddaughter are on tour of the country, visiting rela tives in various places. Supreme Queen of Nile to Be Feted Mrs. Dsvid Wright of Salem, a past queen of Nydia temple, daughters of the Nile, Port land, is smong those invited to pour st the tea planned by the temnl on Thursday. The af fair will be at the Masonic temple between 2 and o'clock. ' Mra. Helen V. Drake of Ban Francisco, sunreme queen ol the Daughters of the Nile, is to be honor guest at the tea. Mrs. Drake arrives Wednes- dsy to sttend the ceremonial and first meeting oi nyaia temple that day. Following the ceremonial, a dinner and entertainment will be given for members snd their escorts at the Columbia Athletic club at 6:30 o'clock. At Birthday Event Mrs. Hope Randall and her daughter, Miss Joyce Randall, and Mrs. Marie Ling were in Corvallis, Sunday, to attend the open house honoring Mrs. RsndaU's father, S. H. Rondeau. The party was in obsrvance of Mr. Rondeau's 87th birth day anniversary and was given at the home of his son, C. S. Rondeau. Mrs. Ling was smong those pouring. Returning to Salem with Mrs. Randall was her sister, Mrs. William W. Smith of Vista, Calif., who is to be here for a few days, Mr. Smith to come north later. Birthday Event Several saiem xrienas were at McMlnnville Friday to at tend a birthday party for Lynn Christine Hansell, little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Han sell, Jr. Those going from here were the little girl's grand mothers, Mrs. Duane Gibson and Mrs. J. W. HanseU, Sr., Mary Susan Parker, Mrs. Char les E. Wagner and' Kathleen Drye, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford and Mary Ann Crawford, Mrs. Leo Childs, Mrs. Frederick Bradshaw and Leslie, the lat ter two of Portland and here at the Childs home for the week-end. Party for ; Schroehers In welcome to Mr. and Mrs, George Schroeher. who re turned recently from Japan, a group of friends met Saturday evening for a no-host supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John William Stortx. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Schroeher, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baker, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. Richard K'.over, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Druff, Mr. am Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, Mr. snd Mrs. Howard Girod, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fairham, Miss P. tricia Ullrnan, Ronald Nichols and the hosts. Soliciting Group Starts Work Tuesday The committee working en the program books for the "High Fever Follies," to be presented November 20 bv Sa. lem Memorial Hospital auxili- ary, starts out soliciting, Tues day. Mrs. Arthur Erlckson snd Mrs. Steve Tabaccl head the committee. For Mrs. Smedley For the pleasure of Mrs. H. Smedley, Mrs. Paul Hauser and Mrs. W. L. Lewis, assisted bv Miss Lela Johnson, entertained with a dessert supper Thursday evening, at the Hauser home. The evening waa spent play ing cards with prizes going to Mrs. Ira Goddard and Mrs. Roes Clarke. Present were Mrs. H. X. Smedley, Mrs. R. E. Meredith, Mrs. ' Frank R. Brown, Mrs. Fred Koken, Mrs. W. C. Ram bo, Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Mrs. Ross Clarke, Mrs. Ira Goddard, Mrs. T. Gordon Barnard, Mrs. Phillip Bouffler, Mrs. Lowell Shinn, Mrs. Leroy J. Stewart, Mrs. John Goebel and the hos tesses. . TRADE In year eld WATCH AiMki t 522J0 Allowed THE JEWEL BOX 443 State, Salem Opart Fridir Night fill 9 Furs Exclusively For IS Yean LACHELLES 1341 Ferry 8L 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 BAND A LI Save Vou Money - EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!- Nowdays everyon is trying to help ease the strain on the old budget. Well, take a tip from me . . . You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S . . . For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped for your locker or freezer . . .FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one half, quarter or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES . . . Fancy astern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Baby Bee LIVER ,29 a 39 Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Steak T-Bone Rib Steaks Fresh Beef Tongues ,29 Neiv Low Prices on Locker Beef Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beet may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. .Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. .Convenient credit1 Half of Whole Front Quarter 2Mr 2t 2 Hind Quarter ROUND STEAKS . . . . BONELESS NEW YORK CUT u.59' SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEM . . , 53' BEEF TENDER LOIN ... . ... a.SB' FRESH BEEF HEARTS . . . COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ,.29; GROUND BEEF 29' SHORT RIBS - GROUND ROUND A BEEF CUBES