Monday, Aagwt SI, 1ISS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, gaJea. Ortroa Pir i Local Paragraphs Build In a; Permit Douflaa ' McKay Chevrolet company, to wreck one-story itut and apartment, 572-574-378 North Commercial street, (30. J. B Wiebe, to reroof a one-itory dwelling, 1143 North Uberty street, 178. John Cabel, to erect a one-itory dwelling, 1060 North 13th itreet, 18600. Jeta Earlywine, to repair a one-itory dwelling, 1170 Sprue itreet, $130. T Denver Meeting Robert Batdorf, lieutenant governor for Area 7, Toaitmaiten Inter national, left, Sunday for Den . ver to attend the International convention and Officers Train ing Seuion of the club Septem ber 2-6. He wai accompanied by Mearl Bailey of Eugene, diitrict education chairman. Batdorf la a member of Capi tal Toaitmaiten club and pait governor of Area 7- Betorni to Salem John Korenian of the Korenlan Orl tntal rug ator returned to Salem Saturday from a 10-day buying trip in New York, Bos ton ar.d other eastern pointa. Gaa Pump Loses A gaa pump wai the loser in a colli sion at the Union service sta tion at Fairgrounds road and Highland avenue early Sunday morning. The car backed from a neighboring tavern parking - lot and collided with the pump, knocking it over and then driv ing off, witnesses said. Police said the car is registered Jo N. Bond, 710 Evans avenue, Salem. Loucka to Report Mayor Al Loucks will address the Salem Kotary club Wednesday con cerning the recent conference held in Seattle dealing with Japanese-Paficif relations. Jensen With -Farmers Union William Jensen of Junction City has been appointed field man lor the Oregon State Farmers Union. Announcement of his appointment was made by President Ricnara Moeiier. Jensen, a teacher in the Harris burg school for the past several years, will assume his new dutiei September 1. "Mr. Jensen will fill a need long felt by the organization," aid Moeller. "He will devote hii full time in the field to or ganizational problema, plan ning, membership drivei, and assisting our insurance agents. Membership in the Oregon Farmers Union is growing rapidly, and we need a field man to coordinate our various activities." Until recently Jensen operat ed a turkey ranch at Halsey. He is a graduate of Oregon College of Education at Mon outh and has taken consider able advanced work at the Unl versify of Oregon. Jensen served as member of t the executive committee of the Oregon Farmers Union for four years and also as vice president for one term. He la married and has one daughter. He will continue to live in Junction City. Otfiosrs Pieale Swing ahlft officers of tha Salem police de partment w(tn their wives and children traveled to Stiver Creek Falls park Sunday morn ing for a "cowboy breakfast," games and a hike around the falls. Teastmasters Meeting The Salem Toastmastars club will hold its regular meeting at the Spa Tuesday. Speakers will be Russell Forrest, Paul Fredrick, Art Erlckson, Al fsaak. and Gene Kokko. General critic will be Dr. Henry Morris, toastmaa- ter, George Moorehead, and ta ble topics Or. Ray Pinsen. Jensen Appointed William Jensen, Junction City, has been ppointed field man for the Oregon State Farmers Union, President Richard Moeller an nounced here Monday. Jensen, a teacher in the Harriaburg school for several years, will assume bis new duties Sept 1. Driver Stopped Gerald Z. Burke, 490 Lancaster drive, was arrested by city police Sunday on chargea of driving i while intoxicated and falling to heed a siren. The arresting officer reported that Burke ignored both the siren and hand signals so was forced to the curb, in the process collid ing with the rear of the police car. The car suffered only minor damage. Burke posted $230 bail on the first charge and 123 on the second charge. He pleaded innocent to the charge of driving while intoxi cated. Billfold Takes Vernon D. Ellis, North Bend, reported to city police Sunday the theft of his wsilet from his room in a local hotel Sunday morning. The billfold was recovered later in the morning wth per sonal papers still intact but $35 missing. Club Meets To esdT -Town- send club No. 17 is meeting Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Geo. Johnson home, 1333 North 18th. 2000 Persons At Dedication Dedication of the new c vent of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic parish Sunday after noon was favored with ideal weather conditions. As a result more than 2000 persons visited the modern two-story building. The dedicatory ceremonies were in charge of the Most Rev. Edward D. Howard of Portland. Assisting the arch bishop was Rev. John Reedy, pastor of St Vincent. Joseph A. H. Dodd was In charge of a program that fol. lowed the formed delation Later approximately 1000 per sons participated in the outdoor barbecue. In a day or two the convent will be cloistered and then will be fully occupied by teachers of St Vincent parochial school who are Sisters of the Holy Name school. Two Counts Britta Aver- Ill, 818 North Uberty street, was arrested about 5:18 a.m. Monday on charges of disorder ly conduct and drunkenness in a local restaurant. The arrest ing officer said she had been asked to leave but had refused to do so. When the officer ask ed her to quiet down she de manded to be arrested and said she wanted her name in the papers. She posted $15 ball on each count Monday morning in Municipal court and the case was continued to September 1. Dow Receives Award Ar thur V. Dow of Salem is among 172 graduate students who re ceived awards for study in tha Duke University Graduate School of Art and Sciences during, the 1053-54 academic year. Winners of the fellow ships, scholarships and asslst antships are from 27 states, Canada and Japan. Dow was awarded a fellowship in Dhilo sophy. Reds to Free (Continued from Pace 1) FOR THE STATE FAIR A a n 1- i--? .v-'i .- I Ai JL- V- ' Yji i Aes J ) -',:, 'ti ... nrlf i.tu-u'if i Above are five of the twenty boys from the Salem YMCA who will be on the streets Tuesday selling Stat Fair "bugs" and leis, the latter signifying the welcome Hawaii theme of the fair. From left to right in the first row are Rodney Berg, Butch Hill, and Steve Glickler; see ond row, Don Hickman and Terry anderhoff . 'Boys to Sell Bugs and Leis Twenty boys from the Salens YMCA will b on Salem streets and visiting merchant! to sell State Fair "bugs" and Hawaiian leis Tuesday. . . at Purpose of th sale la to promote th fair which will be gin Saturday. Th Chamber of Commerce furnishes th bugs ana leis to tn ymca. Th "bugs", which resemble glorified fishing flies, have been sold for th past two years, th idea having been born from the slogan printed en promotion cards three years ago which advised "get the state fair bug." Th following year, buga war obtained and now are pinned onto the cards and worn on th lapel or shirt. ' The leii are new this year, and are to supplement th Ha waiian them of th fair. Th leis will be sold to local merchant for $1 dozen. The merchant in turn can either sell th 11 to their customers or give them away. Individual leis will cost ten cents each and the bugs will sell at IB cents each. Profits derived from the sales , of the lets and bugs will go to in x hla ana win De applied to th boys activity department. according to Larry Woods of in z. Plotted Riots, (Continued fiom Pag 1) BIG THREE LISTEN - 1 ; ' - LATi SOCIETY BORN SALIM HIMOBML HOSPITAL inipri Mr. and Mti. Jimei Kara. 1118 Broadwar. a tlrl. Aui. It. WOODS To Mr. and M. Clttaa Wooda. lata Chtmiva ltd-, a tor, Aua so. BOIteOK To Mr. and Mr, Kermlt luraoa. Mil Blaabotk at, a sin. Avis, sa. MILLS Ta Mr. awl Mra. W. B Milt, ill Onlraraltr at., a alrL Aua. JO. WTLSOrT Ta Mr. and Mra. Lenora Wiiimi. 0s Jaaen at- a tor. Aua. ; HIKMn Ta Mr. and alio Harrr HaraMa, till as franklin SI. MUoaukM, On. MACKUIf-Ta Mr and Mra. Wend oil afatklln. km a. auaam at, a l Am. aa. ALU! GINIBAL lOarrML aoiamm T Mr. ami Mra. Tnraaa IV aannor, 111! Park Art., a tor. Aua. St. BAUK To Mr. aa Mrl. Uooard 1. akar. at. L aalan. a airl. Aua. . ec HULKS To Mr. ana Mra. Donald c. Seoul a, OM On tar at, a alrL Aat. . ANDSftaOB To Mr. an Wra. lira A. Andorooa, SO 1 At... a fin, A -IB If AMMOiao To Mr. as Mra. Wlllla Haraoae, aw Waldo Art, a tor. Ant. ta. SCSIXSntont To Mr and Mrl aloh O. aVWaalnrar. 100 rata at, a tor. Aua o. IflMCHACa:-To Mr and Mra. At Din jKaricaMct, MM Lao at, a ML Meanwhile, Allied and Com munist delegatei to the Mili tary Armistice Commission met at this true alt in one of their longeat leuioni. Af ter an hour and 49 m.nutes, the delegatei recessed without setting a date for another meeting. There was no announcement or wnat was discussed. The meeting wss called at communist request. Returning Americana Mon. day raised hopes that the Reds would return more U. S. sol diers than they originally promised. The Reds have returned 2.- 827 American!, leaving 488 till scheduled for repatria tion, according to their early iigure. Non-Red Korean Walt But liberated Americana wno were at Kaesong over the weekend said more than 1,000 non-Korean POWs were still awaiting repatriation at the Red collecting center just norm oi nere. They said most of the men were American and British sergeants and officer!. Th Redi laid recently that ineir 3,313 total did not in elude some POWs caotured in ine jasi aays of the war. Lt. Maxey H. Hall Jr of I dianapolii. Ind., said 290 Am erican officers were at Kae long. He aald he had no idea how many enlisted men were being held there. Miss Miller Engaged to Mr. Porter The engagement of Miss Al vis Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Miller of Sa lem, to Elmer G. Porter, Bend, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Por ter of Corvallli, wai announc ed Sunday. Th newi was told at a fam ily reunion at the horn of Miss Miller's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller of Hood River. No date is set for the wed' ding. Both Miss Miller and Mr. Porter are graduates of Or' gon State college and both are pharmacists. He is working in Bend, Mm Miller in Salem Sh is a member of Delta Gamma sorority at OSC. - i a) Colorful Musical Director Passes San Francisco W) Gaetano Heroin, 72, colorful founder and musical director of the San Francisco Opera company, collapsed and died yeiterday while conducting an outdoor concert by the San Francisco Symphony orchestra. Football Men to Meet Sa lem football officials will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 at the YMCA. Silver Falls dining closed for the season. room 212 Road oiling. For estimate. call Ruts Pratt, Capital City iTansier CO. 22438. 207 Paint with glamorizlm ireaiure xonei. se our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clark Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 207 Weed free mushroom fertil izer, 95c a sack. Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 Sllvcrton Rd Phone 4-4632. 207 Fresh killed young turkeys to bske or fry. 39c pound. Or- wi.'s Msrket. 397S SUverton Rd. Phon. 4-1742. Brandll Arrives Cpl. Cur tis P. Brandll, Dallas, is one of the Oregonians who arrived in San Francisco over the week end aboard the USNS Gen. W. S. Hase, returning from Korea. Buya Guernsey Sire Roy H. Mills, Salem, has just purchas ed the young Guernsey sire Lesders Royal Knight, from Mildred M. Waite Stewart, of Washougal, Wash. This young bull is out of the cow, Patri cian Peggie Dell, and is sired by Western Glow Leader. . T Inapeet Bay Hay inspec tions now are available for the Klamath Falls area, following action her by the State De partment of Agriculture in ex tending service to agriculture, Theater Hit The break-in and ransacking of the small drive-in theater on Sunnyside road Just off the Pacific High way Saturday night is under investigation by the Marion county sheriff's office. 'Smoky' Smith, Cub Scout, Quel fs Blaze Kelser Marvin Smith, 18-year-old son ef Mr. and Mrs. H. U Smith, 6501 Ridge Dr., won himself the nick name of "Smoky" Saturday and a possible honorary membership in th volunteer fire department. In the absence ef his par ents, Marvin discovered a fir in th kitchen. He has tily evacuated his two young er brothers, had a neighbor notify tha fire department, aeiied a garden hose and at tacked the flames. When the firemen arrived they found the fire nnder control. Damage was estimated at $1200. . Marvin Is a Cub Scout Two Said Reckless Two drivers were arrested by city police Saturday night on reck- lesi driving charges. Jack a. Sherman. 1210 Tile road, drove nil motor scooter onto the side' wslk and around a red light, police said. David Gordon Pfau, 1120 James street, .drove through several alleys with the arreiting officer following until he ran out of alley near River street and (ot stuck in the mnrt the officer reported. Pfau'a car wai pulled out by a tow truck and Pfau wai taken to the ata- uon. Sherman was fined 125 and Pfau $35 in Municipal court Monday. t Special Meetinar Set Mem. bers of unit No. 136. American Legion auxiliary, is meeting for a speclsl session this comini Thursday, September 8, at 8 p.m. in the Salem Woman's1 clubhouse. The meeting is held j this week because of State Fair next week. Th undercover invasion, al though widespread, wai spear headed in th industrial Ruhr, where Communist are exert ing their greatest efforts to swing tha vote away from pro Western Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. German Marka Confiscated About 1,000 of the young Reds were aretted as thy crossed th border at Helm' itedt ' Some of the Communist ag ent! were hauled back to th border by truck. Others were arraigned before West German courts or held for questioning. An estimated $35,000 worth of West German marks were con fiscsted. Some of those forced bsck across the border into East Germany eursed the police as' traitors and swore they would be back. Some, however, said under questioning that they bad been forced into th cam' paign by threats against them' selves or their families. 2 Big Strikes (Continued from Page 1) A compromise on the com pany's demsnd for no-strike as- sursnce was worked out in a clause covering grievances and arbitration. The CIO United Rubber Workera' agreement with Fire stone was viewed as a possible pattern tor th rubber industry. It Includes a 5-cent general in crease, raising th average pay of production and maintenance workers to $2.10 an hour. boost in pension payment by in company and hospital and surgical insurance for employes ana meir dependents. ' Three of th principal delegate to th United Nations , listen to debate on Korea. Left to right: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., United State; Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Britain, and Andrei Vishlnsky, Russia. Th speaker, Dr. Tung Tai Pyun,, foreign minister of South Korea, was saying that his government would find it impossible to "cellziorkt" with India at the Far Eastern conference lt the General Assembly invited India as a represent 4v of th UN. (UP Telephoto) . Employe ' (Continued from Pace 1) Gekhell Still State Champ Roy Get che 11, Portland, prouaiy neid nt state Horse shoe pitching championship honors at Hlllsboro Sunday where he lost but one game, and that to Ronald Anderson of Salem, a one time Sslem champion. Anderson has the distinction of having defeated three of the state's top pitchers. Besldei de feating Getchell he also de feated Chapell. s an ex-state champion, and. also Melspau, - This was the fourth consecu tive yesr for Oetchell to win the state, championship which gives him permanent possession of th state trophy. Lloyd Bayes of th Sslem club won first In the B class and Ted Zwlckel of Corvsllls won first in the C class. Bayes barely missed the A class and Zwlckel barely missed the B class. AH three were preiented with trophies. Buitlers Bald Two' White- face Hereford cattle were stol en from a three-acre pasture on tn carl netneii ranch. Route I, Aumsvlll, Bethell reported to tn Marlon county sheriff office Saturday. One of t h heifers was taken the night of the 25th and the other the night that's all." h aald. when asked of the 26tb, he said. I th purpose of the trip. Th woman, ha said, recent ly obtained leav from her position with the Army at her own request, but Is du to re sum her lob in September. He said sh had worked for th Army a number of years, McCarthy aald at least five other witnesses will testify at th bearing continuing until Wednesdsy. . . , . . No One Identified . - None of the witnesses was identified. "Some will cooper ate," McCarthy aald, "and some will not I expect". Th subcommittee chairman said the Inquiry Involved a matter concerning "th mill' tary service" and "a very tat' portent agent in government" which bad com to hii attention in probing th government printing office. On source aald th probe concerned Communist influence among civilian employe of the military service. McCarthy told reporters he plan to takoan extended trip to Japan, Formosa, Korea and the Philippines and th East Indies In October as "an Indi vidual" and not "as chairman of th committee.'' I Just want to go over KGW Station Changes Hands Portland ) Purchase ef Radio Station KGW by fiv Portland businessmen and King Broadcaatlng of Seattle for about a half million dollars was announced Saturday. Gordon Orput, Portland In surance man, la president of th group that bought th sta tion from th 8. L. Newhou family. ' Th grouo alas haa' applied under the name of North Paci fic Television, Inc., for a Fort land VHF television channel. When the Federal Comuni cations Commission approve th aale, tha Newhous family then will buy a half interest In Mt Hood Radio and Television. Ine., which operate Radio Sta tion KOIN and which haa baa granted a television channel. , St COURT NEWS Circuit Court Hula, D. Roith Ta William L. Koala. bordar and Xldon O. Ramolda: Oatod- aata datniir lo oonalalat oa areunda of laaafflclaat ovldanca. etata Tl BdBitind Klaar: Ordar m. aulrlna jgiiiia Rmlih to aatar lale a vrlttaa aadartakiBf la taa auat of IIMO to laiuraaca fcla aooaaroaco oa a hb. tarlal oiuaaa ta tu aaoo. Catharlat aboroocwl Ta H,nr Bhat- waod: Oocraa atodllrtai orlalnal daeraa br whleh dafandant ahall oar tat aonth lr towar laavort of minor child. Proboto-Court nora e. Sarrurlar utata: Dacrao ao. ororiat flaal accooat and at dinnbu- Municipal Court Klebard L. Tarrr. Idaaha, Snnas vbiio latanaaiod, trial, baaa rarr. adacr. raiailttad Arkaaaao, ncklaaa la iMu of lit naa. Bosom drlrlaa, a Darld Gordon Phau. ilia Janaa atraai raokiaai dmta, fin ad a. Mlddf WlIaM rmrr Wrmlm 1 l.u,, dnna vbija ta-tosatatod. soatod tM J ark O nekloao Or tuna 1111 flnad lit. Thoaaaa Ooaa Piachar. If. 1M lirMan ataao. Hiatal oooaaaaloa of tatoilettlM llauor, aottod Ml ball. Oarald V . amis t 4.,.. drraiaa arhllo Inunwalod, aloadoS kua oaa aoaatd sats ban. SALEM' VENETIAN BLINDS CAPITAL HUM 4 MAPEtT SHOP SeOUIUM. hM2M3r mm 12 119 34-IOTTll CASH OF CANADA DRY GINGER ALE or DAD'S oi4-Wt)od ROOT IEER tNstiftfterftlrtttarWnWtai wtiofi yv Buy my IENERAI O ELECTRIC REFRIGERATCX Libs plenty ef toft drinks la your refriatralof all th timer You f et enouih Canada Dry Oinsjer Ale or Dad'a Old-Fath-lonad Root Beer lor the rest of the year (II hill caaea) with your purchaa of any '1951 G-E Refrigerator now. See the near G-E Roto-CoM RefriaeratkM with automatic Oofroatiiw in tha big. handtotnc near G-E designs, todayl Remember, soft drinkt for an averaaa family lor ,mmmm the real of the year all yoora without added coat MMi! heayoabnyantwO-EIUtrlgBMor....... tjajaj G. E. Refrigerators Are Priced from $209.95 Up SERVICI STATION INC. OPIN FRIDAYS TIL P.M. 163 N. Commirclol Ph.iMloJ C oA" 5 ms do a VHAIi cf a job! Efficient, effective and really tconomicor Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services 'and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for Capital LA Journal dV