Page 1 CHAMP'S DAUGHTER WEDS Jack Dempsey, former heavyweight chimpion (center), ratchet as hii daughter, Joan Hannah Dempsey, IS, nd Dennis OFlaherty, 21, cut wedding cake at teception fol. lowing their marriage In Los Angeles August 29. The young couple will spend their honeymoon in Del Mar and expect to live in Santa Monica, Calif. (AP Wirephoto) Monmouth . Monmouth Two map have been prepared by the Mon mouth Grange showing all roads and streams in the county and one has been placed in the office of the Monmouth Herald ' for the use of the public. The aernnri nn has nAl vt h,,n plsced but will be put at a ' downtown location. The executive committee of the Civic Club met in the city v hall club rooms Tuesday for a covered dish luncheon. Plans were made for the next year's activities and the club will hold a rummage tale Friday and Saturday, Sept 4 and S. Installation of officers will be held Sept. 10. Mrs. Retta Owen of Harris burg hat purchased the C. Fred Gillette home at 923 E. Main St and the GUlettet will move to 883 E. Main St. Mrs. J. Eldon Johnson. Dal las, was elected president of the Polk County WCTU at the annual election held at the Monmouth Christian church Friday. Other officers are Mrs. Gladys Hargreaves. Monmouth, vice president; Mrs. Blanche Rosenstock, Monmouth, treas urer; Mrs. C. J. Schjoll, Mon mouth, recording secretary. Mrs. Joyce Emerson, Monmouth was named - delegate at large for the state convention at Roieburg, October 27. Mrs. Johnson announced the dedi cation oi tne cnapei ai me inu drenj Farm Home, Corvallis, will be held Sunday, August 30, at 3:30 p.m. ; The new city storage building Man About Mum Hut Ptrr Com with A ftp TViut en Rwdit astm-iag tin Fontant SuUrt On Ray Charlti Ckonu MitckM Ayrn' Orckutr Top Gout Start T0NITIAT..-1S 40O SALim V 10? J null V ' -v.-'.. of tile construction with asphalt shingles it nearly completed and will soon be ready for use. It la located on the south end of the city hall lot jonn 4, Chamberlain, a rep resentative of the Ohio Nation al Life Insurance Company, has received word that his name was included in the list of the company's nationwide leaders in production for July. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ebbert and N. A. Nelson, Sr. of Moses Lake, Wash., visited relatives here over the week end.. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Baker of Enid, Okla., were recent vis itors of her sister, Mrs. Sylvia Robinson. Among those attending the "Week of Missions" of the Christian church held on the coast at Wi-Ne-Ma last week were Mr. and Mrs. James Rid del! Mrs. Lulu Parker, Mrs. Ivan Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Keot Farley, Mrs. Harold El kins and Mrs. Grove Peterson. Stayton Stayton The Aumsville and Stayton American Legion posts combined efforts to spon sor a dance to aid the T. W. Edwards family who lost ev erything In a recent fire. The dance was an event of Friday night at the Forester hall in Stayton with music by the Stubby Mills orchestra, wieners were donated by Bruce'a Meats, buns by the Stayton Bakery and pop by the Coca Cola Bottling com pany of Salem, m.f FOR FINE FOOD Chinese Ji. and American COME TO MY PLACE Chinese Tea Garden Rlfhl Dawn Tawa Hit, No, Commercial Between flute Court 8L J III of tkiA'ti'tnai I GEORGE ' MUGGINS Memo to Solesmen: "And in those days, behold, thert com through th gates of the city a salesman from afar, and it came to pass as the days went by, he sold plenty. "And In that city were they that were the order takers, and they that spent their days following the path that wos easy. And they said one to the other, What goeth on here; how doth he get away with it?' And It came to pass that many were gathered in the back office and a soothsayer came among them. He wos one wise guy. And they questioned him, saying, 'How is it that this stranger accomplisheth the impossible?' "Whereupon the Soothsayer mode answer, 'He of whom you speak is one hustler. He ariseth very early and goeth forth full of pep. He complaineth not, neither doth he weep. While ye gather here and say one to the other, 'Verily! This is a terrible day to work,' he is already obroad. Men say unto him, 'Nay, Nay,' when he cometh in; yet when he goth out he hath their names on the line that is dotted. Go ye and do likewise!" (We thinketh this is a good idea, too, before the bos cometh back to the office!) ieTel IkJCI ID A twIsC INSURANCE 171 N. Chart PHONE "Tie CtalM Stack Ct Mtrrtl I tab- In The Valley Mile by MIU IOIBII Ho Annexation For Woodburn Woodburn Woodburn voters in the tract east of the Pacific highway defeated the proposal of annexation to the city of Woodburn by a vote of 28 to 1. The election was neia Friday, Aug. 28, from 1 to 8 p.m. in the American Legion building on the highway. The district proposed for an nexation included approxi mately 30 acres with between 30 and 60 residents. Boundaries of the tract are approximately east of the Pacific highway, north of Tomlln Ave., west of the northerly extension of the present city limits and south of HarHcastle Ave. The election board consisted of Mrs. Lena Nehl, Mrs. Royal Hastie, Albert Rhelnholdt, Mrs. George Timm, and Mrs. Helen Fulpt. The proposed annexation would have brought residents of the area into the scope of city fire protection and permit them to improve streets and develop a sewer system in con nection with tht Woodburn plant The city would have gained between $3 and S( a year per capita from the gaso line tax and would have had traffic control of the Pacific highway from Cleveland to Hardcastle streets. Cost of the election borne by the city. Donald Donald Mrs. Myron Ander son is reported tot be doing as well as can be expected after undergoing surgery at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, Wednesday. She wiU be in the hospital about 10 days. Mrs. William Groshong is able to have visitors in her Don ald home now, although a nurse from Salem takes care of her. Mrs. Groshong recently return ed home after spending almost a month at the Willamette hos pital in Newberg. Racette Brothers returned last night, Aug. 26, with their hop picking machine. They had spent the past 11 days at Cor vallis. Hop picking is in full swing in the Donald area, with prac tically all of the picking being done by machine. However, the recent rains have caused a treat deal of difficulty, as it has made the fields son, ana most of the loaded trucks had to be pulled out of the fields with tractors. - Mrs. Virgil Scherette Is con fined to her home with the flu which she contracted while working on one of the hop pick ers. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Boihart of California, who have been visiting in the home of Mrs. Mae St. Helens, have returned to their home. v Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hendricks have just returned from a trip to Redmond where they took in the Deschutes county fair and Redmond rodeo and also visited his brother, E. G. Hen dricks who owns a ranch In Redmond. If a plane flew straight south from Portland, Maine, it could land In the Pacific ocean off Iqulque, Chile. 3-9119 IALEM v a i r SID . BOISE THS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale,. Oregon Falls City Falls City Mrs. John Teal hat received an announcement of the birth of a son to her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Teal of Lakeside. Harvey Gilmore and wife have made Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gilmore happy by the addition of a granddaughter to their family. The first one to arrive, born Tuesday, Aug. 23. She is their first child. Raymond Morgan is at home this week, recuperating from an injury received while at work at Winchester Bay. The McGavock family are spending a few days at home because of the rain having shut down Mr. McGavock't logging operations at Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sullivan and family of Nehalem were Thursday visitors at the home of hit titter, Mrs. Howard Gnmling. Lyle Gilmore Is very ill, hav ing had a severe attack of rheumatic fever. He is the eld est ton of the Andy Gilmores. John Gilbert and Cliff Reeves are home this week due to rain having closed down their logging activities at Lakeside. Mrs. Strankman has rented her bouse and she, with the children, has gone to Stewart, Alaska to loin Mr. Strankman, who is working there. Helen Newland will enroll at Laurelwood Academy for the coming school term, and will enter as a junior student The family of D. Delmer Smith have moved into the Holmes rental and Mr. Smith will teach the Seventh Day Adventist school which begins Sept. 8. A family by the name of Al- den have moved into the Max Hatcher house from the Sil- verton area. Mr. Alden will teach In the Kings Valley school the coming term. He taught at Silverton last year. Sweet Home Sweet Home Robert Lee Smith, 25, wat fined $250 and 30 days in jail by Judge F. A. Cornell in Sweet Home justice court His charge was of giving liquor to a minor. He was tak en to the Linn county jail in Albany to serve his Jail sen tence. The First Bank of Sweet Home filed suit in the circuit court in Albany against Ben jamin and Mabel J. Wilmarth asking a judgment of 85191. and costs allegedly due on a promissory note for $8000. se cured by a mortgage, of which foreclosure is sought Settlement of a death claim for 115,000 is revealed by an order issued in probate court in Albany by Judge E. G. Ar nold authorizing Nina Kyrlss, administratrix of the estate of William Kyrlss, to accept that amount from Robert J. Whit field. Kyriss was fatally injured July 9 when a runaway truck belonging to Whitfield pinned Kyrlss against a bulldozer on Chandler Mountain. The probate document indi cated Whitfield had assumed responsibility for the fatality. . Amity Amity Mrs. C. S. Hollo way, entertained Circle No. 3, WSCS. of the Methodist church at her home Wednesday, Aug. 26. A fried chicken dinner was served at 1 p.m. Mrs. Hollo way is president of the group. Friends at Bethel learned recently that Dr. E. A. Hahn. formerly of that area, and Amity, now of Sacramento, had suffered injuries in a car wreck. Three of his children were injured also. E. A. Staggs of Oak street made a business trip to Astoria Thursday. He is employed by Burlingham Meeker Seed and Grain company. Karen Schuchardt and Shar on Staggs are spending a week at camp Hl-ne-ma. Miss Bette Ann Freeman placed as grand champion in the Yamhill county 4-H club style revue this week. . KILLER i 1 . - Gunman Edward (Snakes) Ryan lies on New York sidewalk after a gun battle- with patrolman Incent Langan (upper left). Ryan wat killed after he had thot and killed Thomas E. Lewis, an AFL official. (UP Telephoto) Aurora Aurora Miss Rhoda Fogle, May graduate of North Marion Union high school and daughter of C. O. Fogle of Aurora, has enrolled as a stu dent nurse at Providence hos pital, Portland. Mist Fogle will begin her training Sept. 22. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bradford of Barlow are attend Ing an international meeting of poultrymen on the- Univer sity of British Columbia camp us in Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Harry Clayton (Naomi Scheer) of Stockton, Calif., is the house guest of her mother, Mrs. George Scheer, Robert Scheer and Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Scheer and family at Macksburg. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott have been Mrs. Dick DaLee, Miss Bert DeLee and Ricky of Den ver. Accompanying the family back to Denver was Miss Jac queline DaLee, an Oregon visi tor the past year who will study in Denver the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pardey of Aurora are the grandparents of Michael Carson Berger, born at Albany, Aug. 10. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 10 V4 ounces, His parents are Mr. and Mrs, Paul C. Berger (Lucille Par dey). ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Robinson, late of Texas, visited briefly at the home of A. M. and Tillie Fry. Additional visitors at the Fry home here included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sigloh of Santa Barbara, Calif. Mrt. Percy Will and daugh ter, Elaine, spent a week's va cation at Wilder, Idaho, guests of Mrs. Will's relatives. Re turning to Oregon with Mrs. Will were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Naftzger, and her sister, Miss Sadie Naftzger and Mrt. Jack Short and daughter. Descendants of the S. W. R. Jones family observed the 100th anniversary of their, ar rival In the Oregon country from Indiana last Sunday. Mrs. M. G. Smith of Canby, has been the house guest of her sister. Mrs. Fred Will in Aurora. Mrs. Smith formerly lived In Aurora with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Following the death of Mr. Smith, the family moved to Canby where Mrs. Thompson it a mail clerk in the post office. Mr. Thomp son Is a telegrapher with the Southern Pacific In Canby. ' J. T. Smith is slowly recov ering from his recent Illness. Miss Maxlne Marsh return ed to Coos Bay Friday after spending the weekend with her parents, the W. R. Marsh's. Scotts Mills Scotts Mills As a special treat for their aunt Mrs. Maud Doolittle, in celebration of her birthday the Dee Chun family Enroll in August and Save $15.00 DLEAKN (to DDANCE PHONE 4-4962 AND GET STARTED TODAY Tap, Ballet, Toe, Acrobatic, Baton Twirling, Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Rumba, Samba, Tango, Mambo Reeuler Course Price, 23 hours, $35,00 """ggggr"- $20.00 Even If ye eWt intend to start lessons until September You May Enroll New end SAVE! Start Now and la Praparad for Our Fall TV Show Watch for Opening of Our New, Spacious Ferry Street Studios Jon-Mar Dance Studio 477 So. Commercial Studio Open, 1 0 A.M. to 1 0 P.M. KILLED 7 0 of Portland and the Jack Tay lor-family motored to the coast where they enjoyed a visit to coastal' points, recently. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kraxberg er and daughter have returned to Myrtle Creek after spending the summer vacation months at the home of Mrs. Krax berger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ettlin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gosnell are moving to the Jory ranch east of town. . , Mr. and frs. Corwin Logue and children of Seaside are visiting, with relatives here during Mr. Logue'a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mc- Claskey, newly married, called on friends of Mr. McClaskey, former resident here who was recently discharged from army service. Mrs. Oliver Brougher is spending a few days at the coast for the benefit of her health. ,The Utility and Beauty Gar den club enjoyed a picnic at the Scotts Mills park Sunday. George Johnson, Marion Groshong and Harold Hilke are working, at the school house in readiness for the coming school term. Mrs. Reta Lantz of Redmond is visiting at the home of her son, Chet Lantz. Girl Crash Victim Still Unconscious Woodburn Miss Barbara Baumann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Baumann of Woodburn, who was critically injured in an automobile acci dent last Sunday, August 23 was still unconscious at the last report Saturday, Aug. 29. Bar bara it in the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. She would be a junior at Woodburn high school this year. Miss Marcia LaBarr, driver of the car, who also was in jured, was taken to the Oregon City hospital but was able to be brought home during the week and is now recovering satisfactorily. The other three girls in the accident were not seriously injured. Rattler Killed by Rancher Near Amity Amity Fred De Raeve kill ed a 30-inch rattlesnake at his place north of Amity last wtek. It had five rattles and a but ton and is the second one killed here recently. Some 83 million tons of cargo went through the Suez Canal in 1952. Now Showing Open 45 "TROUBLE ALONG THE WAV John Wayne, Donna Reed Comedy Co-Feature -FAST COMPANY" Howard Keel, Polly Bergen, Marjorfe Main Broadacres TtrnHarr Ilm Wilson Of Broadacres, and treasurer of the Maplewooa orange, nas re turned home after a short stay at "the Veterans Hospital in Pertland where he went for observation. Mr and Mrs. Fred A. Howe of Broadacres, who were mar ried SO years ago tills montn in Winriinr. Ontario. Canada. were honored at a golden wed ding reception By tneir oniy son and daughter-in-law, Mr. mnA Mr, Marion G. HoWC The reception was held in the Wom en t Civic C1UD in i.anoy ana wat attended by about luu friends. Mrs. Orvllle Bertram of Don ald served the decorated cake, Mr. FH Miller noured the coffee and Mrs. Fredrick Fou bion, titter of the hostess serv ed the punch. The decorations consisted of snirion vfllow and salmon glad ioli, and Mrt. Howe wat given nf nlnk i,iehuds. and her husband was presented with a white boutonmere. Mist Roberta Ogle played pi ano number! and Mrt. Marion Howe tang. Mr V!nw'i sinter. Mrs. Mae Carpenter who lives in New York, sent greetings to the cou ple as did Mr. Howe's step-l k,Mh Bn Herman of West Plains, Mo. Mr. Herman for-1 merly lived nere. Th mmU h lived for 39 years in this community. Mr. Howe It nov. reurea. n w a watch repairman. . . Detroit TiMtmii A reeent auest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sophy was Mrs. Sophy't aunt, Mn nuHva Hunter, of Seat tle. Mrs. Hunter and her sister, Mrs. B. E. Waters sr. leu wea in, Valcima. Wash., to visit Mr. Watert and their son and his family. Calling at the home of Mr, Mr. r.l Sphlador the oast week were many of their out- of-town friends. Mr. ana Mrs. H. D. Morris of Poruana vis ited the Schladore toward the enif of the week, followed by a visit from Salem menas, tne mikart Mnnleri. Former Sil verton residents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pettijohn, wno now live at Santa Ana, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Range, of Silver ton, called on the Schladors early this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Estey en tertained Willard Booker and daughters Marjorle and Joan, of Lebanon, and Sgt. Norman Booker, of Marysville, Calif., recently. Sgt Booker left this week to attend engineers school in Virginia. Sunday afternoon visitors at the O. J. White home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker of Col ton, and their son, Jack Walker of Clatskanie. Fairyiew Fairvlew Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snyder of Falrview will observe the Fiftieth wedding anniversary of their marriage with a family dinner at the Amity Methodist churcn at noon Wednesday, September ODen house will be held from 2 to 9 p.m. at their home in Fairvlew. They have three children: two sons and one daughter. Their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Starr and two daughters, Jean and Ton! of Los Angeles, Calif., are already here ?or the occa sion. Son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sny der and three children, Sarah, Joseph and Ann, 7, 5 and IVi years, of. Molalla plan to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snyder and three little girls. Susan, Murl and Margaret of ALSO 'The Battles of Chief Ponliac" Monday, August SI, 1953 Fairvlew reside with hit par. cat. Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. V.r.tu. of Amitv. Mrs. Riu Wn... of Hemet, Calif., and Mrs. Charles H. McKee of Fair view, motored to Mt Rainier, Wash., Monday and returned home Wednesday evening. Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O. Boger, of Sherwood, former residents of Grand Island, will observe their Gol den Wedding anniversary from 2 to S p.m. Sunday, Sept. 13, Mrs. Boger was a teacher in the Grand Island and Union. vale districts for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rockhill. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler of Grand Island; spent Wednesday at Depot Bay. They purchased fresh salmon -to bring home. v run-inn raoNi - . Danny Kaye "Hons Christian , Andersen" In Technicolor -Walt Disney's "The aliikM bktats" Adults Child SSe Prices This Engagement Only! tueni a-toM PRICES THIS ENGAGEMENT Adults - Children S1.0S tOo Jane Russell Marilyn Monroe Technicolor - "6Et4TLEHEH MEffJ WOHDU" Plus I Color Cartoons In "Burt Bunny Rerue" ' RIVE-IN THEATRE PM0NI UIISH SAIDINS, HICHWAY 1 GATES OPEN SHOW AT T:1S NOW-ENDS TUES. Kathryn Grarsoe Gordon MacRae In Technicolor "Tht Desert Seng' Also Frank Lovejoy Joan Weldon la "THE SYSTEM" "IT HAPPENS" EVERY THURSDAY" Also , Rhonda Fleming William Lundlfan In Technicolor SERPENT OF A THE NILE" Tht nun of everjr girl's drasmt GREGORY PECK awts the Kreea't "most audacious" MW star AUDREY HEPBURN William WyW$ o GATES OPEN :4S SHOW AT 7:15 5 NOW - ENDS TUES.! -j Loretta Young 2 John Forarthe In i. i