Pact 14 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba, Oregon Monday, Anrwt SI, 1953 SEA GIYES UP WEALTH 1 k Z ' vV American banknote! ara dried on hot plate at bank in , Brussels, Belgium, after thousands of U. S. and Britain bills s were salvaged from the sunken bulk of the famed Flying Enterprise, which split In two and sank in January, 19S2. The notes were recovered by the Italian salvage vessel Rostro. The Flying Enterprise is the ship on which Capt N Kurt Carlsen made -his heroic, though vain fight against the sea, '(UP Telephoto) Garden Show Includes Big Variety of Exhibits The greatly-enlarged outdoor garden and flower show mak ing its appearance this year for the first time at Oregon State Fair, will include a wide va riety of exhibits when it op ens for eight days starting Sat urday. One will be a contemporary garden showing Hawaiian in fluence, featuring lanai-typ shelter and dining facilities complete with accessories. This exhibit will occupy 350 square feet. , .' Another contemporary gar den will show tha Japanese in fluence in planting and acces sories while another will fea ture a play area for children. Safety and practical use of plants material and minimum upkeep will be stressed here. A Portland exhibitor will bring 60 potted roses for an other rose garden in which use of outdoor furniture, sculpture and other "props is permitted. For a sunny location, anoth er garden will accent roses of recent introduction while still ' another will be a novel garden . built around a work center suitable for the average home garden. Included will be fa cilities for potting, propagat , lng and maintenance. Professional exhibits will be Intermingled with slightly smaller exhibits by garden clubs and individuals and a corner of tha massive garden show will be called "A Pavil ion of Flowers." The display of floral arrangements will be sheltered. Changes In showings of ar rangements will be made throughout the week to keep exhibits fresh, according to Mrs. Claude A. Miller, director of the garden show. On opening day, September 8, four classes of arrangements will go on display. One will be named "Summer Coolness. It will feature various tones of green, blue and violet White, gray and greenish yellow also will be acceptable. Other opening day arrange ments will feature tha use of shells, rocks and driftwood, the use of a novel container and the use of dried material in a basket or wickerware continer, Tha former floral building will shelter only cut flower displays. Other features of the fair will include a novel exhibit of antique automobiles, a night ly stage revue, a daily rodeo, afternoon horse racing, a large display of farm machinery, an other of trailer coaches, free midway acts and tha largest gathering of exhibits and live stock entries In the 68-year his tory of the fair. Richard Shore Smith Scholarship Awarded Eugene Tom Crabtree of Marshfield High School, Is the winner, of the Richard Shore Smith memorial scholar ship to tha University of Ore gon. , The scholarship, which cov ers basic living costs, was es tablished by Or. and Mrs. Don ald B. Slocum of Eugene In memory of Mrs. Slocum'a Jeweler Title For Stevens The Registered Jeweler title has been awarded to Allan L. Stevens of Steven It Son, 3 SO State street, according to an announcement made by the American Cera Society's; head quarters Id Lea Angeles. Since 1934, when tha society was founded, the Registered Jeweler title has been confer red upon thosa members who have successfully passed either tha society's scries of compre hensive examinations In gem. olofy, (the science of genv stones), or can offer evidence of graduation from a recog nized gemo logical institution. Tha American Gem Society, an organisation of Jewelers, ed ucators and laymen through out the United States and Can ada, bestows membership on sponsored applicants who give r evidence of tha highest busi ness Integrity and. in addition, desire to increase their knowl edge of gemology so that they may better protect the public in purchase of Jewelry and gem merchandise. First National Will Show Movies at Fair Almost 100 movies from every type of private enter prise throughout the United States will be snown iree oi charge to State Fair crowds this year at the "Hitchin' Post Theater" located on the second floor of the Agricultural build' lng on the fairgrounds. Averaging from 30-40 min utes each and nearly all in tech nicolor the movies will be shown continually 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day of tha fair, which Is slated for September 5 through 12. 'Tha state-wide First National Bank of Portland I lis again sponsoring tha films as a public servica to provide a place for fair-goers to rest and relax and enjoy a variety of interesting movies," Art Ath erton, Salem manager said. END VACATION Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens and Mrs. Leonard Lembkie have return ed from a 10 day vacation spent in the Metolius area. DO YOU KNOW? GmJwU InausMM k a shdlmd vwfcihia) far ku alcaapca passls . . . Iht akrnrM eletklag aaa bmMbla Haass wuT tm Tafcaamw -zt48 far a GaaawUI Track int IWStw Mart W Otmtm father, a former football star and coach at Oregon. Crabtree, selected as the best player In the recent Shrine All Star football game, had an out standing record in scholarship and athletics at Marshfield High. PRINTING.... OaslHy Wwt-Speedr Serrke DIAL 3-8853 Wally's Prinl Shop , MasonleBldg. State High I Sate WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto-Truck-Fire George 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY 146S N. Capitol St. fhona 3-561 Between Hood and Shipping Stf. on Hiway Going North ' Bill $oving enters At the Foot of the Bridge W. Salem Mile Ksrth cf the Underpass Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ' PRICES GOOD MON., TUE., WED., THURS. Vanilla Quarts ICE (REAM r3 iv city's UVW ME TIM N0 TtOUlU ...a toft safuf f hawf moory I wanted Pbooc4 bum j mm j "when," tot the cjh 6rK time I Mopped in. I no mm. incoaix . MUM. tOMaMi MM. f a. k. .k.uiscl sMvfMfjt fallWl v preserving' mod in lapland X. 'W S. IMIMH...W oUdrk bffl...iKrt uit a Rgrr M J . . Timi on lu ru'ei:"c"rvn,'m,nT' f X outjet He cooks, frtsie. heitt witsr. wtihe. irm f and helps to iron tttt ckHhts, does the dishes, f X. ckani, mnee, touts, snd a host of other S X thinp-and ALL for just a few pea- X N. mi i day. Honestly bow, wtt f X. eitc gives so much ser X N. tee for lo UtUa eoett S 0 pnJtsUUlg -jOOt Smoked meat, salted fish . . . day in and day out this is the type of food to which the Laplander'! diet is restricted. Food preservation is indeed primitive often nonexistent. Compare it to the magic of preserving food electrically here at home. The PGt electric homemaker can always have fresh meat and vegetables on hand for tasty mealtime serving. Milk and eggs stay fresh for days .. . salads stay crisp and appealing . . . frozen desserts add variety and goodness to any meal. Electric refrigeration cuts down necessary trips to the stort too saves mom countless steps and worry. And the beauty of it is that it costs the average PGE family just a few cents a month for the electricity that brings forth such magic Yes, electric refrigeration is just another important way in which PGE electricity help! you and your neighbors enjoy better living. MaTce sure there's a big new electric refrigerator in your family's future! PORTLAND GENERAL SalisfacfionfGuaranteed! LiGhl end Dark Meat B&.GCTRIC COMPANY Large Size MNSO SOAP 24' Purex Bleach 'A Gallon 2S Capitol Tomato r A TCI in Large I f C 12-oz. bottle 10 In Your Jug! in ivui juyi X9v X Cider Vinegar eai. J v Local Radishes Green Onions 3 bunches Nice Large Stalks CELERY w No. 2 Corn ROASTING EARS tor If. II... II L! f- CL...S f L..L vaftey ranting u. jiiwii jiiohk jb Picnic Hams ib. JVC 4-lb.toMb. U.S. inspected RIB STEAK tb. 39 r !.i f..j. if U.S. Inspected BEEF ROAST a Ity U.S. Inspected Commercial Grade f ctf from. rEtUr, ROOM I00-JH UKJKI II, Boiling Beef lb. U Hitnt CITY FINANCE (NMUTIM OF SALEM D. Walktr, Umt