Part IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Elba, Once Monday, Anrtwt 11. ItSS FOR ULI HOUSES . ai irniAny nnnl Mar. re lout klibM. eel furnace boot, tent llvlag room. Or will rant, give reere MM. .wear sw apciiwi. !. JIWT COUPLITKO 3 bedroom lBtuletd homo. Clow te Wuhinttoa moooi. .tec iarca Jiwt outh af tlYwtoo Rd. a37 $500 DOWN buy a fun 4-ram bouse sdu. Largt )o, sxceilsuit eurroiindla, CoavaaJAat 0 Ml-tt, KHN1, gui. 1TTO WEM. 011 sum st. la the uoo block. Tti pttee REX SANFORD FINANCE. 337 He. Kick . n. 4-nai. tm a-aom. 307 BEAtTflTUL 3-drom bouft. hu every thing. Automat! witiur, star but. HWO. 304 it OWNEB CandaUrla 3-bdroom, wteublo Strut large alUltr. IU.0M. 4-M14. 31 BY OWKIR New ranch style bom. 1IH sc. ft. Uvinr. dining, birch klu-b-a. took, utility, fireplace, birth cbtna lotti Hot air U furuo. Lore gerete, covered patio. Many other fin feature. Hurt bt ca ta ap preciate. P. H. A. commitment. 1010 jifflM St., Reiser. Its blocks from ftbool. Lot 101' s 111', mono I-lilt. 307 IN WEST SALEM I g boaa, I toU. Hear ladtutrtal coaler. Verr Mat 4,000. Sow Um. B. Isherwood, Realtor mi w,iie XL fa. mis os- ATTSACTICB lan room, nook, fun peeement, unflnlehed upiulrs. Shruhr. fjowere, mTnmi location near e lent blah .04 Parrleb clMCle. Phoae ,.ner 1.0211. Mil TEW A VENUS a north nmu moo WALTER SOCOLOMKT RIAL ESTATE . PH. 1-1 U4 aiOT T OWNEB Modern a-hMrcsm home, 11a or IV. acre. Keleer cUilrut. Van pnon i-noo. aacf BY OWNVB 4-TOom alder bouaa. ... reae. AIM 14x30 .bop bulldlne on ratr at inn mi. cum in. aouth. price M OM cub. Phone 14314. .107 PANORAMIC VIEW IiuwMd Helrbte. Beautiful boas, with ipackma vdnuod floor ,1m. Lane erielaeod ,ua room with fireplace. DarUle baaement wttb ree fU room with fireplace. Hu bati, terraced lawn with eboleaal eh run and Sower. Two-car caraoe. Tnia la on, or aeier' Mlltr home. Call O. V. Hubs a. Co-op. Broker, or Stealer Brawa, Wlt STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS NT . BUh at. Ph. 1.111 L;uifl 2-130, or l-tUl al0T ifX'IT HAV 1 aala. atoo our. war aquicr on ,-poaiooia, twa-patn bonrt. Jnoalr, at llil HIM, ar pbona : awai aiiar bapt. l. alio1 0-UDBOOM BOMK-MtMhad (aran. Oornar lot. t roan old. PHA loan loo bun wultr. li. W. Bradlar, Aupu T1U. Ph. 1711. a7 T OWNia 1- roar -old 1-badroom anaio, btw owb. Hardwood noon, eorad eaUlnt.. all plaaterad. naw paint. Automatla oil furnaoa boat. 1 block to bua. Drlr, br 47U Tbomao. CaU .-Ml. ror appotntmant. aior NOB HILL HOME Alio riot, rtrr bmL unrtr 1 bodri bono with ooTod oUtns4, hovnroood flooTt, Itrlrny reom, Oinint room, rtrr Btto kltehta with oorntr wIimIowi, ell htot. otttiOhod ftTtft, beautllul trouMM 4 uiroujMiinii. rrlet .tw. 1.100 dowft, m Mrs. OtltpbM, Era PH. 141TI. aMT t EOObl BOUie and ll aorw. 1 mllaa out. 1TI00. trmu. lmniadlala na.laa. Ooataot John Ptanaaa at aubop'a ciamint oior.. ami 4 HDBOOM. 1 batha. 1 flnplaeaa. dou. ,1a Kara,,, plarroom. nw. will trada . nr roriiaaa raaioanea. pnooo hi alll OR SAH LOTS Lot laaxioa. oi..r ZAk. utnet. u nuo from achool and flora. At. 1, Box n. phono 4-111. aaioi FOR SAU FARMS H-ACRE TRADE Thto m baautlnl t-bdia. boos. (BAaTI will aaU or trad, for load bona or aeraai, la a. aalam. HUl rarao r anog. 5 ACRES 'wttb mca uttlb Roua. an met- am, l-ear oaraoa. In Prlml, DUt. . prie, itaoo. oolr tiooo down. ' 118 ACRES 0 A. bt a Hit. BaL pa.tina. On Pan cnir man war naar Dauaa. with ai nort n.w ldrm. mod.ra bopaa. Ali tor 113 000. T13UI& 19 ACRES NEAR MARQUAM oca to ill hbauth. btoorr anx Vila farm wttb crack, ao A. m cult aw rrrltatlon ITitcra. l.bdrm. homo. PIUCB BXDUOXD TO IIO.WO. (TAK1 HAU. ACREAOI OH UOkfB TO OPTO Hf TRADE.) MB T. T. AJfDXRSOtf poa A PABbt . BVX. PR. 41714 fcOVILT BANt'R. apacloui bom, nit- - wio for convcnlanca, Cloto In, 4.0oo. Won t-seos. blot RUL ESTATE ACREAGE W-arly IH acrtt toratad on Chtna- Road with an older typo 4bcd Toom hoaaa In ttry good thapt. Double tarait. fruit houae. walnut, appla and outer treea. An Ideal homa for a laraa l-mily with lou of tardea apaca. Vhnoi but rlcht br door. oSat thla for W.tt4. r ENGLEW00D .Bdroom BBllUb trp bui, oa Bcrw.r ttrot nlr I block I tn liwood tchooL Pun biHmnl, auto, ail furnace, flraplaca, parat dlnln, room, doubl aaraaa. Would coaildar b0i. Call a for dataiia. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Uaaoal BK. a latau iBiunac Loau Oftltl: .iiT fH.: I.I7M ,r I-7II . CHI" To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 fa K DW 4-4494 A mlW)iti) ! Sb Dial 44494 i Ltoalntu AOTPRTUIHO W.r. Umc 1. ' i War. tlmaa la. Par War. I m..tb a Ra I Word blntaa la Unl Rm Carama Oarr. Pw Word t lalmam M Ward, To Mara A a In Bam Dar Paper, Phatn t-HO Befar 10 ajn. k RIALESTATI OWNER LEAVING TOWN If II 4 Conor DIM. Lot loil. Tarr aw 1 Bdrr., nr.. dlartu. kllchaa witb autal buut-laa. Hdwd. floor, van I wall carpal m llrm rm. AaU. on bt. GtUllr rm, ttuahad araa. llwli 4a. raMd iMld 4 wM. Bu cool loa. Ood tars. MUST SELL im aicbawa mhM ti, s Mm, it., bttehta wtk a-ok. Htwtr Itcorotod, Ovrmar att. Cloto to but, tcbool ok ftoro. Ooo4 Unu. VISTA AVE. 00,000 .0,ar W1H a tor 1 Bdrr. bam. Oood (loan 1 Bdra, Mr dtp. ,, kltann. batb. AUacbad ra. Oaad Wrma. INCOME PROPERTY lit tot AU. ob4 lorvo hrtnt wrten. Cloto to taatptttL auto Hl4iau t4 ochooL Tuli kMotttnt, M4ut koot. ou luu. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR III a 8Kb Pbona 1HM Amor Blrnb Pb. 1TW A. a Baakalt Pb. 1411 A. Will Pb. 11711 Bvcntn,, and aundar GRABENHORST SPECIALS TAKI TDM TO CTt THIS BBTORB TOO BTrT-Omlookljit rtvtr And Ttllty vn4 on of tho btrt but la rttro. DbJt. f trttt, bli 11. a4 Ua. rat U birch kltentn. onto. wUthwuhtr. bdvd. Ilrt., auto. A hi.t. lco. playroom oa mala floor. Throw atct bdrmt., treat At patio. Toa couldn't ajk for aartblat mora. Brand atw. B tbt first to tt. CA1X BOVk. l-DUUA - HBIORBORHOOO OKOCBRT-A tood locttloo. Hltbwar frootuo. Ofoettiot. ntat and two tat pun pa. All aactMarr ulpmnt. t-yr. kaao aTalUblo. Loot raax'o aot approx. Iftta. rnca M0. Oood tornu. CAU H. K LAYMON COUlfTRT BOMB 14 kQJI. TO CTTT CXHTlUllt aeru with atodtra t'bdm. kouN, lir. m. with tlraplaea, dia. rm.. kitehaa b book, 1 bdm. dowa, full bath. 1 bdma. up. with routbtd-la full batb. Oraaa houto, lit. barn, Moal cloto la acraatt. CALL J. X. LAW SBB THIS Boavtlfol l-bdra. Boat la aleo ttttlnc. LoU of bullt-lni and cloMt tpaea. Lta. 11. At din. rmt., Iirtplaea, auto. diahwaar.r, waihtr dnrtr. Forcad air foraaco and dbit. urait. Prleo $14,100. WtU worth tbo aio&ar. CAU. O. B. ORABBWHOBaT, jr. BEAR LBBLIB BTW HlOH iCOOlp-l3Ctptl(H.alr flat leeatloa. aoavtUui kllchaa with brkf. aook, lio. Ut. dtn. ns.. wall-to-wall oar patinc, S aloa adrat, plot room for oat la partial darllfht baarat 9 flrtplaeoa. BpUadld landacapad lot with patio and aTmahoato. auto, alt hoot, OH It now. CALL ROT & mtUB TODATB BEST BUT Btw ranch trpt 3-bdrn. homt. llv.-din. rm. H' loatT, ontraao ball, oxeallant room orrantamtat, bath with dbl. lavatory, dblt. carport, lou of book ahtlvtt At oupboardi. ooulppad with dlahwuhor, olothM waahar a dryar. P A. oil htbt, fireplaca, tract. Lot It m 100. Sua by door. Only 1,M0. CALL B. B. LAYUON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 a. ukartr at. pa. 1.1471 Banlaa aundan call PL 1. Larmoa Hin 1. a. "4 '1 : ) 4 BEDROOMS SOUTH LIBERTY Thl b) a fm, older trp bom, beaa Hfalll' dacoratod. wttb 1 wadroom and batb dowa. 1 mora ap. Thtra'a a dandr, lam. fatf rard and bat, too. Too'U Ilk. Ih. location and Toa'S Ilk thla bom. II', prlcod U aall at 111.100. U Obaait GOOD OLDER HOME 1 bdrm, ten Ifrln, room and dlnln room. Plant, apae for all ' ill f.mllr, tb prle la onlr HIM with tioo down roa caa mora la. , KENWOOD GARDENS l.pcdroom homo, Jait I run old, 1000 ao. ft. floor apae. attractir lawa and ahrura, bar 1 a OOOD bur for 11710. 17000 morttai mar bo atiumad. t , SOUTH CHURCH A dandr l-badroom noma, acar all achooli, baMmaat with aoooomleal aawdturl baat, flnpuvc prlcad t 010.100. WILL TRADE!!! Brand aaw brick bom, nadr for oecupaKr. i km padrooma. birch kllehtt, U baat, huaa fireplace. 1-car sara,, la brand aaw dta ' Ukt wUl taka amaim bom la trad. FARM SPECIALS Ord "A" dalrr farm, cloaa la, with crop, for 111.000. All-purpoaa farm. U a. all Iriloatad, lrrKatloa aoulpm.nt lncludad, t 110,000. . , OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS iff ajb,.a. ao ' 4TT Ootrrt at. Bra., LoaU Loraaa SUM Ralph Maddr S14t Tad Morrlion 96044 REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCIMXNT Wi with to announce tho aatoclatlbn of Hobart "Kit" FlMtnt with our i nca. wiu appraeiau tha pt Twwaaa u on ouiomara ana bow. DUl 4-4494 DRIVE BUYS MUST 3E SOLD Ot.lM 400 orr. Cut, lltil, 1-bdrm. bom va Urn lot Wator intern. 0H Villa Ar. Raw l-podrm. aar.r. hi, on coraar lot. WIU trad up for aaw l-pdrm. bom k, atb aalam to 010,1)00. 0010 1H0 BaUara. Ktca l-bdrm bom on lorolr let tlalol OOOD irrvsrrMKHT propbtt. txru. 00100 17 Palrmouat An. 1-bdrm bom oa alopln, Palrmoaat blU. ONLY Wio dowa bun thla. into 417! Durbla An. TbU to a raaj Bur ra car!, a-aarm. aomo on W km la tb 0-Craor DUt. TUUtA. ITtoo till Brram. BxoaUaBl bar la Hrerr 1-bdrm. bom with Urla, rm dlnln, rra h.mlocb nra, attach Ml aaraca. a -ramaa. a P AXIAL DDPUX BOT tocaud ra IT. 11th at, Inoom 1100 par month. dob to nxaaaa aBLLUto poa moo DOWN. OROCIRT aTORB POR OHLT 11150 dowa. TOO 111, HOT BI BORRT TOO INVIOTIOATKD TRU MONIT UAK THO alARKJCT TODAY. OOOD 1N COUX. Prcaaat waar moot WMrlfle thla bualnM bcauw ef cnooL xra- KiooiKa, rvr pa. woo MA OOLABI I, BVa. PB. PU71 NEED MORE .BEDROOMS? Then hero la pour ohanco to maka a trada with tho houto you hao out arowa and pot a larte S -bod room home, all n ono floor, with larta dinios room and aa oitra larco utility room, and oraa a baatment with aawdutt fur nace. Larta corner lot with both c tree to paved. Bua by door, clott to llia Jr. Kith and Btw Br. Htta. Thla won t laat loot for only 4ITM. COUNTRY GROCERY To bo told. lock, ateek and barrel, tri al udint buUdint. orotalai wear par ftar. Plenty of lor ace apaca. Lorolr t-bodroom Irvine tuartort. Oood fliturca. Meal for ar ooint family. Only tH too Plut Inetntory. Will trade for a homo la Baltm. EAST M0RELAND 1 11.400 kua late-built 1-bedroom homo la better dlitrlet of Bnalewood Larto livlnc room with frroplaco, acp arato diainf room, alio apace for break fact oat la Una kitchen. Beau llfal laadMpod lot oa paved At, Only ahort dattanot to achooL Only tatoo will handle. 3-BEDR00M HOME Onlr HV with poallbi OMO down. Juil tlnlihll ro-daaoralln, and la flrat aiam radium, awarat 41a rna room and aoparaU nook, laraa oarwa and work ah.P. Bnra wht 11 with plratr t 0n ad hnac In Ida cur limit and aahaal bu atop, at front doer. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE toi a. Hklb at. PMM MM! Ph. no anlnaa and aundar 0-1171 . 1-IUI 4-lXI . 1-4171 t-uii . t-im Till REAL ESTATE Lw l-llll Hot Parrai 1-W1 107 and? Cauba VTtont S41 14114 Henry Torrtnd 43632 REAL ESTATE NEAT AND CLEAN. EAST NIc lawn, flower, and ahrub. I bedrooma, lane Urtn, room, kllchaa, broakfaat apae. floor furnace, up atalr. aot flnlihed, 1 room. Attached araca, utiwr. Modern, rrlcl u 17100. Term. NEED ROOM H Act near edce of town. Uodern hauia with I.R., Fireplace, Kitchen, Nook. 1 Bdrm.. Utllllr Room. 1 Bdrooma up, Batb. Hdw. xioor, aoin rioor. oouoia oaraae. Price I 113.900.00. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 blajonlo Bulldlna Real dtate lnauranca Mortare Tjoaa. 1-1117, Bvae. 1-71H or 1-4700 el0T NO MISPRINT ft BAD THiat 31 Aerot with cabin with creek, only IM00. Ttrmt, 4100 down. Ill per month. Hurry; this won 't laat lonr. ao t. t. Aadtmoa, Eve. ph. 4-1714. WANTED REAL ESTATE MDTIC81 If your property la far tale. rant or oaehoiica, Uai tt with aa Wa bare all klnde af oaak Buyora 8TATB PXNANCB CO, Rk-LTOM 111 a. HUS Bt 01 TB ARB ta need af food bouiaa la am. la or near A-lem. IS you wiak ta li your property for tola, ate ORABCNHOR8T BROS.. RKALTURB 1S a. Liberty Pb S-I411 oa MR. ROME OWN IB Art you havlnt trouble oellina that nice 4adroom modera homo with fireplace, oil fur nace a rarare If you are, we would ltko to make a deal with you to rent or leant with option to buy In one year. Will pay reasonable rent for Hint kind of home. Non-tmoker or drinker. Reference. Pleaao contact ue. Bos SOt, Capital Journal. We need a home. caior" RESORT PROPERTIES OCEAN VIEW Bar nearby. Cabin, tar ate. city water, lithta, lot. own a Beach cabin af your own. For rath aale only tIM. A HAUTH CO-Or BHOKEH MT. AN OR!, LAND CO. PHONE ORCXN 44 OT BLUB 40 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ItonEBw 4-BOOM home ta Portland with ftnlehed attic, oak no re, mt feature la waah room Aj kitchen. To otchante for like value la aaiem. m. h. Lona. Rt, 1. Box 414, Balen. bM4 TOR LEA HE Remodeled major oil com- anv service awuoa. tnceutas oppot- ItiBllT. Call 444M. CdJtT- FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY MONDAY BTENTNfja WANTED FURNITURE da r 1 J To Place Classified Ads . Phone 2-2406 I,, Dial4-444 J rrc -i REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WS BEBD llrni04: or. Perm. AereMBfl, Hot, CoarU, Tanraa. What Bare Tour THE EXTRA UNUSUAL And lovely new home. Owner re port thl detaca of kiuhea. it feat ured ta a aatloaal mac as la. One that a handy tad aeaveniaBt. Vpa etoua da The extra rdtaary lalr fireplaea. Lawa ta la. Dish washer. Full price 114,400. Tarms. $3750,FULL PRICE With rarr lfbrl tarma. t Bedroom borne la Highland DUt. Bu br 4ooc. Laraa back porch. Pared at. Bettw burn. TRADE FOR LARGER HOME Either in town, north ar east. Thla one la aloe. In the Hlthlaad DUt. 4 bedrooms, la the very beat af ooo ditton. Rhowa br appointment oolr. Oar at a plus car port. Very wall kept lawa and thriib. Full price lia.TM. DALLAS TRADE For a al em bom. Tfcla bom ta very ale. 4 epoetetti Mdrooma. lrt nv-ins- raoK and kltahan. Corner lot. Foreed atr oil furnace. Isaulatod. Tile bath. I bike, to school. Owner want a tood Baltm home and la really ex ferine thla on for what tt'4 worth -111,004. What have you? ENGLEWOOD BARGAIN badraom. Onlr 4 blk. t Bad wood achooL Plreplaea. Oaraa. ownr baa bouoat a farm U hla onlr reaaoa for aiUln. A real bur for MANUFACTURING PLANT To trade for taeomepropertr. Thla btulneae bu beta eetabiUhad and hat beta a bic money maker for many rear. Equipment la all very usable omo almost sew. Oroat volume almoet unlimited. RaU tour. Full price for everrthlnr 146.000. What have you to trade? Thl owner at in tno bomou SOLID INCOME Almoit bcw ertpent ateel reinforced bldt. Completed and aecupled la 1444. Present owner baa been ottabUihod In thesamo business for 13 rra. Lou of plat slue, jtronc onouth to add another ttorr. Full price Mt.OOo. Own er will accept rr- leaae atttinv the purchaser a very liberal income. Tou couldn't mitt. LARGE MONEY MAKER Thy la the Itrtett money maker we have ever nad oa our book. The property and equipment It aucb you would bo extremely proud to own It. Almost bow. Voir larte lot. Oceana af parking apace. A self operating busi ness. No phone Information pleat. Equipment 474.004. Bldg. 4100,000. $7950 FULL PRICE For thl au bur ban property. .IV acres. Modern good 3 bedroom house. Oarate. NIc lawa. A very good welL aoveral fruit treat. Only,! miles from Baltm. Terma. 40 ACRE TRADE For bom la aalral. What ban rout 17 A. under cultlratlon. to A. Irrl ated. Very modern l-bedroom bun oalow plu a modera 1-room oitra houie. Oood 1 br 41 Vara. AU bldri. ban runnlna waMr. 11 br 14 ehtck ,b bouaa. Lan, work ahop. A loo. Hat af modera farm machlnerr. Pull prlc 111.004. $800 DOWN On thla lO.ecre traet. cloa ta Balam. Uodern houao with buement. oil heat. Wonderful rlew. Oood deep weU. Pvd. at. pull prle onlr 17100. How could Tott mlaar Por Bualnau Opportualtla and Home call tor: MR. CRAWFORD (a. 4 -MM) OT DAN IAAAK IK. 4-IUl OT RAT ORIUMTTT (Bar. 1-7170) Per Perm. Onlr call for UR. LBAV- INS (Bra. 1-4711), If na anawar ,all 4-1141. UCINSED ALSO TN WASH, at IDAHO MORTOAOB LOANb AND CONVINTIONAI. LOANB 0 Tear Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phoaea l-llll or I-7U0 Bra, 1-4711, 4- 1911. 4-W10. 1-747. It a aaawer call 4-lltl C10T AUCTIONS AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4110 CBTfTKR aV.. A1M ddM7 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ' SIRE SERVICE BY ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SIRES PROVED ORIAT By tbt Performance a! Their Unaelected DautbteTt $7.00 per COW Mo repeat aervle, aharaa, a, bard elB up, ns membarihlp fie. Dalrr aad beef ftrCKle. i CAU. COLUtCT WOODBURN 4191 ALBANY 2486 WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE e-07 WHITE FACE Hellers, atetrs. Choice dark stock, Rome bred, t-14 month. 474-1134 each. Dandr en tie bulla, 13 14 month. 1134-tlM. MUler Hereford, 10404 B. B. Powell, Portland, Bu. 4144. 0304 LOCKER BEEP 3 years' old." Oraln fed HmwrnfAtHl atamt ItnaPml BJktmV- Rt- A Bot in, Relem. 307 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCAl a BEEP Whit face dareferd. 14c Locker pork 4&e. Rothtn down. 0 mo, ta par- custom Treuer loaned rree. waier anal ca- lira a lath. Ph. at' PETS CHAMPION ll IBID Dalmatian puppies. Ready wptembcr let Fboae Mon mouth 4371. eeaOT BOLLTWOOD AQIABIVM 1M McCoy. on block east of M. Capitol. 1 blocks north af MadUoa. Pa. 3-444T. ec2U CHAMPION BBKD BOXER puppies. v ery pup potential champion. Meare Tropical nan. rarakeeta. Turtles, eup plle. t mllea from Lancaster an McCleay read. 4-31TS. Closed Wednes day. CC3301 DID TOO SAT Siamese? We've got 'cm. Miakaaab O.amtlS aHtiial aanta lu , c JOT- FOB SAiaB Siamese cat, papers. Apply at PARAEEETA, young blues, reedy to train, one pair Breeder, itit Wallace Rd. Pb, 4t4l. c WI LE A VINO TO cb tehovl. WUl aU ftrty pet ooca at ta apiece, Mtu som OTt. Route 1, Boa 313, Menmo-jth. (CoTier Rrvilowt. eclll FUEL PLANEB ENDS Oreea ar drr out ta.a awirrarte. Sawdaali Mewon aad PO. won 0ALEM PVEL CO. law Bdoawau, Pa. aiell FOR SAU POULTRY WE ARB hatch la Maw Hampshire Oold- aa aroaa ana araor Acre Whit Rock, every weak. Bpocial prle t year arosna iryer growara. rox e Paateaorr, 4444 Btate 8L Phc-a 44444. f 44 NBCB0L4 HAMPtaflBt pnUet. lay- sag ow. awoa wmc. rnoo x-ixie PRODUCE MOOT TABUTT af aeachaa ra leuoa. Worm free Onrcaatela. m mil trsm nm mt wauaea aa. L. a. wenai. (rower. fill nCBXno CtTKBB fneb dallr tram aar farm rjeld ma Oe pwoad. Onaalcallr BTOwa noletoee. pad r white Paacbea aaw aa mark,!. PbUlla, Bra. Perm Market, UN Partlud B4U Balei aaill. rr CTTratbCBA for aUUa, nc piuhal. Phone e-IM train. ff7 f ALDf PUBLIC Market (Per mere I. open Wodnaadart and aaurdan, 1:4 am. Pnab au. raiatablaa, trull and flaw era. 1140 B. Rural. Vb block Mil of ltth at. trie. flACBTlA, J. a. BAUI and baarored aHoanaa. ut load werlneartar, aepl. lad. Puritan Cider WrU. Til Bdie- at.r. Weat Balam. 11111' WANT TO BUT eel Cora la field. ciroa a. achats. Junctloa citr. ore. Phone 1-1017. Iflll BOXES POB SAU br truck load. Appla. lettuce, cant a eraa. Clrde A. XL t, Junction our. ore. fflll BABTI-ZTT-a, buahal. O-plek. Brlai caiaiar. i-avia. tin pari are. ffT PEACHES Improved Elbert, J, H. Balat, Ripe Tomatoat, 13.34 busheL CantaloupM . 4 lb. Fruaat Bartlett Pears. Oreea Apple Mkt S auics north aa Pt-B. fflll BEAN'S Your Conning and Freezing Beans Now U-Plck 4c Pound Beat baaa ya caa awl btwb aa Lake La bub. 1 rallaa north. Ml at rlr. wtb aara I baaa rrd. Ralph . abeam. Pbona a-0eu. . tfloo HOMB OaOWN broocoU. auliawer. Kentucky Wonder bean, beet, car- rota, cucumoera. uiron M rou. , mi. B. atarto t on aid hlwer. itXBAMA OARDSNS. fflOl ..'.?, HELP WANTED BXAV PICKERS Oak Craat Perm, 1 mile north of Weal Balem on Wallace Rd. Hoarr crop. Cloaa ta. Parkin, arauabl. ,100' CA8H1EB-BOOKXEEPER Raataurant, 1170 Canter at. call. Speadwar No phone PEAB PICKEBS-Oak Craat mlla north ef Wail Salem a Rd. Hearr crop. Cloaa la. Perm, 1 l Wallace lew BEAN PICKERS 0. P. MacCarthy and Sons BOS POR BEAR PICKERS WILL ROB AOAIN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, D. P. MACCARTHY a SON, RTE. 1, BOX 111, BALEM, . 309' BEAN PICKERS Now picking good aecond crop of polo bean, tood crop, and clean yard. Excellent eamp facUltle. Steady work. Dally but aervle from Balem oa fol lowing route: Starting at 4:45 a m. at Owen and Liberty, then north on Liberty to Broadway, north on Broad way to Hltbland, tatt on Hlihland to Bilverton Road, east on SUverton Road to Fmlrhaven Ave, Fairgrounds road to Summer Bt, south on Bummer to Center, east oa Center to 13th. couth 13th ta Hoyt, watt oa Hoyt ta Com mercial, north on Commercial ta Lib erty, north on Liberty to Owens, west oa owen to south rover Road and on aoutb River Road nine mllea to xarm. looi xor dark green internation al baa with D. P. MacCarthy and Bona rarm painted on it. Flat down driver; ho will be tlad to atop anywhere on thla route for you. Please, bo children under fourteen units with adult. For Further liUormatloa, drive out South River Road nine mil as ta farm ar pnono UMepenatnc inn. D. P. MacCARTHT AND BON Rt. 4, Box 414. Salem, Ore on tivr BOP FICEERS urgently seeded. Early clutters, transportation rrom employ ment office, Balam. Braest Fred atadeU. Phono 44744 or 44744, Sliver- wo. g.ll" HELP ME MY BEANS HAVE GONE CRAZY! THEY LOOK LIKE BUNCH ES OF BANANAS. YOU DRIVE OUT; YOU WON'T BE SOR RY. I'M CLOSE TO' TOWN, 3 ML OUT S. RIVER RD., TURN RIGHT 1 MILE. PH. 4-2789. RIENSCHE'S BEAN YARDS. 4307 BEAN PICBEBSNaw yard, new .loca tion. 44 mile aortb af Cascade hub aebool, aecond lane to right, , B. Hsneen. Route U Box II, Turner. 344 WANTED PLAT bed trucks, with drlvtTt. Haul hop ta picking machine. Wil liam Krebo aad Son Phone 1-444, Salem. g304 BOTH. 14 TEA. AGE to aat plat. Clean. interesting work, good par, m a Bowl, lott Portland Rd. elOf HELP WANTED FEMALE OIBL oa LADY for part time erenln work. 111 pemround Rd. aarparienea la to cream hand In, praterred. cfelOO EXPERIENCED aceaaaorr aalaeladr. Per manaat paaltloa. Nit alaht boun. Ap plr la aaraoa. PRIcra, 111 a. Llberir SI. - KXP1RIENCEO WAITRESS Pan Bad full Urn. Apply la peraea. Cblaa Cltr. MW a. Commercial at. (bill EXPERIENCED SALESOIRI wanted. Ap ply Rartmaa Broe.. 11 State. ohMO EXPERIENCED ner-lo-mear aleledr. Permaaaal poaltlon. No aleht hour. Aopir la per Ma. prices, lit H. Lib ertr St. WArruss Woodroffa' aaa shop, 1400 Portland Rd. No phoa talla. CAB BOP Woodratfe'e aaa Shea. 140 Portland Rd. Ma phone aUa. JOE PAL00KA TlVOT A SOITIN COCUMMISS se..."TH6 mo weft BeTrVEtN MOOSL agcncv K - I ME AO J MA BOevEN mm HELP WANTED MALE IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN aad waat a set la aa tb srouad floor - rr . .owe . prerioe eme ef the beet lobe in Or aeon with muwi "ww m, aaa Wlah tal ihlaklB,, w, caa dlaeua aur plaa ta a peraonal tnternew. Tt yea hare a alotary f floaunr from ieb t lob, ar if yea are anlr e.rlottj. we will both be weetla, aur Ume. Tou win be your ewa boaa, and yea muet b, able maaaje ywur awa a. w.u a, uiaa Who may wreat aaily aa under rou. OuaraBtee af lioo m. traloms bealutln with third day aa trainee. If you an rnteroated In aa appcrtualty la tho ule, field, phone jo. nnuana neien appcarlai pvraooaur. Coataat bar. Sanda. a.n.ta. wa. a Wedneadar, September a. waiwaca ie:w a-SA. aad 0:00 I . aM0' BELL BOT Mutt be 11. Apply ta aar aaa befan t P.m. Senator HotaL am EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB BXOISTER TODAY. WORK TOMOR ROW, IP QOAUPIXD TOOT A PARTIAL LMrn.NO BELOW P Racapt. Dr'i afa, n-lt 110 P Recept. Seer. S day tm p Oea. afa. bkkpi. eip. i da... 1100 P Switchboard opr. raept, M-M..11U P BUtpr. I da. 10-30 ,..1111 P Lsial ateaa. rp. o P Caahlar Oaa. Ic ll-lb 1111 P Medical ateno. 10-40 13O0 P Medical iteno. (out af town). tm M Accountanl 0171 ale 11-11 0 TUB BEST WAT TO THE BEST JOBS COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 414 Stall St. (Orer on Bid,.) 4-1111 PORTLAND OPC 410 S.W. MORRISON ,r7 WANTED POSITIONS KINOWOOD Klndenardena In Wail Sa lrm heelaa September Ith. Call 4-16,7 for younietar, under four. Orar four can 1-4531. br MAN, aa, WITH PAMUI wouid Ilka to mora to Salem, Oretoa. Ha 11 rear bookkeeplB,, andltln, and manaie- meat xperlence Caa lire A-l ref. erencei. Claud Wlbon, 110 S. Nerada. Colorado crpnon, Colorado, h!07' BBOSH OB SPRAT palatine. Phone 4-no, or l-Hl. hill' NEW LAWNS Prepared and aeeded. aotary hoelns. Duana walcotL 1-1137. bill WOULD Uka to bid on roar palntln. Phone 1-4141. hiu PAINTING Interior, exterior. Mcclain ana ooldan. Phone l-llll ar 1-3111. hi lie BOTOTILUNO Wadla orer Nuraerr. alio SUrertoa Rd. Phone 4-4011. b PAINTING. PAPER hanilu. day or contract. Small job welcome, pbona 1-711. n307 LIORT CRAWLER domnl, dirt lerel- inr, oradlni. pnon l-izio. ni07' PAPER HANGING, palntlu. Pre, ,a tlmataa. Don Lucaro. Pb. 1S312, h307 LA" N MOWERS SCISSORS, Clipper head, etc., aharpened. Oeneral Mo tor Repair. Ill aeru. Phone 1-156. bio LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work Serrlce Center. Phone 4-1173. b WIEMAL'S DAT NURSERY Lie enaed and atat, tnapected. Phone 3-0011. hill BOOKKEEPER Pull cberae, need per manent poeltlon. 1-day. week. Exe. rati. Bllrerton 11431. hlOl TBEE WOBK Toppln. trlnunln. re morlnt. Inaured. John Parna, phone i-vic. nzn1 WILL CARE for child, my bouaa, dare. North. Phono !. hloo- RELIABLE BABY SITTEB WUl SO dan or nunte. Phone 3-8o4. B330 COMPETENT younr man, 37 rra. old. collate Kraduute. movln, to Salem, de alraa poeltloa with reliable firm aa bookkeeper or' orilc manlier, pioaae cell Salem 41141. bill BXKB.ACCT. wlAhaa perm, poaltlon. Exp. sen. leaser, payroll, typlns, etc. Ph. 31311. hlM NEW S BEDBOOM home, central hall- war, nicely decorated, IH hatha, cov ered patio, baaement with fireplace. eloio ta boapltal oil D St. lilt leal Court. rilll EDUCATION BELP SICK PEOPLE. Study tha atandard four year collne eoura and become a Naturopathic phralclaa. Write NOW to Dept. R, WESTERN STATES COL LEO E. 4031 a. B. Mrd Are., Portland. Oraion. hhlll PIANO LESSONS br experienced teacher. 11 a laaaoB, for Information call l-llll. hhsio' FOR RENT OPPICB SPACE Inquire al 100 a BUh Phone 1-4114. 1 LABOB warehouao apace for rent a lea, cement noon, brick pultdtno Dowa town. Inquire R. L Stiff Pur alture Ca Phone 1-9115 SICKLE bar mower, paint apray, toola. Snook's, 1311 Broadway. 1307" POB LEASE lM ta 300 feet frontaic on BOf .water at, weal saiaav Ira J. Pitta, ph 1,401 f WANTED TO RENT t-BEDBOOM house Ar carae. South Sa lem or subur. Keierencet. Phone 33387. j309 TATS EMPLOYE and wife desire 3 bed room house, with auto, heat and garate. Phono 4-aUO. ia-Ot SMALL PAEM for 3 rear. .Joha Yobs, Rt. e. boi io. saiem. Js3M FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE, CLEAN front room, hot. cold water, iteaeonabla. coo center St. :o7 NICE, LIGHT houeekoeptno room. Ladr. 4U N. Church. 11307 NICE aoOMS. Cloa la Oil If. Winter. Call alter I 10 Ikioi' SLEEPING BOOM lor 1 t 110 N. Church. Phono 3-4330. - Jk207 ATTRACTIVE BOOM cloM t It it. bulldlnee. N. Wtntrr tklol FOR RENT HOUSES l-BEDROOM email rear houeee, aewlr deeorated. Phone 1,100, Inquire al 1,1 a Lencaator. lmM7" POB BENT Ona-bedroom court. Ranee and rofrlieretOT furnlahod. Phone 41711. )m ONE RinsOOM, furnuhed. win leaie. lei M. sc wnr ta rear at 141 Port- land Rd. IBI30 UX)nS PCkminani. 6t S JhOWWmO&vE BACH IVir HEU aE 506 A R THAT OUT OJ PAPPA, UNOeSY tVAL5H.rVM0S) PBOS1.Y OS ARREOPY 6IFTE0 'ER A TEN-CARAT STONE. A TOW. NtnubS" FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL IXENllBED CABIN for 1 ar 1 people, in. Alio trailer apae, lit. Bo pet. 174 oxiora au call i-in. ImlOt1 VNPL'BNlSBED an bedroom bouaa, 010 Rt. a. Boa on. Phone 4100. ImM' ONE BEDBOOM furnlahod eotta. laun dry, laraxe. reaaoaabl rant, 1147. Portland Rd. tmllf 77 s. COMX. Cloa, ta. downtowa. I aaareom aceuant for lane family at. Jeaapb or Buab echool dutrlct. Purther mfermetloa all 301 or 11471. lmoe 1 BED ROOM BOias Baa, nfrliera lor, etl beater. 1171 Summer. Phone l-o,r IrnMr. ITNPTBJfiSBEO 1-badroam houw. H aioet from achooL call 33313. unJOT SMALL TJNPTRNIS RED bouaa. Employ ad couple onlr. Not pet. Bwferenee. 401 N. HUh St. fmlOT- 4-BOOM, one-bedroom bouaa, newly dac- aratee- aaa . a. awaja. a.T.BO month. Imm S-BBDBOOM rarallhad bona, near bul. 104 N. 13rd St. Phone -07tt. Imloi' 1 BEDBOOM un furnuhed, 1UI H. Cot- eaca or curir a oairr. jmin- BUSINESS RENTALS GROUND FLOOR office or store apace rot real, call at nit Market. BUILD IN O. Suitable for repair hop, Atorace. Cheap. 401 M. Llhtrtr. t-fti4, J0304- FOR RENT APARTMENTS DOWNTOWN Well ftiniUhed, 4 room, bath, corner apt. 444 Center at, Jpl07a NICELY FTJENI4HED apartments; Am bassador Apt. M0 No, Summer Jp 4EVBBAL furnished apartment, good locstion. inquire a. u suu sniraitur Pboae 1-4105. iP F. SALEM Clean 3-rm. unfurntahed court apt. Baa alec rente, phone 3-tO0l. jp300 CLOSE IN, 4 rooms, garagt. Terr nice. 70. Aiavo, Bwt 4 room apt sTtirnuhed. 3-tOtI. JP30S' LOVELT CLG4E IN, f.'rst floor apart ment, lots or steam heat and hot water. See at 334 Oak street. Jp308' Elaine Apartments Furnished 3 -room apartment. 474 N. Liberty lp307' CLEAN furnlthod apartment, private hath. Phone -r57t. jpiiz1 COVET APARTMENT Furnlthod, close in oa N. Commercial. 3 room and ga rage. Phone 3-4848 or 3-4S44. Jp21J 4 LABOE BEDECOEATED room, private Datn, acar out. Phone 3-7479. JP3Q7 BASEMENT fiirnishetL 3 rtMou, atilltle, private Data. u s. roth. jpwt FOB RENT Two triplex. 1-hdrm. each. inquire 3510 Portland Rd. Jp207' FURNISHED APARTMENT Private en trance and bath. Laundry facility, ga rage. Adult. 734 S. 13th. Jp207 SHARE ArtRTMPJNT Private bedroom, living room, abate kitchen, batb. Clean, well located. S-33lft. Jp20T LARGE DUPLEX apartment, right down town. Adult, ceo Ferry, fbobo t-mt Or 4-3437. JP310' CLEAN 4 ROOM Airnlahed apt, ranre. refrltarator. laundry, utilities xurnlih- ed. Reference dealred. Phone 3-B084. 3361 Hatel Ave. JP.OT 4-ROOM furnlahod apartment. Private batb. 430 per month. 1360 N. Winter Phone 3-4474. Jp3O0 1 4 OR t ROOM furnished apt. Bull ae lauea ozuy. ibh court alter a p.m. JPJU LEEAPTS. Salem' Most DlstLntuUbed Address Available now a tw6-bedroom unit an ground floor; all huts room with lot of closet space: fvll tlx elect, rani and refrlterator. Inspection in vited. 4 N. winter St. jp.071 CLOSE IN, furnished duplex, 410 BcUe- Tue. Nearly new larg imng room, creek, carport, $74. Phone 3-S12B. am BtTry. jpsu- ROOM furnished, electric refrigerator and stove. Call at too Saginaw, jpsw STATE AT 13TH. Nice, roomy corner xurnunea apartment wim oearoom and batb,. o. To caa, Phena 4-4370. Jp20 3-BOOM upitalra apt., larta well-fur- nUhed. 430. Laundry faculties. Jit Maple Ave. Phone 17117. CaU evenlnii. Jp213- 4 ROOM furnished apartment. Private batb. 704 N. .Liberty. Phone WB47. 1p313 4 ROOM furnuhed apt., alec, reuse, re- ir leer tor. 1 30 month, aiaeriy person. Phone 35276. Jp3 CLOSE IN. nicely furnished one bedroom apartment. Frivaw entrance, uirrs preferred. 439 N. winter. )p.Dt' I ROOM furnlthod apartment, walking distance. 430 for n sst ior i. water oh aUfbta furnished. Pbone 4-4439. )p20T NICELY FURNISHED, close In, clran apartment. RefrigeratOT stove, private ntrance At oath. Meal for one person. 344 Union. 41444. Jp20l' VERT ATTRACTIVE, new, clean 4 rooms furnished. 3 blocks to it at bunding and shopping center. Phone 9-7430. Jp204 VERT NICE, redecorated large apart ment, nrnuned ar uBiumina ciose In. 3-4933. 1P211 NEAR UNIVEESITT. furnished elesn 3 room apartment, utilities paid. Rea sonable, phone 4-4S41. Jp20S CLOSE IN, Deluxe apartment, 3 bedi. 444 K. cottaee. jpzdh- LOST & FOUND FOl'ND Whit face Black Antus heifer. Ear tag. H. M. Hiatt. Vale, Orecon Found esit of Woodburn. Andrew Wekerle. Rt. 3, Woodburn. k20t ItiND Tan puppy wttb black note and heavy leather aouar. can a-o.u. k307 MISCELLANEOUS Bn-HIVE TRUCKS O'DRIYB MOVE YOORSXLP SAVE 4 CAR RENTALS STAKES TANS TEXACO STATION 11, COURT ST PHONE l-llll PAOB STEVENSON and AL MEPPORD m- SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contraet work Boad Cleartno - Dltebtas Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental Dltcbln, br tb. Pool Phone Dan 1-04U Bra. 1-4411 or A-7111 Salem. Oreioe m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-HR. SkUVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Sklc, SUl Ai Commercial St SALEM PR. l-llll m LET I'S DO rour flab amoklns and flih cannlnr. I-70O5. m370 BUILDING MATERIALS Remodel, Repair, Now San your eaib for a rainy day. Ha down payment, 1" month, ta pay Epping Lumber Co. I70 Sllrrrtaa ftd. Ph. 41111 OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY ai IVir J ATMEM 6UV5 AN' PI PTE SEEN AT . ' -j TM bTCrn, BUILDING MATERIALS 'WINDOWS Largest gtock la Saleat. Mew weath trstripped windows, completely atem bled. 414.34 UP. Larg modera tacheg and arratal pictara window, 44 up. Pick rour choice at bargais PTtcoa PLOMBHIO Hew toilets with at I34.M 34"xi4H wash baaittt. complete ., 17. Bath tub wltt flttlnt 44 M Doubl laundry trays, complete . 40.14 Shower cabinet, eomplet . 43-04 Double kitchen alnka, aiectrle water b sclera, pip ...........dbeap 4" ols4 Oraageberg pip Ite 404 gal. ateel septic tank 44744 OTHER BARGAINS Metal carat door with hdw.... .444 Row 4x1 plasterboard 41.40 4x4 waterproof wallboard .......11.74 Interior, and exterior plywood Nail, carload aupply M-74 Overhead garaco door bdwg. ... .113.94 Loos insulation, per bag U Ot Roll blanket Insulation .......bargaia "Jap Wren" plywood 3ae S" "Jap Birch- Plywood 4U Mahogany plywood a 42 No. 1 Cedar shinties , 44.34 No, 3 cedar ahinclea , 4.04 No. ) Coder ablnglee 4.04 S-tab roofing Bargais Panel doors, hardwood door, all trpea glass door lowest price New fir door lamb .,.02.44 Feinted cedar shake 110 73 Unpalcted coder shake K04 New asbestos aldlnc to M Exterior whit paint 43 94 Sack molding, per foot 10a C. G. LONG & SONS Ph," 4-tl On mile N. af reiser ma PLYWOOD Interior aad Exterior. 4x1 ahaete ar la cut elaea Mill ead 1 It, up. Oadar Sdi. (dean up), 111 to 135 M. Doora. M M up. Birch. Mahc, Pfr ta Slab doora. Panel In Plr. Sbakee IW.7I oa. up. Hardboard 11.71 eheet Hem. ads., PI,., 15 50. Mldia, Wall hoard. Boot. Ins, decoratln panala, and Lamber all prlcad rllht. Pree delivery and wtlmatlns awrlc. Hbthlns down 10 mo. to pay. Open all day Bat. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 1141 Portland Rd. Ph. 44411 ma Red Cedar Shingles Beet srada. eoaxt or moan tain tim ber. Dellrered prloea: No. 1, 1J1; la. a.voi .n, ...ou, aa, a. ao. COMMON LUMBER Complet mm a lock, ahlplap. sxa, and wider, del, 131 per I A up. TED MULLER, phoa aalam 1-1 us oventnre. ma" GOOD USED EIRE BBICK for fireplace bulldlhc, oe 1311 Lanilns Are. ma3o R CO PINO SPECIAL 07.10 PER SQUARE i TN 1 THICK TAB aRTNOLES PROM CAR LOAD SHIPMEMT TAKE DIRECT PROM CAR SAYI PLACE TOTJR ORDER HOW PICT. OP WHEN CAR TS IN CAR DOB 1ST OP SEPT. KEITH BROWN LBR. TARD Pronl a Court street. Phone l-llll WB C-IVE SeXH OREEN STAMPS ma NURSERY STOCK VEHTlUZETt Parmeri. rebuild your land. Rottatf manure, 13.50 rard Dellrered la rour field. Phone 3-0714. mblll FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CASH REGISTERS: Prom 111 and up. Buy for State Pair. Phone 3-OlTl. . a3ll Sill LINOLEUM run 1.01. Baraala Bern. Ph. 15104. M07O BAST SPINDRT w.iher 10.00. Banala Barn, I9E N. 4 ml. B307 ONE WOOL rus with pad. sood condi tion, sxs. in. pnon 1144. nzor CORONADO waehln, machine; tap ahoea. all 7. Phone 1-M33. P307" 10' TREE PRUNES, Montamower, modi. em cBbluet, le. clock, lane mirror, luiiaae, fruit lara, S panel ereea, foot etooL drrlnc trara. CaU after 4 p m. Ph. 1-1771. 441 N. 11th. aim BEAUTIFUL uied brick for exterior - wall, flreplacea, and Interior. Phone 1-1411 (Iter 10 a.m. n!07 BADIO-PHONO recorder. Uka aaw. Ti l. Mahocanr conaol. Olena Woodrya, 1600 N. aummer. nlOT SILYERTONE CAR RADIO Neatly new. Miracle Maid preeaur cooker, s-ll,. 361 a. nth. n:n ll&O.M BUYS rery nice piano, Olena woodnf,, iwi N. Bummer. nioi- COLEMAN Oil (tore for aala. la sood condition. 47, veaa Road. n!07 BETTER BUYS. Olenn WoodrrA n307 O. E. BEPER.-apeclal, 111.15. OSED MTJSE. MART, T70 S. Liberty, phono 4-0171. Terma of coural. n7' PAINT. 1.00 GAL, Olenn Woodry'e. MOT- Reduced 3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 Shaper and Stand Startlns price Aur. 15-111 SEPT. 1 - $52.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yard PROMT COURT ST. PHONB lllll "Wa Oln a a H Oreea atampa n BETTER BUTS, Olenn Woodrr'a. n30T SWINO BOCKEB Your choice, 1141, USED MDetE. MART, 110 S. UPinr St. Phono 4-0371. Terma of courao. BIOT APT. ELECTRIC ranee. Immaculate con dltlon, 109.50. Low aa 11.00 dowa do. llvera. Alao apt. 111. refrtcoratore. Low aa 05.00. Olena Woodrr'a, 106 N. Summer. n307 BILTEBTONE Radlo-Phonoaraph, rec ord., womea'e dothee, 13-iai bouaanoia tooda. 1401 Baker. 3-1171. P1Q7 NEW MATTEESSES, 15 .. Banala Barn, I9E N. 4 ml. 1U07' STKOLLER. II.H. USED MDSE. MART, 370 S. Llbertr St. Phone 4-C37I. exoi- OAS CAMP STOVE, A-l, 4.T5. Banala Barn. 9E N. nror- HEATING NEEDS! See Ward' complete line af heating need. Free estimate an all Installa tion jobs. Montgomery Ward ISA NO. Liberty Ph. 1-3191 naoT- ANTIQUE dresser 10 00. Bargaia Barn. nzinv 4-PC. CHBOME SET Special. 43144. USED MDRE. M-ART, 370 S. LlDCrty St., phone 4-4371. Terms of couTSt. n307- Pit I'MBEILLA teat 1.30. Bargaia Bam, 99E N. 307 4PC. B.B. SETS Tour c holes, only 9t 4ft. USED MDSE. MART, TTf 8. Liberty St., phone 4-4371, Ttrmt ef course. B307 PAINT 1.44 gaL Bargain Bam. B307 By Ham Fhhtr rTTte M..TMlS Ouerff J I r rsuRN AAA. JlM -f I torn w' nop ra Lvfc"4' T CAU. UP A FEW AAORl S t&i" VI C0LUM15T5. t