I Saturday, Augtiat 29, 1954 ' Pact 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Orerosi In The mim by un pomes Sweet Home Sweet Bom Rev. Ralph Rankin, of Taylor, Ark., If holding a two-week revival at the Fint Baptist chureb in Foster. The revival will be held through Sept. (. Sunday will be an all day meeting with basket lunches at noon and song service In the afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Oliver Q. Goodwin, Yvonne and Sharon, returned from a three-day va cation trip which took them through the redwood lot est stopping to sea the points of Interest and returning the coast route and stopping en route to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christiansen In Port Orford. The Christiansen's are former Sweet Home real dents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rohlena of Fairfax, Iowa, ate visiting In the homa of Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Haney. Othur visitors at the Haney borne included Mrs. Harlan Ault and Mrs. Ed Haney of Petaiuma, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hansen el Jerome, Idaho, parents of Ronald Hansen visited here recently. While visiting, Frank Hansen was take to the coaat for his first fishing trip to those waters. He ex perienced his first catch of two silverside salmon on this trip. Dr. and Mrs Jack McKean left for a short vacation to fish in the Yellowstone river. Marjorie Jacobson of Valen tine, Neb., niece of Mrs. Fred Retnleclus, is visiting here. Mrs. Bob Gabriel is vaca tioning in Grants Pass at the horn ,of tmr bob and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie GabrleL Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rieh ardsos) were Punday visitor at the home el Mr. and Mr. Paul Morgan in Dallas. Mr. Morgan was formerly with the Willamette National Lumber Co. at Foster. The gathering Included a group of old-tlma friends and neighbors who meet occasion ally for reunions. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wilson and sen, Jimmy, and Mrs. Ida Vlgue and Tommy of Everett, Wash, were recent visitor at the homa of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vlgue. Rev. and Mrs. Norman Bak- ken and Nita and Mark and Ronnie Langford, arrived at the home of Mr. Bakken'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom auv, w aiiuri visit. ram1 ale Langford Is a grandson of KL Oft THEATRE ENDS TONIGHT (SAT.) S Dimeasiea "FORT Tl" 3555 S. Commercial ' On 99E South of Salem Open OPEN 4:30p.m. lo 'Sgm. SOAY Weekdays irf ' io 30p.in..o --Vs t1:Mpfmi 3 i.m. Saturdays Serving the Finest in Chinese fir American Foods We Specialize in Banquets and Private Parties DINE and DANCE NEW VILLAGE INN FIRST SMASHING WEEK REX MAYO AND- THE KING'S MEN Siflnarvro Recording Artist FEATURING KENNY HING Nerrhwett'l SHrrstandinf mi ... trrtW man wMtt lots of hot) . . jn m4 Koar Kenny ptay . . . Harlem No, tarn. Shoe) roc, Snake Cfcermor, at. DICK JOHNSTON, varMtlla trewaoas, trumpet ft las "TINY" KNAUSS, MO-. pirn player DiiNMrt Sorvotl S:30 Uiwil . . . CRAZY SPAGHETTI 1057 PtUmi Rooet Valley the Vlatte's. Smith a Ready to Wear ha recently expanded to two building. The old site bouse the new Tots to Teen shop snd the Women Apparel has moved to the building where Hance's 5 and 10 was. Reginald Roger, minister of the Church of Christ en Pickens Rd. and East Long St. la holding a series of de bates at the Albany Church of Good of Abraharaie faith with Rev. Anton. Sublimity Sublimity Mr. and Mr. N. R. Lulay returned by plane Wednrsday morning from a tis weeks vacation in Penn sylvania where they visited relatives and friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lulay are former resident of that state. . Mr. and Mr. Louis I August and four children are now lo cated In the John Mackie house. Mr. August, who I credit manager for the San- tiam Memorial hospital, mov ed bis wife and family from Montesano, Wash., the past week. Mr. Anna Vert Handel left Tuesday for Breltenbush to enjoy a vacation. George R. Bradley, chair man of the school board, has made the following announce ment: Registration for public school, Friday, Sept II. Due to the lata harvest opening of school has been set for Sept. 31. All eight grades will be taught Thomas Federgast will be principal. Mr. Jim Nightingale, who wa visiting here from La- comb, announce she ha a new granddaughter, a girl, Suzanne Ivy, having arrived at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hartwig (Avnnne Nightin gale).'' The Hartwigs now have two girls and three boys. Duane Heuberger, or of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heuberger, left a week ago for Pendieton where he Is practicing for the last-West Class B high school football gam which is sched uled for Saturday, Aug. 39. Heuberger has recovered from a sprained ankle sustained in practice. - - Pvt Rodney Watts, son of Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Watts, is home on a 17-day leave from Camp Roberts, Calif. At the end of his leave he will report to Camp Leonard Wood, Mo., where he will take up engineering. Sister M. Mareiene is her visiting relative. More than 13,000 ships go through the Sues Canal In a typical year. Tarn- "Make Tfcla Maef West Stayton West 8tayton Donna Wright of Sweet Home Is stay ing at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nye, to pick beans until school starts. . . The West Stayton school Is sporting a new coat of paint in preparation for the opening ox ecnool, Sept. SI. The play shed and swing are all newly painted. The teacher for the 83-54 school year will be Charles Golden, formerly of Lane county, as principal and the seventh and eighth grade teacher; Beulah Farrel, form erly of Grant county, fifth and sixth grades; Gertrude Hen nies, who taught here last year third and fourth grade; and Janet Brownell.. also a teacher here last year, first and second grade. The school ha purchased a bus this yesr. The bus will be driven by Burl Arthur, formerly of Sa lem, wno will also act as Jani tor and cook for the hot lunches. The Community club offic ers for the year will be: Presi dent Jim Nye; vice-president Vernon Rock; secretary, Ger trude Hennies and treasurer, Dorothy Nye. It may be necessary to send some of the first and second grade pupils to Aumsvllle as about 80 children are expect ed. It was voted at the last meeting of the Community club to have a class mother from each room to work with the teachers for the program and parties for the childicn. The class mothers will be appointed after school resumes this faU. The West Stayton Women's club used clothing sale, report doing big business but could use some help In the evenings. Detroit DetroitCorrection : Mr. and Mrs. Dee Palmer have not pur chased, the Lake Cafe as stated in a recent article, but will operate the cafe in conjunc tion with the Dine and Dance at that establishment. Otto Russell left Monday for Seattle where he-will board a plane for Anchorage, Alaska. Mr. Russell will take advan tage of the opening of terri tory at Cook s Inlet to home steading. In Alaska he will meet Bill Harris of Winches ter Bay, and Ed Barber, of McMlnnville, who will also Me claims. Mr. Russell will return by auto along tba Al can highway. ' The Detroit Civic dub will meet at the home of Mrs. Fran ces Xettleson, Thursday, Sept. 3, at 8 p.m. Speaker of the evening will be Miss Marlene White, who will tell of the work of the California Coun cil of Home Missions with the children of migrant workers at Mendotta,. Calif. Two for est service films have been se lected to be shown that eve ning, also. Grand Island Grand Island Miss Lois Rockhin of Grand Island, a registered nurse, who has been employed at the General hos pital, McMlnnville, has re signed her position and is leaving Saturday to take a position at a Lexington, Ky, hospital. Two friends are taking a motor vacation trip and she will accompany them. She will live with her brother-in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Lamb, at Wllmore, Ky., and commute to her work. Honoring her, eight Dayton Union high school classmates gave a party for her at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnlcum in the Webfoot dis trict Thursday evening and presented her with an au revoir gift Attending were the hororee, RIVE-IN THEATHi UIIM MINNS, RMMMT ft J GATES OPEN :4J SHOW AT 7J 1 ENDSTONITE! (Sat.) "TITANIC Clifton Webb Barbara Stanwyck v ta Techateele "LURE OF THE 1 WILDERNESS" J aa Peters Jeffrey Banter STARTS SUNDAY! Ksthryn Grayson Gordon MacRae tn Technicolor "Tka Desert Sanf' alee Frank Lovejey JeaaWeMeasa , THE SYSTEM" a 71 'ii Mis Rockhlll, Mr. Norman Gubser, Mr. Donald Gubser, Mr. Robert Coburn, Mr. Rob- ney ferry, Mrs. Marvin Lor enzen, Miss Vonda Maklnster, snd Miss Donna Finnlcum. Honoring Mis Rockhlll at another party, a group of young people held a wiener roast at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clarence Rock hill, in Grand Island district Tuesday evening for , a 7:10 supper. Attending were Mr. and Mr. Donald Gubser, Mr. and Mr. Junta Edlger, Dwight and Candle, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brsat and Lyntl, Mr. snd Mrs. Ted BeU, Mr. snd Mrs. Gilbert Rickey, Mr. and Mr. Eugene Weldon, Jimmy Richardson, Eugene Stock hoff, Orvlle Clark. Misses Mareena Fowler, Sharon Fin nlcum, Donna Finnlcum, and Mis Lois Rockhlll, the bon ores. , Visiting and group singing were the pastime. Mrs. C. T. KiUmiller of Sa lem was a guest of Mrs. Clar ence Rockhlll of Grand Islsnd from Friday until Tuesdsy. ' Donald Donald Donald grade school will begin Monday, Sept. 14, according to Raymond Gu les, chairman of the board. Mrs. Cook of Hubbard will be in charge of the primary grades and will also act as principal. Mrs. John Anderson, wife of the Naxarene pastor in Donald, will have charge of the upper grade. Mr. and Mr. Charles Emler were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lin Cromwell of Donald. . Mrs. Lila Peterson, mother of Mrs. Lin Cromwell of Don ald, sprained her back last week a ih was lifting, and as soon a the could be moved she came to her daughter's home where she remained for several days. She is able to be up now, but is still under the doctor's care. . Mrs. Pearl Pruitt and three children have moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Scroggiru, in Donald. The Scroggins, family moved back to Idaho a short time ago. Willamina Willamlna Kathleen Boun- dy was honored August 25 on the occasion of her fourth birthday party, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myers, Willamina. Guests were Kathleen Mc- Cauley, Bonnie Foster, Judy Wise, Terry Canby, Jimmy HurL Cherle Foster, Alan Wise, Jsnet snd Kathleen Bound. Mrs. Bill Foster Mrs. Robert Wise, Mrs. Chester Canny, Mrs. Bill Hurl snd Mrs. Robert Boundy also at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas De EKDS TONIGHT! w ."l mj mm m iir rro-. . . ti na a l9- - -m n mm XX.Nr HOWARD HAWKS' Uti Mf:, f Wf -AM COBURN b f 1 , UtV 1 At V,f VV I nwW Toiw.l4ssa jaWtws 1 k It I ll V twi 1 I if-jr.Vtf ' I ral).Ti?WH-ajniVrt I 11 l I J W Yrt I I 1N t f ( SrR,CTH,SSHo1NTYI J l (V n V "Z? Adults children miKM it 20c (Jl Hubbard Hubbard Mr. and Mr. N. A. Mann returned Tuesday evening from a vaeation trip spent at the summer home of her brother, or. a. u. Jones, of Pytt Lake. Idaho. Also there were her sister, Mrs. C. E. Blank enburn of Great Fall, Mont. The two sisters and brother had not all been together at one time for 33 year. Dur ing their visit the Mann beard the noted pianist, Harold Owen of Hollywood, play. Turner urner Visitors at the homa of ' Mrs. Edith Manning last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Manning of Red lands. Calif.,' Mrs. Helen Radk of Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msnninas and Mr. and Mrs. Lap Ankney all of Eugene. Miss Joy Nelson has returned to her home in Portland follow ing a visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Klok- stad. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, El win, Herbert Elaine and Bren da Kay spent last weekend vis iting relative and friend in Redmond. . . . Pvt. Dal Boswell 1 spend ing a leave here with his par ents. He ha finished his ba sic training at San Luis Obispo and will report to New Jersey tor oversea duty In Germany. Leonard Manning arrived home last week from Camp Robert to visit his parents. La Jane KInlon (pent last week In Portland visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klnion. , Dental School Now Accredited Chicago UJt The Council a Dental Education todav list ed the University of Oregon Dental School in its first list 'of accredited schools for dental jhygienist. A total of 31 school earned place on the list' i Council Secretary Dr. Shail- er Peterson said tne new ac creditation program assures "maintenance of the highest possible standard of formal training." Among member of the Tua reg tribe of the Sahara desert, the men wear veil day and night that cover all their facea except the eye' and the tip of the nose. Roche of Wllamina are the parent of a son, born Aug. 30, at the McMlnnville hospital. OLDTfcJ DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO A dm. $$o Tax Inc. Diek Jehasoa'a Ore. tl Conrt St Jeff (kindler in 'GREAT Lamentations Of Johnny Ray Hollywood 11 Johnny Rsy will earn $40,000 In the next two weeks at Las Vegas, but all the money in wide-open Vegas couldn't buy the young singer the thing he wanta most place where he belongs. ? "Right now, I belong strictly to the world," Johnny said with candor. "The people want (o hear ma. So I sing for them. "But someday, someday I'll have a place I belong to. A homa of my own. A place that's mine where I can live and be happy." . Johnny snapped out of his dream, with annoyance. ' "Why do you want to Inter view meT" be asked. "I'm colorless. "All I have Is faith In my work. When I got to the top I bad nothing to sustain ma ex eept myself. That's sll." He hook hi head sadly, his expression haunted. , "The relationship between me and my audience Is tran sient. For 0 minute on stage it's beautiful. Then, back in the dressing room, after the show, you realise it's gore. It's dead. And it'll never be the same again." Ask Oreoon to Join Oil Suit Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton suggested Friday that Oregon Join in a suit to test the constitutionality of the tldeland oil bill psssed by the congress. Hi suggestion was In a letter to the three member of the state board of control. Gov. Paul Patterson, Secre tary of State Earl T. Newbry and State Treasurer Sig Un- ander. "At stake are the offshore oil deposits along the coasts of California, Louisiana and Texas, variously estimated to be valued at between 120 and $S0 billions, sulphur worth $3 billions and possibly other mineral wealth,' the attor ney general pointed out He estimated Oregon's stake In these submerged oil lands to be "possibly half a billion dollars." Danny Ray a "Hon Christian Anderson In Technicolor Walt Disney's Its IkjtlB MriM" Adolta !.( Child ISe SIOUX UPRISING" - also Suit to test the constitu tionality of the act has been filed in. the district court of the District of Columbia by the states of Alabama, Arkan sas, Montana, Rhode Island and West Virginia Oregon ha been invited to Join in the test suit ..... Treasury Hike; Bond Interest Washington vn The Tress ury announced Friday that holders of a 10-year, 3 per cent treasury bond maturing Sept IS may exchange them for a 1-year certificate of indebted' nets paying 2 per cent or a 3V4 year treasury note -paying z 5 per cent. About $7,988,242,500 Is out standing In the maturing issue. This 1 the second time the new administration has offered holders of a maturing certifi cate the choice of exchanging for a short term or intermediate term obligation. The last oc casion was in February when about 8 billion dollars in 1-year certificates of indebtedness came due. The Treasury at that time offered a choice of exchanging the maturing 1 per cent cer tificate tor a new 1-year certi ficate paying 2 Va per cent or a S to 8 year bond paying 2 V per cent. The Treasury was hoping that the higher Interest rate offered in the present exchange would bring about a better ex change Into the longer-term se curity than was achieved in February. At that time only 620 million dollar of the ma turing certificates were ex changed for bond and over 8 billion was exchanged for the new 1-year certificate. In Ancient Egypt, rocks were split by drilling holes In a line and Inserting wooden pegs which split the rock after be ing soaked in water to make them swell, says the National Georgraphie Society. ENDS TODA.lt OPEN Istl "JAMAICA RUN" "GIRL WHO HAD EVERYTHING" Stalls Tasaemw Oat 1:41 Cossedy Ce-Featare "FAST COMPANY" Howard KeeL Pally Bern, Marjerie Mala - Bowery Boys in "LOOSE IN LONDON" Vacationers Victims of Thief : Two Los Angeles vacationers . wer victims of a thief who took some $300 worth of clotb Ing, chinaware and miscellane ous item fronk their car while it was narked in the onen .. rage of a Salem motel Thurs day night The two women, who asked to remain unidentified, told in. vestlgating officers that thsy parked and locked the car be fore retiring for the night and found it broken into when they t prepared to leave Friday morn, ing. Police said the thief brok. . out the right front door win dow of the car to gain entry and in addition maliciously broke off the radio antenna. The women said they hid been to Canada on a vacation trip and were on their way home. Girl Triplets Born To Portland Woman Portland m Mr. and Un John A. See thought just one Dany was on the way. At the hospital Mrs. See was advised it likely was twins. But just before midnight Thursday trip- . lets were bosn. While Mrs. See, whose hus. ' band is a Portland musical in strument salesman,' tries to '. think up names, nurses are : calling them 1, 3 and 2. All are girls. At Regular Prleeal All Teehnleelor Show Jose Ferrer In "MOULIN ROUGE" Frankie Lame la "RAINBOW 'ROUND MY SHOULDER" STARTS SUNDAY Leretta Teung' John Forsyth la "IT HAPPENS EVERY THURSDAY" Rhonda Fleming William Lnadlgaa la Technicolor "SERPENT OF THE NILE" I GATES OPEN :45 5 SHOW AT 1M ENDSTONITE! (Sot.) j