Saturday, Aarnst 29, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sale. Ore Pact IS vr 'V- w ,A-.v nnis Semi-Finalists r tional Girls' Tennis Championships la Philadelphia wfcjeh sent them Into the semi-finals, cet tofether In four-way handshake. From left: Jeannla Laird, Modesto, Callf.c Jean Arth, St Paul Minn.; Roaa Marie Reyes, Mexico City, and Mary Ellenbercer, San Dlea-o, Calll Min Laird ImeeU Min Beyeo while Mlse EUenberier. (AP Wirephoto) 'romofer Seeks as Vegas Boxing Capital By GAYLE TALBOT New York Of) Ordinarily lne must accept with treat re serve any bold new plan to transfer the seat of the box- nr. industry from the big pop lation ' centers - of the East ind Midwest out to the wide pen spaces, but here comes a nan who sounds as though he neans business. His name is Herman (Turk) Prulan. and he says he in tends to turn Las Vegas into jthis nation's boxing capital, adding to its established fame as a gambling and cultural cen ter. We have not had the pleas lire of meeting Mr. Prujan, but the fact that he has signed ', Barney Ross as his matchmaker "counts heavily in his favor. We admire Barney as a very .fine fighter and champion from jthe day he came out of Chi icago until the night at Madi 'son Square Garden Bowl when jfHenry Armstrong gave him a final terrible beating for the welterweight title. We, along with many others, admire him .more greatly later on when he fought and conquered an even 'tougher foe. So if Barney's in on it we 11 have to string along, We are planning," . wires Prujan, to stage two world s championships in Las Vegas Jthis winter. We are endeavor ing to arrange either a light weight or welterweight title bout for November. For a Jan uary date we have just wired Al Weill, manager ol ftocKy Marciano. an offer of $250,000 with the usual champion's per centage plus television rights for Rocky to defend agamst an outstanding opponent, pro viding of course that he beats Roland LaStarza. "The fabulous city of Las Vegas will support such attrac tions as well, if not better, than any ther spot in the coun try. It will be the first chance Las Vegas hotels which you know are all fabulous gambling centers to exploit the city be fore the eyes of millions from eosst to coast Everyone is be hind the idea and we are ready to shoot the works. Members of our group all are former Detroitera now in business in Las Vegas." To which Ross adds: "He, Prujan, is a tremendous person and capable of putting over anything. He has unlimit ed financial support and will be a great addition to the box Ing game, a throwback to the days of Tex Rickard. He is 42, weighs in around 220 pounds on his six feet, two inches and has magnetic per sonality. He has been a close student of the boxing game for many years and will be a terrific promoter for the bouts planned for Vegas. You won't go wrong boosting this guy or anything he does." Okay, Barney, If we don't boost we at least won't knock. You fellows have what looks like a mighty sweet set-up out there. This is one instance where we'll even go for that badly overworked phrase "un limited financial support." If Las Vegas hasn't got money somebody's been making up tales. But mind if we point out a thing or two to an old fellow campaigner? The boxing game, for rea sons best known to many peo ple, Is a very sentitive sort of FAN FARE H Vlclen U their separata . tint lei match 1b the Na Arth fa) pitted aiainat Mlas to Make sport. It has spent much money and effort hiring commission en and policemen to rid it of some of its shadier aspects and generally make it fit to be dis played in' the best parlors of the nation. The result Is that no really juicy boxing scandal has come to light in years. What we are getting at is that you do have gambling in Las Vegas, and if there is any thing boxing is likely to shy away from it s an open isso ciation with men who make a living by being on the right side of the law of averages. Just the fact that the gambling halls are there, we fear, would hurt your chances of landing a championship. You may' recall that they held a fine golf tournament at Vegas not long ago and that many of the nation's best pro fessionals competed in it. But did you know that the event occasioned considerable criti cism and that there will be strong opposition to holding another such event? However, Barney, good luck in the venture, and we could be wrong. Hope so. State Softball Tourney Moves To Bend Field Mill City (U.B Semi-finals of the Oregon state Softball tour nament scheduled today and tomorrow here will be played at , Bend instead. A steady downpour of rain forced trans fer of the games. Rubenstein's Furniture to night was scheduled to play Nored Builders of Corvallis. The winner plays Grant Pass in the next game. Survivor of tonight's play meets Kelly Lumber of Mill City tomorrow. Rams Crush Browns, 27-6 ' Los Angeles (JP The Los Angeles Rams, satisfied with handing the Cleveland Browns their worst beating since they came into the National Foot ball League in 1950, settled down Saturday to await their next exhibition game with the San Francisco 4Bers here next .week. The Rams .crushed Cleve land, 27-9, before 56,517 de lighted fans Friday night. The worst previous setback by Cleveland was the 17-8 loss to Detroit in regular league play last year. Coach Hampton Pool unveil ed a ground attack that swept the Rami 263 yards of their to tal 358 and brought three touchdowns plus a pair of field goals by Ben Agajanian. Fullbacks Tank Younger and Dan Towler and rookie half back Brad Myers led the at tack. Myers, from Bucknell college, rang 40 yards for one touchdown. yQuarterback Norman Van Brocklin, the league's leading passer, completed nine out of IB throws for 114 yards. One for five yards went to end Tom Fears for the first touchdown. A tricky play. Van Brocklin to rookie Tom McCormick to Elroy Hlrsch for four yards brought the second touchdown. I Little League . Championship To Birmingham Williamsport, Pa. Iff) Joey Sims, bubblegun-chewing right hander from Birmingham, Ala., was the toast of the South Sat urday for leading his team to the 1958 Little League Base ball World Series Champion ship. Sims pitched his squad to a tight 1-0 decision Friday over Schenectady, N. Y., in striking out six basemen, giving up only two singles, and walking none. Center fielder Dick De Rob erts also came in for his share of the plaudits for batting in the only run of the game in the first frame. He singled home third baseman Bruce Gordon. Pitching a hard game, loser Steve Buchheim fanned 10 youngsters in the four innings he did the hurling. The long. lean left hander took the Kahut Fight Rescheduled For Tonight Longvlew, Wash. (U.B A 10 round heavyweight fight be tween Joe Kahut of Woodburn Ore., and Bill Boatsman of Longvlew will be held at Op timist field here tonight, wea ther permitting. The battle, originally sched uled for Thursday nighty was postponed because of down pours which nearly washed the outdoor ring away. Camera New U. S. Citizen Los Angeles fj Italy's Ambling -Alp became a United States citizen Friday. Towering Primo Camera one-time king of the heavy weight boxers, beamed as he took the oath of citizenship. Camera's wife, Pina, and their children, Jean Marie, 10, and Umberta, 13, were at his side. "I have wanted to be an American citizen ever since came to this country to fight Jack Sharkey, the bis; man said. "My family and I are the happiest people in the world today. Da Preem makes a comfort able living nowadays on the wrestling circuit Cards' Due in Portland Sunday Portland, ff) The profes sional football Chicago Cardi nals arrive here Sunday after noon for a week of practice before their exhibition game with the Los Angeles Rams In Multnomah Stadium Sept. 7 The Rams, 27-9 winners over the Cleveland Browns Friday night, have a game against the San Francisco 49ers next Thursday and are due here Friday. The Cards will fly from Spokane where they play the Green Bay Packers Saturday. The Cards will stay at the University of Portland and their practices on the college field will be open to the public. 'Minor League Scores (Br The AJMOelitod Preael INTRANATIONAL LEAGUB Montrcil is, Srrecuec 1, Baltimore S, Tor out, I. Rocheater f-l. Ottawa J.I. Buflale 4-1. Sprlnefleld 1-1. AMEaiCAM AMOCIATIOlf Tndlanapotte If, LoulaTtUe S. Kaneea our 4, Teledo I. Mtnneepolta t. Charleetea 4. Columbiu S. at. Paul s. TRXAS LKAODI Port Worth S. Bouetoo 4. DiIIm I. Sea Antonio 4. Beaumont 9. Oklahoma Cttr fl. TulM 1, Shrceport I. waaTtaN LCAatii ' Colorado Sprtnae -. Omaha 4-t. Pueblo 4. Lincoln I. Dearer II, D,l liolnta 4. atom cur it. Wichita I. noNiia LiAnii Oeden f. Soil Laka city S. WaiM Valley . Sola, S lit mnlnaii. Idaho Palla T, PoeaUllo t III Innlntal. On" r" t Biitinaa, roetpoacd, vat trounda. By Wait Dftien Final Riles for Mrs. LeCuyer Mrs. May LeCuyer, mother of Mrs. David Eaaon, died Thursday afternoon at local nursing home where she had been a patient for the past two weeks. Mrs. LeCuyer had made her home in Portland until she became seriously ill two weeks ago and was brought to Salem by her daughter and family. A native of Owoaso, Mich., she was born July 26, 186B, and came to Oregon from Michigan in 1913 to make her home. The father of Mrs. Le Cuyer was the late Judge Stearns Smith, circuit judge in the district in which Owoa so was located. The husband of Mrs. LeCuyer, Fred LeCuy- , preceded her In death sev en years ago. Survivors besides Mrs. Eason include a sister, Mrs. Fred Benham of Owoaso, Mich;, "two grandchildren, Stearns Eason , of Olympia, Wash., and Mrs.' Mary Camer on of Mather Field, Calif.; and four great-grandchildren. Donna and Sharon Cameron of Mather Field and Lynn and Barbara Eason of Olympia. Private services were held for Mrs. LeCuyer at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock with Rev. George H. Swift officiating. MARKET QUOTATIONS ruftTLAN rBfVBCCt ust MtMaTfafr TMtttlft. WDJtCt U HI awl tat cbinsr Pr.mlaia duality, nui ! num 31 t one tr eeol eldtly dt-1 UTtrtd ta Poruarrf tv'lt Ib.t tint al ItT M-Mc second iu1Ut. M-e VetJlcv routes anr) couotrr point. I centi lea. iter Whole! r.e. balk cube. U wboleialc, grades A A, is score, Me; A trade, n score, fse: , score. se: 1 C, M score. Me. Above orlees strictly omlnai Cheese SelUne strive .so Por(lsnl wholeaslera, Orttoa slntlas. UVa-Uc; Ortion lb. lost. S-4e. sis to Wholesalers Candied eves eon tain ttvt no loss, eases Included f.o.b. Portland A trade Urse, ITi-M4c; A trsde medium, Mtt-ft&Wct irsde Urge remand Hairs- ran BatMr Price to rtuners arses AA print, tlei A carton- nc; A prints, lit: earton, nc; pnnta. too Esse U predOMrs Csndlsd LOO Portland; Unsrsded torse, die doa.; trade AA lsrge. 4Sc dos.; A larte, 3 3s 4os.; AA medium, MMe do.: A trsde medium, 47-ftfte dot.; . A trade emails nominal, ll39c. Ksts U ftetallere orade A A, isrts. Tftc; A Isrte. t-.0c; AA medium, ll-Ste; A medium. -7e; A small, 46c. Csrtons I cent additional. Co --Price to retsilors. Portland. Oreton sine lei. 4m -tic; t.Jb. loaves. ftl-ft3e. triplets, lWc leae than sin- lies Premium brand einiiri Hvrtt lb. for stntle whtii tofce. Proteased Am erican cheese, l-lb. loaves to retail, 43 4&c lb. Peolirr Live Ctaiehens (No. 1 twtllty, ts.b. Plants): Prrers, 3Vi-3 Ins., lie; - 31c; roasters. 4A lbs., and over. 11c; hesvr hen, all welertts. 1-J9c: lleht bens, all welsh U, )5-lfc; old tooeters, IMN, Dreate4 Colekene No. 1 drotsed retailers. Prrers. broilers, 444o roaoters. all wu.. 4-15c; light bens. 303lc; heavy bens. J3-34c: cut-up fry ers, aU wts., N'lle lb.j wbole drawn 7 Me lb. Kabblts Avrt to trowsrt: Live whites. 4-1 lbs- J0-3lej - lbs., lt-33e ib.: colored pelts, 4o lb under, oic does. 10-13c lew hither. Preab dressed fryer to reteiler. I7-Set tut up ll-Mc-Conntry RUM Meat VealTop quality, 10-tl lb.l TOUlh hesvles, M-3lc. Her Lesn blockers, tT-ltc: sows, lllht, 13.34c. Lambs Best, tt-Sle lb.l yearling, IO-35 lb Milton Best, 13-14 lb.l tull-utillty. Moc Beef Utility eows, 13-le lb eanner eutttre. 17-llc: shells down to 13c. rmk Dreeea Meets Wholesalers to retoilorat Dollars pot twt.: ftfteere. choke. M0?M Jbs., 41 t43 .M; tood. 137.00 43 .00; com mire I el 3T3l; nttlity. 133-30: commercial cows, ai J; aiimr. tai-34; oanner-cuttcrs, I13-13. Boot onto Choice steers hind tusr ter, 333-17; rounds, tftO-IV. full loins, trimmed, 370-73; Ul en lifts, 3133: fore ouarters, $33-34; chucks, 114-31; Tibs. 143-33. Veal and Calves, IK 40; oommerclai. 131-30. Lambs Choice-prime, $40-41; good $33-44; spring Ismbs. choice-prime, 147. M. Motion Oood choice, 10-13 lb. M-04. Port Cols Loins. No I 1-13 ,ba $3I$; utility -$ shoulders, II lbs., $43; spars ribs, $A3-M; fresh ham. 10-14 Ibi., M3-M pork carcasiea, 130-170 lbi $31 $0-40. Rmeksd Blams Bklnned. $$3-N lbs., fined lord in drums. $14-1$.M; slab ft ae on. MI-73. Peri) sod MIseoHaneow On lone M lb seek Calif. Red Olob. med., 3 74-100; white globe. 3 31-3.M: yellows mod. and larte, 1 M-1 71; few 3.34; Wash, ysllows, med-, 1.1t-3 , large I..I40. Petatoee Local Triumph, rata, 1-M-1.7$: Board men loot whites. No. 1A 3 33 3.33; No. 1 M lb. ssck, 30-3 Je; Oreton Russetu No. 1. 3 W-17V 10 lb. mesh. M 3c. local RumU. No. 1A. 3.7$$ 3ft Csllf. long whites. No. 1A, 3 $0-1 00; fair. 3 04-3.70. Name brands to 3.33. Wash. Ruiteto $3.73-3.00; Wash, long whites No. 1 3.00-3 . Bar D 8. No. green alfalfa, de ilvered car loU Lob. Portland and Se attle. 39-10 Woe I Grease bails, WliiametU Vai .ey medium. M-$3o lb.l Bastera Oregon fin and half-blood. H-$3c; Wtllametu Vailv iamb wool 431 13-montb wool 4$ -30 Mobs If 0$ 170 lb. m 13-monta grew lb. f ob. country shipping point. Idee Producers paring Price f.o b Portland calf skins, l$-3ia lb. accord ing to condition: green kips. If-lie lb.: tree cow hides. $-10 Ib. aecordlna to weiebt and oualltyt bull hide. 4-$r ib.f Duo tildes. M per eenl boiow rw tor above cieteee. filberts Wholetsl telling prlee. No i medium Barcelona, $3-34 B). obeli ed, 43-31 lb lb : Usbt halves. 7t 33e $. WalnoM WhMeeal seiltng prices, first oualltr largo Prangnsttoe, 34-1 0c Ib.t shelled llertt amber balvoa. 70-7r Uthl halves, 7f-lle. SALEM MARKETS Coaptlt from reports ol Satem tyfrt for IBo goldaneo of Capital ionrnal roodere. (BevleeS dally.) BUB Feed moosi BabbH Petteu $3 3 fS$IB, Sa1 $4 -! (l$-lb. ba. Bg Math 1104-4 43. Palry Peed U.43-3 It !$!. oati: 31-4 $ (1M Mr Salt, $3 $ IM Wt PonHry Bortng Pi lie Colored fryers. 3Se: old roosters, l$f; oolored fowl, lc, totrtora fowl, 14c; roes Mrs, $0. Brtst Sarin PHreo Kses, AA. fe: Isrts A, Me; medium AA, $e; medium A, $4-0e: small. 33. Whoieealo Prlee Bg$ wrvatsssso prieoe tnraUy $-le bit her (has th pnooa :bor Larte grade A generally snotod t tie: medium $3e. Batterfst Stirint srfesi Premivm. fS tt- ' S7-Sr Nn I k tter--Whoisto trad A paronaieot. fit .fit, reuil, Ma. . HERO WELCOMED HOME ' r V 5.7,' ,.- J. S tiw s & Marine Lt. George H. O'Brien, Jr., Is greeted by his family as he arrived home at Big Spring, Tex, from San Francisco where he arrived with the first repatriated POWs to return by boat, Lt. O'Brien will receive the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Elsenhower for action against Communists in Korea before his capture. He holds son Mike, S-months, in his right arm and daugh ter Terrye Jo, 8 years, in his left. At left Is Mrs. O'Brien, his wife who met him upon his return in San Francisco. (AP Wirephoto) I LEGALS EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IB HKRB3T OIVBN that WILLIAM J. UNPOOT has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the Btete of Ores on for sOarlon County, .appointed eiecutor of the estate of JESSIE AALTJE HARRITT. deceased. Any per sons having claims atatnst said estate requested to present them, wan proper vouchers, to is id eiecutor at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Balers, Ore- ton, within aix aaonths from lb out of this notice. Dated this loth day of Auiust. 13$l. WILLIAM J. UNPOOT. Executor of the Estat of Jessto AaltJa Harrttt, deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN BPEEfUTTRA, Ptopfer Tnut BuiMlnt. Bslem. Ort ton. Attorneys for Eiecutor. August 13-32-33. Sept. 3-13. ESTATE OP ROT H. SDUIONB Wilbur, Mauta, sloutlitr fipauldlng and Porrast W. Simmons Attorneys at Law 1001 Board of Trad Building Portland, Oreton NOTICE TO CREDITORS -(No. 1$6M In the Circuit Court of the state of Oreton for the County of Marlon, Pro bate Department: Notice la hereby given thai the under- signed have been appointed eo-exeauiors of the estate of Roy H. Simmons, ceased, by The Clrciut Court of the State of Oreton for Marlon County, and have ouaufled. All persons hsving clsitna atalnst oatd estate are hereby notified to present tho seme, duly verified as by lsw required to the trust department, of The First National Bank of Portland LlOregon). Salem Branch. Salem. Oreton. witnin six monina rrom tns aata nereoi. DATED and first published, August 31, 1M. Bfrilib M. Simmons. Co-eiecutor THE FIRiST NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND (OREOON), Salem Branch, Co-executor Wilbur, Mauts, Souther Spauldlng and Porrest W. Simmons Aut. 32. 3$, Sept, t, 13. 1$. 2 . .aFa .wafj. -w Efficient, effective and really economical Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for ' CapitalAjournal "irtasnT aBBBBBw TV--') lib BANDITS LOOT 111 Portland, W A lon bandit held up the owner and two patrons of a tavern northwest of here Fridav night and rob bed them of $110. Later police picked up a suspect and were questioning him Saturday. LEGALS KOTICB OF BBABmO OT riNAt, ACCOUNT NOTICB la HEREBY OIVBK that Bo. bnt W. DaAraBOod. Admlalatrator Hh Will Aon,ad of tht rtat. of Qnm atnaa, alao knooa aa Oaoria WashlDf- toa aioaa. dactuoa. Batata No. 14.4S1. haa Iliad wllh tba Circuit Court ol Uia atata at Oraaon, for th. County of UarloB. kla ftrat and final account aad report of auok admlnlatration. and that uia aama naa Man aal ler ntarlna In tha courtroom of th. Circuit Court of Uia Atata of Oroire for tha County of tlarlon. In tha Curt Houaa af aald yarloa County. Oraaon. in tha city of Aatam. on tha th day of Baptcmoar. 1IU. at tha hour of (: o'clock a.a. A pcraooa laUraatod In aald aauta ara raauactod to than and thcra appear to aho aauac. If any, why aald flrat and final acoount anouM not ho al. lowed and tha Admlnlatrator with WU1 Annexed cuacnaraad. Daud at Saleat, Oratoa, thla 1th day of Autuat. Ua. ROB nvr w. DaArmond. Adntlnla- trator with WIU Anoiud af tha aatata af Ooorca ainaa, alaa known aa Oeorta Waahlnataa since, deceaud. Touna and DaArmond Attorn.ya for AdmlnUtrator 011 Court St., aetata, Oraaon Flrat Publication af thla nolle: Ant' mi a, im. Lau ruhllcatloa 1 thla notice: Sep. temper a. IBM. Tho Capital Journal -Aui. M. Sept. I, IMS. . PERSON 0 . do a WHALE of g job! FORULIHOUSC . TVUtt) .' ' I 3-BEDROOM HOME WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT 4) BttoB kltcnon OB auioatoUo dlshwasbar Pwreod ait best Insulstod . wesimtTlppoel Donblo Areplaao Ooablt tsrst BeeUfl awtfe TUlue, aly I llocU $ new Morninasldo tehtL 1 See al S4$ BarrU St, $11,000 J-BEDROOM HOME Maw iara a) rtaataroS saran B. C. T,a airk, oau BolVoor ma lun : VERY CLOSE TO SCHOOL ThU stoat aUrattlY,, aaaraUu. olaaa, l-Mrai. kon, wltk timlaoa, j . - ' - . , "t ' aot, all koat, all hardwood lira, ttiatalo. w But rak, (a klk. M ) oltf kua, toaaaoa to tll.oor. Low oewa parvnt. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor st. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1953 3 to 6 p.m. 89S HANSEN AVENUE ON CANDALARIA HEIGHTS oaotifal Wait Via I Baorooma. DarlUM Baauaal, S lUaplacaa, OU rorcaa alt Haat. CALL J. a. LAW. . GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS lit a. Ukort, at, . . Law S-I1U Bvuilau and aundara oaH . JL K. Larmaa N.Y. NEWSMAN DIES Putnam Valley, N.Y., WV WUliam E. Haskell, Jr., 64, re tired New York Herald trib une newspaper executive, died Saturday at his home hrre He was assistant to the Herald Tribune president, the late Ogden Raid, for nearly 20 years. DEATHS Tkoaioa D. laDofee Thomas D. LaDuka. at tba family real- dene. 33$$ Crawford St., Aug. 3$ at tho at of Tl yeara. Sumveo or wife. Mrs. Viola LaDaka: ana. Thonaa W. LaDuka, both of Salem; daughters, Mrs. Thelaaa Strain. Arllntton, S. DakH Mrs. Auoror voaiioT, uoutias, Aiasaa, Mrs. Maxtne Ourler, Phoenls, Arts.i sister. Mrs. William Orltton, Salem; also 13 granocniklren. Member of Ilret Chrtitlan ehureh. Services will bo held Mtonday, Autust 31 at 3 30 p.m. In th Howell Bdwards Chapel. Rev. Dudley Strain oiiMiatint, conciuoint semce at .nei creel Memorlsa Park. Baby William BiwarS . Baby WUUam Bdwards at local hos pital Aug. it. survived By parent, Mr. end Mr. C. U. Bdwards, Lebanon. Or. Body sent br Virtll T. Oordeo Co. to Huston Mortuary, Lebsnon, for services ana interment. FOR SAU HOUSCS Coloraal Muaaklaa naHoooi floor. s-tna s-ui s-na asat -MTt Bor ran a-ssis FOR SALI HOUSES S-BKDBOOM home. Urine, annua and utility. Immed. woaa. taM. 11U Dona At... Kelacr Dut fhooe 4-toit. aMt WEPT SAUM l i t, home, plaatarad. corner tot, noaemoni. aasoo. erruLLaua, Rllr. rh. Jtatl aw 41711. as, adao- wt at. txf NKW BSDBOOM homo, fireplace, aaar. retoua attenen. au lurnaea neai, laraw 11,1ns room. Or will rent, air, reara leate. Rear new ochool. t-eits. aiai NICB COUNTBY home, 3 acres, build- ints in tood snaps. Near atert, noes of Hoe and school. Writ lira. VMn Scott, West SUyton, Ore. ajtw JUST COIIWLITBD t oedroom Inaulated noma, crtaa, aa Waahlnetoa achooL tm Laraoa Awe. Juat aouth of stlrcrtoi ad. a7 MUST BE SOLD To ekue eitete, l-bedroom Iiouh. Bi tra larte' rooms. Larts closets, full cement basement, corner lot, choice location ciose to Leslie school, and Bush Failure. Price only $$$$o. Partly Furnished Home Xxcellent location dee to Ldllf school, bus by door, 3-bodroem Borne, -larte corner Jot, shad tree. Pries onlr $$.SM. Denton & Denton Realtors $44 State St. Ph. 1-303 Br. cJl I-4AST T 3-371$ att $500 DOWN buy, a full 4-roon nouaa plua. Lara, lot, aic.Ueat aurroundloaa. Convenient to atorea, achaol, bua. Two blka. off atata St. In tha 19M tlock. Total ana, only St.SOO. BBS SANFOttD rtMAMCB, ' StT Hiih at. rh. 4-nil, Braa. a-Mae. BT ONS-BSDBOOat BOCIt lot POaltO, IMM. lneludlni turnltura. Witt Ua trailer houM. SM Wlnola St aJOS BBAUTIV1IL S-oodrooai honaa.'kaj ererT thlna. Automatlo waahar, aoay Poo. S-M. ayer I BT OWmiB Blco a-eedroora howw Beat I Utile achaol. tltaa wtu hasdlo. C.U I alter I 4. im Oaford at. aJaw BT OWNBB trooat houaa. oacoUenl condition, douola aaraao. lPaa Maplo Are. alaa FOR SALE OR TRADE j Thla family wanta a laracr houo. Wul Salem, Bell tor 14900. B. Isherwood, Realtor 111, Wallace Bd. ML 4-tlM ayoeo HOMESEEKERS! If you're been seeking real vans and savings, we believe yon should tak a look at this very modern 3-bodrooa homo on hsif acre, all plastered, flo place. oak floors, roomy wardrobe and closet. Ualeuo bsth and kitchen, fore od ell heatlnc. plus many mora fins feetures. Lot e ted at 309 Brown Bd. Prom Lancaster, tura east on Sunny view, straight to Brows ltd. Tura left. FORDYCE AND SAMPELS Builders - Contractor BY OWNKB Candalarla 3 -bed room, double stress, larte stuity. tU.OM. 4 -Wis. a$l BY OWNER Hew ranch stria ' horn. 13S0 . ft. Living, dintnt. birth kitch en, nook, utility, fireplace, birch china closet. Hot air ell turneet. Lore tsrag. covered patio. Many Hbef fine featuree. Must be eeen ts sp predate. P. H. A. commitment. 107S James St., Kelier. 1H blocks from school. Lot 103' s 1$$'. Phone 3-111$. S3T IN WEST SALEM S amaU houau, lata. Near lad aa trial crater. Very neat stood. Some terme. B. Isherwood, Realtor If IS Wallaeo ltd. Th. 4-USS aana ATTBACTICS I lane roome, nook, tun haaement, unfinished upetalra. Shruba, flowara, convenient location near Ba lm huh and ferrleh Khoola. fhon, owner '-nitj "It ir holNCB Three aodroom modera ranrh typo home. Laree lot. aprlnkllnv ayatem. ml Wallace Boad. Tel. J-raa. QMS BY OWNER Beautiful I bdrm. home tn s oetttntr of 3 Urea oft trees. Wonderful new from patio of rolling hill and mis. Close to park, pis ri round e-da gvim mm pool. Jr., Hi. and new huh school 1 bik. Liv.-dln.-kiKb.n-3 Wtbe larte party rm. with email kitchen utility rm.-l llreplaeo-wall to wall carpet on main floor, asphnlt tile aa basement floor -am all work shop-onto, oil fur. Penced backvard. Prlca $1$ . U S. Wlnur St. Ph. 37133. s304 TRM AVRNUB $ 47 NORTH WINTER ..11 10 WALT ICR SOCOLOFBKY REAL ESTATE . PH. 3-3331 a3ST Journal Want Ads Pay l mi