Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 28, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Part f
Varied Topics
By Woodburn
Woodburn "Stumbling
Into Paradise" will be the
termon topic of Dr. David
Ferguwn at the Woodburn
and Bethel Presbyterian
churches Sunday, August 30.
He wlU ipeak at the Bethel
church at 10 ajn. and at the
Woodburn church at 11 a.m.
Sunday school at Woodburn
l at 9:49 a.m.; prayer meet
ing at T p.m. Wednesdays.
Sunday school at Bethel fol
lows the morning service.
"Jesus Shall Reign" will be
the sermon topic of Rev. Or
mal B. Trick at the Woodburn
Methodist church at 11 a.m.
Sunday. This will be the clos
ing sermon of the summer
series, "Great Hymns cf the
"The Events on the Jericho
Rottd" will be the sermon
topic of Rev. J. William Carl-
i' VI
Rev. Frank S. Harder who
will be Installed1 Sunday
morning aa pastor of Em
manuel Mennontte church of
' Pratum.
Saiem GturclieA
Strat Sreatelleel rjalteal Bretarea
corner Marian ana Hummer. A O. Je
mleson, mlnUtar. Sunday aehanl e-aa
Momma aorshla 10:m. Hastate ar Blab.
a are werner.
S4. Hart's Utaerea JO fr. On arch
street. DIMat tarvica s an. aermon b
uia paaior. we nee. John L. Ceuele.
Sunday achool eoQrenes at 10 a eh. Iai
thtr. beet tie mists at : p.m.
Ckrial Lalkaran LC state atraat at
11th. RtT. T. M. Oebharcl, paator. eun-
oar worenis eerrleea S:4I and 11 a
with tha aarraon and Heir Communion
etlabratlon br tha paator. Bunder achool
vioie aiaaaaa a.n.
Calvar Baailss aAuth fjharta -I tan.
Ur street. Omar M. Berth, paator. Blbla
achool ;4I. Bar. Laitar Barelr 11. Ottaat
apeeeer rrom unneld aollita. Broadeaat
orar koak 1UO Be. Baptist Tauth Pal
lowahlp 19. Bar. Laitar aarolr
BeereenheS Chunk at Jaaaa cartel at
Lester Dee- lalala eeronteenth and
Chtmesata streets. Oaorrt w. Soeed.
paator. church achool S:il. Worahlp
aarrlca 11. Bldar Clinton Dohaon at
Camaa, apaakar. Blaetlen el affleera
: ) Branlns vorahln A. Caleb
Clark, speaker.
Satan Tralk Canlar 141 Cnemasste
Sunday achool la. aarrlca 11. To pie:
Hea eto-eaacts Oats. Bav. OLlra etar-
aaaelat North aummar and Blood eta.
abhath. achool :. Deparlmenta for
II Maa. Preaching eerrlee 11 o'clock.
Bldar a. B. aahaalrnar. paator. Spaclal
reaper eerrleea nnd aaaoclatad aflssloa
arr Tolas tear arocram at 1
SI Jaeai-a talharea (ale. Sraedl SU-
aseath and A atraata. B. W. areas, paa
tor. Aarrleaa At t and il Sunder achool
aa it.
Cknrak al Joes, (mrtet af LatUr Day
Setose IStenaaal ruth and liadlaon
atraata. John B. Ballaburr. blahepi prleat
head meollnt S a.m. Sunday aehaol 1S:SS
an. Sacrament aanrlea V B-m.
Betat feela Bsaseeeel Church and
Chamakatn atraata. Bar. Oeerae R. swift,
B.D rector. Holy Oommunlon l:M and
S N em. 'Nurserr achool la partes, hall
11 am. Stayer aarrlca and aermoa II
at, Jaaapk's ChtheKe Ohomeketa and
Srlaler. Star. JoeoDh B. Vendarback. pee'
tor. Sunder measee: a, T. a. :ll. 10 3t)
and 11:41. Confessions Saturday: 1
ta IK end !: te .
Tha Ckrastaea aa Weaieaare- AUtaaee
Worth llh and Oalnas. Bar. real
Ounther. paator. Sunday achool t:4l
a.m. llorAlne aarraon by paator. '
troapact and Toapect 11 la. Anianca
Tenth Fellowship S:3S p.m. Branlns ear-
men, "The word area afitnuiy.
rtrat Caersa af Oad Cuttaie and
Hood. H. J. Melnttre, minister. Sunday
achool IS. Morn tea worthle 11. TT
msellns I II. Branlns Berries Tie.
ale and heellns aarrlca at Leetura
aa apeeeer err. vinaews
at viaeaal aa Pa at CalteUe Colum
kla and Mrrtla atraata. Itaeaaa at a, T to,
S II, IS and 11:11 am. ooafanlona Bat
arday, I II ta I J and I ta S M I
aad before anaaeee.
rrm meuaaiae Miaren maa
Mornlnt aorahlp II am. Sermoa: "So
tint Caarca at CHrt.4. S.Uali.4 Ua
erty And Cbamakata atraata. Sunder
i . . ii ... ntinrwK aarvfcM at 11
euejvast muw-
Weeleraa ISataealet nftaaath and
111. W. A. Kaufmeaa, aaaler. Sunday
emoal It. WerahIP aarrMe 11. Youth
earrtee 1:1a. Branlns worahlp S.
The Baikal Bapim North Cattasa at
tr itraat. Bar. Budolph Woyke. paa
tor. Sunday achool At S:4S am. WeraMp
eerriee at it a.m. oarmcai
ira Step one.' Touth meatlnta at 1
pm. Branlns soapal hour at S a'elack.
Sree Mrthadlal Market and Winter
treats. Sunder achool S 41 am. morn
lnt wonhip -With a Mtad la Work" 11
A m. Youth aarrlea IS p m. Braneelle
lla aerrlce "Samson, the Loeer" 1:W m.
. . & . . . . . -1 ..a T iki
tlrrau. Dr. Uord T. Andereoa. paator.
Bar. Thornton Jename, aaaoclate paator.
Sunday achool S:4t am. Mernlns war-
ahie II o'clock. -The Beerleellas oea-pal.-
raster Uoyd Andereoa. Touth
maettnis 4 II pm. Branlns soapal aerr-
sca Aaetner ver at croatiM.
fear Cenara Baptist Bute aad Blm
atraata. Rar. Victor L. tVeucts. peeler.
Bundar echoes S 41 am Marntas war-
able II a'clock. paster speeime Touns
taonla'a Uaaue I t) p.m. Brealas soa-
son at tha Immanuel Lutheran
church Sunday at 11 a.m.
The two weeks daily vacation
Bible school is now in pro
gress at the Lutheran church.
Classes are held Monday
through Fridays from 9 to
11:45 a.m. The school will
close Sept 4.
"The Abundant Life" will
be the 11 a.m. sermon topic of
Rev. George Springer Sunday
at the Christian church. At (
p.m. he will spesk on the top
ic "The Man Whom Jesus
Called Great"
The Loyal Berean. Bible
school class of the Christian
church will be guests of "The
Seekers' class at a weiner
roast and pot-luck supper Fri
day, August 28, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert San-
ford beginning at 0:30 p.m.
Mrs. Lester Henn end Mrs.
George D. Jones will be in
chsrge, assisted by Mrs. Har
old Colgan.
Rev. R. Brendler, pastor of
the Woodburn Bible Baptist
church will speak at 11 a.m.
Sunday on the topic "The
Cost of Revival." Leslie New
ell will have charge of the
evening service which begins
at 7:4$ o'clock. Sunday school
begins at 0:4S ajn. and young
people's meeting is at 6:45
p.m. Prayer meeting at 7:45
pjn. Wednesdays.
A special revival meeting
series will begin Tuesday,
Sept 1, at the Woodburn As
sembly of God church with
Evangelist Zera Miller of
California as speaker. Meet
ings will be held dally at 7:45
p.m. except Saturdays for
at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday,
two weeks. Sunday school is
worship service at 11 a.m.,
young people's meeting at 7
p.m. and evangelistic service
st 7:45 p.m.
At the Woodburn Four
square community church,
Rev. Arthur Goble, the pas
tor, will have as his topic for
the 11 a.m. service Sunday,
"The Miraculous Mantle."
The topic for the evening
service st 8 p.m. will be
"Goodness and Greatness."
with Ruth Specter as the
speaker. Sunday school Is at
0:45 a.m., young people's
meetings at 0:30 p.m.
"The Handwriting on the
Wall" will be the sermon topic
of Rev, Edward H. Baldwin at
tha Woodburn Church of God
Sunday at 11 a.m. For the
evening aervice at 8 p.m. he
will speak on "Judicial Jus
tification." Sunday school Is
at 10 a.m., youth meeting at
7 p.m., prayer meeting Wed
nesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Holy communion will be
observed at 7:30 a.m. Sunday
at St Mary's Episcopal
church In Woodburn. Litany,
ante-communion and the ad
dress will be at 9:30 a.m. with
tha vicar, Rev. T. M. Baxter,
Regular services at all oth
er Woodburn churches.
Calvary Baptist
Welcomes Barth
Members of the Calvary
Baotlst chnrrh will tu, aval.
coming their pastor and fam
ily. Rev. and Mra fma XT
Barth and children this week
when they arrive Tuesday
from the East.
Rev. Barth has Just complet
ed a three-mnnth inn nt Tu-
rope and tha Holy land. Dur
ing the trio ha traveler! k
plane, ahip and car covering
many places ana ecenes far
off the regular tourist routes.
He took extensive colored
film and elides.
An all-church dinner Is
Dlanned for WadriMriaw Knc
i at 6:30, preceding the regu
lar prayer meeting. Each
family is requested to bring a
fried chicken and salad or hot
vegetable and their own table
This Sunday Rev.
Revolr of Llnf ield college will
fill the pulpit at both morning
ana evening services.
4mty Churches
a. " am sr. our, isu)r. Bun
4r fehMl it More tat wonhip 11
c-vo.ia daiae, ints ipiHfT. afTVeeina
BtYTlM I .-, tbt Mltor! eltStltVI BM.
flklNtt Am aTartma Imheetealuel WlkU
Mihml tat sk ma Uuaai.. .kl. .
ChrUtitkB stndMTar m. Wrtnlnt
mi-tim p.m. cfcolr uric tie
Me--H-m HaVO BbsjA-at uw..n
Ira vtnklif 11 i t, Tntk rUvhiii
Oak arete Ctjeeas Bee. Bran Ur
Coaael. minister. Mornlnt arerthls 41
a. as. Saadas aaheal 1:4I a m.
aaaemHr af Oad Prtat K. Usees,
aaaler. Sander erhoel I 41 am. Morn
lnt venal II a. at. Irealas aarrlea f M
(Q. I ll
i I ' '. " ''' ( ' '
i J rm cJ. ' -"C.
Mr, snd Mrs. Donald decker who have joined the staff
of the First Presbyterian church here in a move to ex
pand the music program of the church.
Presbyterians Expand Music
Department; Will Add Choirs
First Presbyterian church an
nounces an expanded music
program with the development
of a series of choirs under the
leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Gleckler who recently join
ed the church ataff.
Mr. Gleckler la director of
church music and will be In
charge of the senior choir. Re
hearsal will begin in September
Salem Leaders
Several leaders of Salem
Methodism are serving on the
staff of the Suttle Lake insti
tute this week. Headed by
Dr. Thomas Bennett professor
of philosophy at Willamette
university, the staff includes:
Dr. George R. Roseberry, su
perintendent of the Salem dis
trict; Rev. Ernest Goulder,
pastor of the Jason Lee Meth
odist church; Rev. Harold W.
Black, pastor of West Salem
Methodist church, and Rev.
Collia Blair, pastor of the Les
lie Methodist church.
This, the second such insti
tute to be held there this sum
mer, is one of a series of pro
grams designed for the train-,
ing of youth leaders in the
Methodist Youth Fellowship in
the local churches of the Ore
gon conference.
Organized around the theme
"Jesus, the Common Quest,"
these programs will reach ap
proximately 500 Methodist
youth when completed at sum
mer's end. The present staff
at Suttle Lake are directing
the activities of 137 youth. Dr.
Bennett leads discussion on
the, person, and message of
Jesus. i
Mac Baker, Charlene Cush
ing and Preston Goulder are
the three youth from Salem
present at the institute.
Missionary Enns
At Baptist Church
Missionary Amo Enns, ap
pointee of the Conservative
Baptist Foreign Missionary So
ciety to Argentina, will speak
st the West Salem Baptist
church, 1320 Edgewater St.,
Sunday night, at 7:30. Mr.
Enna will show slides of the
work now In progress in Ar
gentina by missionaries of the
A fellowship hour will fol
low the evening service. The
women of the church are pre
paring refreshments for those
attending the evening service.
The 11 o'clock morning
worship hour will feature mu
sic by the newly organized
choir and a message by the
pastor, "Knotty Boards," the
fourth of a series of messages
on the tabernacle. .
Lyons Churches
Lraaa remmaallr MetkedM Church
Harold B. Sheriff, minister. Church
achool at S 41 a.m. Mornlnt worship
al 11 am Topic, "Time for Vlalon."
Touth llowshlp el t p.m. at parent
ate. taalak remmaallr Ckarrk B. If.
Brooka, B D. minister. Bender achool
betlBS el If. preerhlni end worship at
11. tailors mart at 1. Betmaliii al S
am. akture alldas arm be ehowa of
"Tllarlm-a Protrsss Interspersed with
special sonts. f
First Presbyterian
Chtmrkrta at winter
By Rev. B. I. Holland
Two Services:
9:45 and 11 A.M.
KOCO, 10:00 A.M.
1st) (krhttM 4 KhirSMrr
1:40 Ali. Sunday chool.
11:00 AM.-nietrospMt a.
10 PM. A. T. PtUowshlp.
T : P M "Tha Word Ore
Mkfrhttty." 'a
THE CAPTTAL JO&ftAL,' tiltm. OrtfMi
for this choir which has been
on a summer vacation schedule.
In addition to the senior
choir, avchildren's choir is now
being organized by Mrs. Gleck
ler, and will meet for practice
every Saturday morning. First
rehearsal is September 5. This
choir will have a part in the
11 o'clock worship service each
Sunday morning.
The Glecklers came to Salem
from Topeka, Kansas where
Mr. Gleckler was director of
vocal music In the Topeka
public schools for 16 years;
choral director of the Midwest
ern Music Camp, University of
Kansas; and director of the
choir of Topeka's First Metho
dist church. He received bis
music training at Southwestern
college, Wlnfield, Kansas; and
Kansas university at Lawrence,
Kansas. Mr. Gleckler is on the
staff at Willamette university.
Mrs. Gleckler received her
degree from Southwestern col
lege, Wlnfield, Kansas, and has
had considerable training in
voice and choir work. In To
peka she directed youth choirs
in both the First Baptist and
First Methodist churches.
Inquiries concerning Presby
terian choirs may be made at
the church office of Mr. Gleck
ler. Gunther Back in
Alliance Pulpit
After an absence of over
three weeks, Rev. Paul W.
Gunther, pastor of the Chris
tian tt Missionary Alliance
church, has returned to his
pulpit. He has been minister
ing during his absence .as
Bible teacher in a C&MA
Bible' conference near Seattle,
Wash. Next Sunday marks
the beginning of his third year
as pastor of the local Alliance
church. Rev. Gunther will
mark the occasion with the
preaching of -appropriate ser
mons morning and evening.
At the 11 a. m. aervice his topic
will be, "Retrospect and Pros
pect" and at the 7:30 p.m.
service, "The Word Grew
Mightily." ., ,
Faith Tabernacle
Will Hear Daoud
- Jane Collins Daoud, mission
ary evangelist will be guest
speaker Saturday and Sunday
and all next week at Faith Ta
bernacle, Fifth and Gaines
The missionsry has been sta
tioned In Puerto Rico, Virgin
Islands, Egypt and Ethiopia and
according to records has had
unusual auccess in converting
natives to Christianity in those
Plan Now lo Attend
Opening Date September 8 ,
1 Mile North of Albany
On 991 Across from Wavtrly Loke
Noted Evangelist froan Denbeigh, Virginia.
Holding tant meetings nightly (seating cap.
Preaching and Singing, full gospel massage
hawing yea haw ta lose your tint and find
your Sovrovir.
Silvcrton Ministers Take
Many Sunday Sermon Texts
Silverton Local church
specials for Sunday, Aug. 30,
worship hour and the ensuing
week will include baptismal
and Holy Communion ceremon
ials, special musical selections
and social and convention ses
sion features.
Pastor A. W. Nelson of Im
manuel Lutheran church has
announced his morning wor
ship sermon theme to be 'Tint
Be Reconciled." Mrs. Arthur
Dahl and Mrs. Elser Aarhus
will appear in a sacred duet at
the oiano and organ.' The
young folk are to go to Carl
ton in the afternoon for a pic
nic and evening devotions.
Sunday school classes will be
gin Sunday, Sept 6.
"The Hidden Leaven" for the
morning worship hour and
"Christ Pre-eminent- lor me
8 o'clock evening service are
the sermon topics selected by
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of
the First Christian church.
Wednesdsy evening Bible study
will be at the church at 8
o'clock, the chapter for discus
sion being John 18. The post-
North Howell
North Howell A group of
friends and relatives gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wsyna Strachan Sunday for a
picnic in the back yard. The
croup all came from South
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Balles Wylie from Spokane,
Mrs. Flossie Whitney from
Couer d'Alene, Idaho; Mr.' and
Mrs. James Graham and fam
ily, from Vancouver; Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Peek from Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larsen
from Silverton, and the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strachan
and Bill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark
and children, Nippi and Gary,
of Sweet Home, spent the
week-end with Mrs. Stark's
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
North Howell House guest
of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe is
their grandson, Rod Rohe, of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs.
John Mlchelson and -daughter,
Joan, picnicked Sunday at the
Silverton park.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe re
turned recently from Yakima,
Wash., where they spent sev
eral days. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Loren Rolie and
Mr. and Mrs; Jerome Epping
and sons from Salem. Others
in the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Beals and children
from Bremerton, Wash.
Visiting Sunday at the home
of "Mrs. A. T. Cline were her
son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
George Cline and family, from
Castle Rock, Wash. Mrs. Cline's
granddaughter, Shirley, will
spend a month with her grand
mother, helping in the bean
Mrs. John Epple from Colo
rado is spending several days
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Evan Beals, and other
relatives and friends.
Blackberry picking has start
ed in the North Howell district
with the report that berries are
good and pickers are scarce.
First Methodist
Dtwrftw-Ths TiB WMtt Spirt
ind Ids CMmes
1 1 :00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP
Brooks H. Moon
poned state convention of
Christian churches Is to be held
st Turner from Wednesday,
Sept 2, through Sunday, Sept
6. -
Rev. Douglas Harrell's topic
for the Methodist morning
service following church
school will be "The Faith af
Our Fathers." Special features
will Include reception of mem
bers, infant baptism, dedication
of the altar parament and com
munion service wares, and in
stallation of officers of the
Woman's Society of Christian
Service, of which Mrs. Dwlght
Foots is to be inducted as presi
dent Only the senior high
age group of Methodist young
people is to rteet Sunday eve
ning at 7 o'clock, which will be
the first service for direction
of the new supervisors Mr.
and Mrs. Milt Baum.
For Trinity Lutheran's Sun
day, Aug. 30, morning worship
service will begin at 10 o clock
in the forenoon as regular Sun
day school classes sre not meet
ing during August Rev. Jo
seph A. Luthro's sermon topic
is "Be a Good Neighbor." Al
bert Overlund, vocalist, will
appear in a number. Luther
League will meet at the church
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to
drive to Cotton, where they are
to attend the special program
of the childs dedication at 3
o'clock and enjoy an after
noon's devotional and social
time with supper served later
in the evening. Sunday school
classes will resume Sept 6,
called together at 10 o'clock
with the church service to be
at 11 o'clock.
Marriage Vows to
Be Repeated
Pastor Lloyd T. Anderson of
the First Baptist church will
return to his pulpit Sunday
morning after a month's stay,
in the midwestern states. At
the 11 o'clock worship service
he will speak on the subject
"The Everlasting Gospel." The
sermon for the evening service
Is entitled, "Another Dsy of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bristow,
residents of Salem and mem
bers of the church, will repeat
their marriage vows spoken 50
years sgo, Aug. 20, at Amarillo,
Tex., at the 7:30 hour.
The final group of young
people attending camps will
leave Sunday afternoon for Sil
ver Creek camp. Junior high
boys who will attend are Stan
ton Anderson, David Clatter
buck, Eddie Hamilton, Charles
Searcy, David Searcy, Wayne
Taylor, Richard Teague and
Don Wilson.
Can tree tar
Paints, WaJlpapcrinf,
U5 N. Cammcrtlal
Electrical Contractors
Port at Slmpaea Sts.
(Formerly Belnhsldt at
Lewis) Mnnafactnrcrt
ef takes TeDciiaa
Me g. Hit
Loathe Dlrtaiea
Preat Perry
Fern Ira Tlkbaara
Pheae 4-UII
leel an4 Hears
IN Cearri
S i
!.""") "ih,
" ... A 1
Atf.v- t v;aUailiBiaiiij.
Ford and Harris, the "two maniacs of rhythm," will
appear Monday night, August 31, at the Capitol Shopping
Center in connection with its school days promotion. This
colored song and dance team have worked top hotels and
entertainment places in the east and have been on national
TV networks. They recently returned from Japan and the
Hawaiian Islands. They dance at remarkable apeed and
also do comedy singing and mugging. The show, which
last week drew 2000 persons, is scheduled to begin at 8
pjn. A drawing will take place the same evening for many
prizes. '
Prafum Church
Greets Pastor
The Emmanuel Mennonlte
Church of Pratum will have a
day of special servlcs on Sun
day In honor of their new
pastor, the Rev. Frank S. Har
der and his family. Formal
installation will take place
during the morning worship
service at 11 with the Rev.
P. A. Kliewer of Corvallis in
charge. There will be a no
host dinner in the church
basement at noon and an In
formal program after the noon
meal where leaders of the dif
ferent organizations and other
members will hsve opportu
nity to extend a welcome to
the Harden. The Rev. Klie
wer will speak at the after
noon program.
The Harder family come to
Pratum from Pandora, Ohio,
where the Rev. Harder en
joyed a seven-year ministry
as pastor of the St. John Men
nonlte church. Before his
pastorate in Ohio he served
the Fairfield Mennonlte church
near Huron, S. D.
1:30 P.M.
Solemn Pontifical
Blessing and Dedication
Dedication 1:3 P.M.
Open House I-S P.M.
Dinner on School Grounds t-S P.M.
Benediction .5:00 P.M.
This ad sponsored snd paid for by the
firms and individuate listed here who
took various parts in censtructinf the
new convent.
Wa lastalVel Bat
Water Hnattnf
anal Plain bins
Francis Bkrhe
Phane 1-S.Ut
less Market
Pumilita Block
& Supply Co.
Fltrptacea, Feldinf
Doert, Fiasterlnf
11N Dallas ltd.
Friday, Aumrt tt, 1953
fr- a wujlaV . s t
Mr. and Mrs. Harder have
six children: Roger Keith, 8;
Charles Kent, 6; James Bruce,
4; Jeryl Dean, SO months and
twin baby girls, Barbara Jean
and Brenda Jolene, 11 weeks.
The Rev. Harder is a grad
uate of Northwestern Bible
and Missionary Training
Schools, Minneapolis, Minn.,
where he received his Th.G,
degree in 1942. He slso at
tended Huron College, Huron,
S. D., and later graduated
from Bluffton College, Bluff
ton, Ohio.
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
Jourtial Want Ads Pay
All Types of Insulation
Phone t-M?t
1295 ShsdT Lane
1585 Portland Bead
Concrete Contractors
5125 Boner Bd. Islras
Sheet Metal 4
14 Bead It
tol Partland
ttM Portland Bead
aw sarnae itja pm.