Friday, Anfrnt IS. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, OrtfM Past T Fair at Champoeg Success Daughter of American Rev olutlon teeond annual country j fair at Champoeg park wu lasts' Saturday, August 22, with ail) chapters in Oregon represented. All proceed! go to the ex- peniea oi the. new caretaker's cabin which hat been built in the past year. The new build ing is close to the DAR pioneer ' Cabin built by the organization 20 years ago. The new building was designed by Petro Belus chi. At the fair were tables con taining all kinds of ware for sale, including knickhacks, foods, etc. set up ebout the lawn at . the cabin. The program of dedication of the building was it 1 o'clock, with Mrs. Allen C. McLean, state regent, was in charge. The Rev. Mr. Stoeker, ot Newberg led the invocation, Mrs. McLean reviewed the na tional and state projects of the organization. Guests introduced were Rut us Holman, former U. S. Sena tor, Burt Brown Barker, presi dent of Oregon Sons of the Revolution, Al Jen Miller, president of the McLoughlin association, and Joseph Stern, president of Sons and Daugh . ters of Pioneers. Relatives of former governors introduced included Mrs. Walter Pierce, Mrs. Earl Snell, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Mrs. Lee Patterson. Mrs. Paul L. Patterson represented her husband, the governor, in extending greetings to the group. After introductions ot guests, the speaker of the day C. H. Armstrong, of. the State High way commission gave a re newal of early Oregon history and especially on the signifi cance of Champoeg'. He also . mentioned how the state high way department had co-operated with the DAR in the build ing of the state park at Cham poeg. Mrs. John Y. Richard son, chairman of the building committee announced many memorial gifts for the new building. v During the program Miss Jeannette Dentler, vice presi dent general of the national or ganization, sang songs accom panied on the accordian by Mrs. i Ivan Hadley: of Albany. Don Smith of Hubbard gave several interpretive Indian dances. Maypole dance was given by children ot American Revolu tion. Two Salem girls in the dance were Joanne and Char lene Taggerf, daughters of the Edward Taggarts. ' Members of the Chemeketa Chapter appearing in costume were Mrs. E. T. Hanson, Mrs r' - . -t - 'Mi - H 1 f 4 ' i -i.v 1 1 hvm . 1? ' .t . A- Miss Roland Wed Refcently Albany At quiet home wedding with SO close friends and relatives in attendance, Miss Agnes Arietta Roland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roland of Albany, was mar ried to Lester Nell Burkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkey ot Shedd. The cere mony was Sunday afternoon, August 16, at the bride's home. The Rev. Paul Yoder- read the vows for the 2:30 o'clock ceremony. The concluding prayer was offered by Rev. M. E. Roland, brother of the bride. , . I The vows were exchanged before the fireplace in the Ro land home, the bride coming down the stairwsy to meet the bridegroom before a flor al background of pink and white gladioluses flanked by candelahruras with, tall white tapers. The bride wore blue crepe dress with - three quarter length- sleeves. Her accessories were white and she carried a white Bible and white orchid. Miss Nsncy Roland, sister ot the bride, was maid- of hon- Her dress was blue and Miss Wakemari Bride Recently Amity The First Baptist ctiurch of McMinnville was the setting for a wedding Sunday afternoon, August 23, at S o'clock, when Miss Alice Virginia Wakeman, daughter of Mrs. Andrew Wakeman, McMinnville, was wed to Clarence E. Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bishop of Forest Grove. Dr. Gordon Frazie, assist ant professor ot religion at Linfield Baptist college, of ficiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Harold Pick ett of Amity sang, and organ ist was Mrs. Amy L. Arney, associate professor of music, Linfield college. The altar was banked with candela brums and baskets of white Bride Last Snnday Mrs. Merrill Hayden Newman (Elizabeth Ann Waddell), above, was married last Sun day afternoon in Lebanon. The bride is the daughtei ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas Waddell ot Lebonan and Mr. Newman is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Newman of Portland. (Dalton's studio, Lebanon) gladioluses. Large floor bas- . Herbert J. Ostlind, Mrs. M. A. kets contained pink and white Pekar, Miss Ruth Rullfson. SILVEKTON Mr. and Mrs. Don Burch and son, Jon, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Adams and Skip are on vacation, having planned a trip to the mountain lakes in the Cascades. "BILLY THE KID" JEANS , Knees Guaranteed for Life of Garment MARGWEN'S Capitol Shopping Center THE SMART SHOP FOR . VANITY FAIR LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty gladioluses. The pews down the aisle were marked with small sprays of pink gladiol uses and white satin bows Robert R. Ward, of Tex- arkana. Arkansas, gave- his cousin in marriage. The bride wore a floor length embroid ered organdy dress over white satin. Her fingertip nylon net veil was held in place by i crown of plastic orange blos soms. The bride carried bou quet of stephanotis, white roses and net centered with a gardenia corsage. Matron of honor was Mrs. Wendell Martin of McCoy, .sis ter 'of the bride. She wore a floor length yellow organdy frock and a satin crown to match. She carried a bouquet of deep rose pink gladioluses, Miss Lydia Wakeman of Mc Minnville, sister of the bride, Mia Elaine Roddy, Kelso, Wash., and Mill Ethelmae Walter, McMinnville, were bridesmaids. Their floor length dresses were made the same as that of the honor at tendant's, in pastel blue, pink and orchid organdy. Tbey each wore crowns of satin to match their dresses,, and carried bouquets ot yellow gladioluses. James Moberg of Astoria was best man, ana usners were Fred Leslie, Swenson Ore.. Dave Sanford, Port land. Wendell T. Martin ot McCoy, brother-in-law of the bride. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Wakeman chose a floor length rose crepe and lace dress. The bridegroom's moth er wore a light green format Both mothers wore floral headdresses. Immediately following the ceremony the couple greeted the guests 'in the fireplace room. The - reception table was arranged with a lace cloth, centered with the three tier wedding cake and white candles. Mrs. John King of Eugene, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Leon Beal cut the cake. Miss Sarah Watts of Portland pre sided at the punch bowl. As sisting were Mrs. Harold Leh man, Amity, and Miss Eve lyn Roddy of Kelso, Wash. Mrs. Frank Grundhauser was in charge of the reception, Mrs. Lee King and Mrs. Leon Beals were In charge of the gifts, and Mrs. King passed the guest book. For traveling the bride wore a cocoa brown two- piece dress with rose and brown accessories, and gar denia corsage. After a trip to the beach, the couple will be at home in Seattle, Wash where the bride will teach at Denny Junior high school and Mr. Bishop will continue his studies at University of Wash ington. - LEGALS gray with blue accessories. Al fred Burkey was the best man. Record music was played dur ing the ceremony. The mother of the bride wore a blue dress with a white gladiolus corsage and white accessories, and the bride groom's mother wore green with brown accessories and a white corsage. After the exchange of vows the bride cut the three-tier wedding cake, which was served by Mrs. Willard Bur- I key, a sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Mrs. Wesley Mc Neill, sister ot the bride, poured. During the reception back ground music was played. Tor going away the bride wore her wedding dress with a large white orchid corsage. The newlyweds left for a short trip to the Oregon beaches. They will be at home in Port- j land wnere Mr. Burxey is em ployed. Hospital Fixes Visiting Hours Stayton Since the average number of patients at Santlam Memorial hospital hat in creased greatly since its April opening, the board ot directors agreed oa a visiting hour sched ule at its August meeting. Heretofore, visitors have been allowed to visit at any time. Mrs. Louise Wilt, hos- p i t a 1 superintendent, stated that persons who were unable to attend the opening were also allowed to view the hospital. However, with an average of 20 patients per day in August it became necessary to arrange a schedule ot visiting hours to become effective Sept 1. Hours will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the afternoon and from T p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the evening. During July, the hospital reported a profit of $877.67, the first profit since opening, but unexpected before November. Twenty-eight full-time - em ployes, three part-time em ployee and a dietician one day a week keep the hospital, in operation. Upon recommendation of the medical staff, Dr. Raymond Bungard, Dr. Stanley Bungard, Dr. E. F. Fortner, and Dr. Lu cille Fortner were accepted for practice at the hospital. Mora Doctors for S. Son Ham Canyon Lebanon The state's med iae! profession bis - been in creased by 86 physicians and surgeons, including two at Lebanon, two in Sweet Home, and one at Stayton, according to listed new licenses released by the state board of medical examiners. Of the total, SO were based upon reciprocity and 46 upon written exam ination. W. H. Lohr, Lebanon, re ceived a license based on reci procity, and John A. Renne bohm, who will also practice in Lebanon, successfully wrote the state board examination. Volunteers Called In Search for Day Portland ",. A call went out Friday for more volun teers to search for a 60-year-old man missing five days on the slopes of Mt Hood. Parties beat through the rugged country southwest of Government Camp until a late hour Thursdsy night but failed to find a trace of Ralph Day, Portland business man. He disappeared Sunday while picking huckleberries with members of hit family.' It is estimated that since the white men first settled in the United States about twice aa much wood has been cut as existed in the original forests of the country. mabuoui MONTOOMKM CRESSES , at the MTU RBKI SMT - Ill N. High IL Belgium reports 82,724 traf fic accidents in 19S2. PORTLAND. ROAD Saving Center IS NOW OPEN MZ7 iTOPS 111 QUAUTY1 UTTU t-i T I j low i:j pnica LEGALS IN TBI CmCOTT COCST OP THI stass or obsoon roa rax coun ts Or MARION Department Mo. Twt No. 1.J31 In the Utlllt of tho but of ALBERT H. THOMPSON, Deceased. NOTICK OF HKARINO) Or OBJEC TION! TO FINAL ACCOUNT. nones ia HXRKBT onrxN that ora THOMPSON, ea the duly appototed. qualified and aetln. Kxtcutrlz of Ibt aetata or JUBeri M. inompaos. aaceaaco. haa duly raodarad and presented for settlement and flld la tha Circuit Court of tha Count at Marten, etate ar Ore aon. Probate Department. A Final Ac count of her administration of aald ea- tate. and that Saturday, tne MM cay of September, leal, at tha hour of ten o'clock In tha forenoon of aald day, at tha courtroom In aald Court la tha Mai ton County Court Houta la tha City of Ssl.m. County of Marlon, atala of Oreton, have been doiy llzen an ap pointed by aald Court oa the time and place for the hearlnc or objection, to said Pinal Account and the aetUement thereof. DATED at Salem. Marlon County. Ore tost, tbla lth day of Annul, 1MJ. ORA THOMPSON Iiecutrli of tha XtUta ot Albert H. Thompson, Deceaaad. DATS ol first publication: Autiut It, DATS of last publication: Stptember 4. l!l LAWRENCE R. BROWN Attorney for Kxaeutrlx III Maaonla Bulldlnf Aalem. Oreeon. Ant. M-il-M-aept. 4 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE baity Jm AT 141 ALICE AVENUE (CANDALARIA DISTRICT) MAY WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS? Sf GEORGE l im i. i.h nrtzcfimu Plenty vtf Parking FREE HOME DEMONSTRATIONS WITH LAMBERT-HOMKO AND PARKERETT! LAWN SWEEPERS n r; I CK- Co; ALICE AVENUE. 1 wt ' H r l sa SEASONAL CLOSE OUT GYM SETS SWINGS and SLIDES DC THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THI BTAT1 OP ORXOON ROR THE COUNTY OP MAKION BERTHA I. RSWITT PI In tiff. ti. COLUMBIA MINKS DIVKLOPMENT CO.. Dtltndint. Mo. 40114. Nones of aHKRipri bali By virtu of tit tmeutlon, judimant, ordr. dtcrt and rdtr ol Ml lutiod out of th boT mtlU4 Court In ibt fcbov raUtivd etuit, to m dlrtcUd and dated Auiuit 11 tb 1HJ upoa Judratnt tw&dfTed and nurtd In aald Court on th Htn day of July 1H1 in favor of Bartha 1. HtvUl plaintiff and aaalnit Columbia Mine Pvlopmnt Co. ftndant for to sum of t44.i34.33 with lo it r tit thcroon at th rat of par annum from November 93. 1150. and th further sum of lltttt with Inter!, at th rat of per annum from th 19th 3ay of July. lt3. and th further urn ei 9 cot and dliburMment. and th coat of and upon thu writ commandlnc m to mat aal of the folsowtnt dMrlbd real property iltu atd In Marlon County. Oreion to wit: Tho certain nnpattnt! ntintn claim knpwn and described a: Blue Jay Claim No. I. I. J, 4, . , 7. t, 1. 11 and 13i Parle; Mornta itar; Bertha I; Ruth Claim No.a. IT, II, 19. M. II, II and tJ, all situated in Letter Minim District In Township I Rant East or wiiiamott Meridian. NOW THEREFORE, by virtu of said execution, Judtmeni, order, deer and order of sal and In compliant? with th commands of aald writ, I will on Mon day, th Hit day of Beptmbr, 13, at 10 o clock A. M., at th Baet door of th County Courthouse told Kith School Building), in Salem, Marlon County. Oreton, U ot publt auction (subject to redemption) to th hltheit bidder for cash In hand, all the tit ht, title and la lereat which th within -named defend ant had on November S3, ItftO. th date of th morttat herein foreclosed or sinece that dot had In and to th abov described property or any part thereof to satisfy aaid icution, jaaimant, or der and deer, tntrt teats, and ac truing aoeta. DsTNVER TOUNO, Sheriff of Harlow County, Oreioo. . Dated this SOth day of July. 1H3. First nubllcatton. Au. U UsJ. Lut publication Sept. II 1H3. Au. 11, St, Sept. 4, 11 NOTirt TO CREDITORS NOTTCl HEREBY IS OIVTN that tr order of th Circuit Court of tht Stat of Oregon, County of Marlon, In Pro bat, duly made and entered oa August 17, ltftl. X have been appointed cutor of th Bstat of Baael W. TV ill man. De twasad. and havo duly outlined m uch xecutor. All persons having claim gainst aald tout art hrby required to present them to me with proper voucher at M North Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon, within sll montnt after in oate oi urst puou cation Of this Notice. Dated and first published: August SI, 111. CARL L. WBLUIAN, Kx ecu tor. RUOENl I. LAIRD - ill Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Ei ecu tor. Aug. II, St, SPt. 4, 11, IS NOTTCl TO CREDITORS No. 1511 NOTICE: The Circuit Court of Manas Oountr. Oreeon. ha appointed me esect tor ot th Bstat of BOAR PRANTL. deoeasod. All persons havlnt claims a stoat aald esUM ar required to pre sent them, with proper voue tiers. io mi st th effke of County Clerk, Marlon County court nouse, saiem, ursgnn, vlthln ati months from August t. ltsi THOMAS J. TOB1N, Bxecutor BTOTP OOODIRO Attorney for Bxecutor 1931 Toon Bid , Portland, Oregon Ant. 1. 14. II, St. Soot 4, IM. mmk&s Effective Aug. 28-29-30 Friday, Saturday. Sunday SUGAR Powdered or Brown ( pkgs. JUICE PINEAPPLE Del Monte 46-oz. Libby's or ULani " can 25 CVDIin Lumberjack or JlKUr Pack Train 24-oz. 29c 5-lb. can 73c Salad Dressing IS ouan ri Aim Pilisbury or iLUUK Kitchen Craft 10-lb. Pku. i TOMATO JUICE Z PINEAPPLE Highway n Ho. 2 $1 C3 mX cans u POTATO CHIPS Nalley's or Blue Bell PURE ROLLED Ground Beef Veal Roast 3 lbs. No Bone lb. TOMATOES 0S 1Mb. $1 .Q All You Can Bag ffi Flat aoilSF In a Toier Bag w&'f . .'fl&j-'C'y0Sty',P . 1rt8JfJ,nga KtlTil!f',,$fffMJ'P(lf! lit fin in iini'iliin ills' nf iT.aiiiiaiiMiaiisVr''"-"''''''--- . I -Ml FREE CHARCOAL WITH EYERY BARBECUE SEASONABLE (LOSE OUT OF POWER MOWERS e 2120 FoirgrounrJl Rd. 24S Court St. - 935 S. CemmarcUl 1265 Csfifaf St. i, 0