Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 28, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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TBI CAPITAL 10VKSXL, SaJaaa. Oraffoa
Friday, Aomat 28, 1I5S
Edited fey MAIUN
Boxholders .
At Races
Are Listed
Oregon Stat Fair time al
. ftedy if in the plant of many
Jem folk looking ahead to
opening of the big ihow atart
inj September S.
The afternoon race are a
big attraction for capital folk
and already many have taken
boxes for the season.- The sea
son boxholders Include:
. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Stewart
of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Stevens, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Krueger, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Bright, Mr. and Mrs. B.
E. Owens, all of Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Gerlinger of Dallas,,
Hr. and Airs. Lawrence a. Hau
nter and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hogg of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Flagg of Portland,
Dr. and Mrs. .ohn R. Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haag, Mr.
and Mrs. G. E. McCormlck, Mr.
and Mrs. Brazier C. Small, all
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Smith of St Paul, Mr. and Mrs.
Harland Brock, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Worth, Mrs. Mable
Schultz, Woodry Furniture
company, Marion Motors, all
of Salem.
Mr., Mrs. Groth ;
Anniversary Feted
Dayton Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Carl Groth of Day
ton were entertained on their
golden wedding anniversary,
with a family dinner at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Holzmeyer of Dundee,
on Sunday, August 23.
Miss Inez Broadwell and
Frederick Carl Groth - were
married August 25, 1903. To
them were born 10 children.
They have 14 grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
Present for the family din
ner were the honored guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Groth, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford F. Orey and chil
dren, Alice and Frank, of Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groth
Of Newberg; Mrs. Vernie Bell
and son, Dennis, of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Groth, Su
san and Larry of Dayton; Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Prater,
Kathy, Dicky and Linda of
Dallas; John Groth of Dayton;
and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Holzmeyer and daughters,
Joan and Florence of Dundee.
Children unable to attend the
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ce
cil Groth and Jacquiline of
San Diego, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs.
Noel Scott, John and Can of
Tuscan, Arizona.
The table decorations In
cluded a centerpiece of yellow
roses. A three-tier golden
wedding cake, with golden
bell placecards and golden
table favors, completed the
color scheme.
Mrs. Groth was presented
with a corsage of yellow roses
and her husband was given a
yellow rote boutonniere.
Today's Menu
Pantryshelf Ingredients and
a handy package of refriger
ated biscuits make a dandy
anday Sapper
Tomato Juice Cocktail
Melba Toast
Scalloped Chicken a la King
Tossed Green Salad
Fresh Fruit Compote
Scallop' Chicken a la King
. Ingredients: One 10 H -ounce
can condensed cream of cel
ery soup, Vt cup milk, one 6
ounc can boned , cooked
chicken (diced), Vt cup drain
ed cooked peas, 3 tablespoons
diced canned pimiento, 1 pack
age refrigerated biscuits, 2
tablespoons butter or margar
ine (melted), paprika. ,
Method: Mix loup, milk,
chicken, peas and pimiento.
Pour Into 10-inch pie pan.
Brush biscuits with butter;
sprinkle with paprika. Ar
range biscuits on edge in
chicken mixture around tide
ef pta pan. Bake In hot (423
F.) oven for IS to 20 minutes.
Makes 4 to I aervlngt.
Son for Vouchers
From India comes news of
the birth of a son, Christopher
Alain, to the Rev. and Mrs.
Claude A. Vaucher. Mrs.
Vaucher will be remembered
in Salem as the former Diane
Riggs. The baby, born on
August 21, is the Vauchers' first
child. ' He is the first grand.
child of Mr. and Mrs. Earle
Riggs and is the great grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. William
English, all of Salem. The
paternal grandparents are Dr,
and Mrs. Edouard Vaucher of
Geneva, Switzerland. The Rev.
Mr. Vaucher is at present
teaching In the Union Biblical
Seminary at Yeotmal, Berar,
M. P., India.
Party for
' Woodburn Miss Velda
Hampton of Salem, whose mar
riage tc Arthur Steele, Jr., of
Woodburn, will be an event of
September 6, was honored at a
shower recently at the home of
Mrs. Arthur Colburn in Wood
burn. Following an evening
of games, refreshments were
served by Mrs. Colburn, and
co-hostesses Mrs. Jennie Earl,
Mrs. LeRoy Cox and Mrs. Ar
thur Steele, Sr.
Guests attending were Mrs.
A C. White, Mrs. T. L. Picker
ing, Mrs. Fred Schultz, Mrs.
Nancy Newton, Mrt. Jake Trip
lets Mrs. V. L. Reinecke, Mrt.
Bonnie Boon, Mrs. Melvin
Rich, Mrs. Gary Cutsforth, Mrs.
Lester Cdle, Mrs. William
Thomas, Mrs. V. L. Ramey,
Mrs. Ray Steele, Mrs. Everett
George, Mrs. John Drake, Mrs.
R. C. Triplett, Mrt. Jennie
Earl, Mrs. Floyd Thomas, Mrs.
Opal . Courter, Mrs. Arthur
Steele, Sr., Mrs. Clark Rich,
Mrs. Wayne Yoder, Mrs. Lewis
Hampton, Mrs. LeRby Cox and
the Misses Corliss George, Mar
ilyn Steele, Marilyn Bond, Jan
ice Colburn, Wanda Hampton,
Joy Graham, Eva Rich, Blanche
Triplett and the honored guest,
Miss Velda Hampton.
Double Shower
A double ahower was given
Mrs. Lawrence Wenger and
Mrs. John Wenger at the home
of Miss Alma Wenger at Silver-
ton. Assisting were Mrs. Fred
Muller and Mrs. Sherman Hof-
atetter. Refreshments were
served to the honor guests and
to Mrs. Mcnno Dalke, Mrs.
Homer Welly and children
Ann, Cleone, Marilyn, Adele
and Ronney, Mrs. Grover Wel-
ty and children Stanley and
Cathy, Mrs. . J. Welty, Mrs.
Carl Fischer and daughter.
Evelyn and Lorraine, Mrs. Jul
Faar, Mrs. H. N. Omholt, Mrs.
Everett Briner, Mrs. John
Steiner, Mrs. Elsie Verberg,
Mrs. Joe Boatwright and
daughter, Jo Ann, Mrs. . Earl
Strode and children Eleanor,
Elza, Glenda and Ivan, Donna
Wilkinson and Kenney Hof
stetter. Meetings Listed
Silverton Immanuel Luth
eran Woman's Missionary cir
cles, also the date of the fall
festival and fellowship dinner,
September 23, are being an
nounced. Mrs. C. J. Towe will be hos
tess, August 31, at 8 o'clock in
the evening, for Circle No. 8.
For Circle No. 1, a no-host
arrangement is made for 2
o'clock in the afternoon of Sep
tember 1, as a coffee at the
parish house Fireside room.
Circle No. 2 meets September
1 at 2 o clock in the afternoon
at the home of Mrt. Otto A.
Dahl with Mrs. Harold John
ton at co-hostess.
Circle No. 3 meets Septem
ber 2 at 2 o'clock in the after
noon at the home of Mrs. Min
nie Overlund with Mrs. Han
nah Thompson as co-hostess.
Circle No. 4 meets September
2 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
at the Melvin Satrum home
with Mrs. Satrum and Mrt.
E. R. Ekman at co-hostesses.
The meeting for Circle No. B
is not scheduled.
FrM Pkrklnir
4l5SoutnHih-MillSt. SaWOrofo
African Violet Show
50 varieties in bloom
Friday and Saturday, Aug. 28 & 29
Club Nets
$654 Frdm
Style Show
A turn of 654 was cleared
on the recent style ihow spon
sored by Salem club of Zonta
International, it wat reported
at the meeting of th group
last evening. The style show
was given last Friday evening
at American Legion club, Es
ther Foiter't thop presenting
the fashions.
The ihow wat staged as a
benefit for the YWCA build
ing fund, the Zontians making
the YWCA their service proj
ect this year.
Near the end of last year's
activities the club donated
1500 to the YWCA, and the re
turns from the style show and
another project later thit year
will complete the goal of glSOt
for the YW.
The Thursday meeting wat
the annual gathering for the
dinner for which Mist Mabel
Savage is hostess to the group
in the gardena at her home.
Forty-one attended the dinner.
Miss Betty Tsai, graduate stu
dent in thit country from Chi
na, wat a guest Miss Tiai will
continue her work at Oregon
State college thit fall follow
ing a year's illness.
Following the dinner, re
ports on the style show were
given by Miss Echo Yeater,
general chairman for the event,
and Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson,
Because of State Fair, the
next meeting, September 10,
will be a luncheon, the evening
meeting to be on the fourth
Visitors Leave
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. May-
field left today for Seattle fol
lowing a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Poindexter.
The Mayfeilds were In Indiana
this past year, Mrs. Mayfield
graduating from University of
Indiana, Mr. Mayfield receiving
hit master of arts degree. En
route west they visited at Ab
ilene, Texas, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mayfield.
In Seattle, Mrt. Mayfield is to
teach and Mr. Mayfield will
work, at University of Wash
ington for hit doctorate de
gree, i
Guests at' Silverton
Silverton Mr. and Mrt.
Clay Allen and the Mike Zeis
family have had at house guests
Mr. and Mrt. Walter Poder of
San Francisco. Mrs. Poder is
a cousin of Mrs. Allen and Mrt.
The guests were In Silverton
a few days on two occasions,
before and after a trip to Seat
tle. For their pleasure the
three familiea spent one Sun
day at the Silver Falls state
park, and one day at the Zeis
home, with many other drives
to places of interest. Mr. and
Mrs. Poder left for home the
first of thit week.
IN PORTLAND thit evening
are Mrt. Christina Newburgh,
her brother-in-law and titter,
Mr. and Mrt. R. Conser, her
two niecet, Mrt. George Hughes
and Mrt. Al Balduccl and Mrt.
Balducci't children, Janet and
Carlo. They are attending the
wedding of Mrs. Newburgh's
granddaughter, Miss Bonnie
Jeanne Newburgh, and Rich
ard W. Hensley at the Christian
church in Portland at 8 o'clock.
8ILVERTON Mrt. Dwight
Foote, president, is calling a
meeting of the executive board
of the Methodist Woman's Soc
iety of Christian Service, Mon
day evening, August 31, the
meeting tet ahead one week
from the date previously an
nounced. Furs Exclusively
For 35 Years
1341 Ferry St.
Winter's Coming , . Better
1540 Fairground Rd.
Phone 4-6263
1 r-hon -SOO
Miss Tartar Retires .
After 36 Years in Music
Here; Going toCorvallis
Many Salem friends open-,
lng their mail this morning
read on announcement with
regret and a bit of sadness, a
card from Mist Lena Belle
Tartar stating she is retiring
from vocal music instruction,
closing her Salem studio per
manently, and will be moving
to Corvalils to make her home
as soon at her property here it
disposed of. Corvalils it her
bid home town."
Mils Tartar has been ac
tive in ber profession for 36
years in Salem. Many friends
here will be wishing her well
In her retirement, although
they are regretting she leaves
Following her graduation
from Oregon State college, the
went to the American Con
servatory in Chicago for her
graduate , work. Completing
her work there the came to
For 31 years the wat on the
faculty of Salem high school,
heading the voice work and
directing all the choral or
ganization!. "It hat been a wonderful
36 yean in Salem, a life
filled with interesting exper
iences In my work because of
the fine people here," Miss
Tartar said in looking back
on her years in Salem.
Many who were students of
Miss Tartar have gone on to
national fame In the musical
For many years, Mist Tar
tar also directed church choirs
in Salem, having served at
54 at Club's
Luncheon Party
Forty-four members and
guests attended the annual So
journers club luncheon at Sil
ver Falls lodge, Thursday.
Cards were in play during the
afternoon, prizes going to Mrs
Austin Eivert, Mrs. J. R,
Hughes, Mrs. Sidney Stenerod
den, Mrt. Irvin Young, Mrt. Ev
erett Day and Mrs. C. O. Fred
rickson. Mrs. Everett Day and Mrs.
Robert Parks were co-chair
men for the event, assisted by
the present board members,
Mesdames V. C. Fletcher, Sid
ney Stenerodden, William
Leeper, Clifford Wimberly,
Lester Orton, Karl Olson, C. O.
Fredrickson, Kenneth Cole,
P. C. Anderson and Frank
Club Sets Meeting
Silverton Mrt. Victor Sath
er, social chairman, is announc.
ing the dinner meeting of the
Silverton Business and Profes
sional Woman's club to be at 7
o clock at Toneys, Tuesday,
September 8. This event
marks the club year'a begin
ning with the theme: "Getting
Acquainted with Your BPW.'
Reservations are to be made
with Mrt. Sather as early as
possible. Featured will be an
early membership for the full
Mrt. Bennett G. Leach, presi
dent, will have returned from
her summer's vacation in San
Francisco, and will preside at
the business session.
Yea tin i compktt school Cwtwt
no , vrtftt rem tern tnt Modem
? an t Pfil DitJ-A-Sdich Srvint
gefaXblfW- Thf tJCVKhn fOtl OfefQ1 19
eV, tweet, fcjtntl fitch. ti ttfj. ntkt
timholc 4 ttw cm bitforu tit 8
thin m In rm trw mil )
Miff SrtM MfarhiftM Ml fthiMI
tm4 poruM mjin ptntt from mif
II9 30 for Nv )0 portable.
fW Ulmm Caetwy.'
iast wwiw can tcr
Sewing Machines
151 S. Ubwtt H. 3S77J
1 WAY f A
I 32:
eight different denominations
For 16 consecutive years ah
wat soloist at th First Church
of Christ Scientist
While directing th choir
work at th First Congrega-
tional church the organized th
Junior choir there. Another
musical event the lookt back
on was the dedication of the
organ at the First Presbyterian
church when she assisted on
the program when John Stark
Evans, long time professor of
organ at University of Oregon
and now head of the mutic de
partment at Lewis and Clark
college, was the soloist, to dedi
cate the organ.
On of her "pet groups" was
the Crescendo club at Salem
high school which th helped
organize and which the served
at adviser for many yeart.
Four years ago last June,
Mist Tartar retired from the
school system. She went on
with her studio here and "took
time out" to serve In other
community capacities, one year
as president of Salem club of
Zonta International, women's
classified service club. She hat
been active In all the local
music teacher groups.
In addition to her music and
community work, Miss Tartar
hat operated a small acreage
at her home on Vibbert, off
South River Road.
Miss Tartar plans to locate
near the home of her brother
and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrt.
N. L. Tartar, at Corvallit, the
home being not far from the
OSC campus where Miss Tar
tar hopes to keep up "learning
contacts," at she expresses it
MR. AND MRS. Verne Os
trander have returned from a
two-week vacation In southern
Oregon and northern Califor
nia. They visited friends all the
way and at Camp White and
Roseburg hospitals. They were
entertained at Grants Pass, Eu
gene, Medford, Roseburg, Win
chester, Crescent City and Ash
land. This it the first trip Mrs.
Ostrander has taken for almost
two years as she hat been ill.
HOSTS at dinner last eve
ning were Or. and Mrt. John
Rademaker, their guests in
cluding Mr. and Mrt. William
Van Meter and Mrt. Mora
The Rademakers 'will be
leaving next week for Denver
to be gone a year, Dr. Rade
maker taking a year's leave
from hit work in Willamette
university sociology department
(jfloftfaEB 1
to (Mm g GSflfe
droD .
Tfcat nc:.-.$ every-; 1 Eii
1 Singh quart is- TotoyleiHf,hiyridbr...
vv always ricbr th:n
I-' '
' Woodburn Mrt. Byron Stephenson, above, the former
Patricia Withers, was married August 21 at the First
Methodist church in Salem, The 1 the daughter of
Mr. and Mrt. O. L. Withert of Woodburn and Mr. Stephen
son is the ton of Mr. and Mrt. B. M. Stephenson of La
Cross, Wash. They will make their home at Great Falls,
Mont. (Kennell-EUis studio picture.)
Committee Meets
Co-chairmen of the pro
gram committee for the Salem
Memorial hoipital auxiliary's
High Fever Follies" are Mrs.
Stephen Tabacchi, and Mrt.
Arthur Erickson. There wis
a meeting this morning at the
Erickson home of all mem
bers of the committee, when
plans were outlined for the
Tuesday the committee
members will begin soliciting
the advertising for the pro
grams. Working on the pro
gram! are Mrt. Elmer O. Berg,
Mrt. Joseph B. Felton, Mrt.
James L. Payne, Mrs. Vernon
Perry, Mrt. Russel E. Pratt,
Mrs. Sidney Schleiinger, Mrt.
William R. Shinn, Mrt. Robert
White, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrt.
Kenneth Sherman and Mrt.
Robert DeArmond.
FINDLAY of Rapid City, S. D.,
and her children, Meridith,
Marshall, and Mitchell, have
arrived In Salem for a three
week visit at the home of Mrs.
Findlay't parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. ' H. Holcomb, Salem,
and her brother, Keith Hol
comb, in Hillsboro. Mr. Find
lay will join hit family later.
' TMt Men
IUo Mf
reauira : &
Miss Pardey to
Be Wed Sept. 6
Woodburn Mist Gretchen
Pardey, daughter of Mr. and
Mrt. George F. Pardey of Au
rora route 1, will be married
to Jamet Mi. Wilson, ton of Mrt.
Jamet Wilson of Canby, Sun
day, September 6. The cere
mony will take place on the
lawn at the Pardey home at
3:30 p.m., and a reception will
Matron of honor for her sis
ter will be Mrs. Thomas House
(Hildegarde Pardey) of Port
land. Bridesmaids will be
Miss Joyce Cumberland of
West Linn, Miss Dorothy Mil
ler of Donald and Miss Mar
jory Jeskey of Aurora. Miss
Kathleen Paadey will serve at
Junior bridesmaid for her tit
ter. .
Thomas House will act at
best man for Mr. Wilson and
usher will be David Wagner
and Don Wilson. The couple
will make their home in Cor
vallit, where both will attend
Oregon State college.
AbJ yt y pay a
You pay exactly th tarn pric for Lucerne al
for milk that aren't at rich. 60 why
not get richer Lucerna? It coata no mora
than the leaa-rich milk in town.
Remember, too, that every quart
of richer Lucerne also haa
400 added unit of vitamin D
for extra health protection.
buy better, buy richer. . .
t crw etettlne, bgtterM
aitaailuakataA - - fcll J m " --
Tea for
In honor of Mrs. Robert
Wilson (Margaret Maey), who
hat been visiting her a few
days, Mrt. Lettl Sparks and
Mr. Steve Anderson enter
tained on Wednesday at th
home ef Mrs. Sparks for an)
Informal tea.
A group of clot friend of
Mrt. Wilson wat Invited for
th affair. Mrt. Allan Maey
of Monmouth poured. Mr.
and Mrt. Wilson hav been
visiting at the horn of her
father, Allan Maey, at Mon
mouth. Mr. Wilson recently
returned from Japan where,
he had been a year on a Full-
bright grant and It now re
turning to hit work at Uni
versity of California at Lot
To Be Feted
Honoring Mr. and Mrt. Zarl
Bogardut, who are moving to
Eugene the first of the week
to make thplr hnm M. mA
Mrt. Robert W. Gormten ar
to entertain Saturday evenlnf
at a party at their West Le
felle street home.
About 40 friends of th Bo
garduses are invited to th
affair to say good-bye to
Dayton On Saturday,
August 29, Miss Patsy Hyland
will be wed t Melvin Tnr.n
.- HWH,
before a few close friend
and relatives, at the home of
the bride's aunt at Lowell.
The hriri th rimsli..
of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hy
land of Brookings, and th
bridegroom Is the son of Mr.
and Mrt. Howard Tryon of
Eugene, formerly of Dayton.
The couple will live in Eu-
ffene where the hrfH f
dental assistant and Mr. Try-
on it employed at the Booth
Kelly Lumber company. K
Saving Center
mar far this xtra rklmMtl
F 3igv