In The Mued by MIU FORBES Detroit Detroit Mr. and Mr. Roy Anderson of Vmiouttr, Wath., and Mr. and Mr. Larry Petrie, Jr., with their chil dren, Larry, Michael and Jan Ice of Forest Grove, were Sun fuMta at the ranger itation ' home of Mr. and Mrj. Larry Petrie, Sr. Glenn Purvine of Long Beach, Calif., who hai a um mer borne . along Pamella Creek, cut of Marlon fork, bss been called to California by the aeriout Ulneta of member of hi family. The Alford Cokenour of Idanha, returned . recently from a trip to Aberdeen, Wash., where they left Mr. Cokenour' mother, Mr. Lot- tie Cokenour, at the borne of ' Mr. Beule Hantze. Mr . Hantze ha left for California i where he will jneet ber ion, Carl Doran, a nephew of the ' Cockenoun, who 1 a return- ed prltoner of war from Korea. Carl, who wa taken captive before hi eighteenth ' birthday, wa reported min ing In actios for two year. : He ha a brother (till terv- ing in Korea. Mr. and Mr. - Clarence Baldwin of Stayton, and the Ray Sophy were gueata of . Mr. F. L. Noble on Wednei- dy evening of lut week. Mt Angel Mt Angel Joteph Slaby of Mt. Angel and hi two daugh ter, Mr. Lillian Pollnske Mt. Angel, and Mr. Clara Goldade, Portland, will leave Portland by train Sunday to vUit rela tive at St Cloud, Minn. From St. Cloud the party will continue on to Cleveland, Ohio, where Mr. Slaby wa bern 71 year ago. A boat trip from Cleveland to Buffalo and New York will complete the - Journey before the return trip to Oregon. Britain' Buckingham Palace wa (tarted in 1703 and 1 young compared with many other fs mou BrIUih building. PORTLAND ROAD Saving Center . IS NOW OPEN MOW IHOWWO-OfW (ia "JAMAICA WW Tsehaieeler Bay MlUaaa. ArleM Dahl Ce.retare "OIBL WHO BAD VEEmnNa" llaaketh Teyler BOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINXB Tsaerrew lit to : PJC CARTOON! SERIAL Syeetal Matinee Feataret "VOODOO TIQER" A Jaaft Jba Meters Abe BENIOW BIBTHDAT CAM fer' Cerky Fnkeaa. RMa tteaefc, Petty niaaatrfek, Hlhliii Derle, Gerald Hearing, Lyma ralrbrether, Ibimlmlm, goeaa Hnstea, Glf Itm Bherral MoCWin, aeett Gar. don, Judl D&sfott, BUfW Mink, Dlek Vuimu.. (Una Chambers, Gary Kernel, Oer aM Verbeek. Charie Martin. Donald Beat Chert Weimar, Larry, Bobtneoa. Fresh Corn .25' Doz Limit Watermelon lb. 3' U.S. Ne. 2 Potatoes (3T 50 lbs. FRONT QUARTfR ,23' lb Hive year me. VAC bee. shrinkage. FREE DELIVERY On OreWra Over Valley Roberts Roberta Mr. S. E. Abram and ton, Ouane and Jerry, of Port Angeles, Wash., are visit ing at the home of her parent, Mr. and Mr. Glenn Bidgood. The Johnston of the north- weit held their annual picnic at the Dalla park Sunday, eerv- ing a no-hot dinner at noon. During the afternoon Wayne Johniton played aeveral num bene on bis violin ukulele. Mr. Louis D. Johniton gave com edy reading and Loul D. Johnston read greeting from hi sifter, Mr. F. M. Dulfey of Polo, 111. Present were Mr. Cora Steea of Polo, 111.; Mr. and Mr. Melvin Govig and children. Mary, Alice and Melvin, Jr. Miu Valerie Cowles, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John ston, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Daeh- ler and daughters, Marilyn, Carolyn and Elaine, Foreit Grove; Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Johniton and daughter, Kay. Beatrice and 8hella, Corvallia; Mrs. Josle Johnston, Dallas; Mrs. Louise Johnston and son, Wayne, Sydney; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelhorn, Salem; and Mr. and Mrs. Louli D. Johniton of Roberta. Mr. and Mn. Edgar C. Smith of Freino, Calif., spent Tuee daf at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis D, Johniton en route to Alaska. Taking the boat at Seattle, they will take the inland pas sage to Juneau and Skagway, traveling with a group of friends from Freino. The Smlthi are old-time friends of the Johnstons. Barbara Dawes of Portland spent' the week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bressler. Jerry Com took, who la sta tioned at the air base near San Francisco, spent the week at the home of hi parents, Mr. and Mr. R. B. Comitoek, re turning by plane Tuesday. Recent guest at the G. B. Higgins home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroeder and three son of Dixon, Calif., Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Parker and daugh ter of Chicago, I1L, and Mrs Charles T. Parker of Portland. Beatrice Johniton of Corval lia (pent the week at the home of Mr, and Mn. Louli D. John iton, which ended in picnic party with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Johnston, Sharon Kay and Sheila Johnston of Corval lia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed EngeV horn - of Salem added to the group. WOODBURN PARKING Wood burn Traffic signs covering the two-hour parking limit for vehicles in the Wood- burn downtown buiinesa dis trict and the one-side parking on adjacent itreeta are being Installed thla week by Max Warring, street commissioner. As soon as installation of the signs is completed, probably In about a week, the ordinance will be enforced by the city police, according to announce ment by Mayor Elmer Mattaon. rnt FOB HHE FOOD Jy Chinese and American COMB TO MT PLACE Chinese 1 Tea Garden Right Dewa T.wa IttH Ne. Cemsaerelal Between NUta Court it Ed still has a few of his warm room food lockers for rent. Meat cut, wrapped and quick frozen. PURE GROUND BEEF LOCKER BEEF HIND QUARTER it Miali.. mwkA fl.h avrmnMrf In This new method isaranteea ne OTIN 7 1120 S. 12 14 00 Brooks Brooks Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Midsea are new residents In Brooks. They have purchas ed the Vista Auto Court, and are operating their new busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Belike have as their house guest Mr. and Mr. Jamea Belike of Alexandria, Minn, . A family pot luck waa held at the home of Mr. and Mr. Tony Pfau, honoring - Mr. Robert Meye, Jr., of Modeito, Calif., who 1 vlsitin at the home of her husband's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meye, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturgis and family have returned from a trip to Wyoming. Mrs. Esther Scorgie has been selected to assist Mrs. Harry Sturgis with the Brooks Brownie Troupe for the next year. ,. Pedee Pedee Mr. C. R. McCor mack and Mrs. Paul Ronco were botee recently for a surprise birthday party honor ing their cousin, Mr. F. M. Dy er, at her home, and a gift ahower for Scotty and Greta, who recently came to live at the Dyer home. Present were Mr. J. D. Dyer, Mr. Bud Bennett, Tommy and Elolse Gage, Mr. Gus Bur bank, Mrs. Maud Bur bank, Mrs. A. B. Lyday, Vickie and Jlmmie, Mn. S. C. Singler and Steven, Mrs. Ernest Stanton, Mrs. Win nie Fletcher, Mrs. Edna Turner, Mrs. J. W. McCormack, Mra. E. A. Bur bank, Lyle and El don, Mrs. C. L. Bur bank, Brad ley Ronco, Curtis and Robin McCormack, the honor guests, Mrs. Dyer, Scotty and Greta. After the glfta were opened, cake, coffee, punch, cup cakei were served. Glen Turner of Vancouver, Wash., accompanied by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Tur ner and his aunts, Mrs. Winnie Fletcher and Mra. C. L. Bur bank, spent Monday at the coast. i Special homecoming services were held Sunday at the school house. Rev. Virgil T. Speece, a former resident of the com munity, was the guest speak er. Mrs. Joe O'Neal waa solo ist Mlaa Nola Womer led the devotions. Special service in the after noon featured former pastors. Those present and bringing a ahort message were Rev. X. A. Fagg, district superintendent of the Oregon and Washington conference; Rev. V. A. Ballan- tyne, Salem; Rev. Harvey Schuerman, Monmouth; Rev. Howard Perry, Pedee. Letters of greeting from Rev. Fred Dundee, Jennings Lodge, and Rev. William Plowman, Ever ett, Wash., were read. 1 Rev. Delbert Dow read the church history, written by Rev. Fisher of Salem. Mra. Mollis Lacey, who haa been a reiident of this community for SO years, and Mrs. Rittie Rr ber, oldest church member, were both present Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bur bank accompanied Rev. and Mra. I. A. Fagg to Eugene Sunday evening, where they attended church services at the E. U. B church. Rev. Charles Fagg of the Montana conference was laueit sneaker. Mrs. E. A. Burbank, Lyle and Eldon, returned to their home in Portland Sunday af ter spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Dyer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry spent the week - end at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. M Ritner, while the Rltners were at the coait Beef Roast ib. 25' 7 Rib Steak t, 39' Boiling Beef Short Ribs ib. US' Yi or WHOLE lb. Iks TflTfW lecker ban or 7 DAYS A WIIK A.M. to 1 A.M. St. - Ph. 24403 25 TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Oregon DONT COVER UP n That's advice from actresa Elaine Stewart (above) who aays that most women "hide the .bt part of their lege." She agrees with Christian Dior, French designer, who said the girls should go back to the flapper age and wear shorter dresses. (UP Tele photo.) Unionvale Unionvale Rev. Anthony Callandro of Italy was guest speaker at the Unionvale Evan gelical United Brethren church Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Costs at tended church services at the Christian church In Dayton Sunday to hear Rev. George Williams, a retired minister. preach his last sermon at Day ton before going to the Amity congregation for two months. Mrs. Williams is a niece of Mr. Coats. E. M. Costs Is remodeling a portion of the Grand Island Service Center store building occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble and Walter Solberg spent Mon day In Portland viiiting rela tives and attending business. Unlonvsle The Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren W.S.W.S. was entertained at the parsonage by Mrs. Clyde Dollar, wife of the paitor, Rev. Clyde Dollar, Tueiday even ing. Attending were Mrs. Dollar, Mrs. Clark Noble. Mrs. Maur ice Goodrich, Mrs. Raymond Palmer, Mrs. Marion Sisco, Mn. Clarence Rockhill, Mri. E. F. Schroeder, Mrs. Fred Stockholf, Mrs. Roy Stouten- burg, Mrs. E. J. Wilder, Mrs. Fred Withee. The September meeting wifl be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilder. Cpl. Edward E. Clevenger of Unionvale. liberated prisoner of the Korean war, waa hon ored with a gathering of more than 30 relatives, when Mr. and Mrs. John Thlen enter tained with a family dinner at their Unionvale home Tues day. Cpl. Clevenger will report back to Camp Stoneman, Calif., to receive his discharge from the United States army, Mrs. Walter Diebel of Un- ionvale is slightly improved at the General hospital, Mc- Minnville. Mrs. Carrie Kidd, her sister, visited her Tuesday evening. The United States has about 10 per cent of the earth's forest area but produces about 90 per cent of the world's lumber, 42 per cent of the wood pulp and 58 per cent of the plywood. ACORNS FROM THE -eV, WITH OEL MILNE Sunday Dinner $L25 (And every day In the week) Served In Our Main DIKING ROOM SOUP OR SALAD Hot Cinnamon Rolls Braised Short Ribs of Beef or Halibut Steak Baked Potato - Green Bean Drink and Dessert lhe above ia one of our mepus. It changes every day but tte price ia alwaya fl.2S. All thl. and a table cloth, too. Of mvm tf yn nil to pat m the Kite ?mH Mad M In Uw CM tad Vm rare M Will fit T. Smithfield Smithfield Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal entertained for Rev. and Mra. Wetsel of Dallas Tuesday evening at dinner. The Wetzel family Is transferred to the Albany EUB church and left for their new charge the day following the visit with toe Hiebentnau. ' Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wlen of Inmin, Kas., were Wednesday dinner gueit of Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Ediger. The Smithfield Clover club Is getting their beef ready for the county fair thla coming weekend at RickrealL The members are Wayne and Mar caret Ann Philips, Mary and John Berth, and Joetta Wilson. The Friendly Neighbors club met at the Harden Smith home Sunday evening for their monthly meeting. A feature of the evening was the pink and blue shower given in honor of Mrs. Rollin Hougham. Rev. and Mra. John E. Ritter meyer, the new pastor and wife for the EUB church in Dallas, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mra. Max Kleman of Salem came for a visit The Ritter meyers come to Dallas from Yakima where they pastored a church of the same denomina tion. Mrs. James Copp, together with Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Kenneth Keyt and Mrs. Ed Mo lenarr, both of Purrydale, are the committee preparing a booth for the fair at Rickreall for the participation of all the Good Will club members. Many of the members are helping In thia project Mr. and Mra. Bud Ranes en tertained at dinner honoring Harold Smith on his birthday anniversary Monday evening, in their home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Judy and Gary, Yvonne, Jim Pyeatt of Salem, and the hosts. Mrs. S. N. Ediger waa a luncheon guest of Mrs. M. L, Hopkins Friday at Nohlgrens restaurant and then they spent the afternoon ahopping In Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour of Corvallia and Mis Linda Chapman of San Jose, Calif., were Saturday afternoon and dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Philips. The Fischer Hill is undergo ing quite a "face lifting" these days. Many neighbors are af forded exciting entertainment when watching the big D-8 and the D-7 team up as one huge moving machine and transfer ring many tons of rock at one time. To loosen the rock, the D-7 pulls and the D-8 puihe a large aubsoiler-looklng ma chine that rips open the earth. The Good Will club of Perry- dale motored to Oceanlake for the annual potluck beach out ing and spent the day Friday at the Scharff cottage. They re port a very pleasant day at the coast. From here Mrs. Bud Ranes, Mrs. Harold Smith and Judy Pat, and Mrs, James Copp were among those that went Mrs. Harold Smith, Yvonne and Judy, together with Jim Pyeatt of Salem motored to Redmond early Saturday morn. ing and attended the Deschute county fair and rodeo there. Jim participated in the calf roping event. The party at tended the buckaroo breakfast on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Abe S. Dick of Mt. Lake, Minn., and Mrs. Pet er Eitzen of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neufeldt of Dallas were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Ediger. Tuesdsy Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Neufeldt of Enid, Okla., together with Mrs. H. N. Ediger and Mra. J. S. Ediger were dinner guests of the Edl gers. The Neufelds of Okla homa are mlssionarlea among old coloniits in Mexico. Mrs. Neufeld Is a relative of Sol Ed iger. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Quiring and children, Shirley and Fred die Lee of Salem, visited Sol Ediger at the grain harvest Sat urday. Freddie accompanied his uncle, Sol, on the combine. Fairview Fairview Mrs. Frank Camp bell, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Csmpbell, Fairview district; Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Maker and Miss Darlene Maker of Union vale attended the Ruth Stewart Melvin Warnock wedding held at the Hopewell Seventh Day Adventtst church Mondsy eve ning. Both are students at Walls Walla college. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c M (With Applicator) Why suffer the) discomfort of Irritating one) itching of piles? Solel Only t SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:SS am I pm geaya, am sm 13S N. Commercial Dayton Dayton 8. Sgt Robert W. Southerland la visiting hi grandmother, Mra. Steve Tsy lor and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Southerland of Mil- waukie. Southerland waa with the 54th Strategic Reconnaissance squadron of the Air Force on Guam, where be served two years. He will leave soon for Texas for the next 16 months. Mr. and Mra. Steve Taylor have had as guesta thla past week Miss Nancy Utter of Portland; their granddaughter, Mrs. Billy Greer of Miami, Fla.; her brother. Arthur Ran dall, his wife and son, Dsrrell Randall and wife, all of Bo se mi n, Mont The Women's Fellowship of the - Christian church met Thursday, Aug. 20, at the church. Mrs. Carl Mitchell nresided over a short business meeting. Mrs. Howard Holt had the devotional period. Mrs. Ivan Hedgecock had the lesson study which was on "Spanish Speaking America." She was ss ti ted by Mrs. Charles carr. Rev. George Williams talk ed about the Mexican Chris tian Institute. Following his talk Mrs. Hedgecock had a queition and answer session with Rev. Williams. The group retired to the basement dining room where refreshments were served by Mrs. Harry Sherman assisted by Miu Barbae Sherman. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mn. Bill Wright and aons took their house guests, Mrs. Ernest Fisher and two children of Beatrice, Neb., and Mra. Les ter French and daughter, to the beaches. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Temple and family and Mr. and Mra. Bill Wright and sons spent the day at the beach. Mr. and Mra. Bill Wright entertained Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Temple and family for dinner Tuesday evening, Hon oring Mrs; Temple on her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Zinsli and daughters attended the funeral of his nephew, Don Zinsli, at Oregon City, recent ly. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Zinsli visited his brother, Pete Zin sli, at Oregon City on Sunday. A cousin, Mrs. Louise Wllklns of St Paul, Minn., also was a guest in the same home. Lee Wright of Portland, visited Sunday and Monday in the Bob and Bill Wright homea. Mrs. J. L. Shawver apent last week with her daughter, Mrs. John Orr and family, while they were moving to Gladstone. Mr. Orr is now in the insurance business. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tryon and family of Eugene were Tuesdsy dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Art Schrweid. Mr. and Mr. Fran Trusty of Milton-Freewater spent the week-end here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Schram and son, Johnny, of Los Angeles, Calif., visited several daya last week with Mr. and Mrs. Orange Willard Visiting in the Carl Mitchell home this past week were ber stepbrother, Alvln Fague and family of Hayter, Canada. Mrs. Louise 'Almgren of Corvallis has been a house guest of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mra. Howard Holt. Robert Tedd hai moved into the Nuttbrock apartments for the school year. He ia prin cipal of the Dayton grade grade school. Mrs. Clarette Donaldson has been ill at the home of her daguhter, Mrs. Earle Coburn Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sergeant of Grand Island spent the weekend at Delake. Sergeant Is about half fin ished combining 100 acres of barley. It Is sold In bulk to Amity grain dealers. Mrs. George Sargeant, 91, of Grand Island, was surprised when her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sar geant of Walla Walla. Wash., came to spend Monday with her at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell in the Fair view district Mrs. Ssrgeant accompanied Mr. and Mra. Stanley Sargeant to Portland to be guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sargeant and their infant daughter, Linda Su during Stanley's vacation. Grand Island Mrs. Law rtw M1C nf Prrvdale. Mr. and Mra. George Ramsey and daughter Beverly of Corvallis, urv- fiunri.v aftomnnn eueflti of their sisters, Mrs. Susie Doug la and Mra. Curtis Doug las. I The arMtrr n.rt of the earlv representation of the rose in art appeared in sculptured or I served decorations on churches MILL CITY THEATRE NOW ENDS SAT. I Dimension "FORT Tl" Sweet Home Sweet Home Mra. Busaell Burma of Banks, Ore, visited with friend In the Sweet Home area over the weekend. Among the families she visited were the Lester Burnetts and Mrs. Lulu Birr, and Mr. and Mra. Frank Cross and Be mice tuine of Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yarbor, ough and family of Eugene were overnight guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burnett Sharon Burnett left this week for a short vacation with her sister, Mrs. Robert Gray of San Francisco. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scan- Ion and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mclntyre and family and Hugh Meacham and Dale spent Sunday fishing on the Metolius river and Suttle lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Arnold and Larry of Tulelake, Calif., were weekend visitors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. . Harry Arnold. Despite inclement weather, the city park was filled to ca pacity over the weekend. - Among the groups gathering tor picnics waa a farewell party for David Brent son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent of Lebanon. David Brent 1 leaving soon for Bible college. A wiener roast waa held by the Class of Zion'i League, whose leader is Arnold Rich ards. The group from the Re organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint in cluded Darlene Walberg, Cher ry Ann Phelps, Frank Rich- ardi, Jackie Ross, Larry Rich ards, Violet Phelps, Larry O'Dell, LeRoy Ross, Irene Rich ards, Carolyn Jean Ross, par lene Ross, Denny Walberg and Joan Moxley. - The Sunday school picnic of the Evangelical United Breth ren church wa held Saturday night at the city park and among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vinson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Richter, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wooley, E. O. Part ridge, BiU Kizer, Ruth Whit ney, Mr. and Mrs. 4. r. mc Glothern. Chester Whitney, Lettie Sankey, Nancy Dickin son, Lena Kizer, Laura Alex- WUiUm HoMen Den Tajrlar "STALAG 17" e Stephen McN.Uy Alexis Smith "SPLIT SECOND" i .Jeff Chandler In "The Greot Sioux Uprising" Technicolor - , The Bowery Bey "Loose 7n London" Danny Kaye as "Hon Christian Anderson" in Technicolor Walt Disney' TVi AIsatM Urns'' Adults child S5e p. -I w ' ! f . tki scrrrjT ti.'Cf l y . ' v n $ r - mtn? moo ftSi HANl-LACED ij ' A X 50FT TO THE TOUQH 1 ! I f -Jr RI AdK . .'Xir: IV 1 iBfjyfi3xsn i 176 N. LIBERTY ST. Open Friday Night Til 9 P. M. Friday. August 28. 195 snder, Jerry Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. - Henry John, Martha Thompson, Rev. and Mr. W. H. Cookiley, Dorothy Taylor and SO children. The Davenport entertained with a picnic recently with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hasklns, and children and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hasklns and Mr. and Mrs! Harve Davenport and children attending. , . i Attending a watermelon teed recently were Mr. and Mrs. Holland Lamp and three ehU-t dren, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace"' ui.m ..J .... u:i j ... i .liu .WW klUHUVA, BU T ' j and Mrs. W. L. Swander, all of rout 2 Ihannn lam. T ..k. wald of Van Nuys. Calit, Mr.v and Mrs. Gerald Workings of Shedd. LIFE SAVING CLASS k LebanonLife aavlng classes" will be resumed at the city pool " Monday, Aug. 11, it was an-" nounced Wednesday by oool rector George Van Pelt. In-Z structor for the course will be Kenneth Cardwell of Sweet".' Home. Instruction will be held 4 daily from a.m. to 10. meat a-east GATES OPEN MS SHOW AH : NOW THRU SAT.! ... At Regular Prices! All Technicolor Show "131 bibi mm turn 6AB0R FION IUUICHANO Also Frankle Laine in "RAINBOW 'ROUND MY SHOULDER" PLUS Tonight (Friday) Our Big All Color Cartoon Carnival fHOHl UIISH MDIHJ, NWHWAT Mj Gates Open 1:4 Show at 7:30 Now Thru Sot.I 1st Feature In Technicolor "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" Jean Peters Jeffrey Hunter pins "TITANIC" Clifton Webs Barbara Stanwyek Tonlht (Friday) Our All Color Cartoon Carnlral i 'y on the campus; . iv- f. I i in sie