Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 28, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Mipii0rretjt, 'opaaaaaw 'union 'IT
Friday August 28, 195S
Part 13
Tele -Views
By managing to get a specially licensed portable broad
cast station aboard the USNS. General Walker an hour
before the POW-carrying troopship tied up In San Fran
cisco harbor yesterday, the CBS Television Network was
able to broadcast exclusive interviews with some of the
first group of repatriated U.S. prisoners of war to land
on American soil since the Korean armistice.
On "They Come Home," a special live coast-to-coast
broadcast from dockside in San Francisco harbor, CBS
Television west coast newsmen William Winter, Lee
Jerow and Robert Hansen interviewed dozens of return
ing prisoners of war from 15 states many of them from
atop a pile of life belts on the sun deck of the General
Walker, and the rest as they came down the gangplank.
Typical of most of the interviews was the first, with
Corp. Richard Grenier of 212 Ring street, Howland, Me.
Corporal Grenier, who had been in a communist prison
camp for 29 months, freely expressed his joy at being
back in the States among firends and relatives. The
S31 POWs aboard the General Walker had been interned
from seven to 34 months and, in many cases, families
had their first glimpses of the returnees on the CBS Teie
: vision broadcast.
Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Features Norman Wallace,
newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta
tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace.
Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with
local news and news photographs local and live.
Ob the Practice Tee, :S0. Golf Instruction with Helen
Gene Autry, 7. Gene Autry, singing cowboy, and his
horse, Champion, and his comic sidekick, Fat Buttram, ride
the plains in dramas of the old West.
Yon Asked For It, 7:30. "Fearless Gregg" will be shot
out of a cannon Puppeteer Bob Bromley from Paris will
present his puppet "Sir Butch" Rudy Docky and his talented
Boxer dogs give an exhibition of water polo Art Athton,
"The Golf Trickster" will demonstrate some tricks with a
golf ball.
Doorway to Danger, t. Federal Agent Doug Carter Is
admitted to Sing Sing prison as a prisoner to break up a top
espionage ring.
The Goldbergs, t:!0 Family situation comedy starring
Gertrude Berg as "Molly." . '
Wrestling, 10. Local, live, remote telecast originating
from the Armory. - '
Nite Owl Theatre, 11:15. "Kentucky Carnival" with
John Arledge and Mary Lou Lender. .
Dog Tales, 9:00 Local, live children's show starring "Uncle
Mac." ' !
The Toymaker and His Friends, 9:15 Approximately five
1 youngsters will appear. '
Major League Baseball, 9:55 New York at Cleveland. ',
, Smiling Ed McConnell, 1:30-Children's program.
Lone Ranger, 2:00 "Diamond in the Rough'' the Lone
! Ranger and Tonta trail two thieves . who robbed a Mexican
; diplomat's wife of her precious gems.
Sky King, 2:30 "Man Who
' another man s land plus a deposit of valuable ore add up to
murder. Kirby Grant stars as Sky King.
Horse Racing from Portland Meadows, 1:30 Local, live re
'; mote telecast. ,
Superman, 4:30 "The Mystery of the Broken Statues" two
elderly men are discovered buying, then destroying small plas
- ter statuettes from art shops
follows the men and is captured.
- mystery and also saves Lois
Satnrday Night Revue, 5:00
sic starring Hoagy Carmichael
Sammy Kaye Show, 7:30 Songstress Eileen Barton is guest
Playhouse of Stars, 9:30 "Two Lives Have I" stars Pa
tricia Medina who plays a young war widow who forgets her
sorrow caring for war orphans in Europe. Others In the cast
include John Douchette and Edward Colmans.
Mr. and Mrs. North, 10:00 "Beauty Prize" Pam and a beauty
contestant una mat tney are doubles which complicates mat
ters when Jerry North is the Judge of the beauty contest. When
Kitty is murdered Pam takes
Killer, but her plan backfires.
Premiere Theater, 10:30 "Count of Monte Cristo" with Rob
ert Donat and Elissa Landl.
This Is the Life, 11:00 "The True Guilt of Richard Lnrl.
wig." This episode deals with
na m omy solution inrougn
Wedding Belles, 12:30 Fashion presentation designed fir
Drmes-io-De. Irene urenaier emcees.
Roy Rogers Show, 3:00 "The Train Robbery" Rov'a dns
Bullet, finds the missing clues
a group oi desperados who blow up a train.
Your Play Time, 3:30 "Dear Little Fool" a probationary
has unorthodox ideas which she applies to three of her hospital
patients, stars iesiye manning
General Electric Theater, 5:00 'The Cat With the Crimson
Eyes" a thriller with a Latin-Alherican setting stars Charles
McGraw and Inez Palagne. Story concerns a young American
adventurer, possessor of two precious jewels, who Is found
murdered by his brother, an American newspaperman.
Snnday Revne, 5:30 "Road to Happiness" with John Boles,
Mona Barrie and Billy Lee.
- Summer Theater, 7:00 "Sentence of Death" Is a spine-chill-
lng story of a witness to a crime and the decisions the event
forced upon her. Heading the
Lyons, Ralph Dunn and James
Television Playhouse, 8:00 "Other People's Houses" stars
Rod Steiger and Eileen Heckart. Ralph and Rena Swan lead
a happy life though Rena is 8 years older than her husband.
Rena'a father arrives to complicate matters and Rena's sister
solves the dilemma.
The Web, 9:30 "End of the
who, caught in the toils of the
Jayne Meadows, Rick Jason
featured roles.
Five 8tar Playhouse, 11:15
Baxter and Florence Rice.
What's Cooking, 9:30 Cooking show with Barbara Angell.
Birthday party broiled turkey.
HCmC HKRrBT 18 GIVEN that tht
Common Council af th City of Stlem,
Ore-ton. on tht 10th di of Auiuit,
1H3, adopted ft rttolntlon initiating pro
ttcdinfi to acta that portion of an
ftJlf la th City of Saltm, Marion
County, Oreion. twlm tht Southerly 40
ftel of that certain alley runnlnc North
rly fttwl Southerly throuib .Block 10.
North S.ltm, with additions, to the City
af Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, for
tht retion that there is no need or ne
esslty to main tat said ftlley lor publio
at and tht samt should be used for
arhool purpose by School District No.
I4CJ, and that the aald council has flied
the Jttb day of September, 1053, at the
now of I 00 o'clock P.M. as the time,
end the council chambers la the city
hall la Salem, Oregon, as the place, for
tht bearing of tret said proceedings and
any and all objections and remonstrances
to tht proposed vacation. Objections to
ouch vacation. If any there be, should
at madt in writing and filed vltR tht
etty recorder of uM city prior to the
time of the hearing.
CIL Autuit 10, 1031
City Recor'r.
Aas, U, Sept. i U, U, H
Forgot" an old man's greed for
all over Metropolis. Lois Lane
Superman solves the puzzling
90 minutes of comedy and mu
with guest stars
her place hoping to snare the
the problem of personal guilt
laitn in tne atonement of God.
which lead to the Centura of
and Fat O'Neal.
cast are Betsy Palmer, Gene
- Dunn.
Line" Is a story of racketeers
law, double-cross each other
and Harold J. Stone have the
"Borrowed Hero" with Alan
Common Council of tht City af Sale!
Oregon, on the 10th day of August, 1ft,
adopted a resolution Initialing proceed
ings to vacate that portion of Oatnes
Street In tht City of Salem, Marlon
County, Oregon, from the last lint of
North Cottage Street to the West line
of North Winter Street In tht City tf
Salem, Marlon County, Oregoa. for tht
reason that there Is no need or seres
si ty to maintain aald street for public
use and tht samt should be used lor
school purposes by School District No.
atCJ, and that tht geld council has flied
tht llth day of September, lou, tit
tht hour af 100 a'clock P.M. as tht
time, and tht council chambers la the
city hall la Salem, Oregon, as tht place.
for tht hearing af tht said proceed tne s
and any and all abjections and remoiv
etrancat ta tht proposed vacation. Ob
ject loons ta such vacation, it any there
be. should be mads la writing and filed
with tht city recorder af said city prior
ta tht time ai tne ntaruvi.
CIL August 10th, 1003.
CUP Recorder.
On Television
KPTV rCAanne 27)
I (Ooir tfNrwj MkaftM In oaraaool
Valley Television
2303 Fatrgreiwds Id. ft. MM
tm Ua Mm In Boy
Pat la BmI Daol la Tan
hrin TrmlaaS TaakabUaa
Oaaa Villi S t m.
0allr Baaapl aolorAay '
1:41 p.m. Toyouktrt
:M rm. Six oua PUrhotua
II p.m. Nwpacr af kit
t.M p.m. Tim for Btaa
l:M p.m. AporUretl
SO p.m. Kiwi Ciriru
T:M Otn Autry
1:39 p.m. You Aikftd for II
:W p.m. Dttutr Doorvir
1:30 p.m. Th Oaldbru
1:00 p.m. Chtoct of t Uftttmo
:lt p.m. Bob Coaildlaa
10:00 p.m. WrutllDf
U:M p.a FulM of City
Sole - Service - Installation
Open from 9 A.m. to I p.m.
Ph. t-1611 S140 S. Cora!.
Salem's First Tele vis ion Store
I 00 a m Dog Tales
10:10 a.m. American League
12:10 p,mw Talent Patrol
1:00 p.m. Date with Judy
1:10 p.m. Smiling Id McConnell
ShW p.m. Sky King
2:30 p.m. Arthur Godfrey
t:it p.m. Beat tkt Clock
4:00 p.m. Life Begin at At '
4:30 p.m. Supermen
0:00 p.m. Saturday Night Rerua-'
0:30 p.m. Private Secretary
1:00 p.m. Amateur Hour
1:30 p.m. 4emmy Fat
:oo p.m. Dangerow Asalgnment
1:30 p. mv Wrestling
1:00 p.m. TBA
0:30 Playhouse of Start
10:00 p.m-Mr. and Mrs. North
10:30 p.m Premier Theater .
Factory Trained Service '
and? Installation
ISM State St Pfaone 1-7577
:te a.m. Prontiew el Faith -
10:11 p.m. TBA
11:00 a.m. This Is Lift
12:00 a.m. Whets Your Trouble
11:1ft pjsv Hour af Decision
12:s& p.m. Wtddinc Belle
1:00 p.m. The Big Picture
1:00 p.m. Industry on Parade
1:15 p.m. Art Linklettar
3:1ft p.m. Roy Rogers
3:30 p.m. Your Playtime
4:00 p.m. Big Payoff
1:00 p.m. Gl Theater
V:30 p.m. Sunday Rsrlsw
:30 What'a My Line
T:00 p.m. Summer Theater
0:00 p.m. TV playhouse
0:30 p.m. Tht Web .
10:00 p.m. Sports Scholar
10:10 p.m Headline Parade
10:30 p.m. News Review
10:4a p.m. City Hospital
We eet
REALLY work In i
toigh fringe area !
H")TM'.t):' !!
470 N. Capitol
0KK MOM. t FBI. TH 9 f. M.
0:10 a.m. What's Cooking?
11:00 a.m. Big Payoff
11:30 e m Welcome Trailers
13:00 a m. On Your Account
13:30 p.m UN Oensral A.mbly
1:00 p.m Doublt or Nothing
1:30 P.m. atrlfce It Rich
1:00 p.m aletlnet Theater
1:10 p.m. Search Tomorrow
Mid Willamette
Mrs. Anne McCaf ferry
Albany Mrs! Anne Cather
ine Haubner McCafferty, 00, a
resident of Albany for six
years, died Wednesday after a
long illness at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lauren Davis, RFD 1.
The Rosary was recited at the
Fisher Funeral home Thursday,
after which the body will be
sent back to Mrs. McCafferty's
former home at Mauston, Wis.,
where interment will be In
Oak wood cemetery. Mrs. Mc
Cafferty was born at Milwau
kee. Wis., later moving to
Mauston. She was married there
in Aueust. 1013. to Willard H.
McCafferty, who died Dec. 4,
1029. Surviving are three chil
dren, Mrs. Lauren Davis, Al
bany; Mrs. Reynold Adducci,
Chicago, III., and Walter Mc
Cafferty, Mauston, Wis.
Delbus Whisenhunt
Stayton Delbus A. Whisen
hunt, 42, died at the Santiam
Memorial hospital Tnursaay,
Aug. 27. Mr. Whisenhunt was
born at Balancett, atk., may
16, 1011.
Surviving are his wife. Opal,
Stayton: sons. Raymond, U.S.
Army; John and Ellis Whisen
hunt. Stavton: daughters, Clau-
dine. Marv and Shirley of
Stayton; father, James P. Whis
enhunt, Hearner, Okla.; sisters,
Audl Beaver. Means. Ark.; Ed
ith Carroll, Drumright, Okla.;
brothers, Dewey, Means, Okla.,
and Jack Whisenhunt, Okla
homa City, Okla.
Funeral services will be at
2:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 30, at
the Weddle funeral nome,
Stayton with the Rev. Kenneth
Abbott officiating. Burial will
be in Lone Oak cemetery.
John E. Tullis
Lebanon Graveside services
for John Ernest Tullis, 60, will
be held in the IOOF cemetery
here Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
with the Huston Funeral home
in charge. He died Aug. 25 in
the veterans' hospital in van
Born in Arlington, Ore.,
Feb. 15, 1893, he was a for
mer resident of Lebanon
Among his survivors are three
sisters, Mrs. Sylvia Simons,
Mrs. Zelda Piper and Mrs
Edna Simons, all of Lebanon.
William Long
Lebanon William Elmer
Long. 66. was found dead
Tuesday morning at the San
tiam Lumber company plant,
his lunch pail lying by'his side.
Coroner Glenn Huston attri
butes the death to a heart at
tack. Long had been employed
by the lumber company lor
seven years, living at Donald
and commuting to his work.
A resident of Oregon for 43
years, he was born in Pennsyl
vania, Nov. 29, 1886. He is sur
vived by his widow, Frances,
and seven children.
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon" at Canby
through arrangements made by
the Huston Funeral home at
Terbnicians on Duty
Till 1:30 p.m. Daily
1410 8.12th Ph 45512
. ' I A i ' s - -
1 i
I 'v
Outstanding booths competing for blue ribbons at the
Polk County Fair at Rickreall Friday were the Rlckreail
Grange entry In the community division and the Perrydale
Goodwill Club In the welfare division. In the Rickreall
Grange photo at top are Mrs. Oness Whaley and Mrs. John
Riney, who assisted in Its preparation. The new fair build- ,
ings will be dedicated by Gov. Paul Patterson at 8 p.m.
Friday night. The fair will continue through Saturday and
Sunday. ...
Mrs. Elsie Harris
Jefferson Mrs. Elsie Allen
Harris of M 1 1 1 o n-Freewater
died Friday evening, August
21. In Walla Walla, Wash.,
after a long illness. The fu
neral was held Monday aft
ernoon, August 24, from the
Chapel in Milton-Freewater,
with the Rev. Fred Green of
Mrs. Harris was born Jan
uary 11, 1900, In Wisconsin
and that same year moved to
Jefferson, Ore., with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen.
She grew up on the family
farm, attending DeVaney
grade school and graduating
from Jefferson high school.
She attended Pacific college,
Llnfield, Oregon Normal, and
graduated from Willamette
University In Salem. She
taught in the Albany commu
nity for a few years, finish
ing the balance of her career
in Adams, Baker and Milton
Freewater, Ore., where she
taught until February of this
year when she retired because
of ill health.
While teaching at Milton
Freewater she met and mar
ried Clark Harris, who sur
vives as do seven brothers:
Maurice, Eugene; Merlin,
Waltsburg, Washington;
Glenn, Twin Falls, Idaho;
Keith, Jefferson; Clair K. and
Dodge, Roseburg; Neil, Al
bany; 'one sister, Marion
Jurgens of Berkeley, Calif.,
and three nephews and three
She was a member of the
Methodist church in Milton
Freewater and Loyalty Chap
ter No. 65, O.E.S.
Thomas D. LaDehe
Thomas D. LaDuke, at tht family resi
dence, 3JSS Crawford St.. Aug. 31 at
the age of 11 yaais, Curvived by wife,
Mrs. Viola LaDuke; eon, Thomas W.
LaDuke, both of Salem; daughters, Mrs.
Thelma Stram, Arlington, . Dak., Mrs.
Audrey Coulter, Douglas, Alaska, Mrs.
Maslna Ourley, Phoenix, Ails. slater,
Mrs. William Oritton, Salem; also 13
grandchildren. Member of First Christian
ehurch. Services will be held Monday,
August SI at 3:30 p.m. In tht Howell
Cdwarda Chapel. Xsv. Dudley Strata
Baby William Idwarae
Baby William idwerda at a local hos
pital Aug. 31. Survived by parent, Mr.
and Mrs, C. M. Edwards, Lebanon. Ore
Aervtees ta be announced later by Vlrgtl
T. OOtdtQ Ct.
Amy Harding
Amy Harding, lata yestdent af Rose
Harden Motel. Sslrm. and formerly of
Oervais, In this city Aug. 37 at tht age
of 13. Survived by sevsral alecee and
nephews. Services Saturday. Aug. it
at 10:30 a m. In W. T, Rlsdon Chapel
with the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson Offi
ciating. Member of Oervais Chapter, lit.
Order af lea tern Star; member at Past
Matrons Association, OES, af Salem :
also Willamette Ahrlae. 3. WSJ; and
Daughters of American Revolution.
May LeCtvar
May LeCuyer, lata resident of Port
land, In this city Aug. 37 at tht ate af
4. Mother af Mrs. David Bason, Salem;
wrrjejjHr) I
W. 4-3333 I
--t '1
I. tar af lira. Praft Ban hurt. Ovauo,
lltch.: ! aurvlvlnt tra twa sranV
ehlldran an4 tour aat grandchutfrao.
Private larvkaa Saturday. Aui. . at a
p.m. u w. t. Kiadoa cnapai iut aba
R,r. own, n. awut mcuunt. ,
Baar Olrl Cafr
aabr Olrl codr, si a local koapltal
Am. ST. aunrtnd. br ptruU, Mr. and
alra. Rabarl p, codr, ConalUii srutd.
paranta, Mr. U4 Mra. La, McDovaH,
Clickamaa, On, Mr. u4 ISra. Rsbart
Codr, Corratlla. Oravaakl, aarrka, lad
Intarraaat war, halt st St. Barbara 'a
Camatarr. Xar. jMtah a. Vudarback
ollldatad aadar dlraeuaa ( Clouili.
aarriak Co.
gives you
st TV
1 - aapa I (HkVr
o asv trm cr v. .;
Thit h television you've been waiting fori Motorola's thrilling
Ooube-Power Picture brings tht station nearer, make tht pie
tur. clearer... doubles your viewing pleasure. Enjoy all this
at the lowest price in the quality TV field! Don't wait.. buy now)
e 17T1I Mahogany or Ebony Flattie 17" Table Model!
e Fall Year Warranty on ALL Parts, Not Just Picture Tube!
e Built-in Oil Channel UHF-VHF Tuning!
e Exclusive Double-Power Picture!
Ralph Johnson & Marr
3S5 Center, Phone 3
Seek Slash in
Aid lo Veterans
Washington () The Xiien-
bower administration has tut
cested that congress consider
cutting down on tha free med
ical aid given to veterana for
ailments not connected with
mill tar service. . , -
Otherwise, save Budget Di
rector Joseph M. Dodge, the
government - will have to
spend an additional hundreds
of millions of dollars annually
to handle a growing number
of these eases.
Dodge and Lindsay C. War-'
ran, comptroller general, ask
ed a bouse veterans' subcom
mittee to reconsider "the ex
tent of the federal govern
ment's responsibility toward
veterana with non-service Ill
nesses." .
They made three specific
recommendations ' 1 n letters
sent- to the .subcommittee In
July and made public recent-
Dodge suggested that admis
sion to veterans' administra
tion hospitals for nonservlce
Illnesses be limited to veterans
requiring treatment for more
than 80 days. This, he said,
would eliminate about 60 per
cent of the cases now being
Sunday Dedication
Silverton Ceremonials of
dedication will be featured at
the Sunday morning service of
the Methodist church, the Rev.
Douglas Harrell, officiating, for
the communion wares, donated
by Mr. and Mra James Taylor,
ana ine auar paramem inscrtb
ta -will! tne tri-"Holy," pre
sented by Mr. and Mrs. W.
Dale LaMar, in memory of
Mrs. LaMar's grandfather, the
laie jonn wesiey rugh.
ponca op annum sali oh
mortqaom nucumu
TAXa NOTICE that aa tha Ulk da
af aaptambar. 1M) at tha hour of
A.M. at tha Boat aoatharlr Mai Saw at
tha Old Kith School Bnlldtas aa Marlon
oatwaaa BUB ana Church nmti in
Baton, Marloa Count. Oraten. X aaall
aall at publle auction ta tha hlshaal
DMoar ror eaaa ii ta, foragolns aa-
aerioaa raai prorrtr, to-wlt:
Lot Twanty (SO), Block Thrao (!)
aimnarsiaa Rom, Tracta, Marloa
County, Orasoa.
Said aalo la bald nndar an, purauant
to on Bxoentloa latuad aat or tho Cir
cuit court of tno Stat, of Orosoa for
Marloa county ta that oouaa tha rain
pandlnt vharaln tho Pradontlal Inaur-
oneo Company or Amarwo. earnoro-
Uon, oa plaintiff And Pranaa, H. Buma
and Robert L. Burnt, John W. Black
and Paula Black aa sofondoata, statu,
try Ho. 4.oit of aald circuit cowl.
By A. I. Malarrom, Dapatp.
Aui. St, aapt. a. 11, IS
Buy in America!
- 3139
2140 S. Commcrcialyv thorn 2-H11
Ace Demon
Aims toProYQ
His Bear Stcry
WaU, we've all heart Ma
f fish stories. Wen, fUmu,
here's bear artery.
Ace Demon, who opera tee
the Aee Flying service la Sa
lem, Biue to fly te British
Colombia la search of ytee
of heae left there U 1IS1
while Demera was ea a hast
ing trip, according to aa
article he wrote to the forth
coming issue September of
Outdoor Life.
In the regleae ef tit Bard
face la the Itcha montaimi
ef Canada, Dammars killed a
grlaaly hear, tleaaaremearte
of the shall, IS ISIS lashee,
proves to he only Hth ef aa
lack smaller thaa the werWa
grisal record as listed br tha
Boone and Crockett ctah. '
Bat Deraera la not aatta
fled. Clalma that aetaaUy
part ef tha boar's akaiU was
Broken off from the teat at
the skull when the head wae ;
severed from the body. '
New he'a going bach to get
that ether ehnnk ef bene,,,;'
" Going te prove his bona. '
head ta the biggesU.
Itiday, Aagsat M .
Seabee ltaseies at Naval nnct
Harine Corps Reserve training
eentar. .
saatlsa Baste - ;
Fort Bust. Taxaa Pvt. iftaAoml
O. Hutehins, son of Mr. and Mrs,
n. uutcnins, formerly of Bajera,
Oreion. and now of Aihford nul
Farm. Berkshire, England, recent
ly De an ie weeks or baalo train
In at tha anti-aircraft artiUarv
replacsment training center here.
fnpletro Oeorse
Bsn Dteea Calif. Staff Bat.
Robert Looks Brooks, eon of Mr.
and Mrs, Wade H. Brooks. 141
21st street, Baiem, Oregon, has
eornolated tha drill teatractors
oours) at the Marine Corps Re
cruit oepor, nere. me aargearn
returned to the States In May,
1963. after 13 months in Korea.
He is a eraduate of Salem Uiah -
school with the class of 160.
Trains aa Crewman -
Jacksonvllla. Fla. Pvt. Oarr
D. Williams, U. 8 Marine Corps,
son of Mrs. Tad Bakta of 1010
Norm win atreet, Baiem, Oregon,
who 1b tralnina. as an arlauon
ground crewman, has recently
oompieiea airman . preparaurry
aohool at tha Narnl Air Technical
Tralnlnat center here and Is now
in aviation ordnanea acoool nere.
Williams enUtted In the Marine
Corps in November, 1962.
the ALL NEW '54
Li iji
Radio, Inc.
A as. M, Sept. 4 lie II, M)
. e. n