Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 28, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    ii'1- V 'TT TOT f'"iii -tut
Pan is
Friday, Aumt 28, 151
Plin RodfiQ n ;1"'iten brothers, M (left) and
null IXWUWW wui asaJa operate the rosea at th
Oref oa State fair this year. The Chistensca k roth en ana
lly rode stock and handle the details Involved ia rmaalnf
a rodeo. They ride the plek-np beraea themselres. Tea
rodeo ahowa are aehedaled for the etate fair, Inelodlaf
aoatueea om Sanday, September f, and Monday, Septem
ber 7.
Son Diego Sweeps
Pnlr From Rovac
. ...... ww . way,
Hollies Lose, 5-2
1 Portland U. San Dleto
wept a donbleheader from
Portland last aWht, 6-1 and 7-4-,
aa Tom Alston hit a two-ran
homer in the 10th innlnr of the
Blfhteap before 181 PCL tana,
Aliton'a homer broke a
ninth inning tie brought on by
home run off the bat of Eddie
Bailmki. Dick Faber followed
up the Alston clout with a dou
ble and raced home on Walt
Focekay's single.
Portland's Bob Marquis hit
homer In the sixth. e
Bob Kerrigan was credited
with the win and Jehosle Heard
took the loss.
Pocekay also hit a home run.
In the opener, San Diego hit.
ting steadily, came out ahead
The Padres opened "up with
a pair of runs in the first and
duplicated their tally in the
second. Dick Waibel, who sub
bed for Red Adams in the sec
ond, had little more luck than
lis predecessor as the Padres
scored two more In the fifth.
Aaron Robinson reached first
en an error in the fifth Inning
and advanced to second on a
wild pitch by Bill Thompson.
Eddie Basinskl's infield single
advanced Robinson to third and
he scored as Don Kggert hit a
long double.
Saa Fraaeiaoe us Heroea
' came by the bushel and the
pack in the Pacific Coast
Leagae today and the fana
loved them all.
In Sacramento, bespectacled
Bob Dill Infer became the first
player in the league to get 300
hits this season as he sparked
his oft-vetoed Senators to a 9-4
thriller over Seattle. The
Glendale express went three
for five against the Suds for a
season total of 201 blngies.
Leftv Joe Hatten of Los An
geles thrilled a partisan Wrlg
ley Field crowd of 21,440, larg
est of the season by stopping
the runaway Hollywood Stars
with a six hitter, 8-2.
San Francisco beat Oakland
8-6, thanks to ancient Bob
Muncrlet who turned off an
Acorn batting assault In the
sixth inning and pitched hitless
ball for the rest of the game
after giving up a single. George
Vico banged five hits in five
trips as he also made like a
hero for the seals. I
As a result of the nights
activity, Hollywood retained
Its SVi game lead over the
Suds. San Francisco, with a
mighty assist from the Padres,
bounced back into fourth
place ahead of the Beavers by
a gam and half. And toe
Sacs left the Oaka behind in
the cellar a full gam.
Dillinger waa on third base
in the ninth inning when Ed
die Bockman hoisted a fly to
deep right to bring bira In with
the winning Sacramento run.
Mllo Candlnl rescued rookie
Bud Watkina from a Rainier
uprising In the seventh to i rec
ord hie eighth triumph of the
Manger Wins Uth
Hatten recorded hie 13th win
while Red Munger, who .start
ed against him for the Thespi
ans, lost his 10th. A two run
double by Le Pon high
li.htMl a Los Angeles explo
sion in the second that waa
good for four markers.
Bob Kerrigan rode to his
11th vlMnrr on Alston's blast
against Portland although the
Padre scored one more run
4n, in make the triumph sure.
Bill Thomason cruised to win
number nine to the first game
as Red Adams was routed in
the second inning for his ninth
One of the sloppiest games
of the season was perpetrated
; 4
PCL Standings
(By Tb Aaelta4 Praia)
.... l (1
.... at to
.... M 11
.... ii ii
.... it to
.... n II
ret. ma.
Hollywood ...
Laa Anaelea ..
Saa Franclee
,M0 tV,
.111 lite
.Ml lOt.
.ill 11
.M lit
San Dtefo ...
.... 17 (1
.414 II
, 1 II .111 II
Tbartaer'e Beialla: -
Sacramento a, Seattle 4.
Lea Anaeleo I, Hollywood I.
San Dleao 1-7. Portland 1-4 (lad jb
II lanlnaal.
aan Frenetic a Oakland 4.
at Seals stadium. Elmer Sin
gleton started for the home
team and failed to finish for
the sixth straight time. Each
side used three pitchers. Mun
crlet, the last to toil for the
Seals, got his ninth victory.
Firet lama:
San Man (I)
41) Fortius
1 1 Atutlnj 111,
1 lArlLla Sill
I lRoooe.lf I I 1 I
Miru.e! IS
4 IRbtnen. Its
Feeerotf.t i
Patarin.1 4
Raop.n I t
1 IKelcD.rt 11
Sumara,a I
1 lBinikl.l 1111
Ibiirt.) 1 1
1 lAdami, t 1
Walbal.a I
Thmin.p S
Totali 11 II II
a Total. 11 1 II II
San Dial ...
Ill IH 0 I
14 130 410
00 111 1
000 030 0 1
Fltoher: IF U I B 0
Thomaeos .1 U 1 1 1
Adama .... l 10 i a ? .... I 11 I I I I
LouF-Utni. X Alaton. H Pedtroff,
Foteraon. Alaton, Rapp, Focekey, Sum
meri. Roblnaon. RBI Peteraon, Aliton
3. Focekey I, Hereon. Beeert. Bee.
Rapp. Tnomeeoa, Faber. DP Auatln and
Artt. LOB Saa DM 4. Portland a
WP Thomaaon. V Doran. Palakondaa
and Siha. T l.U.
aeoond same:
San DM. (1)
(4) Partial
PadaroIM 4
AwtuM ' S
1 S
Foteran.a 4
as I
0R.lch.rt 4
Kollwy.l I
Rapp.rf S
Mathta.e 4
Korrtsn.. S
l s
s s a
a 4
lBntrt.l 4
lOladd. 4
1 Heard. 4
S 1
Total, rr i
Total, 1 II
San Dial .
Ill 100 to 11
Hlta .
10 310 OOO
30 001 001
0 Ml 001 1
Pitcher: IF AB Hi EB so
Kerrlaaa ...1 M 4 4 I
w.-mI 1 II . ' S
X Baalnakl 1. Heard, elereo.
Peteraon, Alitea. Rapp, Faber 1, Foe
bar, rarrlaan, Mergule, Kollowey. Ba
alnakl I. RBI Foeikey I, Baalnakl S,
Auetlo, llereoa, Kerrlaan. ataroule, AJ-
ilnn 3. 3B Baalnakl. Faber. HR-
kar, Marquu, Baiiniai. A.ton. .ac
Meretite. Kerrlaan. LOB Ban Dteio I,
Portland I. PB oladd. u Felekoudaa,
Sllra and Doran. T 1:11. A 1.U4,
Seatll OM (11 100-4 1
Sacrament 01 001 K1- 14 I
Wldmar. DelDue n ano urteiat woi
ktna. Cnndlml ID and Monlalra.
Hollrwood 11 M -
i,i.i Ml 001 00 11
uuneer. Lntn 1, Plahor (1) and
Braaan; Hatten and Paden.
Oakland 100 101 0- 1
a.n Vranclana fill 040 II" I II
afurphr. Watere ll. Flora, tit and
Mean smaleton, Shane or in, aHiBcrlat
til nd Tlealera.
State Softball
Tourney Resumes
Saturday Night
Mill City especial) Ttie
Oreaon state Softball tourna
roent resumes at Allen field
here Saturday night, weather
Unless weather condition!
appear more favorable man
they have so far this week, the
final two nights of stat tour
nament play may be moved to
Bend Softball officials have
promised capacity crowds for
Saturday and Sunday play.
Rubenitein Furniture of Eu
gene will face Nored Builders
of Corvallls at 7 o'clock Sat
urday, with the winner of that
game to take on Grants Pass
immediately following.
Survivor of Saturday night's
competition will meet Mill City
in the finals Sunday. Mill City
needs only one win to clinch
the state championship, while
Mill City's opponent Sunday
would have to win two gamea
in order to capture the cham
pionship In the double-elimina
tion toumarpent.
jwYocn Mon wui
Capital Snapping Crater
LeKeriiian in Every Spot
n Amity Football Team
(This 1 n la series of
articles dealing , with the
Braspaeta of high aehool
foetball teams in this area.
Watch for the story en year
favorite team.)
Capital Journal Sports Editor
Amity high school's War
riors will be able to field an
entire starting lineup of let'
termen when they open their
football season against Day
ton at Amity September 11.
Twelve lettermen reported
to Head Coach Ray Stephens
and Assistant Coach Don
Smith when football practice
got underway this week, and
the lettemien cover every po
Only three players were lost
by graduation last year, but
Reshuffling in ,
Standings of
Top Ten Boxers
New York (O-Nine Valdes'
upset victory over Ezzard
Charles and Don Cockell'i
conquest of Harry (Kid) Mat
thews has resulted' in a dras
tic reshuffling of the heavy-
tweight division's top ten.
The monthly Ring magazine
ratings released today by Edi
tor Nat Fleischer have
Charles, the former heavy
weight champion, in the No.
challenger's spot instead of
the No. 1 post which he has
held for so long.
Roland La Starza, who gets
crack at Champion Rocky
Marciano's crown at the Polo
Grounds September 24 'has
been advanced to the No. 1
post Dan Bucceroni of Phil
adelphia has been upped to
the third position with Vsldes
Then come Tommy Harrison,
Oakland, Calif., Bob Satter
field, Chicago, Helm Neuhaus,
Germany, Cockell, Earl Walls
of Canada, and Matthews.
For the first time in years,
foreign fighters hold four of
the berths in the dreadnaught
division's top ten.
Billy Peacock of Los Angeles,
who won the North American
bantamweight title from Henry
Pappy Gault of Spartanburg,
S. C., moved into the No. 2
position among the 118-pound-
ers, dropping Gault to third,
France's Ray Famechon, long
time holder of the No. 1 con
tender's position in the feather
weight division, and. Corky
Gonzales of Denver have been
dropped from first ten because
Floyd Patterson, young Brook
lyn light heavyweight, was
omitted from the 178-pound di
vision's first ten for the same
Lowery and
Mixe Close in
On Record
New York WV-Harry (Pea
nuts) Lowrey and Johnny Mize.
pinch-hltters deluxe, are clos
ing in on the all-time record
for successful pinch-hits in one
The major league record of
22 was set by Sam Leslie of
the New York Giants in 1932.
Lowrey, a part-time outfielder
for the St Louis Cardinals and
a dangerous hitter in a pinch,
has 18 hits and Mize, the New
York Yankees' specialist, has
The 3S-year-o 1 d Cardinal
placed his name in the record
books in 1 8 S 2 by collecting
seven consecutive pinch-hlts.
He wound up with 14 for the
season. Mize set an American
League mark earlier this sea
son by getting five straight
Lowrey's 18 hits in 47 offi
cial batting appearances give
him a healthy .383 average.
He's also drawn walks on sev
eral occasions. Mize has batted
two more times than Lowrey
and has compiled a .340 mark.
Power Failure Blacks
Out Portland Meadows
Portland I) A power fail
ure In the area Thursday night
blacked out the Portland
Meadows horse rice track and
forced cancellation of the rac
ing program, The meet wilt
resume Friday night.
they were all key players, in
cluding Vernon (Tank) Bant
sari, who was named to the
West team for the East-West
class B high school Shrine
Two other members of the
1952 team, which won three
and lost five games, have been
lost, one by transferring and
Russ Meyer Wins
14th Game for
Brooklyn Dodgers
New Tork UVRass Meyer
may not have te pound that
nail Into the wall after all, It
looks like heU be nsing that
pitchers glove next year in
stead of hanging It ap.
On the day that the fiery
fire bailer learned he had
rbeen traded . to the Dodgers
last spring he waa so enthusi
astic that he said, "If I .can't
win 18 ball games with that
club I'm going to hang up the
old glove and quit"
9 Major Leagues 9
(Br The Aaeoelautt Preei)
W L Pet. a.m.
Brooklyn II 41 .IS!
allKraukee ,,,, 11 h .KM 1(4
PhUadelphlk II it .14 u
at. Louie II M .141 11
Ne Tork , II II .410 lite
Cincinnati ,441 39t
Chlcaeo 41 H .114 lit
Pltuotmb 41 ii in 41
Tharedar'a Xeealle!
Brooklyn 1, ctueeeo I.
at. Lonla (. Hew York I.
Only iau,
w l Pet. OB.
New Tork II 40 .la
eweaeo ii h .M Ik
Cleveland Tl II .111 II
Boelon 1 II Ml II
We, nine ton tj t .44 34 '4
Philadelphia (1 11 .40 let
Detroit 41 at .111 40
M. LonU 44 14 444 41U
Thmredar'e aeealie:
Waahlniton 11. Detroit I.
St. Louie 4-1. Philadelphia 4-1.
Chtcaro I, Boston 4.
Clare land 4, Now Tork I (11 lanlnie).
Meyer won his 14th game,
7-5, from the Cubs yesterday,
even though he yielded 12
hits and had to have help
from Clem Lablne, who struck
out the last batter in the
The victory put the Brooks
8Vi games ahead of Milwau
kee which had an open date.
Philadelphia, Cincinnati and
Pittsburgh also were idle.
In the American League,
the Yankees blew a 4-2 deci
sion to Cleveland 'in 11 in
nings when Wally Westlake
hit a two run, game breaking
homer to give Mike Garcia
his 18th victory with a five
hitter. The White Sox top
ped th Red Sox 8-4. as Vireil
Trucks won his 18th game to
cut the Yankee first place
lead to 8Vi games.
The Senators piled up 12
runs in the first three innings
to top the Tigers, 12-8, and at
St. Louis, the Browns topoed
the Athletics, 5-4 and 3-1. In
the only other National
League game, the Cardinals
came from behind to top the
Giants 0-3 with four runs In
the seventh.
Rivera Triples
Jim Rivera hit a three-run
triple in the third Inning to
put Chicago in front for good
as Trucks scattered seven hits
including a homer by George
The Browns put over two
runs In the eighth to break
a 1-1 tie as a walk with the
sacks loaded and a long fly
oy Jim Dyck provided the
winning margin for reliever
Marlin Stuart who gained his
eighth victory in the second
game. In the opener Vic
Wertz hit a two run homer in
the ninth, his second of the
game and his 17th of the year
to give St. Louis its triumph.
Rip Repulski sparked the
Cardinal wininng rally over
the Giants with a three-run
homer to give Ed Erautt the
victory in a relief chore.
So smooth
it leaves you
St aroel tea. loot mm mmm
i r
the other by an injury.
On the' other hand, Amity
picked up on player via the
transfer route. He ia Jerry
Lenbardt, a 180-pound back
from Gervais.
Amity letUnnem tetania
lng lnclade End Gary
Shields, Bab Engellaad and
am Wileex; Tackles Wes
ley Keata and Ron Smith;
Center Jack Larson, whe
can play tackle; Guard
Glena Stevens and Alan
Kilmer; and Backs Gen
Ehlera, Merle Stephens,
Ben Hubbard and Dick Me
Kenney. Stephens and Hubbard
should be especially valuable
to the backfield, as each has
had two years' varsity experi
ence. End Shields is also a
two-year letterman.
Several members of Amity's
squad last year who were not
letter-winners are expected to
see a lot of action this season.
They include Ends Ray Loxcr
and Jerry Burch and Back
fielder Walt Lawson. Dou
Ingram and Carol Heath are
also expected to be instru
mental in the Amity team this
year, as are freshmen Tony
Mieker and Dean Ehlera.
Amity finished in fifth place
In the Yawama league last
year, but were unbeaten by
a B team. - Amity ia a class
B school, but compete! In a
league comprised mostly : of
class A schools.
The WariTors are handicap
ped in early practices by a
late harvest season. Most of
the boys on the team are ac
tively engaged in harvest
Coach Stephens reports.
"We are fairly deep in most
positions, but lack overall
speed in the Une. We could
be half tough if the ball club
becomes inoculated with the
old desire."
Pederson and
Henninq to
Meet Again
The Salem Wrestling com
mission has backed up Ref
eree Jack Kiier s "no deci
sion" ruling on last Tuesday's
Eric Pederson-John Henning
match at the Salem armory,
and the two gladiators will go
at each other again in a re
match at the armory next
The "no decision" ruling
came when Referee Riser was
unable to see Henning pin
Pederson to the mat Riser
had been knocked into semi
consciousness during the
match. When Riser finally
came to his senses. Pederson
had a full Nelson on Henning.
Due to the confusion of the
moment. Riser ordered the
match halted with no winner.
After studying the facts of
the case, the commislson has
backed Riser up.
Pederson and Henning will
meet in the main event of
next Tuesday's card.
Barbs sporting goods is
handling advance ticket sales.
Minor League Scores
(By Th Aeeoelated Praaal
Kaniaa City I, Toledo 1.
Indlanapolle . Loula-llla S.
Colinnhui' 13, St. Paul 11.
MInneapolla 11. Oiarleeton I.
i.ntreal 11, Syraeueo S.
Roehoater I, Toronto I.
Bulfala a. sprlmlleld 1. ,
Only Sanaa eehodulod.
Rouetoa I. Dallaa 1.
Tulea I, Bhreveport t.
Oklahoma city 1, Eeaumoal t.
Baa Antonio I, Port Worth 1 (II taa.).
Sloo City 4. Colorado aprlai I.
Omaha I. Denver 1.
Dea Hotnei 10. Pueblo I.
Lincoln I. Wichita 1.
pionieb Llama
Idaho Fella 11, Poeatell 4.
Boleo I. afaste Valley I.
Oreat rail, II. Bllllnta I.
Salt Lake It, Ocdcn 1.
ivvx p. vw.m' vtupxefiT
Bronce-bnstia' Is for cow
boys not motorists. Threw
away your spars and gallop
dewa here to see ear latest,
clean, tin qaallty aatea.
Door Sedan: Whit aide
wills, radio, heater, hydra-
verr $1595
Mir ii
-i r asJI
KLA ''eVrsu
Sheridan Shy on Vets in
Oac Wield; Line Is Strong
(Her is another article en
the reaaecta f high aehool
football team la tnt area.
Watch for the story m your
faTorlte team.)
at ! WeHtsTrt
The Sheridan high achool
Spartans, second place art-snare
in the Yawama league last
season with a record of seven
wins and one loss, have nine
lettermen returning from last
season's squad only one of
them a backflelder.
Ths lone returnlnff back is
B. Duncan, a ISO-pounder with
one year's Varsity experience.
J, Fisher, wno played wiin
New Stock Car
Record Posted'
Milwaukee () Don O'Dell,
Blue Island, I1L, gunned his
1852 Packard to victory Thurs
day, aettlng a new stock car
record for the 150-mile distance,
at the Wisconsin State Fair
grounds track.
O'Dell's time was 2:04:13.502,
two and one-half minutes bet
ter than the old mark of
Bob Christie, Grants Pass,
Ore., was second in a 1953
Yesterday's Stars
Br The AasocUttatl Prtaa)
rttcfclar Ylrsll Track. Chkan
WbiU i. won tali Uth iime ol tin
Miioa vn4 fcla uth walait four taasM
stiBM totatng th flox, f-4 rr Boa too.
.MUiac WkUt weatlavxe, Cleveland
ZBdlus, homered la the Uth lnnlat with
a on bin for the wlmiloi rum la
CilerelektMl's 41 victory over New York.
Jr. Legion Baseball
Seeuenel Ta.rnuea.ia
At Bloomlnaton. UL. wlnnetka. Ill
S, Topeka, Kan., I. (Wlnnetka entera
national tournament at Miami, Pit. I '
At Sumter, a. C, Chemrrlila, N. c. .
Monro, La., . (1 of s aerlee tied 1-1.)
The first morning duty of
custodians at Blarney Castle is
to scrub the lipstick off the
Blarney Stone.
$4i- $2"
wo I
Willamina last year, has trans
ferred to Sheridan, and ia ex
pected to fit into coach John
Blaaer's Sheridan ba c k f i e 1 d
picture this year.
Blaser dad his assistant, Ray
Pointer, are ofaced with the
problem of building the re
mainder of their backfield with
inexperienced men. B. Vaughn
and R. Sparks, who plsyed for
the Sheridan jayvees last sea-
Another Oregon Grid
Prospect Drafted .
Eugene W) The Armed For
ces Thursday claimed its third
University of Oregon football
player in recent weeks. '
Troy Bellah, North Bend,
185-pound sophomore who had
been counted on for reserve
duty at guard, was drafted.
Harry Mondtxle, guard, and
Stan Dmochowsky, quarter
back, were Inducted earlier.
Australia is erecting a heavy
wire fence 135 miles long at a
cost of 8130,000 to keep emus
out of wheat lands.
Tide, for Tart, orayen Aamet. 111
(CoarafloS ay C. . Genet tuad OdeU0
Sarvey, Partla.. Oreaaal
hub water, imw water
Tim Helehl Time Heliht
1:11 a m. i t 1 17 a.m. oj
l p.m. 1.1 1 11 p.m. -.l
1:41 a.m. 1.1 : a.m. 14
1:11 p.m. I.I 10:11 p.m. -0.1
4:41 a.m. 4.1 10:04 a.m. 1.1
4:10 p.m. I I 11:41 p.m. 4.1
1:11 a.m. 4.4 II :M a.m. t.1
1:11 p.m. II
atrina anew ttamun. arraeia OMtarwa. aa
tilings over
wWi focl iWeMicBi fBiiel
4reaM4tkcpl '
Otyatsila Batar ott year
e. oABeBJ4M)f SFVJtl
j you jtvtot.
Oregon's lartrest
straight bourbon!
son, should provide some help.
The Sheridan line should be
strong this year, with letter
n.en in every position. They
are T. Hulett and W. Wood,
ends; D. Stuck, P. Stuck and L.
Kilmer, tackles; L. Chamber
lain and B. Bailer, guards; and
N McKibben, center. McKlb
ben is a three-year letterman,
which means that the center
spot should be especially
strong, it. sparks, center for
last year's junior varsity team,
will see action in that position.
. The Spartans, who last year
racked up 185 point to their
opponents' 74, open their 1854
season against Yamhill at
Sheridan September 11.
The remainder of the Sheri
dan schedule: Sept. 18. at Day
ton; Sept. 25, Sherwood at
Amity; Oct. 2, at Amity; Oct.
IF. Bancs at Sheridan; Oct. 23.
at North Marion; Oct. 30, Nes-
tucca at Sheridan; Nov. 8, at
New Hearing
rrauMxrrr cou
PANT tf MiBnettiv.
laVrarHt atnrl aid.! 1'
manufacturers e
preclaioo tadioBitr
tert and svuditcrr
Utlalni uatt often
Ton th latMt 4SO-I-
velopmenU isd per
tonal service la th
correction of roar
heartni aroUema.
Fre trial permltua Ftortl Btawtt
an bail of examination an4 axperlw
net but pmleusjj with ear aBViae
aid. Sclentlfle hearing; tests iiTea
without eoet la tb horn or aerie.
Ma alts absolatelr tuarantotd r ad
lustment will be made.
Bad eoafnelon ertatod r mislead
Inc Information oa th market t
day leaxn exactly what Is available
to help you with your heaiint prob
lem and tb mult yon taa txaeet.
Write wr Phone for InfonnatioB
Floyd Bennett
Maka Hearinc Serrico at Balan
Senator Hotel Bldf.
(Permanent Offioa an
Meaianine Floor)
Office hour : 00-1:90 dally axeept
Thura. and Friday.
Homo appointment available at any
Urn. Call salem 20703.
- sellinz