.MMt3Jl.ailwjiMtuiJI 1 j?xen.r .tvt'Ctrati ij-V- rii 11 , ajji n . i.o fnn ii n i i'I'hw.ii um hihiihh' ii in mmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrnmmiml&mm .;"-. . . -.. : . .. , ... ,.- - r V for V Fr; v. . ; fr- - I .... . IpREGON AFIELD If Penfy to Grouse About Starting September 1. which It just next Tuesday, the teason wiU begin lor blue and ruffed grouse. The sesson wlU be open through tht 10th of September, and the bag limit is three birds per day or nine In the entire season. In response to many folks who want to know how to tell a ruffed grouse from a blue grouw, here's the answer; a blue grouse is bluer than a ruffed grouse, and a ruffed grouse is ruffer than a blue grouse. Oh, well, ask simple question ... Western Oregon's logged off country abounds with grouse, and provides some very excellent shooting but mighty poor hitting. Host of the time, one nears a Dira, swings nis cannon wildly and blasts off the top of the nearest fir tree. It's a job for a good gunner with a short, light weapon that can be pointed with great speed. However, this can be dangerous; we recall one chap who spun around, swinging his weapon for a quick shot at an exploding grouse. Seems there was a small but stout sappling right by him; and he practically 'wrapped tht barrell around it. If he'd pulled the trigger, the shot would very likely have made a curve and blown off his left ear. T.ulrilv w fnrsnt is release the safety. . Dogs are a help on a grouse hunt When a shot is missed and the temper gets out of control, one can always beat up oa the deg. This saves the shotgun from being tossed Into the brush. Dogs are also good to retrieve birds you think you might have hit. Of course, you didn't hit anytnrog, oui wen iraineu retriever will always bring back something such as. a dead skunk or an old beer bottle. When taking a dog into brushy country after grouse, it is always well to have a whistle along, so that you can keep the dog close to you. If the dog gets lost, you can toot the whistle, and bring him in. To be absolutely safe, give the dog a whistle also so he can whistle you in, if you get lost. The sixe of shot used for grouse hunting is not, as is com monly thought, important To prove this, on our last grouse hunt, we fired a box each of sises 4, 8, t, 7 a, t and 9 shot with identical results no birds. In fact, we intend to remove the shot from our shells before going afield next week. After all, a blank shell has lest recoil and makes for a more pleasant day's shooting. By the way, pigeon season also opens on September 1. The easiest way to shoot pigeons is raise pigeons and okay then, Plank Wins Two Prelim Matches At Woodburn Woodburn Jerry Plank, fa vorite to win the 1953 men's championship at the Woodburn golf course, won two prellml nary matches during the past week. He went to the 20th green before beating Howard Quigley in the first round and then won over Howard Palmer 1 up In a second round match. In other first round matches in the championship flight Pal' mer lost to Dale Samuel; Dave Cavett won over Leland Plank, 8 and 4; Ed McClaughry de feated Walt Miller 7 and 6; Howard Nelson defeated Ivan rlDeArmond 3-up; John Schmid 5 won over Dr.. James Desgen; Ji Slim Cunningham won over Ed Coman by lot; and Tom De- j Armond defeated O. J. Adkin- son, 1 up. i' Second round championship (lights to be completed by this Sunday night are Cavett vs. . McClaughry, Nelson vs. Schmid and Cunningham vs. Tom De Armond. ; Two first flight matches -played resulted in Quigley de feating Samuel and Coman de feating Adkinson, 2 up. Other matrhes due are Leland Plank vs. Walt Miller and Ivan De Armond vs. Dr. Deagen. ' In second flight matches Dr. Deagen defeated Harley Piper, Lee Withers defeated Tony Big lfr 4 snd S, H. M. Austin won ver George D. Jones, 2 up, Winton Hunt defeated Bill Merrlott, Ken Hagg defeated Ken McGrath, 1 up, and Bob FISHERMEN! OPEN NIGHTS AND SLNllATg Srerta! nvtee row. and iweU Set Bee of rtakrat neeee "i Suva wobms. fit. Codwtll Strv. Sra. 25th and State St. ' ' II M km to go somewhere where they do it your way. Withers won over Lyman See ly by default. Second round matches this week are Dr. Guild vs. Lee Withers, Austin against the winner of the Burt Willeford Olie Lester match, Hunt against Hagg and Bob Withers against the winner of the Ed Piper Bob Bonney match. Third flight matches are Harley Piper vs. Bigler, loser of the Willeford-Lester match vs. Jones, Merriott vi. McGrath and loser of the Bonney-Ed Pi per match vs. Seely. Only two matches have been played in the fourth flight Jake Hershberger eliminating Dr. Glen Schwenke and Bob Sawtelle defeating Marion Hen ning 7 and 4. Matches still pending are Ray , Miller vs. Dean Bishoprick and Don Bar rett vs. Lloyd Froom. Geese Reported Silverton First reports of wild geese flying south over the local area were made by several "early fall" weather predicting folk as two honking flocks wedged their way over town at a high altitude, Wed nesday forenoon and afternoon, August 29. In Shrine Game ' Salem-ares footballers whe will participate ia Oregon's second annual class B high school East-West Shrine game at Pendleton Satarday Bight Front row, from left, Pat . MeManns, Gerviis, eenter; Lyl Fleetwood, Mill City, half back: Bennle Greer, Gervals, end; Fred Graham, Jeffer- ' son, assistant coach for West team. Back row, from left, Vernon Bantsari, Amity, eenter; Dnane Henberger, Sab limity, end. IHIooinie Senators Trail League Leaders by Three Games By CHRIS KOWITZ, Jr. I Edmonton ased tot tf base ball's most potent weapons, the home run, to subdue Salem twice at Waters park last night. Scores were 4-S and I-l. Eight of Edmonton's nine runs In the donbleheader were scored on home runs. ' ' The Eskimos hit three home runs, accounting for five runs, in the opener, and got all three of their runs in the nightcap on a single homer. Jack Hemphill served up the three gopher balls in the first game. Sam Kenelos hit three- run homer in the third inning, and Andy Skurski and Clint Weaver homered in succession in the fifth frame. Larry Borst pitched the fi nal two Innings of the seven- Inning game for Salem, and managed to hold Edmonton hltless. In the mghtcsp. It was a three-run homer by Andy Skurski in the fifth inning that prevented Joe Nicholas from notching his 22nd win of the season. Nicholas suffered his sixth loss instead. ' Pat Utley, a It -year -old fireballer, limited Salem to two hits in the nine-inning second game. Gene Tanselll's theft of home in the first inning spoiled Utley's shutout. The only hits off Utley were a single by Jim Deyo in the third inning and a bloop single by Jerry Ballard in the fourth. Tht doublt loss dropped Sa lem to three games behind league-leading Lewiston. Fifth place Vancouver, only two and a half games behind Salem, comes to town to open a series at 8:1 tonight, weath er permitting. - Vancouver and Salem are scheduled to play a double header Saturday at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 6:30. Sunday's games mark the final appearance of the sea son for the Senators in regular season play. If Salem fails to HARDTOP AUTO RACES 126 Laps of Thrills & Chills! 2 Trophy Dashes A 10 Lap Heats 30 Lap Class B 50 Lap (lass A Time Trials 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 HOLLYWOOD BOWL 1 Mile North on 99 -Phone 4-5203 Pausing in the middle of a practice session at Pendleton are these five uns iecot Seoiicsiors WIL Standings (By The Aifocleted Preeel W I Pet. Lewleton ftpokene 3T Belem 33 Edmonton II .117 .Ml i 4tt I 'a Vancouver .... , II II .Ml Yeklna ., 31 31 .413 .414 Cellar rs 1 Wenntchee .... , SS 31 .411 10 Trt-Clty 34 3 tilt Victoria , .11 1 Thnreday'e Beealla: Lewlilon I, Victoria 1. Yakima I, Spokane 1. Trl-Cltr 4. Calrarr I. Edmonton f-3, Salem 1-1. Only kamee echeduled. Friday Arhedale: Veneouver at Salem. Caltarr at Apokano (1). Trl-Cltr at Victoria. Bdmonton at Yakima. Lewltton at Victoria. ii win first place in the second half of Western International league competition, the Sena tors wll return to Waters park for a portion of the champion ship playoffs with the second half champions. Salem won the first half title. Women's Meet In Semi-Finals Barrington, R. I. UB Four of the nation's top women ama teur golfers, with little Polly Riley of Fort Worth, Tex., es Ublished as the favorite. clashed here today in the semi finals of the National Women s Amateur Golf championship. Miss Riley, who celebrated her 24lh birthday yesterday with a S and 1 win over Pat O'Sullivan of Orange, Conn., and a 3 up, 16 hole victory over Dorothy Kirby of Atlan ta, Ga., faced Mrs. Philip J. Cudone of Montclair, N. J., at the Rhode Island Country Club. In the other semi-final, Mex ican champion Margaret Smi(h of Guadalajara opposed Mary Lena Faulk of Thomasville, Ga. Ex-titlist Grace Lenczyk of Newington, Conn., was upset by Carol Diringer of Tiffin, O., and 2. West Team in Top Shape For Class B All-Star Game Pendleton (8pclal) Catches Fred Graham aad Ernie Correa pet their West tease tartars, a brisk drill aa der tht floodlights at tht Pet dletoa .rtaad-ap grounds Thursday Bight. After the practice session ended, Graham, who coached the Jefferson Lions of the Mar ion county B league last sea son, reported that the Western ers are in tip-top shape for Saturday's contest with the East team. Tht Shriae-spoasored foot ball gams pits aa all-star team ef players from class B high schools West ef the Cascades agalast the all-stars fram East of tht Cascades. 126 Laps Auto Racing Slated Saturday Might Auto racing patrons at Hol lywood Bowl Saturday night will see 126 laps of hard-top racing. In addition to the .50-lap main event, there will be two trophy dashes of three laps each, four beat races of 10 laps each, and a 30-lap class B main event . About 30 cars are expected to compete in the program, which gets underway with time trials at 7:30. ' LOCAL UNITED PRESS (By The Aawclatoa Preu) The Western' International League set saw tilted again Thursday night lifting tht Lewiston B rones back atop tht standings and dropping Spo kane into the runnerup slot After 24 hours in the No. 2 berth, the Broncs regained first place with a 8-7 triumph over Victoria, scored while Spokane was bowing 8-1 at Yakima. The night's activities ;eft Lewiston 18 percentage points The Box Scores Piret oemo: tdaenlen III (I) Selena B a O A B K O A Ml.in.r I I I Tntelll.1 Keneloa.l 4 4 Lubr, S t Deyo.el 4 OP.rei.lb I 0 Wthap.r 4 IBalard.1 S lleiein.lf I lUltren.e S Hmrhl.p 0 l-lirihl 0 Bom. Mel, 1 Skurkl,c(. 4 Weevir.lt 4 Mor.an. S CampblLr I Sturtn.lb 3 s s Thmpen,. I 1 10 0 a o Ttenrat.n 1 U Nulty.p e t s ToUll It III I Totall SO 1 11 0 x Walked lor Hrrophlll in Mb. ' a lined t for Boret In 7th. Edmonton 004 4 S S lem , 00 lol 1 Pitcher: IP AS B SSI SO BB -nenerae ... n T s 1,4 S UcNultr ... te 1 0 0 ' 1 Hemphill .. S SSSSI11 Boret S S t S S 4 WP Tumoral. HP erei. Winnow Tleneret. Leeer RemphUL LOB BOrnoB- ton 4. Salem S. Brrore TrMMnntan. Campbell. HR Kane Joe. SkarekC Weev. vr. enn Mori, Tuonpao. BBI llemner. Kaneloa I. WlUierepoos, Sknr kl. Weaver, Eeeeelsa. SB Deyo. DP efelmer t Kaneloa to stnreecn, Umna Tuhaeo and Slier. Time 1:40. T Second ama: Maaentcn l (II Salem B X OA SSI I S I 1111 411 4 S 0 4 1 11 0 B O A Melener.l I Keneloe.1 4 I S ITneelll I llubr.lb I 1 I IDeyo.er 1 I OPrrei.lb 4 I1S Wttup.r 4 1 S OBH.rd.1 4 S OKaaein.lf 4 OKI Nelaon. S S S SMICHU.P I Bkurakl.cf I Weaver.il I hforien.e I Campbll.r I Sturcn.lb I Thmpin, 4 ,UU.y,p 4 1 a aio Total. SI 4ns Total, so I tt 11 Bdmonton ., an uo ooos 4 Salem 100 000 0001 S 1 Pitcher; mi.r IP. AB H X HI Mil JI I 1 0 11 4 I II 4 S I I Xlenolaa LOB Bdmonton 0. Salem 0 Brrore tenner, lanirni. HR-kurekl. 1BH Kaneloe. Cempoell. RBI Sekurekl I. SB TaneeUI. Luby, Der. Kaneloi. Cmpe rller and TuHeee. Time 1:01. Ait. i.wie. m 1X3) it Presenting tht finest program'of Thoroughbrtd and Quarterhors racing tht has ever appeared in Oregon AMut nit mm miMksl82l m ioi KscmtTieat TWkioakilSJI roi line on Proceeds of Satarday Bight' gam ga to tht 8hrint hoe pital for crippled' children. Four of the players on the West team are well known to' Graham. They played against his Jefferson team In Marion county B league action last year.' They are Pat Mc Manus and Ben Greer of Ger vals, Lyle Fleetwood of Mill City and Duant Heuberger of Sublimity. , . , . , ABC Tournament Postponed for . Fifth Night Portland (A Wet grounds forced cancellation Thursday of games in the American Baseball Congress Oregon tournament for the fifth con secutive night Sponsors hoped to get back underway Friday night with gamea between Heales Babes of Portland and Oregon City and between Molalla and the Portland Longshoremen. Fights Last Wight I By Tht AuoettM FruI Srtatr PimMW Damon. lm, Chl tiio. toppd Bernl Hall. Ua, Aui trlu. II. ttatnlt r Lowrr. Ul. Toledo, topped Tommr Swann, Mlli, Chicago, 1. Newark Monroe KurU. Ul. Newark, outpointed Joe Aeraflnl, lee, Newark. I. ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Friday, August 28, 1953 shead of the Indians. It was the widest lead either club has had since Lewiston moved up to challenge the Indians 1st last week. Tri-City ahut out Calgary 4- 0 In the league's other schedul ed game. Lewiston scored twice in the ninth Inning to win the opener of the four-game series at Vic toria, Ken Richardson opened the rally with a aingle. He scored on double by Al Heist who was doubled home bv Arti Wilson. Victoria tied th game with a pair of runs in the ighth. Yakima snapped five-same losing streak with its victory j over Spokane. Horn runs bv John Albini and Herman Lewis were key blows. Albini homer ed in the first to even the count with the Indians, who brought in their only tally in the top of th inning, and Lewis lofted a round-tripper In th sixth with! Albini on base. . . Tri-City' Bob Snyder Ditch- ed his second shutout of the; season, setting Calgary' down! with six hits. . , ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP " 1101 So. Commercial FOB... x EVINRUDE Cool from tfielandoftsky blue waters A bit of the cool Kfaahment of this enchanted land ia yours right now! with a frosty bottle of Hamm'a Beer. Just reach . . , and discover th flavor that's switched 31""' tea- gfepS-j j5jl s Refreshing as the enchanted land Fleetwood it expected to be called apea for a lot of the ball-carrying duties la Satarday Bight's contest Me Manas is tht West team's Nt. 1 linebacker, while Greer aad Henberger art eads. . More than 8,000 fans are expected for the game. Over 7,000 people watched the first annual East-West game here last year,, won by the West 12-0. Major League Leaders Sr Tke AMoelmd tml NATIONAL LXAOUC Baltlu aehoesdtenat.- At. Louie. 140; Ir.ie, New York. JJI; Aahbwrn. fnile- delpala, JM: Roblneoa. Brookln. Jtt! Klaeaawakl. Cincinnati, m Bane SMted In campuella. Brook- In. Ill; Bodioa, Brooklyn and lletnewe. Milwaukee, ill: Knnu, FnUedelpnia, lee; SnMor, Breakln. 101. nobm mm Motnewa. Milwaukee. 40; Klualewekr Cincinnati, IT; snider. Brooklyn. IS; CampAnella. Brooklyn. S3; Hodeea, Brooklyn, n4 Xlner, Chlcaso, U. ritchlni Bsrdetta. Milwaukee. Il-X .Ml; Bo. Brooklyn. S-S. ill; Spans. Milwaukee, l-. .HI: Sraklne. Brook lyn. 1C-4, .TO; Meier, Brooklyn. It-,, .m. AMERICAN UAOt'l Battler Vernon. Weehtni ton, .nt; Roeen. Clereland. .131; Mlnoto, Chlcaeo, .313; Bauer, New York. JM; WltcbelL Clrreland. .Mr). Bane Battrt In Roeen, Cleveland, 111; Berra. New York, 13: Vernon, Waahlnc toa. M: Mlnoeo, Cblcaio, M; BoMnaan, Philadelphia. II. hom Bene zernlaL Philadelphia, 34; Roeen, Cleveland, 31: Berra, htm York, Rob I neon. Philadelphia, 30; Door. Cleveland, Boone,- Detroit, II. ritehlae- Lopet. New Tork, 11-3. 1ST; Huart. St. Louie, 3-3, .100; Truck,. Chlceio, ll-l. .TM; Ford, New York. -, .Too; Pamela Boeton, n-T, .10. NEWS AND FEATURES Paga 11 Tivice Lewi, ton MO 111 MHS It I Victoria soo 030 lie 7 is 1 reran, nuela ' nlarenall (0) aad Oarer; Prior, Bottler (0 a4 Kerf or 4. Itnokene , 000 loo (W0 1 t Taklre O0O 101 10" I S 1 Olovsnnonl. Komrr ill and Snete; Carter aid AKHnl. Cal.arr 000 000 000 0 I Trl-Cltr 000 Ml SO I Hittner, Btrta m and Brtckari Bor der and Warren. Easy Credit-Always! PICK YOUK CREDIT To yew choke from any one d aw wW sehclloii of aoOTrenlM) aredH Hobs, Kara yetI svraly tM Die qry pymn ar rmgtmonl diomMl to fh your pockerbowk no) 11 you own IK U. 1 .oyol n mt f choke todoyl . Pmy At Ym U1U rat 0.S.Q0VAILS RECAPPIKG Complete Tlr Service WALTER H. High ft Chemeketa (Opposite r 7 . - t relwshinq idea r over a million bear drinker In Just the past two years. Discovnr re freahing Hamm'a Beer from the land of sky blue waters. Vm.BtmMlrHtCt.m.rml.Ubua WXMtisslzzi In Inintrkl . -- TMCA took tat first gaast) ef a twe-eat-tf-three playoff with W Market-WelputPBtt't for tht Indwstrial league soft Ball eastmpoBshlp at Phillip field last Bight, Tht score was 7-1. . i Tht two teams meet again at Phillip field at S o'clock tonight A victory for YMCA would give that team the In duitrial league championship.1 A win for Ed' Market-Wolga-mott's tonight would throw tht playoffs into a third gam. which would be played tomor row night at e'etoaik. Tom Burgher gave up fiv hits in pitching the Y win last night That was one mora hit than hit tearamatat got off Ed'a Market-Wolgamott' pitcher Mirv Hllfllcker. , - Each team committed six error. Tht errors by Ed Market-Wolgamott' player proved a bit more costly than those by YMCA players. YMCA held a slim 4-1 lead going into the bottom of tht sixth Inning, but the Y club sewed up tht ball game with three runt In the sixth. The trio of tallies came on walks to rarnum ana murs end singles by Girod and Bates. . : , , avre-woutnvoti'a ... IMS 030 t I . T M C A WM.113 4 t Hllfieker and otmaimi Burthet and Helta. New York, 'Bamo Teams in Little League Finals ' Willlnunsport, Pa. tin Sche nectady, N.Y., and Binning ham, Ala., - th world' - top ' tem of i-to-12-year-old base ball players, meet her today . in the final gam of th seventh annual Little League world - . ries. ' Birmingham reaches th fi nal round with a 10-2 victory over Fort Royal, Va, last night In an afternoon semifinal game, Schenectady beat Camp HilL Pa, 10-. Kohut Bout Postponed Longvlew, Wash, tLR Th fight between Jo Kahut and Bill Boatman, scheduled for last Bight, ha been postponed until Saturday night because of rain. PLAN WI-IER BAIiKQS Frost Wheel AUgnment ZOSEL CO. City Hall) Ph. t-4S it comes from Li ' 'Mm. ft 1. n