Pare 12 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, August 27, 1953 X .h S. n N-(v Fancy Something aew all la rainbow colon. A Meal Enjoyed by All of Your Family Hamburcerg can be droned up and mighty good. r . AT Kin Do both Pop and the kldi come home at noon? Then chancel are you have a real dinner at midday, and that hamburger appean often on your menu. So here'a a new, pretty and good-to-eat way of aerving old reliable and bud' S.F. Cable Car Brought to Stale Portland VP) Oregon ioon will have a new 400-foot-long private railroad. It if to be known at the WOD & DJTRR The William O. Douglai & Damon J. Trout Railroad. Trout, the owner, plana to lay the track on nil ranch at nearby North Plaint. The train will be made up ot a San Francisco cable car and a caboose. The cable car arrived by ship Tuesday. Trout, who is president of the Marine Electric Co. here, said he in tends to Install an electric mo tor in the car. U. S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas is a friend of Trout's and the name WOD It DPTRR waa given earlier to the caboose which Trout has had for some time. Asks Morocco Issue Dropped United Nations, N.Y. VP) Trance called on the U.N. se curity council Wednesday to bar consideration ot the Mor occan situation on the ground that this is purely the con cern ox the French govern ment French delegate Henri Hop penot raised his objections at the opening of the council ses sion called to decide whether is should act on an Asian-Arab complaint. The Asians and Ar abs charged that the recent re moval of the sultan ot Morocco was a threat to peace. The United States disclosed In advance of the meeting that it would Join France in trying to keep the question off the council's agenda. Airforce Pilot Killed In Jet Collision Austin, Tex., VP) A pilot was killed Wednesday when his F-8 Thunderjet exploded and crashed after colliding with another Jet. The other pilot nursed his plane back to Bergstrom Air Force. Base for a crash landing. Me suffered only a minor leg Injury, a public information officer said. . RADIO STATION DOWN Astoria W Radio station KVAS has shut down here and L. E. Parsons, the majority stockholder, could not be reached Wednesday for comment get-wise ground meat. You combine it with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for a real har vest-time main dish. . When we tried this recipe, we served the youngsters their share of the sauce "as is." To the oldsters' portion, we added a little curry, and found the savory yellow powder gave it a delicious flavor. If the fa ther in your family likes his fare spiced up a bit try this trick. This dish calls for thrifty liquefied nonfat dry milk. To prepare a quart of the lique fied milk. Just shake cup nonfat dry milk powder with with 4 cups of water in a tightly covered container; use what is needed for this recipe and store the rest In a covered container in the refrigerator, Another method of reliquefy ing' nonfat dry milk powder, which some cooks prefer, is to pour the required amount of water into a bowl and sprinkle the required amount of powder on top of the water; beat slow, ly with a rotary (hand or elec tric) beater until dissolved. BEEF AND TOMATO STACKS Ingredients i 4 medium sited tomatoes (cut In half), 1 pound ground lean beef, S tablespoons lique fied nonfat dry milk, Vi tea spoon salt, Vi teaspoon Wor cestershire aauce. Method Place tomato halves in shal low baking pan. Mix together ground beef, liquefied nonfat dry milk, aalt and Worcester shire aauce. Divide mixture evenly into eight portions; shape each into round pattie and place on tomato halvea. Bake in moderate (37SF) oven 25 to 30 minutes or until meat is thoroughly cooked. Makes 4 servings. Serve with Cucum ber Sauce. CVCMBER SAUCE' Ingredients J tablespoons butter or margarine, 3 table spoons flour, to teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, 1 cup liquefied nonfat dry milk, Vt cup grated cucumber. Meuod Melt butter over low heat; add flour, salt and pepper, stir until blended. Re move from heat. Gradually stir in liquefied nonfat dry milk until smooth; add cucumber: return to heat Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until thickened. Makes about 1V cups, serve hot with Beef and Tomato Stacks. Tele-fun ky Warraa Goodrich ...when you open the door wilt tit rt U rtfmklif Ohapla lr ?' rtfilitriter tatllT Sink, i IsiitI Rainbow Pie Fancy But Good 'AT Kiwi htnii ' Td like a recipe for a new dessert eomething fancy!" How many, maany time a food editor receives this re quest! So to fill the bill, here's something newer than new, fancy enough for that lunch eon for "the girls," tasty enough for the menfolk. It's a pie, sure enough, but a pie with a blush to its coco nut crust Remember when the first Butter-Coconut Crust made its appearance about a year ago? Then a little later, the Chocolate-Coconut Crust arrived? Well, now comes the latest member of the family to step out MarthmaUow Coconut Crust, in rainbow colors. This last glamor girl is a combination of marshmallows, moist shredded coconut but ter or margarine, and hot wa ter. It haa a delightful chewy consistency, with more body than the plain Butter-Coconut Crust not as brittle as the Chocolate Coconut variety. The marshmallow serves such a good binder, holding the coconut together, giving the crust a personality all its own. The lacy quality of (he Marshmallow Coconut in trigues. The snowy marshmal low and coconut form such a fine base for clear colors. Why not tint the crust with food coloring in lovely pastel shades for special party des serts? No sooner dreamed of than done and Rainbow Marshmallow-Coconut Crusts now make their debut Something else about this crust. No one can fail with it it's that easy. The only thing you have to watch out for if you are using It as a base for Baked Alaska, si the size of the pie plate or pan. Make sure you use a plate or pan whose top Inside diameter is no more than 7 to or 8 inches across and whose depth Is no more than IV4 inches. Other wise you may not have enough of the coconut mixture to make the airtight crust neces sary for filling with ice cream, topping with meringue and baking briefly so the ice cream stays icy cold and the merin gue is flecked with golden- brown. And be certain you use solidly frozen ice cream RAINBOW MARSHMALLOW COCONUT CRUST Ingredients: 10 marshmal lows, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 1 tablespoon very hot water, food coloring, lto cups moist shredded cbconut (cut in short lengths before measuring). Method: Melt marshmallows and butter in top of double boiler ovrr hot water, stirring often until blended. Add hot water and a few drops of food coloring in desired shade; stir well. Add coconut; mix thor oughly. Spread on bottom and sides of well-buttered pie plate or pan whose top inside diam eter is not more than 7 to or 8 inches, and whose depth Is no more than 1 to inches. Chill until firm. Fill with a pack age of puddlng-and-pie filling mix or ice cream. BAKED COCONUT ALASKA Ingredientse: 3 egg whites, to teaspoon salt, 6 tablespoons sugar, 1 pint very hard ice cream in desired flavor and color. 1 Rainbow Marshmal low-Coconut Crust. Method: Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Beat in sugar bit by bit; continue beat ing until meringue will stand In stiff peaks. Pack ice cream into chilled Rainbow Marsh mallow-Coconut Crust. Spread meringue quickly over entire top of pie. Bake in very hot (450 degree F.) oven 3 min utes. Clam-Mushroom Chowder Offers a De Luxe Soup Tasty Mushrooms, seafood, vegetable la the soap. (Br Tlx AuadtUd FruM AOMLAJSKWr PUDOING -a wit? ': w Hfcar. -tta.W in "New wattk what yea're sle- JtJfMOf 1 IN Ml MT9fVJjy tj Yew's a e4f key new I yer lOOlh birthday I"... You'll avoid wrong number if you dial carefully. ..Pacific Talephooa. f COOKlNCf T Iflfl I V MM P -" '- " I ?; cots aim y. o pot 4.V. TO WSM me. insTArrrRjdd 0 ACittte HAWt-CMAMm Tsxruix-usrbKcsnoNi mmm-m tmm asj-ai asm nil HOWDY oooors FAVOim O KAOtAM J If you think a bowl of soup is nothing to get wildly excited about we beg you to try this recipe. We admit we're in love with this dish and are yearning to tell you about its charms and virtues. Its flavor is divine. There's something about this particu lar combination of mushrooms, seafood, vegetables and thin rich cream sauce that's won derfully satisfying. Enjoy it right now, then tuck the recipe in your file for wintry days when you want a hot soup to warm and comfort you. It's a pantry-shelf dream. Unexpected company coming? Keep the canned mushrooms and clams it calls for a kitchen shelf. It's foolproof. Even the newest bride can't go wrong with this recipe. Only one caution: Don't get so busy with other chores that you let the heat under it get too high. The unctuous cream sauce base needs to be treated with re spect or it may curdle. So do the clams in it, or they'll toughen. In our recipe direc tions we take care of this by telling you to heat the soup gently. ' We use that phrase advisedly. When we say gent ly, we mean it. .- xou can xeature it on a menu. Serve it tor lunch or supper with crisp hot rolls, a salad and a hearty dessert You can prepare it ahead. This soup benefits from being left over-night in the refrigera tor. Notice how recipes some times say, "Place in refrigera tor several hours to allow fla vor to develop?" Well, that's not just a phrase food writers dreamed up because they were infatuated with the sound of their own words. The flavors in some combinations of food really do blend best on stand ing and this soup belongs to that clan. CLAM AND MUSHROOM CHOWDER Ingredients: to cup butter or margarine, 1 tablespoon minc ed onion, to cup coarsely grat ed raw turnip (loosely pack ed), to cup coarsely grated raw carrot (loosely packed), to cup minced celery, one 7- or 7 to -ounce can mincea clams, one 3-ounce can chop ped broiled mushrooms, 1 tea spoon salt, . to teaspoon pep per, 2 cups very hot milk, 1 to tablespoon cornstarch, 3 ta blespoons cold water, to cup heavy cream, minced parsley. Method: Melt butter in saucepan. Add onion, turnip, carrot and celery. Cook over low heat about 5 minutes, stirring a few times. Add clams and mushrooms (in cluding liquid from both cans), salt and pepper. Heat gently but thoroughly; do not boil. Gradually stir in the very hot milk. Stir cornstarch and wa ter together until smooth; add to soup and stir constantly un til slightly thickened; bring just to boil; add cream and heat but dont boil. Serve with a sprinkle of minced parsley. Make about S cups 4 serv ings. Store overnight If desired but no longer. ' COMMUNIST UNIONS Washington Atty. Gen. Brownell has assumed respon sibility for coordination of ex ecutlve agency effort to deal with the problem ot Commun. 1st domination of certain un ions. Alratm"IiHilsNow's cum 1288 STATE ST. PHONE 3-6489 IF YOU'RE NOT SHOPPING AT RANDALL'S ... YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH FOR MEAT... Nowadays everyone is trying to help ease the strain on the old budget. Well, take a tip from me. ! ' You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S ... For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped for your locker or freezer... FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one half, quarter'or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES ... NEW LOW PRICES ON LOCKER BEEF Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down - a full year to pay. Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter ' j 1 MUM TEAKS lb. BONELESS NEW YORK CUT . ....... lb. St SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . . . . . . . S3' BEEF TENDER LOIN . . ... . . 89' FRESH BEEF HEARTS. . ... . . COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ... 1. 29' Fresh Ground Beef . 29' Fresh Ground Round u. 49' Lean Short Ribs. . ,,IT Lean Beef Cubes . u. 49' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef ROAST - If An Baby Beef LIVER Arm Curt Blade Curt Rump Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef STEM 42 c T-tene Rib Steekt Fresh Beef TONGUES 29