'' T i Thursday. August 27, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Page 11 Banana Spice Cake Dandy hor the Labor Day Picnic 09 Btuna Spice Cake with broiled-oa frosllnt; for picnics. (AT- wt What'i on the schedule tor Labor Say week-end? Is it a picnle you're going on? Then here's a special Take-Along Banana Spice Cake to which all our taste-testers gave high rating. The cake is frosted and cooled right in the pan; then it may be covered with foil and put in the picnic basket. It's a moist, fine-textured and de lightfully flavored dessert, and (the frosting adds just the right sweetness. Evaporated milk is used in both the cake and the frosting; you might also want to take along a small can of the milk for coffee. In that case,. don't forget the opener. Take-Along Banana Spice Cake Ingredients: li cups sifted flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, V4 teaspoon cloves, Va teaspoon nutmeg, cup mashed ripe oanana (about lVi medium bananas), H cup butter or , margarine, i 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, cup evapo rated milk , (undiluted), 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Method: Sift together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinna mon, cloves and nutmeg. Slice bananas into small bowl; mash fine (so there are no lumps) with fork. Measure; there should be 3i cup. Cream butter and sugar; beat In egg rtaturu) , ' ' well. Stir , lemon juice tnto milk. Add dry ingredients al ternately with soured milk to creamed mixture; begin and end with dry ingredients. Stir only until combined each time; do not overbeat. Mix in mash ed banana thoroughly. Turn into greased 9x9 by 2 Inch baking pan. Bake in moderate (350F) oven until a cake test er inserted In center comes out clean 40 to 45 minutes Remove cake from oven to cooling rack. Prepare Broiled Frosting mixture; spread on cake; place under broiler until mixture is bubbly. It takes but a minute or two generally for frosting to broil, so watch carefully and do not sorch. Re move from broiler and cool in pan on cooling rack. Makes 9 to 12 servings. Broiled Frosting Ingredients: Vi oup chopped blanched almonds, 3 table spoons butter or margarine, Vt cup firmly packed brown sugar, tablespoon evaporated milk. Method: Spread almonds In shallow pan and brown light ly under broiler. Melt butter in small sauce pan; mix in toasted ' almonds, sugar and milk. Spread on baked banana spice cake and broil as direct ed above. Wheat Surplus In Two Nations Washington CV-Large crops and large carryover, stocks point to record supplies of wheat In the United States and Canada for tee 1953-34 mar keting year. . Supplies for the two coun tries are estimated at 2,729, 000,000 bushels, exceeding the previous record established In 1942-1943. The estimate of 1953-54 sup plies compares with 2,452,000, 000 bushels last season, 2,581, 000,000 in 1942-1943. and 1, 892,000,000 for the 1948-50 av- erage. The big 1953 crops and the large carryovers have created storage problems for both countries. Various steps have been taken In this country to in' crease available storage. Lakeview Strike Finally Settled Lakeview, Ore. W) The Lakeview Creamery and the AFL Teamsters signed a con tract here Tuesday, ending a la bor dispute which had resulted in a grand jury investigation, a National Labor Relations Board probe and legal action in a federal court. , The grand jury investigation was ordered after residents of the town unloaded a beer truck which had stopped in front of the creamery because of the teamsters' picket line. The jury found no evidence of crime but police were criti cized for failing to stop the unloading. Lsfter the creamery's four owners filed unfair labor charges with the NLRB. The owners contended that the union was illegally attempting to sign up employers as union members. The NLRB then sot a red eral Court Injunction halting Aurora Aurora A former Aurora boy, Maynard Headings, call ed on local friends Saturday afternoon, en route to his home in the Wheatland ferry dis trict Maynard is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Headings, late of Aurora and brother of Robert Hastings where the family lived prior to moving to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilter called on Aurora friends dur ing the past week. , Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wur- ster and daughter, Emily, have returned to their home in Sheldon, Alaska, after vaca tioning In Oregon, Clifornia and Idaho, the past several months. Peaches are being harvested in Trost Brothers peach or chard on Meridian road, ft mile east of Aurora. Major and Mrs. Werner Dinteman; Patty, - Mary and Jimmy, formerly of Aurora, are house guests of Mrs. Din teman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manock in Canby. The major is en three weeks' leave from army duties. The three children are staying with their grandparents while Major and Mrs. Dinteman are vacationing in Canada. Superintendents 1 Elect New Officers Coos Bay () Paul Elliott of Oakridg- is the new president of the Oregon Association of School Superintendents. . Others elected at the organi zation's meeting here: Hubert Armstrong, Newberg, vice pre sident; Tames L. Turnbull, Sa lem, secretary treasurer; and E. H. Hedrick, Medford, execu tive committeeman. Walter Snyder. Salem, was one of four delegates elected to the Oregon . Education As sociation representative coun cil. . . Westminster Abbey was start ed in 1050. FBI Reports Big Fraud Increase Washington (ff FBI Direc tor J. Edgar Hoover said to day there was an alarming in crease last year in attempted frauds against the government His agents, he said. , hac' been called upon to investigate 1,620 such cases during the 12 months ending June 30. Hoover reported that prosecutions re sulting from these inquiries had resulted in 202 convictions, up 98 from the previous fiscal year. He said the savings and re coveries resulting from the in vestigations amounted to about $3,243,000 during the past year, an increase of almost 80 per cent from the previous 12 months. Phone Threat Eased a Little New York The threat of a tie-up of long distance tele phone facilities across the na tion eased off Wednesday as a union spokesman said negotia tors were striving for a "peace-1 ful. Just" settlement of the la bor dispute. ! Earlier John Lots, president of the New York City local of the CIO Communications Work-1 en of America, said there was a "very definite threat of a walkout" After talks had been re turned a few hours later be tween the union and officials . of the American Telephone it Telephone Company's long lines department Lotz said any immediate walkout by his lo cal was "hardly likely." The New York unit re pre-' sents about one-third of the 22,000 long lines workers la the nationwide system. PORTLAND ROAD Saving Center IS NOW OPEN Bee Ad oa page I Food Section any such efforts pending an in vestigation of the dispute. . "For extra whiteness. extra cleanliness. I always launder with CLOROX! i 1 I I A r JCN, hMlftproMctioiibryMr (an il ' W lly. Ihofi btcouM Chnm not ' m m m av -M a oo. i Ml i J IZA tl-w I 111 It? f A'te h t ' : vSTJ? fjn 4 j aOemnaintlif r z t llU i "..niiiiMM...ci ClI Bi3 d 7i? '" '""-ai ml s I J CLOROX mate linens more fan white... it makes them nkry. too! Ym, Clorox-cleon linens art something special in whiteness.. .for Gorox removes dinginess, stains, even scorch and mildew. H deodorizes, toe... leaves linens dainty fresh. And remember, no ether home Ifltli laundering product equals Clorox in germ-killing eltiencyl Your finest cottons end linens, oAd regulor family woih, are safe with Clorox. Iff extra gentle, free from caustic, made by o patented formula exclu sive with Clorox, And Clorox, a liquid, contains no gritty particles to damage wash and washer, Make it Clorox-tlean for added health protection! I eoly rem stains ena aV I JM adoriin. H dnMtnn. Sm labd '' cH d'rtctians far Ifct many ways Ji Clami.Amtrica'ttavarHa.coit mam yavr howMkaaptne eaaerl When it's CLOROX-clean... it's SAFER for family health! xkw- w FREE! Demonstration AW Day Sat; Aug. 29 of -'Good Seasons Salad'1 A New Salad Dressing . 5 New Flavors Free 10c Coupons with Each Purchase ' Free Mixing Bottle CllsCALl Cane or JUUMKl Beet . . . . . . a ,.)' PORK & BEANS Van Camp's or Dennison's ess . VA size can MIRACLE WHIP jU, : . . mm CHOCOLATE SYRUP . 2 BOOK MATCHES . . , ,W HEW! CAKE MIXES . . . nqV VIKING COFFEE ... 69c DEL MONTE CORN m f, T MUSHROOMS 18c SLICED BEETS ... 15c BABY FOOD w. 4? 35c BABY MEATS "21c 5r BABY CEREALS 17c Z - 49c WAX PAPER 27c 4 99c Chewing Gum X59c 3 10c FUDGE BAR 'K 10c 215c UPTON'S BLACK TEA 65c HOT SAUCE " 629c PORTER'S FRIL-LETS 29c 39c C0C0ANUT COOKIES Jsnihlse 14-ei. pke NEW! DETERGENT 0XYD0L Reo. Site SO' Giant Site . 73' MB 8ee fg. 1 of Food Section for Special Coupon Offer ea. Swiss Steak r 69 . lb. 69c un mm nun FRYING CHICKEN re. Tender Beef Swiss Steak .Tender Beef Sirloin Steak . . lb. 69c CUT REAL SHORT STEER BEEF RIB STEAK . . . lb. 69c SELECTED BEEF POT ROAST lb. 39c CARROTS XT erwrvirvtt e e a a V. S. NO. t jr 04 POTATOES 5069 FRESH CRISP ' SB 0d TPLPRY ,umb0 81" WsUEI I sulks bunch . RIPE THICK MEATED aas CANTALOUPE ir0.. ..... 19 SWEET. JUICT THOMPSON mm SEEDLESS GRAPES ,. 15 TOMATOES ... ...... .219' MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKErT)