Par 8 FOOD SECTION T1JE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem. Oregon Thursday, August 27, 2953 i . 1 r : Bavarian Cream Cherry Pie Special 1 Here's a new and different type cherry dessert that will whet the appetite of the entire family and ihould become quite popular with home makeri during then hot turn- mer monthi. Known officially ai Bavarian Cream Glazed Cherry Pie, but nicknamed "Chilly Cherry Pie," it ia easy to prepare, deliciouily cool to the taate, and best of all by using the refrigerator ai an "oven", uvea the home maker from spending time in a hot kitchen. . . Bavarian Cream Glaaed . . .. Cherry Pie 1 envelope (1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin , Vi cup cold water 1 No. 3 ean pia sherries, drained - Vk cup sugar ( m cup cherry Juice ' ' hk teaspoon salt . 1 tablespoon lemon juice H cup heavy cream, whip .. ped t (S-inch) baked pie shell - cup sugar , t tablespoons cornstarch ' 1 eup cherry Juice : 1 No. 1 can pie cherries. drained Whipped cream garnish, if desired Soak gelatin in cold water five minutes. Heat drained cherries with ft cup sugar and cup juice. Add softened gelatin and salt. Mix well to dissolve gelatin. Add lemon juice and chill. When mixture begins to thicken, fold in whipped cream. Four into pie shell. ChiU until set, about a half hour. . Combine 't cup sugar, cornstarch, and 1 cup juice. Cook until thick and clear. Add drained cherries. Cool. Spread over fluffy cherry filling in pie shell. Gar nish with additional whipped cream U desired. Frosted Loaf For real party glamour serve a frosted sandwich loaf. Cut an unsliced loaf of bread into 4 lengthwise slices and put to gether with your choice of fill lngs. Just before serving frost with an elegant mixture of mashed Calavo, mayonnaise and sslt to taste. Wonderful for bridge luncheons) Chilled Soups . Chilled soups make quick, hearty salads. Serve this one when the thermometer climbs its highest Mix together 1 can cream of chlckeri soup, 1 cup each diced avocado and milk, and 1 tablespoon chopped chives. Chill in refrigerator tray a few minutes until firm. Garnish with hard-cooked egg and avocado slices. Disguise Leftovers I Here's a leftover In disguise. Combine wedges of ripe olives with whole kernel corn, (use that extra ear of cooked corn-on-the-cob), some leftover meat loaf and a little tomato sauce. Stuff the mixture into parboil ed green sweet peppers. Set in baking dish with a little warm water in bottom and bake in miderate oven about 30 mln NEW-CROP HONEY Plenty of honey available for waffles, pancakes and other hot breads and for sand' wich fillings. This year's crop exceeds 250 million pounds. Rain Fails to Stop Shakespearean Play Ashland, Ore. VP) Rain started falling Tuesday night at the start of the Shakespear ean Festival's performance of Henry VI, Part I, in the out door amphitheater here. When the play ended, with rain still coming down, the cast stepped from the covered stage and . applauded 329 sodden spectators who had stayed through it all. MOTORIZED PURSE SNATCHER Albuquerque (yP) Mrs. W. D. Thigpen of Albuquerque was the victim of a driving purse snatcher. As she walked toward the street to recover her dropped purse, a man in a car stopped, opened the door, picked up the purse and drove away. Sandwiches Rate High in Summer No surprise to us that a new summer survey of homemakers shows much enthusiasm for soups, salads and sandwiches which are all that is necessary for many a meal . , . with milk for the children and maybe iced tea or coffee for the grown ups. On every summer day, we're told, 3 out of 4 people eat soup, salad or a sandwich. Favored soups are vegetable and tom ato with chicken noodle, chick en with rice, cream of mush room and cream of chicken next. in popularity. Vegetable salads are most popular, are served at about 26 per cent of all summer meals. Fruit salad is runner-up, then cole slaw, then comes meat or fish salads. Among sandwiches, the meat kinds are leaders in popularity which is natural since cold cuts are ideal for sandwich making. Cheese holds second place which is no surprise since grilled cheese sandwiches are tremendously popular both at home and in restaurants. It is also noteworthy that cheese combines perfectly with any and all of the meats. Incomparable Sandwiches August certainly is the month to celebrate sandwich month; a time of taking things easy and sandwich making is about as easy as you can get. Try these combinations: Slices of chicken, ham or Colorful Plate Attractive to see and delici ous to eat is a colorful plate of garden-fresh cooked vegetables. Arrange ears of corn, broiled tomatoes, ffreen mtrina Ivane around a large head of cauli-l iiower. To add heartiness, top the cauliflower with a rich cheeses-ripe olive sauce. Make a cream sauce, add lots of grated cheese and big wedges of meaty ripe olives. SHOPPING AT fuWELFOOD ISA.:; VEGETABLES At Their Best Local Corn on Cob Oregon Giant Bine Lake Bean White Cauliflower Green Broccoli olid Head Lettuce . Celery Leaf Lettuce Celery Hearts Bunch Tarnlps Beets Spinach Pkg. Carrots Solid Cabbage Tomatoes Cue Dm bars Green Peppers Red Peppers Radishes White Pickling Onions Green Onions A new Item, Fresh Okra Melons, any of them make a delicious dessert Crenshaw Honey Dew Persian - 8pear Cantaloupes Watermelons CAKNIKG PEACHES libarfat will be ready about Sept. 1 California Fresh OC- Dates; pkg JJC California New V Apricots OJC California Calamyrna 5ft. Fits, Pg JVC Dromedary Pitted Q. Datea, lb. 7C Oregon Prunes in. ibs. yc LOMA LINDA VEGETARIAN FOODS Loroa Linda Ar Burgers, can I C Lome Linda II gtaaka. eaa MC Lfcms Linda ' Weiners, can ,, OJC Loraa Linda 97. Fig Jetee, ties. .... C Lama Linda Green 0. Soya Beans A7C Lome Linda Garbaasaa AaCC Good Grocery Buys SANTIAM (UT BEAKS. 20c DEL MONTE SLICED BEANS 2 , 49c DEI MONTE WHOLE BEANS .. 2 foP 49c (These Are All New Pack) UBBY FRUIT COCKTAIL No. SOt . ... 2 for 49c UBBY TOMATO JUICE . 4,or99c SANDWICH SPREAD bc Q.,t69c NALLEy'S CUCUMBER CHIPS , 25c NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP SNOW'S MINCED CLAMS , PIONEER MINCED CLAMS 7 ... . 2 ,or LUNCHEON MEAT Oscar Mayer , CROWN VIENNA SAUSAGE .. . .. . 19c JOFT-A-SILK CAKE FLOUR 39c I U.S. Choice BEEF ROAST ,t 65' 35c 29c 85c 39c 25 os. No. 100 for for HEINZ KOSHER DILLS REAL PRUNE JUICE l4oi.., MANDARIN ORANGES HUNT'S TOMATOES No. HUNT'S HOT SAUCE , VAN CAMP BAKED BEANS MAINE SARDINES TINY TOT SARDINES KOOL-AID All ....... CHARCOAL For Your Rarheeue. M.C.P. PENJEL SUREJELL INSTANT COFFEE Ch.M s.bor l,.. i.r 88c PORTLAND PUNCH,, M.49cl4oi.90Cc,.. $3.75 (Dilate ( or More Parts Water) Model Food Market 275 N. High (Neil to City Hall) Phone 1-41 1 1 No Charge for Delivery 30-Day Account Service FREE PARKING IN THE REAR OF THE STORE 25c 25c 59c 6 for 25c 10 lb. 98c .2 for 25c GROUND BEEF SPARE RIBS For Barbecuing ib. 65' LEG OF LAMB ib. 65' turkey on toast slices and top ped with a cheese sauce makes a delight to see and eat as it comes from the broiler,, bub bling hot ' Slivered toasted almonds. crisp .bacon crumbles, chopped cnives or parsley add a regal touch to almost any sandwich when making a main dish at noon or supper time. Open face sandwich. 'Toast bread slices on one side or use nslved English muffins being sure 10 "tear" not slice the muffins. Spread with mayon naise, arrange alternately s halved tomato, dash of salt and pepper, a slice of cheese, a ba con slice cut in two end criss crossed. Bake in broiler until bacon broils, cheese bubbles.' Mighty fine fare! . Picture Pretty Pie Well Worth Trying This "Picture Pretty Pie" will tempt droopy hot. weather aoDetites. Colorful canned cling 'peach slices and mar-! aschino cherries make it look attractive as well as taste de licious. It's a single crust pie not too rich for a warm day dessert. Picture Pretty Pie 2 V4 cups canned cling peach slices V4 cup maraschino cherries Vt cup syrup from peaches Va cup syrup from maras chino cherries Vi cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons flour Few grains salt 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine Pastry for double 8-inch crust Drain peaches. Cut cherries into quarters. Heat fruit syr ups and add sugar, flour and salt blended together. Bring to a boil while stirring Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice, butter and fruit. Pour into pastry-lined pie pan Ind cover with top crust. Bake in hot oven (425 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Spanish Beans Are Sturdy Fair-Good! Every ten days or so, a dish like this is a mighty welcome. Spanish Beans ' Wash, soak and' simm-r 2 cups dried beans in the usual manner until tender. Season to taste with salt. Fry I cup chop ped smoked ham (maybe left over or canned luncheon ham?) and VI- pound sausage meat Add to beans, after draining off fat In 2 tablespoons of the fat, fry 1 green pepper that has been minced and 1 clove of gar lic, also minced. Add to beans, bring to a simmer and simmer 20 minutes. Six servings for four people if there are grow ing boys in the house, including Papa. Prune Accent A perfect accent for fresh summer fruits are cooked prunes. Their jet black color contrasts the bright colors of seasonal fruits, and their heart, iness adds extra nutrition. Top a small salad bowl of cottage cheese with pitted prunes, mel on balls and fresh strawberries. Makes the most colorful salad you've ever seen! White-tailed deer Imported by New Zealand from America have so increased that they are now regarded as a pest. 15ft iiTfliTflfr f .Oil"1". 'I o k aioajtAt" I I ioo,c wS3Si TH,$ 1 Ilaiil I rl h ai a jxh m m I ChoiceTuna mm mu wunrs Look for tho Mermaid on the label I A Vm Cm $N Food kM br VAN CAMP SEA fOOD COMPANY. INC M OHitt: TfiAt liljntf. CtMema 150 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 3-5563 (SGB Consumer's Wholesale uhor's ouAirrr SIRLOIN PACKETTE 35 JIT (Only 4c lb.) This is very good meat. Packette contains wholesale cut com pletely prepared for cooking. Ground Sirloin and Sirloin 8teak. Guaranteed to please. ROUND STEAK Packette S lbs. Boneless Rump 21 Ibs. Round Steak 8 Ibs. Ground Round 34 Ibs. Wholesale S,,tr,:....$23.46 SPECIAL ECONOMY Package 1 2 lbs. Ground Beef 12 Ibs. Short Ribs 1 S Ibs. Asst. Steaks 20 Ibs. Pot Roasts 59 ib, $25;37 A New Purchase SWIFT.S SELECT YOUNG STEER BEEF Fancy Quality 100 to 150-lb. Sides lb. Ready for your locker. You cen't buy more tender meat. This Is Tops 49' A Few Heavy Select HIND QUARTERS ... 39c BUY NOW! STEELHEAD Whole Fish mm asalaT MsnW .b. 29' Baby Beef 42 BUDGET PACK 13 Ibs. Pot Roast 20 lbs. Steaks 7 Ibs. Ground Round ,b.$23.10 DlTU't (Less Than KAin J Wholesale) SMOKED LINKS W carton $1.98 l ib. Packs RATH'S PORK CHOPS 5 ib. 3.23 Fryers 6 for$5M 1 Ib. 10 oi. up Ground Beef 122" 6 Mb. packs CORNISH GAME Fryers ib. 65c Ground ' Round 7 ,b, $3" WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR MEAT RETAIL DEPT. SPECIALS U. S. Good Armour's Steer Beef Pol Roasts .3ST Turkeys AW Special Veal Prices VEAL ROAST VEAL STEAK VEAL ROUND VEAL CHOPS VEAL STEW t Ib. 45c Ib. 49c lb. 73c Ib. 59c Ib. 20c SWIFT'S U. S. INSPECTED GENUINE LAMB t LEGS CHOPS SHOULDER ROASTS STEW . 1b. 59c lb. 55c . lb. 42c Ib. 25c 0UI OWN SPKUl HAM LOAF 49' VKU CURED MUD f tfd CORNED BEEF I. S. MOB MMMHTC Situ KEF JB a SWISS STEAK . bI wmtus amM RUMP ROAST i IBS TV Season Closed This Week