UUj 'i' f i. i ! S; i i If V'l pact 8 FOOD SECTION ELDERLY VAGABOND 1 u Louii Schumm, jailed ai a vagrant when he wai found sleeping under tree in Fresno, Calif,, turpriied police when he told them he waa born in Brooklyn 109 years ago. He could give no details of his birth, however. Be strongly denied the va grancy chirge with the ex planation he started travel ing ai a career when he grew too old to do steady work. He does not remem ber how long ago that waa. "I never tool around with freight trains," he said, "and I don't know why, but no . body ever picks me up in a ear. I walk most of the time." AP Wirephoto) Bids Asked on Alcohol Plant ' Springfield, Ore. W The General Services Administra tion Wednesday advertised for bids for disposal of the federal surplus alcohol plant at Spring field a three million dollar enterprise twice abandoned by private enterprise; since end of World War II. Bids will be received until Nov. 10 under three prefer ences for production of al cohol or other products, for re moval of equipment to other locations for use of purchasers, and for removal and resale of machinery and materials. The plant was built during the war to convert wood waste to alcohol. In 1946, it was op erated by the Willamette Val ley Wood Chemical Co., but was turned back to the govern ment in 1947 because it could not be operated economically "without the wartime need of alcohol." It was idle until 1949, when it was leased to the Oregon Wood Chemical Co., which re linquished the lease after three years of intermittent operation. - Rep. Harris Ellsworth of Roseburg has opposed disman tling of the plant. Insisting it should be operated for its ori ginal purpose if sold. Contracts Let For Alcoa Plant Vancouver, Wash. W Con tract awards for an extrusion mill,, part of a $5,600,000 aluminum fabricating expan sion program here, were an nounced Tuesday by the Aluminum' Company of Amer ica. L. H. Hoffman, Portland, got the contract for building and furnace foundations and erection of structural steel for the $2,700,000 mill. Isaacson Iron Works, Seattle, will pro vide the steel. Contract sums were not announced. The new plant is to be corn pitted next summer. Other expansion work at Al coa includes a $1,700,000 rod, wire and cable mill addition. Structural steel work on it is nearing completion. An ingot casting addition went into op eration recently. WILL AUCTION At'TO Lebanon An unclaimed auto stored in the city barn for several weeks will be auc tioned to the highest bidder for cash at 10 a.m. Sept. 8. The ve hicle, a 1041 Hudson, formerly was owned by Jerry N. Betts, but title is now in the hands of the city and will be given to the new owner. The hamburger is little used in Hamburg, Germany, having been invented by South Ger mans waiting In the' city for ships to America. Pillsbury Flour tie Coapea la each Bag Honey's Tang " Satoa Dressing Fisher Biscuit Mix For instant hot biscuits 168.2', lb. pkg. I SUNNY JIM Peanut Butter 11 oz. fl)' Mug OBJ The children lev this peanut butter I 1 MJB Coffee 89' Kill will be served at our breakfast. LibbyY Pork & Beans 3 tall OK cam Ot) Libby's Beef Stew For quick, delicious lunch. Lge.No.2 jj Friskies Dog Food MEAL or PELLETS bag 5ave'20c Pus n' Boots Cat Food Pen-Jel est and fastest way to make Jams and Jellies 2 pkg. 25 I I Zee Toilet Tissue White -Orchid -Green 4,1:33' TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon ThBredar. Amat ft, ijy Thursday, August 17, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sakft. OrtfM -" . FOOD SECTION Pig. T Save Money attire Erickson Market in your F borhoodlTN g rarl l nimseiBBBBBBBBBBBmwaeeeeswsaBBeBBwww-B, BSk i Jthi.V. K- r ; trv.. -Sr &J BOOK Hl&lCHES :& It 1 bfe1 V ikrnw suites s il'f , ; th Beans - Dennisons T) fMf t iirhk Spec Morn Milk 2 cans 27c Chi D AOIfll VCilirillUC Toll con 15Vi-ox. con cake mm Swansdown CHOC, WHITE, GOLDEN 4 Ige pkgs' STEHIS iElilF U.S. GOOD& U.S. CHOICE PROPERLY AGED FOR TENDERNESS Blade Cut 5)(fir Round, Swiss 42) 2 ib. Ril Chuck Roast ib Steaks fa BEEF Fresh Ground Mb. Pkg. $1.00 Boned and Rolled Beef . 39 Pol Roast , 69 Target Brand Arrow Meat Co. FRESH PORK LINKS Zttl MB PORK LOIN ROAST YANKEE SPARE RIBS Mb. CC( Average lb. Bw PORK SHOULDER ROAST STEER BEEF LIVER u.3t BONED and ROLLED - LAMB SHOULDER ROAST u St LAMB SHOULDER STEAKS lb St Pan-Ready Fryers $HW $E39 $S59 each Place Your Order Now for Next Week Young Steer Beef Cut and Wrapped - 200 to 250 Ib. Sides FRONTS SIDES I HINDS lb 5lL CM ... Can Shrimp Pacific Oysters ; Minced Clams Ciam Chowder Herring Snacks 4 . 2 Spaghetti & Meat Balls 23 Babv Foods L . 9fi Silfliaf R lfaly Ih. . ........ Smw Vh r.ci ... .. Sam'i HjISVittCM So Green ... So Good . . Sunkrst Larf. Sit Oranges VA Dm. Yakima Swaot Cantaloupe So.dl.sa So. son's lost Grapes 2,. 23' Gr. Beans 231' u.s. No. a Potatoes :50tiW PILLSBURY'S DIG FREE BREAKFAST Served 9 lo 12 Alt Srdayf tt SeuSSi (e.nsrclal Store Only. Libby's Tomato or Pineapplt Juica Pillsbury's Pancakes with Lumberjack Syrup With Blut Bonnet Margarine x Arrow's Target Brand Link Sausages M.XB. Coffee Try it and see why M.J.B. sales have soared Carnation Milk COME, BRING THE FAMILY, AND ENJOY YOURSELVES. Pancake Flour SH' 10 LB. BAG 1.09 Carnation Milli Margarine BlueBoRetf' Finott quality hi Cuba. Tomato Juice Libby's 2 2 m if 44 m. MM. Nallev's Lumber Jack SYRUP I 29 24 oz. bottle 51b. Long John 73 Cheese 2 I 69 Hormel's Spam "J 45 Spicod Lunchoon Moot Cesc3 Sharp Aged, 8 or. pkg.- Med. Aaed. 8 or. pkg. -3'fl SUNNY JIM Grape Preserves Big 4-lb. 12-oi. Jar LUE SELL Potato Chips 25c pkg. BLUE BELL Shoe Siring Potatoes W Largo No. VA Can Apple Juice 2 2t Twin Peaks Poro Quality Apricots ' fZm Mat van. Groan Bow Largo No. IVx Can 2lS Tomatoes Lae.2can "tor Rose Bowl or Cottage lor 0 FLAV-R-PAC Diced Beets !Sfc"3. FLAV-R-PAC Green Beans 2 cans Cut Stringless Large No. 2 Can - FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN FOOD SALE Diced Potatoes Green Beans, Reg. & French Fordhook Limas Baby Limas Broccoli cut Mixed Vegetables Peas Peas & Car- Spears Cauliflower Succotash Sliced rots Rhubarb Sinach Chopped Broccoli Peaches, 12 oz. W Doz. rc'plg.M Dpi. Orange Juice- 2- 35' Lemonade 2 - 37' (SB NEW DETERGENT OXYDOL Reg. Site 30' 0' See Page 1 Food Section For Special Coupon Offer Giant Siia Aliii Ml. Whitney VII vw 22 No. 211 can Fitted Larre Ripe Mt. Whitney Family Six Olives tSft. IT Pitted Lar(. Bipe ML Whltner Family Use glass 2ST Hunts County Style Tasty ft Popular lie. No. H Pickles ... 29 Hunts Dill tje. No. IV, (lass n:.I.L. Whole rmea L.ar( Pickles " (enlennia kerr or ball . SPECIAL fancy iom ni"ii Mason Fruit Jars yrrjTmTt tRAin KILE fiftO lagSrgg1 si doi. : afiW..- 22. ? b- IS . $ji N " JS.Mt " cello Ouarlt a Dm. & These Specials Also Available at Erickson's Mkt.f Wootlburn, Oregon ' ........ ( Sweet iar Whole Sweet Columbia Brand lie. 24 os. Jar Olives Stufled 2-oz. jar IT Libby Boecdale Stuffed Del Mont Cling Peaches Halve or Sliced Large No. 21j can Vcans Calirose , Sliced Peaches i or Sliced 3 cans 79 1 1 if r ' i i i i i i . i i ii ii ii i i i " i v 3 w v i v ' ' y ' ' ?ft)C f.rffe ...ri.l Fad tlafe (trl ?nfi DnrtlanH Pnad XSESl Large No. ? ' A 2VJ can J cans U Libby Hilltdaia Pineapple Largo No. Vi ci Half Slicat -39c 35c inuim Pkf. It's. 2 for 77e inOeanirn Sponge.. ivbp ' Scrubs wmw tfmnpoos while yovf hands stay oryl WW we'JiiaiiaJ ViJiiSj) new fqclesM f CAR MO? NmANiHm. m lif "r.bb.r hand" m4 Iwndnd. ! wife. lna)inintilM Mim.'! I ACTION K TMfBtr ff oSftt. ftt IB) nB v eefMft, iRief twnHtvfx s&&Xl?f. m 15 3 ban 27c 23c wv nwm' aa JSC 29c 1 1 if .11 1 Giant 69c rTSM Giant m ' 25c In B! M::"d Spearfbh. Klickitat Conntr. TA wealth of Indian relies. some believed to date beck at much aa 1,000 or 1,000 yean. ere being nneartbed from blf mound above the Colum bia River here. - A party of University of Washington archeologiats hoe reported recovery of mora than ,000 ortiefacta. ; They have found ancient sketching! on the basalt jock terraces, atone mortar., ar rowheads, spear points and many needles and awl made from deer or elk bone. ' ' Clear outlines of house floors end timbers are visible In some place after removal of the sand of time. Warren CaldwelL a teach lnc fellow and head of the research party, estimated the ale at from 10 to 30 innturiee. Excavation ha been going on since Juno in the area which building of The Dalle Dam. The mound is such a nromi- nent landmark that Lewis and Clark recorded its nisteoci a they Journeyed down the Oo lumbia in 1808. ; Falls City Falls City lira. Hank Doner ha returned from a week' visit st the coast with her bro ther, Frank Joslin, and family of Hanzanita. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sullivan drove to Jefferson Wednesday, Aug. 18, being invited to spend tne day with their son, Jama C. Adams, and family. In honor - of Mr. Sullivan's 7Sth birthday. Mrs. Adams served a chick- en dinner and a decorated birthday cake which (he baked. Mr. Sullivan also received many cards and withes to thank his friends for their kindness In so doing. House guests for the past week at the Homer Goodrich home were hi mother,' Mrs. 1 Arthur Neves and his slater. Mrs. Edri Pldgeon of Oakland. Calif. Saturday evening the crous waa entertained with' a lawn supper at the home of Mrs. Goodrich's ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mrs. L. BacacaluDi has ar rived from' San Francisco for a -month's' visit with her sisters. Mrs. Beatrice Lindemood and Mrs. Ernest Moe and husband of McMinnviUe. ' Mr. and Mrs. Moe were din ner guest at the home of Mrs. Lindemood last Sunday and ' Mrs. Bacagalupi went home with them. Albert Berry of Lo Angeles is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. ' . Wednesday he took his moth er to Portland where they spent the day with his sister, Vera Darst, and their brother, Harold Berry and family. Friday Albert took his me ther and all the Portland group to a picnic spot on the Mt Hood road where they lunched and picked huckleber Falls City, although a small town, can boast of eight pair of twins, two sets having gra duated from high school last year,, and three from grade school. There will be two set in the ' first grade the coming term. those of Cecil Carey and the Lamprecht twins. 1 The Lamprechts also had a pair that graduated from grade school. ; At the special school meet ing which waa held Friday night at Oakhurst, John Doran was elected director to fill the vacancy caused by the resigns Hon of Mr. Hurst. Mrs. Nella Harris will be the teacher again" for the coming term and school will begin Sept. 14. Connie Bakke, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris Bakke, is becoming quit adent with her grandpa Qual- ley's doxer-bladed cat, when he takes her aboard with him. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Randle of Salem spent Sunday in Oak hurst with Mr. and Mrs. Vert Ellis and Karla. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Frink and daughter of Rockaway at tended the morning services at the Christian church Sunday and took dinner with Mr. Frlnk's brother, Orlo, and fam ily. Their mother, Mrs. Faye Frink qt Monmouth, was also a gueii, for .the. day. Mrs. Frink moved to Mon mouth two months ago. J. A. Bowman celebrated hi 84th birthday Sunday, Aug. 18. His children assembled at the home 'of 'hlr daughter, Irene, and all enjoyed a picnic din ner. Mr. Bowman was a veteran fruit and truck garden grower and delivered his fruit and vegetables under contract to coast points. t . - ! Me) tie by foAit In Mode Crosa, Wacom v- SsajsjaannjsaBnnjsnnnMBjsjsjsnnjsnnnjsnnnnjs z . 1 -