Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 27, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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    Thursday, August 27. 1(S
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v rvi.;y it-
Cantaloupe Chiffon Cup Ai we lucky westerners revel
In an abundance of really fine fresh fruit, berries and
. melons, let's rediscover the art of making fresh fruit
salads and desserts. Can't think of a finer centerpiece,
- eitherl .
Enjoy Season's Fresh
Fruits While You May; .
Combinations Countless
To be sure, we west coast
ers enjoy a delicious array of
fresh fruits all year long, but
never In such variety as Au
gust and September pour
forth! Think of It and it is
certain to be available . , .
fruits, berries, melons in
amazing variety and fresh
from the patch or orchard. No
cold storage or days of travel
for our fresrl fruits . , .or vege
tables, for that matter.
How about asking for the
head fruit display man at your
favorite store and telling him
Bethel Park
Bethel Park Recent lun
cheon guests In the home of
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc
Farland, Mr. and Mrs. AlvJe
Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Sonnle
Horn and family, Mrs. Nina
Kyriss and son Stevle, Miss
Anna Kyriss, Mr. Clarence Ky
riss, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Naves, all of Sweet Home, Ore.
'. Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Bush
and aon Junior, have moved
their tent to Yoncalla, Ore.,
where they will hold revival
. meetings. Mr, and Mrs Bert
Humphreys accompanied them.
Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence
Bradshaw and family are re
siding temporarily In the Earl
1 HoUis cabin.
Rev. and Mrs. John Hodges
and family were recent Sun
day dinner guests in the R. L.
Casselman home.
Miss Ethel Berglund and
Mrs. Nellie Stanley spent sev
eral days at the coast last
week. At Delake they visited
Mrs. Herman Hills and Rev.
Ortho Jones. At Astoria they
visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Warner
and Rev. O. R. Crow.
Monday guests In the home
of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Cassel-,
man were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hop
per and Mr. and Mrs. Benton
Stilwell of Sweet Home. Ore.
Rev. and Mrs. Lester Young
entertained at a djnner party
recently in honor of their
daughter Sandra's seventh
birthday. Guests were her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Cooper, Hood River, Ore.,
also Mrs. Alfreds Martin of Sa
lem, and Miss Ethel Berglund.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Swope
and son Bobbie, have returned
from a vacation trip. They
visited friends and relatives In
Wenatchee, Spokane, and Seat
tle, Wash., and points in tana
Mrs. Laura Ooffrier and Miss
Mary Goffrler were hostesses
at a demonstration party by
Bill Brunkal of Salam. Re
freshments were served to Mrs.
R. L.' Casselman, Mrs. Charles
Flnlcy. Mrs. Edward Edmond,
Mrs. R. Nelson, Mrs. G. L.
Johnson, Mrs. Harold Fite,
Mrs. R. Curtis and dauRhtr.
and M(ss Donna Kay Brad
shaw. '
Silverton Id the local hos
pital as a result of an automo
bile accident Sunday or John
ny Tlusty, 18, and Eula Mac
Wyett, 15, both of Mulino, un
der treatment for shock, facial
cuts, bruises and other minor
Mr. T. P. Heidenstrom of
501 McClalne SU was a minor'
surgery patient two days at
Silverton hospital, returning to
her home Friday.
Mrs. Mina Cooper. 513 South
Water St, is reported as im
proving at Silverton hospital,
where she Is under treatment
for pneumonia.
Mrs. Lena Brenden of South
Center St. Is reported seriously
ill at the Silverton hosptlal, but
resting easily.
William Bloch of Eureka
Ave., a local electrician, is
wearing- a cast on his right
arm. Bloch was doing some
repair work at the family home
on the porch ceiling Saturday,
when he fell to the floor, frac
turing both bones of the arm
lust above the wrist.
Mrs. M. S. Burton of North
x Silverton is reported as Im
proving normally from a hip
and knee injury sustained a
few weeks ago in a fall while
working in her kitchen.
that you admire his displays
and the beauty, freshness and
quality of his offerings? Mer
chandising of fresh produce is
a highly specialized field.
While you're visiting, tell him
about your plans for preserv
ing, canning, freezing and
pickling, and he'll tell you the
best time to buy whatever you
have in mind.
For eating out of hand, for
stewing and saucing, for sal
ads, for desserts to delight the
family, for canning, preserv
ing and freezing, there are a
few remaining, golden apri
cots, plump red plums, re
freshing new green apples
which have - a - short season,
black Mission figs, luscious
peaches and pears; some cur
rants and cherries, though
these are not now in abun
dance..' it.
There are also avocados,
Thompson seedless grapes, ba
nanas, oranges,' lemons, limes
and ' grapefruit. There are
berries of many kinds and
melons of various varieties,
with watermelons and canta
loups most abundant.
These are pictured and
there's no doubt about it, they
are spectacular looking and
make very good eating with
very little effort, really.
Cantaloupe Chiffon Cups
1 envelope unflavored
V cup cold water
4 eggs, separated '
Yt cup fresh lemon Juice, -
Mi teaspoon salt'
cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon
5 cantaloupes
Soften gelatine in cold wa
ter. Beat egg yolks until
thick and lemon colored. Add
lemon Juice, salt and Vn cup of
sugar. Cook over hot water
until thickened, stirring con
stantly. Add gelatine and
stir until dissolved. ChiU In
refrlgeraW until beginning to
set (consistency" of unbeaten
egg white.)
While custard ' Is chilling.
halve cantaloupes and remove
seeds. With spoon, scoop out
some of the pulp, leaving
inch rim of cantaloupe meat
in the shell. Notch edges If
desired. Crush cantaloupe
meat with potato masher and
measure 2 cups of It. Beat egg
whites until stiff. Gradually
beat In remaining sugar. Fold
In gelatine mixture, grated
lemon rind and cantaloupe
pulp. Pile into cantaloupe
shells and chill until firm.
Garnish top with sprig of
mint, minted or maraschino
cherry. Six servings.
To Jam Makers , .
When adding crushef pine
apple or pineapple tidbits to
your favorite conserves or pre
serves, let your taste guide you.
Usual proportions are one cup
pineapple, not drained, to 8 to
8 cups prepared peaches, pears,
apricots or whatever. Simmer
the raw fruit with the pineap
ple a few minutes: then add su
gar and boil rapidly until thick
as desired.
el uTTtl PQJ
Ginger Adds
Flavor to
This Cake
Like many aromatic spices,
ginger has a long and noble
history. In medieval times,
ginger was brought to Europe
from India and Cathay at tre
mendous expense and reserved
for royalty and the wealthier
lords. Today's homemaker can
buy her year's supply of gin
ger for a few cents ... use It
in ways like this. A fine way
to fix up some of those won
derful new season Gravenstein
and Transparent apples that
are available right now. What
a treat)
Apple I'pslde-Down Cake
Vi cup butter or margarine
Yt eup brown sugar
2 large green apples
Yt cup shortening
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, unbeaten ,
1 cup unsulphured
molasses .
1 cup boiling water
2 Vi cups sifted all-purpose
Vi teaspoon salt .
IVi teaspoons powdered
Yi teaspoon cinnamon
Yt teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon baking soda
Melt butter in 10-inch heavy
frying - pan. Sprinkle brown
sugar evenly over bottom of
pan. Peel, core and slice ap
ples rather thickly. Arrange
in bottom of pan, overlapping
edges. Cream shortening and
sugar. Beat in egg. Combine
molasses and water and add to
shortening mixture, alternate
ly with sifted dry ingredients.
Spoon over apples. .
Bake In 325 degree oven,
45 to 50 minutes. Invert onto
serving plate but do not re
move from pan for 3 or 4 min
utes. This permits the' brown
sugar mixture to run down
over cake and Is a good thing
to remember for all upside
down cakes. Cool.
Ginger Ice Cream Is' made
by softening 1 pint of vanilla
ice cream, folding in 1 tea
spoon lemon extract and 1 tea
spoon powdered ginger and re
turning to refrigerator freezing
unit only until consistency of.
whipped cream.
Lunch Box Time
Soon it's time to get out the
lunch boxes for back-to-school
lunches. That means new Ideas
for sandwich fillings. Combine
ripe olives, chopped hard-cooked
eggs and crumbled cooked
bacon with a dash of salt and
enough mayonnaise for spread'
ing consistency.
Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half
fryers Ground Beef c
Large $1 39 Try Some of Our Cheese on This for o 45 C lb.
R. I: Rods .l.oa. Delicious Cheeseburger LB. sm U ' Ready to Ear
T-Bone Steak fotf JQaj PorkSausog.
69C lb. Not as old at our choose but just at .JJ 7 5 3fC Lb.
tender LB. K Mi Pure Pork
;k49c Old Cheese Aw
Tender . At Our Famous Old Price, Year Old. LB. U Loan - Meaty
Cantaloupes TOMATOES DLoirio" 5e "'' Watermelons
Vine Ripened Vina Ripened Belll'epperS Ol-
Large Sixa 1Q ' "55r Lb.Z'2C
- Po. sfJC w Guorantao Oura
3 for 25C Local Canning U. S. No. 1
Lb. 89c MARGARINE Tomato Soup
Jr 2,b,45c CaJ()c Strawberry
tsis Sweet Sixteen 1 "jT , '
OUR EGGS cmpbojn Preserves
Are shm New Potatoes snowdrift
The Freshest Thing ""'j Spry, CHSCO jorXDC
10c . 89c PREM
Peanut Butter ' HONEY MILK iunchion mut
-V45c H?c 62281c 39c
beverages s . H0T MASTER Broidwiy ixA St.
i, u . ftt BREAD or Hotiri I a.m. till t p.m. Ivory Day
At No litre Charga lvy Doy at 4 p.m. - No Limit. lay AH Yoti Wool
Empty Welcome Except Tuet. & Sat. Price. Gooo Fri., Sat., SwsttWy
Waffle Sandwiches Offer
Variety of Good Fillings
Cool thinking prompted one
very smart nomemaxer to cre
ate this hot weather Waffle
Sandwich. A perfect solo treat
for homemaker who works like
fury all morning and needs a
hit of pampering around noon
time. We tasted it and found
it especially delicious ... a
sandwich we'll remember to
serve over and over again. To
begin with, crisp waffles were
used as the ' base. American
cheese, slices of tomato and
cooked bacon were placed on
top. Into the broiler goes this
combination and in a few min
utes, when the cheese has melt
ed, the sandwich is ready to
eat. It's definitely delicious and
food for thought. Makes you
think of other tasty combina
tions you can use. Spicy corn
ed beef hash with egg slices
placed over the top is one com
binatlon we found to be excel
lent. The .waffles themselves
play the important part in this
dish. Busy homemakers have
found they can be 'made days
ahead, cooled, wrapped in foil
and frozen. When needed they
are popped Into the toaster or
broiler to .emerge crisp, tasty
and 'golden brown.- Using a
pancake ready-mix cuts prepa
ration time to a fourth the usu
al minutes. All these features
combine to make the Waffle a
perfect summer treat and cer
tainly the prize choice for these
open face sandwiches.
Bacon-Tomato, Waffle
Makes S servings
2 cups pancake ready-mix
2 cups milk . '
' 2 eggs
13 cup melted shortening
Topping: ,
10 slices processed cheese
10 slices tomato.
10 cooked bacon strips
For the waffles, place all in
gredients in bowl; beat with
rotary egg beater until fairly
smooth. For a 7-inch round
waffle, pour cup batter on
hot waffle Iron. For larger
waffle Irons, use more batter.
Bake waffles until steaming
Top each waffle with two
slices of cheese. Place tomato
slices and bacon strips on the
cheese. Broil until cheese melts.
Sunday Sapper Waffles
Makes 5 servings
1 one-pound can corned beef
V cup chili sauce
3 tablespoons chopped green
2 tablespoons chopped green
Sliced hard-cooked eggs
1 recipe Waffle Batter (see
' above)
. For the topping, combine
hash with other ingredients
except egg slices. Heat in a
frying pan until browned and
hot .
About Tomatoes
The skin of tomatoes is thin
and perfectly edible. It also
holds the tomato together. Peel
ing them when they're to be
eaten raw Is a matter of choice)
personally,' we don't bother.
But if you do, there are two
easy ways to peel them: Dip
quickly in boiling water to
loosen skins; then plunge in
cold water to remove heat. Or
stick a fork in the stem end
and rotate tomato over direct
heat until skins burst After
peeling, keep covered and re
frigerated until ready to use.
Flint Mich., Wt More than
5,000 volunteers are expected
to participate Saturday and
Sunday in a giant project to
rebuild some 186 Flint area
homes that were leveled by
the great tornado June 8,
which claimed 116 lives.
2 Popular
Use Cereals
All youngsters like cookies.
but they like some better
than others. kspeelaUy pop
ular are the large, chewy va
riety such as the ones made
from the recipes that foUow.
Each recipe features a differ
ent, ready-to-eat cereal, which
is responsible for in special
texture. -. -
Mint Surprise Coekles
1 cup butter or margarine
1 eup granulated sugar.
4i cup brown sugar
2 egga
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla
S cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon soda
teaspoon salt
ttt dozen chocolate mint
wafers (approx.)
" 2 cups corn flakes
i Blend butter and sugars;
add mii. water and vanilla
and beat. well. Sift together
flour, soda and salt add to
butter mixture and mix tnor
oughly. Chill about two noun.
Enclose each chocolate wafer
In about I tablespoon at enti
led douah. Place on ungreas-
ed baking sheet about 2 inches
apart Crush corn tuaea into
fine crumbs and sprinkle over
cookies. Bake in moderate
oven. (375 F.) about 12 rain'
Yield: 4H dozen cookies,
2 ttinches In diameter.
Butterscotch Befrlgeratar
Yt cup butter 1
Yt cup margarine
2 cups brown sugar '
1 egg
' 1 cup ready-to-eat bran
3 cups sifted flour .
2 teaspoons baking powder
Blend butter, margarine and
sugar. Add egg and beat well;
stir in bran. Sift together the
flour and baking powder; atta
in to bran mixture a small
amount at a time. Knead and
shape into two rolls, about 1H
Inches in diameter. Wrap-in
waxed paper, covering ends
carefully. ' Store in refriger
ator until firm. Slice very
thin and bake on un greased
baking sheets in hot oven (425
F.) about 10 minutes.
Yield: 7Vi dozen cookies (2
Inches In diameter.)
'Note: One tablespoon water
or milk may be added to the
dough if it Is too dry to shape
Into rolls.
Vegetable Topping
Make a luscious, yet easy,
sauce for vegetables by com
bining mayonnaise and sour
cream. Stir in a bit of prepared
mustard and chopped roasted
almonds. Servo on Under
cooked garden vegetables.
During the Next Four Weeks
This beautiful Tappan Range will be
given away as grand prize, Sept. 19
-6 P.M.-rit each of the Salem Safe
way Stores.
'40 in Groceries Will
Be Awarded Each
Aug. 29-Sept. 5-12-19
1st Award 25 in Merchandise
2nd Award $10 in Merchandise
3rd Award $5 in Merchandise
1. Just drop in any time at your Safeway Srore and ask
, for your free ticket. You con get additional free ticket
each and ovary time you visit the store. You do not have
to make purchota. Ticket aro FREE!
2. Write your noma, address, and telephone number on
laraa half of ticket. Tear off the numbered stub and
keep it. Deposit largo holf of ticket in tho boa provided
at tho Mora.
J. Iveryofia ovar 16 years of ago it aligiblo to portici
Oflta in these drawing except employees of Sefeway
Stores, Inc., or mamber of their immediate family.
4. No ana person will ba aligiblo to receive more than
no weakly prixa. A winner of merchandise prise,
however, remains aligiblo to win one of the grand
5. Drawing will bo held for the next four Saturday at
t p.m. Winning ticket will be redeposited for tho draw
ing for tho grand prixa to ba awarded Saturday, Sap
tombar 19. You do not have to bo present to win. Win
nor will bo notified promptly.
4. Ticker will NOT ba distributed on the basis of pur
chases made. Every person ho on equal chance. Ivory
visit to your Safeway store entitle you to ONI ticket
only, ragardlet of any purchase mada.
Get Your Free Ticket at
Any Salem Safeway Store
Anyone 16 Years and Older Is Eligible
in prizes