Part s In The Valley Edited ay UU FORBES Mill City Mill City Hn. Gene Greg ory til confined to her borne by illness several dayi last week. She is employed at Reulers Grocery- Mr. and Mr. DeLos Hoeye and children, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Macon, spent sev- eral days last week vacationing along the Washington coast Mrs. Mason and Mr. Hoeye are instructors at Mill City high school. Mr. and Mrs. Court! and Hue and daughters of Bockaway spent several days visiting friends here last week. They are former residents. Word has been received by friends here of the death at Los Gatos, Calif., of Rudolph Herlofsen. The Herlofsens bad moved recently to their former home in California after resid ing In Mill City for over three years while Mr. Herlofsen waa employed on the Detroit Dam. He was killed in a railroad crossing accident while return Ing home from work. He is survived by his widow and two small children, Sonja and Ron ald. Miss Donna Hoodenpyle has returned to her home In Cres well after spending the sum mer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. KimmeU. She wi employed In the Mill City Pharmacy, which they own and operate. Lawrence Young is recover ing from foot injury sustained when an anchor fell on bis foot while fishing last week at Clear Lake. Lawrence Young vras sur prised on his birthday anniver sary last week when friends gathered at the Young home for an informal evening. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ton Morris and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart and children. The Mill City Bakery, owned and operated by Mayor and Mrs. John Mulr, was redeco rated last week, the walla being painted and new floor and counter linoleum laid. The work was done at night so that the bakery could continue op erating. Lyle Fleetwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, and a 19S3 graduate of Mill City high school, left Aug. 18 for Pendleton, where he will train two weeks tor the Class B East West Shrine football game to be played Aug. 30 at the Roundup stadium in Pendleton. Fleetwood was selected for the state all-star team for his bril liant playing baa halfback en the Mill City squad. Another Mill City graduate to receive this honor was Rob art Baltimore, playing with the 10S2 All-Star team and bring ing home trophy received for nis outstanding plays. Balti more plana to attend this year's game. Santlam Rebekah lodge held its regular meeting at the IOOF hall Wednesday night, Aug. 19, with Antonla Thomas, no ble grand, presiding. Mrs. Richard Thomas was elected to membership In the order with initiation scheduled, for early October, Singing was under the direc tion of Dorothy Vail. Garnett Bassett was a visitor from Faith Rebekah lodge at Lyons. The next Three Links club meeting will be Sept. 10 at the Redmond home of Mrs. Chrlssie Hender son. A no-host dinner will be served at noon and anyone de siring transportation to the Henderson ranch is asked to contact Blanche Syverson or Mrs. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris were hosts for a dinner honoring Mr. and Mra. Clayton Balti more on their wedding anni versary Saturday evening, Aug. 18. Mrs. Morris also observed her birthday on that day and was presented cake. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore and the hosts and hostesses. The group waa later enter tained at the Davis home when Mr. Davis, who was unable to attend the dinner, played the piano and violin for guests. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Todd, sons Stephen and Allen, spent several days last week camp Maw Showing Opaa t:tt . 'JAMAICA BUN - TMbnieeter fta MiUuid. Arlane Deal Ce-festere "OIHL Who HAD BVtBYTHINO" Ins. Teyler. Ptraaade Laaue DENBOW INN fa neJhrrt 1H . . . 411 Mies Ha Ssksj Locoted on the Eel River In the heart of Beautiful Redwood Empire. Swimming , . fishing , . golf . . boating . , riding . . hiking. Cocktail lounga. Bom Dancing Nightly. Dellelom. food. MOMS H 9 HI. Ml Ml TWB. HIYATI UTl ill I00KJ. Qwwel ond Operand y Geoffo T. Tfcompaan. ing at Breitenbuah. A. V. Barron is reported to be seriously 111 and is receiv ing treatment at the R"Hn Memorial hospital in Stayton. The home of Mra. Zrcil Wil son of Mrhama waa the scene last week for the gathering of several old-time classmates, graduates of Mill City high school class of 1926, y hen Mrs. Wilson entertained for her sis ter, Mrs. Dick Churchill, who is visiting from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Churchll and two children will also visit other relatives in the valley. Pres ent for the Wednesday reunion were Mrs. Churchill (LuluBelle Dunivan), Mrs. Melbourne Ram bo (Goldie Champ) of Mill City, ana Mrs. Mare Land on (Ruth Davis) of Stayton. The class of 1826 held a reunion two years ago, observing their 29th anniversary, with nine of the 11 graduates present However, Mrs. Churchill waa unable, to be present for the occasion. Dr. David Ferguson of Prat- um was guest speaker at the Mill City Presbyterian church LSunday morning, Aug. 22. He is a former pastor of the church. Rev. Noble Streeter, present pastor, spoke that morning at the Wood burn and Bethel churches. Jefferson Jefferson The Jefferson 4-H canning club met at the high school building. Mra. Humphries, county president, met with the clubs. Freezing apricots was demonstrated by Carolyn Adams.. Martha Tiel ka and Joan Bennett are work lgn on demonstration for the fall show. Mrs. Henry Hoch speler furnished peaches which were canned by the club. The girls are planning to demonstrate corssge making at the Marlon county fair, calling , their demonstration Blossoms and Bows." Carolyn Adams and Gloria Bently demonstrated "Freez ing for Flavor" at the faU show at Hogg Brothers kitchen in Salem. Joan Bennett and Martha Tlefka demonstrated canning mixed fruits; Sherrlll Hochspeier and Julia Ann Goln baking ginger bread. Most of the club will take part In the county-wide peach can ning demonstrations. Mrs. Ethel Hicks is home on a two week's vacation. She till has some furniture she wishes to dispose of. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Brant were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Daulton and fam ily Saturday evening. The Brant's formerly were in busi ness in Jefferson. Brant is now working for a mortgsge and loan . company in Port land. Mr. and Mra. Albert Whit tle and family motored to Os wego Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dyster.' miss Ruth. Hart returned home following a three weeks' visit with relatives in Cali fornia. At Fresno she visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hart. At Redwood City she was a guest of an aunt, Mra. Onelta Dumont, Mr. and Mra, Delbert Hart at Gro ver City and also-relatives in Menlo Park. Randy Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neal, returned home after having had two opera tions performed recently at an Albany hospital. Mrs. Scott Hawk was host ess to the WSCS of the Meth odist church Wednesday after noon. The meeting was held on the lawn. Mrs. William Oulvin presided at the busi ness meeting and also led the lesson study. Mrs. G. A. Lens man led the devotions. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Oulvin. Mrs. Mary Ma aon and Mrs. Scott Haw k, Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. Us Shields and Mrs. J. A. Wise were guests. Gervais Gervaia The Junior Worn en'a Club held its annual pic nio In Settlemeler Park, Wood. burn, Wednesday, Aug. 19. All were present The Sisters of St. Msry's. Beaverton, have returned to Gervais to.prepare for the opening of school here for tne coming year. They are Sister Mary Lucy, i superior, grades 6. 7 and 9. Sister Mary Beatrice, grades 2, 4 and 8; Sister Mary Charlotte, grades 1 and 2: Sister Mary Phllomena, housekeeper. Happy to report Jos. Kuhn doing well following surgery at a Salem hospital. News From Lyons Lyons The Youth Fellow ship -of the Lyons Community Methodist church met Sunday evening at the Methodist par aonage for election of officers. Elected were: Irvla Thomp son, president; Bill James, vice president; Sally Studniek, sec retary, and Doris Neat, treas urer. They will continue to meet every Sunday evening at 7 pm. The 17th annual picnic and homecoming for the "Old Tim ers" was held Sunday at the Santiam Valley grange hall with 95 in attendance. At the noon hour a basket dinner was Edgar Wafers was elected president to replace the outgo ing president Dell Selles. . An na Stout was elected vice oresl dent to replace Ben Bodeker; Lula Berlnger waa re-elected secretary, and Luther Stout re elected treasurer. It was also voted to meet again the fourth Sunday 1st August, 1984. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy of Mill City presented a memorial aervice. The prayer waa by Rev. Noble Streeter of Mill City. Ray Stout gave a talk on his stay and work while in Greece. Those coming the longest distance to attend the picnic were the Selles broth- era, Frank and Dell, from Seat tle, Wash. Uncle "T Henneas of Gates, the oldest pioneer who baa al ways been present, was unable to attend this year due to 111' nesa. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens were hosts Sunday for a pot luck dinner and family gather ing at their home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lavine and Sharon, Stephen and Brad ley Toman of Mill City; Mrs. Landsverk of Portland and Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence their two grandsons, Bobby and Mike, from California; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens, Mrs. Viola Zander of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass had as their guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. August Bass from Ames, Iowa, and Mrs. Dorothy Burke of Eugene, who are cousins of Mr. Baas. Mr. and Mrs. Aimo Kallis and chil dren from Portland were also guests at the Bass borne Sun day. Mrs. Charles Cruson and Bonnie and Mr. and Mrs. How ard Bennett spent the week-end at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Ben nett, who are from Butte, Mont., are visiting at the Cru son home. John Jungwlrth is suffering from a broken leg, which he received Saturday forenoon when he fell from the roof of his house. Mr, and Mrs. John McClurg and nephew, Ray Negstad, of Portland were among those en- Joying an outing at the coast over the week-end. They were at Oceanside. A family gathering and pic nic was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cribbs at Cascadia. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Merle De- vine, Wayne, Bobby and Lor ena, Marlln Cole, Miss Wella Loucka of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier, Jimmle and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Raines and Alan, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Syverson, Harvey, Dick, Rodney and Delmar, all of M1U City, Mr, and Mrs. Pete Etzel and Bernie of Stayton, Mr, and Mra. Melvin Raines of Lacomb, Mr. and Mrs. Ted A reunion of the family of Mrs. James Manning waa held at the Manning, Farkervllle farm Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. James Mendenhall and family, Salem; Mr. and Mra. Charles Lebrun and family, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vandahey and family, Hubbard; Steven Bear, Port land; Arnold Bear, Eugene; Leonard and Ermln Bear, Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Dsvld Ward and two children have return ed to Gervais. Dsvld Is on the staff of O. U. H. S. Mrs. Henry Steger called on her sitter In Oregon City Bun day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones called on relatives and friends In Gervais over the weekend. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson, Monday, a son, at a Salem hospital. FKteit m CHINESE and AMIRIUN DINNERS CHINA CITY 15(1 S, Commercial rhene 215(9 I I s asm 1 I IB ah THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa Sauhnan, Judy and Sherrle of Sweet Heine, Mr. and Mra. Joe Cribbs and Sandra of Casca dia, Mr. and Mrs. John Han aen, Connie Frachlick of Al bany. Mlaa Roberta Frachlick of Fortune, Calif.. Mias Lor raine Tell of Delta, Colo. Mrs. Viola Fritache, who la enroute to her home in Seat tle. Waah., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Viola Zander, and her sister and hus band. Mr. and Mra. Wilson Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Selena and Mr. and Mra. Eldon Tietze of Turner, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindemann of Lyons, en joyed a fishing trip to Big Lake over the week-end. Mr. and Mra. Roy Downing, bean and Merlene, from Sutb- erlin, were week-end guests at the bom of Mr. and Mra. Or vllle Downing. The two men are brother and the women are sisters. While here tbey attended the ' Softball tourna ment In Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers had aa their guesta over the week end their aon and wife, Mr. and Mra, Harold Ayers, from Lex ington, Ore. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Zander and - daughter, Linda, from Dorria, Calif., enroute to. Bel -lingham. Wash., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox have aa their guest their niece, Carol Ann Knox, from Nam pa, Idaho. Congratulations are going to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kanoff upon the arrival of a daughter. The little Mias has been named Sheryl Elaine. This is their third child and first daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Allen went to Independence Sunday, , where they attended the golden wedding anniver sary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner of that city. Mrs. Hazel Lewis of Lyons, member of Faith Rebekah lodge end chaplain of the Re bekah assembly of Oregon, with Mrs. Lola Osburn, presi dent of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon, attended the Re bekah convention of Lakeview. They also paio their official visits to Creswell, Klrby, Klamath Falls, Merrill, Bon anza and Paisley lodges. A good crowd waa In attend ance Friday evening for the social meeting of Santiam Val ley grange, held Jointly with the Farmers Union at the grange hall. Jerry Coffman, lecturer for the grange, pre sented Ray Stout, who showed pictures and talked on his work and tour while in Greece. A potluck lunch was served at the close of the evening. Parents who have children they wish to enter in pre-school this fall may register them now at the Variety store. Considerable excitement was caused in Lyons Monday after noon at the Pete Rodich home, when smoke came rolling out of the house. When neighbors were able to enter the house they discovered a pot of meat which was left cooking on the stove had burned. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Cecil went to Culver Sun day, where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family. Richard Wayne. 11-months- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck, is suffering from se vere burns about the face, head, hands and arms, which he re ceived Saturday when he over turned a. teakettle of hot water. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges were in Eugene Sunday eve ning to see his mother, Mrs. Clara Lee, who has been ser iously ill. Hopewell Hopewell A reception for Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, newly appointed pastor of the Hopewell EUB church, will be held Sept. 4, at 8 p m at the church. The Youth Fellowship of the mas a-east GATES OPEN 8:48 SHOW AT 7:18 NOW . THRU SAT.! ... At Regular Prlees! All Technleeler Show mm 'mm mm Also - . Frankle Lalae la "RAIN I0W 'ROUND MY SH0UL0IR" www xea've aever aeea a erster. briahter aietnre fa a drive-la . . . taaa the eae ea ear giant acreeal I? Hopewell EUB church will bold its first fall meeting at the parsonage. Sunday nine. Aug. 20. at T aa. All young people in the comma' nity are urged to be present Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Harris will attend the ministerial re treat at Jeoninea Lodge, Aug. 28-20, and a guest speaker will occupy the pulpit at the Hope well church at the morning service. August 20, at 11 ajn. Mr. and Mra. Roland Vogeli of Portland were . Sunday guesta of Rev. and Mra. Glenn Harris. Mr. VogeU and Rev. Harris will attend the semi nary in Jennings Lodge this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Eskel son of Ogden, Utah, were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Oacar Lafferty the first of the week. Mrs.' Oacar Lafferty under went minor surgery at the General hospital In McMlnn ville Wednesday morning, and la recovering satisfactorily at her home now.- Mr. and Mrs. George Polvl, Jr, and aon, Mark, of Mc Minnviile, former residents of Hopewell, are enjoying a trip to Yellowstone parkf. Tbey left Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. 8. c waller were Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse, and all called on Mrs. Oscar Laf ferty In the afternoon. Mr. and Mra. wuiiam sninn of Salem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leu Frir day evening, and ihowed pic tures of Crater Lake taken on their recent trip. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leu also were guests. - Miss Dorothy Brown or ba ton waa a week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Marvel Brown and family. Little ' Suzanne Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Shlpman of Salem and aranddaufhter of Mr. and Mrs. John Geisler of Hopewell, died Monday morning at the Salem General hospital from an over dose of aspirin, accldently swallowed. She was bom Feb. 4, 1982, and three broth era and two sisters survive. Union Hill Union Kill Tichard Krenz, of the Union Hill grange, pre sided at the August meeting on Friday evening. ' Mrs. W. F. Krenz, home economic chairman gave the August report of their meet ing. The September meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Robert Darrah with Mrs. Floyd Fox, Jr. ' as co-hostess on September 18. The grange fair will be the second week In October. The agriculture committee will be appointed at a later date. The grange voted to have a booth at the North Marion county Woodburn Fair September 24, 28. 28. The annual picnic for the Union Hill club members and their families was held at the Arthur Mulkey picnic grounds on Sunday. ' Present were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hunt, Mrs. Alice Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tste, Cathy Christian, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peters, Mar shal Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Heater, Lorene, Susan and David Heater, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Heater, Johnnie and Jerry Heater, Mrs. Nora Rot low, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Heat er, Miss Florence Pottorff, Its Till 8:88 STARTS TODAY! i i .eLravv,ta,,-av ma wondi -r It " . No Christian n"vWel 4LF , . aitwaM il FARLEY GRANGER .jianmaim ADDED WALT "ALASKAN la Technicolor Scio Scio Stephen Pynch of Al bany and Donnie Burge of Longview, Wash., have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pynch, Mrs. Marvin Long recently visited her mother in Brook ings. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Besrd recently enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake City. Many Scio people are busy in the Stayton cannery. Bean picking is in progress here, too. Several deer frequently have been aeen by various farmers. Tbey are helping themselves to the gardens in some places. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott and ro children, Davene- and Sandra of Los Angeles, brought Kenneth Elliott home Sunday. Kenneth bar spent most of the summer working in California. He will be a senior in Scio high shcool this year,' and also is student body president Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and chil dren will remain for a week's visit with relatives here. Britta Yates has returned to her home at Hermosa Beach, Calif., after spending a num ber of weeks visiting her sis ter. Iva O. Abbott Mrs. Yates helps cook in a school cafeteria near her home in California. Pvt. Donald Bell and Pvt Gail Bates have been visiting their parents here before, leav ing for duty overseas. Both boys were honored By dinners while here. Rev. and Mrs. Robert San ders and several young people from Salem put on an interest ing musical program at the Scio Baptist church Tuesday evening. ' Sanders presented the mes sage in place of Rev, Kilgore, who became ill and could not be nresent Dixie Crowden of Los An geles is visiting her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fos ter. Miss Luella Tainter of Colo- frado Springs, Colo., has been hired as English teacher in the Scio union high school. Schools will open Sept. 21. The former English teacher, Clay Shepherd, and his wife, will teach in Sutherlin, Ore. Mrs. Francis Sprague, nee Jean Trfurston, will leave for Texas by bus Thursday to Join her husband, who is stationed there. Mrs. Brown and two grand daughters of California are vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen LeBard. Mrs. Brown is Mrs. LeBard's mother. They will be present for the wedding of Miss Barbara Le Bard and Kenneth Monson, which will take place Saturday morning, August 29, at the Jor dan Catholic church. Ed Welp of Mt, Angel was a recent business visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bar- Dennis Morley, Mrs. W. J. Lensmsn, Wltma and Donna Lensman, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kostenborder and Betty John son. nmi s-soee Jefi Chandler "THE GREAT SIOUX I PRISING" Technicolor The Bowery Boys in "LOOSE IN LONDON" Prices Adult SI. 00 Children 33c You Haven't sT .A a f j zeensinywing until iouvc c tl:. K m -Tccn ami itf wonaenui Musical racle! ..tiAlh j, 8 Sew Song DISNEY'S ESKIMO tlknaw .ami , s m af'J i nati hava honrht the home 1 lnnaHn tn Henrv Fort WOO will return to his home back east Mr an1 Mra. Lester Kuikcn have announced the encase ment of their daughter. Patricia Dowd. to LeRoy Looney, son oi Mra. Margaret Looney of Al- ajr- Dean L. Wolf of the Yakima Christian Mission was guest speaker at the Christian church Sunday. The Christian church is plan ning to enlarge their building. Among Scio people attending Oil Town, U.S.A." at the Leb anon Methodist church Mon day night were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Manley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shelton and fomllv FarlwooH Rots and I family, Mr. and Mrs. Laddy lElliott and children, Mrs. Glen Thurston and Alice and Sam my. Fruiiland Frultland A new barn has been built and the house is un der construction in the west Frultland district. i- It is being built for Mr. and Mrs. Willis Clark of Middle Grove. On north Frultland road the Arnold Aasrude - house will soon be ready for occupancy by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Assrude and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Curtis have built a new green house and are building a garage. The Curtis' have recently had a well drilled. The two new rooms for the Frultland school are to be fin ished by Sept 21 when the Fruitland school will start. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Har mon of Long Beach, California were house guests at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Harmon last week. Monday they went to Portland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gardner. They will spend some time visiting in the state of Washington before returning to Long Beach. - Pvt. Eldon Ardell Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson of Route 8 came home Friday from army camp at San Luis Obispo for his first fur lough. He entered the service last March. After spending ten days with his parents he will report to camp at New Bruns wick, N. J., and expects to be shipped to Germany. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Johnson entertained at a din ner honoring Pvt. Johnson, and the twenty fifth wedding an niversary for an uncle and .. anA Ulwm A T Mit. chell of Zigzag, Ore., and dur ing the afternoon coffee hour' Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Johnson! were presented with a wedding j cake honoring their fifth wed-' ding anniversary. ' , Guests besides the honored ! guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. j Schuler and daughter, Louke,' A. E. Hussett, Mrs. Hazel Shulz, 1 all of Portland; Miss Edna Johnson, Miss Minnie Johnson, Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. ' .i, . K T,- i ff' ' t A . , f (l' cTlaV " . - ""ONLY "'l " s, Ml V Aiia-AVAILAtLE INi : AOd-AVAIUSLE INi v. : An Whit Buck '. ' f ;vv 176 N. LIBERTY ST. OPEN FRIDAY NICHT TIL P.M. Thursday. August 27, 193J Woodburn Woodburn Capt and Earl J. Jennings, and childrt. who left Woodburn recently u. ter an extended visit with thefe parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. t Jennings and Mrs. R. L. Thomn. son, for California, where Capt Jennings was to report to Canm Luia Obispo on Aug. 22. rv turned unexpectedly to Wood, burn this week on a change of orders. Capt' Jennings will no, be stationed at Fort. Lewit They recently returned frotj Germany. Miss Zoa Lowthian of Hel ena, Montana, lormerly oj Woodburn, was a guest from Thursday to Tuesday at the nome oi mr. ana mrs. Arthur Burt Other guests over tl week end of Mrs. Burt and her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Hail, were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walk of Los Gatos, California, and their aaugnier, Airs. Kenneth. Mosher of Seattle. The Walk era are old time Woodburn residents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Grit. fith spent several days in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, recently at the home of their son and family Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffith. CpL Joseph A. Brock, who has been stationed at Camp San Luis Obispo in California, visited recently at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jo. seph A. Brock, Woodburn, Rt 2. Eddie Byers, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Byers of Woodburn, underwent sur gery on his eyes recently at the Salem Memorial hospital. He is now at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller of Woodburn are on an extended visit at Columbus,' Ohio with their son and family, J. C. Mil. ler and other relatives. They left here June 4 by train and visited enroute rvlth relatives in Kansas City. s-erse- Willi-vu Holden r Don Taylor "STALAG 17" M' Stephen McNally , 4lexh Smith I "SPLIT SECOND" BRVE-IN THEATRI UdiH 8AKINS, NltNWAY H J Galea Open l:U Show at 7:30 NOW! "TITANIC" Clifton Webb Plus In Technicolor "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" t. Strn tofer- ii ' ' 1 All Whftt Elk " tlawk and Whit . ' Tan and Wfelt a. ti n im r aa. .'" ' v a.CSM and Whlto